(fSSfiv PIH v list Ills I ESTABLISHED IN 1860. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.5C Per Annum VOL. L. WKLDOX, X. TIiritSDAV, ,I'NK 17, IiH.". xo. s MENTAL ANGUISH LAW. Untie Sam Has It Mis Way In 30E30E3E mm URGED TO I riu jjefiv-ihinj t I ' 'SI I Wil o 1 . Z A H A . S a I 'I 3 'J i i f -7 "t CJIII "r, IB? "U. l.l I'llnl. 3 PKK CUNT. AVf ji'ialilo Prrparaiion lcr.s simil;iiii5ilH'Ibt)!anilRi'iJi:!a ling iiir SiittKtea'dUuwisflf ESSE 1 Promules Dislionfhtf rful-1 nvss ,ii;rt IVsiXoiiUinsnpiUic' 0;iiuiu.Miir)hinr nor Mineral. NotN'ahcotic. JUri-' oftHdDr&MUPinm ftwifitil Sad' ,1L.Sraim 1 MulJeM- I stwrM I 1'ihifmiM - ) iulattoimliStJil I hiXBfrttl I'tanr. Anerfc r! IWtttrdV foi'Conslipa- 1 ton , Sour Stouiach.Dlarrltof j Worms .('onvulsioiis irwrisn ncssaiulLossoFSlXKP. Facsimile Signature or KEW YOHK. Ms Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDOX, X. V-l Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina. Stale of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of VCeldon Depository. Capital aid Surplus, $55,000. For over '21 yt'&i'fttliiH iiiatitutioti lius pruviih'il liaiikintr facilities fur this section. Its Htorkliolili'iK uii.l ollii'crK are i.hiililiiil with tin- lusi iii-mt intercuts of Halifax ami Noilli.imUiti count ic. A Savings ii':iitiniMil i. iii!iinliinit'l tor tiir lieiirlil of all vvliti .li-snr to ili'iioit in a Sa villi: H:uil. hi tins I '.'i-uiluiriil uiti'ii'M is ul kmc. I a.s follows: For Deposit alloHc.l to i 1 11 :l : 1 1 three iiunithi in hunter, -J per cent. Six mouths or loinrer. :l per cent lvv.lv.- month i.r loniri'r. i per cent. Aiiv in format ion v ill he I'urnisl.i'l mii applu-ation lo I In- I'rcf uh-nt 01 i ahii'i PKKMIIIKN I' : V. K. DASIKL, 11 K i iti.si iii-.m II SMITH. I. C. il!l'Ki;. I'. ll IllHKCTtlllS W. li. Sinilh. W. K K. T. Kaniel, .1. 1.. li.- lu-i .1 , . A. UGH! CALUMEL MAKES YOU SICK. DON'T STAY BILIOUS, CONSTIPITEI '"Dodson's Liver Tom" Will Clean Yolk Sluggish Liver Better Than Calomel aRd Can Not Salivate, ilay'M work, ( iilotiifl U tju'ukHilvt p nn H wilivateB; ciiloiiH1! injur- n i r liver. if you lir ttiUuti; Uv lav. lnk'iti and all knocked out, if ynur IhuiU un rnstipatKl unl your lu'Hl juIi.' or trt'rtJifc li ir sour, just take a Hpuitnfiil of ImrtrilnM Ood'n's Liver Tihh1 instt'Uil ui ttsitijf pit kt'iiinj, Miliviitinir .il'nii'l. msin'- Liver 'I out is nal lnr nit'tli pint'. You'll k(fw it niM iiHiniin' iV lauci- m w til ;ikf U iit'lii"f lint', jinir tirr will In- fii4;. ntr u:u iifhi" mill ii7iiM!! ttib vi'iir -l.Mn;i')t ill n np't ntlil hinviL i,Vtll;il. .till fr'l lik.- voikinr 't u- ciu-.-r ( ill; I'llll Of l'I ''i -V VlLtt! .11.1 fi lM It'll. WRIGHT5VILLE BEACH CAROLINA'S '.FAMOUS RESORT Ml .l.iTr . :C V- AND SUMMER EXCURSION FARES THF c;TANnADriDAII A -A 1 unm hoof SOLD BY- nra-llili) WELDON, N. C. FOLEY KIDNEY PILL! 1 lip VIIUI1 For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years TMC OINUUR aoMNNf. NEW VOMH 6 ITT. o I - III K H i (i. I'lnhK, liaini l. .1. n luaki . U M i i.Iicii, I'n iiv, 1 1. H. .ollu'ull, i. .1 . U . slnlue Your tlri1;'j;( or .11 v i f.u i-t-nt hi.ttli .if l-.l l.i. -r" Ti.. Ulnlt r lu h-i-.ii:iI t'li.ii .ml-. th.ll will flnin ui siiiL'L'i-li li i I., ttt-r ill.. li. i-it t iilt'iu.-l , it tv.,, 'i it 1. 1.,.- wni -t. :ilnl mi i ;in f;il ;lh . 1 1' ii;.1 y l w n witluiiit ln'ii(u itli.itt-tl 'Ul tlru'.ji LrU.llllllttlS tii.lt lUt-ll -J (.i!il'lll Will Htli vuiir liver, iliiiii tnr ImwoU in, stiailiteii you up by ninmin or y. jft ynur nitiiey hack. Children jrliui ' take Di'dtm's l.ier Tune lHtiuse it i pla-ant tat in ;in-l h'e-u't urii"1 er:iinji nr tnaki- tlnni -lick. I am i-t'llti) mi Hi. 'li- f Uittles i' U'd--tHi',i !.ier Tiute tt jxuplt wlio f.tniid ttiat IImm plraiuil. v,,rt'l, l'11''1 tneilit me ( ike- t!itl plmv "f ilanenui; i:ilftti' l Htiv one li.it tlf iu my (wind reliaMe L'uarunU'e. Ask your itruiTL'M -.)u BATHING BOATING I5HING DA MriMff ( itv In atTanticc6a5T LINE DOAO OF THF fiDt ITH j FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS PilH d hkm hu) SOUL MATERIAL. HAS ENTERED THE BANK VAULTS OF THE NATION. The Bank a Financial Power Home to the Community. By Peter Radford. One of the greatest opportunities In the business life of the nation lies In practical co-operutlon of the coun try banks with the farmer in building apiculture and the adventure is laden with greater possibilities than any forward movement now before the American public. A few bankers have loaned money to farmers at a low rale of Interest, and ofttlmes without compensation, to buy blooded livestock, build silos, fertilize the land, secure better seed, hold their products for a betetr mar ket price, etc. The. banker In con tributing toward improving the grade of livestock; the quality of the seed and (lie fertility of the soil, plants in the agricultural life of the community a fountain of proilt, that, like Tenny son's brook, runs on anil on forever. Community Progresi a Bank Asset. The time was when money loaned ou such a basis would severely lest the sanity of the banker; such trans actions would pain the directors like a blow In the face. A cashier who would dare to cast bread upon w aters that did not return buttered aide up In time lor annual dividends would have to give way to a more capable man. This does not necessarily ni. un that the bankers are getting any better or that tho milk of human klndnesss is being Imbibed more freely by our finan ciers. It indicates thai, the bankers are getting wiser, becoming more able llu anclers and the hanking Industry moje competent. The vision of the builder Is crowding out the spirit of the pawn broker. A light has been turned on a now world of investment and no usurer ever received as large returns on the investment as these progres sive bankerH, who mode loans to uplift Industry. The bankerB have always been liberal city builders, but they are now building agriculture. A Dollar With a Soul. It is refreshing in this strenuous commercial life to lind so many dol lars wilh souls. When a dollar Is ap proached to perform a task that does not directly yield tho highest rate of Interest, we usually hear the rustle of the eagle's wings as It soars up ward; when a dollar is requested to return at the option of the borrower, it usually appeals to the tluddess of Liberty Tor its coutiartural rights: when a dollar Is asked to expand In volume to suit the requirements of Industry, it usually talks solemnly of Its redeemer, but soul muterial has entered Inlo the vaults of our bunks and rale, time uud vuluiuo have a new basis or reckumug In so tar as the ability of some of the bankers permit lliem to cooperate iu promot ing the business of running. Cod Almighty's Noblemen. These bankers are Hod Almiguty'a noblemen. Heaven lent eurlh the spirit of these men and the angels will help them roll In place the cornerstones of empires. They are uot philanthropists, they uro wise bankers. Tho spirit of the builder has given them a new vision, and wisdom has visited upon them busi ness foresight. The cackle of the hen, Ihe low of kino and the rustle of growing crops echo iu every bank vault In the nation and tho shrev.d banker knows that bu cau inure effectively Increase bis deposits by putting blue blood in the veins of livestock; quality In the yield of the soil und value Into agricultural products, than by busi ness handshakes, overdrafts and gaudy calendars. Taking the community into part nership with the bank, opening tip a ledger account with progress, making rlft and enterprise stockholders and the prosperity of tho country an asset to the bank, put behind it stability far more desirable than a letterhead hearing the names of all the distinguished citizens of the com munity. The bank Is the tinanelal power house of the community and blessed Is the locality that has an up (o dale hanker. I POLITICAL PRAYER MEETINGS ! It Is a sud day for Christianity when I the church bells call the communicant! ! together for a political prayer meet ! lug. Such gatherings mark the high tide of religious political fanaticism, i put bitterness Into the lives of men; fan the flames of class hatred aud de stroy 1'hrlstluti influence In the com munity. The spirit actuating such meetings la anarchistic, un-Chrlstllka aud dangerous to both church and state. The success of Ihe nation la la tu bands of the fanner. Work for the best and the beat will rise up and reward you. Tenant tanning Is Just one thing alter another wilhout a pay day Misfit kisses are ihe kind wo men hand 10 women. CASTORIA Fur Infanta aaJ Children In U For Over 30 Years A..ysUa,. Stature of lASXf&ZMi TOW i iinW r raesrr- PEPSKca For All Thirsts I imi your You will save Y And 3 gals." You then Anybody Whereas, r amc Made In a lew minute va .J, jruu 4.v t. j... u. 4". TkL.&M. SHMIMIXlD REAL PAINtVpURE WHITE LEAD. ZINC and LINSEED OIL, the tvt-kiwwn .aim nuuruls lor 100 vtail. Use a gal. out ol any M. PAINT you buy and II not the best paint made, return the p:iint s'r.d tt ALL your money back. KDWIN CLARK, Wcldon. N. C. HARDY HOWE. CO.. Scotland Neck OUR PUBLIC FORUM Introductory Through the Press Service of Agri culture and Commerce, the master minds or this nation will be Invited to the public forum and asked to de liver a message to clvllUatlou. Men who achieve seldom talk, aud men who talk seldom achieve There Is no such thing as a noisy thinker, and brevity is always a cluse companion In truth. It will he a great privilege to staud by the sldo of men who can roll In place the cornerstone of Industry; to associate with men who can look at the world and see to the bottom of It, to commuuu with men who cau hear the roar ol civilization a lew centuries away. Too often we listen to the rabble element of our day that cries out against every mau who achieves, "Cruelty him." Muuklud never has aud probably never will produce a generation that appreciates the genius of Its day. There never will be a crown without a croBS, progress with out sacrifice or an achievement with out a challenge This Is an age of service, and that man Is greatest who serves the larg est number The present generation has done more to Improve the con dition of mankind than any civiliza tion since human motive! began their upward flight. The Oreeks gave human lite Inspiration, but while her orators were speaking with the tongues of angels, her farmers were plowing with forked sticks; while her phll- osophers were emancipating human Ihought from bondage, her tralllc THE BEST LETTER. You may write a thousand letters lo the maiden you adore, And declare in every letter thai you love her more and more, You may praise her grace and beauty in a thousand glow ing lines And compare her eyes of aure w ith the brightest star thai shines If you had the pen of liyron you w ould use it every day In composing written worship to your sw eetheart far aw av; Lint the letter lar more welcome to an older, gentle breast Is the letter to your mother from ihe boy she liYves the best. Youthful blood is tierce and (laming, w hen writing to your love You will rave about your passion, swearing by the stars above; Vowing by the moon's w hile splendor that the girlie you adore Is the one you'll ever cherish as no maid was loved before. You will pen full many promise on those pages white and dumb That you never can live up to in the married years lo come. But a much more precious letter, bringing more and deeper bliss, Is the letter to your mother from the boy she cannot kiss. She will read it very often when the lights are soft and low, Sitting in the same old corner where she held you many years ago. And regardless of its diction or its spelling or its style, And although its composition would provoke a critic's smile, In her old and trembling fingers it becomes a work of an, Stained by tears of joy and sadness as she hugs it to heart. Yes, the letter of all letters, look w herever you may roam, Is the letter to your mother from her boy away from home. A woman is more influenced by what she suspects than by whai she is told. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA f Si That's what I want, Mother Daddy drinks it when he's hot and thirsty" For every member of the family there's nothing half as invigorating, refreshing, delicious as a glass of Pepsi-Cola. Satisfies the thirsty refreshes the weary and just bracing enough to make you "feel like action" the rest of the day. Buy it at all founts carbonated in bottles, too, at your tracer's. -Pepsi-Cola mm mm 56 cts. per gal. THIS IS HOW )f Buy 4 gals"Lr& M. Semi-Mixed Real'Palnl.. at $2.10 per gal $.8.40 Linseed Oil to mixlwithlit. 2.40 ill C1I111UICI1 IOM Ul - - make 7 gals.'ol pure paint for' $10.80 It's .onlyI$1.54fper'gal; 'can mixheOILJwithJthe PAINT it you' buy 7 gals. ol.'ready-(or-use"painllin ;TtVtn -,"Cf'.' tl d 7(1 moved on two-wheelefl cans driven, and oftlimes drawn, by slaves, w blit her artists were painting divine dreams ou cauvas, tho streets ol proud Athens were lighted by lire bmiids dipped In tallow. The genius of past ages sought to arouse the intellect and stir the soul but the muster minds of today are seeking to serve. Clvllliatlon has as slgued to America the greatest task of the greatest age, aud the greatest men that ever trod the greatest planet are solving It. Their achievements have astounded the whole world and j we challenge every age and nation j to name ineri or products that can I approach In creative genius or mas. terful Bklll tn organization, the mar velous achievement! of the tremend ous men of the present day Edison can press a button and turn a light on multiplied million! of homes; Vail cau take down the receiver aud talk with fifty millions of people; Mc cormick's reaper can harveet the world's crop, and Pulton's steam eu glue moves the commerce of land and sea The greatest thing a human being ran do Is to serve his fellow men; Christ did it; Kings decree It. and wise men teach it It Is the glory of this practical age lhat Edison could lind no higher calling than to become the Janitor to civilisation; Vail the messeuger to mankind. McCormlck the hired hand lo agriculture, and , Pulton the teamster to Industry, and j blessed 1b the age that has such ' masters for Its servants. If you are dissatisfied with your lot, put it into hands of an auctioneer. FOR FLE1 CHER'S CASTORIA Many Thing's. 1 Several Siuics i:i America have ! mental anguish laws laws lhat i make ii possible to sue a lelegraph j ; company. You can sue a telegraph company anvl claim thai you suller-; j etl great menial anguish because a ' ; message was not delivered. Hut j you can'i sue Uncle Sam if you j fail to gei a letter conveying what i the telegram would have conveyed ; had it been sent way. You can't j sue a man who promises to pay j tomorrow and who holds you in S suspense for a week or a year, j You can't sue a young lady who ! promises to take your proposal ! nnder advisement and let you I know sometime when she feels j like it whether she will marry you or not and yet the mental strain j is great, You can't sue a mail order house for failing io deliver the chemically pure Saturday night j although the mental strain over Sunday is near about the bursting point. You can't sue a milliner for exhibiting a hundred dollar bonnet in ihe window, although the menial anguish of the man who fears his wife might buy it and have the bill sent lo him is some ihing terrible beyond description. The mental anguish law should be universal or nut at all. Hvery ihing. PAS-AMERICAN CONFERENCE. A gigantic shipping combination, the greatesi ever conceived in ihe history of the world, with a capital of hundreds of millions of dollars, and with all the Governments of South and Central America as well as that of the United Slates as owners of ihe controlling interests, may be the outcome of the Pan American financial conference. If the United States possessed an adequate Merchant Marine this country would be enjoying the most stupendous and tar-reaching business boom that was ever known. We could sell abroad at least one hundred million dollars per month more than we are sell ing (which is $250,000,01)0) if we had the ships to carry the goods. It is believed that a tremendous merchant marine will be the result of tins conference. South and Central America want more of our goods and we have not the ships to carry them and neither have they. Brazil and Argentine have just established a merchant marine between those countries and this but it is still inadequate. ROTATION. "Are you going to have a garden this year?" "No," replied Mr. Growcher. "It isn't my turn to make a garden. I'm going to keep chickens this year and let my neighbor make the garden." The student who takes up med icine will find it more pleasing than taking ii down. HOW WOMEN AVOID OPERATIONS By Taking Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Cleveland, Ohio "My left side pained me so for several years that I expected to nave 10 undergo an opera tion, but the first bottle 1 took of l.i um V. riiiUhun.'a Vegetable Com pound relieved me of the pains in my side and I continued its use until I became regular and free from pains. 1 had asked several doc tors if there was anything I could take to help me and they aaid there was nothing that they knew of. I am thankful for such a good medicine and will always give it the highest praise." Mrs. C. H. Grikfith, 7306 Madison Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Hanover, Pa.-"I suffered from fe male trouble and the pains were so bad at times that I could not sit down. The doctor advised a severe operation but my husband got me Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and I experienced great relief in a short time. Now I feel like a new person and can do a hard day's work and not mind it. What joy and happiness it is to be well once more. I am always ready and willing to speak a good word for the Compound. "Mrs. Ad Wilt, 1 Stock St, Hanover, Pa. If there are any complications yon do not understand write 10 Ljoia t. rinkham Medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn,Ma9. T our letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and fael4 la itrlct influence. r Bli o Nt'vl door to (.II vuiir iiit-ui-urt' iui'1 inukr lilt ft lint' line o lir(Y t-'ouiN ami IT W 1 VOL TO S Our Stock of All kinds of Furniture to brighten the home. 9x12 Druggets from $2.50 to $50.00. Desks, Automobiles, Velocipedes, Hand Cars, Sleds. Doll Carts, Doll Trunks, and lots of other things to make the little folks happy. Sterling Silver, Cut Glass, and Hand Painted China, for Wedding Gifts, WELDON FURNITURE CO., Weldon, N. C A A The only asset you would leave your family or business that would be worth 100 cents on the dollar is the cash you have in the bank and your life insurance. Did you ever think of that ? How much have you of each ? Think it over and fix up the life insurance end of it TUDAY. Don't put it off- to morrow may be too late. See or Lewis B. Suiter, Representing the Sew York Life Insurance Company Largest Phone 303 L SI TAIL0Rp o tri W Kl.liov N. to (llill'l till II l V lu-llt'li. Cull U'l l suinpli's. Mitisl'uolion inmrmiltM1 ) 11 T 1 A A HP A ii Phone 4 Strongest Best - WELDON, N. 0.