ESTABLISHKl) IN I860. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription $1.50 Per Anntirr, VOL. L. W.KLDOX, X. C THURSDAY, .JI NK LM. Uil?. NO. ! StN. P0LIT1CA L ill 6 0S Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over UO yearn, lias borno tho signature of and has been made under his per- jCtyjA ,onttl snpervisloa since its infauey. orV; J-CUCSHA AlIownwouetodceclFoyouIiitbls. All Counterfeit, Imitations ftud " Ju,Ht-a-g(iod" nro but Experiments tlint trilte with and endanger the health of IufuuU and Children Experience against Experiment What Is CASTORIA Cuslorla is a JmrnilcHH substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor oilier Narcotlo substance. Its nie is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays !" verishness. It cures Di.irrluea and Wind 'Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flutnleiiey. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Uoivels, giving healthy nnd natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of J The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TH( CCNTAUH COM PAN V, TT MURM BTfltCT, NCW VOIIN CITY. THE UK OF VELDON WELDON, X. Organized Under the Laws ol the State ot North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Surplus, $55,000. For over -1 vears this institution lias provided banking facilities fur this section, lts'stockliulili'i-s and ullirrrH are iilenlilleil with the busi ness interests of Halifax ami Nmlliiiiiiptuii counties. A Savings liepmtineiit is maintained for the In- tit-lit of all who desire to deposit in a SaMUKs Hank. In tins department luleiest is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed toieniain three months or longer. 2 per cent. Six months or longer, .1 per Cent Twelve mouths or loniter. 1 per ceil t. Aqv infunuation w ill lie furnished on application to the President oi Cashier FHisina.NT : W. K. DA N I F.I. , VII K I KKSI1IKM ; W. It. SMITH. L. ('. DUAl'EH, Teller. e as H IKH: .1. (I. HKAKE, DIREt'TUliSW. It. Smith, W. V.. Daniel,, I. t. 1'iake, . M. t'ohen, R. T. lianiel, .1.1.. shepherd, W. A. Pierce, D. H. Zolheollei, .1 . V. Sledge POLITICIANS WHO CAPITALIZE STRIFE A MENACE TO GOVERNMENT. CALOMEL DYNAMITES YUUK LIVER! MAKES YOU SICK AND SALIVATES 'Oodsoi's Lher Tom" Stills Your Liver Jittir Thai Calomel and You Don't Lost a Day's Work iXen up your ulujigiftli liver! Tw fine aad cheerful; nmkf your work a plvuure; be vigorous and full of nmti tion. But take no nudtv. daiitfttrou- calomel bacau it makes yiu ivk ami jou may loara day's work. Calomel in mercury or quickAiWtr which cauioa necrow of the bom. Calomel crashes into onr hilt liko dynamite, breaking it up. That's when you feel thai awful nausea and cramping. Listen to me! If you want to enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and lmwt-1 cleansing youever ejjterieJieetl just tak a ipovulul' gf haruUest Uudbvn'ft Liver Tun tonight. Your druirgiH or dealej sells you it M) vent bottle of Oodson'i l.iver l'ni under my personal numej Irnck jruiirunti.' that eui'h niiniiful Will clean your ilui!ili liver MtT than o iow of iitiMty calomel and that it won') make yhi nek. Iodwu' Liver Tone in real live medicine. You'll know it next inoniiu tiecaiiite you will wake up fetdiiu tine, your livt r will V working; heudaelie and dizinetw jjne; tiinaeh h we't and Itoweln leguhir. Tdrnn's TJver Tone U entirely ,y table, therefore luirinlrni and eau ted naliv&to. (live it to your children. Million of pettple are Ufin' OimIhihi'h l.iver Tune instead of danerou ealutnel now. Your druint will t4l) you ttiat tlie sale of Calomel U uiuiodb- aUippttti entirely hero. WRIGHT5VILLE BEACH CAROLINA'S rAMUUb RESORT 'Vj, HTIAIf fir 5 V MOAST WEEK END AND SUMMER EXCURSION-' TARES Tfl i,1 BATHING BOATING ISHING DANCING ATLANTIC COAST LINE THF TANriADH DAII DOAn OF THF iOIITH nmn roof pmht SOLD BY Fierce-Whitehead Hardware Gonpany Neglect of Agricultural and Industrial Opportunltlei a National Crime. By Peter Radford. There never aa a time In the his tory of this nation when we neeuVil statesmen more or agitators less th:iii at the present moment. The oppor tunities now afforded us on land and sea demand the best there is iu stale craft and the possibilities that are con t routing us call lor national issues that unite the people, build industry and expand trade. Tho agricultural and industrial development of lliis j nation Iibb Buffered severely at tho hands of agitators who have sent torpedoi's crashing Into the port side of business and whose neglect of the interests of the farmer makes tht'iu j little less than political criminals. We want no mora of these evil spirits to predominate in government. Too long their hysterical cry has sent a shiver down the spinal column of Industry, j Too long bave the political agitators I capitalized strife, pillaged progress and murdered opportunity. An indus trial corpse Is not a desirable thing, a crippled business an achievement or j neglect an accomplishment about ; which any representative of the gov- ; eminent has a right to boast. , Itiuea that Breed Agitators Should be ! Eliminated. i Tba political agitator must be eliui- j inaiea trom puuiio lire rjeiore inougm ful consideration can be given to a constructive program In government. The liquor question is the most pro line breeding ground for agitators and whether pro or antl, the hatch Is equally as undesirable. This article Is in no sense a discussion of the li quor question but deals solely and by way of Illustration with the political products of that issue. Other sub jects will be dealt with in the order of their Importance. In the history of our government the liquor Issue has never produced a coiibtnietlvu Hiuteamun worth men tioning and it never will. It has sent more freaks to t'ongress, Lilliputians in tlie Seiiatu and incompetents to oilicB than any other political issue under tlie sun. Tlie recent experience of the Kng lish Parliament which lashed Itself Into a fury over tlie llq ior question has a lesson that it is well for the farmers of tills nation to observe; for tlie subj ( i in some form or other Is constantly before the public for solu tion and outlines to the exclusion ot more important problems to the Amer ican plowmen Too Many Political Drunkard!. Lloyd-Oeorge, the Prohibition Iruder of Europe who led tlie prohibition ticlil in England, has declared that he will agalu take a drink politically and there are ninny A inn n an politi cians pro and auti who would render their country a service by climbing on the water wagon or signing a pledge of political temperance. Too otten our legislative halls are turned Into political Liir-rooins and many of tho members become intoxicated on liquor discussions. We have too many polit ical drunkards-pro arid antl -In our public affairs. o one who is a slave to the political liquor habit is quits so capable of dealing with the busi ness affairs of government as the sober and Industrious. We have few public men In this day who are Btrong enough to nsin dm temptation of strong drink politically and when the demon Hum once becomes firmly en trenched in the mind of a politician, he Is less capable of meeting the de mands for constructive statesmanship now confronting this nation. Wo have in this country too many red-nosed politicians- both pro and antl. A candidate with political deli rium tremens, a preacher with politi cal snakes in his boots and an agitator drunk on the liquor question are the saddest sights in civilization and they should all be forced to take the polit ical Keeley Cure. It Is far moro important In govern meut to make it easier for those who toll to eat than to make It more dif ficult for a few topers to drink. There Is not one person ill one hundred ot our rural population that ever touches liquor but we all eat three times a day. WELDON, n. c. P01EY KIDNEY PIUS i FOLEY KIDNEY PIUS .ii iMMCKIlAKU iVta Ur J Itf.fcttMKfit: turrit td tjia. THE LAYMAN'S DUTY There never was a time when preachers and politicians formed au unholy alliance that civilization did not shriek out and Christianity cry aloud. Since the beginning of gov ernment, politicians have sought to decoy the ministry Into the meshes of politics and make them carry banners In political processions. They have taken the ministry to the mountain top of power and offered to make them monarch of all they surveyed, and while most of them have said,' "lift thee behind me Satan." a few have fallen with a crash that has shokiu jvery pulpit In Christendom. A WARNING. "I wouldn't irusi him," she ar gued. "Neither would I," assen ted the other girl: "he's as ireach ous as a fountain pen," Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA "Ah! That's what Vm loohing for, Grandma" Leave it to "Young Hopeful" to know what not only tickles his palate deliciously but what also satisfies his thirst and refreshes his tired little body. It's Pepsi-Cola. A God-send to the thirsty old and young. No wonder it has achieved such popularity as a delicious, tempting drink that has a joyful taste in every sip. At the fountains - or carbcntitcd iu buttles, at your grocer's. PEPSICola For All Thirsts Pepsi-Cola FINIS. What here so soon ? Sunset and night ? Why, I have work 10 do that needs ihe noon, And day's broad light. See on the palette, there, the colors are but set, The canvas siill unwet And it is night. II. Hew shall it rise That heavenly strain On heavenly wings, to woo the listening skies To earth again ? While lies the violin here, untouched, unstrung; Its sweetest song unsung And it is night. 111. How sweet 'twould be My work all done, To sit at eve my threshold on, and see Slats, one by one, Flash into dark heaven; oh, happy rest ! My folded hands, how blest, But 'tis already night. Kaleigh, N. C. SI' I: WH1TAKLR. The above poem was read recently before one of ihe women's or gani.aiions of Raleigh, and auracted so much aucntion ii is pub lished here. It has been pronounced one of the most beautiful poems ever written by a North Carolinian. -News and Observer. A LOVER'S QUARREL. His Last Hours Were Consoled By Her Presence, and His Will (lives Her a fortune. That was a pathetic story the news dispatches carried out of Denver the other day, about the old bachelor millionaire on his deathbed who sent lor the woman to whom he had been betrothed forty years ago. When both were young, and poor, ihey loved each oilier, and a day was set lor the wedding. Before it came ihey quarreled over some trilling thing, as lovers always quarrel, and in the heat of anger he went away. The years went by and James M. Wilson became a millionaire. But his love for Carrie 1 lurd remained and he never married. When he was dying Ins mind went back to the sweetheart of his youth, to the strolls with her in the starlight down ihe flower-seemed lane, and he saw her face raised again to his, and heard her merry laughter, and there surged into his hears a feel ing of remorse. Perhaps he had wronged her in leaving her so, and a great longing came over him to see her one more time before he died, if she was yet alive. No doubt she had married, perhaps she had forgotten him. No mat ter, he wanted to see her. And so io humor him, they sent word back there to the old home town. But she was not there. Long years ago she had gone away. Where? to Denver. They found her there, where she had lived for years, just io be near ihe man she loved, where she could see him once in a while without his seeing her or knowing that she was near. His last hours were consoled by her presence, and his will gives her a fortune. But that does not atone for the suffering that a trivial "lov er's quarrel" was permitted io , bring inio their lives. Ii is a cu rious trail of human nature thai otten men and women will allow some minor disagreement, under the stress of a foolish pride, to bring ihetn misery. Only those who are really wise learn how es sential it is to make compromise, to overlook Faults and failings and to make sacrifices in recognition of surpassing value of friendship and love. o I . Z A B A . S HEBCIAIT IUL0Rf 11, ITWIL O .s'cxt ilooi to Z.illic.lli-r. U I.I.IHiN. X. V. O I take your mi-usuri' mm make still to onli-r on my lnMieh, full uiol HiMpccl line Inn" ol pu-oc iruod ami samples :itifm'tinu ini.u jiitcr I. A Y YOU TO NKH Our Stock of n 00i A REMARKABLE STATE. I he Old North Stute l:oievtr. North Carolina is a remarkable State in more than one way, and in one it occupies a position which is absolutely unique. This is that this State has more native born people a greater per cent than any other State in ihe nation most of the other Stales. According io the last census North Carolina has a population of 2,20ti,2S7, and those born in this Stale number 2,089,278, or 94 7 per cent, while 1 08,805, or 4.9 per cent, were born in other States, with 6,092, or three-tenths of one per cent, born in foreign countries. Sons of North Caro lina are io be found in every slate in ihe Union, the estimate being that about two million of her sons spent their best days in other states. That North Carolina has made a wonderful progress in the years is a fact known, and this, taken in connection with her population, is a mailer to be noted. It shows that the North Carolinian is a man of energy and of progressiveness, thai u is the North Carolinian who i-i pulling his State to the fore fioiu. And the record made by Nonh Carolinians in other Spiir shows that the North Carolina spirit is for progress wherever it is found. The record is indeed that North Carolina is both a remarka ble and a unique Slate News & Observer. All kinds of Furniture to brighten the home. 9x12 Druggets from $2.50 to $50.00. Desks, Automobiles, Velocipedes, Hand Cars, Sleds, Doll Carts, Doll Trunks, and lots of other things to make the little folks happy. Sterling Silver, Cut Glass, and Hand Painted China, for Wedding (lifts. WELDON FURNITURE CO., Weldon, N. C &tr $4r $r jMt fc A li A rv THEMISTOCLES NOTHINQ IN A NAME. 1 'alienee 1 don't believe there is anything in a name, after all. Patience-Why? Patience Because Prudence is going to be married. It is easy for a man to be popu lar if he is easy. CASTORIA Fur Infants and Children In U For Over 30 Years Alwayi tfarl tue . iiigaatuit of WHEN IS A WOMAN OLD? Ou To I 1 here i No Such Thing As Age. In Boston recently, in the con duct of a semi-charitable institution for women, a distinction was made in the cases of "young" women. From this arose ihe question: "At what age does a woman cease to be young?" The New York Globe probably answers it as well as any body else when it says : "It is, in this period of ultra short skins, uln a smart boots, and uhru saucy hats, a particularly per tinent querry. Ask the casual ob server, or the innocent- more or less bystander, and he will re spond: 'Nowadays a woman nev er ceases io be young; she grows younger, in fact, as she grows older. The high school girl may have some lingering notion in mind that it isn't chivalrous for a man to smoke in her presence, but grandma smokes herself. The college girl may express an inter est in philosophy, metaphysics, and like subjects, but her aged maiden aunt is interested only in the latest step in the fox trot. The young woman athlete may express a hope for the ultimate abolition of eMxeix ami high heels, hm her mother's mother has hers made to order, and wears puny-colored shoes that lace up the back. The generations have become amazing ly mixed and muddled. Go to ! 1 here is no such thing as age. " TRANSIENT. "Do you keep any servants?" "No, of course, not." "But I thought I saw one in your kitchen?" "Oh, we have servants on the premises a day or two at a time; hut we don't keep them." AN EXPERT. Johnny What is an expert, pa5 Pa A fellow who tells others how to do the things he can't do himself. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A When Theuilwtock-8 was asked by big host at a dinner party to enter tain the guests by playing the lute, be replied that be could not play the fiddle, but tbat be could make a small town a great city We have In thla nation many politicians ho are good fiddlers," but they cannot make a small town a great city We are over run with orators who can play upon tba pasalous of the people, but tbey can't put brick and mortar together. We need builders. Let those who hunger and thirst for power understand that the highest glory of a statesman is to construct, and tbat It Is better for a man that he should build a public highway than that he should become Governor of a state, and that he start a plow than that he become the author of a law. The tme test ot statesmanship la the plow and the hammer, so let thoie who would govern, first build. MRS. MABEN WAS MADE WELL By Lydia L Pinkham't Veg table Compound and Wants Other Suffering Women To Know It Murfrewiboro, Tenn. "I have wanted to write to you for a long time to tell you what your wonderful remediee have dune for me. I was a sufferer from female weakness n ii linlRement anil I would have such tired, worn out feelings, sick heud aches and dizzy spells. Ihvtors did me no good so 1 tried Uie I.vdia H Pilik- liani Remedies Vegetable Compound and Sanative Wash. 1 am now well and strong and can do all my own work. I owe it all to Lydia K. I'inkham's Vege table Compound and want other suffer ing women to know about it" Mrs. II. E. Maben, 211 S. Spring, St, Mur freeaboro, Tenn. Thla famous remedy, the medicinal ingredients of which are derived from native roots and herbs, has for nearly forty years proved to be a most valua ble tonic and invigorator of the female organism. Women everywhere bear willing testimony to the wonderful vir tue of Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Coni)ound. Why Lose Hope. No woman suffering from any form of female trouble) should lose hope un til she haa given Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a fair trial. If von want special advice write to l.ydla E. Plnkham Medicine Co. (confi dential) Lrnn, Mass. Your letter will he opened, real and answered by i7erafcB u4 tell ia strict tvntllvsie. The only asset you would leave your family or business that would be worth 100 cents on the dollar is the cash you have in the bank and your life insurance. Did you ever think of that ? How much have you of each ? Think it over and fix up the life insurance end of it TODAY. Don't put it offto morrow may be too late. See or Phone Lewis B. Suiter, Representing the Ngw York Life Insurance Company Largest Strongest Best Phone 303 L - WELDON, N. Oj

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