ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum VOL. L. WKLDON, N. C., THURSDAY, AlKU'ST ID, 1015. NO. 17 NOT OBLIGED TO MARRY. "HURRAH FOR DIXIE." XOE30E i -1 :. ! i i 1 The Kind You Have Always Bought, and whleli has beea In use for aver 30 years, has borne the signature of and hu been made under his per- jyfji, Bonol supervision since its Infancy. (CCiCAMi AllownoonAr.ndeofllvnvnu In thin. All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-irooil" are but Experiments tbnt trifle with and endanger the heulth of Intents and Children Experience against Experiment. What Is CASTORIA Castoiiu U a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare gorlc, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It is 1'leusaiit. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor oilier Narcotlo ubstauce. Its aire is Us guarantee. It destroys Wurms aud allays Fcvcrlshness. It cures Dlarrluwa and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation unit Flatulcucy. It asBlmllates the Food, regulates the Stomach anil ltowels, giving liealtliy and uaturul sleep. The Children's Pauacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of J The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THI OtMTAUM HMNNf, TT MUMIV TUCT, NCW YOUR WTT. THE BANK OF VELDON WELDON, N. C- Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Surplus, $55,000. For over i!l years this institution has provided banking facilities for this section. Its stockholders and otlicers are identified with the busi ness interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Saying Department is maintained for the benefit of all v. ho desire to deposit in a Savings Hank. In this Department mteiest is allowed at follows: Kor Deposits allowed to remain three mouths 01 louifer, 2 pel cent. Ml mrmtb. nr Innirer S Der cent Twelve months or lonirer, 4 percent. Anv information will be furnislieilou application to the I'remrlentort'ashier esasiuas i VV. E. DANIEL. viiB-rhKsiUKNT: W. K. SMITH I.. I'. DKAt'KK, Teller. I ABHIKK: I O. 1'KAKK, DIRECTORS W. K. Smith, W. K. Daniel, .1. O. luake, W. M. loheu, R. T. Daniel, ,1. L. Shepherd, W. A. fierce. D. li. Zollicotlei. .1 . W. sledge CALOMEL DTNAMIIfcS TOUR LIVER! MAKES YOU SICK AND SALIVATES 'DolsM't Urn Ttm" Starts Your lim Batter Thai Calomel and Yw Don't List i Di)'s Work iLiTrn up your sluggish liver! Feel use and cheerful; make your work a plw'. be vigorous and full of amlii Aiun. But take nit naaty. ilsagerou calumet berauae it maka you tick ana jwa maf e a daj'a work. Calonwi ia mercury or nuicktilver wku'k cause of the tmneo. Calomel crashes into sour bile lik' dynamite, breaking it up. That's when you feel that awful aausea and cramping. LUbv to awl If you want to enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and tww.'l cleansing youiever upaiieaced just take anooajui' of harmtu' Itodsou's Livr Tone knight. Yulir druggist or deala nil yuu a 50 cent bottle of Dodwn'i i.irer Tone under my persoual money Lack gusranti tliat rich spoonful will ciean your Plugiridh liver fceiwi Uin d"W ot htfty t.iiuiuel (in.1 iliai .t y.i.n'1 tuake ytu sick. Doiln' l.lver Tone i iv.! liver :.tiiU'lliP. ltiu'il kbOA it It. ll iH.lllii; l.rauiv you Kill wake up ieii:.g line. our liver will lie Korkiu. :..-j...'ti.' uml ilitinert- gone; ftl.miili li ..ill vAeet and bowels n-gulur. 1m1mii's I.iver Tone i ent'-ly litble, tlierelore liMimU-n au.1 i-Jll Hot r. iln ale. liiie it to your children. Million, of pmple are u,inr Dodson's I iver Tone insteaJ of dangerous calomel now. Your druggist will tell you that the sals of Calomel it almost- tttppaj entirely here. WRIGHT5V1LLE BEACH v, CAROLINA'S FAMOUS RESORT r v? zr, I tr WEEK END AND - SUMMER EKCUR&ON FARES BATHING BOATING ISHING nAwriNG AOANTICXOAST LINE THF TANHADrS DA1I DDAD OF THF EOLITH VN g TANKER S ROOF Film SOLD BY Why Do Many Women Elect To Walk Through Life Alone. An observant man who has studied the woman question from the economic as well as from the social side, estimates that there are at present 8,924,056 mar riageable women in the United States, or single women over 1 5 years of age. Of this large num ber, about 400,000 are public school teachers, and an army of stenographers and clerical work ers is included in the list of the self-supporting. It would be foolish to imagine that the great majority of single women in America could not marry ry if they wanted to do, comments the writer on these facts. Man proposes, but the woman dictates when he shall do so. Why do many women elect to walk through life alone, he asks, and proceeds to answer at length, as follows : Doubtless the growth in demo cratic ideals, which has been stead ily working among women since 1870, has had much to do with it. Women have ceased to be merely "the sex," they have become indi viduals. Now a woman seeks fulfillment not only for her personal liking but for all the qualities of her va ried personal life. She has not only racial, religious and social interests, but she has an intelligent attitude toward the whole in life; she has musical, dramatic or liter ary tastes; she is interested in so cial justice or in the vested inter ests of caste: she cares for travel or she desires a quiet home; and in a hundred other directions she is an individual. Such a complex individuality does not easily find its complement. Every self-supporting girl must also be deeply impressed with the difference between her own econ omic position and that of her mother. Now the girl has her own pay envelope, and in possessing il ab solutely she holds the key to life as she desires it. It is not to be wondered at that a young woman in full possession of youth and health finds it difficult to give up a salary which, even if small, is abso lutely her own, to accept a feudal relation to some man's salary, o:t-n not much larger than the one she I.js earned, knowing it must suffice for two and probably for more. Another difficulty that confronts the young woman of today in her search for the altar is her superior interior intelligence. This is especially true of the young woman who has risen in tellectually and economically above her social class. The social eman cipation of woman lags far behind her intellectual and economic free dom, so that these young women whom we are considering still move socially in their family planes. The men in that group are too ignorant and too poor to suit her; and the men with whom she works know her only as t stenographer, a teacher, or a jour nalist. Pierce - W hit ehead Hardware Goapy, WELDON, N. C, fOISY KIDNfY PIUS I LEY KIDNEY PELL jmjuair' . - - wTua sue eat. I stMS wskiij M3 we cl out OF MOUTHS OF BABES. Little Edith had been 10 a picnic, and a sleepier miss was never put to bed. As her mother finished undressing her she said: "Mam ma, I said my prayers at supper 10 save time. Shortly after having one of her baby teeth pulled small Margie dis covered a new one pushing through the um. "Why, mamma," she exclaim ed, "my old tooth is sprouting again !" Visitor "Willie, which would you rather be, George Washing ton or your Sunday school teacher?" Willie "My Sunday school teacher. Visitor-"Wh?" "Little Willie-" 'Cause heain'i dead yet." i How we do krve an idle person who comes along and bothers us when we are busy. CASTORIA For tafua as QuUrta la Use For Over 30 Yttrs glattar of Those of Middle Age Especially. When you have found no remedy for the horrors that oppress you during change of life, when through the long hours of the day it seems as though your back would break, when your head aches constantly, you are nervous, de pressed and suffer from those dreadful bearing down pains, don't forget that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the safest and surest remedy, and has carried hundreds of women safely through this critical period. Read what these three women say: From Mrs. Hornung, Buffalo, N. Y. Bittai.0, N. Y. "I am writing to let you know how much your medicine has done for me. I failed terribly during the last winter and summer and every one remarked about my appearance. I nuf fered from a female trouble and always had pains in my back, no appetite and at times was very weak. ul was visiting at a friend's house one day and she thought I needed Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I took it and have gained eight pounds, have a good appetite and am feeling better every day. Everybody is asking me what I am doing and I recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. You may publish this letter if you wish and I hope others who have the same complaint will see it and ret health from your medicine as I did" lirs. A. Hobnunq, ll Stanton St., Buffalo, N. Y. Was A Blessing To This Woman. So. RicnaoND, Va. " I was troubled with a bearing down pain and a female weakness and could not stand long on my feet. Of all the medicines I took nothing helped me like Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound. I am now regular and am getting along fine. I cannot praise the Compound too much. It has been a blessing to me and I hope it will be to other women." Mrs. D. Tyibr, 23 West Clopton St., South Richmond, Va. Pains in Side, Could Hardly Stand. Low, Wis. " I was in a bad condition, suffering from a femal trouble, and I had such pains in my sides I could hardly move. Be fore I had taken the whole of one bottle of Lydia E. lHnkham's Veg etable Compound I felt better, and now I am well and can do a good day's work. I tell everybody what your medicine has done for iue." Mrs. John Thompson, Tnii, Wisconsin. For 30 Tari Lydia E. Plnkhani'a Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedy for fe male ills. No one sick with woman' ailments does justice to heraelf if sliedoej not try this fa mous medicine made from roots and herbs, it baa restored so many suffering women tohealth. -"Write to LYDIA K I'IMf HAM MEIIICIJfF. CO. (CONFIDENTIAL) Li NN, MANS., for advice. Your letter will he opened, rend und answered lv u woman und held in strict coulldcnre. I cqqB SOME thirst-quencher" Some thirst-quencher is rightl The most tiring games are well worth the energy if followed by a cool glass of Pepsi-Cola. Not only dc-hcious and wholesome, but in vigorating at all time9 after contests of brain or brawn. And in the home it has the same appetizing and comfort -giving effects. Vou can get it at the fountain or carbonated in bottles, at your grocer's. PEPSKola i For All ThUttt-Pepti-Cola It Is Bnough to Inspire Time Shout. an Old- Dwellers in the Sunny South who know other lands better than their own will be interested in a list of some of the notable "first things" occurring in their native clime. The Nashville Christian Advocate tells us: "Mount Holy oke has the reputation of being the pioneer in the higher education of women, but the first woman's col lege in the whole world is in Geor gia. Of scientists who rank above Audubon, l.eConte and Maury? A Southern doctor first used chlo roform. A Southern doctor found ed the New York policlinic. A Souih Carolina doctor, Marion Sims, built the first woman's hos-1 pital. A Southern doctor (Mc Guire, of Virginia) first proposed that doctors be regarded as non belligerents, free to serve the I wounded on both sides, forerun ner of the Red Cross doctor of to day. Dr. Kinlock, of Charleston, in I HO;:, opened trie abdomen ola Confederate soldier and remedied the trouble; the patient recovered. The account is buried in a medical history of the war and is seen only by an occasional student. Twenty-one years later the same opera tion was performed by a Swiss doctor, a few months later still by a New York doctor, and heralded to the world. The first sewing machine, cotton gin, and steamboat belong to the South. The first rail road was built in South Carolina. The first iron-clad battleship was a Southern invention and was first used by Confederates. The first submarine torpedo boat, and the first iron-clad batteries, floating and stationary, were built and used in defense of Charleston harbor.' All ol which is enough to inspire an old-time shout "Hurrah for Dixie!" Everything. A QOOD SHAMPOO. To make a good shampoo boil casiile soap shaved to a powder about two heaping tablespoonfuls in a little water, putting in about two salispoonfuls of washing soda. Kor a Sprained Ankle. II yon Hill get a bottle of rhmnbrr I lam's l.iuiment aud olisme the direr ! Iiuum gitru Itirrrwitii ffutlilully, you I will recover in much less time than it ! usually required, j Obtainable everywhere. CRUEL. oi I. Z A B A MERCHANT TAILOR o Net door to ZullieoU'er's. Vti;l.ION, N. C. 1 take vout measure and make suit to order od my beiu-h. Call and inspect tint hue of piece Koods and samples. Satisfaction guaranteed iaoaoai iuv i'U ;im Low Excursion Fares via Seaboard Air Line Railway Commencing Saturday, May 29th, and contin uing each Saturday and Sunday morning until September 12th, inclusive, the following week-end rates will apply from Weldon, with final limit re turning to reach original starting point not later than midnight on Tuesday following dete of sale: Portsmouth, $2.50; Va. Beach 2.90 Littleton, N. C. 70c. Commencing Sunday, June 6ih, and continuing each Sunday there after until Sept. 12th, tickets will be on sale for train No. 16 leaving Veldon at 8:30 a. m. to Portsmouth and return at $1.50 good to re turn only on train No. 15 same date. For further information apply to C. E. CARTER, Ticket Agent. JOHN T. WEST, D. P. A., Raleigh. N. C, Hhe JiymnsAly iiotherTlsed toSing 'Way back in old New England in the days of long ago My memory often wonders as the seasons come and go; But the fondest recollections thai my meditations bring Are ihe echoes of the old songs that mother used to sing. We often sat together around the heanh'at night And mother told us stories of a land that's fair and bright; Then "Rock of Ages Cleft for Me" would echo on the air, And we would all join in and sing "There'll Be No Parting There." There's lots of music in them as we sang them long ago, When mother's voice was clear and sweet, her accent soft and low; And when I hear those hymns today my pirii auais on iiih, "To Canaan's Fair and Happy Land Where My Possessions Lie." They seem to tell a story of happy childhood days When roses strew our pathway in a dozen different ways, I like to hear them ringing, my memory often stands For "Greenland's Icy Mountains" and "India's Coral Strand." There were not many singing-books, the meeting house was small; The congregation was not large, it used to hold us all. We never had an instrument, no organ built for show; We only sang to "Praise the Lord, From Whom All Blessings Flow." Thai's why I love the good old hymns my mother used to sing; They bring back recollections that nothing else can bring, While "Jesus, Lover of My Soul," will always make me sigh Till "I Can Read My Title Clear to Mansions in the Sky." And when we leave this vale of tears for fairer lands on high We hope to meet in heaven above where pleasures never die; We will have an angel chorus that will make the heavens ring, And use the old-time music that my mother used to sing. -W. H. DlJGDALE. "Did you see the diamond en gagement ring George gave me?" "Did I see it? I'm the first girl that wore it. "Philadelphia North America. Is Sickness a Sin ? If not, it's wicked to neglect illness and means of relief. It's wicked to en dine Liver Ilia, Headache. Indigestion, Constipation, when one dose of gives relief, is 1'odo phylhn (May Apple) .without the gripe. It arouses the Liver, increases the Hon of bile Nature's antiseptic in the bow els. Your Constipation and other ilia disappear overnight because Po-Do-Lax has helped Nature to remove the cause, (iet a bottle from your druggist today, fiet rid of your Constipation overnight. FOR THE EYEBROWS. The eyebrows are apt to grow shaggy or sparse with Increasing years, but their bow shape might have been preserved indefinitely had their owner been careful to brush them daily with a soft tooth brush kept for the purpose. A Medicine Chest lor 25c. Id this cheat you have an eicellent remedy for Toothache, Bruises, Sprains Stiff Neck, llackwhe, Neuralgia, Klieu- i maligns and for tuuet emergencies. One bottle of Sloan's Liniment does it all this because ailments are symptoms not diseases, and are caused by con gestion and inflammation. If you doubt, ask those who use Sloan's Lini ment, or better still, bay 25c. bottle and prove it. All druggists. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Children Cry FOR FIETCKED'S CASTORIA The one absolutely certain thing in life is its uncertainty. Constipation Causes Most Ills. Accumulated waste ia your thirty feet of bowels cauMs absorption of pois ons, tends to produce fevers, upsets di gestion. You belch gas, feel stuffy, ir ritable, almost cranky. It isn't you it's your condition. . Eliminate this poisonous waste by taking one or two Dr. King's New Life Pills tonight. En joy a full, free bowel movement Id the morning you feel so fratefaL Oct aa rifiaaj bottle today, containing 36 pills from your druggist today for 20c. Children Cry FOR FLE1 CHER'S CASTORIA The only asset you would leave your family or business that would be worth 100 cents on the dollar is the cash you have in the bank and your life insurance. Did you ever think of that ? How much have you of each ? Think it over and fix up the life insurance end oi it TODAY. Don't put it off---to-morrow may be too late. See or Phone Lewis B. Suiter, Representing the New York Life Insurance Company Largest Strongest Best Phone 303 L - WELDON, N. 0.