lljpxaUff V if ffTWi WsW tgB& &MVm J4 m Cl ML I Off J- 0g ESTABLISHED) IN I860. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.5C Per Anrun VOL. L. WKLDOX, X. C TllTKKDAY, SK1TKM liKlt !, NO. UO 1 i3 " ; I ill A I.I Ollol, 3 HIJK CKNi'Tj Ai'"!iMii!ili.'IVi'ianlionlir,ts similaiiiiiiilii'FoDii;iiiiiiiciiu(a lini;iiii'Si!iiii;iiisai!dUiwcls1i Promnk'snislioHfhffrful ni'ss iiral liesLConUlns ncia Opium.Mjrpliiire iwrMiucral.J DOT ARC OTIC. J.Srmia bitufitmliSuh Clcnfvtt Suijiir Yialuyim Flaw. AperiVri Remedy forCansllpa lion , sour aioiuaiii.u mi m Worms ,('on-ulsious.Irvcrisli nessaiulLoss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. J Exact Copy of Wrapper. OK Mr Ml ll imlt' A j mmmll THE BANK II F WELOOI U KI.DON. . (' Organized Under Hie Laws of the State of North Carolina, Stale of North Carolina Depository. . Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital nl Sifilu. $55,000. For over -1 year tins institution hits ( i I 1 hanking facilities I'm this section. Its'slockliold. is mid oiiie, i are i . 1 u 1 1 ( i i mill the husi uess interests of Halifax :m I Noil!,.untoii comities. A Savings I'l-partniciil i maintained for the l'rlit of nil who dtr.n to deposit in tt Savings Hank. In this lcpaitmciit mletcsl is allowed as follows: 3 For Deposits allu.e. ton inaiii line.- ni.ui'h i l.nuer. per cent. Six montlmor lout'er, :i per cent. I ehe months m l.oiir. i. I pel eenl. Anv information w ill he I'm in-li. ! mi :iplieti.ii to the I i . i.li u t i.i ( i. tm i I'RUSIDRSr W. K. HAXIK.l.. V II K I: K- 1 1 ' K N I w. i: smi ill I. r. in; U'Ki:. t ii Il RKCTOKrt W. I. Smith. W. Iv K T. Paniel, .1. 1. sh,.phi i.l. W 3E an UGH! CALOMEL MAKES YOU m DON'T STAY BJLIOUS, CONSTIPf "Godson's Liver Tom" Will Clean Youf Sluggish Liner Better Thin Calomel mil Can Not Salivate. Calomol irmko yau 'u ; vmi In t .1 tiny' wtirk. ('iilmiipl U quicksilver mi'l it tfttlivuU'ft; culomi'l injurcn ymr livor. If you an IhIhmh-. fwl liiy. iiili ami nil ktux-knl out, tf yuur IkcU ur io!irttiiiLtt'd and inir lnal u.li- w stotniu'li i snnr, just tnko u s nf ill of lianulfSA Dodstnii'rt l.iu-r Ttnn- in-t. ;i't id luting! sickening, f-ii T i ;i 1 1 it .r r.il' int i. IkKlnnii't Kivor Tom i rea! liur nt'ili' rino. You'll know it next lumnitiif 1" cauw you will wake up tV. Wvj . yoiir liver will be w)rkiiiLr. yuur ln.i'l aoht and diziiicsx t r i -xu u- will ho Bvt uml Ini-.veU r-til.tr. x. will feel like wtiikti'i.' Vt.u'll c'i. fill ; full of enei'L'. vi'joi' nu-i Hiir-i WRIGHT5VILLE BEACH CAROLINA'S FAMOUS RESORT li" VvOA5Tii WEEK END AND SUMMER EXCURSION f ARE5 Twr TANin&DnDAII 1V N. r r I . r 11 1 WIEK'S 100F Mliil SOLD BY WRLDON, N. C. For Infants nnj Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of for Over Thirty Years THE QtNTAUN COM..HV, N.W VO OITV. Ml w Ijt iwinwil SO r IsHIKII .i. (i i i; k !: I:iiimI. .1. loal.e. U. M t'l.l.en. hi iv. . II. K , ,,lhe,.l. i. .1 . !.,!( ur ilntjfjr i or iliwUr . n . .'.tl cent Ixittlt' of Di'.lMin'd l.ixr umlcr my (iei-iiiui fuaiuM-f u. , will ili .in ji-ur wluywli lut-r ln il'T l!'u t .lloilii-1 ; ii tli I lnakr wi i ! nii.l jmi fit ri e:it anl!nti;' y l , tut Witintlll 1'1'iIie; .tlll.tt.-it 'S Mlf irU;"'i-l Iiiiii lilil't" tlttil eiicll sjniHlifnl will - . l'i y.iur liir. rleaii yur lmwcU Hit.: -tr.iiijlitin ou up ly mo) niiiir ur n j.'1-t ttui' nmni'V I'Ji'k. rl;i).f.i) jOn-lk take llinUon' I.ier Time Ihtuiim' it i I lfn-;ihi ta-tih' mi'l iloc-n't i: ri j m erunp ur in,i!;e tln'in sick. i 1 am M'lliny inilli'iii, nf Utile ul 1i. hiii T im r Tom- lo people ulio liav( I f e:ti.l .l. asniil. ..lalle, llvei v e.i :te I 'I ill.' pi are nf d.inTOUc '. !. P.uy nn Imtile mi my toiind . !i. !'!. L'u.iii'tntm Ask ytmr dmgial BATHING BOATING ISHING DANCING Am Bl . it h Ih Use ATLANTICiCOAST .LINE POAO OF THF SOllfll I THE ORIGINAL WIDOW'S CRUSE. I "Seek Ye I'irst the Kingdom f ' iod mid Mis UiKhU'niisnt'ss "d All these Things Shall He Ail : deil Ciifo On," i iii'n 1 1 preacha::' .i ypi: - lulu. ' l'i libite is nil. in on ill' .1 Uh.', ill li day li i . in uiv r .il -.it m l ; toi i l;s ;ivii I h'.- l.roi.k Uici'iih lt n-'l lip, .in. I the l oplu'l, w ln li.i'.l lo ilo c to .nli-riilili" if.ivi-lini; to spenk or Ii ,ir his iiirss.ij'.i.'s i 'i to to Lis work, w.i . sent .iloni, of eoui'se, on tli iMii" jtiiini-y icross .u!.ih iiml Im.p-I to tit..- eo.ist of I r - ami Siilon. I liei ' nl iln' hi n "I replutX he was lo fiml a new .ml of proviilent.' nwaiiiiiH him. lie accosted a widow at the gaie, asking for drink and for food. She confessed, in sorrow, thai she was on her way to gather firewood for the last meal for Iter son. All she had left was a hand ful of meal ami a little olive oil in a cruse. To her astonishment, this Israel ite bade her prepare ihe meal for him, saying tli.it if thus she fullill ed the law of hospitality her scanty store would mil fail until the drought was over. "And the bar rel of meal wasted not, neither did the cruse of oil fail, according to the word of the Lord, which lie spoke by lilijah." Mrs. Charles has gathered the message of ihe story into her familiar lines: "Is thy cruse of comfort failing? Rise and share it with another, And through all the years of fam ine It shall serve thee and thy broth er. Love and divine will till ihy store house. Or thy handlul still renew. Scanty fare lor one will open Make a royal least lor iwo. "For the heart grows rich in giv ing; All its wealth is living grain; Seeds which mildew in the garner, Scattered, till with gold the plain Is thy burden hard and heavy Do thy steps drags wearily? Help to bear thy brother's burden; i (lod will bear both it and thee." j Due point remains to be noted. It wa. lo the man about the I Lord's work that ihe rav ens came and for whom the widow':, barrel ' and cruse marv ellously replenish led. God's care is for those who ' care first lor 1 lis kingdom. A life ; lor c.teai .in J godly goaL finds i all the divine n-niiif. pledged lo ; us te enforcement ''Seek ye lirsi i the I ingdotn ot ( mil and I li , right eousness, and all these ihinp.s shall I be added unto you." :2 t-i i j r t v.- ' y FOK FLriC:tR'S C A T Q F? i A Nti i.IMI'I.ISll.MI:M. Kmcker t'ollu'.e leaches a boy how to yell and kick. Bocker mule can do that and still have iwa legs leii over. Jiuige IN ALL OUR There Is Hardly A Womar Who Does Not Rely Upon Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound. Prinet'ton, 111.-1"' I hail iiilliininiutinn, haril heuiluclii'8 in the lin k of my neck i anil u weukm Kit all euus'il by le in tile tmuble, lind I took I.yilia D. Pinkhain's VeKetablu Loin iuunil with suit) ex ..IIhio r.'ulls ilmt I am now fet'ling line. II reoommenil the 1 CoiiiK)unJund praise I it to all. I shall he r;!ad to have you publish my letter. There is scarcely a neighbor urnuiul in who does not U9e your medicine. " M ra. J F. Johnson, K. No. I, liox 30, Prime t. hi, Illinois. KH'ilt'iieB if it Niiism. I'olnnd.N. Y. "In lny experience us a nurse 1 certainly think l.yilin K. Pink- In, in' Vegetable Compound U a great metlicine. 1 wish all women with te male troubles would take it. 1 took it when passing through the Change of l.ile w ith great results and I always re commend the Compound to all my pa tients if I know of their condition in time, i will gladly do all I can to help others to know ot this great nit uii'ine -Mrs. Horai'E Nkwman, FoUnd, Her kimer Co., N. Y. if you are ill do not drag along until an oieration is necessary, but at once Uke Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. If .Mm w nut special ml vli'o w ilto L .villa E. Finklmm MeillcintCo w -1 , ' . .... r i f Wf. , I :' I (couiidcntwl) Ltho.Mowsi PEPSto I For All Thirsts Pepsi-Cola IN GLAD BY FRANK L. STANTON. The world, they say, is gettin' old an' weary as can be; But write me down assayin' it's good enough for me ! It's good enough, with all its grief, its pleasures, an' its pain; An' there's a ray of sunshine for every dropo' rain ! They stumble in the lonesome dark, they cry for light 10 see; But write me down assayin' it's light enough for me! It's light enough to lead us on from where we faint an' fall, An' the hilltop nearest heaven wears the brightest crown o' all1 They talk about the fadm' hopes that mock th: years to be; But write me down assayin' there's hope enough for me! Over the old world's wailin' ihe sweeter music swells : In the stormiest night I listen an' hear the bells the hells! This world o' (iod's is brighter than we ever dream or know; It's burden's growin' lighter and it's love that makes 'em so! An' I'm thankful that I'm livin where love's blessedness 1 see, 'Neath a heaven that's torgivm', where the bells ring 'Home' to me A LITTLE GENTLEMAN amffc&jMiif f r mm si mm tat Several passengers on a hoi day in .1 uni' I'liletvil I he I rain on !lit ('oluinliio and Aiiuuslu Railroad. Anions them were several voiim; colb j.',!' ho s w ho were oil tilt' u ay home for their summer neat ion. They were st li- h. w rll d ressed lad :iinl weie as eav and happ as boys usually are who have put books A pa i ly of merry readv oeeiipieil the ear, .;i,. al and in si'cmi'il i little time the train Hooded with youth and sun shine. A i iy lean woman, w ilh an iimie luni'li basket, divided lief (illie liftweull eating ehiek- en ami lioilt'il oysaiiu lamiioj; vigorously with tt turkey tail fan. while a, Mont man in the corner moppeil ins laee vvn n n lt d bandana and remarked ly w tiv of emphasis, ''Hot, very hot." The boy s and irls took in evel'v inelilelii , launin iinn tittering all the while. .lust across the aisle, opposite the hovs, sat a woman holdim; a baby. A pale, tiredalespainno; look on her face, and her eves were full of sull'eriiiK The little one wan fretful ami cried pileoiislv , but the younj.; moth er was too exhausted to try to itiiet Ihe baby. "Oh, just li ten tn that yoiim; one! I ibink cryiny; bnidi s oiie-hl to be put out of the cars," one of I be girls said, perl I v . "Yes. mi head beeins to ache," hnid another, bile the liovs auirlieil; and tne loil'ler the chilil cried the more nierri lnenl il caused ainoiiL; lb. vouiii' in'olile; vvhile Ibe lean i .... woman and the fat man scowl pd ami complained. "I do not see anv cniise for ridicule," said Fred Weston, as he arose; and to iiimienieni of all the passoiijrers, lie cross ed to where the woman sat. and with II courteous bow , extended his arms. "I'lease let me hold your baby awhile," he said; "I have a little sister jusr her ae, and she loves me dearly. You look lired, ina'am." The child opened wide her liiir brown eyes and gazed into the handsome bright face of the boy, as without hesitation she sprang forward into the ouUlretched arms. She ceased what I want. Mother Daddy drinks it when he's hot and thirsty" For every member of the family there's nothing half as invigorating, refreshing, delicious as a glass of Pepsi-Cola. Sutisfies the thirstyrefreshes the wenry and just bracing enough to make you "feel like action" the rest of the day. Buy it at all founts carbonated in bottles, too, at your eroeer's. CONTENT. crying and her lips pne. intci a plaint ive sub. "t lb, how guild ) on a i .'" 1 1 1 1 j I her said, wit h a ih o lief. "Thank von," and pressed her -v es to keep Ihe tears of grai il llde. ' are a bra v e Inn , " .- he said ' Ihe !' re she nek You "to snow vvhil. such a act of kindness companions jeer Thank you," i.he "Ah, she loves le your ridiciib' t again. an s'anl : il dearly already;" ami the the wo- nnt'C heautiliil laee ot man was bright lor i 1 1 ) i 1 n t n t as .she saw her hahv laugh with J"'. Now, said Kred, "since vou see what gooil Iriemls we are, suppose you lie tlown ami rest. will take care of the baby. Come now, we will see the birdies lly." Ami w ith his lit tle charge held tenderly in his arms he took a seat beside the window and soon had the ba by's attent ion on Hitting scenes as the tram sped on its wav. The passengers looked on in surprise, ami Fred's compan ions eeaseil laughing and be came quiet. The effect of this kind, manly act was electrical: it was a silent rebuke to every person in the car. In a mo ment the ladies and thought less girls each offered to assist Fred in caring for the liltlo one. "Cute liitle darling !" was the exclamation of the girls; and with motherly ten derness all fondled ami pet led the child. But she clung et naciotisly to Fred, as if resent ing their long neglect ami their sudden overtures of devotion. The lean woman put aside her turkey fan and went deep into her lunch basket for a "drum stick" for the baby. The stout man forgot it was a very hot day and est. ('a chuekh'i chin. ' lookf on with intfr- linir Kri'd to him lie ,'d the baliy undrr the 'Pivlty rhild she is. iay. younir man, why Now iloesn 'I mot Iiit l;o into the sleeper. I wonder!' She mighty uncomfortable there. She is fast asleep her head on that ha rd b salehel. I hadn't notice poor woman before. Sin looks ! over i with ! 'ather 1 Hi.' looks more dead than alive." ' Yes, sir; she's very bad oil', I think," Fred answered, "and 1 judge she has not money 1 enough to take a sleeper. I have a little change and I thought I would just tiller it to ; her, From what she told me j I think she is v cry poor. " " I ndeed, indeed !" said t he ; man going deep into bis pock- j et. "Now, my boy, yon keep your money. Mere, I'.rown Byes, you and your ma be coin- i forlahle." So saying ho push- i ed a roll of bills into the chub by list of the child. "Now I want your name." "Fred Weston. " "Here's my curd, Bred, and I want you to keep it and if you ever want a situation, ever want assist ance in time of trouble, just come to me. You are a noble little fel lowa liitle gentleman. Your at tention to that poor woman and the courage you have shown in help ing her, are a guarantee that you are sure to make a great and good man." Here the train stopped and he arose. Good-bye, my boy. You have taught me a lesson I'll never forget, and you have gained a friend for life." A moment later he left the train, and Fred read on the card the name of a man who was called the cotton king of the South and a man of whom he had often heard. After having slept for some time the woman suddenly awoke and looked about in a puzzled way. Fred was at her side. "Now," said she. "I'm feeling so much better. My sleep has given me new life," and she look the baby in her arms and Fred gave her the money the gentleman had left for her, w hich proved to be a very liberal sum more than the poor woman had seen in years. She simply bowed her head and wept as if her heart would break. Again the train stopped. It was ihe station at which Fred must get oil. The woman raised her eyes with a smile of gratitude that Fred forever remembered, and the baby put out its arms and cried piteous ly for him. I le stood and watched the train until it turned the curve. The woman was waving to him and ihe little arms still beckoned to him. "Come, Fred," called out one or his companions. "Yes, I'm coming," said Fred, wiping a mist that had suddenly gathered over his eyes. The Next Iftest Thing To The Pine Forest for Colds Is lb. Hell's I'nif Tiii-lliiiiey which goes to the root of the Cold llouhks. It cleats the tlimul and irives relief from that clogged and slull'e.l feeling. The Junes have ever been the friend of iiitin in driving aay colds. .Moreover, the pine-honey uablies ate peculiatlyoiVec tive in lighting children's colds. Ke niembei that a cold bioken at the start greallv removes Uie possibility of com plications, 'J.ic. A man with his own punishment. grouch is his None l:i)ual lo Chamberlain's. "I have Hied most all t lie cough cures and Iiml that there is none that ciial I 'hanibi'iluin's I 'ongti liYnicilv. It has nevei failed tn give me prompt relief," notes W. . Hauler, M out -hi r. I ml. When you have a cold give this leinedy a trial and sec for yiiursell' what a splen did mc'lieiue it i". Obtainable cveryttheie. A little push is wonh more the end than a political pull. in To The Puhlic. ''1 feci that I owe the niaiiuuii'lurrrs of t lisinberlain's folic, ( holeia and liianho a lieinedy a Bold of gratitude" writes Mrs. T, N. Witherall, liovvanda, X. "When 1 In gsn taking this med icine I was terribly sick, due to an attack pf summer complaint. After taking a dose of it had not long to wait for relief as it benefited niealmosl immediately." Obtainable everywhere. Never lend money to a stranger, if you must have any financial transactions with hint, borrow it. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bear tne Signature of S 1.7. A I ! A . ? mmm uilobx Next iWiur to ' i1 voui NK'iistm1 aii'l mul; icolli inspect line Inn1 of (m.ec yoo'l nntl Low Excursion Fares via Seaboard Air Line Railway Commencing Saturday, May 29tli, and contin uing each Saturday and Sunday morning until September 12th, inclusive, the following week-end rates will apply from VVeldon, with final limit re turning to reach original starting point not later than midnight on Tuesday following dete of sale: Portsmouth, $2.50; Va. Beach 2.90 Littleton, N. C. 70c. Commencing Sunday, June 6th, and continuing each Sunday there after until Sept. 12th, tickets will be on sale for train No. 16 leaving NX'eldon at 8:.?0 a. m. to Portsmouth and return at $1.50 good to re turn only on train No. 15 same date. For further information apply to C. li. CARTF.R, Ticket Agent. JOHN T. WEST, I). P. A., Raleigh. N. C, &'$&&& vS.vSfc: tAA?A W ?A?AA?A?A 'W The only asset you would leave your family or business that would be worth 100 cents on the dollar is the cash you have in the bank and your life insurance. Did you ever think of that ? How much have you of each ? Think it over and fix up the life insurance end of it TODAY. Don't put it ofif-to- morrow may be See or Phone Lewis B. Suiter, Representing the New York Life Insurance Ccrnpany Largest Strongest Best Phone 303 L - WELDON, N. 0. i s, U'lXlHiN, N. li.) onier oil mv bench. Call antl sample. Satisfaction fftruanteed 30E l r A 1 too late. 113