lg Wl ss$ ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE, Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum VOL. L WELDON, X. , TIIUHSDAY, SKPTKM l!Kli :!, l!)ir. no, u:i A REMARKABLE DREAM. 'I Wanl One of You to Take Place." My ! dlV The ICInd You Have Alwnys nought, nml which has been iu use for over UO yrnrs, has borno the fcijriiiituro of 0 has bei-n Hindu under Ms por. LZ jt(-?J?ffni ,0lml ""Pervlslon sinio its inruiuy. Allow no ono to (1M ( i. o j on in this. All Counterfeit, Imitations ft'Jil " JiiHt-ns-Kno'd" nroi but Kprlnumts Hint triilo with ami eiulani-r (ho health of Infants and Children KxperieiK-o against, Kxpu riineut. What is CASTORIA Castnriu in ft harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare. gorle, lrops ami Soothing Syrups. It is l'lcasant. ft contains neillicr Opium, Blorphlno nor odier Nareotio siibstanoo. Its niro In Its guarantee. It destroys Worms nml allays 1-Yverisltness. It cures Di.irrhtia anil Wind Colic. H relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation unit Flatulency. It assimilates the rood, regulates tlio Stoinacli and Bowels, giving healthy anil natural sleep. The Cblldrcu's Panacea The Mothor's friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Si The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC OtNTUR CMMNI, Tf HUP TUCCT, MCW TOR It OITTt OE 3E THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDON. N. ( Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Stale of North Carolina Depository. : Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital aii Surplus, A lad uikc had a remarkable mi. 1 1 1- dreamt lie saw a long .YSsiuii ill men CiiUling toward 1 him and tin- ;M'uup 'it hivs st.iiul i l'v him. l-H vi i. iiiic an iiiit h r, and as he .ippi ..i-!n-il lln: hit) he slopp-d ai'd , Mil: "I ads, I have j wniu n inv last honk, my lite is at ! its cln'-e; I a:il one of you lu lake I inv plaee." Thui came a Ic- braled ilneim' an. I he said: "I. ads, I I) ivi .mended my last p.iiieni. 1 want one of you to lake my plaee." Then billowed a musician, a law yer; a blacksmith, a builder; an artist; a preacher, and each told the boys lie wanted one of them to take his place. Last of all came a miserable drunkard, dressed in rags, and he staggered to the boys he said hoarsely: "Lads, I am now going to a drunkard's grave. I want one of you to take my ! place." "Not I," said the dreamer, as he awoke with a sun. Only n dream, and yet how true! You, my lad, if you are spared to reach manhood, are go ing to till some man's place, but what sort of a man will it be? 1 know this, that if you persist in be ing a total abstainer from this day forward it will not be a drunkard's place. But if now you just take one glass when you fancy it, it is quite possible you may one day tike a drunkard's place, and fill a drunkard's grave! God, forbid it! But, remember drunkards are people who tried to be moderate drinkers and failed. But all the powers of the evil one cannot make a drunkard of a total abstainer. VINANALGIA THE MEW REMEDY For over '-'1 yearn thin institution lias pimi.lr.l l.iinknur liioililios fo Hiik section. Its BtooklioliliTH an. I nllici.ii.aii- i.li nliiie.l null tin- lain ness interests of Halifax iiu.l Northampton counties. A Savinifs lii-parlini'iit is iiKiintiiino.l lor the i.eiielu ..I all who ,1, mi, to deposit in a Savin Haul.. In this liopaitnieni inu n-l i uIIoki.I u follows: For Kepositx alluwe.l ton-main three inonllis oi Imnror. pel cent i months or loniror, :l per cent I'nelw- uioiiihsoi loinrei. I peieeni. nv information will he fui n i-ln-t on applicat 1" lln- I'lesi.leni oi I u-liu CKKSIIIKNI : U K, DAM Kb, VU K I'llKMOksl U li SMITH . ('. Ill; M'l-.li. t elle -1 1 1 k I' i'h 1 1-1-.. lilKECTOUS V. H. smith. W . K T. Daniel, .1.1.. -Mieilier,l. W Ilulllel, I'lem-. .1. II II. .olh . l I ell, I. .1 . CALOMEL WHEN BILIOUS? NO! STOP! MAKES YOU SICK AND SALIVATES "Dodson's Llur Tom" Is Harmless To Cleat Your Sluggish Liner and Bowels. I't'li! Calomel make you sick. H' horrible! Take a dow of the dangerous ilinx tonight and tomorrow you may lose a .lay's work. Calomel in mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the hnne. I aloiuel. when it comes Into contact with auitr bile eraahea inV it, lirc.ikini: i'. up. This i wlien yuu f-l that awful nausea and cramping. If you are lu(( Kih and "all knocked out." if Jour liver in torpid and bowels coustipiitisl ir you have headache, dittiness. coated Unique, if breath ia bad or stomach smir, Hist trv a iKK)nful of barnilesa Hudson's -.ivcr 'lone toulUt on my guarantee. Here's my (iinrantce tin to any ilruj! store ami ir.-t a .HI cent Little of Hod son's l.iver I "lie. Take a s.iiiul alul if it ,l,-sii't .iiaitthteu jou ruiht up nml make yen l.-.l line and i-onus I want inu to art. back to the store and l,. vo'ui n y. Iloilsoii's I. ivcr Tone i- ,le-lloin liic sale of calomel I lllse il is real liver medicine : eiitm-ly v,-j;e. tahle. therefore il call mil sale. ale or make M.ii sick. I piaralit.v lii.it one spoonful of Hud son's I. ivcr 'lone ill put join sluouish liwr to woil, and clean vour bonds of that sour bile and conslipal"! wasU. which is cloiiL-ini; i.nir system and mak ing voll feel miserable. 1 iruanintee that a Is'iitlc ui Hoil-on's I. ivcr T will ke, p miir ciitin- family f.s-liii..' I'nc for n.o-itbs. (live it to your ebil.liel, ll n hannless; d.s-sn't gripe and tin. like its pleasant taste. EXCURSIONS. $24.75 State Camp Near Jacksonville) and return. National Rifle Tournament, lu eis on sale October 3rd, 4i!i, -'X 6th, 7th, 12th, 13th and Uih. Extension of final limit to Novem ber 29th may be extended by de posit of ticket with Agent Union Station. Jacksonville, not laier than Ociober 1 3th and payment 01 fee of 50c. Plaj $8.50 Jacksonville. Vi. $10.50 Tampa, I !a. And reiurn, lickcts mi sale for hII trains September JNth. DM5 Keturning all tickets void atter mid night October 5th, 1915. $8.25 Washington, I). C. and return, lickcts on sale ep- tetnber 25-2li-27th, returning all tickets void after midnighi October ISih, 15th. For rates, reservations or any information, phone or write the ATLANTIC COAST LINE, "The Standard Railroad of the South." C. V.. CARTUK, Agent. TAMER'S ROOF fill I SOLD BY . C, WELDON, N A r '4 V jMt m' &' '"we I'iiI; HEADACHE AND K.-iii u knl.lv ijinck lor Kel lefi Nervousness. S tk Headache, Colds, Nuusea, (irip, Kheumatic Pains, and fever ish Conditions. FOREWARNED--FOREARMED. After SumiTiinc; Hp the 1-viiiente i She Decided to Marry. 1 is a scientific combination of the most potent remedial THADR A1AKK agents known to pharmacue I i: I - I. I in M .1. .1 1 .1 ui otinieo IILHI HIIU IHCUItai ICSVUI1.II, VUIIVCJCU ill a iiiiui. " v.."..w native wine. It represents the epitome ol pnarmacueucai p perfection, and the important and vitul surety of medicinal action. Each ingredient com posing VIN-AN-AL-GIA is off known, tried, true and specific value. No experiment. No . doubt as to its efficacy. These drugs, being conveyed in a peptonized vinous medium, are assimilated, easily diges ted, acceptable to the most delicate stomach PHONR OR MAIL ORDERS TO R. K. K SKINNE R, SOLE OWNER AND MANUFACTURER, Phones 186 and 470 WEST DURHAM, N C. THE LOST COLONY. A girl had a proposal of marriage j Sunday night, and asked a week to consider it before answering. ' She then orgauied hci'sdt into an investigating committee and began taking testimony from married ladies of her acquaintance. The : first one she visited used to be a belle and the most admired girl in town before she married six years before. The cross examination brought out the fact that she h id i six children, did all her own work, including washing and ironing, j and hadn't been down town for j four weeks, and that her husband : had given her but $2 since she I married, and that he had borrowed ! and forgot to pay back $10 which ; her brother once gave her lor a j Christmas present. Lie bought j himself a new overcoat with the j money, while she wore the same j plush coat which she wore when j he was courting her. Another woman whom she visited quit teaching school three years ago io marry "the handsomest and best dressed man in town," and she was supporting him. A third didn't dare say her soul was her own when her husband was around, though she used to write some lovely essays when she was at school on the "emancipation of women," and the fourth woman she visited was divorced. After visiting them and summing up the evidence, she went home and wrote the young man. She will be mar ried next month. i f (DO W V .1 "Bob-this is SOME thirst-quencher" thirst-quencher is right! The most ;aines are well worth the energy if followed by a cool glass of Popsi-Cola. tern. tiring Noi only vio: brain 01 ! the -!!! r . ': PEPSKk . li -ioos and wholesome, but in x all times -after contests of ,;-.n. And in the home it has i-.p-H-tizina and comfort - giving u ecu get it at the fountain . or carbonated in p -,. bottles, at your ti grocer's- For All Thirsts - Pepsi-Cola & '-Si 5 s A BY C. T. WILLIAMS, OF AVON, DARl; COUNTY, AND READ AT CENT ROANOKE ISLAND CELEBRATION. THE One woman can be very fond of another if they are a hundred miles apart. II a woman nags her husband it's up to him to supply her with plen ty of cause. The first lime a girl is engaged she imagines herself as important us a heroine iu a novel. WAS MISERABLE COULDN'T STAND Testifies She Was Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I.ucknwunnu, N. Y. -"After my first dnid wils born 1 'elt Very miserable and could not stand on my fee L Mysister- iu-luw w ished me to try I.ydiii R I'ink huin'.s Vegetable Comsiunil and my nerves became firm, appetite pood, step elastic, unci 1 lost Unit weak, tired feeling. That was six years oro and I ho'.c had three tine I eallhy children since. For female trou i les 1 always take Lydia R I'inkliam's Vegetable Comxiiinl ami it works like ! licharm. 1 do all myown work. "-Mrs. A. K. KRKAMKR. 1574 Klet-tric Avenue, ; .uckawanna, N. Y. The success of I.ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from roou i id herbs, is unparalleled. It may ba u.ied with perfect confidence by women who suffer from displacements, inflam riation.ulcertttion.tuniors.irregularities, p riodic pains, backache, bearing-down f cling, flatulency.iniligestion, dizziness, or nervous prostration. Lydia E. Pink luinrs Vegetable Compound is the stan dard remedy for female ills. Women who suffer from those dis-t.-ensiiig ills peculiar to their sex should I convinced of the ability of Lydia E. 1 nkham's Vegetable Compound tore ? 'ore their health by the many genuine i.id truthful testimonials we are con s n.tly publishing in the newspapers. .1 you want special adrlce write to dia K. 1'lnkham Medicine Co.(conll i.iinll l.jnn. Mass. Vour letter will -.. neiied, read aud answered by a iinnn and held in strict cuiiiiueuvw. Administrator's Notice. IUv iliii iiudilieil hefole the-eleik of the uieiioi court ot ItiihfaK county as administrator of llie estate of 1-. K. Joiim, doceased, late ol the comity ot IlahUx, notice is lieiehy kivcli that all persons having claims airainst said es tate to piescntto inediily uiitheiilicated on ol helore the iiid day 01 September. lSlli, or thia notice will he plead in liar of their lecoveiy All peisous iinlehteil to said estate must settle at once. Tins the Mil dav of Sept. I'.il 'i. .1. II. ItOVH. Ailnir. of K. If. .lones. ileeeaseil. H -i'.i lit NOTICE. Ueldou, X. t, Sept. Is, mc. This is to certify that the Weldon Coca t'ola Itotthn Compaiiy has this day legisti'ied the botlles usi'il by the said company iu then botthnit business, described as follows "Six ounce buttle maiked ou both sides mill the ( oca i'ola trade mark iiear top of bottle aud at bottom: Property of Weldou t'oca Cola HottliiiK Company." Any one misusing- above bottles mil be prosecu ted aeconling to law. Weidos CotA Coca Borruso Work. A mystery lies locked on the bosom of time Of a colony left on a beautiful isle Unsolved by legends, or by Indian tradition, Where was builded a fort under liberty's smile. Behold the frail craft as they bound o'er the billows, Lashed by rude waves and confused by the storm; While seraphs unseen hover o'er to protect them, To guide them through safely and shield them from harm. Determined to go and accomplish their mission, They trusted in Cod as they braved the wild storm, On this beautiful isle, on the strand of Carolina, A colony was plained, a daughter was born. Borne there on the wings ul the stork from the forest, Behold the White Doe, the tirst linglish child, Where the scuppei nong grapes and the violets entangle, Bedecking the brow of this beautiful isle. The savage lay sleeping, his tomahawk buried, His arrow returned to its quiver, at night, l-'ound when he woke at the dawn of the morrow That for refuge the Brittons had taken their llight. These colonists filled with hope and ambition Went whither, no mortal hath yet ever known, They left their rude fort and daringly ventured With wild beast and Indian the forest to roam. l-'eailess and brave, ever wise and precautious, They safely resolved it was prudent to flee; I hey left us no record, no clue to their going, Save that silent word which they carved on the tree. Undisturbed and in silent repose they are sleeping, A mantel of mystery drawn over their head, To remain there nil earth shall yield up its treasure, They then will walk forth with lime's honored dead. In that great conflagration which the world is approaching, When empires and kingdoms shall burn as a scroll, And the archives of unwritten history are opened, Not till then will the fate of the colony be told. To The Public. '1 feel that 1 owe the nianufacliiieis of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera uiul Diairluca Kemedy a word uf irnititwle" writes Mrs. T. N. Wilheiull, liowandu. N. V. "When 1 bewail takini; this med icine I was terribly sick, due to anuttack of summer complaint. Alter talouir a dose of it had not hint; to wait lor lelief as it benelited niealinost iininediatelv." taiituinahle evervuliere. $ Jii liLi (j TO MY CUSTOMERS: rfal m 1 f U 'tv Hp Ice season h at hand and 1 earnestly 'II ask you to give me a liberal share of m vmif natriinjiirf. .". I believe after you take in consideration (f (l the fact that I have furnished you ice both (j V- winter and summer, and have made it pos- V 11 sible for you to get ice any time during the 11 winter when otherwise it would have been V i- inn u mi juu hi tiuicim sume, you win nave W no hesitancy in giving me vour support Vl I have handled s. . . n-iaiMfciaalJt mm II I i nUiil JtlVIIIM'S IVIAAIIVIb. By Cally Ryland. ,. Sometimes de widuh's might is de direct result uv a long experience wid huh lust husban'. Hit shn is a lunny thing, chile, dat some folks fails bekase dey is misoiidei stood, en some folks succeeds fun eggsackly de same reason. Always put off until tomorrow the revenge you could accomplish today. The Next Best Thing To The Pine l-'orest for Colds Is hi. Hell's Pun- T:u Honey which i;oes to the lout of the col. I troubles. It clears the Ihioai and cues n.i(.' i'i om that eluuifcl and slulled leeliut'. The pines have eei been the friend of man in drivini; away coin. Moreover, the pine-honey tii:ilities ate peciiliiulyeltec tive in liirhtnic; chil-licn's colds. lie ineniher that a cold broken at the start irreutly removes the possibility of com plications. 'J.'iC. all mv the winter customers at a and CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of DANGERS OF A COLD, Weldon People Will Do Well Heed Them. To IW is some men dat coitl'it in a safe deposit vault. keep a promise ef'n dey was lo put it Sometimes hit takes a mighty smart 'oman to keep on sayin' noth ing. Ff'n you wants to make iwo wimmin en'mies fuh life jes dey favuhs one noihuh. tell 'em Sometimes when a man is th'owed on his own re-so'ces he falls back on his friends'. V Hit ain't de uppuh dawg whar holluhs fuh help. De husban' ain't got no right to rock de boat whilst de wife is rockin' de cradle. De mo' you inted's to do tomorruh de less'n you'se gwinter do to day. Whilst dar's life dar's hope fuh eve'ybody cep'n lis de onduhtakuh. V De lastuh de mule de loosuh his hind legs. All things 'ont come to him whar waits, but dars a whole passle uv things dat ain't wuth waitin' fuh. Many bad cases of kidney trouble result from a cold or chill. Con gested kidneys fall behind in filter tering the poison-laden blood and backache, headache, dizziness and disordered kidney action follow. Don't neglect a cold. Use Doan's Kidney Pills at the first sign of kidney trouble. Follow this Wel don resident's example: E. D. Purnell, primer, Wash ington avenue, Weldon, says: "I had a dull pain across my back and at times I was sore and lame I couldn't stoop or bend. The trou ble was caused by a strain, which left my kidneys weak. The least cold settled on my kidneys and made me woi.se. Duaii's Kidiiy Pills soon relieved me, putting my back and kidneys in good condi tion." Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan s Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Purnell Dad. FOSTER-MlLfiURN CO., Pro prie.ors, Buffalo, N. Y. 0 - order to supply " that might wa lf that I am entitled to your patronage. x't Block shipments solicited that might want ice and I feel bv so doinz loss in li others 11 vl Yours very truly, C. E. CARTER. I S Anv time mv men il.in't o-ii'e villi unl ikfn.-linn in lli both service und Ice, I wilt he glad if you will call it to my ki H attention Phone 318. yjj V. JJJV JJ. 00 00 -S JJJ .J .JJ ri' i m nwn in i. ifgtejMsofc. Htm 11 ri1lilM- IIMHWIi Li SIP Br METAL SHH1GLES Have lasted Z8ycars, Stormproof and fireproof olUJe while and still m iood condition. TI..J'. r ' w r turns we Kii a or root you want. Use them 3a J 'do Jway with Roof repair m bills " w ':r--.r f )m VI SSiiS? jnr' nn m Mil THE DURABLE ROOF JFir Sale bv J. S. TURNER. W1don, N. C. - jjsas. trnriff mnrkn trntl oiyriirtit obtNiruft or no fcf. rkml hiiMii'l, kit-li(n nr photos nml dn mption for FREE SnARCH mMt on istmtljilMlitT. lUuk rolf ivm-m PATENTS BUILD FORTUNES for yuu. ihir frit' txhiklptu ii II how. wl.M tu(nvtnt ftttd Mve jrou money. Write today. D. SWIFT & CO, PATENT LAWYCX8, 303 Seventh St., Washinoton, I IGiEY CaTHATcHC tablets keen Stouuch aicci -Insc Acttv -BowcU ketiulw QtfagtfQ VIA UG3Q ki Over-work, worry and the constant strain of a business life are often f ,U . Li a cause ut niucii tiuucuc. is highly recommended for all Nervous disor ders. It is particularly invaluable to business women. Regulate your bowels by using DR. MILES' LIVER PILLS IF FIRST BOTTLE, On BOX, FAIL8 TO BENEFIT YOU, YOUR MONEY WILL BE F '.'FUNDED. NEI1V0US ATTACKS. "I sin-. ,.-il Willi nervous hi-Ifti-ks ami It. .oln- hes. Thenlny liver kuI out or order uiul it seem, ,1 us tllwllRll my wliole i-vso iii was ui s.-t. 1 com l.leu. .il usilia IH-. Mil.-S' Nerv ine slid also Imik lir. Miles' l.her 1111a and m.w 1 feel per fecily well 111 every wiijt. My Ihi"Is also aro In Food hap now." MltS. AI'Ol'STA KR18KR. 114! rurlhinil Ave., It. neuter, N. T. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA .MEY KIDNEY PILLS ,0 iACKACHt K.IHTS ANO BCAUDkS Chlldrn Cry FOR FLETCHER'S O A T o n I A mEY KIDNEY PIII (OH IACKACM6 KlUNiVS MO llAUB. 3