WOMAN ALL RON DOWN Made Strong and Well By Vinol Wsynesboro.Pa. " I was all run down lifter a hard apeli of bronchitis so it was hard for me to keep about. I had pains in my chest and took cold easily. A friend asked me to try Vinol. 1 did and it Imilt me up 10 I am strong and well and I am able to do my housework which I had not done for three months before taking Vinol." Mrs. Y. R. Hor iiough, Waynesboro, Pa. Vinol creates an appetite, aids diges tion, makes pure blood and creates strength. Your money back if it fails. V. M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon, N. C. THE ROANOKE NEWS, Thursday, Oct. 21, 1915. THE LOCAL PAGE. All the News of Town and Vicinity (lathered by Wide-Awake Reporters. A little fish in a small puddle imugines he is big. H. J, Bond is here on a visit to his son, Ellis Bond. HF.GlN.now to insure yourself 10 the outdoor habit. Sheriff J. A. Housf. spent I'riday in Richmond. It is what a woman doesn't know that worries her. Miss Lilly Stainback spent die week end in Norfolk. It will soon be time to make lo cust and persimmon beer. Few people have cause to regret the letter they didn't write. Don't worry if a blind man threatens to whip you on sight. Postmaster D.T. Clark spent a few days in Richmond last week, It is easy for a woman to fool a man who thinks he is fooling her. But few men work overtime in an effort to make their wives happy- Mr. and Mrs. U. L. Bryan have returned home from their bridal trip. Miss Rubelle FoRBES,of Green ville, is visaing her aunt, Mrs. J. S. Barr. A sanitary school is as essential id child's health as is a good mother. A woman not only wants to be ueautiful, but she wants to be told ilui she is. A fever blister will usually dis appear if touched with sweet spir .iis of niter. Rev. Albert New went to New York last week and preached in dut city on Sunday. I r your child has a suspicious sure throat, the first thing to do is to phone your doctor. Ii a man's head is filled with wisdom he doesn'i have to use his niouih as a safety valve. Mks. Lula C. Hart and Miss Florence Allen Hart spent several Jays in Norfolk last week. Mrs. H. B. Harrf.1.1. and Miss Lizzie Harrell attended the Slate fair in Richmond last week. Mr. and Mre. W. M. Cohen and Mrs. 1. E. Green attended the State fair in Richmond last week. Mrs. W. J. Ward went down to Norfolk last week 10 spend a few days with relatives and friends. Mrs. C. D. House, of Thelma, spent several days here last week the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. House. A. B. Stainback left Tuesday for Greensboro, to spend a few weeks with his sister, Mrs. W. E. Crutchfield. The ladies of the M. E. Church will hold a bazaar here on the 4th and 5th of November. Place will be announced. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Horna day, Jr., of Littleton, spent the week end here with Rev. and Mrs. J. A, Hornaday. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Garlick and Miss Margaret spent a few days in Richmond and attended ihe great State fair. Mrs. Kate T. Benedict and Mrs. C. S. Hawkins, of Swansea, Mass., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Gooch. Rev. J. A. Hornaday spent a few days in Richmond last week on a visit to his daughter, Mrs. Geo. A. Stephenson. A ragtime philosopher says it it an easy matter to tell what kind of wheels a man has in his head by the spokes that come out of his mouth. With the onset of cold weather; into the houses go the people; down go the windows, and up goes the death rate from the im pure air diseases. We are pleased to welcome Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Vinson back to Weldon. They have been living at Roanoke Rapids for sometime and now return to the good old .town. Unless a man gen married, he will probably go to his grave be lieving that he know it alL FlTZIIIIGH RMKM.-Tlie follow, ing announcement has been issued: Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fitzhugh announces ihe approaching mar riage of their daughter, Miss Incla Ward Fit.hugh to Mr. John Allen Rheni, of Weldon, N. C. The marriage to lake place in Novem ber. Scotland Ni;ck Times. We have received the first issue of the Scoiland Neck Times, a new paper just launched out in the journalistic field by Proctor & Dunn. It is a neat, well printed paper and makes a good beginning. We wish for our new neighbor abundant suc cess. Series of Meetings.-A series of revival meetings will begin at the Chapel in South Weldon the second Sunday in November. Rev. J. A. Hornaday will be as sisted in th the meetings by S. A. Cotton, of Littleton. A cordial invitation is extended to all to at tend the services. Will Preach Sunday. Rev. H. F. Morton will fill his regular appointment at the Presbyterian church here next Sunday after noon, October 24th, at half past three o'clock. A cordial invitation to all to attend the service. Mr. Morion never fails to interest all who attend his service. Mi 11 ii lii VP ! he best m m Ti w most mm E wish to call your attention once more to the fact that we handle the most complete line of Ladies and Gent's Wearing Apparel. We have just received over a hundred Coats and Coat Suits for ladies with and without fur so popular this fall and are offering at very low prices. Don't fail to visit our Millinery Department and BE CONVINCED- That we carry the most up-to-date line ever before shown in Weldon. Shoes for Men, Women and Children. Silks, Serges, Woolen Goods of all kinds can be had at popular prizes. Weldon's Best Store. J. SAMKT. The Busy Store on The Corner. I 511 vi "it M iMtfc &4 "4$ OPERA HOUSE Program for Week Commencing Friday, October 22nd, and ending Thursday, October 28th. 25 5 St 5 5 2 "2 2 5 3 -3 3 3 3 3 3 Z" FRIDAY, OCT. 22 -The Goddess. Neal of the Navy (New Serial.) Cartoon Comedy. SATURDAY, OCT. 2.1-Charlie Chaplin Comedy (Two Reels ) General Film Service. MONDAY, OCT. 25 Diamond From the Sky. Charlie Chaplin Comedy. Pat he News. TUF.SDAY, OCT. 26 The Unafraid. Paramount Picture. WEDNESDAY, OCT 27. Mary Plckford in Clnderilla. Paramount Picture. THURSDAY, OCT. 28 Who Pays? IPWMMM co $'6 $'6 ?A ?v ?v ?A 4W&!$ ?A?y W 3C UEES22E Advertised Letters. The fol lowing is a list of letters remaining "uncalled for" in the Weldon post office : Ada Hubbard, Charlotte John son (2), Minor Jones, Geo. Poin ter, John and Pattie Bridgers. Persons calling for above letters will please say "advertised," giv ing date of advertising. D. T. Clark, P. M., Weldon, N. C. Oct 18, I9I5. Drahkk-Hakt. Wedding invi tations have been received reading as follows : Mrs. Lula Cato Hart requests the honor of your presence at the marriage of her daughter Florence Allen to Mr. Luther Clifton Draper on Wednesday evening, October the twenty-seventh at half past seven o'clock Met'iodist F.piscopal Church Weldon, North Carolina. Walk. -Walk. Walk some where everyday. Walk for pleas ure. Walk for exercise and health, Walk in the woods and fields, to your work. Walk somewhere anywhere every day and enjoy it while you walk. Get the walking habit. Make it a hobby, and if you like, ride it.but don't get the habit of "going on wheels." Wheelsare not healthy; they are expensive; they get you there more quickly, perhaps, but you are not in as good condition as if you had walked. Cake Show. Saturday after noon from 3 to ( o'clock, October 23rd, the girls of the Weldon High School will give a cake show in the Literary building on Second street, to which the public is cor dially invited. Each girl will bake a cake and put it on exhibition. The cakes will be sold to the house keepers of Weldon for Sunday's dinner. This will be an occasion of considerable interest. Pre miums are offered for the best and prettiest cakes. The money real ized from this sale will be used to beautify the Graded school grounds. In Honor of Miss Mercer Green. Mrs. I. t. Green enter tained very delightfully on Thurs day from four to six in honor of Miss Mercer Green whose mar riage to Mr. Alonza Weightman Murphrey will take place on Wed nesday. O.iober the twentieth. The house was tastefully decorated with Ktlarney roses, and dahlias The refreshments consisted of a salad and ice course attractively served in pink baskets. Cupids were tied to the handles of each basket. Mrs. Wm. M. Cohen, (Reporter.) Good Wish Party In Honor of Miss Mercer Green. On Saturday afternoon, Mrs. William Jackson Ward entertained at a good wish party in honor of Miss Mercer Green the bride-elect. The guests were received by Mrs. Ward and Miss Green. While good wishes were being written in a heart shaped book delightful voice and piano selections were rendered by Misses Daniel, Her bert, Ward, and Mesdames Dail, and Curtis Howard. Beautiful roses were effectively used as decorations. Miss Bessie Owen assisted Miss Katherine Ward in serving refreshments. Mrs. Wm. M. Cohen, (Reporter.) Occasionally i man has the last word in an argument with his wife, but he his to say it under his breath. : THE WELDON BARGAiN NTO 1 ) J Best Shoes Ever Been Shown in the city to fit every member of the fam ily at M. FREID'S. We've Got 'Em. Got What? A handsome line of Ide and Arrow Brand Shirts for men just received at M. FREID'S. l lie ucm. auu newest Biyic. auu snaues 01 uaates Coats anU Coat Suits ill town. We have new ntie arrlvino- urnrilln AhI Ln I A !A t . ... " ..u ic ocauiy oi ti is. wnen you buy a Suit or Coat from us, there is no chance for the next person to buy one just like it. We have 118 Suits in the house in the newest models and we haven't two that looks alike. Now is the time to select a handsome suit or coat for A nice line of Plaids and Striped Silk Waistingsat M. FREID'S. not daily, but yourself, Because our prices are reasonable. THE WELDON BMWfJ STORE, A beautiful line of of La dies Fancy White Col lars at M. FREID'S. THE STORE WITH RIGHT GOODS We've got 'em and we must sell 'em. M. FREID, PROPRIETOR. THE STORE THAT SELLS GOODS RIGHT I mpnm 30E30E I . ZABA O mcmii hilm, O Call uu Next iluor to Zollicolli'r'it, WKt.DOX, N. ('. 1 lake vuut iiii'HHurp and make Huit to order un mv licncli. spi'Ct Ilui' Inn- ol pit'Of ifoodK Hint Mtiiipli'H. u! is l.n'U. Hi Kiiuianlri i iiOEiiOEzir r ill V 'JU Roll ok Honor. Below is the roll of honor in the Weldon Graded School for the month ending Oct. 12th : First Grade Florence Freid, Helen Wiggins, Catherine San ders, Alma Wyche, Jesse Culloni. Second (irade Bernice Dixon, Virginia Early, Nannie Bell Elks, Grace Green, Hazel Grant, Flor ence Massengill, Virginia Parker, Caswell Drake, William Pierce. Third Grade Lucy Barnes, Elizabeth Edwards, Annie Joyner, Marie Clark, Frances Scott, John Green, Arthur Hux, field. Fourth Grade Isaac Green, Forest Rowe, Sterling B. Pierce, Waller Sledge, Lucile Allen, Ellice Bounds, Julia Turner, Bessie May Flynn. Fifth Grade Sadie Sylvester, Bessie Jones, Louise Hayward, Caroline Daniel, Charles Vincent. Sixth Grade None. Seventh Grade Ida Vivian Hay ward, Anna Shaw. High School Foster Shaw, Narcissa Daniel, Virginia Inge, Stanford Travis. No. boys 8; girls 29. BUSINESS LOCALS One Cent a Word. PRIVET PLANTS $i per hun dred. Mrs. Bena Crocker, Weldon, N. C. WAN TED-Someone with a Pea nut Thrasher to thrash 1 ,000 bushels of Spanish Peanuts. J. H. Brodil, Henderson, N. C. oct. 7 3t. YOU can get the Nervo Corset at M. Freid 's. men of Wpldnn lit bnmi' rh-.il I lioi'p Lucius Shef-! ;,ir rpppivpil spvpn new ;fvlp in Steadfast Shoes for their inspec- Sledge. llANTED The young II FOR HEALTH SCHOOLS. Health work in schools will be Liken up this fall in a much more thorough and extensive manner in North Carolina than ever be fore. Physicians specially trained for such work will soon begin in spection in Alamance, Northamp ton and Edgecombe counties. These physicians will spend one day with each school. They will do much more than merely make a careful examination of the phys ical welfare of each child. They will eive health talks and conduct a health day program to be con cluded in the evening with an il lustrated lecture on general health and sanitation to which the school and entire community will be in vited. RUSSIA has orders for 10,000 Pullman cars in this country. Evi dently the Czar intends to do his retreating in comfort. tion. W. W. BEAUTIFUL line White top button Misses at M. Freid's. A of English shoes for MPORIA'S 10th Annual Five County Fair, Oct. 2(5, 27, 28 and 29. T IS ALWAYS our pleasure to show you our new coats and coat suits. M. rreiu. the Emporia next week. See their adv. in this issue. Reduced rates on all railroads. nON'T FORGET U Fair i F YOU wish a handsome suit I coat go to M. Freid's. or ns 1 Niaiht Business Sch .ol. MoiJays Tuesdays IkursJays 7 to :30 F M. Bookkeeping : Shorthand, Typewriting For terms iMply to P.O. nOX62orrIIONE . WELDON, N. C: ' THE GREATER DIXIE SHOWS I with their Merry-Go-Rounds, Ferris Wheels, and other riding devices, side shows and conces sions, and a 1 4 piece band will be at the Emporia Fair, Oct. 26th to 29th. Don't miss it. USUAL the racing will be one of the main attractions at ihe Emporia Fair next week. In ad dition to the amateur races, there will be many professional racers there, which were in Richmnn last week, and in Petersburg this week. It is said that every de partment will be bigger and better than ever. Q1GGEST line of shoes for men, D women and children. J.Samet fl NE HUNDRED sample suits U and coats at J. Samet's. pLOTHING for Men, Boys and U Children. J. bamet. Notice. Indersndby virtue of the power contaiued in a cettaiu mortgage deed r-iecuted to the undersigned ly Marion Madden, I will, on HATl'KIMY, IHE 2UTH OF NOVEMBER, 1915, at Li o'clock M.. in front of the S. A. L. ware house door in the town of Littleton, N. C. expose for sale at public outcry for cash a certain tract of land lying and bf inif in the State and County shore wntti'D and in Littleton Township, be ing known as one of the .Smith lotn, sit uated on east end avenue, being 7ui21l) feet, and being that identical tract of land described in said niortgagt deed recorded in Hook at page 95, Hali fax Fublio Registry, to which reference ii hereby made. V, N. BOND, Mortgagor. M i. l. -i t. m v -ti.' 'tv -:rv -fi.' fV-'fV 'tv 'n. 'ri -r- -.ti. '.ri -.fi.' COAL AND WOOD s ic HARRY SMITH, Soft Coal for October Delivery Very best grade $5.00 per ton 3 a A ?A HARD COAL-for October delivery--$9.00 per ton. WOOD-for October delivery-Cord Wood, $1 per load. SLAB WOOD, 75c. load. Box Mill wood 50c. per load. All wood cut stove length. Standard Furniture Values At Sensational Figures ! LOW PRICES FOR HIGH QUALITY ! Let us Show You This New Light Weight Simmons Steel Bed. Made of cold-rolled, burnished steel tubing 2 Inches in diameter this bed is so light a woman or a child can lift It or move it with ease. Has the new steel-wheel, leg-mount caster. Less likely to injure floors or carpets. Chills on bed are small and dainty. The finish Is superior to any ever put on an old iron bed as good as most expensive hand - rubbed beds. See this remarkable bed for yourself. AN EXTRAORDINARY VALUE AT ONLY $5.00 THE hundreds of pieces of home furnish ings that have been purchased from this, YOUR store of supremacy, are brightening many homes today and we know the purchasers are more than thankful to us for giving the Startling Low Prices on Quality Furniture. This is a money-saving event offering the public sensationally low prices on unusually high qualities. Dozens of articles are priced near cost to manufac ture, Come and look litem over. No obli gation to buy; we just want to convince you. Bargains In Great Variety furniture for all purposes and for every room in the house is represented in this selling and every single pieue or suite shown is furniture of -EQUALITY- furniture that we know to be made right furniture that will give eminent satisfaction Furniture that is absolutely safe to buy. Study the money-saving list of merchandise shown in this advertisement. These items offer you but a taste of the big list we now have on display In our store. Be merci ful to your pocket book! Come here and save money. 1'. - 71. W- T.-. fl ij, f.vl; MiAU tW .!! j If M M aV " sr. I r Simmons Coil Sppiwos This Spiral Spring Combines Com fort & Economy. (luaranteed by the largest ma kers in the world for 25 years. Won't sag or squeak. Made of the best grade of high carbon spring wire, oil tempered at 800 F. It has 60 continuous wind, heavy spirals attached to steel Slat bottom, with angle steel side rails. Extra heavy border wire and double crimp top construction. Beautifully finished in oxidized copper. A spring that gives perfect rest to every muscle. Let us show It to you. J J QQ Weldon Furniture Company.