Vbh Pall g Jill rwwl l-STABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Sunscription--$i.5G Per Annum VOL. I j. WELDON, N. C, TIIUliSDAY, NOVKMl.KK 1, 11H5. NO. 28 I'1 Hi :C9 Al.l ('11111,3 PKK CKNI-Tj AoiM(iii,'Vi'w,niiini;)rAs MimMiiiirtilrPnodandHfiiuia llnjJUif SitmactenralBowlsaf Pfomnli'sDiA'slionflwifiil- ncss ural lfe5i.CaiiiainsnclUr Opiiuu.Marphine norMiatraL! rot narcotic. huykm StJ JtxJram AusrM l)vrmmt jtaunemtUi, Claifirtt Sugrr Annfec! Remedy forConsllM- lion, Sour Stomach.Dlarrlwa Wornisfonvulsioiis.Fpvfrisli ness and Loss or Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. GASTORlfl For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Ai t lar W'.U ft ll If Ijjjfl Eact Copy of Wrapper. Use for Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMt INTAUN OMVANV, HtH TOMB OtTV. at THE BANK OF WELDON WELDON, X. Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. $55,000. For over '.'I yearn tlii. institution ha n oviiifil liankimr facilities fur this section. Its'stockhuhli th ami (illici is uic identified with the lium iii'mii intermix of Halifax and Nintluim pton oountit s. A Kavinifa Hi'partini'iit I" nuiiiituiiiol for tin- benefit of all who ili-niri-to deposit in a Savinus Hunk. In this I ic p;u t ttu-nt interest i allowed as follow: for Deposit)! allowed to remain three months or lonirer, J per cent. Six months or longer, 't per cent twelve month-, or lonirer. 4 percent. Vnv information will he furnished on application to the 1'iesideiit 01 Cashier I'KHSIlliST . K. I) AN I Kl., S c K I'KK-IIKM W It SMITH L. ( . IH.'Al'Ki;, lellei i ahiiikk: .1. il I 'ft A K K. til KK( 'TOUS W. li. Smith, N . K. I'miiel, .1. O. lnnLe. l. Cohen, l(. T. Ilaniel, .1.1,. Shepheid, W. A. I'ieii'e, i. It. Zolhcolti r, .1 . W. Hediie OE mm S Serviceable, Safe. THE most reliable lantern for farm use is the RAYO. It is made of the best materials, so that it is strong and durable without being heavy and awkward. It gives a clear, strong light. Is easy to light and rewick. It won't blow out, won't leak, and won't smoke. It is an expert-made lantern. Made in various styles and sizes. There is a KAYO for every requirement. At Dealers Everywhere STANDARD OIL COMPANY vftsl1rl...n p IM Chwrlottn. N. C Richmond. . " BALTIMORE I hrlr.t.n. w.V a. Norfolk. Va. rHilf(i-o.!.t- 3EZ30E30E O LUXURIES IN YOUTH AND AGE. To Provide for the Latter, Some Self-Denial Must Be Practiced In liarly Years. One day a young man twenty five years ol age told me lie had iusi (alien heir to $2,500. He was U'liiiji tn spend the whole sunt in put c luxury. He said that $2,501) was not much money any way, and that he might as well have a good time with it- cven though the good time lasted only a little while. When I lokl him in a general way that he ought to save that money I made no impression on him But when 1 explained to him how $2,500 invested at 6 per cent, and compounded annual ly, would double in twelve years he began to wake up. At thirty seven he would have $5,000, at forty-nine $10,000, and at sixty one $20,000. The $20,000 at sixty-one would he yielding him $1,200 a year a litile more than his present salary. I told him that when he is sixty one and has that $20,000 maybe somebody else will give him $2, 500, and if so to go out and spend it if he wants to. Money spent at sixty-one by a man of some means is not like money spent ai twenty live by a young man of no means. The man at sixty-one has compar atively little chance left for his pile to grow. In fact, by sixty-one he is supposed to have his pile. Always when contemplating lux uries consider how old you are before buying. The price of lux uries is much higher in early life than later, ft is very high in youth. If you want some com forts and a few luxuries in old age control yourself in the earlier years. (iel the foundation of your capital laid early, so that ii will have lime to build itself from small beginnings into a substantial amount say at sixty American Magazine. COULD USE SHOVEL. & T.ZABA, MERCHANT ttlLORX O K.t !... li. yolhi-ollerV V I J.IMlV S. '. . W M 1 take your measure an. I make suit tool, lei on my bench, (all ami 4 Vnnpect tine line of piece (rands ami samples. Satisfaction gnaiantee.r TANNER'S BOO F PftlHT SOLD BV Pifli'M JliiteliMil lid wara hliillliilliv IIVIVV II llIIUlIVllU IllWUMlUV wuuijtwiijfj There was a sudden rush of work, and the foreman was short of laborers. Going out into the road, he found a muscular looking tramp loafing at the corner. Here was a possi ble recruit. "My man," said he genially, "are you wanting work?" "What sort of work?" asked the tramp cautiously. "Well, can you do anything with a shovel?" The tramp suddenly beamed at the speaker. "I could fry a slice of bacon on it!" he said eagerly. Chicago In ter Ocean. TOO KHALISTIC. Willie finally persuaded his aunt to play train with him. The chairs were arranged in line, and he is sued orders. "Now you be the engineer and I'll be the conductor. Lend me your watch and get up into the cab." Then he hurried down the plat form, timepiece in hand. . "Pull out there, you red-headed pie-faced jay," he shouted. "Why, Willie!" his aunt ex claimed in amazement. "Thai's tight. Chew the rag," he retorted: "pull out. We're live minutes late already." Willie's parents had to forbid his playing down by the tracks. Hol land's Magazine. MATTER OE OPINION. "Mary !" I-'aihcrs voice rolled down the stairs and into the dim and silent parlor. "Yes, papa, dear." "Ask that young man if he has the time." A moment of silence. "Yes, George has his watch with him." "Then please ask hint what is the time." "He says it is 1 1 :48, papa." "Then ask him if he doesn't think it about bedtime." Another moment of silence. "He says, papa," the silvery voice announced impersonally, "he says that he rarely goes m bed before one, but it seems to him that is a mailer of personal preference merely, and that if he were in your place he would go now if he felt sleepy." Harper's Bazaar. THE OLD RELIABLE mum powder Absolutely Pure No Alum- No Phospha te REAL GREATNESS. OLD MAN AND AN OLD WOMAN. BY MARGARET STEELE ANDERSON. "AT EVENTIME IT SHALL BE LIGHT." We are too tired to work put up the tools; Too tired for music let the old violin rest! Once, for such idleness, we had been fools, Now it is wisdom now 'tis only best ! Give us a little spot out there in th' sun; A corner, where the fire is warm and bright; A bit of bread and broth and we are done, And ready for our journey in the night. No, no, we do not miss the labor now; 'Tis strange, perhaps, but all the music's naught; We do not feel the snow that's on the brow, The trembling hand brings not a trembling thought. We like the little quiet, sunny spot; We chat and doze, we sometimes doze and dream; The fireside's we never get too hot And very good our bread and lentils seem! And no we do not dread the trip to come; One will go first and see it how it is, Then wait near by, to call the other home, And lead along the darker passages ! BUT WHAT SAYtST THOU?'' We have saved the soul of the man that killed, We have turned to shrive the thief; We restored the pride of the man that lied; And we gave hint our belief; Hut for her that fell we have fashioned hell With a faith all stern and just It was so of old; and no man has told What our Lord wrote in the dust. We have sighed betimes of our brothers crimes And have bade them be of cheer, Tor the flesh is weak, and the soul grown meek May yet read its title clear. But we draw away from the one astray As the truly righteous must. She is cursed, indeed! and we did not read What our Lord wrote in the dust. For the men who thieved, and who killed, and lied Who have slain the woman's soul We have worked, and prayed, and have seen them made All clean and all pure and all whole. But we drive her out with a righteous shout In our Parisaic trust. So the man goes free but we did not see What our Lord wrote in the dust. AUNT JEW'S MAXIMS. By Cally Ryland. Hits a mighty good rule to keep sobuh when money is tight. , Hitsho is hard to recommembuh dat de man whar was a hero yes tiddy is a hero today. Service Is the Measure of (jreat i ness. I Christ has given us a measure I of greatness which eliminates con I diets. When his disciples disputed ! among themselves as to which i should be greatest in the kingdom I of heaven, He rebuked them and I said: "Let him who would be : chiclcst among you be the servant j of all." Service is the measure of I greatness; it always has been true, i it is true today, and it always will be true, that he is greatest who does the most of good. And yet, what a revolution it will work in this old world when this standard becomes i the standard of every life. Nearly ; all of our controversies and com i bais arise front the fact that we are trying to get something from each other, Our enmities and animos ities arise trom our efforts to get as much as possible out of the world. Society will have taken an immeasurable step toward peace when it estimates a citizen by his output raiher than by his in come and gives the crown of its approval to the one who makes the largest contribution to the wel fare of all. Extract from W. J. Bryan's lecture, "The Prince of Peace." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A CURE FOR ALL MALADIES. Right Living Will Aid the vidual, as Well as Put an to All National Disorders. A correspondent asks Dr. Evans, the noted hygienist, several ques tions categorically, eight of them, he adds, "Yes, right living." That is the best remedy of all. ' But, then, it not only cures bod- ily ills but moral and mental ones j as well, and not only individual ills, but social and national distent- j pers, too. Right living is the cure ; for all maladies of body, commu- nity, race. In fact, there is no other reliable cure. We may ; get some temporary benefit ! from this medicine and that, the last remedy is right living, and this j includes not only right food, pure j air and water, proper exercise and ! necessary sleep; out it includes states of mind and heart, of dispo sition, habit, and the kindly phases of life. Health is harmony with the beautiful world, w ith its flowers, j its birds, its stars, its streams, its trees, and everything that has a language and a song. A morbid, cross, quarrelsome disposition con tributes to sickness in some form. It will attack the liver, the kidneys, the lungs, the nerves and put a malady in them, Ohio State Jour nal. Men who mean no harm are not necessarily harmless. Give a busy man a circus pass and he will find time to use it. THE CHARM OF MOTHERHOOD Enhanced By Perfect Physi cal Health. MJLJt : -iiifJl ffrXll iMtSit in beat and too eco- The many needi for good cleanser and disinfectant i Domicalljr filled by MENDLESON'S LYE Iti full trength cuts greaem a jiffy from sinks and pans and makea it ideal for dinn fecting poultry Kouse and curing cholera in hogs. Its purity and tren8th make it the best Lye to use, while the extra quantity your money will buy, makes it the cheapest Twenty ounces of Solid Lye foi a Dime in stead of Sixteen. One ten cent can enough to saponify eight pounds of grease, making Dora Map than any other 10c can of lye on the market will make. The pound can makes fifteen pounds of soap. Three Forma solid, granulated and ball Two sis 10c and 5c Insist upon Mendleson's Best Lye fclNDLESONW mi jXONCENTRATEO .1 ii Naw, chile, de 'oman whar is studyin' mothuh-in-iaw. law ain't fixin' to be no A automobile is a horseless ca'iage, a ole maid is a manless 'oman en a smile is a noiseless laugh. V Hit ain't well to wait twell you is broke befo' you begin to mend yo' ways. De rose may wtthuh but de thorn stays on. Dar ain't no more reason why a 'oman should tell de trufe 'bout huh age den a man should tell de trufe 'bout his taxes. De reason why f&lks talks so much en says so little is bekase got little to say. dey's De man whar dunno his own weakness kin always depen' on his wife to pint out to him. 'Bout de time a girl gits to huh twenty-hT huthday you cyarn fin' a Bible in the house. People who are always saying "Listen!" never have anything of importance to say. Opinions and visits should be forced upon people. not WELDON, N, C. Temptation never fails to come to those who wait. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA True love is always able to dis pense with valuable advice of outsiders. The faster the man the easier it is for trouble to overtake him. . Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A The experience of Motherhood ia a try trigone to moat women and marks dis tinctly an epoch in their lives. Not one woman in a hundred is prepared or un derstands how to properly care for her aelf. Of course nearly every woman nowadays has medical treatment at such times, but many approach the experi ence with an organism unfitted for the trial of strength, and when it is over her system has received a shock from which it is hard to recover, i-oiiowmg right upon this comes the nervous strain of caring for the child, and a distinct change in the mother results. There Is nothing more charming than a happy and healthy mother of children, and indeed child-birth under the right conditions need be no hazard to health or beauty. The unexplainable thing is that, with all the evidence of shattered nerves and broken health resulting from an unprepared condition, and with am ple time in which to prepare, women will persist in going blindly to the trial. Every woman at this time should rely upon I.ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, a most valuable tonic and Invigorator of the female organism. In many homea once childless there are now children be came of the fact that Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound make women normal, healthy and strong. If yon want special adrtoe write to Ijdia E. Plnkkam Medicine Co. (confl deutlal) Lynn, Mass. Tonr letter wi 11 be opened, read and answered by woman and held la strict confidence. HALIFAX COUNTY WHOLESALE DEALERS: R. ,. Madry, Scotland Neck, N. C. Bowers tf; Co., Scotland Neck.N.C. RETAIL DEALERS: W. B. Strickland, Scotland Neck, N. C. Burroiighs-Pitiman-Wheeler Co., Scotland Neck.N. C. Clee Vaughiin, Scotland Neck, N. C. C. N. Malum', Scotland Neck, N. C. ff - - - Iiirnai.Mii.i;J I j PIP mm 1 ft; . vtl vm-. I ll;V That Girl looks like an Oasis in the Desert" And never was Oasis more uwlcfimp tn snn-hrrkpd mortal. The cooline air of the moun-j?-1. tains, the vigor of the ocean's wave, the contentment of the valley all these arc brought to work-wearied, heat -bothered in street, home and office by PEPSICo I Bracing, invigorating, refrr shtni and a "come-back" that makfS you feel like WORK. It (fives you what you wuit when you want it. For All Thirsts l ,t !l!v vrif VTw. V f -T ' lw -V 1 WV I Dr-n in nt the fountain then you'll k. iow what w mean. Put up i i bottles, too. at your grocer's. Pcpsl'Cola Every Housewife or Mother is ever under Am that Nervous Strain- t which so often results in Headaches, Dizzy Sensations, Faintness, Depression and other jf Nervous Disorders. Dr. Miles NERVINE is Highly Recommended in Such Cases. IP FIRST BOTTLE FAILS TO BENEFIT, YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. I J f Ai.. -Hi ':v.-.yi mmn BADLY RUN DOWN. "I liid bH-inw areatlj run down ami my imrveH wra In terrible condlilnn. I bad frequent head-a- hcii a tid became very weak and wuh unable to do anything. I bought a bottle of Dr. MlW Nerv ine. I mi. n begun to fW better, my nerven wh quieted. I r e.ivreil tnv Mt-ptifth. nnA havt ntnoa reoiHnnu-mleti ir, Milea Nenrlna to ninny of my friends who hava UM It With j-MUfartory results. A:iI3. KKANOF.S WWTUX'K, 170 UroHdwiiy, Schenectady, N. T. T- '7