HAVE YOU WEAK LUNGS? j K1TCHIN 0FP0Sji!tFLNSE FLAv A nm3 trainer, hid aiter congress adjourns Do cohis settle on vour chest or in vuur bronchial tube? Ho coughs han on, or are you subject to threat troubles t j Such troubles ahouM luvt iintm'tliette ! n.t,. VU wit, aula, F" ' " 01 Scott's Emulsion to guard against consumption which so easily follows. Scott "s Emulsion contains pure cod liver oil which peculiarly strengthi-nt the res piratory tract and improves th quality of the blood; the glycerine in it .soothes and heals the tender membranes of the throat. Scott's is prescribed by the best special ists. You can get it at any drug ston bcott St Bowne, Bloom field, N. J Tells President Me Will Nut Buck Plans THE ROANOKE NEWS, Thursday, Nov. 1 1, uh: Published Every Thursday. STKKKU AT PONTOViru K AT WKI.HON Aij j SKtUND-CLABH MAI1KH. 1 i i KATES OF SLBSCKil'l ION IN AtsV AM I : i One Year, (by mail) postpaid, six Months, " " .7;. A weekly Democratic journal devoted to the material, educational, political and agricultural interests of Halifax and aurroundiUKCouutie. OS I At j Advertising rates reasonable and fur nished on application. Just waich the News and Ob server rise from the ashes brighter and better ihan ever. Villa is not only doubtful about his next move, but is probably sor ry he has to make it. Thk President of China has 3 1 children, but they do not have Christmas over there. Great Britain says thai the Allies will win. Germany says the Central Powers are 10 be victorious. The start which has been made in the "moonlight school" cam paign indicates that Old Man Illit eracy will soon be on the run. A headline from Washington says the results of last week's elec tions "are full of uncouragement to Democrats." We are from Missouri. PlTY me? Don't do it. If I had lived two centuries ago and advo cated what I do now I would have been hanged. William J. Bryan at Cleveland. Thk gmners report to Novem ber I shows 408,0(55 bales ginned in North Carolina this season against 427,949 in 1914; and 384.2H0 in 1913. The New England Slates are protesting against putting a thou sand dollar educaiion on 10 cent boys, We protest against ten-cent educaiion for our thousand-dollar boys. It is the view of the Concord Tribune that one thing needed badly by Great Britain is "an ex pert cabinet maker." We hope this does not refer in any way to coffin manufacturers. The price of a box for the sea son at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York is $15,000. I he suppers after the opera and extras are to be added. We have decided not to take one this season. CLAUDE KITCHIN The kiichin interview, and the announcement afterward by the leader of the House that he will not go with the President has given the Washington heaJliners an oc casion for big type. The Times, which supported Roosevelt last year, said, all across the from p.ie "House Leader Kiichin refuses to support Wilson's navy plan. The Star (Republican! suys:"Kiich in refuses to hack naval plans," Mr. Kitchm said: "I regret 10 say that I cannot support the Pres ident's naval program. I did not discuss the army program with him. I do not care 10 say anything more at this lime. 1 shall give my reasons for opposing the Presi dent's program on the floor of the House. I feel, though, that I shall be in the minority in the fight." Mr. Kiichin suied that he will f arewell Lianquet (iiven to Jack Jojner As He Leaves England To Returned to America. The following condensed report, from an English paper, the Sports man, published at New Market, England, of a big dinner given to A. J.Joyner.who leaves England to return to America, will be read wilh interest by Jack Joyner's many North Carolina friends: "A very pleasant function was , enacted at the Subscription Rooms Clubs, New Market, on Wednes day evening, when Mr. A. J. Joy- i ner, who is shortly to return to America, was entertained at a fare well banquet by his fellow trainers, Lord Lonsdale presided, and w as supported in the vice-chair by the Hon. George Lambion and Mr. 1 Tom Jennings, with aboui iwemy- ! five other well known trainers present. I "An excellent dinner was well served and the chairman, genial, as ever, was in his best Ion id in presenting the guest of the even ing with a handsome silver salver, Inch is to be engraved with the autograph signatures of all who were present, spoke in highly eu logiMie terms of Ins many good qualities, and complimented him 1 on his popularity in England, a sentiment which met with hearty ; recognition, which must have been ! gratifying in the extreme to Joy- j ner. His lordship told a few tilings j about Germany and the Germans, but they were not complimentary and cannot be repealed here, fori the simple reason thai the President and Bride Will Spend Their Honeymoon on the May flower, Probably in Florida Waters. f.-i.i M . .... '!. I "i j " 0 Si! iK'-v'V "1 ; 4' : 'I ' c mm nananHanHonnnnHHnnanfflfifl War upon Pain ! J in l.J, IK, Krff.i HERE'S MONEY f:OR YOU TO DRAW UPON in time of need if vou have saved your money inis lianK. iivi: i'. MM IV WELDON. N. Tain is n visiior to every home and uiunlly it comn quile uneipectedly. But you are prepared for every emergency i you Keep a imull hottlc of Sloan'a L iniment huncly. It it the jreateit PAtn killer ever disi-ovcttd, limply laid on the kin no rubbing required It drivea the pain away instantly. It ia reully wonderful. m ml 4; Interest on Savings Deposits would not pass them, but it is safe to assume ihat whatever may have been his feelings in the past he is no longer in love with the Tuetons. In responding to the toast Joyner was visibly moved 10 emotion, but in a few manly words express! President Wilson and Mrs Edith , polling Gait w ill be married imme diately after Congress adjourns ! for ilie Christ m a s holidays. The honeymoon will be on the I '. S. S. M.a 'Mow i.t, and probably in Florida waters. The Mayflower is known as the President's yacht, and has just dropped anchor off the Washington Navy Yard. An inspection revealed that the vessel has just been repainted and redec orated from stem to stern, both in side and out. The furnishings of the beautiful craft are simple but of a quality fit i for a King. These have all been renovated and made as good as new. The friends of the President and Censor j Mrs. (ialt consider this a most hap-1 , . hi an. manly urus expressed make his hght against the nat.ona j his gramuJe ad hjgh apprecia,jon defense program as an individual member but not as leader of the House. That means that Repre sentative Finis Garrett, of Ten nessee, or some other Democrat, will speak for the administration in the big contest of the coming ses sion of Congress. The attitude of Representative Kitchin after talking for an hour with the President, is considered serious. No one who know s Mr. Kitchin thinks that he w ill calmly submit to the jibes that will be cast at him when he lines up against his party. big Tiiif Ifi raTeioh. Loss $J0O,0OO News and Obser ver Again Burned Out. Completely laying waste the priming plants of E. M. Uzzell & Co. and the News and Observer, flames, discovered at six o'clock Saturday morning, wrought havoc to me amount ot s.iiHi.iHK) prop erty loss on the block of West Mar tin street between Salisbury and McDowell. With the rum of the flames to these two buildings came additional destruction by fire and crumbling walls the Wake Shoe Company, the Chrvsial Theatre. j H. S. Storr Company, Raleigh i Apartments, Baptist Book Store. J. L. O'Quinn, Wright's Hotel py solution of the question of where the honeymoon will be i spent. It will insure quiet and rest and set at rest the keen rivalry j of fnends and relatives to enter- j tain the couple. I I'WhriinntTiarr- mm you will Are You "All knocked out with a cold?" We have numer ous remedies that will "Knock out a cold" in DOUBLE QUICK TIME" COME BACK" with a m a a H .;;;: ...;:.-:;iii: !!:; Willi ji iii i 111 !'.1 I ! ;7'i: i:; Jill W'l'ii! 1 1 I !' !: ij I I I 1 0 5 A1VV Sloan's Liniment M llllllllli i5&3 I S M I L E That won't come off. We guar antee a cure. SOUTH WELDON PHARMACY. of the compliment which had been paid him, and of the kindness he j has received from all and sundry j during his sojourn in England. "Come back soon," was the cry, ! and the flattering response winch , cainequick and pat,w.is."Vou bet,l ! will." He goes home enjoying ' the goodwill and best wishes of a host of friends, and the sooner he ! comes back the more welcome will be his reception." Nothing like this was ever given to a trainer before, with a lord presiding, and it is most gratifying 10 see that old Halifax county can Mold ner own wherever she goes, even in England. TAKE IT IN TIME, Just As Scores of VYcldon People Have. i .. . . DEN Vaijc.HAN. of the medical I and the Shepherd Buildinu college of the University of Michi- J This is the second time that the gan, says that within the last twen- j Ne -s and Observer h is been burn-ty-five years the average length of ed down. The other occasion was life has been increased ten years. I n April 2 1, 1913. The fire then Due, perhaps, to the good work of : swried at 6 o'clock in the after the W. C. T. U. noon when a great crowd of peo- ' pie were on the streets returning THAT the Woman Suffrage I from the Carolina League baseball Amendment was beaten is not sur-! opener. nrii-iiK. Kur ii . .... .1. . iui 11 is .si(jMim.aiu mat me 1 Suffragists appear to have done ! miml. k ... . . 1 . i uiuui ucnei mi isew torK man in Massachusetts, which used 10 be regarded as the home of human freedom. MISS CORN WEDS MR. COBB. j When Hrldeitroom Shells Out for License Clerk Refuses Paper. KI'O, In )I N I V J WILL NOT DOWN. The sympathies of every paper in North Carolina are extended 10 the Secretary of the Navy in his greai loss. But the man who rose from the chair of a country weekly to the presidency of a great daily newspaper like (he News & Ob server and later to an honored place in the Cabinet of the Presi dent of ih I lniH V, .,.. .... the man to succumb to misfortune. Just watch and see how the "Old Reliable" will rise again ST.lTKOFollht H I V 01-TOI.KIK) lit AS Col i-'rauk J. C heney makes oath that lie ia senior partner of the firm of K. J. Cheney A Co., doinir himinexx in the city of Toledo, County aud State aforeaaid, and that aaid firm will pay One Hua dred Dollam for each and every caae of Catarrh that emiuot be cured by the use of Itali a Catarrh Cure. Bworu to before me and i ubaeribed in my preaence; thu Oth day of December, A. D. lHHu. (seal) A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken internally and acta directly upon the blood and mucoua aurfaoea of the ayatera. F.J. CHENEY 4 CO., Toledo, Ohio. Testimonials aeut free, l'riee 75 centa per hottle. Sold by all druiwiata. Take llall'a ratnily Pill'i for Conatipa. tioa. Ad. Kl l'aso liispateli I.o Anaelei Times. Miss Jessie Margaret Corn and Stanley Duncan Cobb were mar ried at noon at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Corn, on North Santa Fe street. When Cobb went to the clerk of records olflce 10 get the marriage license the clerk refused to issue it thinking it a practical joke. It was not until the bride's mother insisted that the Corn Cobb wed ding was on the level that the li cense was issued and Cobb said he expected to be shelling outfor Mrs. Cobb and the little nubbins the rest of his life. The women claim that when they get ihe vote they are going 10 make politics as cleanly as a piece of snow and that all the contamina tion which now lies at the door of the ballot is going 10 be removed. Went to the Hospital. ('. E. Itlaueliard, postmaster at Blau chard, Cal., writeB: "I had kidney trou ble ho bad I had to go the hospital. Fo ley Kidney I'illa were recommended to me and they completely cured me. I cannot apeak too highly ol them." Suf ferer in every alate have had similar benefit from this alandard remedy for kidney and bladder ailments. It ban uliea backache, stiff jointa, swollen muaoles and all the various symptoms of weakened or diseased kidneys. Sold by E. CLARK. THK BUSY VYOkl.u. Ask a business man "Did you read that story about this or that in the paper" and time times out of ten he will tell you: "No, 1 j saw the headlines but didn't get ' time to read it." I SoiiKtimes we think the head line writer should be killed, that I he should be banished, and thai all I ihe news should be put 111 the pa I per without anything to indicate what it was about except in the middle or at the end of the story, and then if a man wanted to be up on what is doing he would be obliged to take time and actually read his paper. There are too many people going through life with only the head line informa tion. Everything. Cured Boy of Croup. N"tliin frightens a iiiotlii-i more than the lim.l, hoane eimifh of croup The labored breathing, strauiflinir, choking and gasping for brealli call for instant action. Mrs. T. Neurcur, Kail Claire, W is , says; "Foley's Honey and Tar cured my boy of a serious attack of croup after other remedies had tailed I recommend it to every one as we know from our owu experience that it is a wunderful remedy for coughs, colds, croup ami whooping cough." It cleais air passages, soothes and heals. Sold by E. (T.AKK. WOMAN SUFFRAOE'S DEFEAT In the result of the woman suf frage elections in New York, Mas sachusetts and Pennsylvania there is no reason for surprise. The re- suit was expected by all close and unbiased students of ihe situation. New Jersey previously had reject ed woman's plea for the ballot by a decisive majority, and all the probabilities pointed the conclusion that the essentially."similar electo rates of the three tnie th on Tuesday would do the same thing. It becomes evident that ihe con servative East, like ihe more con servative South, is not yet ready to give w omen the vote. This un williness has its basis in tradition as well as in argumentative reason and is buttressed by the conclusion thai the mass of women in the South and East do not desire do- l:.:--l I; -.1. r micai equality wttn men. 1 imes Dispatch. Our Jitney Offer This and SOc.l Don't miss this. Cut out this slip, enclose with Ac. and mail to FoIpy a Co., Chicago, III., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Fo ley's Honey and Tar Comuound. for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Ca thartic Tablets, a wholesome and ihnv. oughly cleansing cathartic, for consti pation, biliousness, neadacut and slug gish bowels. Sold by . CLARK. Wailing doesn't pay. ! If yomneglect kidney backache, L'rinary troubles often follow. Act in time by curing the kid neys. Doan's Kidney Pills are specially for weakened kidneys. Many people in this locality rec ommend them. Here's one case: Miss E. T, Powell, dressmaker, 524 Arlington Street, Rocky Mr, N. C, says: "1 had a severe at tack of rheumatic pains. I suffer ed from backaches and pains in the back of my head and beiween my shoulders. My kidneys were not acting right and I couldn't I rest well nights. I doctored and used several medicines, I but nothing seemed to do me j much good. Finally, d used uoan s Mdney fills and they re lieved the aches and pains in my back, corrected the kidney annoy ance and did me a greai deal of ood." (Staiement given Novem ber 21, 1910. Lasting Results. More than three years later, Miss Powell said: "The benefit Doan's Kidney Pills gave me has been permanent. I have had no signs of rheumatic pain or other kidney irouble for some years." Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Miss Powell has twice publicly recommended. FOSTER-M1LBURN CO., Pro prietors, Buffalo, N. Y. VIRGINIA FARMER Beitored To Health By Vinol Atlee, Va. I was weak, run down, no appetite, my blood was poor. I could not sleep nights and was rapidly los ing flesh, but I am a farmer and had to work. Medieines had failed to help me until I took Vinol. After taking three bottles mv annetite i fmu I at...... ...ii my uioou u goou ana 1 am well again. -Orlando w. Borkey. Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron ionic wunoui on, is guaranteed to over come weak. run-down conditions.chronic cuugna, coius ana bronchitis. W. M. Cohen. Druggist, Weldou, V ( Go to HARRISON'S .... iLMJ mm see ft W n n the most can he selected t from our wonderful toik of $g up to-date this artistic disnlnv nf that SHE will admire and Treasure JEWELRY. 1 1 Sprain! IB SORFMlfftJlB m ' 9 - - SaiaV- ""MlMlfB $k '6- $'4r AVX. vW vW vy W II OPERA HOUSE Program for Week Commencing Friday, November 12th, and ending Thursday, November 18th. FRIDAY, NOV. 12-Neal of the Navy (New Serial.) Pathe News Cartoon Comedy. VsMeW MM MMMM (W-i, SATURDAY, NOV. IJ Charlie Chuplin Comedy. (iencral Film Service, W " WWMMMMWWW tMWWW Wwj, MONDAY, NOV. 15-Diamond From the Sky. Pathe News. Comedy. TUESDAY. NOV. 16.- Paramount Picture. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 17. Paramount Picture. TH I men a v vf' in ..- ivnoni, oui. 10. no rays r . iu. iiu rays r v $ & Mjr M 1 U Do not fail to g Necklaces, Rings. Pins, Bracelets, etc U today . It is our n Call Pleasure to Serve You. Jeweler, C. N. Rh KS. Weldon, N. C. ft ft ft n ft ft ft CONDENSE . STATF.All-Nr OF Till- CONDITION OF THK Bank of Enfield, WW SpEfio LL You lL ? Vou might get sick or hurt-be prepared for it lou might want to make an investmen. -start now, flakes money to make money," you know, You might be visited by thieves or fire-an account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one to get into. We Day 4 per cent on Sav. ngs Accounts r-j-ijj-g, Bank of Halifax, HALIFAX, nsr. c. N. L. Stedman, I'remdcnt P. C. Oreifory, iee ITCKIilent. H. (lregory i'ahier Fnfield, N. C, at ihe close of business June 2.1, 1915, Resources Loam and discounts. Overdrafts, Revenue stamp. Banking llou-f Furniture and I'ixUu . Cash in Safe, ( anil and due from banks Total, HI .'ll r. , 1 n h 1 . t h 1 i.iiiiii.uti tu.o7l.7L' KWl.tlli.H'i ' j Capital : ' ! Mil hint Liabilities toek, Cndivided pioliin. I nearned iIim'uuhn Interest duedeposiloi', I'ep0lti, Total. rlii.mio.iiti .'Hi.tum.oti I, f. T.-IVi.ii l.'.tHKI.IHI stateof North Carolina. ) MveyWatson.l'resid. ntof the ahove-named 'bali'k do'1"','.',' the above statement is true .0 the lies, ol Z knoZti.e andtf ' Stale of nl, i'.,i;. 1VKY WATSON County of Halifax Subscribed and snoin to before this Und dav of .lule in 1.1 ' '. H. '.M.VlTIIhWS, Notary I'ublic me, Correet-Attest ii:o. It. (fl(T, H. C. IH'NN, C. K. MctlVVIti.W, Directors. s.ar that I'lesidcnt. For Automobile Repairs and Supplies All kinds of Machine work done-nu-tionary , Gasoline, Marine and Steam hnifines, (iuns and I'istols. Satisfaction Kuaianteed. Tiresand Supplies on hand for sale Shop east end of Second Street. II. W. HARRISON, Weldon, N. V. NO, $e lor MALARIA or CHILLS FEVER. Five or ,, do.es will break any caae, and If takea then as a tonic th Few will not r'Z . " . n tarn iiTr better ihaa Catena, and does ao pig, oraichaV 1 J fi fill -iii V, A) s, jjbPECIAL SALE i Bureau Scarfs, lim-i- aj 4 rflbroidered, Drawn YftilZWI m work and Batten- 1 1 14J f. htiro- cnl.'n.ti.l . v ... e wK,k,ll,lu v uiucs, ladies Aprons and Caps 25c ,. i.nritc urganaieionars 0c 10 & 25c 10 to 25c 10c 10c Ranges n Stoves m Heaters Turkish Leather Rocker, $25 value now $20. Oo Carts, $12.50 and $15 value now $8. Beautiful line of 9x12 Druggets $2.50 to $35. Oil Cloths and Linoleums, 25c to $1 per yard. BED ROOM SUIT:S $15 to $500. Lace Curtains and Portieres. 75c. to $10 a pair, Sterling Silver. Cut Glass Jinii Info of other suitable Wedding Gifts al- . i ways on nana. Weldon Furniture Company, WELDON, N. C. Children's Outing Shirts Hattcnhurg Doilies Hoy's Pants, 25c l,lou,ies 25c Suspenders New hooks Unke Pans, all sizes, Children's Outing Gowns Violet lojiet Water, l ine . i renv.okes and Candies, pound 10 and 20c tiosvisfor Bulbs, ,0, 15 and Chinese Sacred Llllies, .u.c uii uotn 15 & 20c BERT'S 5. 10 & 25c. Store, Weldon, North Carolina. ..10c .. 25c 25c 25c 10c ii i) il h il m sniisii i b JUL For Dressv Men ! You may be most critical j about your clothes. You may IolIlI .vn U 1 ... i you We Insist on the best quality of material and latest styles And be as "fussy" as please about the fit. satisfy you with a suit or overcoat, tailored by Spouse Bro$.f "Remember clothes." a fit or no FARBER & JOSEPHSON, M IT M C A Kl r- . . . . . . MEN'S ANDiBOYS' OUTFITTERS. WELDON, N. C. V it Jjr

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