) mmmmmwm f ,n i.h ii. i i?vmmimm"mm0mMmemymm wi n 11 yiiiiirinnin miiinmum - vi'wawpwwiqwwK? m biiiiji ii i.m' jiwiummh wmujmwmmm$ip mt wniiyi-yLwy' ijijs-ijWLi i uiLiiiTirwy,-irgiw:.'g NTT'-' 1 .." -will np.iipg'i.nMi t- m' I'W- ' ---y- - - - JJl''''p;-J';;;fJ37,3 r'"I..Jlll3.T '"""'u--iWi Kiiirr-rnnr 1 1' i n 'fi m n ir - -, - -. - rn n 1 1 1 - t-ff w ttf n iismi.inw -mttYr ' l " if tfii -fl rt'iti"- ' ' ' ' ijn-Wi -M, ..tX, ffiWUii Jniiwl .-main ir ii wmiii waniniiir ih-inrn'iHiittrtnAa,ni mmmt i k.BMi it t ir n iwrttliimiwinM nnri , ..n,,,,,.,,,, BIG SALE GOING ON AT J. SAMliT'S: WELDON, N. 0. The largest sale ever held in Halifax County. Sale begins Thursday, November 18th. Prices Cut in Two. I 13 !() THE WELD ON BARGAIN STORE as fll The People of Halifax Northampton counties are and fast "Thursday Corns Friday Corns The opposition of Mr. Bryan j to the plans of President Wilson ! mujt not be too lightly renjrded, for, while the srent majority of i Americans will agree with .he j nQ COrUS OU Saturday." I lt3IUV.Ul, WIH.ll Oil, Uljilll to mixing with the Congressmen he will direct the votes of many cf them. New line Boy's Suits in newest shades & styles such as Royal Brand. Value S6.50, special $4.76, atFreid's finding out that the best goods in Weldon are to be found at gj the ever busy I 3 M. FREID, Proprietor. The place is southeast corner of Washington Avenue and Third Street. 1 Ladies fur trim- OJJCCiai med suits, all shades, val. $18 now $12.50. Ladies silk plush coats in the new est models, value $17.60, special at $9.75. English ShoesI For ladies and misses, Colt and kid laps special $2.50. Cured Buy of Croup. Nutltiui; li iv'lilrii-i a mutlii'i ntoii'lliuu Iht' luinl, liuuist' I'oiiijii ol' citMip, The lutioit'tl lm-atlmitf, straiitfliiiir, oliukintr ami nspiiit; I'm lnv:iili cull fui niMtant net ium. Mr T N "Mi re nr. In it 'him, Wis,, m;i yi. ' I'olt'y'- Kuiii'V ami Tar Piitr.l niy luy id' a M-iiuus ul tack (if en.. ip .liter dllii'i n iiidln-. (mil tuilt ! I rrciiMinini l it it im ry nuc a c know !'lU!ll I III uttt! t' M I li'lu'i' thllt It IS 11 Muiult il'iil ri.mc'iy for couhn. euliN, croup mill w luiitpuii: euuirh," It olt'aix air p!iMiiif,s, muUh'" :tnl iirals. M.Ml.yi:. TI.AliK. XJ 1 HHAN Among the injustices of v;ir is tlic rule that cundenins a spy 10 be shut, while his corinnan tier is guar anteed safety as a prisoner. j Went to the Hospital, J (.'. K. lilaneliaril, Hstiimtir at I'.lan ch.ii'l. I al , wi-ttcs: "1 liad kidney trou ble w lad I bad I" to tlie hos jntut. Fo ley Kidney l'lll ere leeomiuelldrd to . mi-a:id Ibey euiiipletely cured me. 1 I'lumut too liiti'lilv tit 1 1 u-in . " Sul'- i 1'erern in every state lave bad similar beuetil IVoin tins standaid remedy fur kidney and bladder ailments. It bau islies baekaebe, stilt Jinls. swollen inusoles and all the various symptoms of weakened or diseased kidneys. I iv b. Cl.AUK. Why? Because Mr. Corn Sufferer stepped into the nearest one of our stores and bought a 25c. package ol N YAL'S CO UN KKMOVKU Do likewise. Don't suffer a moment longer when relief is so simple and so near at hand Price 25c. Sold by W. M.COllKN, Pharmacist Nothing works smoother than Ny al's Corn Remover Are You "All knocked out with a cold ?" We have numer ous remedies that will "Knock out a cold" in ri i (tu vjuiiv i i iir d il you will "COMB HACK" with a S M 1 L K That won't come off. We guar antee a cure, SOUTH WELDON PHARMACY. There will be gratification among i great host of friends at the news that Mr. E. M. Uzzell will organ ize a new company to engage in the printing and binding business. Mr. Uzzell is a man of too much grit and determination to "shut up shop" because of a lire." AFTER THREE" YEARS. n m m n WHIiN YOU WANT IT EARLY CALL $ 3 4 , ft Your wants I J V, T. PA UK KK, ll!-?!ALGrocJ?2Eeo.open. j THE WELDON BARGAIN STORE Weldon Testimony Kemainn skaken. L'n- n jijc Do not fail to n Mi t that SUn will ii dm I re and Treasure the most can be selc from our wondvrful stock of jh up-to-date iV JEWELRY. YlktY SpEfiD JLL You Efl? You might get sick or hurt be prepared for it You might want to make an investmentstart now, "Takes money to make money," you know, You might be visited by thieves or fire--an account with us prevents loss, the saving habit is a mighty good one to vet into. We pav 4 per cent on Sav ! ngs Accounts I THli- UiOER BUT STRONGER he hi-ulthy at seventy, prepare at in.y, is sound advice, because in the strength uf iniUUe life we too often forget that neglected colds, or careless treat ment of slight aches and pains, simply undermine strength and bring chronic weakuess fur later years. To re stronger when older, keep your J'-lt-otl pure unil rich and active with the streiik'th-buiUhriK and bloodnouhshini proptTtie ol Scott's KmuUion which ia I.kI. a tonic and a medicine to keep your bl(K)d rich, alleviate rheumatism and avonl sickness. No alcohol in Scott' . Scott & Bonue, BtoQm&elJ. N. )- THE ROANOKE NEWS, Tm'RSDAt, Nov. 18, 11)15. Published Every I hursday IVTKKKI) Al- I'lixrnmi K Al KI..IUN MKtlNII- I.AH MA1TKII. l l S OF l USdfllM KIN IN UVAl I H:i ' Yi'iir. fliy mull) iuNtpaiil. Six Months, " " L.".II A vci'!;!y ! ii'itnu'iiitif journal ilcvoti'i to the matt-rial, eiliu'alicnul, politM'a ftud agricultural iiilt rtvitti ot Halifax an lurroumliniM'uuiiiit-". AdvertiHiuir rati-w rfaioimlile ami liihed on applioatiun. Booker T. U'ashington. the noied negro educaior and founder of Tuskegee Institute, died al his home ai Tuskegee, Ala , Sunday morning four hours after his arri val from New York. Death was due to hardening cf the arteries following a nervous breakdown. The negro leader had been in failing health for several months, but his condition became serious last week while he was in the east. He realized the end was near, but was determined to make the long trip South to bearout his oft ex-rre-si.d statement that he had been "bum in the South, have lived all my life in the South, and expect to die and be buried in the South." He was born in slavery at Hale's Ford, Va., in 1857, and after the emancipation of his race he moved with his family to West Virginia He graduated in General Arm strong's school for negroes, at Hampton, Va., in 1875. R. J. Perry, a well known barber of this town, and Booker Washington were class mates in General Arm strong's bchcol. Washington was president of the debating society ind Perry was secretary. j BACK PRESIDENT'S POLICY. Sentiment of the Second District Appear to l:avur the Presi dent's Policy ol Adequate De fense. Some days ago the New York Herald sent .1 query to newspapers and many ither einens of Con gressman (Jjude Kitchm's district akinjj brief replies as to the senti ment of the people touching the President's policy. Of the twenty four replies received from the dis trict twenty were favorable to the President's policy; three were against and one would be classed as neither "fish nor flesh." The replies from Halifax county were as follows: Bnlield 1 think President Wilson has acted with courage and discretion and high patriotism, but the "jin go" policy and its inevitable high taxes are unnecessary when war is ended and peace and reason re sume their sway. Armies and navies will not be needed except in a small way for the balance of the century, let us hope. I think Mr. Bryan's letter on the subject is quite sensible. George B. Ci;rtis. The people of this community as a whole are strongly in favor of the President's defence policy. T. M. Cooper. I think a decided majority of the people ot tins community are en tirely in accord with the President in his defence policy. Personally, ! eenevr tt is imperative that we have an adequate defence and that this can be had only by materially strengthening both the army and the navy. I am an advocate of peace and believe that the Presi dent's plan is the only rational one that will insure the same. Not the least of the many valuable les sons the present unfortunate war has taught is that nations, like in dividuals, are sometimes in order to retain their self-respect forced to do that which they would gladly avoid. A. S. Harrison. Roanok Rapids. I am heartily in favor of the President's defence programme. The sentiment of this community is overwhelmingly in favor of ade quate national military prepared ness. I do not believe Represent ative Claude Kitchin's views re flect at all the sentiment of this dis trict. J. T. Stainback. Based upon the President's safe and sane policy for the past year in everything pertaining to war, the people of this section have all confidence in his wisdom and judg ment and will unqualifiedly sup port him in his recommendation for adequate national defence. C. A. Wychi: Srotland Neck. Local sentiment seems sharply divided regarding a liberal expan sion of preparedness. A. McDowell. Community sentiment on the subject of preparedness is divided. The majority appears somewhat opposed to President Wilson's policy as to the nation's defence. Editor, The Commowfai.th. Personally, 1 am in favor of the President's defence policy and feel that I voice the majority of the sentiment of this vicinity. P. C. Gregory. Weldon. Our people generally support the President's defence policy. J- W. Sl.EDGE. Our Jitney Offer This and 50c. Kon't mind this Cut out thin ulip, endow with and mail to I'olt y ,v su., im-uKo, in., wruinir jour name and aildn-HH clearly. You mil rcci ive in return a trial paekace contuminK Fo ley' lluuey and Tar Compound, fur coukIisi, eolds and croup; Foley Kiduey and hla.lder ailments; and Foley I a tliartic TahleU, a wholesome aud thur ouifhlv cleauinit cathartie. fur coimti pation, biliouaDem, headache and lu giidi howd. Sold hv K CLARK Anent the present European war, world students are asking what would happen if Japan had China's sie or China had Japan's spunk? I itii is- rhh h.'v.f ipse t i it Initft w- at i " "' . rsecKiaces, Kings Here is a Weldon story that has;? stood the test of time, It is a story j today . It is our with a point which will come home ; to many of us. ! George W. Tye, Cedar St., Wei-: ? don, says: "My kidneys were not acting as they should and the kidney secretions were unnatural. ' 1 also had pains in the small ; w of my back and through my ; kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills ) relieved me of all aches and pains, ! regulated the action of my kidneys and did me good generally." j (Statement given December 14, j 1910.) ; A Lasting Effect. Over three years later, Mr. Tye i said; "The benefit Doan's Kidney j Pills gave me has been lasting and I it,.... i. . t - I i iuc nau no occasion to use tnem for the past two years." Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't simply ask fur a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Tye has twice publicly recommended. FOSTER-MILBUKN CO., Pro prietors, Bi.ffalo, N. Y. sec this artistic I'ins, Bracelets, display etc. Call Pleasure to Serve You. C. N. EK KS, Jeweler, : : : : Weldon, N. C. of h Bank of Halifax, HALIFAX, ILT. C. N. L. Stedman. President P. C. OreRory, Vtri'-l'rf'Hident. F. H. Gregory Cashier CONDENSE . STATEMENT OE THE CONDITION OF THE Bank of Enfield, lintield, N. C, at the close of business June 23, 1915, 1 0 il to HARD CHRONIC COUGH Made Well by Delicious Vinol Crestline, Ohio. " I contracted hard, chronic couh. and waa weak, nervous and run duwn. 1 havo a imall family uf three, and it was hard for me to do my work, i took dilferent medi cines without benefit Finally I heard a'niut Vino!, and it has restored me to health and strength, my cough is all gone an I 1 i eei nne. Mrs. h. 11. CARLISLE. We guarantee Vinol, our delicious cod lier and iron tonic without oil, for chronic coughi and colds, and fur til euk, nervous, run down conditioni. W. M. ( ulieu. I 'i nirtf int. Wrldon. V ( . Co to HARRISON'S Resources Lounauil ilwcoiints. f .'r.'.'.'ir .:- l'vfii.lrait, iiii. Kevenue stain p. illvii !':i!iktri Houie 'i.ihmi ihi Furniture and Fixtuics. I.iihii on t ash m r-aic. (Mi and due fioin hanks -til.nri.7:' Total, t-.1vi-l.4-l!! I i Liabilities i apital Mock, Surplus I'n.lividrd prolitH. t'nrarnrd discounts intercut due depositors. I'eposits, Total, I U,t h 1. 1 K ."ill, I urn. i hi l,ejv:i:. :,4.vi.n L'. 01 hi. iiii ':"i.'i,7ii'.'.:,.'i a-.4,44H.li!l State of .North Carolina, , i . , , . County of llaliliix. i 1, Ivey Watson, l'resideut of the above named hank, do soleiunlv me aooe siaienieni is irue lo (He I 110, I II.EDO, la COUNTY J STATE OF OHIO, CITY OFTOI I.L't'ASCOU Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of K. .1. Cheney A Co., doiii husiness in the city of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said brm will pay One Hun dred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot he cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Sworn to before ine and subscribed in my presence; this Bill day of December, A. D. IHSti. (Seal) A. W. (il-EASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acta directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, Ohio. Testimonials tent free. Price 76 ceuts per bottle. Sold by all druKista Take Hall's Family Pill's for Constipa tion. Art?. - sTsarwwsn5i For Automobile Repairs and Supplies. All kinds of Machine work done Sta tionary, Oasohue, Marine aud Steam Engines, Uuns aud I'mols. Satisfaction guaranteed. G00Dj$YEAR. Tires and Supplies on hand for sale Shop east end of Second Street, H. W. HAKHISON, Weldon, N. C Prcuiiption No. 6t6 ii pirpa.od nk-. itily lor MALARIA or CHILLS 6, FEVIH. Five or in doies will break any can, snd if taken then as a tonic the Fever will not return. It sen on the liver better than Calomel tod etott not ripem skis. 2S State of North Carolina, County of Halifax, Subscribed and sworn to Iwfore nie thi :'n.l dav of .liilv I'M ' c. ii. '.MArriiF.ws, Notaiv Public t ol 111 v kuowlrdirr and belief.' IVKY WATSON Correct-Allest. tiEll. It. Cl'li'TIS, If. C. DUNN, ('. E. Mi(iVI(,AN, Directors. swear that l'res; ' it. u jjj Beginning Thursday, Novem i)ber 18th, for every purchase at(f ll Eagle Cafe or Bert's 5, 10 ancW w25c. Store you will be given w coupon. For full particulars'!- read coupon. vl il 2! BERT'S 5. 10 (& 25c. Store, j J Weldon, North Carolina. (f V. j . -J. .a hm u Stoves m Heaters Turkish Leather Rocker, $25 value now $20. Go Carts, $12.50 and $15 value now $8. Beautiful line of 9x12 Druggets $2.50 to $35. Oil Cloths and Linoleums, 25c to $1 per yard. BED ROOM SUIT:S $15 to $500. Lace Curtains and Portieres, 75c. to 10 a pair Sterling Silver, Cut Glass and lots of other suitable Wedding Gifts al ways on hand. Weldon Furniture Company. WELDON, N. C. : STYLISH f ! it, . I UU A h Dressy Men ! You may be most critical about your clothes You may j insist on the best quality of i A 1 I A I - A A inaieriai unu iaici silica- Arid be as "fussy" as you please about the fit. W'e satisfy you with a suit or overcoat, tailored by "Remember a fit or no clothes." FARBER & JOSEPHSON, ep H it MEN'S ANDiBOYS' OUTFITTERS. WELDON, N. C. V "rvrr

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