, , ,. ,. - - , m, urn"- ' -.twwaMaa.taai . . . i,i,mmMMif1mirti.fiiTV'iih'' RIG 8ALK GOLNG OX AT .1. SAME S: WKLIMhN. N. The largest sale ever held in Halifax County. Sale begins Thursday, November 18th. Prices Cut in Two. 10) Mail OW b&s Saved From Suffering Mm. Mary A. '. an. Tfitniti-n, M;ts , in litr hith yt-ar. says: "I ItiouKht 1 wan beviiTid tin ii'di ii nf nu'ln iTu, tut Koly Ki.lrit-y IMlis huv !nvru inst beneficial in my fuse." Mr. Sum A. Humor, HikIi l'int. N. C, wiiips: "My khlnfy tmublf was worne at nlK'it a' 1 I l i !;t up from five lu itiV'ii umf-s. .Vi'.v 1 Uu hot iifte tu gi-l ui' n( lil;:l;t. ai.il tnii sliler mvHclf in u t ruly r ii iu.il con illtiun. whHli I httrllmt t ll"V KM nty I'll!, as I have tukt-n nothing ula." Mrs. M. A. nrlilK'i. KitbliiHon. Mima.. tifiys: "I min"ft'iM from kniifV ;iil intntn fur iwn cut h, I i'iniiiiit rn-. HikliiR K'-lf-v KHnv 111 In t-n u tlm HK. H'l'1 HimiM.li I Kill 111 .i'h ,.( Htf i , I t.-l ilk.. I- - v. kii !. Kul-v Kllii"v nils an' Inlitc, MtroTiKt lit-iuii iiiul up-liit Mum. it ml rcstnrc nnrtna' uitinn to the kuluexji anil to a ilisnt -Iffed u nl painful I'laii tlr. They ui't ijnukly anil ionium b u dungfious or Imimiul tirutfH, Sold by 1:. CLARK. GREAT BARGAINS IN TYPEWITERRS. We curry u luitft' atock ol standard TypwritciM. C'un I'liiniHh at once Mun arch, l'ox, Oliver, Ki'inimftun. liuyal, Smith Premier, I,. I'. Smith A Hiu.'s and I ' udi'iwoikl. Any other make lit mi f)to 1" days' notice We have hotli the visible and the tuvisihle. We bought a laiye Mloek of these Typewriters from oue-touith to ouo-liulf the regular whole sale price, and on saleuow at otie-l'ouith to one-halt the regular retail prices. A good Typewriter from 7.' to fl'i. A better one $17 .'Kl to $'S.'0. The best from $M up to any price. Will he triad to answer any inquiry iu connection with these machines, and send samples of the work done by any of the Type writers we have. Every hoy and girl should have one of our cheap Typewri ters to learn hovr to use. Any person who can write well on a typewriter can demand a large salary. Anyone who buyt a cheap typewriter from us and wants a better one later, we will take back the one bought and allow thesame paid for it in exchange for a better one, if returned in good condition and within mx mouths. It not in good condition we allow the market value. We carry Type writer ribbons and other supplies. SPIERS BROS. WKI PON. S I'. A Soluble Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water as needed For Douches Is the loral treatment of Moninn's i 1 1m, ucli as ltMicorrh'H'A ami iuil.wumanon, hot fhmchws f I'aitinu are very eitirai ioua. No woman )n li:H ever um-i! iiieiheatM douches will f.ul to iippreriali the clean ami healthy condition 1'ixtino pro-luft-s ainl the prompt relief from soreness ami ilisromfort which follows its use. Tli is is heriiusn Pnxtnttt luwHPSHHS super tin eleitnslnR, tHslnfeeU lug na healing properties. For ten years t!ie Lyliii K. Pfnkham Me'lii'ino Co. has ree. oinmeiiile'l P.ixtino in tlnir private rorn -iiiiti.li ii-e with men, wlii'-li proves its sturi ority. M'oiiu'ii who havn ben relieved b;iv it s " wurtli iin weielit in u'ol.l." At ilningHtt. &)c. Urge Im.x r v iiiutl. Simpl fr, Th faxtou Toilet Co., Boston, Mui PROFESSIONAL CARDS WALTE-K K. DAM HI., Attorney-at-Law, V ELI OS, N. t '. Practices in the couits of Hahta auu Northampton and in the Supreme au. Federal courts. Collections made in ad parts ot North Carolina, ilraueh olhce at Halifax oueo every Mondav UEUKOBC. OHl-KN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (Natiunikl Uuuk liml.i.in Weldon. N. C. VVm. L. KNIGHT, Attorney and Counsellor at-Lflw, W KIN. N. ('. Oltice m Wel'lou Pank t Trut liuiljiuif Bum urHK pro 111 p 1 1 v an. I I'aiUilullv at ten.l.'.l to W. J. WARD. DENTIST, OFFICE IN PA MEL HI ILP1V. WELDON. N.C, epl2 It E. T. CLAR K ATTORNEY AT LAW. WKLHON, N.C. Pruticra in the court ot Halifax and djoioinir countiix and it. the Miprrmf eourt of the Male, special attention ...11 ti I'nllect mnn an.) iiromht rituiiiH l). II. STAIMJACK, NOTARY PURIJC ; J And Fire Insurance r'nanukc Vows nfficv -:- WcUm N ( Gasoline Engines Peanut Threshers Belting Just received Car Load Shingles, National Wire Fencing, Hackney' Wagons. ljfDYfJFE Co., Halifax, N. C. O. E. LEWIS. Manager. I U 8m U'l . J t iismI WHAT HE MISSED. Was It orth While tu Live a Life of That kind ? A paper comes dnfiuig into these he.idqu.iners coiiiuiiniig .in ulyouiu of the death of a man who died full ot yeni's seventy-three, and to his credit w as the fact that during all those years he had never smoked, never chewed tobacco, never swore, never drank whiskey or ! beer or any intoxicating lupiors. Never smoked! Never, when ; the day was heavy and his heart ; was sad, sat down on his vine-covered porch and from a pipe rilled with the divine weed, putted away i and tilled the air with fancies of a thousand forms. Never enjoyed a pipe dream never saw bright faces in the smoke that curled and leapt from the wooden bowl; never found that solace which the weed does bring. During those seventy three years never tasted tobacco in ny form what did he miss ! Never drunk the rose-tinted wine the wines that inspired Ho mer and Horace and Cicero to do their immortal stunts; the wine that Paul admonished Timothy to take for the stomach's sake and his of ten infirmities; the wine that the Saviour made out of water! Never put under his hide the reeking red hkker that makes men crazed and demoniacal; that causes them to whip their wives and butt their heads against padded cells; never went out with the boys and painted things a bright vermillion hue. Never, when the train of business and the heart's sorrows crowded fast and crowded faster premedita tedly went out "on a bust" filled himself full of anything that would intoxicate and tried in that way to give Nature a chance to take up a loop here and there in machinery that the mind had worn to a frawle. ; Never, w hen anger caused his cheeks m redden, gave vent to his thoughts by uitenng strange, lutid oaihs the same .is sailurs drunken use but retained Ins calmness no matter what winds were Mirring what calamity betell ! Did he nnss much was it worth hile to live a lite ot thai kind? To live a hie clean and sober and de- 1 cent. 1 0 remember each morn i ing when he awoke trom pleasant I dreams where he w as the night before; to know that strange I insanity w Inch alcohol brings to the bram had never marred his way; had never caused him to do things in a minute that it took a life time to regret and then he w as in doubt if he had made amends. Did he nnss much no not much. And if to miss what he did he gain ed heaven well, it were worth the sacrifice, even allow ing that he might have had a great deal of fun 'Everything. TOOL CM EST COLKTSHIP. "It is 'plane' that I love you," he begun. "Is thai on the " 'level3' " she asked. "Haven-! I always been on the 'square' with you5" "Bui you have many 'vises?' " she remonstrated. "Not a 'bit,' he asserted. "What made you 'brace' up?" she queried coquettishly. "The fact that 1 'saw' you," he replied, with a bow. "1 ought lo 'hammer' you for that," she answered saucily. "Come and sit by me on the 'bench,' " he urged. "Suppose the other should 'lile' in?" she murmured. "You should not let your arms 'compass' me." "1 know a preacher who is a good 'joiner,' " he suggested, and they rushed out. Building Age. A Pine Whooping Cough Remedy Mother, I'r. UoH'h 1'ine Tar Honey in just the remedy for your children ! Culd ailuieuta. The fact la thai pine it a quick remedy enemy of cold condi tions. Ita (uahtiea loosena the mucous in lite throat, aootliea lire lungs and opens up the air paaaairen. The combi nation of honey, soothing and pleanaut, with the looaenmf pme quality makes tliia an ideal couirh remedy for children. Kach pamiuR year brings for it new friends. A family of growing children cannot alfbrd to he without it. 25c. a bottle. The price of prosperity is pa tience, persistence and persever ence. CASTORIA For Infants and Childrea In Use For Over 30 Years Signature of BACK-FIRE!). The head of the family, with his beloved briar root pipe and his favorite magazine, had settled back in the rocker for a quiet, comfort able evening. On the other side of an inierven-; ing table was the miniature conn- j terpart of himself, the wrinkling of whose eight-year-old forehead in-, dicated that he was mentally wrest-1 ling with some perplexing prob-; lent. After a while he looked ( toward Ins comfort loving par ent, and with a hopeless inflec tion asked: "IV-" "Yes, my son." "Can the Lord make every-; thing-" 1 "Yes, my boy." j "Everything?" j '"There is nothing, my sor, that j He cannot do. " i "Papa, could He make a clock : thai would strike less than one?" "Now, Johnny, go right up- j stairs to your ma, and don't stop , down here to annoy me when I'm reading" ; Johnny went and wondered ! still. - Chicago Ledger. ; Beware of Substitutes. j In tlnt' 1 1 u y s ut' Urcii t'otuiM-lilion it. is inipoiUnt thai tin' pulilu houi.l t j that tlicy k.'1-t fhaml't-rbnr t'mili. i;..nr.ly an.l nut mk.. mUi'tut, J I'ui tlic aL. '!' Oa j'uiii'.. 1 I anil. 1 1- . lam i 'uueli lii'tm-ly haw. .! li.o ti--t and hern appuiv.-'! lui nun. ti.an it ny : yrai UUamalili- rwivivi.rlr. ; It's hard to convince doctors: and druggists that health is wealth. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A A woman seldom lectures her hus band on the sin of gambling when ! lie wins. How to Prevent Croup, it -nay u ntsw t.y..u m '" " n.t.y rump ran I. :ou pre- v t-t Mi- II. M loi.n-. hllda.iilini. ii'lati i.n r.rti, nee a- t'ollnu "y iitli.. l.,.y i sui.j.rt t,, nnp. Iiiiiini: llii- .al winter I k . t a hultlr ul'i hain l.. r.iiii ( mult Hi liu-ly in ll,, iiuue and hr l.ru.m haviiii: that ciuupy euiith I tt.'llM t t i LlI' 1.1 inn du-r i.f It ani.t,.u!.l!,,ak t!-allaek I like ' it i rili r for eiid Ii, n than anv 11,,-r ! l-.i.ll. Ill' .1 eilir i-reunv chi .'lull till. i' ii ,!iiiuly, at, 1 it i -aiV and rvltaMf." I'l.tililiUlilf rt'IV'.it "MV Tlie teter creditors a man has the easier it is for him to look the hole world in the face. iet Wid of Those Poisons in Your System. You n ill tithl Or. kiiiiM New Life I'llli a mo.Ht .utisfactoiy laxattvi iu it'lt-aiuif tht1 mimiuk fioui yum sy-lfiu Accu mulatt'il u"tt an l pyist-ns cauv man ilul l a.luuits unites i'fli'asfl. Viu-ne-, pots before the ryes, bluekucss auJ miM'raltlt feeling generally are 111 dieatiuu'o thai you oectl )r King s New J.il'e V Take a duie tumglit anil you will t-'t'rn'tiee grateful relief by inoiiuiii;. '.'V. Sometimes a man's past takes a short cut and heads oft his future. Children Cry FOR FLE1 CHER'S CASTORIA GRANDEUR OF OLD OCEAN. Victor Herbert tells of a young woman from Wisconsin who came to visit relatives in an Eastern city not far from Newport. "The young woman had never seen the sea, and, of course, was very anxious io do so. The rela tives took her to Newport, and as they stood on the white sand of Bailey's Beach gaing dreamily out over the vast blue expanse of the Ailamiv one of the party said to ihe visitor: j "So, Jennie, this is the first tune you vc ever seen me sear " 'Yes,' replied the young Wes terner, it is the very first lime.' "And,' queried the other, 'what do you think of it?" " 'Ah, she replied, with a long indrawn breath, and an ecstatic smile, "it smells just like oysters!" Green Book. SPECIAL RATES To Charleston, S. C, via The Sea board Mr Line Railway Account Sou,n. rn Commercial Congress December I3th-I7th. Account the above meeting ihe Seaboard Air Line Railway has au thorized special rates to Charles ton, S. C. Tickets will be on sale December 1 1 -1 2th and 13th wiih final return limit. December 22nd. For rates, etc., see local agent, or address John T. West, D. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. tokae;; TiiiE Majority of Fritnib Thought Lir, Hughes Voald Die, Bet One HeSed llitu Ij Re avery. IVrr ( n, K. in i:i!erestine ad- vices ii. m i'i.s -l..ce, .Mr. A. J. I lujthcs DraiiRht has done for mc." wiili.'!. as i ' , .v s : '1 was down iih Thedford's HKick-Drauht has been sfuina.ii in nMe for (,'i) years, and ' found a very valuable medicine ior de v.ould h;ne sick headache so bad, at j rangements of the stomach and liver. It times, lb .'t 1 tiwyu surely I would die. ( is composed of pure, vegetable herbs, 1 tried Ciifeient treatments, tut they contains no dangerous ingredients, and did not seem to do me any good. acts gently, yet surely. It can be freely I got so bad. I could not eat or sleep, used by young and old, and shjuld be and ail my fr:e:ls, except one. thought I kept in every family chest. l wou'd die. Thedford's He advised l'.lai.k-Drauglit, i.e to trv ' and ijuit . Instead ofWeodSliinghs or$hte v..sw ir,,. 3 ""i.;.-'" !'o-"' v.v:!t or briltlct hc-idi s ih. v .a . iiu'x:ni...ivi' mi l I... ': h.'tu-r than e For i'.i.V .' U'RNER. Weldon. N. C. j s. n u lew Fall and Crepes, Ratines, Silks, Pull Line of DRV GOODS and NOTIONS. SHOHS. LADIES WAISTS f SKIRTs and many other Goods too numerous to mention, Call'and see if I have what you want. Remember The Place L. STAINBACK, WELDON, N. 0. "The Always Busy Store." A. i ii ii J JIUIIUIU MAN I 1 At IT I ; Kits OK Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens M.M'K TO OKIH.H AMI l.lilil'l.AU STtH'K MZKS, Uood Materials, High Grade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. SEABOARD A1K LINE THE PROGRESSIVE RAILWAY OF THE SOUTH. Trains leave Weldon, Effective MAY 30, 1915, C. B. CARTER, Ticket Agent. NO 16 8:30 A. M. SEAHOAKD KXI'KEss, L'oaehes, Sleepmr Cars. NO.I2 .1:42 P. M. HtAltuAKI) MAIL, V estihule I'oaclieH. 1'arlort'ar, for Ports moiitli-Nurfollr, eonnectinif mtli steamship Lines for ash inirlon HaltiiniM, Xi-g ur. Hoston anil I'roviilenee NO. II MiAllOAUli MAIL for Kahili, Charlotte, Atlanta, llirnimn ...rA u '',n a,ul Southwest; connects at Norhna.Kaleighorltaiu II.SOA. m. let with "Florida last .Mail " No. A, for Jacksonville and Honda points; Dining Car, Sleeping cars throuifh sleepers to Hamlet and Atlanta. NO. 13 SLAHOAKtl tl'KiS, anmne houthaest. " r. m. U i mlnirlnn- itli n vrlle and Florida po nts; Sleeping car Coaches, Sleeping and Dining Cars to No. 19 for Kaleigh leaves 4 to a. m. Write to the nndtrsigned for rates and C li. RYAX, General Passenger Agt., Norfolk, Va. YEARS !.;ki:i oilier medicines. I deciJed to i.il.e his advice, although I did not have any confidence in it. I h.ive now been taking Black-Drauj;!it lor lluce months, and it has aired me h.oen'l li.ul those awful sick lu.ui'.chcs since 1 bec'an using it. 1 am so thankful for what Pl.ick- Get a package today. Only a uuarter. I-M Shingles X that lasts as I. mh' as d iiL-vi-r nei-ds ri pairs. n't turn, crack, curl or rot nor have they the eness of slone slate; ither. -z ; ft U ? ;t lister hk ! HATS, CLOTHING, Htc. ii i ii for l'ortsuioulli-Norfolk, estihule lor Kaleiirh, Atlauta, HirruinKham Connects at Hamlet with No. M for 1 r.,r I . i-.l Horlsmouth to Charlotte; V estihule all points South and Soutlmest. No. 20 from Kaleiidi ariive ft 411 p, m. lime utiles. JOHN T. WEST, - Division Passenger Agt Raleigh, N.C. FIVE Tired! Art you tired? run down? nefrvoaaP U rytbinrf jou 4o ma ffortr Not It U not ItiineM. Yon mrm UI. Your yttcm nmmim m tuaio. Your 8toab, KtdnTt ad I ivar ncd tirri up. Noibiol will do (bit bUr Uin Electric Bitters ROo. nod $1.00 All IlmiuUn top FA! I irin-li uu.l I'utt l. 1 1 'lu'tnilii, il.;h' uii'l yi llnu N:ini"ii. I uli. i infiiis aii'l l.iiliuni. i'inui i iv Imi I't-t ic Milts. Choice Cut Flowers Kdm'S, I'ainntittiiv. inlets nu t VuIIii-h hi st-iison. iMihnii ili otnatiuii in the hiU'vt styles, our l-'loi'iit arruiiirfiiU'tils arc of ilic lint'st tfiiu'h. Wose Hushes, Shrubberies, liver greens, Shade Trees, Hedge Plants Mail. W-IYL'iupli i'i iflcphniH' tirJi'i-f jmtniptlv t'Xfi'iitfil 1 v J. L. O'QUINN It COMPANY, n.uilisTs, KALLil'JH, North Carolina. l'lioues, Store 4'.' I U't'i'iiliouxes 111) ( ( c WE FURNISH s A ltoyal l-'rai-t to v v ry one w ho ' ( buy ttu'ir roet-rii's at our stort'.' ) ( All' the Hcaoual'le tlclieaciei are ) ( found in our tinv the year i , round. CONFECTIONERIES !) FRUITS ) ( CROCKERY AND TIN ) ( WARE : ) Wooden and W illow ware. Ktc. ' 1 Loodn dchu'icd promptly any ) ( where in town. I'ohtr olt'tkH. ) l'hone No. Ml. B. 1 PDRjNELL. W KI.IioS, X. ('. c Largest Slocl in Ii;; SdUtll. In n m Ncufulk eull on ti You will iiii'l what you waul Vj aii'l crt it tjiuekly. ' ; , , HaMiiir tut e:uiii-vis. n- j - i,. Ui.'1-ht s cumrnisMiHis aie ;i I I . j 'It-it tu mir t let s This rim triiul aul lint-li it jiiopt'ily 1 W'c Pay rreight and (iuuruutcc Safe Arrival ' iHF CC-UFER MARBLF WOHKS yeai in buiuis.) j 'X Mi IJank t Ni.rtl K, VA. Roses, Carnations, Violets an.l otluT Ikiwi rs uUays mi Im.i i I SlmW IT Wedtlllltf lUiUqUI-tK. IIuiiiImniii, j 1 -loral I'osiiriis, I'alniK nii.l IVrun fin i lionie culturi'. Hyacinths, Tulips, Nurci.sMi ami many other vani'tifM ot Hull. in fall I'liimiiit' iMtlirr for out or in.loor nil lure, liose liuMit's, MairnoliaH ami liv eririfens Write. '.luiin' or tlr naoti 11. STELNMETZ. riorist. Raleigh, North Carolina. 5-2:1-1 y Administrator's Notice. Ilaniiir iiialilit'il as a.liiiiiiiiulor ot tlie rntate of I., k, liiekens, ileoeaseil. iiefore the ek'ili of llalifux Supi'Moi Court uotieo in heri'liy mveu that all persons havinir elainm airaint nui.I e- tate to (ireHi nl Ihem to ihe uriil rii.'neil iluly veriliiil on or lu lnre the llth ilav of Oetoher. llllli. or this iiolne will lie pleaileil in liar of their recovery: ami all iemons oinir sai.l estate mil foine for aril anil make iniiiie.liate iavmeiit. This llth ilav ol Oetolier, I HI'.. II i t U.WM.KY. Ailnir of I.. K Inekens, Jrerased UI 14 lit Wood's Seeds. Seed Wheat. Tlit" S-e. Wheals we tiller arc from the Iieslaud iu. pHHluclise crop Kronn iu the Ime-l heut rowine .rtions of Viiyiuia, and are carefully reeleaucd .r us to n'liiove all irnpur ilntt and Hinall and interior grain, ao as to supply our customer only Kith plump and w. il , I. ped need wheat, which should yield considera bly mum per ane 'than ordinary wheats Imperfecily cleanisl. All of our Seed lu-aia i aehjted from (ihsI yieldiuif ciops, wlileli with our in. I ho. Is of cleaniuir, makes thoSeed Mieat which we, oiler yery UlucU uierior to ordiuary set-J wheat. Write for Wood's Crop Special Ofull in format ion and pheeaof Whut, KaaJ Oata, Winter atarUy, Ry aud all aetsla for rail So in. I'mchi and Knmplea of any nd desired, Uiaih-d ou reutsil. T.W.WOOD O SONS, SlDSMN, . Rkhoiun(l,Vt. lew 1 u a-jMili 1'J'jf J()(i Jill) Tii8 Woman's Tonic rmSiLE AT AIL DRUGGISTS NOTICE OF SALE OF TOWNSHIP BONDS. I Ihds rll In- leceived 1 1 y the urnh'l ! i.iu'in',1 until I-.' o'clock M., on tlie 1st iluy ol licci'inl.i r, IIM i, on fortv thou sand dollars north of hniiklcyville tinviishi, llahl'ax county mail lnm.ls mu. I luirids to tun I'm a i.t'iiud of forty veins and payalilc t'l.,lM' uyear, iieanii ii per cent, interest, said Imiiils to tie m di'Moiiiiiiations of rl.uiiii. interest paya ble Miiii-anriuallv. ny int'ui illation which may he de- siie.l call lie iia.l i.v appivine r . u. llaivey, Littleton. N. t .. or to the un- lersiuucil at Littleton. .N.I All linls shall he accompanied I.v a certified check of il.'iiKi to show troo.l faith. .1. II. NtlKMAN, M 1., Vauttiian, N. C. Notice of Sale. I!y virtue of the power conferred up on me as executor of the last will and testament of K. I', lluliljard, deceased. 1 Hill sell at pulilicauction, tn the high est lyf.lder. for cash, on Monday, November 29th, 1912. at one o'clock p. in., iu front of the court house door inlhctonn of Halifax, N. C, the folloMUr desenhed personal property : One 1, -jewel l-.tgin atcli, Hitli pola hunting case und chain; works No. inusliil. One Autouiohile llll'i Model Saxon ltuadster. l;ngine No. t)Atii3, euuipped w ith electric lights and starter. line Itlack HoisiMineone-liorseliuggv and harness. This the llth Octohei, liM'i. N. I.. sTKDMA.Y I xecutor. Tune of Sale 1 p. in. I'laceofsale Court House Door. Tel in of ale Cash. NOTICE OF ELECTION. A lietitiun coutamiiikr one-fuurtli tt the voters ol' Hnttci wtmd lownsliiji liav uik'l'eeii Ii Uil with the I'.Danl ol'Coinniis-skuhm-s of Halifax county, reiiuettttuir that the Hounl nf t oiniiiiHxionetH of I lulitux count v cult iui eleetioti uh to wlii'thft or not IWitleiwooU Towimhip hull ixur IhiuIh to make iliijuovcmeiitM of puhlio rt'ii-N in isuhI tow i)hi. Nuliee iti lieiehv ifiveli tliatan election ti hriehv called lor JiutUTMuud town- -hi to tit trtiniiir the nuetion whether I tiutv lliouuiMi I 'oIIuik stiall he isurd lu make imprnxriuents of the niMir mads of liultriHood ((.iHiishin Katd Iretum to he lu-ld on Tl'KM'AY. N- i.Mr.Ki; L-.iid, iiu:.. 1 nderlaww li'lil, ( haptri .v.l. l'-v older of the Itoatd of ( uinmis loners of I lulifuv euunlv. Y. Ii. IIAltYhY, t'lmitmuii. .!. II. MMiMAX, t lerk. Notice. I ndei ami hy virtue of the power Miitaiued in a certain murttraire deed executed to the uuderiiruel hv MttiioQ Madden. I will, mi Mil l;i 111 I : .mi ii in .u i;i:l.l!, p.ti'i, at li cluck M,, in flout ol the S, A l,.waie-lU-te dooi in the town ol l.itllelun. N. ( . expose f.i salt- at public outcry foi i- ih a iviu.n li ael ol land lyiuif and ! inif m the tate and 'ounty abue wiittrn and in l.ittletun Township, he iui; kiumu lis one ot the Smith lot-, ot iriled on eal end aenue, hein 7."iX-IO In t. and heinir that identical tract of I : i I di -enhed in Mud mortak'e deed t. i-Hidt'.l ui liook l'.V' at paire !', Mali l . I'uiihe l.i'kiutiy, lo which leferenei' herehy tnadr. , N. lUit, Mottiatror. r ' n IT1UNAMUOF CMAS. At. STIKIT ON YOUR PIANO It is important to know that the piano you huy has lived lonir eiiouirli to prove the Hu nt of the principles on which it is huilt and that its lone and tuality of action have heen appraised iiy people iiiahlied to juiiue. Stieff Pianos have lseii Im'Toic the puhhc since l-'p' am! arc no iu t!.u u third year of their populanty; hav iiT Iteen the selection of Norfolk's most accomplished musicians. The purchase of a Stieff Piano Is an luvrstu.riit containing no rli-nieul of speculation -AMi -they are of modeiate piice and lei ins. CCltas. Stieff, I.KON C. sn.KI K. .Kr. So '.'ll l.iauliy st., SiiilolL, a 1'ln.iie Will C'i c Nlieiiinatibin, i.eu tjlftia, I le.utac'it', Cintnpi, Colic Sprainh. liiuisr , Rurns, Old Sor, Tetter, Kin-Worm, i7.o letna, etc. Autiaeulio Auo,l ue, ucd interoaliy or externally. 25a 'L KITTMS'S I have installed in my bhup an up-to-date Llectric Repairing Ma chine and 1 am now prepared in da your work promptly and at reason able prices. I DON'T throw your old shoes away, bring ihem io me and I will make them as good as new. L. Kilmer's Electric Simp WELDON, N.C. NO OTHER LIKE IT. NO OTHER A3 COOO, Pni.h Ihe "NEW HOME" .. - ' liave a life iK.et ut tli- i. , m . ... 'I.. f liiitiiialiun ol mimir fk,i.? hv - ii,..-, ,. o . -niullNliiii anil Let jiuluy ... i..;,i..ial lie . 1iIp-1l.uk crvu , ut m.iiui...ii , t. WARRANTED FOR ALL TIME. I., st cn luviiir il.t "Nt.W HOMK". I . I n..rtn il.p w. il.l fi f. r ...r- r. v ...j ;. - - the new ho 'iyi e s e w ins m! c h i h r eo ORANSC, MASSAXMUSCTTO. I'ealer Wanted In this Territory. I'AI.L ANU WINTER IVilLLINLRY. FAN! Y (.OOI!-and NOVELT1KS. I'.ultenck's Patterns Ui & Q. Corsets, Misses at 7,'c. Ladies 7.rc. to $1. K. I'rices will be made to suit the times, tlats and KonDetB made andi trimmed to order. ALL M AILOKI'EKS PKOMl'TLY KILLED. MILS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N.f. MKAI15 MMJUINt 'V ) WOMEN Love This Magazine McC ALL'S Ii tKt Fiihlon Guide and Home kwpiai Helper qI more women ihu iny uihcr miiuiDi in the world. All ihe liit tl every month; ilto delihiful toric (hit intrr- j iai, end peclil depinmcntt in couiinn, hun i drtunitltini, hncy orlt, etc., inai I tnicn noueork ind ve moncv. iTitt, onl We l vttr, with one celcbreied McCell brets Ptl tern rHtt. mm mm cut mow row I. VHKII tMM laf - M.4.AU. I " L A rrl Oaf f Utsi AU. ll ! 4t I 'M-Ull DAT M lit ( MH ALL'S 1W t fin. (i.r I.. l.r lHl!Wi,H. Tli KcUU C&. Bt k 2 37 SL. Ibw YtA. N I SEND YOUR ORDERS FOR ALL KINDS OF PRINTING TO F.. L. HAYWARD, Weldon, N. C. I N.EWH0ME Til ! my uife I Pi" W , . X ,. l fTTsfcf rttLHUj.rk i i a . i rnrr l sii) J . 3 riCC I ll m.n.i..Mas Wr. wH.. - ". wisMmimi mi " '"' r"ifc I0SEK3 MLEY KIDNEY PIUl WT Meca wamr am iui tar.

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