ESTABLISHED IN 1806. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Tarms of Subscription-$1.50 Per Annumi VOL. L. WELDON, X. C, THURSDAY, MARCH HO, l!)Hi. XO. 4! Ci-UUl 1 I ' : Z1-T - CC .mpmhi. 3 pi;k ci vr.-' A('5,'ia;ildVpi,ir,iiiiinla,lsi iH;:ii".;iiif-ooa;iniRaiila li:iiJiic'Siiim;iclisai!dDwisi' PrnmnlcsDirtpslionChef ful ness and ResLConialnsnpiitri upmin.Mjrpmnc iw Mineral.! yor arc otic. jterlpt otaudcSMnrmm Ampla Sttd" JfaSmna .HMrUri- I AmtSai I hprmtin - KmSrri- ftoitfW Sugar . I noyrMi tlanr. I Anerfer! Rente dv forCmtsllpa- lion . Sour Slomacli.Dlarrlwa Worms .('wivulstoiis.rfvciisli nessaiulLossOFSLtiiR Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of at AW In jf use For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper, THC OINTAUH OOMPINT, NEW TOUR CITY. THE BANK OF VELDON WKLDOX. N. C- Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Siate of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital aiirt sirplu. $55,000. For over -1 years this institution has innviili ,1 1 ai k intr facilities for this section. Its'stockholders ami oiliects are identilicd with the busi ness interests of Halifax un I Northampton counties. A Savings Department is maintained fin the henclit of all who desire to deposit in a Savings Hank. In ibis I i'ui t nu-iit interest is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed toreiiiaiu three miinlhs in longer. - per cent. Six months or longer, ,'t percent luelve months or lunger, t percent. nv information will lie furnished on uppliration to the I'residcntoiTashier PREHIllKNT : W. E. OASIKL, VII k-l'HKMHKVr W. SMITH. I.. I'. DK U'KK. Teller. I'AHIIIKR: .i. o. dkakk. DIRECTOMS W. H. Smith. W. K. Iiiiniel, .1. O. Drake. W. M. Cohen, K. T. Daniel, .1.1,. Shepherd, V. A. I'lerce, I), li. Xollieolfer. .1 . V. Sledge i Ranges m Stoves i w LilJ Heaters Turkish Leather Rocer, $25 jvalue now $20. Go Carts, $12.50 and $15 value now $8. Beautiful line of 9x12 Druggets $2.50 to $35. Oil Cloths and Linoleums. 25c to $1 per yard. BED ROOM SUIT:S $15 to $500. Lace Curtains and Portieres. 75c. to $10 a pair. Sterling Silver, Out Glass and lots of other suitable Wedding Gifts al ways on hand. Weldon Furniture Company, WELDON, N. C. laonoE I . Z A B A, O MERCEAtii TtlLDBX Q v-vi .l.,.,r lo y.iillieiillei's. WKl.DON, N. ' . V i lui.a ,.n .'...r mid iniike suit to order on my bench l ull and IV nTZJZe line of niece .roods and samples Salislaetion Kuamateeu - TANNER'S EOOF PAINT SOLD BY Picrce-l'litdid wkm finmnanv IUUMUIV WVUIUII w if J THE RETURN, While shadows deepen o'er the dying day A weary wand'rer totters on his way, Caring but little where his steps may lead, Only a place to lay him down his need, fieside a vine-clad church he hovers near, The organ-notes are pealing; mem'ries dear Come thronging of a sweet, sweet long ago When in the faint hush of the twilight's glow A child he knelt beside his mother's knee, And heard her sofily sing : "Abide with me." The dawn awakes" and earthly shadows flee;" Ah, yes ! it is the same dear melody; In dreams he listens to the gentle strain That bears him back to childhood days again; There in the little home 'mid flow'rs ablow A loved one's singing while the lights are low; He seems to feel the touch of mother's hand; To catch a glimpse of yonder Borderland, As on the calm night air so tenderly Still swells the hymn divine : "Abide with me." With bated breath he hears the chorus sing; New hope seems borne to him on angel wing As o'er Life's seas with joy his wand'ring eyes Behold the shinning hills of Paradise. In whispered accents, 'ncath the window there, He otters up an humble falt'ring prayer: "Through cloud and shine, Father, do not depart, But solace give unto my yearning heart ! Though friends forsake and from me comforts flee, Help of the helpless, O abide with me !" Henry li. Muchmore. DO WE PRAY ? "Ask, and Ye Shall Receive, Seek, And Ye Shall Find; Knock, And It Shall Be Opened to You." iaking powder Absolutely Pure No Alum No Phosphate THE MISSINO CHAPTi-R. The new pastor of a certain country parish is likely to lose the confidence of his flock unless he changes his ways. During his sermon one Sunday morning no' long back he slopped abruptly and asked : "How many of those here are diligent students of their Bibles?" l-'ifty hands went up. "Good," said the pastor. "Now, how many of you have read the second chapter of Jude ?" Twenty-five hands went up. A wan smile overspread the di vine's face. "That's also good, but when you go home read the chapter again, and you will doubtless learn some thing to your interest." The point of this story lies in the fact that the Book of Jude con sists of one chapter only. Pear son's Weekly. SPECULATION. The teacher of a night school in Chicago was endeavoring to instill in the mi::ds of the discouraged pupils some notions of ambition. "Do you know," he asked of a seedy-looking boy of 20, "that every lad in ihis country has a chance to be President ?" "Is that so?" asked the seedy one, reflectively. Then he added: "Say, I'll sell my chance for ten cents. I l mi. kli .luoii'r nluilfe muL-A right ii seldom gets left. HOW MRS. BEAN CLINCHINa ARQUMENT. PFiA WW W7 V. 9 IrfiaC: "UN L7 I Carried Safely Through Change of Life by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. K.hvlllH.Tenn. "When 1 was coinir through the Chantfe of Lifo I had a tu mor bl lurK child's head. Tho doctor said it wan three years eominif and guv, me medi- ci.i. !'.). i until I Hi '.-nihil away In, 11 the eit for some time. Of courne i could not go to him then, so my sister-in-law told me that she thought Lydia K. Fink ham's Vegetable lom pound would cure it. It helped both the Change of Life and the tumor and when 1 got home 1 if Id mt nmi tfte doctor. 1 took the Pinkham remedies until the tumor was gone, the doctor said, and I have not felt it since. I tell every one how I was cured. If this letter will help others you are welcome to use it" Mrs. E. H. BEAM, 625 Joseph Avenue, Nashville, Tenn. Lydia E. Pinkham'i Vegetable Com pound, a pure remedy containing the extractive properties of good old fash ioned roots and herbs, meets the needs of woman's system at this critical period of her life. Try it If there la any symptom In your .quo wiiti'ii nnzltMi vou. write to A Northern attorney, after ac quiring a large South Carolina es tate, formed the Eureka Debating Society to encourage free speech among the negroes of the neigh borhood. On his next trip South he was confronted by a proud win ner of the society's prize. "Now, what was the subject of the debate, Sam?" asked the attorney. "De subject were, "What is de mos benefit to mankind, sah, de sun or de moon?" answered the negro. "And which side did you up hold?" "De moon, sah. 1 jes' argued dat de sun shines by day, when we doan' need de light, but de moon it shines by night, when dat light certainly am needed. An' dey couldn't answer dat, sah!" Everybody's Magazine. HIS RESERVES. An Englishman who stopped i overnight at a Western American hostelry noticed that, instead of ringing a bell at meal time the pro prietor went to the front door and fired a double-barreled shotgun. Later in ihe evening the English man commented on the strange procedure. "That's a novel idea of yours," he remarked to the proprietor, "calling your guests by firing a gun." "Y-a-s," drawled the proprietor "it generally fetches 'em around in time 10 say grace." "Yes," admitted the English man. "But pardon the question, why do you discharge only one barrel?" "Wouldn't do to shoot 'em both," answered the proprietor. "I lave to keep t'other barrel to collect pay for meals and lodging!" Pittsburg Chronicle. IN I tlKKK MAKTS. A mountaineer preacher once said to his Hock : "Rrethren, 1 hev decided t' di vide my sermon in three parts. Th' fust part I'll understand, an' you won't. Th' second part you'll understand, an' 1 wont. Th' third part nobody'll understand." At lanta Journal. HE KNEW. "Did you ever know that there is a lot of symbolism connected with a deck of cards? Hearts, for instance, signify love." "Yes, I know. Last night 1 held a spade flush against four aces and I had to dig." did. His meal and You Dr. D. M. McDonald. The only key that Christ left us with which to unlock heaven is seldom used by us. We seem to be content to have our names on the church roll, attend church, take the communion and leave (he rest tor the ministers. How many of us eat without giving thanks to the God that gave us the food? How many hold family prayers for their children, and then wonder why their chil dren do not lead a Christian life? These are serious facts that exist in our churches today. "Lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God," (Prophecy). My brethren, we must wake up to the fact that we do not do as our Saviour The last thing He did before trial was to pray alone in the den of Gethsemane, and we no account of His taking a without looking up to God giving thanks to His Father. may not think this is not impor tant, but some one has to do the praying for the community, or ii will go to ruin. The message is so sublime:"Ask, and ye shall receive, seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you." Why we can go right into heaven on prayer. A poor man very much in need silling by his fireside thinking what he would do, dreamed one night that he had at last got to heaven. The angel met him and said: "Would you like to see ihe store house?" So they went through it, and to his surprise he saw a large number of packages marked to him. He said: "Why didn't you send these down?" Tlieangel replied: "You never called for them." My friends, go to God in prayer for your wants. The storehouse of God is full. 'Ask, and you shall receive." You may be in good health; you may have plenty of this world's goods, but the time is coming when you are going to need a Saviour. So "call upon Him while He is near." Do not wander off into sin so far that you will not be able to get back to God. A CRYING DEMAIND. Try It yourself- if you want personal and positive infor mation as to how delightful Prince Albert really is, tmoked in a jimmy pip? or rolled into the best inakin's cigarette you ever set-fire-to 1 For, Prince Albert has a wonderful message of pipe-peace and makin's peaco for every man. It will revolutionize your smoke ideas and ideals. Tho patented process fixes that and cuts out bite and parch I i : 3v Mil mm i a h if Ip8 X .-.-.rvT En? I . (hi tt- tide l lai tidy nj tb tot will rt?il: " Proceti PalenlcJ July 301b, 19U;." which kai ntd thrve men tnui'.t- piuc ubera on imoktd before the national J zy :.::icke is so friendly to your tor-ie and taste that it is mighty easy to k- acquainted with. You'll like every pipeful or cigarette better than the last because it is so cool and fraryntnt and bng-bafning. You'll just sit back and ponder why you have kept away from tv.zh joy'ui saiokings for so long a time I Me; j, we tell you Prince Albert is all we claim f i ii. You'll understand just how different r .r waited process makes Prince Albert .;!!c' you smoke it! ui- , 'rini-u Albert wmrsmlhtrt tobacco i toltt: in t jppr rtd bunt, lie; tidyrtd tinm. IOci Aciiicomtf ' ttounl unci ttttlf iiound tin humidor ami in pound rr v I'll-'! ,.-. Ae-'Kcor, with iponitM-motBt' ncr top lha: li-cp t.'tu ttittaticu in Much prtmu condttwn. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Wimton-Salem, N. C. Colds Quickly Relieved. .Many people coutrh and eoinrh from tin' hci;iiiliiiiL' of Full iil'IiI through to spring. Others have cold after cold. Take l)r. King's New Hisenn'iy anil you will get almost immediate relief. It cheeks your cold, slops the racking, rasping, tissue-tearing cough, heals the inllain ination, soothes the raw tuhes. Kasy tn take. Antiseptic and Healing, lod a .'inc. bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and keep it in the house. "It is cer tainly a great medicine Hint I keep a bottle of it continually on hand" wntes V. '. .lesseinaii. l-'ranconia. N il. Mon ey back if not sati-lied I, it it nerlv al wavs lieliis. A certain family in a small Ken lucky town is notorious for its lack of domestic harmony. Late one summer afternoon the small son of the house was leaning on the dooryard gate, crying with great energy. Old Mrs. Beals passed. "What's the matter little boy ?" "Th they wont take me to the m-movie show," he howled. "Do they ever take you when you cry like this?" "S-somctimes ihey doan' some times they don't, but it ain't no trouble to yell." Philadelphia Record. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A There's nothing more uncertain than a sure thing. A neutral is a man who tries to get on both sides of ihe fence at once. The unfairness of the fair se is proverbial. A Specific Against Colds The nearest thing lo a speeilie against colds is a sleeping porch or open bed room and a cold spoie.e I ul li every morning when yon lirsl get up. I.ven then vou will occasumallv lake a cold. especially when co'iK are epidemic, and when you do you will mid liamlier lain's Cough Uemedv a gieat help in enabling you to get lid of it. Try it. Obtainable every here The Court of Last Resort Around the stove of the cross roads grocery is the real court court of last re sort, for it filially over-rules all others. Chamberlain's Cough Keineily has been brought before this court in almost every cross roads grocery in this coun try, and has always received a favora ble verdict. It is in the country where man expects to receive full value for his money that this remedy is most appre ciated. Obtainable everywhere. A man may be a good story tell er, but his wife seldom swallows his yarns. An Ideal Spring Laxative A good and time tried remedy is Dr. King's New Life Tills, The llrst dose will move the sluggish bowels, stimu late the liver and clear the system of waste and blood impurities. You owe it to yourself to clear the system of body poisons, accumulated during the win ter. Dr. King's New Life l'ills will do it. 2iic. at your druggist. No husband is always wrong and no wife is always right Re member this, you married rag : chewers. It is easy to keep cool .ien the furnace lire goes out. For Your Child's Cough If yeur child has a cold, nose inns or coughs much get a small bottle of Dr. Hell's I'ineTai Honey. It's a pleasant Pine Tar Honey syrup, just what chil dren like and just the medicine tosoothc the cough and check the cold. After taking, children stop fretting, sleep good and are soon eutirely well, lusist on Dr. Hell's riue-Tar-lloney. J.'ic. at your druggist. The bigger a man is the less his wife is afraid of him. Dangers ol Draft. Drafts feel best when we are hot and perspiring, just when they are most dangerous and the result is Neuralgia, Still' Neck, Sore Muscles or sometimes an attack of Kheumatism. In such cases apply Sloan's Liniment. It stimulates circulation to the sore and paiuful part. The blood Hows freely and in a short tune the stillness and pain leaves. Those suffering from Neu ralgia or Neuralgic Headache will Hud one or two applications of Sloan's Lini ment will give grateful relief. The ago nizing pain gives way to a tingling sen sation of comfort and warmthand quiet rest and sleep is possible, (lood lor Neuritis too Price '.'.'ic, at your druggist. Children Cry FOR FLE1 CHER'S CASTOR I A Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A We once heard of a woman who was younger than she said she was, CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Us For Over 30 Years Always bear we Signaturi RECIPE FOR CRAY HAIR. To half pint of water add 1 oi. Bay Rum. a small box of Barbo Compound, and hi 01. of glycerine. Apply to the hnlr twice a week until It becomes trie oesirea shade. Any druggist oan put this up or you can mix It at home at very little cost. Full directions for making and use com tn each box of Barbo Compound. It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair, and remove dandruff. It I excel lent for falling hair and wtll make hursh hair soft and glossy. It wtll not color th scalp, Is not sUcky or greasy, and doe not flll'li'MairiTFITT'fflfffrTII CLIMAX 'So PLOW Made by Billups, of Norfolk, Va. Get bigger, quicker crops, more profit cut out plow-trouble and plow-expense net the l'low built to do t riylit that will give real service cut down work nf man ar,d litast Get a "CLIMAX." Ask your dealer to show mi the "CLIMAX." Like all Billups Plows it is trade-marked and registered with t'. S. (ioveninient. Look for the uaiiin 'LLiMAX it is your protection agaiust Kuls-litiiuoii. Insist upon the orig iniil. Mui'i' titan 40 vears of successful Polishrd CT"! I'low-liuil.iimr is K hiu'.l ihe "CLIMAX." tasllmn II We make a complin line or Plows and II ' astiiiL-s for every use. All parts are Stan- Wrouyti i dard and may be had of dealers or direct StfH from factory. 1 1 youi dealer cannot supply Ohio W di.W FREE, FREE Write today for our complete illustrated catalog, containing valua ble information for every farmer its free. Mention name of dealer from whom you usually buy Plows. C BILLUPS, SON & Ca,gJ2E2S& NORFOLK, VA. A Small Amount Deposited Now And Systematically added to, is the only sure way of attaining independence IV u ill m WELDON, N. C. 4 per cent. Interest on Savings Deposits. ut mis Tuwrrn l 1 IIIU01 IU, u m Li ii S6.50 psr ton 5 Tons or mors Lessthan 5 tonlots...7.50 psr ton Sacked f. o. b. Norfolk, J.E. UUUUU.U 91 IV. NORFOLK, VA. .01EV KIDNEY PHIS itESrajFP? m the LydU K. FlntUatu Medicine WELDON, N C, rub off Co LJDDi JH"J, I,.'.' i l