AND WIFE ARE NOW 50-50 IN HEALTH RACE, Tatilac Is Cause of Novel Contest Their Games Create Interest. Tanlac is responsible for a novel race for regained health and hap piness in the Luther home, 412 Wachona street, Winston-Salem. Upon finishing the fourth bottle between them William Luther and his wife, Mrs. Pearl Luther, stood 50-50 in their contest. "We are both in the pink of condition," Mr. Luther and his wife united in telling the Tanlac Man. "Just a short time ago," the husband continued, "1 was in a rundown condition. I suffered loss of appetite and from insom nia. "And I," broke in Mrs. Luther, "suffered stomach ills that came Irom indigestion. Like Mr. Lu t.ier, I suffered from sleeplessness and loss of appetite. The litile time 1 did sleep found me experi encing fretful dreams." "Not so now," man and wife chorused. "Thanks to Tanlac matiers have changed." "While I have gained two and a half pounds more than my hus luiid, he has bested me in sleep. The difference is not much, how ever, and before long I hope to catch up with him in this depart ment of our race. Even now 1 am sleeping better than I have in years. We are even on the eating pjrt as he and I have about the same good, hearty appetite." "We combine in recommending Tanlac to sutferers, especially to man and wife for we feel they will derive the enjoyment that is ours from our interesting health con tests." This ideal spring tonic appeti zer, blood and invigorant, is sold only in Weldon by William M. Cohen; in Scotland Neck by E. T. Whitehead; in Roanoke Rap ids by Hancock & House; in En field by Harrison & Hall; and in Littleton by Harrison's Drug Store. THE ROANOKE NEWS, Thursday, Mar. 30, 1916. I LOCAL INTELLIGENCE, o..-.. And a miss may be better than a male. It looks as if some men actually enjoy being mean. See announcement of J. L. Als ton in another column. A witty girl may be a drug on the matrimonial market. Don't get fooled on Saturday. It will be "All Fools Day," The women are happy in these days of millinery openings. Do you believe all the good things you hear of yourself. Come to Weldon and help us enjoy the fine spring weather. Just received a new shipment of coats and coat suits at M. Freid's, No man with a poor memory has any business to become a liar. A girl loses her self-possession when she puts on a wedding ring. The county commissioners will meet at Halifax next Monday.April 3rd. If you want up-to-date merchan dise visit Samet's Department Store. Mrs. H. G. Dickens and chil dren ars visiting relatives in Rich mond. In after years a man rejoices be cause or the failure of youthful am bitions. A woman talks until things get serious then she gives a man a chance. Mrs. Mitchell, of Franklinton, is visiting her neice, Mrs. T. C. Harrison. Mi'. IJ. A. Lewis is pleased to announce that she has Miss Lowe with her again this season and also Miss Fisher, of Baltimore. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Mountcastle, of Cantonsville, Md., motored to Weldon Sunday on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Mountcastle. Mrs. Mountcastle will spend some time here, while her husband is off on a trip. King's T. C. COUNTY BOARDS OF ELECTION. Named by the State Board In Session Saturday Rule on Senatorial Candidates -and On Expenses of Candidates. The State Board of Elections met in Raleigh Saturday's and named the various county boards of elec tions. It also passed a resolution with respect to candidates for State Senator; ruled that the ex penses of a candidate begins when he takes his first step to secure the office and not when he formally Hies his official notice; a resolution that the State board meet on the sixth day of June, canvass the presiden tial primary vote and wire the re sult to the Democratic and Repub lican National conventions officials. The resolution relative to the expenditure of money declares that a candidate must report in his expenses account all of the money he has spent or that his friends have spent for him in the further ance of his candidacy, whether the money was spent before or after he files the notice of his candidacy with the State Board of Elections. The following was adopted rela tive to senatorial candidates: 1. When a senatorial district is composed of a single county, all notices and statements of money spent must be filed in the manner required by candidates for county officers. 2. When a senatorial district is composed of more than one county in the several counties composing the district agree that a particular county is entitle to name a candi date, then the candidates in the primary will run only in the coun ty entitled to name the candidate and the notices and statements of money spent shall be filed as in the case of county offices. 3. If there be a failure to agree as to what county is entitled to name the candidate, then candi dates will have to run in all the counties composing the district and statements of money spent will have to run in all the counties composing the district and notices and statements of money spent will have to be filed as in the case of candidates for State offices. The County Boards of Election for Halifax and adjoining counties are as follows: Halifax-Whit A. Johnston, Lit tleton: Jacob P. Dickens, Halifax; W. S. Saunders, Roanoke Rapids. Northampton Garland E. Mid yette, Jackson; B. B. Fennille, Jackson; W. F. Outland, Woodland. Warren S. G. Daniel, Littleton; Chas. N. Hardy, Aspen; J. Bishop, Norlina. A shiftless man is always boast ing of what he would do if he had the money. Nailing a lie won't always keep it AfMfn. Miss Kate Garrett, of Mountain, is visiting Mrs. Harrison. Mrs. Charles D. Elmore and daughter, Jessie, of Raleigh, spent Sunday here. So many women seem to be good because in comparison so few men are. No girl who is able to bring a man to the point cares for leap year privileges. Mrs. I. E. Green, who has been visiting relatives in Virginia, has returned home. Sidney Allen, who attends the Wurrenton High School, spent the week end here. Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Howard, Sr., of Kinston, are the guests of Mrs. Lee Johnson. Some husbands would do almost anything to render their wives un speakably happy. If people were as wise as they think they are the unexpected would seldom occur. Miss Tempie Zollicoffer returned home Tuesday from the Greens boro College for Women. There's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip, but only one be tween a man and the sidewalk. C. R. Emry will have a new plate glass front put in the building occupied by Willey and Moore. Just received a beautiful line of crepe de chine waists, all colors, price $1.98 to $3.50 at M. Freid's. Women will never be paid as much for lecturing as men, because they do too much of it for nothing. Nature cannot jump from winter hi cummer without a spring, nor from summer to winter without a fall. Miss Foote invites every one to visit her at the millinery depart ment nf I 'Samel and inspect her hats. No man is v ithout fault but it's mpossible to convince the girl who is about to be married to the man of her choice that such is the case The walls of the new brick build ines on west side Washington Ave nue have been completed and it is a handsome block. We learn that Capt. J. H. Dar- den. of Spring Hill, and F. m Tnulnr. nf Brinklevville. will be a m j - w- candidates for the House of Rep resentatives The Daniel building.recently oc cupied by A. S. Allen, is being re modelled and water is being put in for the convenience of the tncom ing tenant. Mr. and Mrs. Ashley W. Dunn of Scotland Neck, were here the cast week the guests Dunn's parents E. Daniel. lohn K. Kilpatrick, of Church Road, Va., spent a few days here last week with his father. Ntiox c Kilpatrick, who has been on sick list for some time. r P Bounds and children Mises Ellice and Elizabeth, and Misses Lillian Bounds and Annie Rowc House, spent the week end aiSftpWifc The Commonwealth. T h e Scotland Neck Commonwealth has installed a linotype machine, and hereafter it will be issued semi weekly. We extend congratula tions and wish it success. White SALE.-Ladies of the Baptist church, will have a sale of seasonable garments and fancy work on sale at A. S. Allen's old store, on Thursday and Friday of this week, bginning at 12 o'clock Thursday. Chicken salad, cream and other good things to eat. The patronage of the public is earnestly solicited. Died of His Injuries. Geo. Vincent died at the hospital early Wednesday morning. He was at his father's a few miles from town on Sunday two weeks ago and was thrown from a horse. The horse afterwards stepped on him from which he re ceived internal injuries. On last Friday night lie had an internal hemorrhage. The doctor was called and he rushed him to the hospital, where death resulted soon after. Roanoke Rapids Herald. What To Eat In the Spring. March and April are the most trying months of the year for the housewife to know what to prepare to eat. Early fruits and vegetables for which the appetite craves are not easily obtainable, besides they are usually too expensive to have on the daily bill of fare. For this reason, too much of meats and heavy foods are eaten in the spring and are frequently the cause of 'spring fever" and that tired feel ing common to the first warm days. Ai;roMU:.u Ac -ini'.vr. -Sev eral persons were injured in an automobile accident at Garysburg Sunday and its a miracle that the accident was not more serious. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Cordle and two children, of Littleton, motored here Sunday and taking Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Rodwell and child with them they took a trip over into Northampton. When near the old Petersburg railroad cut in Ga rysburg the automobile stalled upon the road, and Mr. Rodwell got out to crank it up. But before Mr, Rodwell could do so the automo bile ran backwards and turned over into the ditch, catching the occupants under it. Mrs. Cordle had her arm badly sprained and Mrs. Rodwell sustained slight in juries, ine otner members ol the party escaped with only a few bruises. Their escape from death or serious injury was most won derful and they all feel thankful that they came out of the accident alive. ADVERTISED LETTERS. The following is a list of letters remaining "uncalled for" in the Weldon postoffice : Rosa Clark, M. B. Clegg, Lillie May Howard, J. B. Robertson. Persons calling for above letters will please say "advertised," giv ing date of advertising. D. T.Clark, P. M., Weldon, N. C. Mar. 27. 1916. of Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. W, the Ki-.i Ksm mm wii M-..r KMX M4it 4 mm par' s gj I kw M ! " -r ' ikiiis Bfx&-- J$)lK mm J-Jfef?-y-. ,o wmm Jt " , mm j? - - &i 1 mm -JtJ -J sr mm I. .....ry mm I ,--jr mum I" fir KIM W JkjjtM mm Sl'IMXi IS HERE! And I have the most up-to-date line of Spring Goods than ever before And our Millinery Department is more up-to-date than ever before. 'Swi W w 1 ' :::iv.a A new line of Ladies Slippers Just Arrived msm MM msm mm mm imm mm KiiiM mm 825 Visit Our H Millinery DEPARTMENT mm mum MM mm Si Complete line of Spring Coats and Coat Suits Complete line Men's Suits and Pants. Best line of Silks, Crepe-de-Chine and Dress Goods 'Utz & Dunn Co. Slippers and Shoes $1.98 Best shoe for the money. Beautiful line Silk Shirts for Men Up-to-date line Ladies Skirts Kneeland Shoes gjfjj for Alena new k1 pair for every dissatisfied mm SUitilt customer gsjl 3 You are always welcome at our store whether you buy or not White Canvas and Buck Skin Shoes for Ladies and Misses. KjjJSTORE ON The Cor. LI. SAMET'S DEPARTMENT STORE Weldon's Biggest and Best Store, : : : : : WELDON, N. C. " a-aaaa aaaaaaa- Men's Straw ii Hats and Palm 111 KJSM fixa ram aisn Kiwi man mm mm mim mm mm Beach Suits Just Arrived WELDON'S Bust Stoke Sfjg IAM ?A?A?A W ?A W After a While. Half the joy of life comes from getting good out of things as we go along. Some of us are always putting ott our enjoyments. After a while, we expect to take a rest, see a friend, ead a book. But afier a while never comes, the good times we are looking forward to lies as far away as ever. All our life is spent n meaning to overtake it and en joy it. Meanwhile we ton, aruage and grow old, passing by with un elfish eye the happiness we might get out of every day. Sunday Was Fine Sunday was a charming, spring uay ana there was a good attendance at all the churches. Rev. J. B. Massey, of Wilson, preached in the afternoon at half past three o'clock at the Presbyte rian church, preaching quite an able sermon from the text: "Take my yoke upon you." Rev. Henry Clark Smith preach ed at the evening service at Grace church, and in the Baptist and Methodist churches the services were conducted by the respective pastors, Rev. J. G. Blalock at the Baptist church; and Rev. F. M. Shamburger at the M. E. church. Basket Ball Weldon High School boys defeated the High School team from Scotland Neck here Tuesday in a one-sided game of basket ball, the score being 38 to 8, in favor of Weldon. The visitors were not allowed to score a single point in the first half. Weldon Position Scot.Neck Travis C. Moore Jones, L F. Bradley, W. Daniel. R. F. Bradley, G. Irthnson. R. U rutrell u " Garner, L G. Harrell In the last half Scotland Neck put Lewis in place of Bradley, W L. Harrell in place of G. Bradley, Moody in place of Harrell. H. V. Bounds was referee and James Pierce acted as time keeper scorer. The visiting team was accompa nied bv a sd endid contingent ot Fair rooterines from the old home town. Take This lor LaQrippe Coughs The danger of l&grippe lies in its ten dency to develop pneumonia, and the March death record from pneumonia ix uppulliDg, Stop your cold before it rcacheH the danger point, and take lo- ley's Honey and Tar Compound. Mr. V. I, liowen, JimpH, Ga., writPH: "I had a terrible attack of lagrippe, aches and pains all over my body, and a dry hacking lagrippe cough. 1 began taking Foley's Honey and Tar and when I had taken one bottle my cough was cured, my cold was well." Sold by E. CLARK. What a noiseless world this would be if women were as quiet all the time as they are when it comes to telling their age. Has Eight Children Mrs. 1'. Kehkamp. 2404 Herman St., Covington, Ky., writes: "I have been using Foley's Honey and Tar for nearly two years and can tind no better cough Byrup. I have eight children and give it to all of them. They all were subject to croup from babies on." It is a safe and reliable medicine for men and wo men as well as children. Don't let the cough that follows grippe hang on and weaken you. It is easier to get rid of a cough or cold than of its consequences. Sold by E. CLARK. The man who owes money usu ally worries less than the man to w WEAK, SORE LUNGS Bestored To Health By Vinol rvrnden. N.J. "I had a deep seated couch, was run-down, and my lungs were weak und sore. I had tried everything suggested w.thout help, une eve ning 1 read about Vinol and decided to try it. Soon 1 noticed an improve ment 1 kept on taking it and today I am a well man. The soreness is all gone from my lungs, I do not have any cough and have gained fifteen pounds. ' - Kkank Huxman. We guarantee Vinol for chronic coughs, colds and bronchitis tod (or ali ?ak, run-down conditions. RUN-DOWN WOMAN Hade Strong By Our Vinol sw Filward. N.Y. " I was in a run down, nervous and weak condition, so 1 could not do tne nousewom lor my mu family of three. I had taken cod liver oil emulsions and other remedies with out benefit A friend told me about Vinol. 1 tried it and it soon DUHt up my strength and made me a well woman so I now do all of my housework. "-Mrs. Elmer olidden. We guarantee Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic, for all run-down, weak and debilitated conditions. W. M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon N. C. Rubbing Eases Pain Rubbing sends the linirr.ent tingling through the flesh and quickly slops pain. Demand a liniment that you can rub with. The beft rubbing liniment is MUSTANG LltlKJEtlT GooJ for the Ailments of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. Qood for your own Aches, Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc 25e. 50e. $1. At all Dealer.. horn he owes it. (OOH i i LIU F ii ?A This store is especially desirous of pleasing the Matron and II the Miss. As the latest of dainty tootwear appears you will find g II it displayed here for your approval. At the same time we are II showing the NEWEST CREATIONS for summer wear, and we are connaeni tuat uui unci 11150 wm uchbu muuu mvnuj f A number of very latest styles are now on display at our store. M. FREID'S The Store Right With Goods. the The Store Goods That Right. Sells ?A ?A ?A 1 . . -a a, l j-- .-Li- . ki- . i. . liy .kJy . U LkJy . W V.S h A A lVJ wii wVy. yW4TTYiYix2sziXAXAA j X 2... --Sr--VjiS- Bailor's Opera House i" J. A. Coburn's Greater Minstrels ! !! The Bard of Avon More Than 3(H) Years Ago Wrote: TO THINE OWN SELF BE TKUE MO anil it must follow, a day tin- uiflit, tliou eanst noi thru In- lalse to any man. Iteintf irue vo oueseii involves ine uvaiuuK in t-ny itjmmi- , eut making lor the preservation ol Health a vital part of Truth to self The proper cure of the teeth is For Sale. I have 200 Bushels Black Field 1'oas Phone, write or see L. T. Gaknkr, el don, N. C 8 18 4t. w ANTED. One of the large magazine publishing houses desires to employ an active man or woman in this community to handle a special plan which has proven unusually profitable. Good opening tor right party. Aaaress with to reterences, Fuonsner, Box 155, Times Square Station, New York Lity. Administrators' Notice. The undersigned, having qualified as i.lministrators of the estate of Mrs. M. I. Johnston, deceased, before the Clerk of the Superior court of Halifax county on the 18th day of January, 191(1, here. by notify all persons to whom their in tcbtate may be indebted to present ineir claims duly verified to them at Little' ton, or to their attorney, W. E. Daniel, at Weldon, N. C, on or before twelve months from date of this notice, or same will be pleaded in bar thereof. All persona indebted to their said in testate are requested to make immedi ate payment This the 19th day of Fobruary, 1110 W. H. NICHOLSON, M. NELSON, Admrs. of the Estate of Mrs. M. . Johnston, deceased. W. E. DANIEL, Attorney. S 2 t For House of Representatives. 1 hereby announce to the Democratic voters of Manias county inai i uu n.ndidiitB for the House of Represents' tives from Halifax county subject to the action of the Democratic primary to ii,. iv i on the tnira aav oi June, mio. 1 promise, if elected to that position in An mv heat to represent the best in t rests of said county in the General iasnmhlv. The support of the voters at the primary is cordially solicited. Yours for service, J. L. ALSTON. Essex, N. C Saturday, April 1. 2 I I Perform My ! : j No jt&tppiW Methods j i" Mirarlfc ill I ii II JL- are not ? Batchelor's Opera House. OK&Good.! ill fi 5 Fresh Every Day Delicious 1 advertise, not to misrepresent nor to attack any other Dentist, but sim ply to tell where I am. who 1 am. ami whal I cun ilo. My methods contain the new and up to date ideas known ti the lieiital World. vv.z;M. ! Guaranteed Dentistry I'lates upper or lower a. Set up , Silver Alloy Killings 22k (iold Crowns, Teeth Cleaned, Bridge. (A Tooth) :i to $." I White t'orrrlain Crowns (lold Killings, 1 up i Teeth Extracted 50c. up : "i0c to Tic. IPS to ft. 2"c. up White (Plastic) Killings ."Hie. up KKKK EXAMlNAIlON DR. E. E. HACHMAN, Surgeon Dentist, Office in Qrcen's New Building, - WELDON, N. C MOM MOM MOM MM MM MO DD 11 S n I J I fill At Cohen's Drug Store. Agents lor Norris Candy. W. M. COHEN, Pharmacist Bell's Fork Dipped Chocolates. Agents tor Nunnally Candy. OUR SHOWINQ OF Imported Woolens for made-to-wear-garments is now on dis play. As usual, we show exclusive pat- terns not shown elsewhere and qualities beyond question, THE BEST DRESSED MEN in Weldon are the men who come to our Store. Won't you drop in and see our Stvlish Fabrics and the new spring fash- ion plates? Order your spring suit now. T REMEMBER--A perfect fit or no clothes. FARBER & JOSEPHSON, MEN'S AND BOYS' OUTFITTERS. WELDON, N. C. aep 11 ly PEEKLESSICECREAM AT COHEN'S.