N 'M 'If I! A; h : it !1F M t n k ... t i. !. 1. l a rtatMn0HHnSlHHIlMHBlllHKMISaBlBO ; Why Here is "If I hud n H a 5 iflj sacra ....... r.W jpvux 7?cwt V' Uses and Abuses of Fertilizers By Prof. R. J. M. De Loach, Director of Georgia Experiment Station. 3. ROTHAMSTED EXPERIMENT STATION AND FERTILIZERS. The Third of a Seriei of Six Article Tun Itothaiustetl Experiment Station Is in lCnslutid, and Is nnicd for the (treat work it lias done along u!l lines of agricultural work. I; has Koue into the laws of noil fertility, has been the first to disco, er many of these laws, and has in all lis history been especially interested In wn-'tlns oat a plan of farm management by which soil fertility could be nnunlainod at minimum cost to the farmers. The Kothamsted experiments brKun in the year 1SM7. when Sir ,I,hi Bennett Lawes beKan experiments on his private estate. He was a man who loved the soil and to experiment fertilizer manufacturer in a certain sense, as he early discovered a proc e.-.s for transforming bone Into superpho.-phate b the use of sulphuric acid, Uiok out a patent for this In and built an extensive business iilli he niuiiatsed for about thirty years. In IMS he associated with him ... II. (iilhert, and these two men fur more than fifty years conducted cwcsive agricultural investigations in re.nard to soils and fertilizers, and feeds ami feeding of domestic animals. In l!9 Sir John turned over his lurce estate, which had now grown so important, and had become so well known in all parts of the civilized world, to a board of directors, and endowed it with half a million dollars. Twenty Yean Experimentg on Same Plots. Among many other thlnxs that wi re done, experiments were conducted with fertilizers, mineral salts, and many forms of ammoniates, also with animal manures, to determine just whai soils needed to grow the most crops. For this work plots of ground were set aside, marked off and carefully measured, and then planted to the crop with which the Investigator wished to work. Small plots would be used for the different kinds of mineral and animal manures, and in each series one plot would be left unfertilized throiiKhout the entire experiments, while the others would have applied the different combinations of fertilizers, etc farelul reports were taken from each end of these plots, ami with Interesting results The same experiment were continued for twenty years and mure. Many experiments were conducted with hay, and 9oiu or these with the following results: The plots tha bad no manure of any kind awraned in twenty years, 2,3s3 pounds of hay; the plois which had mineral man are alone, 3,59$ pounds; the plots with mineral manure and -lno pounds of am monia salts, 5,711 pounds of hay; those with mineral manure and sou pounds of ammonia salts, e.72t; pounds of hay: the plots which received the mineral manure and nitrate of soda i;,4i7 pounds of hay. Considering the very low cost of he fertilizers In comparison to tim Increased yields brought about by their use, one could not fall to see the value of the manure sails. Larger Yields Were Always Obtained. The Kothamsted station was interested In the permanent im rovetueni ,,f laud and the part played In this by the use of fertilizing materials, f ioni tin many experiments carried out. there was never a doubt of the wisdom of applying plant food to the soil. .ar-'.-r yields were alwavs obtained, i.tli.-r things being equal, and the tertllizati u of the soils throughout KiikI.iiiiI and her possessions recommended. It was decided to ascertain the ell,-, is. of fertilizers on corn. Seven plots were treaied as follows: I'.ot I. I'nmanured. Plot J. Mixed mineral manure, 3!ni pounds sulphate of potash. Jim pounds sulphate soda. 100 pounds sulphate magnesia. ::."ai pounds superphosphate lime. Plot 3. Ammonia salts, comprising 200 pounds sulpha e ammonia and 200 pounds muriate of ammonia Plot 4 Ammonia salts and mixed mineral manures, as Plot Plot o. Klve hundred and forty pounds Peruvian guano. Plot C. Two thousand pounds rape . ake Plot 7. Fourteen tons farmyard manure. i ue iruima 01 six jeurs 01 experiments rnlloW; The greatest in, , In yields was obtained with fertilizer, richest In ammonia. The a;au salts, the guano and rape cuke gave the largest increase, which was a four or five bushels Increase uf dressed corn. In Plot 2, where on! mineral manures were used, the Increase was least, while In Plots :: an. I was greater, and In 4 greatest. It seems that the mineral manures v.- the effect or the ammonia salts In urder was In every case a substantial Increase plots mat remained unmanured. The great object in giving the above Information is to bring to the atten tion of farmers and business men that the question of fertilizers for the a er air .j farm crops Is a subject as old as any farm of agricultural education, and );othamst'xl did much fundamental work on iL In no case was it found liui i-.nonla salts and other mineral manti'V, when applied together, were lot valuable. Farmyard manure was somewhat valuable by itself, hut far aiore so when ammonia salts were applied with it. FOR THE MAN ON THE JOB Rules Posted In Factories For Safety Purposes Should Never Be Overlooked. Enforcement of factory rules Is an other important matter In conenction with safety work, and It must not be overlooked. The posting of rules and allowing them to be disregarded show; yery poor management. When a rule I posted, every employee should obey It, or be called to the superintendent's unice aim asseu u lie uioruugmv mi ,,,i, a r derstood the order; If not. be Inslruct Undersigned for ed and clven a copy to keep and read; onins. no excuses to be accepted afterward Name A disregard of rules should be con sidered a great offense against the ; St. or R. F. D management, and should be dealt with 1 -j- seriously In order lo have the desired 1 Own effect unon all Interested. The posting j BARGAIN RATE of attractive signs at points of danger j and In conspicuous places has given excellent results These silent remind j months $1 5 $1 50 r" :p,o'ee' ,o ,!6momhS;::::::::::::$2'.5o boo and think, because the eye had caught , , y et on tr nn the warning in time, although the , 1 ,ear $3.UU My.Ull mind was lost in thought, and thuf Remit by Check or Postal Money prevented an accident. I believe that j order. Money gels lost in the mails, bulletin orders and signs should b j Orders accepted under this spec- rhanged from time to time in order to get the best results from these sources. One becomes used, In time, to conditions encountered dally and passes them by. but something new In cole or design at once excite man's natural curiosity, causing the employee to think. Once a man stops to think he becomes a safer and I better man In all his undertakings TM 'k fl-nt. ai'd safety follows. Sat ety Englnee.lt!!?. CLEANS BED WITH GASOLINE. Light Lamp to Help With Work an Explosion Follow. A woman In Oilncy, 111., used gaso line for cleaning a bed, and later an ra.'"-! a ''hted lamp Into the room. ' - was an explosion of eu air and the woman ' in fed. The Are da ! i i pultlns out th - m, ted that-the womei Proper Treatment for Blllousn s For long time Mis Lula Pkelt m, Churehtrille, N. Y., was bilious and had sick headache and dissy spells. . Cha n oerlain's Tablets were .the only thicir that gave her permanent relief. Obtainable everywhere. those Pains? testimonial unsolicited my will it would he advertised on every street corner. The man or woman that has rheumatism and fails to keep and use Sloan's Lini ment is like a drowning man refuting a rope." A, J. Pan Dykt, LaktiuovJ, S, J, Sloan's Liniment I'm Sprains Pk SoreMusclfsS with it. Strange to say. he a : a j to help them become availabli where fertilizers were used Coupon Por CHARLOTTE OBSERVER BARGAIN 51 I 5CRII 1 ( Date Charlotte Observer. Charlotte, N. C Find enclosed S 19! for w hich send The Clurloite Obser- j ver, Daily and Sunday, by mail 10 ' HMI.V OS1.V HAM V AMI SIMHV j jal only during Special Bareain Period. gn. KITTOTS itiv - 1 v.i 1 1 ii, k -ii pi . I ll.u HI 0' wi.i ft iir.!ipi!) hu J al rtason Jb'i: pn;vs. DON'T throw your old shoes away, bring them to me and I will make them as good as new. L Kittner's Electric Sim Slicp WELDON, N. C. e It ded I Tier i I r lbs i SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION Every D..y I n.s Are St.irit-d and Serious Cuukijc Done by Care lessly Disposing of Oily Rags. P-'tuon itiations of spontaneous com bustion will' nutilc rutin;!. P tim safety do m anient of the National t'a-h Register Company, Dayton, Ohio, far the education of employees, p.iiUiy as a result of a tire on the nic'it of A.i- gust "7 in Hi i- finishing ileparliiieii!. The Urn slcrtcd tn a bin where oily rags had been carelessly i brown. On i one rue. it is believed, there was a little Unseed oil. Drying of the oil. under certain icmditons. will start a lire. in order lo impress upon the minds of the employees the danger of alio v tug waste paper of any kind to aectim- ! ulate. it was decided to tlemonstratr- ' just how Are may be started without j the application of a mnti h of any Uinl A large tin box. from wllteh ! side hud been removed, was placed . In the hall window of the safety offic ii this each morning are placed tlir- " rags saturated with linseed oil a:1 too.-elv coiiiined in dry tag to hu! 1 the heat. In a few hours later t!i" rtu-s become a smouldering mas ready to bet si Into ilaitu s The 1 1 plunntlon is that lms"cd oil is fa---drying. When finely divided on a cot ton cloth, a large urfiicp of the oil I exposed to Hie air. Large euaalMic' of oxytcn are absorbed ami h".tt N produced. The outside cloth cm -,"-ve this heat l-'iieHly. the t r;o-,rv be.-omes so hi :h that th cloth Im-i s Hundreds of f'fes In various parts o' the country -tart from such cau-es. Soot, linen, paper, cotton or wu'oh n liiifl's, when snaked with relatively small amounts of oils and exposed :n limited aeee-v of air. take fire. Mem bers of the Xnrliiiiai Cash lb n'-tt : health and safety commit tee reccnt'y invstigated n lire discovered in a fl wr mop. The mop had beet used to p isli floors nil w is snaked in a fast-itrv lug nil. Spontaneous combustion ie- suited - Safely Kngitie-r A MhNACE. In lndsn htuiscs, tie) me aciug houses "s, to go no ' -r cxtormi- lr jut lihC Mil. ill ene fiirtlH", . ;i nntill", rT -.prayim; a i and any ; .1 IS ..,;i. RtiVteM ihi: lion of lien:'. ,"a!iun i-: in: It is far I. .itlt1 in' luj--i far hrtti-r m SlUlli'U ll'Me llllIUH. .1 liOl'-, IK' the .l-unil!". may . ul a ill.' e .id that id blV-s pel- otl if.- And the records .-how tli.it l.uunieds I id' women and uiost of tl;. m wuing i women --have boon burned to death liy Hie use of gasoline or heeme in homes. Safety tans, approved by Hie I'u derwriters' Laboratories, meet the to (iiiireinenis fo,- using and -formg gas oline and benzine, and should always be used. Such cans can be easily proi ured from a dealer C, A Ca-sgr i iiiio Ititli'llu Combine JC om and Cotton Drilis .ire p'.ir-excellfP.cc the best implements of the i i kinti. Very strontr, made entirely of steel. Can he set to liriil or plant in hills any number of grains desired. We can fnrnis!i this ma chine w ith or without ferti lizer attachment and with disk or runner opener. Price very reasonable. Write for prices and special circular. Catalog of Farm lirp-tcments, Gasoline Engines and a'.. , -i.-clate Form Supplies niiitVo upon request. The Implement to,, 1302 Main St., - Richmond, Va. 1 l lowers mm I'uli ALL VA-loNS liie-cs, allies, Hrclitils. lolctt- ami Carnations a Spec ialty. cililnik' l:iiiiuets ami lieeoia timis, Floial i ill'ciiiiL'-, all airanirci! in the latest mt. rite us for puce iist of your needs in Cut Flowers and l'ot riiini- of all hnnls. Our Business Is Growing;. Local Agent, WliLIiiiN I I KN1TI HF. t'O.VH'ANV. Mail, telegraph or telephone orders promptly executed liy J. L. O'Ql'INN & COMPANY, FI.OltlsTS, RALEIGH, North Carolina. I'liones. Store 1 Mil ( ireen houses Mil Old Folks Saved From Suffering Mrs. Mary A. Dean, Taunton, Mass., In her 87th year, says: "I thought I was beyond the reach of medicine, but Foley Kidney nils have proven moat beneficial in my case." Mr. Sam A. Hoovor, High Point, N. C, writes: "liy kidney trouble, was worse at night ord I had to get up from flvo to soven times. Now I du rot have to got up at night, and con aider myself in a truly normal con dition, which I attribute in Koley Kid ney Fills, as I have taken nothing else." Mrs. M. A. Ttrldrjes, Ttoblnson, Matis., Bays: "I aufTorcd from kidney ail ments fir two years. X commenced taking Foley Kidney rills ten months ago, and though I am 61 years of ago, I feel like a lii-year-old girl." Foley Kidney Pills aro tonic, trenirthcnlnff and up-hullUlniT, ami restore normal action to the kldneyu nnd to a disordered and painful lilud der. They act quickly and c'jntain Do dangotuua or harmful drugu, SoW by E. CLARK. Keep Your NoweN l-'rRulnr. j t t!- V !,o o.-e . icii . a' i : On;! : I ...A." i e ,-oh.e eoc-Mali I. t:tk a ib-e j ui I'leuuo, ill. ii I .lei. ts iu.-l a;'i i sup ; ! p ale! 1 I .e r ,, el c .! net tl.e e i-. . ie I II ta lia' . '. el -, a le 'e ' I miniwiii ii ii ui tr. ;-f ..ise ' ' . I ' ha L.lrn-i wa . . I .. ,.U I UI t IH II . 'I. I III rs ND RESCUED I After Four Yi:.; of Discouraging : Ccndillcaj, L. s. SuBock Gave Up in Dtspi.ir. Hustand Came to Rescue. Catron, Ky. In n interesting letter from this place, A s. Bc'.lie liullock writes as follows: "I suffered for four years, with womanly 'roubles, and during this time, I could 01 j sit up for a little while, and could no walk anywhere at all. At times, 1 won i have severe pains in my left side. The doctor was ca 'J in, and his treat mert relieved me fo a wl c:, but 1 was Eooti confined to m b;d ;i'.v.n. Alter that, nolliing seemed l'o nit' any good, j '.ALOMEL WHEN BILIOUS? NO! STOP! mm you sick and salivates "IJiiiison's Liver Tone" Is Harmless To Glean Your Sluggish Liver 2M(! Bowels, ! Calomel make yon sick. It's lake a dose oi' t In- da nacrous . ill .i' I t.UIMUTnU illl 111. IV lo-C .. .rk. ieaa-l i- lncrcilrv or illiik-iher im i tosi's of the bones. w i,. i: it come- into contact .iir Im!.. eiashc- into it, breaking : his i- u ben yuil feel that aw ful a ami cramping. If you are slug ati.l "all knocked out." if your i- turpi I and Imwcls cunstipatixf ui have iicadache, di.ziiiess. coated it' iirea: r. is bad or stomach sour. . s, nil ,pt haruib-ss Dodsou's I m.c tisa-bt mi my guarantee. Announcement! h;ivi hoiicrht out j flood Vv ill of Mrs. J. W.Vaughn and this is to an ''I I nounce that we will continue the business in Wcldon, guaranteeing prompt service and careful iitr.dling of baggage and freight by experienced drivers. Tor dray service call Ben Rodwell, Phone No. Mi. SMITH & RODWELL, W ELDON, N. C. pring: Presh and new, just rive, ana witmn a snort lime win De uis- ar.x nlnved in nil their mavnificence. WD THE ! K Vfe.-Vr 1 v ' will find some of the very latest smartest decrees of Dame Fashion styles and fabrics that appeal to purse as strongly as MX The ladies are cordially invited to and inspect my stock. T OrfUTMnAflV The Busy Store, Xe, $ UUUM MM MM M MAN f I'ACTU KEltS OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors Blinds, Mantels, Door MADE TO OUDF.K AND liEtil'LAU STOCK SIZES. Good Materials. High Qrade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. OlliAiRiiiiL AIR LINE THE PROGRESSIVE RAILWAY OF THE SOUTH. Trains leave Weldon, Effective JAN 2, IQld. C. E. CARTER, Ticket Agent. NO.16 8:30 A. M SEA HOARD Ei'KEs, Coaches, Sleeping Cars. NO.I2 3:35 P. M. HEAKOAKI) MAIL, Vestibule l oaches. I'arlorC'ar, for I'orts mouth-Norfolk, connecting with Steamship Lines fur ash inRton, Haltimore, New York, Boston and Providence, NO. II SEAHOAKD M AIL for Kali'ili, Charlotte, Atlanta, liirtuing ham and the Southwest; connects at Norlina,Kalei(liorIlatu 11:50 A. m. let with "Florida Fast Mail" No. H, for dacksouville and I' loriila points; Dinintr Car, Sleeping cars- tliroufh sleepers to Hamlet and Atlanta. NO. IS SEAHOAKD EXl'HESs, for Haleis-li, Atlanta, HirminKham ' ami the Southwest. ( onnects at Hamlet with No. 14 for I2:0o P. IVl. H ilminirton: with No. 1 for Columbia. Savannah. Jackson ville and Florida points; sleeping car Portsmouth to Charlotte; Vestibule Coaches, sleeping and Dining Cain to all poiutsSout!) and Southwest. No. Ill for 1,'alcigh leaves 4:411 a. m. No. ID from Italeigh arrive H:4(l p. m. Write to the undersigned for rates and tune tables. C- It. RYAN, JOHN T. WEST, General Passenger Agt., Division Passenger Agt Norfolk. Va. Raleigh, N.C. ESPAIR1G WIFE R""" so 1 ".na not s.aua, and I jjave up in despair. At last, my husband got me a bottle of Cardui, the woman's tonic, and I com menced taking it. From the very first dose, I could tell it was helping me. 1 can now walk two miles without its tiring me, and am doing all my work." If you are all run down from womanly troubles, don't give up in despair. Try Cardui, the woman'stonic. It has helped more than a million women, in its 50 years of continuous success, and should , surely help you, too. Your druggist has sold Cardui for years. He knows what it wi'l do. Ask him. He will reconv ;neml it. Begin taking Cardui today. ' MV,'.- In: Cti.unnea Mfililnt Co., LaJlM A.Mseo C'Pt., '.tMUHnimiffl, 1enn lef 'ji-'llil , C, u., .... .nlhl.n,.h,..b ' H..II1M liMln..-iii im Women." enl m Um wr.ppr. Uif Here's my giuiriintii' Co to any drug store and gel a aO cent buttle of Hud son's l.ivcr Tune. Take a spoonful and if it doesn't Mruightcn you right up and make yen feel line and vigorous I want "ii to go back to the store and gel jour money. Hudson's Liver Tone i- il.'-t roving tin- sale of calomel lieralisp it is rial Ihcr medicine; entirely vege table, therefore it can not salivate or make jell sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Pod--oii's l.ivcr Tone will put jour sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and constipated waste which is clogging your system and mak ing you feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of Hudson's Liver Tune will keep iinr entire family feeling tine for tiaeitl.s. Cive it to jour ebiblr. i is harmless; doesn't gripe and thc ;c .-s I'basant taste. the Drav Business and Goods! IS beginning to ar LADIES and the w& they do to the eye mm call MM mm WELDON, NC g M MM MMMMM MM M and Window Screens lor 1'oilsmoulli-Noilolk V extiliule i ?& H.W. HARRISON'S Go to HARRISON'S Ml SI! !' i Foi Automobile licpans ami Suidics. All kinds of Machine wotk iloiu sta tionai v , casoliiic. Mann.' an. I steam Knuines. linns ami Pistols, saii-iaction guaianteed. - AUTOMOBILES Tiresand Supplies on hand for salt II. W. IIAPUISON', Wcldon, N. C. yamn o bsbm tl.l IIIIO lo : i .i- KOH PERSONAL HYC'IENE OiiuolvcJ in water for douches stops "-,?!vic carrh, ulceration and ir.flr-a-mation. l?ecoi.imended hy Lydia E. i'inkhnm Med. Co. for t-'n yesre. A hralini; wonder fnr naie.l catarrh, ore throat and tore eye,. Economical 1 tni rttronnltmry rlrm.in, and RrmiiciiUI .rr. .Mmplo Fr0O. 50c. oil clmi-iiijU. r oittiV by k ni'l TV I'alon Tr Cmi'inny. P.wlm, M in. j we mmml le.val Feast toccry one who ' lie, i ic-ii groceries at our store.! All : he si asoualilc ilelicacies an ; fouitil in our store the year j round. ) CONFECTIONERIES ! FRUITS ) CROCKERY AND TIN ) ( 1 WMKC jij Wooden and Willow ware. YAe.' ) t (inndM delivered nromntiv miv ) ( where in town. Polite elerks ) Phone .No. Mi. E. M. PURNELL wKi.nox, s. c. Lamest Stoci in lit South. When in Norfolk call on us You w ill liml what you want and get it quickly. Having no canvassers, no agent's commission are ad- C di d to our prices. This cna . U'- abli'H us to use lirslclass ma terial and finish it properly:. We Pay Freight and Guarantee Safe Arrival THE COUFCR IRIRBIE WORKS (ttS years in business.) ai-l-2lW Hank iU NOIiFOI K, VA. Roses, Carnations, Violets and other llowers alwavs on hand Shower Wedding liouquets. Handsome Floral Designs, Palms ami Ferns lot home culture. Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissus and manv other varieties ol llulbs foi fall planting cither for out or indoor oil ture. Kose bushes, Magnolias and Ev ergreens. Write, 'phone or telegraph. H. STE1NMETZ, Florist. Raleigh, North Carolina 5-3:1-1 y Wood's Productive Seed Corns. Our Virginia-grown Seed Corns have an established reputation for superiority in productiveness and germina ting qualities. Wood's Descriptive Catalog tells about the best .of prize-winning and profit-making varieties in both Whit and Yallow Corn. Cotton Seed. We offer the best and most Im proved varieties, grown In sections absolutely free from boll weevil. Our Catalog gives prices and Infor mation, and tells about the best of Southern Seeds, 100-DAY VELVET BEANS, Soja Ban. SUDAN GRASS. Dtllls Grau and all Sorghums and Mllleti. Catalog mailed free on request. T.W.WOOD 3 SONS, SEEDSMEN. - Richmond. Vi. Are You a Woman ? Cai'doi The Woman's Tonic FOR SALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS rs Will euro Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cut, Burns, Old Sores,-Tetter, Ring; Worm, Ec zema, etc. Antiseptic Aiiiitlvne. uej internally ore.vternjlly. !5p PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WAI.TKK R. DANIEL. Attorr.ey-at-Lav,', V l.t.l '. N , N. . I'tactlt'cs in the I'OUlts of llalllux a.-l Noilliamplou am. in the supreme alio Federal coin Is. t oliections luaoc in all parts of Norlb Carolina, lbaneb olbce ttt Halifax ni.ni - v. rv Mou.iuv GEORUK C. GREEN... ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (National Hank Ituilding) Weldon. N. C. Wm. L. KNIGHT, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, WKLDoX, N. t'. Ollice in the Daniel Ituihling. i Ihisine-s promptly ami laitlilully at j ten, led to. ; W. Je WAKJUf," DKNTIHT, OFFICE IN DANIEL HL'ILDINU WELDON. N.: nepl2 1y CLAR s:. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 1 WELDON, N. ('. ! Practices in the courts ol Halifax and i adjoining counties anil ii. the Siiiieme 'court of tin- State. Special attention I L'tveu to eolleelioiis anil prompt returns D. E. STAIN BACK, NOTARY PUBLIC And Fire Insurance. knaiHike News Office -:- WdM N (. r THE NAME OF CHAS. M. STIEFF ON YOUR PIANO It is important to know that the piauo you huy has lived long enough to prove the merit of the principles on which it is built aud that its tone and quality of action have liccn appraised by people qualified to judge. Stieff Pianos have been before the public since 1-P.'. and are now in the seventy third year of their popularity: hav ing been the selection of Norfolk's most accomplished iiuiicians. The purchase ol'a Stieff Piano Is am in vi'-tiin-nt cniitainintr 00 rlctncnt of su'('tilutictii AM' B tlicy urc of inoiU'iutc pni't and tCl'lllN. (Chas. j?ticf, I.KON t'. STLF.I.K, .Mgr. No. '-'.tl (iranby t.. Norlolk, Va. Phone 1 lent. GREAT BARCAINS IN TYPEWITRRRS. We carry a large stock ol standard Typewriters, t an furnish at once Mon arch, Fox. Oliver, Iteniington, Koyal, Mnitli Premier. L. t'. Smith .v. P.ro. B aud t'nilciwooil. Any other make from ,1 to l.'i days' notice. We have both the visible ami the invisible. We bought a large stock ol these Typewriter from one-louith to one-half tin1 regular whole sale puce, and on sale now at one-fourth to one-hall the regular retail prices. A good Typewriter from iT.'s") to l.r. A better one 17. .'si to t'.'N.iM). The best from $110 up to any price. Will be glad to answer tiny inquiry in connection with these machines, anil send samples of the work done bv any of the Type writers r have. Ku ry boy and girl should have one ol our cheap Typewri ters to Icain how to use. Any person who can write well on a typewriter can (leiniiiul a large salaiy. Anyone who buys u cheap typew liter from us and wants a better imp later, we will lake back the one bought and allow thcsaine jiald for it in excliange for a better one, if returned in good condition and w ithin six months. Ii not in good condition we allow the market value. We carry Type writer ribbons and other supplies. SPIERS BROS. WKI.PON. N. r. Gasoline Engine Peanut Threshers Belting Just received Car Load Shingles, National Wire Fencing. Hackney's Wagons. We Sell School Books. fAIOWE Co., Halifax, N. C. O. H LEWIS. Manager. 3 is ,1m Coughs Kill If You Let Them. Inttesd kill your Cough with DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY. It hsals Irritated Throat an4 Lungs. Thousands In last 40 years bsnslltsd by Dr. King's New Discovery Moat? Back U It fails AU Dru(bu 80a. aud fl.Ott' Florida Cuba Panama Mardi Gras, Personally conducted Tours during January, February and March. Attractive winter trips Tours of 12, 15, 20, 30 and 35 days. All expenses included $130 and up. Tourist Agents Seaboard Air Line RAI.r.lOH, N. C. NO OTHER LIKE (T. NO OTHER AS COO0. Purchase the "NEW HOME" cml : v lifve u life ussrt tit tlx. ti -liniinati'n o( repair eyptMise ly Mit-tf; : di:iio!mi und bc-t u lity uf uiatciil i.i . .i-t i lc-litii -r service at mitumutn cm. WARRANTED FOR ALL TiW:. !iiit ..11 h.tvintf tl.e "NEW HOME'. I: It ktujvtti t fie w-rlii over for iinwrior scvuag j ti u i t-lit-. N"t nlil iimlcr any other name, THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO., ORANGE, MASSACHUSETTS. turn sv Dealer Wanted Iu this Territory. ii-itilf maiks 'tit-l I'vi i Mi.ihf ii. t "r (. ' 1 ii.l 1 i.!fl, ultt ti f'i-i or ihirt-l aw! U on iNitt- lit titt;ty. ;.tiik i' n'"''' PATCMTG BUILD PORTUNES ;,.i, . f( - c I Met Ml lio'-v, w!ihi Ui tiiketil ttibt .ivi ' ri: tiuiiii'y. Wi ifo tmlav. D. SWIFT & CO.! H.'.TKt'' li'.WTCRS, MSFt-v,.:'!! "'.. V-'.'i'-in;:.:!! D.C. OF t'P-TO-THE MIXUTK ffiSLLiKEKV. FANCY GOOIWand NOVELTIES. Butterick's Patterns R & Q. Corsets, Misses at "5e. Ladies Toe. to $1 fA. Prices will be made to suit the times. Hats and llonnets made and trimmed to order. ALL MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. MRS. P A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. C . .... .d SEND YOUR ORDERS FOR ALL KINDS OF PRINTING TO E. L. HAYWARD, Weldon. N. C. .i-'!'m'nm:fniitiimptBiii;iiifmtmtpiriH!imfrt ,,t' '"Wi' RCAU.'S MACAJINt WOMEN Loye This Magazine i McCALL'S It tlit Fuhlon Guide ind Houm keepins Helper ot more women lln "'l" m.Kiine In iht world. AU the Iikii '" I every month; lleo delihiful sioriei ihet inin-- , Ilia, end peciel depenmenl, in cookiii. Some drcumekini, lent work. tic. itiil In"'" houtc.ork end Mve moiicv. price, mill sue . i yeir, with ont tftleoreicil MwCell Die. rtl lent mtf.. UW POITU. CUD NOW ro j . I. A rSKS SmipI.I-., .1 M.CAI L'H HAUAII-. ' : 1!. A FKKK 4'u., af MrOAUIi'S tn. Al.w I'SkMiCW CATAUMIIJA: , a. MK'Ali-'B IIWI to Kri. Off.r lo l..nr CHCU'H. AArrM I.I riTsTor PRtMIUMS TNEH0Mff 77 1? $elr I I mij wye . jsjBJssjBjsjsjsiiliatYhf rtf" S ri ' '' 'L ft' liiiiiiil Ibby in 9 r i h r"ii ii i REE C B3 I aiuMiiiiii'ti j Yv