Mil Isst lb Mia? feMI tan, WIf Ma ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscrintiori"$1.5C Per Annum VOL. LI. WELDON, X. ( .. THURSDAY, .U XL NO. IPIIJlllf4 ! i SHOOK EVEN DIVER'S NERVE. "N. Net Contmi i5Kni4Practa! 'Mli IS: - (piss IPS : -is ' ..:S SIS lift ALCOIKII.-al'EHCEm Avertable Prcp.u-atioiiMs- ...... I... liiuul nnil HeduU SUUlLilUliKUiw"""'" - 3 , . iilldtWSInllLKksmiclllUW'li'111 I iwj lii'iiMikml'liccrfut iiessaudlfcst.Coulamsfl Oniuiu.MorpHBicuui Not NAKfOTIC. rtimm 'w AlxSrma Jurist ' tiuntiitt? lim..SourStuiiiacli.l)uiriJ HunnsTevcniK PflOT Ufidi For Infants an i'VMrm. Sights In Ships Sunk by Subma rine Too Much For Veteran Who Had Seen Many Such. Mothers Siow T&i' Genuine tbuu Always TJ 1 . Dears llltf ). 01 j JFi hi . HI ft Jfv In J- Use j For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wiayycr. 1M( v4N,u tfclN Ki,ONnvirr OE THE BANK OF WELDuN WKLDOX. N. Orunnlril Under the Laws of the State of North enroling, State of North Carolina Depository Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital aafl Surplus. I'oi over -I voais tliis institution has provuled haukimr facilities lor M thin section. Its stockholders ami oilici-rs aie nlciitilicil Willi Hie I.uhi ness interests of Halifax ami Noitliampton counties. A Savings licpuitincnl is maintacteil tin tin- hciiclit o,' :iH lm tlesue to ili-posit in a Savings Hunk. In tins lieputimenl inteiesi is ulloweil as follows: for Deposits allowed to remain throe months or loinrer. - per cent. Six months or loniror. per cent. Twelve months or lomrei. I per cent, y information ill lie I'urnislieil on application to the 1 si, lent oil'ushicr I'KKSIIIKN r W. K. HAMKL, V U h-CilKslOKM ; W It. SMITH . I.. I'. lilt AI'Ki;. Telle eAslilKH: .1. . liUAklC, ll KKCTOUS W. IJ. Sniilli. W. lv laniel. .1. (. Iiakc. V M. t ohen, U. T. Daniel, .1. 1., slicphcnl. V. A. IMeree, l. I!. Zollicoller. .1 . W. Me.lire he 30 "Yes," said u well known diver recently, in a quiet voice, "one of ilie most awful sights I have ever seen was witnessed recently; il was a steamer sunk by a subma rine. When I roi down lo her, the people in the saloon looked ex actly as il they were alive- All had their eyes open -the women had piteotis expressions on their ! faces; some had actually stuffed handkerchiefs in their mouths to! try to prevent suffocation and when the saloon door was opened they all seemed to dance toward nie. I signaled to (he surface, and as I moved backward they also moved, until it was possible to lake them oft'one by one. Btttihe thing that seemed lo me the most striking of all was tins: The man at the wheel, who had been a mate of mine in limes past, had gone down with Ins ship, and when I looked there he was still, with both hands on ihe wheel, his face rigid and set, looking as though he was a figure cast in bronze. When I tried to move his hand from the wheels to take him up, I found it impossible; they were clinched beyond my strength. I felt queer, signaled 'Up,' and a few moments later my helmet was unscrewed and they were gently sponging the blood from my face and nostrils." Mi. BvmWm STBuilt-in i'Jr I'Im' tJ-L jh'i2: -JS Water f0' -. ''ITT HO OTHER REFRIQEfM TOR Has All These Star Features Buili on the RIGHT principle, with a constant circulation of dry, cold air surrounded with walls that are S-ply and a thorough insulation against heat and cold with a drain that has never been known n clog with light, easily-cleaned elecirically-welded wire shelves- and the most perfect wai:r cooler ever built into a refrigerator truly you get a wonderful machine for preserving food and water in the AUTOMATIC KlTRlGliKATOR. Let us point to you these star features.and the other good points of the AUTOMATIC. No other refrigerator can use holder and inverted water bottle with out infringing Newell patents. Weldon Furniture Company, WELDON. N. C. locaoi I . ZABA. MERCHANT !AIL0H, O Next iloor to ZuIIicoIIci'n, WI'.I.IhiN, S. I'. O fk 1 take your lueaxure ami make suit loonier on my bench, lull ami jfj VLinBpect nop liue of piece (roods ami samples. Satisfaction mm.wJi Sn ii inr-iftT-n tani;e?;: roof fust SOLD BY non Mupwupn WELDON, N a, Ol-T READY FOR YOUK JOB. This is the age of the trained man. The men who succeed are the men of one idea of which they make a hobby. Goethe said, "Wherever thou art, be all there." The best way to prevent a gun from scattering is to put in a single shot, liven specialists today have their specialty. It does not pay to prevent a gun from scattering is to put in a single shot. The successful worker today is he who singles out from a vast number of possible employments some specialty, aiid to that devotes himself thoroughly. The specialist does not have to look for a job. The job is looking for him. America is a poor country for the average man. Everything is crowded downstairs. THI! LIMIT. He was a very small boy. Paddy was his dog, and Paddy was near er lo his heart lb. in anything on j earth When Paddy met swift I and hideous death on the turnpike road Ins mother trembled to brake the news. But il had to he, and when he came home trom school she told him simply: "Paddy has been run over and killed." I le took it very quietly, finished his dinner with appetite and spirits unimpaired. All day il was the same. But five minutes after he had gone up to bed there echoed through the house a shrill and sud den lamentation. His mother rushed upstairs with solicitude and sympathy. "Nurse says," he sobbed, "that Paddy has been run over and kill ed." "Bui, dear, I told you that at dinner, and you didn't seem to trouble at all." "No, but - but I didn't know you said Paddy. I I thought you said daddy !" rflBKUMSUIMMMMiflMaMiaM Get Rid of Tan, Sunburn and Freckles by using HAGAN'S Magnolia Balm. Acts inslantly. Stops the burning. Clears your complexion of Tan and Blemishes. You cannot know how good it is until you try it. Thous ands of women say it is bral of all beautifiers and heals Sunburn quickest. Don't be without it a day longer. Get a bottle now. At your Druggist or by mail direel, 75 cents for either color, White. Pink, Rose-Red. SAMPLE FREE. LYON MFC. CO., 40 So. 5th St.. Brooklyn. N Y. Slip a few Prince Albert smokes into your system! Copr right mi by ft. J KamuiOi IwbiuwCv. 08 iweii ii mmm m$ , WW . - T,l ill' Make the Best Remedy at Home 123 Toaspoonsful for5Qcei:;.;. You've heard many an earful about tho PHnrp Aii-rt patented process that curs out hitp nrl n'irrh un1 loto tnt smoke your fill without a comeback! Stake vnnr h;.nL- r,.li thut u inoves out every nour O tne dav. Prince Albert has always been sold without coupons or premiums. We prefer to yive quality! There's sport smoking a pipe or rolling your own, but you know that vou've pot to have the right tobacco! We tell you Prince Albert will bang the doors wide open for you to come in on a good time firing up every little so often, without a regret! You'll feel like vuur smoke nasi has been wasted and will be sorry you cannot back up lor a fresh start. You swing on this say-so like it was a tip to a thousand -dollar bill ! It's worth that in happi- ncbs anu Loiiit-iiuiieni to you, to every man who knows what can be wi gotten out ot a triummy jimmy pipe or a makin's cigarette with Prince Albert for 'packing' m m J 11 ii I .. the national joy smoke If e ei ytJiiiiH snld in as liberal nnd f:tir a iiunniT as the below namod dru4-Mist;-, are selling ScliiHinann's New Con L't1 'i ! I'uit'i l'xp' toiTiiit, absolutely no v.. ii-. ' .' i. n:nj!;.'!i or di ?suti,lri'"ti(,n . -.ii : ,i .bly arist truni anjone. 'I hese J: .!.,',) . ay - " a hot lie of tins rem i'.y and tiy it lor Kt mchitts, Whooping OHiqti, hev-'ie Cough, Liuup or any iii.j.Klual Aitfftion, artl wc will return your uiotiev. ju-t the iiame as tte do hiiinfmann's lamous Aallitnador, if it dots not ;.;.vi- saiisfaciioii, or if not found the best remedy ovor ii.ied tor any of these LOiiiplaiiiU-." Why not take ad vantage ot this iu:ir:i:iiee :.v; try tliih fin dii tne, .iiid yet v lout y b;:i:k, I j'Ji er than Luyinc;'Lho.' pun ly uii ihe ;agjieiau'd ciainr.i ot Hi manUlaLturt-i ur on ihv- ireiiiii ot t'.-iiiaoni jl.-. tioio Others aid ilifi tilt- ch.iihe Ol f;'l!n-i Aomethin v.tJ( ihl --.o ..i.u al:, va -u ymii UK Hi y In buying tins remedy, besides stt . ing an absolute guarantee of itsethae: . : from tlu se dru;H!sts, you also get al ' eu;ln tu'it-s v.6 much medicine as wuuid in buvn-g most any of the '.I ' fashionod, n-adj - made kinds, which aw. ;n;,e from t) to 'Xi teaspoonsfu), bet .x: : U)c worth inakea a whole pint 12b tea spoonslul) when mixed at home wnh wimply one pint of sugar and one-half pint otwat.-r. '1'hii- ruiudy positivtly tu-cs tioteoata n ihtorolorin, opium, morpliine or any utiiei naaoiie. It is pleasant to take and children are fond of it. You will be. i he -mi!o judge, and under this positie '..; ii antee absolutely no risk is run in I uy )!K this lenudy. Druggists everyuiiv'ii aii; ;uilhtaied to sell it under the pan id aaranteeas Si hifimann's famcis Asth-i,,-.'ioi ,,t "Money Hark" it not perfectly : ativia. :ioi y. H .1 Schiffmann, Proprietor, ' ..a.t J'aui. Mini.. GuarantPed here by V." ! ''..heti. T T 8 i 3 R. i. KKYNOLUS TUBACL'OiO. wioitoo-ilrm, N 1 Ms U (lit- ir.etit? side oi i de tidy jv-- Albert ttcf r ml tin, tmct in Jjvt, every Print Albeit ijLk.nie, hu i feul rtie-',iie lu yuu ltsrevl;sdt. Yuu'll "Proitsi Patented Julv .iutli. WO 7 " That meant tLctt the United States Govern iiitiit fa planted a patent on tlir ij. s b Atiitli Prime Albert i tntiJe And by hit h toniue bite ant) throat parch are cut our ' hvery a heie tobui'i i) is sold you'll find Pnncf Alliftt uw tilting yuu loppy rvd bans, be; tidy ted tiiih, I Ui. : limidsoiiie pound und hull pound tin humidur htij in ttiat itever crystal tflans humidor with tuiie - niuistener top, that keep tint tuhueeo In liui'L tine L'onditiuo IwMysl Vmi ;ne itnited to open an .iccount with the j BAftK Of fi FIELD, J ft flELD, ft. C. 1 il i Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart- . I 4. " - .1 .. .J .. l. T" mem onipouiiucu yuaricriy. Of !!! j FCp" V0U can bank by mail 00 HOW WE SEE OUR MASTER. BY J. W. TU.OHMAN, Wlil.DON, N. C W'e set' 1 lim in the sunlight, We see I lim in the skies. In the beautiful blue of Heaven, He is oft before our eyes. We see Him in the moonlight, W'e see Him in the stars, His beauty shines in "Venus," lie's often seen in "Mars." We see 1 lim in the forest Amongst the noble trees, We see Him in the Mowers, We feel Him in the breee. He makes Himself so plain to us This truth we can't deny His very presence feeling, When we in prayer draw nigh. We bless this God of ours, Who so much comfort gives To every living creature That through Him gladly lives. We sec Him in the brooklet In the glad, sweet days of Spring, When everything innaiure 1'roclaims Him "Lord and King." We see Him in the raging siorm, In the forked lightning's Hash, We hear His voice of warning In the pealing thunder crash. Away wnh you, bold skeptic ! When oceans roar resounds, His power to us assuring A strength that knows no hounds ! eSCLt-SS HUSBANDS. In a certain provincial tosui where everything is up to dale and the people are always planning some new scheme a shocking thing happened. One of the popular soc ety wo men announced a 'white elephant party." livery guest was to bring some thing thai she could not find use lor and yet too good to throw away. The party, however, would have been a great success hut for the unlooked-for development winch broke it up. lileven of the 1 9 women brought j their husbands. 1'ittsburg C.hron ' icle. J. M. Bragg Automobiles Littleton, N. C . milium 43 ft I A V.vve Motoi- UnTTINO IT ALL. The doctor told him he needed carbohydrates, proteins and, above all, something nitrogenous. The doctor mentioned a long list of foods for him to eat. 1 le stagger ed out and wabbled into a I'enn avenue restaurant. "How about beefsteak5" he asked the waiter. "Is that nitrogenous-" The waiter didn't know. "Are fried potatoes rich in car bohydrates or not?" The waiter couldn't say. "Well, I'll fix it," declared the poor man in despair. "Bring me a large plate of hash."- Pittsburg Post. AN l-hTECTIVn TASK. I Will My Child Take Dr. king's j New Discovery? Tin1 l't"'l uuswi'i is hr. KmiT H New lis- ' I'OVt'lV llsi'lf. It's :l .lr;ls:llit Met- syl ; up, i-u.y tu hike. It (MllltaillS llll' lllt'tl- lout's u Inch yi'ui ul' rM'iit'inv Imvr pi l) I'll Ixst llll I'lHlyllS llllll CUM. I 'IlllS!' ttlltl llUW lisol 111. KlIllT N Nl'H lis.'u- t'iy luiu'i-sl an- its best I'i ii'ii, U, llrshlcs i'U'i v li.uilf isKiimaiiti-i'il. 1 1 yuu Ii .11 t iTt-t sal ishu'tmii you u'i't your uuuii'V l.ui'L a 1 . il I U-, use as il 1 1 t -.1 . Kim'. nli;il i" l.'l'i Tut (uu.'h mi, I I ,'l,l I II II t :l IH't' "Such a lot of things happened this afternoon, dear," said Mrs Youngbride to her husband, "I complained to Norah about the stove not being blackened, and she put on her things and left. Then I decided to black the stove myself, and right in the midst of it who should call bin Mrs. De Style." "What in the world did you do?" "1 just put on some more black ing on my face, went to the door and told her I wasn't in. And off she went, saying she would call again." Boston Transcript. Occasionally a married man goes home early because he knows his wife is away. Dues Sloan's Liniment Help Rheumatism ? Asl. Ihe man whit lines it, In- knuiiri. " I'o think I NUtt'ere! all these yeuis wheiMiiii' J. cent tiottle of .sluan's Lini ment ctiretl me," writes one irrateful user. If you hae Kite uinatisin ui mif I'ei Neumlnia, Haekaohe, SoienesH ami SliHuess. tlon't put oll'iretliutr a lioltlt' ol Sloan 's. Il ill trive you sueli vl eome it-liel'. It warms auil soothes the sore, still painful places ami vou feel so much lietter, lluy it at any tlniK store, only ', Many a man has taken a turn for the better who never even heard of Willie Sunday. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of Children Cry 1 FOR FLETCHER'S j CASTOR 1 A OBLIUINO PARSON. I At a certain church in a Jersey town it is the invariable custom of the clergyman to kiss the bride : after the ceremony. A young wo- j man who was about to be married j in this church did not relish ; the prospect and instructed her j prospective husband 10 tell the j clergyman thai she did not wish j him to kiss her. The bridegroom obeyed the instructions given. I "W ell, Harry," said the young woman when he appeared, "did you tell the minister that I did not wish him to kiss me ?" "Yes." "And whai did he say?" "He said that, in that case, he would charge only the usual lee." New York Tunes. A Small Amount Deposited Now And Systematical! added to, is the only sure way of attaining independence II i II! !. . iv m WELDON, IN. C. 4 per cent. Interest on Savings Deposits. Had to Have u Cold Hung On I 'on let voiu it ild hunt; on. titer, yut v-letn itinl liffoiui- ehiniue wlieii lu. Hi II' 1'iite l:l i IliMh y will help you. Il heuK the ttithtnniuitioii -.out he, the I'olU'h mid lilOvi H tilt phlt L'lII. nii lurulheejMt'i ut utier In Hells I i no Wi y : a h T:i: -yry, !h pnir lm hriKain hrul- tin- iv pot, luuMetis the mut'oii". and piewnts nritu tioll of the lilolirhml tithe, .lust K't a hotlle ol'hr, I'.fll'- I'me 1 u Huiiey to day. itx iruiiianttrd to help you. At di agists. J And many a leap yr .ir girl who is matrimonially inclined, is matri monially declined. l-rently lienefiteil by Chamber lain's Liniment "I have use.l rimmlteilaiu's l.iiiiment lorspiaius, hiutst's ami iheumalic pamH ami the (ileal henelil 1 have leoeiveJ justitien my lecomnieiiilini; It in the highest teriiiH." nntc Mik. l'lorencc shfe, Wahash, lml. lfyou are trouhleJ wilh rheumatic pains you will certaiuly he pleaseil w ith the prompt relief which cliamheilain'K Liniment att'orilt. Olilaiuuhle every belt! of a prescription lies in the Purity of its Ingre dients. are selected for theii PURITY and have been tested for strength. FIRST QUALITY. Rl-A. SONABI.i: PRICI; and Three Reasons for bringing your prescriptions HERE. WELDON DRUG COMPANY. f our n Sometimes the up-to-date maid is merely made up. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Get The Habit fBuy lor Cash. Save-d iXthe pennies by buy-"v IfSing at W. T. PARKER & CO., W h n 1 a a n 1 a f!flfib 8tnrfl WELDON, N. C.