' : f ri'i ) f It : . 1 i . V f ! t : v, f ' V" til i V (M - f ! i a P : V ! I f' run-to am i!RQW t: UDER ISIcM ! T WINS BY 50,000 M A -JOkMTY. .- -:.'!;v s . t : AtV -. The l'ublic Health Service rvpoiU th.u x the cge of forty years to-day, but bom i mortality u increas.n from .eg-iHMt'-v : n;v.v; Thousands of wdl-infornu.il r:i ' .i v.ov.vt t ' lay learning the true value of sc f-: '''' ;-r'' 5 tJ OF NORWEGIAN COD .UVi: , 0p as a powerful Moot ;. -eber :nl ' to ward off the head tches r.nd ! weakness. SCOTT.) heios U'ify i;nppe, pneumonia ind wi-.i' .:s force of med'ein .! riouridit' "' llrfue Alrvliulic lMraii .'Pi.it I' .. I i ITT : .111 . ;.n, t l;'h . Oil. ELEGT5CO RETURNS. Bickett For Govev 50,000 Mrjnrity f-Ton Is (... ro I itu: Sends Solid Delegation o wongivss. LATEST PlioiOURAPH OF PRESIDENT WILSON pa.: hi - ? - V -i ; A i . , X ' ' ' ! i if "M J 4 .. I ' "'' " ' A4$ ' -' WILSON WINS. I I ! (.1! i I'K'l siiUM I'.'i M! I W.i'. kin. tarly returns TucJ.iy :k!)I wm-1 ivumI-L- i. I hs!ti dtvcm, but 'ednc-d.iy moniiiiy ( li.iinii.in .W..nni.ii w.i .l innj; Wiivin's election vtiih 270 clector;il vitcs; ? hems nwv, u , At iIk- hint- il going to press w e cm sately s.iv U'tKon . i-lrci. .1 I'i . .I'-i.e VICE-PRESIDENT MARSHALL FROM LATEST PHOTOGRAPH 1 'a v XrtMr Tnn&rrn mo nr. giiias. ((-.NNETfE AND PIPE SMCKtRS. 4,i f i I I i'.i!.i o.iiii iy w .is .ilnniM uii.m iiinuis t . ir ilii' (.nine ncnincriuic iitket A liirye vnte v. ,i pulled in W i.-1-lo-i u iiiiuiii ;uiy tf . :t in get ilic .ic oui f-verynne appeared t ansun". io cjsi ihetr h-alKits. Tin me hi i e on the National ticket ci- Wilson. 2ti7, Hughes 2.V lV-iiii.ef.itie State ticket: Bickett, .'h.?, I iimey I 5. State Senate, ; l.mig Jti(t, Johnston I ,V I I I e i -c - - UarJen Jt Taylm 2t., Dkkuis ., White I .V, Treasurer lingers 270, Tlnui'p m ii I .i lnritt, I louse 2(i0, , Sautiilers l.i. County Coiiunis- ' si. net"-., 'Oeiiioci.us, -72, K'epuh , he ins I .V K'o iJ CaiMinussiuners t hv s.inu voic. Coroner 1 It 'i mA t ft LMC BURMN0 PIPE AMD (J CIGARETTE, TOBACCO Princ Albert it to! J rnvmryu-hmrm in Iitpv red ftnj;, 5c; ftdv ft. (Jr, hand; im pound and halt pound tin fumidori and that ilrter crttil-ulat pound huniiitor with tptinge-nmitttnei tcp that keep the tobacco in inch tfiUndid can thoit 0 TOBACCO IS PREPARED FOR SM0KEHS UNDtHTHE PROCESS DISCOVERED IN MAKING EXFERIMr TiTSTO PRODUCE Tli I.jJT DE LIGHTFUL AND WHOLE - l. PROCESS PATENTt3 , K.J.KtYNOLOST0BACCOCONPANY Winston Salem. N.C. US A. DOES NOT BITE THE TONGUE P. A. puts new joy into the sport of smoking ! YOU may live to be 110 and never feel old enough to vote, but it's- certain-sure you'll not know the joy and contentment of a friendly old jimmy pipe or a hand rolled cigarette unless you get on talking-terms with Prince Albert tobacco! P. A. comes to you with a real reason for nil the goodness and satisfaction it offers. It is made by u patented process that removes bite and parch! You can smoke it lontj and hard without a come back ! Prince Albei t has always been sold without coupons or premiums. We prefer to ive quality! Prince Albert affords the keenest pipe and cigarette enjoyment! And that flavor and fragrance and coolness is as good as that sounds. H. A just answers the universal ilemand for tobacco without bite, parch or kick-back! Introduction to Prince Albert isn't any harder than to walk into the nearest place that sells tobacco and ask fur "a supply of P. A " You pay out a little change, to be sure, but it's the cheer fullest investment you ever made! e "5"' Albert Im smoke JTilSsamimmt a M. R. J. Rrynoldi Tobacco Co., Winston-Salem, N. C. Copyright 1916 by R. J. Reynold! Tobacco Co. n -ajUP"- 1- -Arji fofci-.i' fa A 'unaimers ou.ccess Is No Surprise IT WA . , CbRtiri-iTi I'.iaL i he Chalmers combination of a high grade car, manctacturi'V ability, and distributing organization eou iii have but one result. THOUSANDS OF MOTORISTS were ready to buy a quality six- cyinui'T t ar nt about $1,000. They wanted style, bciuty, ptTtbrm- crating .cted the its mar- li-ctievabla up-keep. anee, nicy (uu nnr want, unnecessary size, c: (.:' i expense. HENCE THE INSTANTANEOUS WELCOME th-i , Chalmers Six-30. There was an irresistible appoJ velously smooth and velvety engine, its almo: i: "pick-up," its luxurious riding qu1itie?, its ecu. Quality first THAT IS THE REASON WHY Chalmers buln: :.: instantly growing. That is why it was necessary in tho U.:t iw months to build new buildings, lay new railway tracks, add to the already enormous manufacturing facilities. That is why the output has increased from 500 four-cylinder cars of the first Chalmers model in 1908 to nearly 30,000 high-grade six-cylinder cars for the current year. THE CHALMERS COMPANY ENTERS ITS GREATEST YEAR with an unusual car. Large production and a splendidly equipped factory insure the continuance of a qualittf car at a quantity price. Present Prices Tout ing Car, Five-passenger, $1090; Touring Car, Seven-passenger, $1280; Roadster, $1070; Cabriolet, $1140; Touring Sedan, $1780; Limousine, $2480; Town Car, $248'. I All prii tH f. u. b Detroit und aubjett to I'tmnge witliuut uutlne) NOTE Tbe price ot the 7-passonger Touring Car and ofclosedcur model! un this chassis will bhurtly be udvanceU, An aarly order will resaiva benctit ut present prices. Batchelor Bros. Agents, WI-LDON, N. C. Aii'ii i the only eteaiiiie thai I'm: nmre (ircat Britain refleus 1 s 2FWMffi 4 Congressman Cluude Kitchin ran away from his opponent, W. U. pjxon. He carried every one of the eight couniies by big majorities. eill itO'ifd ltd III MfWll s-IMf ninv (- I ty h days is the atiiocratie sheep. Ills Imperial and Royal Majesty, I ran Josef, l.inperor of Austria and King nf Hungary, has at la-t relented toward this country and has shown thai he again smiles in tolerant forgiveness on this erring people. In short, he has finally accepted the resignation ol llerr Doctor C.onstantin Theodor Duni ba, Austro-Hungarian ambassador to the I 'nited States. That gracious act means that the head of the Hapshurgs is no longer violently displeased with us. T 1 1 A r German captain who vow ed he'd be another Boelke might do well to remember the asylums are full of men who believe them selves Napoleon. A mild winter might prove ex tremely disappointing to the coal trust, which now thinks it is enti tled to its inning in gouging the people. Of lieiiiiui.s ilii fewer they become. 1 1 ilie Irish really were to be treated like the colonials they would be in the front trenches. Wiihn Constantine looks at Ru mania he is more afraid of his dear brother-in law than ever. Pl-OPl.E coming in from Virginia now, carrying suit cases, don't arouse the least suspicion. CUBA asks for permission to sue the State of North Carolina io force the payment of reconstruc tion bonds, I A shortage in the peanut crop is reported, but there is no complaint of any shortage in (he crop ot pea nut politicians. I They will have to make a better 1 job of killing Villa than they have , yet done before they get rid of him in Northern Mexico. Occasionally you meet a man who hus no enemies Miopiy be cause its too much trouble to make any. Nov that the election is over let us turn our attention to Thanks giving and Christmas, the biggest events of the year. Amehican physicians and mis sionaries in Korea are energetically co-operaiing with the Japanese au thorities in stamping out cholera. The fire wardens of New Jer sey have arrested 38 hunters for building campfires, thus both pro tecting the forests and making hunting more exciting. It is announced -that the print paper trust is about to declare the biggest dividend in all its history. Prom the way the trust has been gouging the publishers of newspa pers and magazines, as well as job printers and everybody else, dur ing the past few months, no one is surprised at the announcement. AAA ?A?A .)t. ?A '$& I I ' I V 1 I 1 I B W Mir, io The Store of Quality Now, that vacation 34 and ?A Ate Ate ?A Ate it Ate ?A Ate Ate Ate Ate Ate ?A Ate Ate Ate it Ate Ate Ate summer are past, we must turn our attention to the Ate preparation o f winter S4 things. It will be wise to i . - 1 t it. AX Rive rnougni to ims matter -m early this fall, and make your plans with as little delay as possible. l The Ate market conditions are un precented, and all wearing apparel will be less abun- dant than at any season for many years. Prices of woolen and silk materials Ate are much higher than here tofore, due to the difficulty of importing from foreign Jf countries. The early pur chases ot the merchants can not be duplicated at Ate the same prices and they have not been able to pro- g vide for the demands of their trade beyond the early fall buying. Ate Ate Ate Ate Ate Ate You, will, undoubtedly, be disappointed It you contemplate waiting this fall for reduction of prices and instead of the customary late season "Mark Downs'' It is more than likely there will be an ad- ' vance tor the desirable colors. We have all the most desirable shades In stock now and advise that you call early while they last. The latest thing In Ladies Boots can be found at Tie Heaflliilit Store of f elfloi M. F R Ell) 1 Weldon, N. C. IT is just possible, of course, that the LJ 5.1 has been equipped with a set of maxim silencers. I'm Kim ih inure l iilurrli in tlim section nf the country 1 1 tun till uthi-r iliHcasca put luk'i'tln'f, uinl until Ilie lunt few yesm a upponiil to lie iururalile. For a great many ycarw iluctum pronounced it a local disease mid pri crili'd local j reniedicH, and by constantly failing to cure with local tiralment, pronounced it incurable. Science haw pruven Catarrh to lit a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treat ment. KaM'sCalurili Cure, inauufac tu red liy V. .1. Cheney t Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally. It acta directly on the blood and inucoui ui faces of the system. They oiler one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. K. J.CHKNKY A CO., Toledo, Ohio. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 centa per tiottle. Sold hy all druggistx. Hall's l ainily 1'ills for Constipation. A foreign lady with a German! name insists that New York is bound to become the fashion cen ter of the world. I We want you to ! j Have one of our New27CatalogSj ! z L x IT WILL PROVE THE I MOST HELPFUL BOOK j YOU EVER HAD. J WRITE TODAY. j gQ- YOUR EVERY GIFT ' PROBLEM SOLVED i PAUL-GALE-GREENWOOD CO., Inc. ("Largest Jewelers South" X NORFOLK We sell Victrolasand Kdiion Diamond VIRQINIA. I Owe. J .g--JgJ-J I 0 .0 .0 .m 0 '00 00-XSP'SS"'.CNi; New Stationery a - 25. 35 ' Any color r Ui it (P and t dUC BOX A Splendid Stock of the Season Ladies Outing Uowns.- 50c. Children's Outing downs 2Se. Night Drawers Outing.. 2Sc,. Haby Saques, ..25 and 50c.1 Ladies Knit Underwear. .25, JO, 50c Men's Heavy Underwear .50c Men's Heavy Socks,... 10, 15 and 25j Men's Work Shirt, Hood Weight... 50c. New Japanese China 10, 15 and 25c Short Flannelette Klmonas 25 and 50c. New Toys, ,.5c. to $1.00. Dolls, 2c. to $1.50 New Shirtwaists 98c Pillow Covers 25c Stamped downs . S0c BERT'S 5. 10 & 25c. Store, Weldon, North Carolina. (P 'P (ft (ft (ft fe ! & l i il iii l it "77