MOTHER'S REMEDY FOR BRUISES Children's Bum k. Sprains and Minor Hurts 0 kkly Relieved by Sloan's Liniment. It is the nature oF children to hurt themselves to come crying to mother with little fingers bruised with heads bumped, with sprained ankles and wrists. They are painful hurts, too. But their pain and sting can't sur vive the gentle use of this liniment. A single application of Sloan's Lin iment and the little fellow's bravely kept back tears give way to smiles. His hurt is relieved. In every home where there are children a bottle of Sloan's Lini ment is a necessity. Aching muscles, rheumatism, lumbago, stiff neck, backache, chil blains, etc., can be effectively re lieved with Sloan's Liniment. Cleaner than mussy ointments or plasters. Sloan's Liniment can be obtain ed at all drug stores, 25c, 50c. and $1. THE ROANOKE NEWS, TiniKSiMY, Nov. 9, 1916. L LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. Speaking of Taxes. People who complain of high taxation in North Carolina should chase them- elves to Nevada, where the per capita cost of State government is the highest in the United States while North Carolina is the lowest with one exception South Caro lina. The average per capita cost of State governments in the United States for 1915 was $3.85. Ne vada was highest, with $10.36. Virginia was $3.54; North Caro lina, $ 1 .76; South Carolina $1.64. Runaway Team. A pair of horses attached to a wagon belong ing to Green Carlisle, a tenant on W. A. and 0. W. Pierce's farms between Weldon and Halifax, ran away Friday night, smashed the wagon into splinters, leaving one pair wheels at J. U. Vaughan's corner and carrying the others on to South Weldon. The wagon was slammed against telephone poles, breaking down wires and putting one or two phones out of commission. Only the coupling pole was left undamaged. School Circus. A Barnum & Bailey Circus was the form of a Hallowe'en entertainment given by the faculty and students at Fas sifern School, Hendersonville. The students carried out the program in a way to make the real article green with envy. Miss Tempe Zollicotter, of Weldon, and Miss Helen Coles, of Jacksonville, Fla., were in the pink of condition as clowns and dispensed striped candy to a favored few. Misses Zollicoffer and Coles scored 100 points as clowns and caused the spirit of John Lowlow to sit up and take notice. You'll not catch any fish if you spare the rod. The younger a man is the more he has to unlearn. Silent watches of the night are those we forget to wind. Not quite two months to Christ mas. How time does fly. The turtle is slow but he gets there in time for the soup. An ounce of honest criticism is worth more than a pound of flat tery. A homely girl is always pretty in the eyes of the man in love with her. arKittner comes down to 40c. per pair for putting on rubber heels, "Wealth adds to worry," but mosi people are looking for trouble anyway. The open season for hunting in Halifax county begins next Wed nesday the 15th. The docket for the week is clear not a case since our last report, due perhaps, to prohibition now in ef fect in Virginia. Mrs. Herbert Poe and children, of Rocky Mount, have been spend ing the nasi few days here with Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Poe. J. I. Wyche, accompanied by F J. Bounds, motored to Emporia Saturday morning to attend the bu rial of Mr. Wyche's brother-in- law, R. C. Land, of that place. Old Subscriber Gone. I-. L. Stephenson, of Halifax, one of the oldest and best known citizens of Halifax county, died at his home Tuesday, of last week, and his re mains were laid at rest Wednes day, November 1st. Mr. Stephen son was one of our oldest subscri bers. He had been on our sub scription list for the past twenty five or thirty years and always kept his subscription paid in ad vance, making it a rule to pay us on the first Monday of February every year, never failing to meet us at Halifax on that date. A good man has gone. Gleanings from the Enfield Progress. The three handsome new brick store buildings between the Bank of Enfield and the Harri son-Hall Drug Store are about completed and they add very much to the appearance of the street. Work is being pushed on the new $22,000 graded school build ing, and it is hoped that it will be completed in time for a portion of the spring term. Bennie Ward, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Ward, of Route 2, died in the Park View hospital at Rocky Mount from injuries re ceived in an automobile accident near Tarboro Sunday night, Octo ber 29th, while returning home from Bethel with friends. Good Times Cominc From all reports the prospect for plenty of hog and hominy in Halifax county this fall and winter are mighty good, and is a sure sign (hat the farmers of the county will not have to send all the money they get for high-priced cotton and tobacco to some other section of the country for bread and meat Street Work. Machinery has teen sent in by the street improve mem contractors for putting on the finishing touches to Washing ton Avenue. I he second coat will be hot stult when it is put down and will give a beautiful smooth finish 10 the street. Elm street and portions of Sycamore street are also to be paved. Advertised Letters. The fol following is a list of letters remain ine "uncalled for" in the Weldon postoffice :' Mrs. Dilar Davis, C. W. Harlan Persons calling for above letters will please say "advertised," giv ing date of advertising. D. T. Clark, P. M., Weldon, N. C Nov. 6, 1916. New Law Office. We take pleasure in calling attention to the law card of H. B. Harrell, Jr. Mr, Harrell has recently been licensed to orsnice his profession after passing a successful examination before the Supreme Court. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Harrell, of (his town, is an excel lent young man and we wish him freat success. His office is over Ricks' Jewelry Store. I OST- L -On November 1st some where between south Weldon and the Methodist church, a hand some brooch, consisting of a horse shoe of pearls with a four-leaf clover, and small diamond in cen ter. Finder will receive suitable I reward if returned to Mrs. J. I.I Death of D. Keeter. Deve- raux Keeter, one of our oldest cit izens, died at his home on First street, Saturday night, after being sick for a long time; aged 66 years. Mr. Keeter was a well known farmer and merchant and attended so strictly to his own business that few of our people ever saw him upon the streets. He is survived by his wife and several children and grandchildren. The funeral service took place Monday afternoon from his late residence and was conducted by Rev. J. G. Blalock, in the pres ence of a large circle of relatives and friends. The interment was in the cemetery. The bereaved family have our sympathies in their loss. A. C. House has gone to Sara- nac Lake, N. Y., on a hunting trip. A man and his wife are different also indifferent after they have been married a few years. OH! MYJflCK! The Expression of Many Kidney Sufferer In Weldon. MISSION CLOSED. The Series of Meetings at (irate Church, Conducted by Rev. Hertram K. Brown, Closed Sun day Night With a Splendid Service. The mission which has been in progress at Grace church here for the past week, conducted by Rev. Bertram E. Brown, of Tarboro, closed Sunday night, the last ser vice being held in the M. to accommodate the large congrega tion, and the main auditorium was filled to overflowing, all denomi nations of Weldon attending the service, and such a scene must have been very acceptable to God. Baptists, Methodists, Presbyteri ans and Episcopalians nil meeting in a body to hear the final sermon by Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown's subject was the "Losing of Jesus." It was a ser mon which appealed to the heart and no one could fail to catch a vision of the Christ, who attended the service with a prayerful mind and heart, who followed the speak er step by step throughout the ser mon. Mr. Brown is greatly beloved in Weldon by people of every de- nomination. He is a man of deep piety and consecrated to the work ; of the Master. Rev. N. C. Duncan, rector ot Grace Church, went to Tarboro Saturday and preached at Calvary Church Sunday for Mr. Brown. Mr. Duncan is also a consecrated servant of God and his sermons j are always helpful and uplifting and he and Mrs. Duncan are great ly beloved here by all who have come in touch with them since they have been in Weldon. How pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity and brotherly love, and again we say that such a service as was held at the M. E. Church Sunday night showed a sweet spirit of Christian love and it came as a benediction at the close of a mission, the influ ence of which will be felt in our community for sometime. We were pleased to see in the congregation Sunday night friends from Halifax, Rosemary, Roanoke Rapids and other places. PERSONAL. Freddie J. Bounds has returned home from Cedartown, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Eure, of Halifax, were here Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Willcox, of Halifax, were here Thursday. Mrs. W. B.'Dickens, of Halifax, was here last week with relatives. H. S. S. Cooper has returned home from a visit to his daughter in Portsmouth. Mrs. J. W. Grainger, who has been visiting Mrs. W. A. Pierce, returned to Wilson Thursday. Judge W. S. O'B. Robinson, of Goldsboro, spent Sunday here, and spoke at Roanoke Kapids Monday night. Glad to see W. T. Parker out again, alter having Deen lam upon account of injuries received at his saw mill. Mrs. E. L. Stephenson, of Rocky Mount, has been spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Trueblood. Major R. T. Daniel has return ed home from Camp Glenn, where for some time he has been with the boys" in camp. A. J. Campbell, of Washington, D. C, called in to see us Thurs day. Mr. Campbell is always a welcome visitor here in his old home town. Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Hamill and iltle son, Archibald, and Misses Lena and Price Hamill, of Thel- ma, motored to Weldon Friday to spend several hours with friends. Dr. and Mrs. I. E. Green, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Murphrey, Mrs. T. O. Vaughan, Mrs. W. M. Co hen and Mrs. J. S. Barr spent Wednesday of last week in Richmond. The man who doesn't I. no a woman mini after he marn her may regret the acquaintance. Money furnisliet a house, Uu n takes love to furnish a home. Hi SfiriiWl iealth By Vin( i '.vfi". v.Tal;, ritn-di v. iil In jit Bentored T j Alloc, Vu "i Do fipptttiU', mv I'. "L wtM poor, 1 not uK-cp iiiniiU ami huh ninillv lug flesh, Imt 1 urn a fiirnuT ami liml to work. Mi'tlicini'9 hud (nihil to I. rip mo Until 1 took Vinol. Atl.-r taking tim-is Lotties my ujipetito in line, I nlfi' well, my blood ih goad and 1 um wi-U usiin." OBI.ANIX) W. iiOKKKY. Vinol, which contain it beef ami eo.l liver jx'ptonoH, iron ami muiium an pehtoiiKtea uiid Iv'eeropluiHpliatert, U ynumnteeil (or ruu-Uuvni vuiiditiutH AN AGED WOMA'J Telia How Vinol Made Her Strong In her cifjIity-aiTonil year Jim, .lulin WiikcrHliuiii, of Itinmcllvillc, Ph., my: "I was in a riiu-iluwii, feeble cunilitiin mill huil li.nt ilcalr. A iii-inlilmr asked we In try Vhud, mill ulti r taking two bnttlea my nl.reiigtli returned ; 1 um tiaininjr in II, 'ah. it luis built up my lii'iiltli ii ml I um fecliie.; line (, a uumaii til my u'i1, wo 1 yltniuu do my tiotiHi'vvork.'' Tin rcuiuin Vinol van ho mii in Sir. ukeraham's cane w.ii be caime it contains the very clement needed to build lar up. W. M. Cohen, I "niL'triKt . Weld anil Will M:toA UfiW )xM fcOklll iSiiii-t UiuA mv.i Willi! mm iitiajit HSiiil KiiiiU iii-iin mm ?am i:t"::jii jiiiiljK h;:;s:' Koul:l liliiiii HiU-.l Kiiijlj MiiiS HiMi M&M Simiif Mi::f mm mm mm MM aw.m IH.'Uiil ffilitlH Wiiiiif lUiiilll miw WMVi mum KiltW mm UimV.i mm mum MKXl mm f; r bo K a JD '(J 0) a A w o j o O I; can sell you shoes VVf prices than you can community. A f 1 for the whole family at lower buy them anywhere in this We can sell you a better shoe lor the money can buy anywhere else in this community than you We can sell you a shoe that will fit better and be more comfortable than any shoe you can find in this community, Now what more CAN you ask or expect? The Bankrupt Sale lias been cuiiiinual lur an indeHuiie period. V t o CO 1 B ii o i j f i v Weldon's Best, & Biggest Store .I.KAMKT'K Weldon's Best & Biggest Store iSi'Ji! iWt ft 'iX mum ixlx!9 mm S3; !-' Ji ii!W PUUiil Ms uea YUM fftili 'ft K.iiH Si: IWKCt Riae :U wis: !S?'Ht win N-'OK iSM u.n UiuM K-MU m BUM KS'iN mm MUCK mm tutu t3M mm A stubborn backache is cause to suspeel kidney trouble. When the kidneys are inflamed and swol len, stooping brings a sharp twinge in the small of the back, that al most takes the breath away.Doan's Kidney Pills revive sluggish kid neys relieve aching backs. Here's Weldon proof: Mrs. Mary J. Allen, Fourth Si. Weldon, says: I had pains in 'my back and I could hardly gel up out of a chair al limes. In the morning, I was sore and lame. had headaches and dizzy spell and the kidney secretions were too frequent in passage. Two boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills cured me of all symptoms of tkidney trouble and I haven't had a return of the complaint." Price 50c. at all dealers. FOSTER-M1LBURN CO., Pro- I AGENTS f$$tt '' WHITE FOR MlxM circulars lytKs&$ 00 IT NOW I JfjffW DIXIE' . cHUCKER COR $4022 Why be dependent on hand labor to shuck your vorn when you can get a "DIXIE"? OPERATES WITH 2 H. P INGINE SHOCKS MORI SHELL. LESS SHUCKS CLEAN LK SELLS FOR LESS Shucks Shreu'fd into Vjluable rd HORACE L SMITH CO., Inc. PtTE Rsaunc VA raoi aaoo m 1021 I BIG SALE SOI UHf il AT III lilIS Washington Avenue, near Bunk of Weldon, Weldon, N.C. Come and get your share of the great bargains being offered Bto the people of this community, m I 3C3 00 131 lOldU The Race Is On C3 -a-J h '.ilk,, i's&c' im Every Woman Has The Right To a Hoosier. THAT GIRL WANTS YOUR HELP I WEDNESDAY IS THE DAY YOU CAN GIVE IT TO HER I SO-SPEC14L SALE WEDNESDAY TO SATUBMv!ii On these days we will give 500 extra votes on every 25c. purchase anJ 2,000 extra votes for $1 00 purchase of Norris and Nunnally's Candies. BrF- Fresh Shipment of Candy Just Received. r" Prices range from 10c to $0.00 per pound. Help that girl win our PRKI; Automobile by buying a box of Soap You need the Soap. She needs the votes. Buy a Due Bill. EVKRY woman is entitled to e ery work-saing de ice that will make kitchen work easier. Going without a lloosier.-sa ing the ery moder ate price by taking miles of unnecessary steps, every meal you get and every meal you clean up after, is poor economy. Do you realize that you can have a Hoosier in your kitchen immediately by paying only $1. And complete the payments at the rate of $1 per week without interest or increasing the cost ? TIIK VITAL PART OK YOUR CA BIN KT T" I r;i !: picture above shows now the scientific ;ir- inKenient of the Hoosier m.ikes it a real helper. Storage place is above and below. There is plenty of unhampered room above and around the aluminum (or porcelain I work-table. There are no useless liule partitions to chop up the space and leave no room tor work. Your cabinet must have big table space to work on. The I loosier gives it. Come and see these sin exclusive features: I The all-metal glass front Hour bin. 2 The gear-driven shaker flour sifter which makes Hour light and Huffy. i Scientific arrangement articles needed most frequently easiest reached. 4 Revolving caster (shown in center nt illustra tion.) 5 The ingenious, big capacity sugar bin - holds more tnan twice as nuicn as most oinerpms. ti Finally, the doors that roll back at the sides of the cabinet, entirely out of the way. Agents (or Norris Candy. W. Al. COHEN, Pharmacist (Sell's Fork Dipped Chocolates. Agents for Nunnully Candy. HGO TO COR AT A BARGAIN i Soda Fountain and charging tank. In good shape. Can be bought for $50. Kasy payments. Apply to New York Cafe, Weldon, N. C. II 9 lt H. B. HARRELL, Jr., Attorneyat-Law, WELDON, . . N. C. I'raetici'i) in the court of Halifax and adjoiniiiK counties, l'ronipt attention to all buniuHa entrusted to inc. tlltice ovar tticlc'a Jewelry Store. II 9 (iin GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Rkv. N, 0. Pl'Nl'AN, Rkito Sunday Moruiuir I'rayer and Sermon, II A. M. Evening I'raver and Sermon. 8 P.M. Everybody cordially invited to attend these services. Land Posted. All peraona are hereby forbidden to hunt with dons or un on my landa ia Hali fax county, N. C, under full penalty of the law for any violation ol notice. -li. L. POWELL, 11 9 St Roaemarr, N. C. S3- I B3 11 i J, i , T3i For CANDIES, CIGARS, SOFT DRINKS, FANCY GROCERIES AND FRUITS. fiV5H,i SPECIAL SA I URl)AYS:riijh 4 Pf-AF Grade Chocolates in packages, We carry the BEST of everything In our line. Agent for Candy M. C. PAIR, I And regardless of the room in your kitchen, there's a special Hoosier model to fit, at a price you can j easily arlord. i Prices and Terms There are 1,000,000 Noosier Cabinets in use. linormous laciory outpour makes our low prices ' possible. If you buy now, you can have the Hov.sier Jeliver- j ed at once by p.iymg only V i . Then p..y at the rate : of jl per week, without extra com or interest. ! COME IN AND SEE Why Over a Million Wo men Use the Hoosier ! Seven out of ten of these million lloosiers were bought on the recoitinieiid.iiuir.s of satisfied users, j vx'oaien who knew hum tvperien.e what the i I loosier would do Weldon Furniture Co., WELDON, North Carolina. Notice. .Ninth Carolina. Halifax I 'utility. In the MiiM-riui Cinut W. I.. I.i.nt'. ; Vh ! I'.. V I'upi', lli'li'ii IhimtrliMi. s, A llui iinirlun, t'uil I'upi'. IS. II I'upf, Harry I'npe and Ottt'ii Pope, 'flu' drl'rtidanl llvM-ii Pope, almi' f naini'd. ill lake mitiee that an ao- I lion rntitlt'd a ahuvi ban lu'i-n t'om mi'Ui'i'd ill tin' Su pr r i o r Couit nl llahla t oumy to m I am do tlii'di'cd from II A. I'opi' to Anna I'opi' dated the illsl day of October, llM l.and the Bald defendant will further take no- I tii'e. that hi' in required to appear at the J term ol'the Superior L'omt of nan! conn- i ty to he held on the I'.'th Monday after IhI .Mouilvy in Septeinhei', 1IMII, at the I'onrl llounc. of llahfax county, North Carolina, and anawer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plain tilt K ill apply to the court for relief de manded in Haid complaint. This the 17th day of October, IHltl. S. M. (iAHY, Clerk Superior Couit. Administrator's Notice. HaviiiK uuahlicd as administrator of the estate of Kemp Taylor, deceased, la e of Halifax County, N. ('., this is to notify all persons liavinKCluima against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Urinkley ville. on or before the Dth day of No vember, I!II7, or this notice will be pleaded in liar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pavmeut. K. M. TAYUlIt, Admr. of Kemp Taylor, deceased. JOHN 11. TAYLOK, Attorney. II H lit Weidon, N. G. W ANTED. All kinds of cows wanted at once. If you have cows for sale see L. T. Garner, Weldon, N.C. ENJOY THE STYLE, FIT, SATISFACTION of A STROUSE & BROS. TAILORED SUIT AND OVERCOAT. That's the ideal combination. When you ha-ve both suit and top coat made to your own individual meas ure at the same time you get the perfection of fit, the harmony of color aud design, the impressive ef fect that marks the well-dressed man. Costs no more, if you give us your order now. something to please w.mi you almost at any price you have in mind, 315, $18, S20, $25, 630 or the finest creations at $40. A Vast Variety of the newest colors and weaves to select from -Browns, Blues, Dark Greens, Grays, two-tone af fects, all kinds of checks, stripes and mixtures, FARBER & JOSEPHSON, MEN'S AND BOYS' OUTFITTERS. WELDON, N. C. .- 1 I prietors, Buffalo, N. Y. Wyche.