i ic 'j (5) ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER EUR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscriition$l.50 Per Annum VOL. LI. WELDON, X. ('., TIIUHSDAY, A1M5IL 12, liMT. NO. ID Children Cry for Fletcher's PPM TO HAVE, GIVE. It Is Only When The Rose Begins To (live Out Its Sweetness To Others, Thnt Its Beauty and I'mgrame Are Developed. Th Kind You Hav Always Bmc V and which has been to use fur over over 30 years, h ; .rne the signature of ,r ini n"s lie.'ii made under his per rjiCyfZf sonal uI,ervlsi," its infuucy. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. e What is CASTOR I A Castona is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its ge is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea ; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature jnaeaia the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought TM M CINTAUHCOMUNV, I 30 THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDON. X. C Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Slate of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. cM!i!!lSB $55,000. i For ovor -I yearn tint institution lias provided hanking facilitit'N for thin section. Itn ntopkhuldern and oftici rs uie identified wiili the lmni neaa iutcrtwtH of Halifax and Noitliiiinpton puimtit-H, A HavinifH Oepartmeiit in tuaiiitaineil for the lit-nelit of all who de-iie to deposit in a Savin us Hank, in (In hepaitment uitciiM im allowed -xn follows: For Deposits allowetl toreiuain tlnet ihoiiIIin hi longer, L per Pent, six months or louirer. X per cent. Twelve month? or longer. jut cent. nv in for mat ton will te furnished on upplu'utiuti in tlifTn-Multn tor Cashier PRBHIDRNT E. DANIEL, VK B I HKHlDlfNT: W. It. SMITH. L. C. IMiAl'Kli, Teller. e ah l KB' 1. . I tit A KE, DIRECTOKN V. R. Smith, W. E. iLmiel, .!. O. Drake. W. M, folien, R. T. Daniel, J.I-. Shepherd, W. A. Pierce, D. P. .olIieoiTei, .1 W. stain Mr. Automobile Owner Attention! Send Us Your Old Tires! 3,500 to 5,000 Extra Mile Service Readily from Bell 2 in 1 Tire Co., (Incorporated) 202 W. Broad St. RICHMOND, VA. Phone Randolph 6281 We buy Old Tires. o anomoc L. Z A l A , ? i ARTISTIC WLORiriQn U urui cddiur nicDi nv cno ciiitc j, nucurnflT1? W q nil orninu Uldi Ln i ivn oumuw viuiuvriu q m4 I take your measure snd make suit luordei on my bench. Call ami , V inspect line line of piece iroo.U awl samples. Satisfaction (uaraukinlVj Announcement! IllliluillC II 1'IIHC lllllt W 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 HIIV til ItM'll : "I Cllllllnl lltlnnl to tfive nwuv nil my lii'inity iiml sweetneis; I imihl keep it for myself. I w ill mil up 11 1 y petals iiml withhold my fragi'mirc." But, In liiilil, the moment tint lose Irii'H Id store lip its colors and I ii asuri'H of fragrance, to withhold I licin from others, ihcy vanish. The colors ami fragrance do mil twist in the mioi'iii'd Iiml. It is only when th rose- he ((ins to open ilsi-lf. t give out its sweetness, its life, to others tliat its lieauty anil f i ;ii-1 ;inr are developed. So human seltisliness invaria lily defeats its own purposes. He who refuses to give him self for others, who closes the petals of his charity anil with holds the fragrance of his sym pathy and love, finds that he loses the very thing he tries to keep. The springs of his manhood are dried up. His nature becomes atrophied. He grows deaf to the cries of help from his fel low men. Tears that are never shed for olhers' wrtes sour to stiiigingaoids in hisown heart. Kefuse to open your purse, aud soon you cannot open your sympathy. Kefuse to give aud soon you will cease to enjoy that which you have. He-fuse to hive, and you lose the power to love and lie loved. Withhold your affections, and you In-come a mural paralytic. Hut the moment you open wider the door of your life, like the rose, send out without stint your fragrance aud heauly up on every passer-by, you let the sunshine of life into your own soul. I lonie ami N-liool, CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature uf suphks m inus doivi s. Don't lose at bridge. V Don't throw soup over your left shoulder. Don't look at the old moon over your right foot. Don't walk under a falling safe. Don't get married (on Fri day.) .,. Don't put on your shirt up side down. V Don't look al the mirror until its breaks. Don't get out of bed at the wrong hour. V Don't lead a funeral proces sion. Life. We have bought out the Dray Business and Good Will of Mrs. J. W. Vaughn and this is toa i. nounce that we will continue the business in Weldon, guaranteeing prompt service and careful handling of baggage and freight by experienced drivers. For dray service call Ben Rodwell Phone No. 323. SMITH & RODWELL, WELDON, N.C. TANNER'S ROOF PAINT SOLD BY WELDON. N C, AFTna THB CRIP," or In convales- ii. o frtim bncumouia. fewrs. or oihef delimiting disean. your quickest way ti tret llivh and ttmiiuli it with Doctor Tierce's liolden Modlcul Discovory. That p!v purity to your blood, plumpnw to your body, and puU overy function Into teriPCt woTKinit onior. n m it kits mor oujtli'y eflWtivis fv ry natural mmm of r- pairinff and nourishing your nynumi. tor paVu, puny, scrofulous children, r.Ntlitiis approaches It, It bulld up l nipicioiy iiu-ir ucsa, iinir niniiKiu, . ;i their health. i;i the most htuliborn ScrTffiiloun, Skin r icalp liiajs, rirzema, Suli-rln'iim, uad (ivrry kindnl alluifiit. It oll'tiU i- J(J- fill CUIUH. GiltUUIIfl ItU nu-Kiioi ur L iriuful drutcH. In tJihlnt or liquid form. i)r. I'Utcw's Ph'UMtiit Hi'lleiB n-Rulaw fLDtl uivlKtirate stoiuath, I Ivor and UwuU, buBiwtoutoU, tiny gruuulut, wy to Utku Healthy Skin DEPENDS ON KIDNEYS. The akin and the intestines, which pork together with the kidneys to .hrow out the poisons of the body, do i part of the work, but a clean body and a healthy one depends on the kid neys. If the kidneys die clogRixl with toxic poisons you Buffer from Htiffncs .n the knees in the morning on arising, vour joints seem "rusty," you may have rheumatic pains, pain in the l:a'k, stiff neck, headaches, sometimes swollen feet, or neuralgic pains all due to the uric acid or toxic poisons in the blood. This is the time to go to the ne:irrst drug store and simply obtain a fiOc. package of Anuric, the discovery of Dr. Pierce of Buffalo, N. Y. Then drink a cup of hot water before meals, with an Anuric Tablet, and notice the gratifying results. You will find Amino more active than lithia. Dissolve uno acid a water doe You Can Make Excellent Cake with Fewer Eggs Just use an additional quantity of Royal Baking I'owdtr, about a tuuspoon, in pluce of euch egg omitted. This applies equally well to nearly all baked foods. Try the following recipe according to the new way: CREAM LAYER CAKE Old Way 1 cup llgat K C"l iiittk 2 -i Hour 2 trutuo(is Rwyal Hiking PewiUr 3 eees i tip vliorlitilng I tmiijigopt lluvurlni " New Way I cup augur t cup n ilk 2 cupt fluur 4 imopooiii Rural Baking Pwd l ere 'i lat)lipoon ahorteulug 1 truHpoon flavoring Makes 1 Larre 2 -Layer Cake DIHfclCTIONS CrQmthwu(arntlihortnlrig together, thn mix In Hi egg. All i? r iilling tlie Hour and Royal Baking I'owiW tugrthrr two or thrtf limes, a (10 II all Ku tlie muture. Gradually add Hie milk and brat with apvon until jrnu have a imoolh pour batter Add the flavufing. Huur Into gf eased layer raka tins and bake In a moderately hot oven lor twrnty minutes. Tfns cake la best b ikadiu twu layers. Hut together wilh cream tilling and spread with white icing YAL- BAKING POWDER made from Cream of Tartar, derived from grapes. No Alum No Phosphate m BROKEN WITH HER SWEETHEART, THE PASSING OF YOUTH. There is silver frost in your hair, old boy, There are lines on your forehead, too, But your clear eyes speak of the peace and joy That dwell in the heart of you. For the passing of youih you have no regret, No sighs for the summer gloam And the lover's moon. They are with you yet In the light of the lamp at home. In the summer of youth, in that sunny hour That will come to you never again. When you wooed your lover as the bee the (lower The sweets that you gaihered then You have hived and stored for your later life. And your heart is the honeycomb Ah ! I've seen your lace when you kissed your wife, In the light of the lamp at home. O, you rare old lover ! O! faithful knight With your sweetheart of long ago, You are many days from the warmth and light Of the summers you used to know; Hut you need not yearn for the glamour and gold 01 the fields you were wont to roam O! the light of the hearts that are growing old In the light of the lamp at home. HORSt- STII.L HS HIS PART i IN WAR. FLASH LIGHTS. DON'T SAY I TOLD YOU. Out of the darkness cometh the light After the tempest cometh the calm; We suffer the wrong to be strong in the fight For the wounded heart there's a balm. If we sow to the wind we'll harvest the storm, And the tints of the morn of roseate sheen, Will fade and the shadows of sadness will form And shut the light that's between The bright bow of promise and the shadowy gloom, 'Till faith loses hope and the heart bleeds to break, And we feel there are times we'd welcome the tomb, If death were a Sleep we never could wake. W hen earth is sore thirsting then cometh the rain, And the corn that is wilted and sere Will lift up its head and gladden the plain Then we know the harvest is near, It may be of wheat, it may be of rye, Don't cry, little girl, don't cry. We know there are times w hen the hot briny tear, Unbidden, (alls down on the cheek, And the love and the faith that is treasured and dear Bear; (he message too holy to speak, But the sun will shine out and the clouds roll by-- Don't cry, little girl, don't cry. Never mind, little girl, turn your face to the sun, Leave to others the harvesi of tears, A smile of complaisance for duty well done. Will lessun ihe grief of the years, The sun will still shine when the clouds pass by Don't cry, little girl, don't cry. T. W. Harrington. I Pervevse and MystilyinK Is Hu- man Nature. ; In Ins conning tower the editor, of the Danville Kegisier, in iuite a 1 lengthy editorial, finally draws this i 'conclusion: i j Beware ol the person who comes j to you with a "Don't say I told 1 j you" as a preliminary to divulging i some injurious or unkind state j ment alleged to have been made by another. The person convey-' j ing the information may be actu-1 ' ated by good intent, but this is1 ' marred utterly by bad judgment. I The person is sincere and has the j I courage of his convictions will leave you free to corroborate what I he volunteers to tell you. ! "There used to be a popular song ' i "But For Goodness Sake Don't 1 I Say I Told You,' and in n per-j haps embodies what llie ediior ol i the Register had in mind. The j "don't say 1 told you'' crowd is j large and ever growing. And an-1 other that is strong is the one that says "I have heard." Both of them are bad business. If a person hears something good about a man or woman he never repeats it; he hears day in and day out that Mrs. So and So is a hard working wo man and that Mr. So and So is a good citizen and he goes his way and never thinks to tell the other fellow. But let it be whispered that Mrs. So and So slipped the trolley or that Mr. So and So made a mis take, and the whole street or the whole town knows about it in just about five minutes by the town clock. Perverse and mystifying is hu man nature. Instead of carrying the good news, it insists on carry ing the ill news. It is willing to send flowers to the dead that it maligned when the dead were liv ing. It w ill weep tears for the de parted when it laughs before de parture. Long and many are ihe years that all honest folk have tried io show that (lowers should be sent to the living rather than to the dead and yet the most poison ous of all things is the sentence "Don't say I told you." The Reg ister has done well to read the riot act but it is a riot act that will not he heeded. fit ca , i .1 "THAT'S THE POLISH"1 n ' j i i SHOE POLISHES 10 -BLACK-WHITE-TAN- Q$ F F VuWev Co ,NewYrkjc, t)ullulo.NY MAKE YOUR OWN PAINT with LA. M SEMI-PASTE PAINT and your own Linseed Oil. You obtain greatest durability and cover ing power. The L & M PAINT is so positively good that it is known as the "Master Paint." Whereas the best of other high grade paints cost you $2.75 a gallon, our LAM Paint made ready-for-use will cost you only $2.00 a gallon. VOU SAVE 790. A GALLON ON IVIRY GALLON Made In lew ulautca for Sale by DOW IN I'l.U.'K. Ui'Mimi. IIAUI'V MA KIWAHKIU, Seolhn.l Seek. MIXVII.I.K IKJItl-:Y. llcuiliTMin. KB United States Goodrich Kelly Springfield Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA IMPORTANT POINT. The doctor's wifo had adver tised for n nirl to do housework and was showing un applicant over the house. She had been very liberal in her promises of privilege and it looked as though the two were RoiliK to come to an agreement, when the girl suddenly asked : "Do you do your own stretch in' ';" ''Do w do our own what?" asked the puzzled mistress. ''Stretchin'," repeated the girl. ''Do you put all the food on the table and stretch for it, or do I have to shuttle it around?" New York Times. 1 ITI SUBSTITUTE E have on sale in our salesroom now the largest stock of Automobile Tires ever shown TT in Weldon. Three of the best makes on the American market. Tires that will give you more miles for your money than any other make. Our tires are guaranteed by the manufacturers on mileage basis of 3500 to 5000 miles. t; have in stuck almost any sie or style Vy Plain Tread, USCO Tread, Chain, Nobby and " Silvertown Cord Tread. The market is un settled now, and Tires may advance at any time, buy now, save money, get the right tires at the right prices. Also carry in stock a full line of all Automobile supplies and accessories. Batchelor Bros. Chalmers and Chevrolet Automobiles Oldest Oarage In Weldon Republic Trucks niMMiraKirawmKmmiiimiiuraH S NY A ON. You are invited to open an account with the BWK OF E AFIELD, c If ie Lb, I. c. 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly, ggy VOU can bank by mail vX'e go forward on toot into a re gion v. here the only vehicles are j long Inns of artillery caissons, ob long siccl boxes filled with shells, which aic horse drawn, and the water carts which are horse drawn also. For ihe horse siill has his pan in war a bold one as it ever was. As he can pass over rough ground he goes into the areas where no motor vehicles except the armored motor cars called "tanks" may go In the machin ery of killing he is still man's friend. He brings a touch of life other than human into that dead world. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA The wisest men of the world are the mies who are busiest trying to learn what they don't know. . ( tptiinism isn't mo much wish ing for better things as it is making the nest of what things von have. V When a woman paints her cheeks all she does is to show to the world the sort of com plexion she wishes nature had given her. The lieauty of having mo.,t of our fun at homo is that after it's ended all you have to do is to put out the milk bottle and go to bed; It's the dreary ride home that tukeB the edge off most pleasure. Starts your liver without making you sick and can not salivate. ottMKiuiJwniWHnnamKmiuat Kvery drup);ist iu town yout druggist slid averyljody's driipirist has noticed a prcal falling-otr in the sale of calomel. They all give the same reason. Hudson's Liver Toup is taking its place. "Calomel is dangerous and people know it, r'.'.ile Dodson'a Liver Ton, is perfectly safe and gives better re sults," ssid s prominent locnl drug gisL Dudsuu Liver Tune is per sonally guaranteed by every drug gist who sells it. A large bottle costs 50 cents, and if it fails to give easy relief in every case of liver sluggishness and conslipalion. vou have only to ask for your nioiuy hack. Dodson's Liver Tone is a pleasant tasting, purely vegetable remedy, harmless to both children and adults. Take a spoonful' at night and wake up feeling fine; no biliousness, sick headache, acid stomach or consti pated bowels. It doesn't gripe or cause inconvenience all the next day like violent calomel. No. Six-Sixty-Six Thil li a prescription prepared eapecially for MALARIA or CHILLS & FEVER. Five or fix doiet will break tny mm, and if taken then at a tonic the Fever will not return, it acti on the liver bettet than Calomel and doea not gripe or tick en !5r Ion Will Be Entirely SatisM With your SPRING Suit if you let us take your order for it, and dress the "STROUSE WAY." We know how to incorporate your ideas. Strouse & Bros., custom tailors, whose line we show are past masters at the High Art of Styling and Tai. loring. If you want the best, if Style, Price and Fit appeal to you, come to us by all means. FARBER & JOSEPHSOfJ. MEN'S AND BOYS' OUTFITTERS. WELDON, N. C. """'liii t