"Pet n i ,Si A Quick ldkiih ft Glas3 Mr! ).? Repairs zzMz It U tiTt.'iinK ;i n 1 ic f tn that mi i .hi kv n I'.h 1 1 ; (jllU'klx , i iltls "it -it" i- w n.i : ii'itcc or In- il iniu-. 1 'nh ctLitwiui jiu'ciKiiiiciI i.irii'i- a l Jllll'l'.-li- ffC. ' T . t - N 11 we iii.iip'.iMi nuk.' M'U " : tii.il v,-r i-.-c j..)i!-v I 1 linn; nil I'nuk ''in- '.;t.i--' -ur senil '.Iil;: I" r-. Norfolk KkhnvMul I ruhhii'K, THE ROANOKE Ntwb, ThUKSDAY, Al'BIL 12, 1 17. Published Every Ihursdav. SIKIIKII AT ('OMl'mt K A1'K!H"N A.- Ke.Mj-el.A!i .uaitkk. RAU-SOh SLliSlKIIMHiMNAUVANU-. One Year, y mail) poslpaitl. il."t) Mix Months. " .-. A weekly LVir.ocratic journal lcvoU'ii tu the material, edueutiuual, pulitica aul arfiteultural lUterestn ot Ilaliiax auu aurrounJmcuuutiei. Ail vert iniriK rat en reanuoaHe and fur Dished ou application. THE WAR RESOLUTION. Representative Claude kitchin Argues Passionately Against The Measure. CLAUDE KITCHIN Representative Claude Kitchin is opposed to the war resolution, and spoke against it in language unmis takable, when ihe House debated the qutsaon Thursday night. After saying that he wouul not criticize those who would vote ha il, Mr. Kitchin declared he thought he should vote Ins convi;rior - re gardless of consequences. "I know that my vote will be criticized from one end ot tin country to the other, said Con gressman Kitchin. "I cannot leave to my children land and riches, nor fame, but 1 can leave lo them a name that regardless iY consequences I never hesitated vote my conviciions. " "Prayerfully in, pressed wuh ihe gravities '' this Htujtinn and appreciating the penalties that wat will impose, " said he, "My con science and judgment have slum n Ihe path of my duty and I ma t tread il barefooted and alone. I have prayed for guidance. I have reaehed the conclusion that I must vote against this resolution." "The bone-dry law, while mighty light, U'ill hardly cause your death, But should you lake a drink of booze You'd better hold your breath.' Catarrh Deafness Cannot he Cured by locul apj.lioatiiMin, at. tln-v pumiol rt-actl tlti' .litrair'l portion of tin- ,io Ttifla' ic unly yi.e Hbv lo run. o..ni'-y and that ii t.y contilul loioii ri'ini'ilii'i. Pfarnettt m cuuisl liy an inll.oiusl r..n flilion nf tli niurous lininn ol'thc Kin larloan I"nl.. hon this tul it in tUintl you havo a rnmiaitiif urnim! 01 imperfect hcannE, and when It mfiniirt' Ijr eloat'.l If-afm-ft . ttic rHutt, am tin IcKa the intlainmaliou ran he taken out and thi lui.e rcNton-d to itft Dortnui ronflilir. I'puriiurni I herlcHtroyi'd fur ev.'r; in..e cao.'H out often are caused t.j Calanii, which nothing but an in rl m '1 pon.lilion of the mucoua hui facet. s will uiTedne Hundred Pollara foi ativ cane of lie fiit'tr! caused by catarrh, i. to cunio't l.e cund by llall't Catarrh M.diciue. F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, Ohio. Testimonials aeot fn. Price 75 cent! pnz iinitle. Hold by all drufntiats, Hall's Family fills for Constipation. SB h ( DEATH CLAIMS MR. STAINBACK. Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, ; death entered our midst and claim- j ed, without a moment's nonce. one j of our oldest and most honored ' eiiizens, Mr. baud L. Siauihack. Mr. Suinkick had :ust remrned from Halifax in an automobile w here he went to secure a mar-, riage license, wilh a couple that he j was to unite it: marriage at the ' P.nmiMl Lintel. Just as he slip ped upon ilie hotel porch, he was i suddenly attacked and died within ' a Mi' mtfiii i't heart lailure, hefnre ircuteal assistance could reach linn Hi M'.relicid reached Ins s.J. '1'i.ii a lew inomenis, l-ut gr.ui Ou h'-. -apt i had claimed Ins ii '"tc in uiilily power could '1 ill He b" ilood d U s Hl'tili .ck eoiin'v horily altei he was groun, he Ueiit lo I'eters burg. Y.i., io live, litre he h ed 1 s, eral e.ns; then moved to 1-n-Hel'l. 'I here he minied his first ' w ife, Miss Minnie Hell, daughter, of Colonel Hell, of that town. Two I children were born of ili.it mar riage. About ISSii he moved with his family to W'eldon, w here he has resided and made friends up : to his death. About i SS5 he lost; his wife. ! A few years later he married I again to Miss Hlla Cheek, daugh ter of Captain W. T. Cheek, who, survives him with five small chil dren, one daughter and lour sons, i Mr. Stainback has for many years been Associate Editor of the I Roanoke Ni.w s, accepting that . position in INR3. He has also for many years acted as secretar;, to the Board of Tow n Couimis- i sioners, as Town Registrar and j clerk, as collector lor the water ' works, as Justice of the Peace, and I represented several large insur- i anee eomninies. Hp was nf'ien i sought by couples coming here to be joined in matrimony and mar ried a great many He was en- gigedin this work w hen death i overtook him. 1 idem makes public proclamation ol ihe event, all unlives, citizens, u 1 1 - Mr. Siaiuback was a man of ster- i "ens, or subjects ot a hostile naiion or governments being male of the ling character, w ithout guile, envy j age ot I I years and upwards, who shall be within the United Slates or jealousy. He always had a not actually naturahed, shall be liable to be apprehended, restrained, cheerful word and smile lor every ; secured, and removed as alien enemies. one he met, and to know hun was j "The President is auihoried, in any such event, by his procl.inta to be Ins friend. He was never I lion thereof, or oilier public acts, to direct the conduct to be observed, loo busy to d'l a kind favor or to ! on the part of the United Stales towaid the aliens who become so liable; help others m distress. j the manner and degree ot the resiraan m w Inch tnev shall be subject He will be missed by those who i and in what cases, and upon what security their residence shall be per knew hun so well, and especially ! muted and to prov ide for the reniov ,i ,t those who, not being per hy his family, to which he was so ! nutted to reside wi'hin the 1 HueJ Si ues, leltiv or neglect to depart kind and devoted i therefrom, and to establish any uch regt.l.uioiiN which are found nee- Mr. Mamback was a steward in ! essary m the premises and lor the p-tflic s itciy ; the .Methodist Episcopal church,- " heieas, hy sections . tins. I.mi'i and 4.070 of the revised sta and a member ot the choir. I le was always ready and willing to do his pan in helping the cause ot Christianity and rarely missed a serv ice. He has gone from among us, taken away in the twinkling ot an eye, w ithout even a moment !. say good-bye lo his friends and ..veJ ones, but we know tll.it "In ihe Sweet Hye and Bye," when w e are ail called lo that better world above, that he will meet us " that happy shore wuh thai same Cheerful sini.; he greeted us with in-rc on e n th, Mr Siainlx. :k leaves a wife and sin childrei , besides three brothers, A 1.. Si.nnba.k, of Weldon, W. 'ii' S'ainb.kk, ot Pinpona; J. R v.ruhack, i ! Octagon, Va.; two s's-e-s, Mrs i; L. Hudson, of 'i el. Ion, and Mrs. Nannie M astm, of Noitolk, Va., besides a no. is of nepiie-ws and nieces. The iuticr.il strv.ces were con- ueted by Rev I M Shainburger, issiso d by Rev I. G Hlalock, of the Haptisi church, Tuesday after-1 noon, at .VJO P. M., in the M. . church, and agini at the grave. Beautiful and appropriate musical selections that he loved to sing, such as "Nearer, My God to Thee, " "In the Sweet Bye and Bye," and "My Faith Looks Up to Thee," were rendered by the choir. The floral offerings were many and beautiful, showing what esteem he was held in by his friends and loved ones. After the services in the church, his body was laid peacefully lo rest in Cedarwood cemetery, there to await the great judgment call. May he rest in p.eaee and ai ise at tne great judg ment day io welcome us at the throne of God. Honorary Pallbearers. Board of Stewards: W. L. Knight, I). R. Anderson, W. T. Parker, W. A. Pierce, D. B. Zollicotfer, L. C. Draper, W. T. Shaw, H.C. Spiers, C. P. Bounds, C. J. Owen, H. D. Allen. Also Dr. A. R. Zolljcoffcr, Dr. S. P. Pierce, Dr. R. P. More head. Active Pallbearers: C. E. Car ler, J. S. Turner, C. L. Jones, M. S. Mounicastle, O. W. Pierce, W. W. Wiggins. The sympathy of the Roanoke News is extended to his loved ones in their hour of bereavement. WAR 'EXISTS.' Till: I'MTMDSTATKS AC CEPTS CHALLi:.(ii: OF i HUMAN Y. Formally Abandons Its Neutral of a World In Arms The I 'rated Nate has a irmaliy arand -ncd u, 1 't V.Cil !.! lis Hi a! 1 i ;e. ed ihe i-i i Oh'1: ' ( i ,ir an, I i'iiIi n ,i!:g i:;.l . CCcpteJ (.. .ce as the S ("Ihci il Ml,;! a . la la! I he I'. a he; I pi. lie le ts "I .11 ! Ill's M.l'es ..t A lie- iCI. til. I ' "Hi-si n 1 1, Hv nil- I 'lined Males ,i A'iier u.i beitt ecu the 1 'inie.l S: it, Ineli has been thrust up eiai'ed; and, lli.it ihe I'l e reel. d to empKn ilie ee.n Nates and the resumees Impel i ll (ieriliaii t i.iven tul lei muuiion, ail o! the in the ta'tigrcss ot ttu: 1 ::i.nc ai t .o rinl tile ;.; i resources uiicd Si.it. mm. Alter signing the resolution I'tesidciii Wilson issued a proclamation, the sul'siance of winch is as follows " hereas, the Coi'gtiss of the I'niicd Stales in the exercise of the constitutional authority vested in them have resolved by joint resolu tion, ol the Senate and House ot R .pres.-nt.iuves bearing date this day that the state ol war between the 'lined States and the Imperial Ger man Govermeni which has been thrust upon ihe 1,'nited Slates is here by formally declared; Whereas, it is provided by Section 4,01)7 ol the revised statutes as follow "Whenever there is declared a war betw een the United States and any foreign nation or government or any invasion of predatory incur sion is perpetrated, attempted, or threatened against the territory ot the I'liitcd States, by any foreign nation or government, and the Pres- tutes, further provision is m.ale relative to alien enemies , "Now, ihetetore. 1, Wtu drow W iiv.ii. President of the United States of America, do hereby pi oel.nni, io all whom it may concern, ih.it i st.ite o! w.n t isis between ill. I 'lined Slates and the Imperial German (iovtrrnmitii; and I do specially direct all officers, civil or mil itary, ol ihe United States that tliey eeiei-e vigilance and zeal in Ilie di-eh irge of the duties iiicul.-m M Midi a i.,ie o! vv ir; and I do, more over, earnestly appeal to all American citizens tii.it tliey, in loyi! devo tion to tlicir couniiy, dedicated from its haindoiiou ;o the principles ot hbet ty and lusuee, uphold the laws oi the land, and giv e undiv .ded and willing suppoit lo iho'e measures whieh may he adopted hy the constiiuu-Mtal auihoiuies in pr..scvutirg the v.,r to a successful issue md in chimin!-;, a secure and nist peace SAM B. KITCHIN. ! One ol Scotland Nek's Substan tial Cili7ens Dead Samuel B Kitchin, ..ged lifty-; two, the oldest member of ihe 1 well known Scotland Neek l.imilv. died at 1 0 .-10 Friday morning, ot ; acute indigestion. He had sulfer- . ed some slight attacks of paralysis ' during the past year, i le was oih j of the town's most substantial in zt ns hiithlv regarded by ail. I le ! is survived by Ins w tie and six children, they being 11 Kitclim. S B Kitchin, Lewis Kitchin, Mrs. J. H. Dunn, Mrs. J. B Ldwards. Jr., and Miss Lvclyn Kitchin His brothers are Congressman Claude Kitchin, former Governor W. W. Kitchin, Arrington, Taul, Richard, Thurmnn, Leland and Theodore Kitchin. He also leaves two sis ters, Mrs. Archie McDowell and Mrs. C. L. McDowell. The funeral was held at the Bap list cemetery. Rev. R A. Fir land conducted the services and there was a large number in atten dance, the floral utLriugs being profuse. The pallbearers were N. B. Josey, W. T Hancock.Sain Hoffman, Roy Boyene, Herbert jonnson, in. it. wmsiow, iiciuy Gray and Percy Johnson. A lomt choir from the Fpiscupal and Bap tist churches rendered the music. Two more armed American ships have reached English ports. There will be more of them when Ameri ca gets its navy into action clearing the seas of the pirates of ihe sub marines. About the time that the price of onions and potatoes went up the Kaiser's pet dog died, causing sausage to advance in price. RUB-MY-TISM Aniisepiic.Re lieves Rheumatism, Sprains, Neu ralgia, etc. Place as The Greatest e l lll.ll gr. ji. : mi. cha uli. Hence to war and I a world in arms. o'clu.k l-riday afternoon ot ,,e auuicrj,cy u,u, has sinned iliv exiMeiice ohi si.ue ol j ,,,,,,;, liemuiiy and ihe world e.ccuuw to employ all ihe , , ., a iloijcm wnu so deeply ah :;es jiiiiiim Hie Ceniian j , s oKoOs,ln. d, has been forced io appeal to the stern ai ornament ol 1 "&'. 'ls follows, mt Vllni .ci i; in .'iie a ' i is coniiniued re- ;i a':d me people ot the United l"ie .' ol Representatives ol the .issv. nbled, tliat a suite of ar in p till t ierm.in (ioveriiinent, :e.l t ,ies, I, hereby formally de '! I!e is hereby authoi icd and di i iiniu.oy forces of the Tinted le'.'.iit io carry on w ar against the i r; mg tnc coi llict to.i success 't ilie country are hereby pledged CIHil k I P I Cheer up! What if the day's cold, And y ou're feeling old And blue. Ami disgusted, too ? X e ail do ! l ake a brace. Look trouble in the face And smile Awhile N .thing's gained by looking glum Keep mum. I'm your woes on the shelf, l.ep j our troubles to yourself And- CHLLR HP !l WHEN EVERY MOVE HURTS, Lame every morning, achy and still all day, worse when its damp or chilly? Suspect your kidneys and try' the remedy your neighbors use. Mrs. M. L Hux, Maple Street, Weldon, says: "LaGrippe left my kid.ieya weak and I had pains in my back and across my loins. Mornings, I was so sore and stiff and tired so easily, that 1 could j lln my housework. I had headaches and dizzy spells and my sight was blurred. The kidney secretions were scanty, highly col ored and contained a brick-dusi-like sediment. My ankles were swollen and my limbs ached so badly thai I could hardly turn in bed. I got a box of Doan's Kid ney Pills at W. M. Cohen Drug Company's store, and they soon relieved me. Coniinued use cured me of all symptoms of kidney trou ble." Price 50c. at all dealers. FOSTER-MILBURN CO., Pro prietors, Buffalo, N. Y. IKALLYTOTIIl.: FLAG GOVERNOR THOMAS The time for differences has expired, of the sinking of the l.usitauia, exercised him to be a zealous lover of peace. I whose habits of hie have begotten a j ol the captains and the shoutings." , , is a sad and serious indictment . , , -..., nr.,,n,. i,,,. Henceforward there is but one course lor a good ciiien to pursue and that is lo rally lo the Hag. I Ictealier "To doubt would bring disloyalty, To taller would be sin." Personally, I am reconciled to war, because I believe that we are fighting for the only sort of civili zation that means an end to all war. I I am not in favor of permanent j universal military service. I am against the Imperial German Gov ernment, because il stands for uni versal military service. That gov ernment has for 30 years prepared to live by the sword. According to Holy Writ, it must die by the sword. When the government thin deities Hood and iron shall perish from the earth, then and not till then, will the nations for get war, and in their dealings with each other have respect lo ihe prin ciples enunciated in the Sermon on the Mount. The fundamental Service of a Bank is the furnishing of Security. Security of your funds, Security of your valuables, Security of your credit, Security of your investments. Consult and Bank with us. We ac cept this Responsibility, SATISFIED CUSTOMERS Means that those who come back io us again and again to buy after they've made their first purchase at our store always re ceive satisfactory service. They know that whatever we sell them is thoroughly reliable. They know we do not ask more than lair profit on our sales. They know they can rely on our advice Truth is our stand by. They know that carefulness, honest, courtesy, cleanliness and promptness characterize us. We are now ready to supply Sweet Peas, Nasturtiums and Tomato Plants, rooted in paste board boxes, ready for planting. These plants are grown in hoi house and are strong plants. Sweet Peas and Nasturtiums 5c. each. Tomato Plants, 25c. dozen. 'I IL Cohen Drug Company, (Successors to W. M. Cohen.) Weldon, North Carolina. SOLE AGENTS FOR R j :s- i NYAL'S REMEDIES. Get The Habit t7Buy for Cash. Save'CS lthe pennies by buy ing at W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Sto WBLDON, N. C. WALTER BICKETT. The President, from the day a scll-resiraint that proves He is a rjuiel. thouiihtful man. natural distaste for the "thunder NUNNALLY'S AND j 1 N,!:)l!R!.s',CANDIIiS 1 r e i t. to-' f. 1's' i . , $1 'A Reduced for Easter 1o all those Hint have not hnve decided to reduce for CI;NT. on all Suits, Skirts, Dresses, Collars and Shoes Also we have Silk Crene - de 5v"6- and Silk Poplins, all colors "?(tS w e are sole agents fur the &s Youne: Men. we are also prepared for I w Shirts, t (, Collins. Underwear, Slmes, Suits In fact eve ylhiug you need. D0;VF FORGET t)l.. our patrons pnlroiis M. FRE1D, LO" Tte Hr:::(l!ip.li! Sto tf WHinD-! VVIILDON, N. C. 9& '4$ "'A T HE Dining Room should be a cheerful place, for when you eat your meals amid pleasant surroundings vou do much to aid digestion. And good digestion means health. HAVE US FURNISH YOUR DINING ROOM I he variety of designs in Tables, Chairs, Side boards, China Closets, Serving Tables and the like, is ample to satisfy your desires, whatever they may be, in the matter of style, finish and price. Come in and talk it over with us. We are as eager to (ilVU satisfaction as you are to receive It. Weldon Furniture Company. Weldon, N. C. v-' ''-,; , , - riv'- " t . - v. ' f'.7 jjv-v'c' " .''r,-i.;-. .-''J'if ii.'A TO-NIGHT TAKE ALONG ifffilJ! Chocolates WHEN Y00 CALL AND GET A DOUBLE WELCOME Send her Whitman's Chocolates and Confections for Easter. There Is noth M ing that will pleas her so well. M, C. PAIR, Weldon, N C. ?lGold banded ;t;China cup and w Saucer, iOc. ifPIates 10c. j; tfj Children's Dresses 25c to $1 00 jf jki Children's Skirts , .0, 25 and SOc 'k- Children's Drawers 0, ISc. and 25c W 1fj Ladies Drawers,..- .1 25 and 50c 1 fi Ladles Oowns, SOc J- Ladles Skirts, SOc ta $100 " rf Ladies Kimonas,-- 2$c. to $1.00 jn Ladies Waists, -.50 to 98c Vegetable Seed Sc l Flower Seed 5 and 16c. () fky Hosiery Best In town lor the money. LIBERTO'S 5. 10 & 25c. Store, 5J Weldon, North Carolina. ff &t &t $fC ' . . . . yet bought lor this week only Easter we - Chine. Oeorietts. Tafeta -ji red MIDDV and MIDDY SUIT "5)i u. JI &c ImtmIUmk reduced this week "5 I Ills Is our I aster Kill to 1,$ '4$ A

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