o EXCLUSIVE AfiKNT FOR The Mormon Car $3100 The Haynes Car $1595 The Inter-State Car $955 AND The Smith Form A Truck $350 And a Ford or any other engine For Halifax, Northampton, Bertie and Hertford Counties P"AT YOUR S1SRVT0E-W S. First Street, THE ROANOKE NEWS, .1. U. SLK1KIK, Associate Editor. Thursday, Aug. 16, 1917. NOTICE There will be a regular convoca tion of Roanoke Chapter 81 R. A. M. in Masonic Hall, Wednesday evening, Aug. 15, 8 p. m. A. B. Stainback, Sec'y. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. When in doubt keep quiet. Don't forget to sow turnips this month. The fall season will soon be with us again. Don't be a miser; coffins have no pockets. Short days and long nights are on the way. Miss Narcissa Daniel is visiting friends in Wilson. Too many "coming men" lack the ability to arrive. Miss Virginia Harris is visiting friends at Emporia. Mrs. E. H. Smith is visiting rel atives in Greenville. Mrs. Ida T. Wilkins is visiting relatives in Norfolk. Mr. WhitHeld Sledge spent the week end in Norfolk. Miss Virginia House is visiting relativss in New Bern. Mrs. E. L. Hayward is visiting relatives in Richmond. Mr. Gus Travis spent a few days at home last week. Mr. B. G. Rodwell spent the week end in Warrenton. Miss Mary Pierce left Monday for a visit to Greensboro. Time seldom adds to the value of pictures painted by hope. Miss Mary Stringer left for a visit to Portsmouth Monday. Rev. and Mrs. R. G. Kendricks left Monday for Greensboro. Mr. Allison Travis returned home from Norfolk Monday. The hen thai refuses to lay should be interred in potpie. Mr. N. S. McDowell spent a few days in Norfolk this week. Why does old age tear down the circus bills stuck up by youth? Miss Ernestine Rasberry has re turned home to Scotland Neck. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Garlick are visiting relatives in Victoria, Va Miss Mary Hunter Deans re turned home to Wilson Sunday, several of our citizens are at tending court at Halifax this week. Miss Mildred Johnston, of Da vidson, is visiting relatives in Wel- don. Mr. Thomas Pratt, of Laurie burg, spent the week end in Wei don. Mrs. C. D. Cherry and children returned home to New Bern Fri day. Miss Alma Robinson, of Empo ria, spent a tew days here last week. Mr. R. M. Purnell is spending a few weeks louring the northern cities. Love is all right as an illusion, but as a fact matrimony is the real thing. Mr. Louis Griffies, of Faucetts township, called in to see us Sat urday. Miss Helen Weaver and Miss Josephine Boyce, of Rich Square, have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs- W. JL. Knight for the past few days. FAISON, : WELDON, N. C. The weeds and grass make some j of the new sidewalks almost iuipjs-; sable. Miss Frances Johnston returned home during the week from l.uttj, S. C. Mrs. Philip Moore resumed home Friday from Fortress Mon roe, Va. Master Harry Valentine returned home to Fortress Monroe, Va., Monday. Rev. F. M. Shamburger is at tending conference at Junuluska, this week. Mrs. C. J. Rhem, of Tillery, spent a few days here during the past week. Mr. Ellis Bond, of Norfolk, spent a few days here during the past week. Dr. S. B. Pierce returned home during the past week from a visit to Durham. Many handkerchiefs are mois tened by expected sorrows that never come. Mr. Allen Zollicoffer spent the week end here, returning to Wake Forest Sunday. Mr. Collier Cobb, of Chapd Hill, returned to Weldon during the past week. Miss Laura Powers left last week for Raleigh, where she will spend a week or two. I he influence ot woman is all powerful especially when she wants anything. Every man who says that mai- riage is a success praises both his wife and himself. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wood returned home Sunday from a pleasant nip north. Mr. R. S. flail is spending a few days in Scotland Neck and Green ville visiting relatives. Mrs. J. T. D. Rawlings return ed home during the past week from a trip to Enfield. It's life's little things that hurt the most, for instance, corns, rt'n- a-rounds, and bees." As a child Adam made no mis lakes, but he made up for it du ring his honeymoon. Mi's. H. G. Frazer left for her new home at l.ollingsdale. Pa., during the past week. Some folks are so industrious lhal when i tie y haven't anything else lo do they worry. Mrs. W. S O'B. R.ibinson and Hide son, returned to their home in Goldsboro last week. Congressman Claude Kitchin passed through Weldon Monday, en route to Washington. Rev. J. G. Blalock held a sue cessful meeting at Elam, North' ampton county last week. Dr. and Mrs. I. h. Green re turned home Monday after a pleas ant stay at Ocean View, Va. Dr. R. P. Morehead and Mr. John Randleman are spending i few days in Baltimore, Md. Mr. and Mrs C. .1 Owen and family motored over to Mecklen burg county, Va., last week. Mr. Whit Anthony. Jr., of Franklin, Vt., spent a few days at home during the past week. When a woman can wash flan nels so that they won't shrink she knows enough to get married Do not leave water in old tin cans, unless you want to be sere naded by that little mosquito band The man who ridicules honesty, virtue, and truth may not be in sane, but he might just as well be Little grains of wisdom and little chunks of sense make the wounds of Cupid's shafts a little less in tense. Miss Virginia Harris is visiting relatives in Emporia. Miss Katrine Wiggins is visiting friends in Portsmouth, Va. Miss Susan Zollicoffer returned home Tuesday from Virginia Beach. Mrs. A. L. Cochran and sons, Masters Arthur and Hayward, are visiting relatives in Asheboro. Rev. Eugene Few will preach at the M. E. Church Sunday, filling the pulpit for Rev. F. M. Sham burger. Mrs. R. C. Knight and daughter, Miss Mary Knight, of Durham, spent a few days in Weldon this week. Dr. and Mrs. Carstarphen, of Wake Forest, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Turner during the past week. Miss Emma Brandon, of Golds- boro, spent a few days here last week the guest of her sister, Mrs. V. K. Overman. Fair weather friends are plenti ful, while few people are willing to hold an umbrella over you during the storm of adversity. To Our Patrons. Any change to be made in regular advertise ments MUST be handed this office by Tuesday a. m. Married. Married at the Bap tist parsonage last Friday by Rev, J. G. Blalock, Mr. Carroll B. Fa- gan and Miss Jessie E. Griffin, of Woodland. Thanks We return thanks to our young friend, Mr. W. F.Cobb, tor a nice watermelon given to us Saturday. It was the largest we ave seen this season. Superior Court In Session The August term of Halifax Superior Court is in session ai Hal ifax this week, Judge H.W.Whed- bee, of Greenville, presiding. place to work. it you in tend to go 10 work, there is no bel ter place than right where you are if you do not intend to go to work, you cannot get along anywhere, Better Apple Pie. When ma king apple pie squeeze a few drops of lemon juice over the apples be tore pulling on ine upper crust, and see how much it improves the flavor. Examining Board In Session The Examining Board for Halifax county is busy this week examin ing men for Halifax county's draft quota. Let's all pull for their as sistance. Delicious Peanut Gandy. An easily made peanut candy made by removing the skins from salted peanuis and laying nuts in the bottom of a dish. Pour fudge over them, when it begins to cool and cut in squares. Useful Kerosene. A disin fectant ready at hand and cheap is plain kerosene. As a germ killer for kitchen drains, sick room floors, as a gargle diluted with water, a quick destroyer of bacteria on la cut, kerosene is ever useful Insurance Business Chances Hands The Insurance business owned and operated under the name of Smith & Rodwell, has been bought by Mr. Luther C Draper. We wish Mr. Draper much success in his new business. A Mistake. To correct the mistaken idea of so many people who read the News & Observer Sunday and failed to see Charles R. Daniel's name as having attain ed a second lieutenantcy in the of ficer's camp at Oglethorpe, Ga we beg to state that the Observer got "Charlie" in the wrong State, They had him down from Waldon HALIFAX COUNTY EXAMINATIONS Made Monday In Eight Hours 189 Were Put Through Physical Examination for Army Draft With 29 Rejections- 116 for Exemption. The exemption board of Halifax county made its first call to the men first drawn to appear for physical examination in Halifax court house Monday morning at 8 o'clock, and in answer to the call for 221 men 181 men did ap pear and take ihe examination during the day. Of this number 151 passed phy sically, 29 received physical dis charge. The names of those that received physical discharge are as follows: F. Williams, Rosemary, R. A. Warren, Roanoke Rapids. Jesse Faison, Weldon. Ernest Peterson, Enfield. David Hicks, Aurelian Springs. Charles Jeffries, Littleton. Ben Robertson, Littleton. L. Burnett, of Palmyra. H. Pery, Rosemary. lsham Hill, Littleton. Dock Powell, Hobgood. Norwood Dunn, Halifax. E. Timberlake, Weldon. J. C. Davis, Roanoke Rapids. Matthew Gilliam, Weldon. R. Whitlock, Rosemary. Nathaniel Wade, Tillery, ,. D. Long, Hollister. Nathan Edmonds, Tillery. Jim Williams, Scotland Neck. H. M. Neville, Enfield. George Nicholson, Brinkleyville. M. Spivey, Roanoke Rapids. J. W. Pridgen, Enfield. Delaware Galling, Hollister. R. L. Whitaker, Enfield. W. H. Tillery, Enfield. M. Miller, Enfield. Donald McCluer, Mississippi. All Honor to Mrs. Emry. To Mrs. Charles R. Emry belongs all honor and praise for her untir ing efforts and excellent work in organizing Weldon's branch of the Red Cross, and raising of a large sum of money to go for this worthy cause. Mrs. hmry has worked diligently and tirelessly in this good cause, and she has been the leading factor in opening the eyes of not only Weldon, but of Halifax county, to see the true need of this most important branch of the ser vice. Halifax County Boys Make Good. Halifax county holds her high standing as usual with the best of them in the matter of send ing good material to the various training camps. The following Halifax county boys received 2nd Lieuienantcies in the first camp: Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. Charles R. Daniel and Earl Thompson, of Weldon; D. M. Johnson, of En field, and K. C. Towe, ot Roanoke Rapids. Plattsburg, Pa. Robert House, of Thelma. Fort Meyers, Va. L. Mills Kitchin, of Scotland Neck. The entire county should be very proud of these her sons. Advertised Letters. The following is a list of letters remain ing "uncalled for" in the Weldon postoffice : R. A. Avery, Miss Josephine Broadney, Eliza Bartley, Chanie Smith, Katie Pryor, J. J. Parks, J. 0. Sullivan & Co. Eddie Simmons, M. E. Tucker, Grace Tinsty. Persons calling for above letters will please say "advertised," giv ing date of advertising. D. T. Clark, P. M., Weldon, N. C. Aug. 13, 1917. Arrested for Stealing Reg istered Matter. Sam Bailey, a colored man, who has been handling mail in Weldon for a number of years, was arrested here Sunday night, Aug. 12, by U. S. Inspectors for stealing registered mail, and bound over to the Federal Court, This stealing has been going on for sometime and numerous efforts had been made by the authorities to catch the guilty parties, but up until Saturday night every attempt had been futile. The Inspectors arrived Sunday and a trap was set for the offender, marked money being used. The officer upon boarding train No. 85 discovered that the pouch had again been opened and the marked bills miss ing. The boys handling the mail were called to taw, ai ine point ot cold steel, and Capt. Sam Bailey, held the unlncky "cards. He was immediately arrested, and his case is now pending. NOTICE! For the benefit of the publie we have installed an up-to-date Rubber Tire Machine for putting rubber tires on buggies. Let us convince you mat we can eara you money. A uiai is ail we iu. Mare ex press and freight charges. Call and ex amine machine. Clark & Miller, Blacksmith Wheelwrights, Weldon, N. C. GERMANS BELITTLE AMERICAN TROOPS Say They Will Prove Small Fac tor in (ireat Struggle. Claim Our Men Are Not Equal to Task. DON'T KNOW WHAT j THEY'RE UP AGAINST! It appears from news which leaked out of Germany, in spite of the unusually close censorship, that the German officials are telling (heir men and women thai the American troops will cut little fig ure in the big war. If the German people knew whai they were up against they would refuse to listen to such foolish assertions. The funniest part of it is that ihey claim that Americans can't think quick enough. What a joke! That's our reputation quick to think. The Germans will find that out soon enough. In the mean time, we at home should gel ready for the big drive. Of course we all can't go to the front but we can do our bit in just as important a manner right here at home. Lei us keep fit to carry on the industries of the nation, till the soil, work the mines, and keep the ammunition flowing to the front in steady stream. Backaches must be gotten rid of; those stomach disorders such as indigestion, constipation, etc., must be eliminated; weak, anaemic bodies musi be made strong and vigorous; weak kidneys and blad der must be strengthened; in other words we must keep fit ! Acid Iron Mineral will keep you fit. It is not a patent medicine. It is a pure, natural iron preparation obtained from the only natural me dicinal iron mineral deposit I of its kind known to the world. It aids digestion, increases weight, creates appetiie, strengthens dormant mus cles, brings a healthy color to the skin, and builds up the body in general; and is free from alcohol, will not injure or discolor the teeth. Old sores, ulcers, etc., regularly bathed with A-I-M will quickly dis appear and applied to cuts, wounds or abrasions it stops blood almost instantly. At all druggists in 50c. and $1 sizes. Try It and Person Remedy Co., Charlotte, N. C. A short time ago 1 w as afflicted with malaria and chills and nothing seemed lo do me any good until I tried MRS. JOE PERSON'S REM EDY which quickly gave the de sired relief. And I can truthfully say that I think that the Remedy is the best on the market for ma laria and chills. Any one that has Malaria I would say try it and be convinced as I have. And oblige, W. L. House. Ahoskie, May 10th. 1917. Sale (or Taxes. I mil sell fur cash to the highest bid der at the Ihe court house door in the Itiviii of Halifax, Monday, September 3rd, lyl7, betveeu K'aod 1 o'clock, the followiuK described laud to Weldoo Township, for tales due IHlb : tax A COST Mrs Agues Moseley, 1 towu lot fl7.HU (ieorge W.Tve, I towo lot ou Odar street, S13.U7 .lack Smith, Koaooke Rapids township, interest in father's estate $4.5f Tom Long, 1 acres land, $4.09 Allen L&De, 9 acres I'rice laud, Ktizalieth I'rice. guardian, 7 acres laud 11.06 Ella I'arhaui. 1 acre land 13.47 K. K. 1'onton, 1 acre land ll.Ut) J. L. HARRIS, Tax Collector Weldon Township. Sale for Taxes. I will sell for cash to the highest bid der, in front of the postottice in the town of Weldon, Monday, August 211, the following described land iu the town of Weldon for taxes due mill. HI A COST s Coward, I town lot 17.30 liteen Katon, 1 towo lot 13.71 C. M. Kppos Estate, 1 town lot B4.90 Majot liannon (slate, 1 town lot 7.54 Mollie Long, 1 town lot Mrs Agnes Moseley, 1 town lot 4.W 1H.66 8.14 9.61 Paul Maiuue, I town ioi Laura Ridley, 1 toau lot irff w Tye. 1 town lot : Kieliel Simms. I towo lot 2.45 7.SS Joe West, !i town lot Uillie Williams, 1 towo lot J W. PiKRCK, Tax Collector Town of Weldon Sale for Taxes, 1 Mill sell for oasb to the nig-liest bid der at the court bouse door id Halifal, Mouday, September Jrd, (.yii, the fol lowing described lands la Faucetts town, ship, for taiea due IHIr): tai a COST It. A. Dicteos, i acres, Dictens tract 11.11 Mr. H. I.. Hudson, 62 acres, home place, $ti.:)4 K. Harlow, M acres, home place So. 16 W. J. U. Nmitn estate, as acres, part of home, $0.01 Mrs. M. fc. Davis, iuu acres, part Mrs. Perkins, $16.70 Mrs. R J. MiDk-o, UO acres, Mink-o land $5.81 L K. Hedgepeth, 15 acrea.home (1.93 fuse snow estate, X5 acres, fuss Snow land S2.W J. B. DICaJCNS, Tax Collector Faucetts Township. Convinced The Knrd Midor Company, nl Detroit, appointed us authorized agents for Ford cars in this county, to properly represent FORD interest, to give service Ij l-'ORL) owners. The Company in return demand that we equip and maintain an ade quate service station and FORD home, employing competent FORD mechanics carrying in stock every conceivable repair part for the FORD car, using only genuine, FORD-madc material mid pans, and charging regular FORD prices. This is the service we are giving 10 FORD owners. Material, Workmanship Right Prices the standard of each guaranteed. When your FORD needs at teniion, bring it 10 us and get the benefit of genuine FORD service with genuine FOKD-made parts. Prices Ford Cars: RUNABOUT $345.00 TOURING $360.00 (F. 0, B. Detroit.) Barnes & Gregory, Authorized FORD Dealers for the County of Halifax WELDON. North Carolina. rJiD-SuflMEn ClejmIge or JLL Suweh Goods A Big Clearance Movement, giving you some real bargains in Gent's and Ladies' Wear and Dry Goods. Also taking in hundreds of pairs of Rice & Hutchins Shoes-our best foot, wear for Men, Women and Children. The same good, honest merchandise with which we've done so well at regular prices. 63.75 For Men's Low Shoes in blacks tans and Cordivans thai were $5 to $6. WOMEN'S $3.50 to $4.50 LOW SHOES All styles. If we have your size you'll 00 7C be saving in Big Fashion Qttlv The Leader, Men's end Ladies Heady-to-Wear Apparel WELDON, N. C Dry (loods and (Jeneral Merchandise. With the approach of hot days you want to know where Stylish, Reliable Kool KLaths and Falsn Beach Suits Can be had to suit you. In pinch backs and regulars and in all shades. Come to us first. FARBER & JOSEPHSON, MEN'S AND BOYS' OUTFITTERS. WELDON. N. C. T ESTABLISHED 1892. Capital and Surplus, S6Q, WE INVITE YOUR AdCOUNT. 4 PAID ON SAVINQS DEPARTMENT. W. E. DANIEL, MIS1DINT. Subscribe ta Tb Roanoke Newt. Only Jl SO per year eaT Advance. Advertising TO OWNERS OF FORD $1.00 Per pair while they last, for jwomen's and children s canvas shoes that sold at $2. II E QQO W. R. SMITH, f ici-ruaiDWT. J. O. DRAKK, C4SIIH. Rates Reasonable. OARS PEOPLE WHO WALK You who are on your feet a great deal should be extraordinarily par ticular as to what kind of shoes to get not only as to style and qual ity but also as to fit. Shoes That Stay Comfortable You need not necessarily sacri fice style to get shoes that will stay comfortable. But you must be sure that you are properly fitted. And proper fitting is an art that we mastered in a highly commenda ble. ELECTRIC SHOEREPAIRING SHOP. All Shoes repaired promptly and t reasonable prices. WELDON SHOE STORE, L. KITTNER, Prop. Opposite Bostoltice, WELDON, N.C. YES1 LIU A CORN OFF WITHOUT PAIN I Cincinnati authority teila how to dry up a corn or callua ae it lifts off with flngira. Yuu core-pestered turn and women Deed suffer uo lunger, Wear tie aboea ttiat nearly killtd you before, says this Cincinnati authority, because a few drop of treejuioe applied directly on a teuoVr, aching corn or callus, stop aure ate at ouise and soon the corn or hardened callus looetns so II can ba lifted out, root and all, without pain. A small bottle of freexone cost TerT little at any drug store, but will posi tively take off every herd or soft corn or callus. This should be tried, as It is Inexpensive and is said not lo Irritate the surrounding skin. If your druggist hasn't any freesoB tell him to get a small bottle for 70U from his wholesale drug house. It is one stuff and twU Uka a eaarn arery tima. by fitting them with the proper glaaaea. Hot the hit or miss, grab-bag system of fitting, but glaaaea fitted by optometrist of experience, and knowledge of eye Dos't GamUe With Year Eyes take them lo HALL'S and ba tar. GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Kit. N. C. DUNCAN, Riotoi Sunday Moraine; Prayer and Sermon, 11 A M Ereniuf Prayer ltd Sermon, ( P. M Enrrbodr eordieilr iorited to attend these aerrieas. S1 WE CAN ft Yom J Norfolk Rlduotaa Lracaawf RUB-MY-TISf.l Will cure Rheumatism,-Neuralgia, Headaches. Cramp. Colic Sprains Jtaiises, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores, Tetter, KinfrWonn, Ec tema, etc. Aatieeatio Aattdya,! used interaally or externally. 25s lo