Til ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER f OR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum VOL. UI. WELDON, N. CM THURSDAY, Al'CJUKT U3, 1017 NO. 15 fsiiiiinnoTflnifl SCl' Net Contents lSFIuid Praohnj 1. Avertable ftopftionwJu lintuwSiciMctauidBy"' 'Ji CheerfulnesJiranwu" nelUierOplam.Morpliliien ltoeraLNoTKA.ju AS 9 s Mm W .5 S i ..infill BjTnedv for f Constipation wmDitrrM' and revfnsnwra. j -- resultin, Oimftomjnliifnc!' II .,iiiaileS.nitr fciact Copy of Wrapper. it in no nun i ? t,..i;taotCowaw. ,1 United States Goodrich Kelly Springfield E have on sale in our salesroom now the largest stock of Automobile Tires ever shown ,T in Weldon. Three of the best makes on the American market. Tires that will give, you more miles for your money than any other maje. Our tires are guaranteed by the manufacturers on mileage basis of 3500 to 5000 miles. E have In stock almost any size or style--. L7 Plain Tread, USCO Tread, Chain, Nobby and TT Silvertown Cord Tread. The market is un settled now, and Tires may advance at any time, buy now, save money, get the right tires at the right prices. Also carry in stock a full line of all Automobile supplies and accessories. Batchelor Bros, Chalmeri and Chevrolet Automobiles Oldest Oarage In Weldon Mr. Automobile Owner Attention! Send Us Your Old Tires! 3,500 to 6,000 Extra Mile Service Readily from Bell 2 in 1 Tire Co., (Incorporated) 202 W, Broad St. RICHMOND, VA. Phone Randolph 6281 We buy Old Tires. aE30EaoEa3tN I . Z A B A , o i ARTISTIC M new tPDiiir. nrcpi by libit ui ninu VIUI kni I to I tk your mewure aud make suit V inspect tine line of piece trout.) and Nuxated Iron Makes Strong, Vigorous. Iron Men and Beautiful Healthy Rosy pr Howard J a met, Ute of tht MirnkatUn Sute Hotpiul of New York and f orroorly AuuUnt Phy kian Brooklyn SUte Hospital, aayai "Iron la abielutely nsctaiary to abl your blood to chang fuud Into liv ing ttuu. Without it, no nutter bow much or what you tat, your food inert ly through you without doing you any food. You don't gt the. atrvngth out of It, and mm a vonaeujUMic Jeu bom weak, pal and alckly look ig, luat Ilk a plant trying to grow In A aoU deficient to Iron. A patient of Vina remarked to me (after having ben an a at weaki' courie of Nun tad Iron), 'tar, Boator, that tbra aaaj g like augle.1 "If you are not itrong or well, you owe H to yourielf to make the follow ing teat: See hew long you can work or bow far you can walk without be eemlng tired. Next take two five-grain tablet! of Nuxatfd Iron three tlmea per day after meali for two weeka. Then teat .your etrength again and ae how tuk fata Have gained, Fro my own W.JC, Cohan Druf Co. iiif lei H For Infanta and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature. of Use For Over Thirty Years no m Republic Truck WLOHWQ, cnn ciiitc t nvcnrniK M VII UVMVW VILIIUUnitf to order od mjr beach. Call and tart dam plea. Satisfaction guaraoteetiJ Cheeked Women Cnl Tkrt tkm Ha (.Vaaaara' Inm) fectt Ut Mffc. It trulmlt limit fjnk ' mtm. experience with Nuxated Iron 1 feel It ! euch a valuable remedy that It ahould be kept In eery hospital and praicrlbt-d by every physician In thla country. Nax.t4 Iroa. ncomuf&drt abon hi Or. iMf. u fur HI. ar .11 fuud diufiMi oe aa .bevluu ruiuut of HKM aud MUfeUua at roar auiv rrfuaiUe. WeldoaDnif Co. UHO I U 111 LW ty .llv In GASTOniA UNCLE M0SEL0ST NO TIME. AllhouKh Old and Crippled With Rheumatism, He Could Travel Some When Bear Appeared. Some Georgia buys were going coon hunting and slopped ai the cjbm of anoilier colored boy. "Come 'long Saihbo; we's gwine coon liuniin'." "Ah caint. Ah has 10 siay wid Unci'; Mose." "dring him 'long, niggah." Uncle Mose was very old and ciippied with the theumaiisni, bui he was finally persuaded to hobble along and the pany sei off. The dogs soon began barking furiously al no great distance and all hurried to the tree. Even Un cle Mose seemed to regain some thing of his youthful energy and hobbled along at a surprising rate The boys threw slicks and stones into the tree and suddenly a large animal sprang down among the dogs with fierce growls and snarls. The dogs scattered and ran. The hoys, scared out ol their wits, yell ed : "Look out o' dat bea'," and never stopped until completely out of breath. "Po' old Uncle Mose! Dat bea's suah got him," said one. "Suah, a good old man! But dar ain't no use gwine back," said another one. "Dal bea' eai him all up by dis time," said a third. So they proceeded sadly to Sam bo's cabin; but what was their as tonishment when the door opened and Uncle Mose himself stood be fore them. Some of the more su perstitious, believing it 10 be his ghost, were inclined to run; but old Uncle Mose quickly reassured them by asking this question: "Whe' you chilluns been all dis time?" "Fo' de lan's sake, Uncle Mose! How you all git heah?" Uncle Mose drew himself up with a somewhat scornful haughty demeanor and replied: Huh ! Dat's easy 'nuff, Ah kern wid de dogs !" Country Gentleman. EXCUSES POOR. Johnny B- , who has seen eight summers go by, not very long ago developed a fondness for playing hooky from school. After two or three offenses of this kind he was taken 10 task by his teacher. 'Jonny," she said, "the next time you are absent I want you 10 bring me an excuse from your father telling me why you were not here." "I don'i warn to bring an ex cuse from my father," protested the boy. "Why not ? asked the teacher, her suspicion plain. " 'Cause father isn't any good at making excuses." WHY THEY BURIED HIM. "It is a rule to which most good lawyers adhere,' observed a well known attorney, "never 10 tell more than one knows. There was an incident in a Western lown where a lawyer carried the rule 10 the extreme. "Counsel for one side objected to a person, whose name was on (he court's register for some pur pose or other, on the ground thai he was dead. The counsel on the other side declined lo accept ihe assurance and demanded conclu sive testimony on the poini. "Whereupon counsel for the other side arose and gave corrobo rative evidence as lo the deceas of the man in question. " 'But, sir, how do you know the man's dead ?' demanded op posing counsel. " 'Well,' was the reply. 'I don'i know. It's very difficult to prove.' "'As I suspected. You don't know whether he's dead or not.' " 'No, Hut I know this thry buried him about a month ago on suspicion I' " THE BEST PARABLE. Parson Do yo know the para bles, my child? Johnnie Yes, sir. Parson And which of the para bles do you like best? Johnnie I like the one where somebody loafs and fishes. CASTORIA Fot Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Year Alwaya Uara IU $ee Maiti peratiens The Right Medicine in Many Cases Does Better than the Surgeon's Knife. Tribute to Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Doctor Said Operation or Dea Moines. wuir Jiiuiiin have been in my grave today had it not been for Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. I auf. fered from a serious female trouble and the doctors said I could not live one year without an operation. My husband objected to the operation and bad me try Lydia E. l'inkham's Veeetithle f 'nmnrmnrl I 8oon commenced to get better and am now well and able to do my own housework. I can recom. mend Lydia E. l'inkham's Vegetable Compound to any woman as a wonderful health restorer." Mra. i Dunum jurriiisoN.us Lyon St, Des Moines,Iowa, Another Operation Avoided. Richmond, lnd. "For two years I was so sick and weak from female troubles that when going up stairs I had to go very slowly with my hands on the steps, then sit down at the top to rest. The doctor said be thought I should have an ojieratlon, and my friend thought I would not live to move into our new house. My daughter asked me to try Lydia E. l'inkham's Vegetable Compound as she had taken it with good results. I did so, my weakness disappeared, I gained in strength, moved into our new home, do all kinds of garden work, and raised hundreds of chickens and ducks. I cannot say enough in praise of Lydia E. l'inkham's Vegetable Compound." Mrs, M. 0. Johnston, lioute D, Box 190, Richmond, Ind. Of course there are many serious cases that only a surgical operation will relieve. We freely acknowledge this, but the above letters, and many others like them, amply prove that many operations are recommended when medicine in many cases is all that is needed. If you want special advice write to I.ydia 10. Plnkham Medi cine Co. (confidential) l.ynn, Mass. Your letter will lie opened, read and answered by a woman and held iu strict cut.iiilence. ARE Are you just the same at home as you are upon the streets Just as smiling and as pleasant and as sweet? Are you just the same at home to your family js you are To comrades and the strangers that you meet in ilmp and car? Are you just as kind and thoughtful to your linMicn and your wife As you are 10 total strangers in this every day of life ? Are you just (he same at home as you were down town today ? Just as happy and as hopeful, just as full l joy and play Are you just the same at home to the loved our-, ih u nrrd n so, Just as comforting and cheering, ju .i j-, lull id Inn and Are you just as true and loving to the ones ihai m-rj sum . .re As you were to some acquaintance in the hurly burly there. Are you just the same at home as you were with us iniiiu.hi In the sparkle of revel in the glamour and the light Are you just the same at home as you are to friend and foe Whom you meet along the highway in the paths you have lo go. Are you jusl as fond and tender to the hearts you owe it to As you are to all the others as they smile and bow at you. AN OLD-FASHIONED MAN. When I am far away from town, as far as I can be, There is a heap of lonesomeness thai goes around with me, And nighttimes, when I know at home the prayers are being said, And il is just about the lime (he children go to bed, I slam my hai down on my head and I go out, and go Through my town I am in, just walking 10 and fro And seeing pictures of the kids all in their niglnies w hite, And wishing daddy was al home to kiss them all goodnight. The town thai I am in may be a city all alight, And it may have a broad white way which makes day of night, And every kind of show may be along ihat city's street, But all the glare and blaze and noise don't coax my homesick feet : I turn inlo a quiet street lhai wends away from town When it's time my baby kneels and says her "Lay me down." And I can see my children kneel, the soft light on their hair, And I reach out my arms sometimes and wish that I was there. And in the morning when ihe sun goes climbing up the sky, And there's a baby bird outside just learning how to fly, I stand there looking at the world not doing anything Jusi thinking of my little ones: I hear their voices ring, 1 see their little hands held out, I see their glad eyes shine, And with a laugh and run and jump they're in these arms of mine; And always I get back to them the quickest way I can - I guess I'm nothing much but just a plain old-fashioned man. HIS FALL UNCHECKED. Two insurance agents a Yankee and an Englishman were brag ging about their rival methods. The Britisher was holding forth on the system of prompt payment car Tied out by hi people no trouble, no fuss, no attempt to wriggle out of settlement. "If ihe man died tonight," he continued, "his widow would re ceive hr money by the first post tomorrow morning." "You don'i say ?" drawled the Yankee. "See here, now, you talk of prompt payment I Well, our office is on the third floor of a building forty-nine stories high. One of our clients lived in that forty-ninth story, he fell out of the window. We handed him a check is, he passed. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASXORIA Death - But Medicine Cured. Iowa. "Mv hnsluuid YOU? TOO INQUISITIVE. They were dancing the one step. The music was heavenly. The swish of her silken skirts was di vine. The fragrance of the roses ; upon her bosom was really intoxi- j eating. Ah, she iiuiLJ sweetly, with an arch look up into his face, "you remind me of one of Whitman's poems." A sudden diiness seemed lo seiie him. it was as if he were floating in a dream. ' When he had sufficiently gained his breath he spoke: "Which one?" "Oh, any one," she replied. "The feet are mixed in all of them." Everybody's Magazine. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Treat a dog kindly and he will not desert you when your money it gone,. uKOTHtk-lrvAUh. Me Mad Suffered Enough. A man was arrjigneJ before a juuVe on a charge of obtaining money under false pretenses. He had jusi eniered a store, prelenJ in: in he a custnnier, but proved 1 1 Ik- a line). "Your name is Jim Lickin ire" said l!i' judge. "Yes, sir." "And you are charged with a crime tti.it mcrils a long term in the penitentiary?" "Yes, sir." "And you are guihy of ilie Clime?" "I am." "And you ask for no mercy?" "No, sir." "You have had a great deal ol trouble within the last two ycai ?" "Yes, sir, I have." "You have oltcu wished ili.n you were dead?" "I have, please your honor " "You wanted to steal enough n. i.ike you away fro n i'iU city?" "You are right, judge." "II a man had stepped up and shot you just as you entered the store, you would havesaid, 'Thank you, sir ?' " "Yes, sir, 1 would. But, judge, how did you find out so much about me ?" "Some lime ago," said ihe judge, with a solemn air, "I was divorced from my wife. Shortly afterward you married her. The result is conclusive. I discharge you. Here, take this $50 bill. You have suffered enough !" Life Was a Misery Mra. F. M. Jones, of Palmer, Okla., wrilei: " From Ihe time I en tered into womanhood ... I looked with dread from one month to the next. I suffered with my back and bearing-down pain, until life to m was a misery. I would think I could not endure the pain any longer, and I gradually got worse. . Nothing seemed to help me until, one day, . . I decided to TAKE The Woman's Tonic " 1 took four bottles," Mn. Jonei goes on to lay, "and was not only greatly relieved, but can truthiully uy that I have not a pain. . . " It hai now been two yean since I tookCardui, and I am still in good health. , . I would ad vise any woman or girl to use Cardui who is a sufferer from any female trouble." If you sutler pain caused from womanly trouble, or U you feel Ihe need of a good strengthening tonic to build up yourrun-down aystem, lake the advice ol Mrs. Jones. TryCar dul. It helped her. We believe it will help you. All Druggists LM Colored People Delighted With New Discovery To Bleach the Skin Album, (iu. Says that recent lesir. have proven without doubi that swarthy or sallow complexions can be made light by a new treat ment recently discovered by a man inAilanta Just ask youi Jtugf i: i lor C.ocoione Skin X'hitener. Feople who have used it are amazed al its wonderful effect. Rid your face of that awful dark color or greasy appearance in a few minutes. It costs so litils that you can't afford to be without it. Just think how much prettier you would look with that old dark skin gone and new soft, light skin in its place. Men and women today must care for their complexions lo enter society. If your druggist will not supply you with Cocoione Skin Whitener send 25c. for a large package to Cocotone Co., Atlanta, Ga. EH Tim lo K tint Non-Skid Tires give you the mileage and the value you should have. THE thou8and8 and thousands of Fisk Users know there isn't any greater tUlar-for-doUar tire value. Join the big family ofhappy Fisk buyers learn for your oelf that "When you pay more than Fisk prices you pay for something that does not exist. " Fisk Ttrtt For Sale By HARNHS & GREGORY. Wlil.DON, N. c. WtfY Sped JLL You Efl? You might get sick or hurt-be prepared for it You might want to make an investmentstart now, "Takes money to make money," you know, You might be visited by thieves or firjan account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one to get into. We oav 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts , THE BANK OF HALIFAX H vl ,1 FAX 3SJ. C. N. 1.. Stedman, P. C. (iregory. P. II. OreeorT I'rttNidrnt Vw, We Recommend M. C. PAIR'S 1 Weldon, N. C. Faultless Ice Cream, Sanitary Soda Fountain Toilet Articles & Medicines. wimiamiiiiaMintMMMiiira IMITATION. You are invited to open an account with the $ BMK OF 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly. YOU can MBianCTl3atnaUIUIMIIW w. m. cohen ma (i ro. riKKtfi wMiitnivMiriiJw.Lu., KOANOKK Sliri-LY CO.. foe. ANDALL GOobNDEALERS. CaHUinr. and Guarantee Chocolates We stand back of every package we sell. If it doesn't please (for any( teasun), please re- turn it. I'or Sale Exclusively By ENFIELD, bank by mail JOHN B. SLED(1K NOTARY PUBLIC Weldon, N. C. nrlniannkt Nuts Office -m Will cure Rheumatism, Neu ...I., u ii r.. sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns. Old Sores, letter. Kind Worm. Ko. .ema. etc. AotiwDtio A..W UKi internally or externally. 25c ; It. m.I. i.'

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