Til l-STABLISMEI) IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Sulsc.Tiption--$1.50 Per Annum VOL. LI I WELDON, N. C, TIIUKSDAY, SIOl'TEMliKU Itf,. l!)17. NO. is Children Cry for Fletcher's Tba Klud You Have Alwayi Bought, and which hai been la use for over over 30 yean, has borne the signature of - and bat been mude under bis per WyraOT Mnal uPerisicin ''nee its infancy. vC7. i-uacaavi uow no one t0 deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has teen In constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother'i Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought TMt CKNTAUW COMtNV, NVW VORK !irv, rr K United States Goodrich Kelly Springfield E have on sale in our salesroom now the Yf largest stock of Automobile Tires ever shown TT in Weldon. Three of the best makes on the American market. Tires that will give you more miles for your money than any other ma"e. Our tires are guaranteed by the manufacturers on mileage basis of 3500 to 5000 miles. E have In stock almost any size or style V Plaln Tread, USCO Tread, Chain. Nobby and Silvertown Cord Tread. The market is un settled now, and Tires may advance at any time, buy now, save money, get the right tires at the right prices, Also carry in stocj a full line of all Automobile supplies and accessories. Batchelor Bros, Chalmers and Chevrolet Automobiles Oldest Oarage In Weldon Dress Up AND YOU'LL Cheer Up ! The country is alright, and you are alright, if you will jusi dress up. The prudent suc cessful man knows this to be true. Try it and see how good you'll feel. You'll feel like a real somebody, and jusi like facing the world's opportunities to win. At VINSON'S, the De Luxe Clothier, you will find these cheerful, good-looking clothes, and at prices that are making friends for these good clothes. COME AND SEE IS ALL I ASK You know that fortune favors a well-dressed man. Great preparation has been made for you. The prices now are a great deal lower than they will be again for at least two years. Palm Beach and Keep Cool Suits greatly reduced. They are priced to make friends. "Good Quality Spells-What Vinson Sells." C. S. Vinson, THE OUTFITTER TO MANKIND WELDON, - NORTH CAROLINA. PRICE BELL 2 IN 600 W. Broad St., (Tutuum ir mi mint HIKE riKNiHuimt iiknimhunk rumuMH.itTi TUltKH BOTH CABIN CAttlMU IN I TV Hit li3 W OU 4 7U $5 NO $ 00 30i3 3 tw jb.) 7 tu '4 it 80x3$ 3 to ti ho V M a Hti SiiiSj 4 60 7 W 40 8 &'i 31x4 Hi ti V j I J 00 4 A KM 4 9U H Ml 12 HU 4 40 334 6 50 Hi 13 HO 4 60 Ml4 S 75 10 40 14 90 4 Ul 3614 6 H it 10 VU in ttl 4 7ft 3t)i4 5 y;, n ; ir Ho 6 Uti 3414 (J 50 10 m 15 Hit fl tw 3fi4i 6 to 11 70 K 5 Wi ii44 U (Hi UK) IU 90 0 00 37 Hi 7 Ui VI HO H 70 (I 10 35x5 7 6o 'l (H 1H ti 40 3tx5 7 7f, 13 Nil 18 95 6 50 37p5 8 00 14 HO ft 70 6 75 YOUK OLD TYRES MADB 2 IN I. Doa't throw iwy tour old tiret, wild them to us, we may be ible to make them i id 1 for you; let ui be the judge, uo deposit neceeaary, we make all ihip uieuta aubject tojrouruaminatiou; il llii y are Dot worth mikiug 'I m 1 we will ell tot jou at Uie higheet Bubmoul price (Uie higiieet anywhere) anil return amount to you. Wt pay charge on uieoouaf. Signature of m Republic Trucks ft LIST 1 TYR RICHMOND. VA. ES CELEBRATE THE RUSS REVOLT Civilian! and Soldiers, In Remarkabl Procession, Display Powers of Organization. In the Nt?vnky Prosnkt the Inter ntlmiMe iroctii.loii wan funned In two cnluiniiK, imirchlnK Iiurullel with eiich utlier iiuil ii mile up of xroupM of uliout u limit) ml men, Wuineu unit chllilreu, nlii mid )-uiinK. wnl Is I nK ttriu hi iinii, uctunlliiK to III- in rtitmt nf mi eyewlt lit'HM In Hi'rlhuer'H, Tin llli'H were nf eqiml length, nod no trnci4 nmlii httve nhovn belter ullKiiiuent. At the heud of i-tii h group, like u t-uitnlu leudliiK IiIh euiupiiuy, walked u leader, who wore a wide red wurf i'ronwlne, to inuke hliu more eii-lly dUtlntculshuhle. When he lifted IiIh hnud the members of hlH group went forward; when lie lowered It they stopped. It win ex actly like the order aud discipline uf troops on the luareh, and trained ml dlwn could not have luurrtied better Indeed, the eohllern did not, fur one of the nt range things about this prodlg lull prucesKltiu wu tlitit In It civilians and Hutdlers were inhaled. After some tinmim uf workmen runic liuttullona of tnxipH, then workinxmen und womeu again. This fuulou of sulillers und flvlllans mude uu luiprensltiu which I can never forget. And as they inarched they gang revolutionary hymns; us a matter of eourne Die "MurHeillulse," and also other sunn which must huve bt'eii eiunpoHed only recently, for the marchers had not had time to learn the words by heart, and some read them from sheets which they carried In their hands. The soldiers also sung, und their thousands of deep voices made a chorus of marvelous power und sonority. None of tiiese songs were fierce or revengeful. On the coutrury, they were sad, profoundly sad the accents of mourning and not of hate. No police, no marshals were needed to cnutrol this manifestation. Those who took part In It policed themselves, and surely never was discipline better maintained. As I looked at this spectacle I thought of all the pessimists, all the philosophers steeped In gloom, all the prophets who only predict calamity for Hussla. Why should not a people who are able to organlie and carry out such a wonderful display be capable of or ganlxlug themselves? Let us, then, give them our confi denceand also a little time. Banana Is City of Future. At the mouth of the great Kongo river, here as wide as an arm of the sea, stands the Important city with the picturesque name of Banana. The Importance of Banaua lies in the fu ture rather than the present. It Is the port of entry to that Immense wilder ness filled with a thousand undevelop ed possibilities known as the Belgian Kongo. If Belgium comes through the war with her African empire intact Banana will probably grow Into the leading Belgian colonial metropolis. At present It Is little more than a name and a possibility. Banana consists of an excellent nat ural harbor aud a village of a few score homesick Europeans. Consider- lnt( the Importance of Kongo trade even today It Is surprising that local development has not gone farther. There is no adequate wharf or pier. There are no adequate uuloadlng fa cilities. There are only stretches of sandy beach dotted with noble palms, great mangrove trees with their multi tudinous earth gripping brunches, a pier of rotting and battered piles and native canoes with their ebony oars men. The prospect la beautiful In ft natural way, but there Is a surprising lack of industrial development. TELLING HIM. He was one of those young men who never seem to know when to go home. She hud tried yawning, but even that failed to get rid him. Prenently a clock outside in the hall began to strike in low, deep tones the midnight hour. 'Oh, 1 say, Miss Green," said the late stayer, brightly, "is that an eight-day clock?" MissUreeu smiled coldly ut him. "Well," she said, Stirling an other yawn, "why don't you stay a little longer and linil out?"-Philadelihia Public Led ger. AS HE HEARD IT. Little Raymond returned home from Sunday school in a very joyous mood. "Oh, mother," he exclaimed, aB he entered the house, "the superintendent saiil something awfully nice almut me in his prayer thin morning!" "Isn't that lovelv! What did he sav, pet?" tine.tionnl hi mother. "He said, ' Lord, we lliimk thee for food und Raymond,' ' Harper's Magn.ine. Hat a High Opinion ol Chamber laln'f Tablets. "I hare a Inirh opiuiou of Chamber Iain's Tablets for IiiIiouniii'hh aud as laiative," wntea Mm. U. A. Harare, Charleston, III. "1 have never found auvthiuff fo mild and nleasaat to use. My brother has alto uted these tablets with satisfactory results." Of two evils it is best to choose neither. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA DAWN OF A shaft of light breaks through the gloom of dark, a gruesome gloom, The awful deadening, stifling fog that seemed to portend doom, A light as if a strand of gold is spun in Fate's dark loom. A sign of (iod's great plan. The promise God made to man of Peace on l-.arih, Good NX' ill. Is slowly, surely dawning now on every plain and hill In distant corners of the earth, his purpose to fullil Of love of man for man. The breed of monarchs claim the right to rule o'er other ni 'u. They scorn the rights of humble folk. Oppressed by sloth and ignorance o tyrant's cruel might, Too dumb and dull to worship long But now the tire that kindled bright Is breaking through the gloom of Tis freedom's holy light. Each band is steel, each heart beats true; we come from fighters' seed, We fear no foe. 'Tis from ourselves the help of God we need; Protect us now from thoughts of hale, of lust, of pride, of greed. Oh, keep our purpose pure. For soon the blow must fall, a staggering, sickening blow, With clash of clanging arms, our tears will come, our blood will flow, And naked famine stalk abroad to lay our dear ones low, Then help us to endure. In days of pride, in days of shame, in All ihroueh the hateful strife and toil Oh, keep us true to our ideals and God grant we may not tan. With heln nf God our victories will Oh, help us then to keep in mind that God grant us strengtn to conquer f i , i :u. ll i nen rreeuoin s i-ik'". un iwn. HUMAN BODY AS AN ENGINE. Keeps Itself In Repair and Con stantly Maintains An fcven Temperature Throughout Four Seasons. To burn tho fuel in a gaso line engine it must be curbu retted or mixed with air and an electric spark must be up- j plied to ignite the mixture. In the human engine the process is much more elaborate, since a very wide variety of d inle foods is taken, refined, retfiiced to food and burned slowly. A gasoline engine may be termed a quick-combustion, high-tem perature engine, while the hu man machine is a low temper ature and slow combustion en gine, which not only produces energy from its food, but lubri- ates itself, keeps itself in re pair and constantly maintains an even temperature through out the four seasons. A man could not digest gas oline, nor could a gasoline en gine run on butter. Neverthe less, the two classes and func tions merge into each other. Science shows how ulcohol is a curious illustration of this fact. An internal combustion engine could be run on alcohol and it is known that this fluid can be burned in the human body also producing a large amount of violent energy which is equiv alent to that obtained in a gas oline engine when the throttle is pulled wide opeu and there is no load to carry. Physicians say that drunkenness is, in ef fect, racing the human engine beyond speed limits. Experience the Best Teacher. Il is ifeiieiully admitted ttiat experi ence is the bent teacher, but should we uot make use uf the experience of oth ers as aell as our uwu? The cxpeneucc of a thousand pel sous is more tu be de pended upou than that uf one individ ual. Many thousands oT persous have used Chamberlain s Cuuirli Remedy lor OoukIis aud colds with the best results, which shows it to be a thoroughly relia b!e preparation fur those diseases. Try it. It is prompt and effectual and pleas ant to take. WOULD YOU SCREAM? He: "If I stole a kiss would you scream for your parents?" She : "No, not unless you wanted to kiss the whole family.' Ureat Faith in Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy, "Chamberlain's Cube and lliurrliuea Itemedy was used by my father about a year airo wheu he had diatrhoea It relieved him immediately anil by takiup three duscs lie was absolutely cured Me has meat faith m tins reiiie.lv, ' wntes Mrs. W. II.Williaiiia.stanlry.N. Y NX' lieu pride turns a man's head he is sure to lok the wrong way. People Speak Well ol Chamber lain'f Tablets. "1 have beeu selling Chauiberlaiu's Tablets for about two years aud beard such Kuod lepoits fioin uiy customers that I concluded to itive them a trial uiysell, aud can say that I do nut be lieve theie is another preparation ol the aiud equal to them," writes (j). A. Mc Kride, lleadford, Out. If you are trou bled with indigestion or constipatioo give them a trial. They will do you good. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA FREEDOM. Mankind would i he and thru would grovel low again at Freedom's oritlamnie. when this great nation came dark, ignoble cloud of shame. days when victory nears, although it last for years, heed not praise nor jeers, bring us awful might; might must stand with right. sett, to toon to rum tor ngnt, THE HOME. The Fragrance of a (Jentle Life. (hire, in crossing u tneailow, I iNtniti to u spot that was tilled with frnnincfl. Yet 1 could hop no Unworn unci 1 wnnclored whi'ticK the fraranco came. At lust I found, low dnwn, close to the ground, hidden by the tall grass, innumerable, little Mowers. It was from these that the f riigranco came. 1 enter some homes. There is a rich perfume, of love that pervades all the place It may be a home of wealth and luxu ry, or it may be plain and lini e. No matter; if it is not the house, nor the furniture, nor the adornment that makes this air of sweetness. I look closely. It is B gentle woman, mother or daughter, quiet, hiding self away, from whose life the fra grance Hows. There is a won drous cliarni in a gentle spirit. The gentle girl in a home may not be beautiful, mav lint be ed ucated, may not be musical or an urtist or "clever" in any way, but wherever she moves she leaves a benediction. Her sweet patience is never disturb ed by the sharp words that fall about her. The children love her, because she never tires of them. She helps them with their lessons, listens to their frets and worries, mends their broken tovs, makes dolls' lresses, straighten out the tan gles and settles their 111 tie quar rels, and tiuds time to play with them When there airsickness ill the home, she is the angel of comfort. Her face is ahvavs bright with the outshining of love. Her voice has music in it as it rains in cheeeful ten- deni '.-s on the sufferer's ear. Her hands are womlrously gen tie as their soothing touch rests on the aching head or as they minister in counties wavs about the bed of pain. The lives that make the world so sweet Are shy, and hide like the hum ble flowers. We pass them by with our care less feet, Nor dream tis their fragrance, fills the bower And cheers und comforts us, hour by hour. Michigan Christian Advocate QUICK TO CATCH ON. "Carl," sjid a restaurant maim aer lo a waiter, "why did ilist ninn from table No. 7 leave so sudden ly?" "Well, sir," said the waiter, "alter silling down he called for sausages and I told him we were out of them, but if he would wan a few minutes, I'd get the cook to make some. When I went to the kitchen and called out the order, 1 accidentally stepped on the doe's tail, and, of course it yelped. The man got up right away, sir, and ran out." CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always brt yf A Significant Survey, One of the most nlKtiHU'iitit etlura tloniil HiirveyH jt-t t'limlm'txl In this country Ik tin rim plaimcil fur liiillnn UpollM. It will Induile Uie firm iuti'ti slvt inv.'NtiKiiilnii of Modal mill em-iH-mic rutulltlims f Ki'itdtiutt-H fnmi 1'iihlic truth' Hchmits ever mailt' In tin I'hitHl MliitcH. The ilatii mi I his ...,t will Iih tjs.'il to (lt-t-rniliii u lift In!' the Ki'inluali-H of truth- nW Is him' nimh iih tun. Ii pn.Kh'WM l;i lift as the m inlu-lltt-M of the ai'liili'ilili' st'lnmlfj, The re port will he pivsi'iitrtl to the Niiiloiiul Soeh'ty for Him I'minotlon uf IiuUik trlal Ivlui'iith'ii inn! will furm the IuhIh of action hy Hint huily In nudum IH rceoiiniiMtiihithitm on the pivpuriithin of Minli-nt for ihi-lr life wnrk lu the hlk'h ft'hon Instead nf lu cuIImk', Modern Houaei for Filipinos, With view to Improving the hi.ua In rumtltlonM of the poor, the Philip pine health aervlee has constructed a number of model houses of new tire proof umtMrlaJ coiiMistluff of cement, saud, find Ipa. or rice husks. Thee run be built for n little more than the pres ent t.rr.nltury dwelling and, il In estlmiiled, will lust more than twice hs lonjr Popular Mechunics Aliignzlaw. The History of Pearls. "The modem recognition of pearls, date buck to about BuO B. C. but th.-y were knowD to yet older peoples, and especially to those nf the Kaht," mi.vn the author of u hoolc published under the title, "The Ulwtory of PeurlN." "The Chinese records (Eo still far ther back, and oyster peurU were re ceived as tribute In the twenty-third century It. O. It is probable that they were found lu Uie waters of Ceylon and India two thousand ycurm ago, and Hie Greeks of course knew the pearl and recognized Its value. But It was .not until the Roman empire was be ginning to rise that the knowledge of Hie value of the pearl become general. It seems that In early times Britain played Its part In the productl'm nf .these gems, and Tiu-Huh refers to Brit ish pearls, but callw them dull-colored and dirty brown. Orlgen, on the con trary, declared that the pearls Hint came from Britain bold the second fnnk lu value. It was not. however, Untll about tho twelfth century that pearls were used lu England, wheu they became conspicuous In church or- ;nameiitatlon." Well, of Course. The raising of n flag recently on the premises nf a factory at Anderson had to be postponed n day because of weather conditions, Arthur S. Btrge, factory superintendent, was hopeful that more of th1 children of the oeiim horlmod could Httend the next day. "About how many of you ran I eotint on to be here?" Mr. Blrge said, ad dressing a group of Juveniles. "All Hint ain't got the measles" Khnutcd h bright lad who seemed to be spokesman for the children. Indlauap oils News. Not What &he Expected. i 'Tills iuitr sitys tlitil inure tliuu , KM! p.Tsulis In the I'ultfil Stutt" wt'iir Klims iypM." "Well, dear, you know you've often, nslieit me wiiy men stare at you so; that's probahly ttie answer." Tin re ap? dn ei N u.ivjus ul.y Mihni.n iih' iirijre c.imuit lie luii llik'lcil nil the level. Health About (V Many thousindl ol 1 women suffering Irom womanly trouble, have W been benefited by the use of Cardul, the woman't O Ionic, according to letters we receive, similar to this one from Mrs. Z.V. Spell, k olHayne.N.C. "I could V" not stand on my feet, and just suffered terribly," Rfc, she says. "As my suf Nn lering was so great, and he had tried other reme & dies. Dr. had us Nl get Cardul. . . I began Improving, and It cured me. I know, and my doctor knows, what Car dul did for me, lor my nerves and health were about gone." TAKE The Woman's Tonic She writes hirtheri "I m In splendid health . . . can do my work. I feel I owe It to Cardui, for I was in dreadful condition." II you are nervous, run down and weak, or suffer bom headache, backache, etc., every month, try Cardul. Thousands ol women praise this medi cine lor the good it has done them, and many physicians who have uiti Cardul successfully with their women patients, lot years, endorse this medi cine. Think what It means to be In splendid health, like Mrs. Spell. Give Cardui a trial. All rirnirfTiof Hi A '2 in I SW Polish ii made for every me. For Blark Shoet. "2 in 1 black" (piuic) and "2 in 1 Blark Combination" (paiteanJ liquid); fot White Shoes, "2 in 1 White Cake" (cake) and "2 in 1 White Liquid" (liquid); for Tan Shoes, "2 in 1 Ton" (paate) , and "2 in 1 Tan Combination' (paite and liquid). 10c Black-White-Tan 10c F. F. D ALLEY CO. of N. Yrk, Inc. Buffalo. N. V. I Z o ARTISTIC NFW XPWNfi imPlAY vassK.u aa-iu. a.i l V vU I I w M VI Lll lUniU I lul e yum iiiiusme and uuiki suit toonlei on mv bench. Call and M npeci line line ui' pnvr l,....U and simple Mittrffactton guaranteed J WffY Sped JLL You Ejifl? You might get sick or hurt- be prepared for it You might want to make an investment start now. "Takes money to make money," you know, You might be visited by thieves or fire-on account with us prevents loss, the saving habit is a mighty good one to get into. We pav 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts 5 THtf BANK OF HALIFAX HALIFAX IT. C. . I.. Mc.lman, IT.-., I, i.l I. C. v.... We Recot"'-et:a S3 1 v.; t I M.C. PAIR'S 1 Weldon. N. C. Faultless Ice Cream, Sanitary Soda Fountain Toilet Articles & Medicines. WKIIMmKWIUniKMll INVITATIMI You are invited to open anljactount with the BUflK OF m I 4 Per Cent, allowed In the Savings Depart-8 nient Compounded Quarterly. gy V()U can bank by mail 1 a FOR HAI.R BY W. M I'OHKN HKl'n CO. riKRcK wiiiiiiiKAi) nuw. co., KOANOKK til l'I'LV CO., Inc. WSLDON, N. C. AKDALLGOOD DEALERS. I m;r.iniiiiw3 tN I! A . TAILOR I HQ, Frm siiik a nitnrnflK T (iri'Kory, ri..M.l..M. F. H. Gregory I'SHllipr. snd Guarantee Chocolates .V i.t.itid back of rvuy p:n k.tge we si II. If it doesn't j'li jM" (for any ii .i.'.uii), please re-j turn it. E AFIELD, a JOHN B. Sl.EDQE, NOTARY PUBLIC Weldon, N. C. awl'uar.iike Sows (Mice -t riUB-rirlY-TISM Will cure Rheumatism, Neu ruljia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores, Tetter, Rin4-Wonn, E zema, etc. Antiseptic Anodynr, used internally or eittrually. 26c 'v - t or Sale 1 V x Exclusively In By