Get Your Exhibits Ready BOCTOBISR 2, X, 4, 5, 191 7.-53 Special Prizes offered for North Carolina Products, to citizens of Nash, Edgecombe, Halifax and Wilson counties. Write to C. R. HORNE, Sec'y, Rocky Mount, N. C. tor full information. A Big Fairl Excellent Free Attractions! Fine Horse Racing. '1 HE ROANOKE NFAV.i, i n si.r.iHii:. Awi'iti- i-ii.iii Tii'.u;i)AY, Skit. 1.1, hi 7. NOTICE There will lieu regular einivi'eu linn ol Kounoke ('hupicr Kl K A, M. in Musonic I lull, every Him anil third Wednesday evenings. A. li. Stainback, Sec'y. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE Cool nights and warm days. The lurnip crop is doing Hue. Vacaiion is over now for work This is the firsl monih for oys lers. The school bells are ringing again. Now sweet poiaioes are on i he market. Now for the delicious scupper nong grapes. Mr. Donald Daniel left Thursday for Chapel Hill. Cotton will soon begin to open on thellight land. Mr. Norment Smith spent Satur day in Richmond. - It begins lo look like we are to have an early fall. Mr. Augustus Travis left Thurs day for Chapel Hill. Postmaster D. T. Clark speni Friday in Richmond. Mr. Stanford Travis left lasi week for Chapel Hill. No woman who carries a watch is sure that it is correct. Miss Mary Shepherd, of Rich mond, is here on a visit. Mr. Eugene Daniel, of Peters burg, spent Sunday here. Dr. W. J. Ward and Master David, spent Monday in Enfield. Capt. J. S. Barr and daughter, Miss Eleanor, spent Friday in Nor folk. Mr. Charles Allen left last week for Raleigh to enter A. & E. Col lege. Mr. and Mrs. R.' C. Cornwall are visiting relatives in Morehead City. Rev, L. E. Thompson speni a lew days in Richmond, Va , last week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Farber re uurned home Friday from a trip iionh. Miss Cora Wright, of Durham, is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. B. Pierce. Mr. Louis Daniel left last week to enter the A. & E. College at Raleigh. Miss Mary Stringer returned this week from a visit to friends in Norfolk. Some men who believe in the division of labor let their wives do Hie rest. Mr. Blackwell Pierce left last week to enter the A. & E. College ai Raleigh. Dr. R. P, Morehead returned Friday from a business trip to Balti more, Md. Miss Katrine Wiggins left for Charlotte where she will enter Queen's College. Miss Virginia House who has b;en visiting relatives in Newbern, h is returned home. Mr. William B. Josephson has returned home from a visit to the n irthern markets. Mr. A. F. Stainback, of New Yoik Siuic, spent a few days ii Weldon last week. Miss Mary Ellen Travis return ed home Saturday from a visit to friends in Greenville. Messrs. Clyde and Meade Shep h:rd, of Richmond, Va., are visi i u s in Weldon this week. I' rimmed hats are booked to re turn and trimmed husbands will follow as matter of course. Mayor Q. C. Green and Mr. H. L. Grant, have returned home Ii oni a fishing trip to Norfolk. Mr. A,b. Stainback returned home Friday from a trip to Wash ington and other points north. l-OR- Mr. (ieorge Smith has returned home from a trip north. Mr. E. K Emory, of Salem, Va., spent several days here last week. Miss Elizabeth Allen, of Waynes ville, has been spending a few days in Weldon. Mr. W. L Stainback and daugh ter, Miss Eva, of(.ireensboro,were visitors here this week, Miss Willie Black Musgrove re turned home this week from a visit to relatives in Goldsboro. Mrs. I. E. Green and Master John Collins Green.returned home Sunday from a visit to Florida. Prof. L W. Pearson, of Dudley, arrived Saturday lo accept a posi tion in the Weldon High School. Mr. G. S. Kennard spent sever al days in Baltimore and Washing ton, D. C, during the past week. Misses Kate and Caroline Dan iel have returned home from a Visit lo relatives in Petersburg, Va. Mrs. Eva Bishop and daughter, Miss Virginia, returned Monday from a visit to relatives in Norfolk, Va. Miss Mary Knight, of Durham, has arrived in the city to accept a position in the Weldon Graded Schools. Miss Maud Harris, of Garys burg, has arrived in town lo ac cept a position in ihe Weldon Pub lic School. Mrs. R. O. Edwards and grand daughter, Miss Margaret Garrett, of Wilmington, are visiting rela tives here. Miss Bernice Haynie, of Balti more, arrived Monday lo be wilh Mrs. P. A. Lewis during the com ing season. Supi. and Mrs. W. C. Allen re turned to Weldon Friday ufier spending a pleasant vacaiion at Waynesville. Miss Elizabeth Grant, of North ampton county, has been spending a few days wilh her cousin, Miss Hazel Gram. This is an excellent season lo have lhat cemetery square cleaned. Contributions will be gladly accept ed lor tins cause. Mrs. J. A. Harris and daughter, Miss Virginia, who have been vis iting relatives in Seaboard, have returned home. Miss Ruth Clark left Friday for Baiileboro where she has accepted a position as teacher in the high school of thai ciiy. Mrs. Hawes Coleman and son, Master Hawes, of Richmond, speni a few days here wilh friends dur ing the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Chadwick, of Washington, D. C , spent a few days here during the past week the guests of relatives. Miss Carrie Lee Pugh, of Ala bama, arrived last week to take charge of the music department of the Weldon High School. Misses Ruth Dickens, of Enfield, and Mildred Campbell, of Halifax, have returned home after spending a few days wilh Mrs. Joe Dickens, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Knight re turned home during the past week from a delightful vacaiion spent at the While Sulphur Springs, .West Virginia. The Good Book tells us thai Satan is to be loosed for a thousand years. But what we d like to know, however, is how long the old duck has been loose. At the time ot going to press preparations are being made for die Shcplici J-Moiclicud Wedding at the Baptist church. We will have a full account in our next issue. When you dream of your work and worry over it, it is time for you to take a vacaiion. Don think you can't afford it. It i cheaper and better for you 10 take it now than to take a longer en forced leave of absence later. The so-called equinoctial storm is due pretty soon, bin scientific men say that there is no such a thing. Strange thai we always talked about it and saw it and lost n,ir nmhrMl.i in ii. and ilien in find out there was no such a storm, M:f:M:D IMPKOVU VN:NT. Wilh much pleasure we noie the improvement ot the A. C. L. crossing al Firsi sti cel. This boarded crossing not only adds to the appearance lo our street but insures safely also. COLORED SCHOOL OPLNINO. The Colored Graded School will begin its fall session on Mon day, Sept. 1 7th, 1917. Patrons of the school are requested to have their children present on the dale mentioned above. PURCHASES HOME. Mr. W. B. Lawson, our genial ticket agent ai the union siaiion.has purchased the house and lot of Mr. J. T. Pope, on Cedar street. This piece of property is a desirable one and Mr. Lawson will greaily im prove it before moving in. EXAMINATION. The United Slates Civil Service Commission has announced an ex amination to be held at Thelma, N. C, on October 12, 1917, as a re suit of which it is expected to make certification to fill a vacancy in the position of fourth class postmaster at Thelma, N. C. ORPHAN'S CONCERT. Quite a nice size audience wit nessed the concert rendered here Friday night in the opera house by Ihe Orphan class of the Odd Fel lows' Orphanage of Goldsboro. The pluy was delightfully rendered and those in charge should be greatly complimented. TO BE DISCONTINUED. It was decided last week in Ral eigh, by those in authority, that the best means of lessening the passenger service of the S. A. L., was to discontinue trains Nos. 19 and 20, between Weldon and Nor lina. Ii is said lhat train between these points has never paid. CEMETERY IMPROVEMENT. A much needed pliarse of work has been begun in Cedarwood cemetery. Some of our citizens have had several squares cleaned up, and the driveway cleaned of brush. This work should be car ried on right now, as labor is easy to obtain. So a word to the wise is sufficient. SCHOOL 0PENINC1. The Weldon Graded School opened its fall session Tuesday, Sept. II, the total enrollment being about 300. A great many of the patrons of the school were present at the opening exercises which were conducted by the pastors of the various churches in Weldon. The session bids fair to be a very suc cessful one. VACATION DAYS OVER. Tuesday marked the opening of school, the end of the play and the beginning of another year of work. Summer visitors are returning home and the restlessness which seems to seize us during the warm weather settles into the content mem of routine wor.k. We can all breath a sigh of relief lhat the great educational system of our community has begun to turn again. PASSINO THROUGH. Three troop trains passed through last week over the S, A. L. en route to Anniston, Ala. The Em poria Independent, speaking of the soldier boys, says : "Quite a large delegation went over to Weldon to siy farewell to the boys as ihey passed through. There were thiee sections, totaling S7 cars, it being past niidnighi when the l ist passed. Those that went over, however, were game, ard wailed until the lasi section to give the soldier boys something good lo eat." 1)10 THEIR DUTY W ELL. It appears thai ihe local exemp tion board of this county did their work well, at least the district board hasn't done much reversing. The local board was, of course, handicapped in some instances where people well known wanted exemption. But it remembered its oath; it knew its duty and pro ceeded along judicial lines. There fore the board is io be congratula ted upon the work they have done so far. It is a mistake io forget a favor. HI VI! WEDNESDAY MORNINO. lire completely destroyed ihe warehouse ot ihe Shaw Collon Mills, in South Weldon, Wednes day morning about 1:15 a. m. HALL MILLINERY. Ladies Hais, nice line of Gage hats, all the Velveis and Velours, in the popular shades taupe and purple. Come in and inspect my stock before buying elsewhere. Miss Annii;, Rosemary, N. C. MEETINO TO COMMENCE. A protracted meeting will begin in the Bapiist church in Halifax on the 5ih Sunday in this month at 1 1 o'clock. The pasior will be aided by Rev. R. F. Staples, of Emporia, Va. Public cordially invited to attend these services. THE RED CROSS. The Red Cross headquarters have been moved to the Daniel building. We now occupy the old A. C. House Lumber Co.'s office. We are busy making hospital supplies, We begin knitting in a few days. All la Jies who can take part in this work come to the of fice Friday afternoon. We meet every Friday afternoon at 4:00 o'clock. The War Relief Fund is now due. Please see Mr. R. S. Travis, treasurer, at the Weldon Bank and Trust Co. SPRIGHTLY SPARKS. A girl's watch is usually more ornamental than useful. This world is willing to tolerate a lazy man who has money. The man who is near the bottom of the ladder hasn't far io fall. When a woman is unwilling to talk she has nothing whatever to tell. The man who lives in the past carries his headlight on the wrong end. Many of us choose notoriety now rather than fame when we are dead. Success is merely a matter of doing the right thing al the right time. Why doesn't some genius start a correspondence school of expe rience? Ii takes a lot of courage to ena ble a woman to admii that she is homely. Look at the foundation of the ladder of fame before attempting to climb it. As a matrimonial prize a homely girl makes good more often than a pretty one. It is just as well to look out for the man who is always looking out for himself. A man thinks he's just as good as anybody when he goes to church in the rain. When a girl shows a young man a picture of herself she expects him to ask for it. A woman isn't satisfied if her husband's life is an open book unless it is a checkbook. Many a good woman thinks she has discharged her duty io her husband by praying for him. As long as ihe earth is inhabited men and women will continue to stir up trouble for each oiher. If men were compelled to prac tice what they preach most of them would give up preaching. This is difficult for a woman : To believe the nice linle things she tells other. women about her hus band. To Our White Friends of Weldon On ihe 25ih of September, the Neuse River Association will meet in the 1st Baptist church of Wel don, of which Rev. J. W. Faulk is pasior. This is a large body of Christian men and women, num bering about 600. On account of the high cost of everything to eat, and ihe large number of people to care for, we are compelled to call upon our while friends for help, and we beg you in the name of the Lord, to aid us in this worthy un dertaking. We will be very thank ful tor money, or anything from a herring to a ham, or from a potato to a cabbage. We have secured the colored Odd Fellows' Hall for a commissary, and Rev. J. W. Faulk and Mr. C. P. Anthony will be on hand the 2 1 si, 22nd and 24th lo receive contributions ai this hll Floor, lard, mrl. meat. sunar and cof ee are among the things most needed in large or small quantities. We expect to feed most of the folks at this hall, I nose oi you wno win not nnd it convenient to send what you may give to me nan, a committee will wait upon you ana thankfully re ceive your contribution. A list of donors and what they give will be accurately kept. We have never appealed to our white friends Hi vain, and as this is a laudable pur pose, we believe you will respond generously. Special Committee B. F, Hawkins, June Long, Tom Dan iel, A. Drewry, C. P. Anthony, Ned topes, K. J. Kerry, w. 5, Miller, K. C Blark, J. H. Boyd. J. W. rAULK, Pastor, J. H. Boyd, C erk. WELDON 33 YEARS AGO. Hrom the Roanoke News, Sspt 6, 1884 Mr. J. L. Bass killed a mad dog in town yesterday. Col. Burton's speech ul Grove Hill was highly complimented. Mr. Waller E. Daniel will speak al Garysburg next Saturday. Miss Jessie Stainback who has been visiting friends and relatives in Petersburg, Va., returned home Thursday. The position of music teacher at Central Institute for young la dies has been tendered to Miss M. M. Yaies, of Greensboro. We note of late lhat counterfeit dimes are getting quite numerous in this section. Miss Cookie Pierce's commenced Monday. schuol The finest cotton we have seen for many years is ai Day's & Roads and belongs to Dr. I. E. Green. We learn that Ex-Sheriff New born, colored, was nominated for ihe Senate from the district com posed of Northampton and Bertie counties. We hope that high-toned gentleman, Captain Mason, will be elected. Mr. J. W. Briggs, of the Dan ville Times, spent a few days in town last week visiting friends. Capt. W, H. Smith had charge of the Scotland Neck branch a few days last week. W. W. Long, Esq., of Warren, has been appointed Chief Mar shall of the next fair, and a good one he will make. On Thursday last ai the resi dence of J. J. Goodwyn the bride's uncle in this county, by the Rev. W. L. Cunninggim, Miss Willie Goodwyn, of Petersburg, Va., to Mr. Thomas Bain, of Richmond, Va. Why Not Get Yoiik Pupils to Sign This? I want to help make our town a belter place in which io live and io this end I promise to the best of my ability: 1. I will help you to clean up yards, streets and alleys. 2. I will plant flower seeds, bulbs, vines, shrubbery, eic. 3. I will help io make a garden and keep the yard in good condi tion. 4. -1 promise not to deface fences or buildings; neither will I scatter paper or rubbish in public places. 5. I will not spit upon ihe floor of any building. 6. I will try to influence others to help to keep our town clean. 7. I will protect birds and ani mals and all properly belonging to others. 8. I will promise to be a true, loyal citizen. I may not be able to do all these things, but 1 will do as much as I can lo help our town and commu nity. Philippine Education. Advertised Letters. The following is a list of letters remain ing "uncalled for" in the Weldon postoffice : Purdie Holmes. S. L. Keeier. Ora Newell. Persons calling for above letters will please say "advertised," giv ing date of advertising. D. T. Clark, P. M., Weldon, N. C. Sept. 10, 1917. Freedom exists only minds; no man is free. The Latest Bngllsh Patterns a style for every taste. Alto a com plete line ol Children's SkuHers. To be convinced call and Inspect my Fall and Winter Stock. ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIRING SHOP. All Shoes repaired promptly and at reasonable price. WtLDON SHOE STOftr, L. KITTNER, Prop. Opposite Botoffioe, WELDON, K.C Sloes ! - Shoes Buy Now and Save Money On a Hudson SuperSix Nearly every make of car, except ihe Hudson, has lately increased in price. Cars lhat sold al $1200 and $1400 now cosl ahoui as much as a Super-Six. Since January, M makers of automobiles have announced price increases amounting to $100 to $700. The necessity of buying materials on today's mar ket has forced these increases, Steel costs five times as much as it did ai ihe be ginning of the war. Cotton, rubber all items that enier into the manufacture of an automobile now cost more than ever before. I ludsons will cosl more when ihe present slock of materials, boughl last year at lower prices, is ex Barnes & Gregory, Distributors for Halifax, Northampton and Warren Counties. WELDON, North Carolina. ' Clearance of All Summer Goods We have marked for quick mov .dollars of One Lot Kool Cloth and Palm Suits at One Lot Klce & flutchlns Shoes and tans that sold for $6 at Ladies V ith the above is included a lot ot Dry (lnods, Colored Lawns and Voiles. Skirtings, Shirt Waists, Rtc. Come In and let us show you how w e have marked down our stock ol season able ttoods to make room lor the new fall goods. l;i;i'.'uNS l(0'iy iuaramced i ? M -m mM S-'ifi,c,ion. KM I.I The Mannon Car $3100 The Haynea Car;$1595 The Inter-State Car $955 A N.l) The Smith Form A Truck $350 And a Ford or any other engine For Halilax, Northampton, Bertie and Hertford Counties IfTAT YOUR SWW.VIOhTW F . S. FAISON. First Street, : : : : WELDON, N. C. T 1(1 I USTABI.ISMIil) 1892. Capital and Surplus, 80,000. WE 4 PAID W. K. IMNIKL, PRSHIUINT. Subscribe Advance. Advertising Over 50 makes have already advanced in price. Hudsons, too must cost more. ing several lots of goodmerchan dise that means saving to the lucky Beach In blacks PC TC I Women's and Children's White Canvas U Shoes at $3,50 Lot Shirts to choose at Odds and lincls (rum $1 and $1 SO lines White Skirts done up In good style SIYK II K INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT. ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. W. K. SMITH. Vlt'l-FRItBIUBNT. J. O. DRAKE, CASHIER. to The Roanoke News. Only $1.50 per year Rates Reasonable. hausted. There is no way ot avoiding ii. The price advantage that oilier cars once held no longer exists. Hudson has been ihe hum wanted cir, regardless of price. Il will be more popular than ever now that cheaper cars have advanced in price. We know ihe number of ears from present materi al supplies ih il we are lo get. Ai the rale of present sales present pt ices cannot he continued lung Some models will be advanced in price wiilim one nionili. Now is the nine In pel a I ludson Sutler-Six. I lave iis use ihe remainder ol the summer and throughout the I -ill . Save the delay will necessi tate your payini! lor a I ludson. Rice and Hutching purchaser. $1.00 65 C, at V5c. (.i XT Notice of Sale. iy virtue til' tht1 power con ferret I up on me in a deed of trust executed on April !, I!HK, hy II. K. I'liappell ami Attie i liuppt'll. Inn wile, ami recorded in tin' Ki'tfiNtiy of Halifax fount y, in hook paire lit.'i, anil hecaiihe of de fault in llif pay nuut of the raonevt therein secured, 1 mil on Monday, September 24th, 07, ul li o'clock M . olh-r lor hhIp at oolitic unction lo Ihe I hk I tent bidder for eanh At Ihe court house door in Halifax, V r , the undivided one-thud iutert-M ul' It K ( happt ll. a tenant in common with Kilwarri happHI and others, iu ami to that ttact or parcel of lam) situ ate in Kaueettt. towiihlup, llahlax coun ty. N. fttljoimnir the lamlx of (In home Toney, ( upturn HawkniK and ollieia, hounded and dexcnlied an fol lows, to-wil: On the north by the Koh croon tract; on themmth hy the lands of Onhorne Toney and Nance Oreen; on the cant by the public road; and on the went by the branch: supposed to contain about one hundred, eighty-four and oue half (lM-jt acres, ami known an the K ward Chappellfarm, and hem the i h n ttcal tract of land puichaNed by Kdward (happen, Sr., H. K. Chap pell, and Kd wardt'happell, Jr., from Mrs. Sarab M, Harper, aud M. 8. lies by deeds record ed in Halifax County Registry, the one in liook 121 page 43, and the other in book 1H5 pft(re 300. August 28, s IP UITkTV .iv.... In

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