L ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$l.5(j Per Aniiiii VOL. LI I. WELDON, X. C, THURSDAY, SK1TH.M I'.KK liO, II I T. NO. I! ill )-? ' t ' '' 'i .; Net CoiiiinlsJ5Fli,M PraiilW 03$ 'I ALUUIMJI 7 . i sinHHiliiUicKoodbyNuU- l...iIU'.KiV Thereby ftomolin$Di4ta Cheerfulness and RtXonUi nctther Opium. Morpnine. ilanfltd fly" A helpful Heim-iyU-. (k.nslimlion anil Diarrhoea unit Fcvcrlshncss o- I.ossoFSwr.1' i resnllintttRltfrcm-inM11"1. " r TORIA I'orlnl'mitin'iil Children. Matters Know That Genuine Castoria Always - TV .1 t M T ucars trie Signature , of a .5 : art C"Py ' Wrapper. ' c..,.., , fVtvl a a. st i illv In I I Use For Over Thirty Years TORIA rp Tin no m United States Goodrich Kelly Springfield E have on sale in our salesroom now the VVf largest stock of Automobile Tires ever shown in Weldon. Three of the best makes on the American market. Tires that will give you more miles for your money than any other make. Our tires are guaranteed bv the manufacturers on mileage basis of 3500 to 5000 miles. B have in stock almost any size or style VV Plain Tread, USCO Tread, Chain. Nobby and " Silvertown Cord Tread. The market is un settled now, and Tires may advance at any time, buy now, save money, get the right tires at the right prices, Also carry in stock a full line of all Automobile supplies and accessories. Batchelor Bros, Chalmers and Chevrolet Automobile!) Oldest Oarage In Weldon Uepublic Trucks Dress Up AND YOU'LL Cheer Up! The country is alright, and you ure allien, if you will just dress up. The prudent suc cessful man knows this to be true. Try it jnd see how good you'll feel. You'll feel like a real somebody, and just like facing the world's opportunities to win. At VINSON'S, the De Luxe Clothier, you will find these cheerful, good-looking clothes, and at prices that are making friends for these good clothes. COME AND SEE IS ALL I ASK You know that fortune favors a well dress ed man. Great preparation has been made for you. The prices now are a great deal lower than they will be again for at least two years. Palm Beach and Keep Cool Suits greatly reduced. They are priced to make friends. "Good Quality Spells-What Vinson Sells." C. S. Vinson, THE OUTFITTER TO MANKIND WELDON, - NORTH CAROLINA. x it ill o PRICE LIST L L 2 IN 1 T 600 W. Broad SI , RICHMOND, VA. Your Old Tyres Made Into One ITtfTUMKK j Ik' UK ill H I'MII K SIZE VlHMsUINu MKKIMIUNU I'UH I'liU I'l.hl a 'I I HPS UOIH i'ABlMiH ,4111, L'INlnHK fci uu ;u .' Mi t - I"1 :u:i , a m 6 Hi " s. 'J w auiaj ;t nr. u mi h ;i -' i S'.'lHJ i M 7 ;." l 4.1 3 31H 4 8 Si 1- tl 4 -H 8:i4 1 4 !l S IKI 12 HII 4 4;i SHll r, M H ,-, ,H m) 4 ;m K4l4 r Ill 411 14 !l 4 l !til4 5 P.", 1U !HI l.'i till 4 7.", 3ui4 ft r, 11 ft. 15 Ml 5 l 34l4j II .Ml 111 IHI 15 8"i 5 m Sfn4j B 9,1 U 71) 15 Hll 5 ll :uii4) 11 i 11 mi tu hu u m 37nj ; : cj tut I 711 11 111 3fn5 7 5u 1 tl II 5 II III 35 7 75 13 SI It S7P5 h W 14 (HI -J 70 U 75 THE FIRST RULE OF SUCCESS. He Should He a Man ol l'prirht Character. "A Vl'IV SI'lillllB lll'Ntill." l inn 'animal 1 1 iIiIhhih rliai -nrli'1'i.fM, in a I 1 1 1- In uu', a 1 ) 11 i-i y nliiili I liiivi' just ail dri'ssi'il tu citI .in ii'iui'Tiita tivi' l'liihiili'lpliian- anil a fi' iiiIii'Ik: "If a y 1 1 1 1 1 k man cairn' tn ymi si'i'kini; ynili uilvin1, what wiuilil jam (five him as tlie fil'Ht nili' nf sin ss ';" Tin' answi'i- I n ri'ivi'il fnun tlii'ri-iit anil y o I ('animal u limn hu nian v llioiisauilM of I'hilaili'liliians luvc ami ii'vcie is as follows: "A yimiiK man slionlil first I'niisiili-r to what voraiiim hi' i callcil liy 1 1 1 1 j 11 1 : 1 1 1 : 1 1 I ami in I'linatiiin or la li'T liy iliviii, ti 1 1 i 1 1 ;i 1 1 1 ; and all. 1 1 t i . 1 1 1 1 oil the lillsini'KN or .iiMrsiou In' is to 1 1 1 1 1 . . . Iir 1 1 . 1 1 i . I ili votc all his 1111 iii s t., 1 -. 1 I . tin1 (oal of his siircis. 'Ili'slionlil avoiil 1 m ry .li'as mi' ami ilistrai'tion that woiilii divide or wi'iiki'ti his atteiitiun to the jiuisiiil of lile wliirli he has ehosen. "lint he shoiilii avoiii the 1a uu mi hi en in of una 1; in inn 1 ha I sueress ileienils on the ae(nisi. lion of wealth or laine No: success is attained liy iloin nell what we ilu ami remaining faithful at the post of ilnty. "In short, his aim of life should he to plan' principle he fore popularity, duly liefore pleasure, and Christian right oiiHiiess before expediency. He should endeavor, in u word, to he a man of upright chat after, w hich i i more precious than riches anil more enduriiiK than lame. " Philadelphia I.ediM'r. WANT!) ALL TfrJ i .MILS All old colored man charged with stealing chickens was ar raigned in court and was incrimi nating himself when the judge said : "You ought to have a lawyer. V. here's your lawyer?" "Ah ain't got no lawyer, jedge," said the old nun. 'Very well, then," said his hon or. "I'll assign a lawyer to defend you." "Oh, no sub; no, suh ! Please don't do dat !" the darkey begged. 'X'hy not?" asked the judge. "Ii won't cost you anything. Why don't you want a lawyer ?" 'YX'ell, jedge, Ah'll tell you suh," said the old man, waving his tattered old hat, confidentially . Hit's dis way. Ah want lull en joy dem chickens mase'f." Chi cago News. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA THE BILL KEPT LENT. Mr. Tucker had unexpectedly come face to face with Mr. Cutting from whom he had frequently bor rowed money. 'L:r aw what was the denom ination of the bill you loaned me?" he asked nervously. Ttpiscopalian, I guess," said Mr. Culling. "At any rate, it keeps Lent very well." N. Y. American. AUE WON'T MATTER THEN. The Boy "I shall be glad when I am old enough to do as I please," The Man "And about that time you'll go and get married, so it won't do much good after all." Chicago Herald. A NUT1Y ylil'STION. "Ha?" "Well, tny son?" "After an army shells the ene my do thty cat the colonels?" Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA $60 $iek Wcrk Many Women in this Condition Re gain Health by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Convincing Proof of Thii Fact. Jtidgway, Penn. "I suffered from female trouble with backache and pain in my side for over seven months so 1 could not do any of my work. I was treated by three different doctors and was getting (lLseouraRcd when my sister-in-law told me how Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound had helped her. I decided to try it, and it restored uiy health, so I now do all of my housework which is not light as I have a little boy three years old." Mrs. O. M. Koines, Kidgway, Penn. Airs. Llndsey Mow Keeps House For Seven. Tcnnille, (ia. "I want to tell you how much I have been benefited tiy I.ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. About eight years ago I got in such a low state of health I was unable to keep house for three in the family. I had dull, tired, dizzy feelings, cold feet and hands nearly all the time and could scarcely sleep at all. The doctor said I had a severe case of ulceration and without an operation I would always 1 an invalid, hut I told him I wanted to wait awhile. Our druggist advised my husband to get I.ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and it has entirely cured me. Now I keep house for seven and work in the garden some, too. I am so thankful I got this medicine. I feel as though it saved my life and havo recommended it to others and they have been benefited", Mrs. W. E. Lindskv, H. K, 3, Tennille, Ga. If you want special advice write to Lydiit K. Plnkliain Medi cine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and auawered by a woman and held lu strict confidence. UTILIZE THE SUN'S HEAT. Alexander Oraham Hell Sugirests Conserving It In Oil. FATHER. He was not the kind of father that you read about in books; He wasn't long on language, and he wasn't strong on looks; He was not the sort of father that you hear about in plays; He was just a human father with a human father's ways. No, he never balked at working but when he was through at once Right down the grass was father with the children doing stunts, All of us would pile upon him, and he'd welcome all the pack. But I'm wondering after playtime did we stay there on his back ? Wasn't strong on dissipation; said his "gambol on the green" Was to Hll the platter faster than the kids could lick il clean, And the next best game he knew of was a equal one to beat, It was keeping leather covers up to the supply of feet. Always on the job was lather, plugging steadylike and strong, Never making any noise, but helping all his little world along, And to think Lord, ain't it funny you can see things years and years, And yet never know you've seen them till your eyes are blind with tears? Quit his job one day and left us, smiling as he went away, l:ulogy seems all so foolish. What can anybody say? Seemed like even in his leaving he was saving someone bother, For the one word on the granite which lies over him is "Father." Ol course water can only be healed to the boiling leinperalure, but there are many liquids th ii can br; heated to a very much lush er temperature without boiling. I have taken a nimbler of olive oil and healed it hy means ol a thin iron wire connected with a vnhaic baitery. I placed in ihe tumbler ; of oil a test lube filled with water. In a short time the water was boil ing, but the oil remained perfectly quiescent. If you store up hoi ml instead of water, you will have at your command a source of heat able to do all your cooking and even produce steam power to work machinery. W e have plenty of heal tuim: in WaM.' 'II V:r.' i" " ' I' lllr suuiiiii. r time, 1'i.r ii.c u' i jv art vti v pir.Vi rlii1. :i-'il ' Jo m-i Use ll: . r. iof i f our I uiMiul's n ; to l.-i p oft tli-j r.ii': M'h 'I wiile i paiiscs ot roi.l ..le av.ula b'e in all our larg.' cities lor the utilization of the sun's rays. Sun pie pipes laid on the root and con taining oil or some other liquid would soon become heated by the i sun s rays. I lie not oil could be carried into an insulated tank and : stored. You could thus not only ci userve and utilize the heat that j faiN upon the lops of your houses bui rff'ect some cooling of the houses themselves by the abstrac- i lion nf this heat. National Geo-: graphic Magazine. NO JOH EOR A MOHTAL Like a Buy at 50 Bubbling Over With VitalityTaking Iron Did It Doctor tayt Nuxated Iron ii greatest of all strength builders. Often increase! the itrength and endurance of delicate, nervous folks 100 per cent, in two weePs' time. ninn I : dm i I t.rk. i - I.. I III un I .-ii i i i i. t jMniK mi.'. I. IlMI lilH Hfc Til Ii K iT'i'N Nil Wl' ij I I 11 r-l W"iJ 1 I ft" l.t-nhli ul 4'1 I.1 t)y Ml In ul i'1 lr"ii, it imr tht lilniiil -I run i.t nc'.r, vmi young iiiiu, in Tu l-ftally wan in.lrtttlif" Bi:iri ). Html Vit ( I nut liFtd Hll'.t Inn At 30 Ii una In I wai i'niworu h ml sit 60, nfti-r t.'tklnic ri i or vimi't y ii mi t.is rm In Willi tll' till' YulK') ,t i .U t l A a ill n huinti'il tmi'i i't-r. 1r ; Crfitt.-M t.f f;lt mi -I'Ulli lni:'.!. i pellc W'OiM io.lv i:ik Nu -i i Wli'tt th-y -.-I .-;ik it run t ead nf iI'-i'.k iri'-iiifh'-H ii! funning iIt-uk. nt Until nit nml nl tivv era , I am rn in ill. i , I h:H 1 wy i iter r. ul.l v,aid . if lli. v VtMlltlltf It tlTiiii",t! . Ii, HllliH nf I'Hl It' ll iln-r.-li I', I tllliUMHlMl ITltKtlt In- N.iUll Willi II vry ywir f r m tu in ilu, kldiiry, liver, !r net f r- u :iml till n fr Tout" i.rilinln"' "hi- I'.'iil m mum' wImi-Ii st'ii'li tt Mn lr dim' i'. i !imM." i; ! , r , r - it, mm tlntlt I. m tir- ti .".lit un hv hi.'l 111 the II,,,! If . i.. nl'dtii. 1 ary tn 1 1 . u r l.lt. . i.. -u:i Into llvh M- if ' t it- nt 1 1 . I, ter hi.. h or m i y..u .-n t fund nnri-1 in"- - thi - np'. M-ii v dwlnic . u it,i I V...i . i,'t i ir. i ir yti run N.-t i n k in try Nik duy nf t--r ti--t your ir lew. 1 llH'. i 1" vv I 11 I UK ul UN- wh.i .vhilf tluuMi- ilnir iir .tic i- nml eni Iri ly Kft rnf nf 'lyHin'imui, - In ri-i'in h'li tn fimr Mtnplv by takltiK Iron i'. And I his arii-r tin M.. tit mi d" r J l: IT fnF; t.y if ut .l.-ii't i.lIm- t),t- .M r.riTiH uf r- tr.-ti i't.,i.i i r tiiu Uir -f (run1 i . . i ! v I- ,...V" l f. w r- tilH Voil iniidti ir :i in t f' t-n, il-it i 'in h- i-iictly; ..- ti-d ;nd s"i it ,:. d lilt.- Nutated1 .:i !f y.,ii ,' mi n lu ih you nny gnutl lurwre It it, -it ir -v worn Muni u-' M it n v an '.Mh-lf tl prt.i-flrliter w-ii Hi d;,v Miii;d li-.-fni'i i.-w thi- H'iM nf RTat tslf.'liMtli Kin' .dnri-M-.. iii.-d lilt l.l.-nd with Ir. iii f. In' w -it hito tli Hffrny, while i j - hiii.Mhi 'kh ftune down tu Imelnrt-i- li-fnt ftimidy fur the lack uf Inn. . Saner, M 1 1. Mi'iK Vittmt (ri'ii r"'"nimirl"1 ihove t Dr at tli newrr orfinlc troii ci'i'i tl. lit.i- a fs. il d. i ir.-ntj ,r tu liilik' tr ii tc iu , klv imii ir y"i u i we It to ymirsclf. Hlitg teit: S huw 1 ii. it Inl'i. ii net in itotnt'D. un i nrtit rBti, In ftrtulr ril f,-f rfu. rn Sltn.if.i'turart k.t. iu. (' h -lr ihmt lhf ofTrr it I if ' . .i.r.ta'i If ll.. r.i.i in u'. It 0 wfao lull 'I i, I, id if rw.l :t K.r l-J lt,rt lira l,u M'lnut i 'Ter to jefjnd four m i ti four iifwiith ittd fi--un. It U diiptJimJ In (Alt (t o CI Z3 O H3. I . Z I! A ARTISTIC T4IL0t)IH(, t npw PBiNfi riKPi BY enr iiiik i nvPBrnflu W ill. II U IIIIIU VIVI bn I IWIIWUIIWUH uiLiinuniw o I Uki' yiuir iiii'UHtiie ami inuki-hiiit tu m.lt'i uu inv lu ncli ( alt ami 'iiMpcft titit litic ul puce truuds uiul huinplrN. utistactu)ti tfuurant it rnr mr it- WtiY SpEfo JLL You Etftl? A man advertised for a hostler, and mentioned that a returned sol dier would be preferable. Soon a hard looking fellow put in an ap pearance seeking the job. "Do you smoke?" asked man. "No," was the reply. "Swear?" "No." "Are you a member of Chinch of lingland?" Seeing that an answer in affirmative was required, the er said he w as. lint when the man asked, "Are you a total abstainer?" it was ton close quarters fur the returned hero. "Look 'ere, mister," he said, "strike me if yer know what yer want. You hadvcrtised tor an osier, but you bloomiu' well wants a harkangel, that's what yer wants," and he walked away in disgust I'ltisburg Chronicle lei egiaph. ihe the ihe olh- You might get sjck or hurt- be prepared for it You might want to make an investmentstart now, " Takes money to make money," you know, You might be visited by thieves or fire-an account with us prevents loss, the saving habit is a mighty good one to get into. We pay 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts 3 THE BANK OF HALIFAX I T A I .rAX 1ST. O. N. I.. Stedilwin, H. C. Vi,', Gregory, -1'reMiili'til . II. Uregory C'aHbier, VOUR OLD TVKHS MADE 2 IN I, Ujo't tliron mvayvuur uhl tires, neuil tlifin to us, we nmy be able to make Ui n H id I for you; let u be the jude, no deposit necessaiy, we niake all ship meuts subject to youraiamioaUon; il ll.t-y aie not north uiokius i id 1 we will aell for you at the highest Kichmond pm-t-1 (the highest anywhere; and return the amount to you. IVe Jj charge on uweminf, DISAPPOINTED HORSE. Didn't Know the Leaves on Wo man's Hat were Artificial. That a horse, in spite of his "horse sense" can be pitifully de ceived by appearances was demon strated in a telling manner. A young lady was wailing patiently for a car going east, when a horse and wagon owned by a huckster slopped almost before her! The horse, a friendly looking animal gradually edged up 10 the curb near the young woman, who smiled graciously and patted him on the nose. As the car approach ed she walked slowly toward the track and was waiting for the car door to op?n when the friendly an imal slipped up behind her and with a sudden plunge grasped the bunch of green leaves from her new spring hal. After a brief tussle with hat pins and yellow curls, the horse man aged to wrest ihe hat from the young woman and marched oft chewing what he evidently thought a meal of hue green. The horse chewed the itiilluiei 's painted leaves, and rinding them not to his taste dropped the hat, which was returned toils owner.-Milwaukee Jottenal. Mas a tllgh Opinion ot Chamber Iain's Tablets. "I tiavi a limh opimou of flianiher lain'n Tablet), for lnliouNiiest. and as a laxative," writea Mrs. ('. A. Harm's, CIltllll'Hliill, 111. "1 liuvii ih'vit fount! aiivtliiuif so mild ami pleasaut to use. My tirolhiT has also used thrse tabids with salisfaetory results." DAD KNEW. "Dad," said little Reginald, "what is a bucket shop?" "A bucket shop, my son," said the father, feelingly, "a bucket shop is a modern cooperage es tablishment to which a man takes a barrel and brings back the bung-hule."-Puck. Ureal Faith In Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy. "Chaiubeilaiu's ('olio aud lharilioea Itemedy was used by uiy father about a year airo when he had diarrhoea. It relievt'tl him immediately and by taking three doses tie was absolutely eured. tie has great faitti in tliia remedy," writes Mrs.W. tl.Villiaiiis,Stauley,N.Y. SIGNS OF THE TIMES. "Has your wife started her fall house-cleaning?" "I guess so. The hired girl quit yesterday. Life. People Speak Well ol Chamber lain's Tablets. "1 have Iteen selling t'liainberlaiu's Tablets for about two years and heard such good reports from my euslomers that I eoueludeil to give tliem a trial mysclt, aud ciu my that 1 .lu uut Le lieve tlieie is anulher preiaiation ol the Hind equal to tliem," Wlltes 11. A. Me- Hllde, tleadluiil, Out. ll yuuaia trou bled witli ludlgt-stiou ui CUUHtlpatlOU give tliem a trial. They will do you good. WHO STARTED II. lixperience the best Teacher. 11 is gt-ueially admitted lliut expen elu'e is lliebt'st teuelier, but should Hr uut make use of the experience of oth ers as welt as our own'.' The experience of a IhullsaDd peisullH is mole to be de pended upon than that of one individ ual Many lliousan.ls ol peisuns have used I'liaiiibeilain's I'ougli Itemedy fur Coughs UUil Colds with tile best results, which shows it to be a thoroughly relia ble preparation tor those diseases Try it. It is imiuipt and ell'ectual and pleas ant to laVe. Th ere are still some vacant on Easy street. lots We Re coiniitciKi ana Guarantee Chocolates We stand back of every package we sell. If it doesn't please? (for anyi ti jsiin), please te- t tii at it. l-or Sale Exclusively By Bp q (MPt'-'lM -UM''-VwA -UK saik ev W. M. llltlKN Ultt ll I o. pir.ltt K WHITKIILAIi lllltt i ll , KOANOKG SUPPLY I n , Inc. W1LUOH, M. C. ASDALJLGOOJJ DKAliltf. CASTORIA For Infanta and Children In U For Over 30 Years Always bsara BlgJurs ol Ca3TM6 A little fellow who had just been spanked turned to his mother and asked: "Mother did grandpa spank fath er when he was a little boy?" "Yes, certainly he did." "And did his father whip him when he was Inile?" "Yes." "And did his father spank him?" "Yes." "Well, who started .this thing anyway?" Everybody's Magazine. Girls Have Pretty Face And Beautiful Complexion An Atlanta man makes new discovery that makes an old face look years younger. If your skin is dark, brown or covered with freckles or blemishes, just use a little Cocotone Skin U'liitener; it's made with cocoanut oil and is per fectly harmless. A few days' use will improve your looks 100 per cent. The wornout skin comes off evenly, leaving no evidence of the ii eminent, the new healthy uu-, tier skin appearing as a lovely new complexion. Jusi ask your druggist for an ounce ol Cocotone Skin U'hitener, and if he w ill not supply you isend twenty-five cents to the Cocotone Co., Atlanta, Ga., and they will send you a box by return mail. I If your hair is hard to comb, is kinky, nappy and w ill never slay ; straight, just use Cocotone Hair i Dressing and it will become straight, long, soft, glossy and beautiful in a few days. Mail or ders rilled 25c. for large box. Kor Sale hy W , M. l oln-n Iirug V. RUBIY-TISM Will cure Rheumatism. Neu ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores. Tetter, Ring-Worm, Ec zema, etc. Aatiseulio Anodyne, used internally or externally, 25c M.C. PAIR'S Weldon, N. C. Faultless Ice Cream, Sanitary Soda Fountain Toilet Articles & Medicines suaasmlMMlaWmilaWta:iaJuia ! INVITATION. You are invited to open anaccount with the BMK OF EHFULD, etficLo, I. c. 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly. YOU can bank by. mail lHliaaniitaCTinmaatlWitlCTIPUl COD QAI r New Todtl CHECK PROTECTOR lUn OHLU If Interested, call up this office. V