KSTABLISMKD IN 1K66. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$1.50 Per Annum VOL. HI. WKLDON, N. C, THURSDAY, HtilTEMIiKlt 27, 11)17. NO. L'O Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind Yuu Have A. ways Bought, and which hai been In usa fur over over 30 yeara, bus borne the algnatuta of ff and has been made under his per- jttJJttt,, ,on41 "("vision since its infancy. tefeayVX Allow no one t0 deceive you j tns All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-Kood " are but Xxperlmeota that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute fur Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nur other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years It has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep, The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought IB United States E have on sale in our salesroom now the f largest stock of Automobile Tires ever shown In Weldon. Three of the best makes on the American market. Tires that will give you more miles for your money than any other make. Our tires are guaranteed by the manufacturers on mileage basis of 3500 to 5000 miles. E have in stock almost any size or style W Plain Tread, USCO Tread, Chain, Nobby and TT Silvertown Cord Tread. The market is un settled now, and Tires may advance at any time, buy now, save money, get the right tires at the right prices. Also carry in stock a full line of all Automobile supplies and accessories. Batchelor Bros. Chalmers and Chevrolet Automobiles Dress Up AND YOU'LL Cheer Up! The country is alright, and you are alright, if you will just dress up. The prudent suc cessful man knows this to be true. Try it and see how good you'll feel. You'll feel like s real somebody, and just like facing the world's opportunities to win. At VINSON'S, the De Luxe Clothier, you will find these cheerful, good-looking clothes, and at prices that are making friends for these good clothes, COME AND SEE IS ALL I ASK You know ihai fortune favors a well-dressed man. Great preparation has been made for you. The prices now are a great deal lower than they will be again for at least two years. C. S. Vinson, THE OUTFITTER TO MANKIND " WELDON, - NORTH CAROLINA. PRICE BELL 2 IN 600 W. Broad St , Vour OIi Tvr COTUItR If WB OL'I PHICfi SIZf? Pl'SMMINU 'l K.Miill UK ruR lUMI'LKIS Tl'BES Bom caaimia ciaiau if IN I TV KB a:i 3 uu i;u $.'. no t mi KIlS. 3 u 5 U5 1 SUl3j 3 9f. W M ' t!l3j i tiu 7 5 HU 8 Q.'i 31 14 Ifi a 20 12 SO & 3li4 4 Ml B HO 12 SU 4 46 S8x 5 50 Si, 13 Wl 4 60 8414 r 75 111 40 14 90 4 txl 35l4 6 OS 10 HO li 0" f" 3UI4 5 S.r. tt 85 IS 0 f 00 34U li Ml 10 W !'" 5 00 ' S5I4J tt STi II 70 15 DO S HO 3IJ (I so II SO 10 90 A 00 37x4 7 ill 12 HO 18 70 (I 10 MliJ 7 !0 12 Wl 18 eV 40 3615 7 75 13 SO 1 W 50 3K"i H 00 14 HO SS 70 "5 VOUR OLD TVRES MADE Z IN I. Hon't throw away vour old tires, aend them to ua, we niay lie able to make fi u J in 1 lor you; let ua be the judge, no deposit necesaary, we make all ahip ni uta aubject to your examination; if they are not worth making ii in 1 we will at l! lur you at the higheat Kichmond pricea (the higtieat anywhere) and return the Mutual to you. We paj charge oa lacominff. Goodrich Kelly Springfield Oldest Oarage Republic In Weldon Trucks lis, jU-J 1 v Sale for Taxes. LIST 1 TYR RICHMOND, VA. Marl Intn One ES INCONSISTENT. A lawyer died in an American provisional town, and fellow law yers wrote over his grave: "Here lies a lawyer and an hon est man." Not long after, the (inventor of the province visiieJ the town, and among other places inspected the cemetery. When he Mine to the lawyer's grave he stopped, read the inscription and turning lo the head inspector said : "Look here, my friend. We wink at a good many things in litis province, but I do ohjict to your burying two men in one grave." Exchange. HOW TO KKPIiL TRAMPS. "Don't you want to hire a fellow to keep the tramps away, Mrs. Stubs?" asked the small boy. "How can a little lellow like you keep the tramps away?" demand id Mrs. Subbubs. "liasy enough," replied the boy, '1 kin eat up all the pie an' cake in' things wot's left over." Saint Paul Post. A man with a high aim in seldom carries a gun. life EE Pains Dizzy Spells Mn.O.P.Cartwrlght.ot Wiiitwell, Term., writes: "I tullered with bearing down pains. ; . The dizzy spells got so bid that when I would start to walk, I would just pretty neatly fall. Wat very much run-down, I told my husband I thought Cardui would help me. .. Me got me a bottle. . . It helped me so much that he got me another bottle. I got a whole lot better. The dizzy spells and the bearing-down pains , . . lett me entirely." II you Ire weak and run-down, or suffer from womanly pains, TAKE The Woman's Tonic You can leel sale in giv ing Cardui thorough trill. It is composed ol mild, vegetable, medici nal ingredients, recog nized by standard medi cal books for many yeirs, as being of great value in the troubles from which Only women suffer. The enthusiastic praise ol the thousands ol women who hive been helped by Cardui in ltspist 40 yeirs ol successful use should assure you ol Its genuine merit, and convince you that It would be worth your while to try this medicine lor your trou bles. All druggists sell It 1 will sell fur caati to the higlieet bid der at the court tiouae duur IU tile tuwu of Halifax, Mouday. October 1, I'M.", tne lolluwilig ueacnoeu launn m iiwiiibx Towualnp, fur taxeadue ItflU: WlflTK. tai l I'oar M II. Clark, 1 towu lot I'll... lHlO I'-'T Louia r'rothfli, I town lot 1. ',M Mrs. A. M. tiowan, 4',v, acre, llowerton tract (i r'. Hedgt'iH'tli, y town loU '-'I'll ,1. L. lledgepetli, 4 tonu lull ,Mi J. H. Walker, lti:t aciea, liieirory, Mra. MagKie lllai'kuall, mi aciea .V:tl O. II. Milliard, r.i awn :il IW Mra .1. A. Muuiv, No .1. L baikler. Si acrra, '.' 0'.' I'OLOHH' Fred Alexander, "so acics, home Auuelte Alleu, l.Uacica. home Wmneia i laik, I town lot Will 1 lantou, 1 town lot Mairirie Crowcll I acre. Inline Will Crowrll, lOOacrea, Hca Hilt liiauy I'lowell. 3(1 acre, sauitv iiiitzard, 1 town tut Sam tluuler. 111 acica. Wallet Huntei, 141 acini, Isaac Johuaon, 1 tuwu lot .iauiea Jolinaou, .lr 1T acres. Ac- riuglou, Tom l.vitcli, lj aciea, home .1. W. Meaclien, fa) aciea, Meach- eu land K.ldie fierce, UU acres, W illiama land, Jane 1'ittuian, .V, acres, Alien tot 11, I o, .". li,1 ii i.i II u :i.S 4 Ml J SO 4 :9 5. 5 e 6. ;c m.,v. laud Altex KoIh-sou, 1 town lot Audiew Mieanii, II aerea, slash, Manati 'laylor, Ii9 arceti. slashea, Aittiur Witliamaon, 1 acir, llnsaett Williama, Bacie, ,1. K, Wood, 15 acre. Lancaster Kichard Johnson, -T. acres, Ar ringtoa Elba Mines. I town iut n on 3 1,: Mai i li.HII 1II.IIL' ." IHI 11. J. M1I.I.1M, Tax Collector Halifax Township GAEiDUl ii "ii"161.0 J The Luzunne GuartBtet : If, aftar uaint tha conlanta of a can, you ara not aaUafiad in avary raapact, your gro ear will refund your monay. wwinr a ivtm The Reily-Taylor Company, .New Orleans LUKE McLUKE SAYS A Few Timely Remarks. The fellows who haven't are unanimous in the opinion any that the fellows who have automobiles have no right to drive them on the streets. If you want to give a statement the widest degree of publicity, start it on its way as a secret that must not be repeated. When an employee gets the, idea that he is hited to instruct his boss, it is a sign that the employee will soon be hunting a new job. Maybe the reason why a man lakes sides on a question is because if he doesn'i he'll have to listen to arguments on both of them. You can ulways depend on the motion lo adjourn being carried by a unanimous vote. Some people do not know where to draw the line between enthusi asm and gush. VCe notice that some of the suffs who demand equul privileges are raising mustaches like the men. But we doubt if the suffs will ever insist on the male privilege of be ing bald. Women love nice clothes. But there never was a mother who dressed belter than her unmarried daughter. Many a man loses a wad of coin on a sure thing because he was too smart to lake u chance. it must be a rebel to some men to know that they will never he talked to death by the voice of con science. Some of the June brides have settled down by this time and are wondering what mamma put in their coffee to get them to go to the altar with what they married. Men have a lot of fool ways of hunting for trouble. But a woman lakes the ptie when she marries a man to reform him. HIS THF.ORY. "Does your husband subscribe to the theory that kissing transmits germs?" "No; he thinks germs are most ly transmitted by money, and is very careful not to hand me any.' -Puck. SAME SPIRIT. I once knew a man who went hungry in order to buy feed for the horse." "I can understand his senti Minus. Many's the lime I have cui down on meat and potatoes in order 10 buy gasoline." Wash ington Star. F.sperlencethe Best Teacher. It ia generally admitted that expert euce is Hie liest teacher, but stiuutd we not mat.e use ol ttte experience of otli cm Hi, new uur ovu- llu cxpiiiiiiu of a thouiaud persons is more to be de peuded upun than that of one Individ ual. Many thousands of persona have uaed Cbaiiibeilaiu a t'ougli Itemedv for eougtis and colds with the best re&ulta, which allows it to be a thoroughly relia ble prepaiation tor those diseases Tiy it. It is prompt and etlectual and pleas aut to lake. The wise guy and the money soon get together. fool's CASTORIA For Infanta and Children In Use For Ovtr 30 Years Signature of Get Your Grocers Opinion He knows coffees his mixed them and sold them for years. He knows Luzianne. Ask him what he thinks of it. Ask him what most of his customers think of it. Luzianne will stand or fall by this test. If the re port is favorable, take home a can and try it yourself. Make up a pot, ac cording to directions. You havt nothing to lose, for the guarantee assures your money back if you don't like Luzianne. Buy a can today. Ask for profit-sharing catalog. ii vi m i icu THOUGHT TOO HKIHLV BOTH. OF On a road in Belgium a German officer met a boy leading a jackass, and addressed him in a heavy jo vial fashion as follows: "That's a fine jackass you have, my son. What do you call it? Al bert, I bet!" "Oh, no," the boy replied quick ly. "I think too highly of my king." The German scowled and re turned: "I hope you don't dare call it William." Oh, no, officer. I think too highly of my jackass." Paris Lib erie. Great Faith In Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy. "i'liaiutierlaiu'B Colic am! Iiiariliuea Kemeily wan used by oiy father about a year ago when lie had diatrlioea. It relieved li i ill immediately ami by tukioir three doned he wan aliautulely cured. He liaH ifreat faith in ttii remedy," tea Mrs.W. II.WilliaiL,stunley,N.Y. TWICE PROVEN, If you suffer headache, sleepless nights, tired, dull days and dis tressing urinary disorders, don't experiment. Read this twice told testimony. It's Weldon evidence doubly proven. George Mt'. Tye, Cedar Street, Weldon, says: "My kidneys were not acting as they should and the kidney secretions were unnatural. I also had pains in the small of my back and through my kidneys, Doan's Kidney Pills relieved me of all aches and pains, regulated the action of my kidneys and did nie good generally." (Statement given December 14, 1910.) A l asting Effect Over three years later, Mr. Tye said: "The benefit Doan's Kidney Pills gave me has been lasting. I have had no occasion to use ill em for the past two years." Price tiOc. at all dealers. I'OSTUR MU.BURN CO , Pro prietors, Buffalo, N. Y. FOR NASjY CALOMEL Start your liver without making you tick and can not salivate. Every druggist in town your druggist and everybody's druggist lias noticed a great falling-oil iu the sale of calomel. They all give the Bnme reason. Dodsou's Liver Tone ia taking its place. "Calomel is dangerous ami people know it, while Dodson's I.iver Tone is perfectly safe and gives better ra Biillf." said a prominent loeal drug gist Dodson's Liver Tone ii per sonally guaranteed by every drug gist who sells it. A large bottle costa 60 cents, and if it fails to give easy relief ia every case of liver sluggishness and constipation, you have only to ask for your inone La.k. Dodson's Liver Tone is a pleasant lasting, purely vegetable remedy, harmless to both children and adults. Take a spoonful at night and wake up feeling fine; no biliousness,' sick headache, acid stomach or consti pated bowels. It doesn't gripe or cause ineontenieuc all the next day lik violent calomel, NUXATED IRON tnrreaava atrcnatii drltvate. nervuui, run auwn auiu loo rxi rent. In Ifrt tlayi In luany Inatani'fi. 1161 r.,rf, 11 If It falls ai per full rKplanatlun In Urar artlclt ftot.a lu apvar In ihla na uer. AHk jruur duel.., r druaalat abu'Jt II W. at. Cohen Drug Cn. Weldon llruf CO. Oil!: People Speak Well ol Chamber lain's Tablets. "1 linvf lieen nellinjf ('hamlierlaiu'n Tallinn for about two yeiim and liranl Nticli Knot) fi'ttortN from my cuMtomt-rtt tlml 1 cotielu'lcti to (five them t tual mynrlt, fttnl ran nay that I tlo out lie In VP I lien- m aitiflliiM preparation of the kind iMjuiil to tliffu," write (1. . Me lliule, llei-llmil, Out. Ifyouaif ti uu hli-d with iijiIikcMiuii or eoiiHtiialiou K hi litem a dial Thpy mil do yuu Kuuil. NOTHING SERIOUS. He This burgain hunting shows your character. You are always looking lor something cheap. She Too true. That is how I came lo marry you. Has a High Opinion ol Chamber Iain's Tablets. "I have u high optuiun of Chamber lain's Tulili-tH for biliousness utnl us a laxative," wntes .Mrs. C. A. Ilanies, Charleston, III. "I have never found anything so mild and pleasant to use. My brother bus ulso used these tablets with NUtisfacloiy reMills." It was a hot day in Rome it got up to Nero. when WOMAN SICK TWOJEARS Could Do No Work. Now Strong u a Man. Chicago, III. -"For about two yeare I suffered from a female trouble ao I waa unable to walk or do any of my own work. I read about I.ydiaG. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound in tha news papers and deter mined to try it It brought almost im mediate relief. Ml weakness has en tirely disappeared and f never had bet ter ht'iilth. 1 weiirb lo5 pounda and am as strong aa a man. I think money is well spent which pur chases l.ydia E. Piitkburii's Vegetable Compound." Mrs. 0 '"ttVAN, 1766 NeWiorl Ave., Chl, i,go, 111, The suceeas of l.ydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable ConiKiuml, made from roots ana herhs, Is unparalleled. It may bo used with perfect conlidence by women who suiter from diuplueements, inflam mation, ulceration, irregularities, peri odic pains, backache, bearing-down feel ing, llatulency, indigestion, dizziness, and nervoua prostration. l.ydia K. Pink ham's Vegetable i'ouiHiunil ta the atan dard remedy for female illg. Rubbing Eases Pain Rubbing sends the liniment tingling through the flesh and quickly Oops pain. Demand liniment that you can rub with. The beft rubbing liniment ia MUSTANG .ItllLlENT G00J for the Ailments rf Horse, Mule, Cattle, Etc Qool for your own Aches, Paint. Rheumatism. Sprains. Cuts, Burnt, Etc 92Sc 50c. $1. At .11 Dealt. The Latr5t fc'nirHsh Pittrrm I style lor tvery taate Also com-! plete lint ol Children' Skullert To be convinced call end Inspect my Kail and Winter Slock, ! ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIRING SHOP. All hoes repaired promptly and at reasonable prices. WtlDON SHOfc STOKE, L. KITTNEK, Prop. Oppoaile Boatoltice, WKI.UON, N.C. RUB-MY-TISM Will cure Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruise. Cut, Burnt, Old Sores, Tetter, Rinf-Worm, Ec icma, etc. AatiMfti Aawdr, used internally orexUrnatlj. 25c Shoes ! - Shoes ! Pale Faced Women Tate PHospbates !o Mail Rosy Cheeks anil Beaiitiiiil Forms. Men Neefl Phosphates lo Make Sim, Healthy. Viprons Athletes increase their strength, energy and en durance 200 or more by simply taking a few week's treatment of Argo.Phosphate. Atlanta, iu. Dr. 1 A. JaeutauD nayn that I'lioHplialfH are j tint an thtjntial tu any man or woman who tirt'H eauily, io iitTvouH, ur irritable, worn out, or luA hakfkfanl aud pale to mala a utronR, ro iJUMt, vitforoux healthy body, a they are to coltun lo in u lie it irrow. Tht? lurk of l'liiBrhttte in the cuime uf all enemie cuttililioiiH and the ailinmtttratiou of n if rum Aritu l'hoHriatf tatilt'U will id creuw the Mtreiiifth and en durance uf weak. nervmiM rme worn men ami women Hini per ivtit. in twoor three week lime in many iiintaiiiN'H, and their t'tnilinued line will hiuld up the whole iieivtuiB Hyttlem, and ifive new He, vim, vtKor, and vitality tothewlioh hoily. I alrtavjt iireNrnhe Ai'ifo-l'lum. pliute to pattetitM who are pale and col ork'NN, and it im HurpriHiutf to Met how quickly a lew week treatment will tram form a pale lace to a niy-clieeked beau ty. There can he no lowy -cheeked, heulthy, beautiful women, without their HVNtem ih Kulticieutly Htipplied with I'hoHplmti'B. lu recent interviewB with physician on the if rave and nenous con HcqueuceH of a deficiency of Phosphate in the blood of American meu ami wo men, I have utruiufly emphasized the fact that doctors Hhould preaenbe more phoHi)hate in the form of Aryu-l'liuii-)hate for weak, worn-out, haard luok lotr men and women When the akin it pale, aud the llenh (labhy, it ia a syn of anema. Wheu the phospatea go horn the blood, the pink cheek fo, too. The g I.ZABA. rf nfw sPRiNn nispi dy ..... m 1 taku your measure aud make suit uspect Hue hue of piece (roods aud aaonoQc VliiY Sfclo 4 You might get sick or hurt be prepared for it You might want to make an investment start now, "Takes money to make money," you know, You might be visited by thieves or firean account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one to ret into. We pav 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts THE BANK OF HALIFAX if: HALIFAX 1ST. C. , L. Steilman, Prii1tnt- We Recommend and Guarantee 11 l : r l is,i M. 0. PAIR'S Weldon. N. C. Faultless Ice Cream, Sanitary Soda Fountain Toilet Articles & Medicines. aiiaaairirwinrririnr"'' I MATIT UN Y 1 1 You are invited to open anaccount with the BWK OF EHFIUD, iHicLd, . c. Per Cent, allowed In the Savings Depart' ment Compounded Quarterly. 4 FT YOU can miMCles luck tone. Tliey become nef votm. irritable, despondent. uieliincbmV the biam fagM, aud the memory fails. Thertore if you w ish to preHerve your healthy tiiu, vitfor and vitality, to a ripe old aife, you uniet supply the detioieocy of I'hoiphates lacking iu your food by umif Artro-I'hovphate, the form of i'hoHphates most easily assimilated. NOTICE Aiifo-l'hoHphatc which in recommend' ed and pn-Bcribcd by ptiymcianK iu all cue mic cancH, in not a secret or patent medicine, butoue that ia Hold and rec ommended by well known drutfifisti everywhere, uud physician are daily mihMcrihiuir the couititueuta contained in it. lleuiK entirely unlike many other I'liuNphated, it m eamly asaimilatedand will be found etl'eetive in the treatment of indigestion and stomach troubles, ai well aft fur care worn.ucrvoua conditions. The manufacturers uf Aro-l'hoaphate will forfeit tu any charitable institution (L'nu.Uo if they cannot treat any man or woman under 6V who lacks Phosphates and increase their strength and endur ance from UMI percent, to Sot) per cent, or more iu one month's time, if they are free from organic trouble. It it dispensed by the W. M. Cohen Drug Com pauy. Free sample mailed by the Arf o Lab oratories, Atlanta, Ua. o mr 5iiit"5 i. nvcnrnaT5 M .... iv w vibiissnia o to order on my bench. Call and samp lett. Satisfaction guaranteed ii You EnnI? P. C. Orefory, Vir.Pnl,lenl. H. Ureior Cashier. Chocolates We stand back of every package we sell. If it doesn't please (lor any( reason), please rej turn it For Sale Exclusively By i 'IH: ii I lvi . J bank by mail I I J

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