0 l-STABLISHIil) IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WELDON, N. (J., THIIKSDAY, (HTOJ.KK II, H17. Terms of Subscription--$1.5L I'tr Annum NO. 22 VOL. LH. Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been la use fur over over 30 yean, has borne the signature ol f and has been made under his per- 7j?tl,, sonal supervision since its Infancy. VSutS-. JU(AIZ now n0 one t0 deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infanta and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has beeu in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS I Bears the Signature of r r " In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought HOW HIS NAME ORIGINATED. Mr. Lynch and his friend were discussing family names and their history. "How did your name originate?" "Oh, probably one of my ances tors was of the grasping kind that you hear about so often. Some body eave him an 'ynch' and he took un 'L..' " Christian Register. NO SUICIDE. "Oh, Miss Smith," said Willie, "may I be dismissed at 1 1? l'aih er is going to cut his head off, and want to see him do il." Miss Smith was ssmewhat sur prised, but not more so than Wil lie was, when he found thai the teacher had not heard about his father going on a hunting trip and shooting a splendid deer. Youth's Companion. OTHERS HAVE NOTICED IT. Uncle Lzra So ye just got hack from New York. What s the difference between the city and the country?" Uncle liben "Wall.in the coun try you go to bed feeling all in and get up feeling fine, and in the city you go to bed teehng nne una get up teehng all in. Lite. In the drama of life there are more (running pans man mere aic actors in hll ihem. f n K ru Liu 1UAJ I1IUA United States Goodrich Kelly Springfield R have on sale in our salesroom now the W largest stock of Automobile Tires ever shown in Weldon. Three of the best makes on the American market. Tires that will give you more miles for vour monev than anv other make. Our tirps arc trnAi-flnteed hv the manufacturers on mileage basis of 3500 to 5000 miles. G have In stock almost any size or style WT Plain Tread, USCO Tread, Chain, Nobby and TT Silvertown Cord Tread. The market is un upttlprf nnw. ami Tires mav advance at anv time, buy now, save money, get the right tires at the i-lo-ht nrlrps Akn rarrv in stock a full line of all f - Automobile supplies and accessories. Batchelor Bros. Chalmers and Chevrolet Automobiles Oldest Oarage In Weldon Republic Trucks Dress Up AND YOU'LL Cheer Up ! The country is alright, and you are alright, if you will just dress up. The prudeni suc cessful man knows this to be true. Try it and see how good you'll feel. You'll feel like a real somebody, and just like facing ilie world's opportunities 10 win. At VINSON'S, the De Luxe Cloihier, you will find these cheerful, good-looking cloihes, and at prices that are making friends for these good clothes. COME AND SEE IS ALL I ASK You know that foriune favors a well-dressed man. Great preparation has been made for you. The prices now are a great deal lower than they will be again for at least two years. if I V SCHLOSI 1 blft4CU 1 IMA I Mat A Letter From Washington The Food Administrator Writes Us: "The use of baking powder breads made of coin and other coarse flours instead ot patent wheat Hour in recommended by the Conservation Division of the Koud Administration. The wheat needed fot export is thus conserved, and at the same time healthfi.1 food for our own people is provided. The circulation of recipes pio viding for these uses would be of assistance in csrryin,; out our l.ins." The following recipes for Corn Bread anil Rye Rolls save wheat flour and make attractive l.nd wholesome food lor every day when made with BAKING POWDER ROYAL CORN cupi corn total U cup Hour BREAD 4 Uval UMpooDi Hyl Baking Pewdor 1 UbUipiton lugtr 1 taapon salt lYf cupi mill I UblMpet upetiii ibortaDioy Mix thoroufbly drr InfradlanU : add RYE ROLLS t cupi ry flour WaM)UUIll till It 9 left! uatuooni Ruyal Bakiuf Powdar J cuu milk UbleHM)U nborteinuii gift dry ine r: lienta logtO-r. Ihorteniof. K:i id en dour; I I Put Into Breasod pau ai.J ai pla 20 to nr mli.uUi, IUK to 30 idIduUi. iJil milk auJ melt ad jrJ , shape into roll, uw to ttand in warm in moderaU ovan S6 Ilk and malted horUnlDi; baat wall; pour into well groaiad pan and baka Id bat oven about minutai. Our red, white and blue booklet 41 Beat War Time Recipta' containing additional timilar recipes tent freeon requeit. Addre$$ Royal Baking Powder Company, Dept. H, US William Stn et, New Yurk. Life Was a Misery Mrs. F. M. Jones, of Palmer, Okla., writes: "From the time I en tered into womanhood ... 1 looked with dread Iroin one month to the next. 1 sulfercd with my back and bearing-down pain, until life to me was s misery. I would think I could not endure the pain any longer, and I gradually got worse. . . Nothing seemed to help me until, one day, . . . I decided to LONGING, I often long for the good old days, for the halcyon days of youth, But 1 don't think much of the good old days, to tell the honest truth ! It's only a feeling now and then, a sort of a backward look I like a snatch of a good old song, or a line from the copybook. II comes sometimes when ilie stress is strong, when the pace is jusi too swift It comes sometimes when my sky is dark, and the thought is a sunny rift; And it isn't the good old days I want, but it's jusi a sense, somehow, That I want to get back to somewhere, to escape the cares of Now. I've climbed the hill of life, and I'm starting down on the other side- Trie way lies far to my patron star, and the road is long and wide ! I've viewed the valley from Forty Mount, and, taking the Road again, I've glanced back over my shoulder to the miles that my life has lain; And I've seen, in that backward glancing, a vision so fair and sweet Thai the road ahead seems sickly and dead, and I drag my weary feel And then it is thai the longing comes, and my eyes see through a haze And just tor a fleeting moment I wish for the good old days. And then I must thank my God for this-lhe burden seems noi so ereat. For burden is life's sure armor, and armor is prideful weight, And I draw my gaze from the valley far back on ilie road I've trod, And look to the one before me, and I think of my Staff and Rod ! And on toward the Siar, and onward as far as the fair road lies, I shall carrv mv armor proudly, to the dip of the utmost skies- And then, when I've dropped my burden at the end of the sun's last rays, Perhaps I shall taste the sweets again, and live in the good old days ! The Woman's Tonic "l took lour bottles," Mrs. Jones goes on to say, "and was not only greatly relieved, but can truthfully say that I have not a pain. . . " It has now been two years since I took Car dui, and I am still In good nealth. . . I would ad vise any woman or girl to use Cardui who il a sulterer from any temale trouble." II you sutler pain caused from womanly trouble, or it you leel the need ol a good strengthening tonic to build upyour run-down system, take the advice ol Mrs. Jones. TryCar- dui. It helped her. We believe it will help you. All Druggists TOILET 1 There's great satis faction in using toilet goods that come from $ our siore. in them you have the assur ance of honest ma terials a n d pure chemicals. -i-..'.v in C. S. Vinson, THE OUTFITTER TO MANKIND WELDON, - NORTH CAROLINA. PRICE LIST BELL 2 IN 1 TYRES 61X1 V. Broad St., RlwtlAlOiND, VA. Your Old Tyres Made Into One t'ttfroUKH II' OL'H PHK'K SIZE i'i kmhuinu iitM-n um; roe i oiii'i m Tl ltKS , HOlll CAMSU CAMMO li IN I BUS 2WS 3 IX) $4 70 BU '-' :iiu:t H mi fi li.. 7 aoiSJ a H.-, ii mi :i i .Wisj 4 tm 7 7.'i I'-' W 'I ;tn4 4 8i'i fti li ti 4 N:ll4 4 HO Hll 12 4 4;' :IUi4 fi M 18 W 4 .Ml 84x4 5 76 1" 411 14 Oil 4 Ml i'n4 5 HA 10 !M l.r Un &U4 5 11 2ii ' f 00 34X4 6 ,'iU 10 SO lf K"i m S.-.I4 B K 1170 IS Hll iVlto :ilil4A U HO 11 Wl 1U W "i"' S7l4i 7 !l 12 HO 1 7(1 II 1" :t'n5 7 60 12 HO 18 H' 4,1 " Sdif, 7 7;. is so in h; iif'" KH - 8 110 14 Ml 2-2 711 7.i , CALOMEL SALIVATES Acts like dynamite on a sluggish liver and you lose a day's work. VOUR OLD TVRES MADK 2 IN I. ' n 't throw away your old tirm, Bend tliPiu to us, we may lie able lo iiakt IV i ( in 1 for yuu; let ua be the judne, no depoHit necessary, a nuke all snip in il subject to your examination; if they are not worth luaUintr 2 m 1 we win tut (,.. i tii. hilint Hinlimond nii.Mn Ithe hiaUest anywhere) and return the tagount to you, Yi't paj eliarge oa iscomuuj. Tlii're'i no ridJun why a person should take- sickening, salivating cat oiiii-I when 5 ct-uts buys a lurgf bot. tie of lloJ.Wa Liver Tone a per- f-t siilistituie for culomi'l. It is a uU-usant, u-getuble liquid which will mart vour liver juat as ann-lv lis calomel, but it dewsn't kci viiq sick nud can not salivate, Children and grown folk can taks Itodaon's Liver Tone, because it is turfis tlv linniilcM. Caloiiiel is a dangerous drug: It in mercury and attacks your bouea. Take n dose of naatv calomel today niul vou will feel weak, sick and ' . . TV...U nimsi-ateii tomorrow, jju" " div's work. Take a spoonful of liikUini's Liver Tone instead and Villi v ill wake un feeliuj great. No mure biliousness, constipation, slug- iishneaa. headache, coated luiiirue or stomach. Your dmggisl savs i vou don't find Dodson's Liver Tone acts better man nornuw caiumci your matsj. waiting tat Ku VAST GAME PRESERVE. Uncle Sam Has Created a Para dise lor Birds and Beasts. In anuilier respect lliispark land stands in a category by itself. By Federal enactment all of the Yel lowstone Hark proper and some additional territory bordering il lias been made a vast national game preserve, sonieining not onginany planned. Here, within the park boundaries, deer, elk, antelope, bears, mountain sheep, moose, bi son and ilie smaller 'earne, birds (between 150 and 200 species) and fui-bearing animals have a reluge where no hunter or trapper penetrates and dantfer rarely in trudes. There are thousands of these arious animals thai know they re absolutely immune from harm by man when wilhin the bounds of the park. Most of them have nev er seen a dog nor heard the sound of a rifle. Under these conditions their natural timidity is greatly les sened, and many of them, even bears, become surprisingly lame n Gardiner Canyon beside ihe road the beautiful mule deer and the white tailed deer, touchingly innocent and trustful.and the moun tain sheep the big-horn fellows- stand or lie, eating alfalfa, and en joying the protecting care of a be neficent, animal-loving govern ment. They become almost as do mesticated as barnyard cnimals. Indeed, at Mammoth Hot Springs the deer aciually haunt the kitchen ducrs and i car ihemselves on their hind legs against the porch railings or even climb the steps and peer into the doors and windows, mute ly begging for food, which ihey often lake from one s hand. At night they lie on the snow under the large trees, or in some cases even sleep in the large cavalry barns, which have been vacant since ihe soldiers were removed from the park in the fall of 1916 St. Nicholas. LITTLE WAYSIDE SAYINUS. If de sermon "drives home" on a ringin roan, you nna louts won derin' when Amen's comin'. When you hear a drownin' man holler "Halleluia" you nachully comes ter de conclusion dat he wants to go w liar he's gwine. Il takes wings ter make de Gos pel fly, an' some folks has got 'em jedgin' by de way dey Hits when dey hears ii comin'. Don't ax de l.awd tei keep you fum evil, an' den go ter tliinkin' dat mebbe de evil ain't bad ez whai it's painted. A SAD MEMORY. THE TRUE WORD. Two elderly New York club women wno Have reiireu spenu much of their time gaing out up on the Fifth avenue throngs From their leather rest chairs ai a club lounge window. Charles B. Townes was seated near them the oilier day. A very stunning woman of middle age passed in a handsome turnout. I wonder how old she is.-1 said one. "Woman is as old as she looks,' was I lie reply. There was a pause. "And nun is noi old mini he quits looking," said the lirsi -and both resumed their gating. II DIDN'T EIT. Youmr vji'ilh.iin uas evincing much iiitt-re-,1 in the evening paper but linallv a pu.h-d look cin e over Ins cdiiiiii ii Micf. "Mulur," lie -.an I, "wli.ii dues d d si ind for?" ; "lliicinr of divinity, niv --in. Don'i ili.-y tiM.ii ynu the co ;nin-il i abbreviations in -cIuhm- j ''Sure; bill th.n il.in'l irnu 10 j sound unlit lieu- " "Head ii aloud." " imess-l lic.nd ilie delcndanl say, I II make vou Miner nn mis. OOME AND SEE our display of fine soaps for the complexion and bath--.scented waters, perfumes, cold creams, cosmetics, manicure sets, lotions, hair tonics, combs, brushes, sponges. I. M. Gohen hi Company, (Successors to W. M. Cohen.) Weldon, North Carolina. SOI.i; AGENTS I'OK nyal's ki:mi:i)u:s. a . j NUNNAl.LY'S AND j NORMS' C.ANDIIiS. o m laoaonczz 8 I . ZABA, ARTISTIC TAILORING, 0 NEW SPRING DISPLAY FOR SUITS & OVERCOATS g M 1 take your measure mid tnuki-Miit looi.lcron my Ix-iich. Call ami kri V iiiHpcpt Hut' Inn of pure iriKul iumI iunplt-s. atisrat'lmn nuarautierr vi' 'nocaor-ii WfiY SpeSd HLL You Ewtfl Vou might get sick or hurt- be prepared for it You might want to make an investmentstart now. " lakes money to make money," you know, You mitrht be visited bv thieves or fire an account with us prevents loss, good one to get into, ings Accounts The saving habit is a mighty We pav 4 per cent on Sav- II he don't ' A woman likes l- have a man Mailer her even when she knows he is a pernicious l.ilnicaior Dr. iTtderic Jacobsun Says, 75 per tent. t women need Phos phates to give them Strung, Healthy, rounded figure and tu avoid Nervous Breakdown Thousands of women grow strong in Nature's way, Availing herself of her ecclesias lical privileges, ihe clergyman s wife asked questions which, com ing from anybody else, would have been thought impertinent. 'I presume you carry a memento of some kind in lhal locket you wear?" she said. "Yes, ma'am," said ihe parish ioner, "it is a lock of my hus band's hair." "But your husband is still alive, the lady exclaimed. "Yes, ma'am, but his hair gone." A QOOD PROVIDER. "Well, Dinah, I hear you are married. "Yas'm,'' said the former cook "I'se done got me a man now. "Is he a good provider?" "Yes'm, but I'se powerful keered dai lies gwine ler get kotched ai il. Croup. If your children re suhjeot to croup get a bottle or Clmniheilaiu'i Cougli Remedy, and when the attack cornea on to lie careful to follow the plain printed direction. You will be aur priied at the quick relief which it af ford). Give the inchworm lime and will get ahead. Many a man's empty pi ckets are due to his wife's fondness for change. Mrs. Smith Racommends Cham berlaln's Tablets "I tiave had more or less atoiuac trouble for eight or ten yeara ' write Mia. il. II. Uniitll, Hreweiton, N "When sutlering froui attacks of iadi geatiou and heaviness after eating, om or two of (Jhamberlaiu's Tablet have alwavs relieved Die. I have also found them a pleauaut laxative " These ta! lets toue up the stomach and eoable it to perform its functions naturally. 1 f you are troubled with indigestion gi then) a trial, get well and nay well docinr ul divinny '-- Uaipcr's. il I THE BANK OF HALIFAX HAIaTFAX 1ST. C. . L. Stedman, President - P. C. Uregory, Vit-e-l'reMidenl. II. Gregory t'aihier. Consider the Lilies ol the Kield, How They Grow.'' School Days Are Hsre ! No bciier lime than now to get ihe boy Ins school sun. he The life of the lily is bul a lew weeks or months. The lite ot man three score years and ten. litu io live one s lite in u stullness women like the lily, must be nour ished by those same vital elements which nature provides tornounsn- np everv hvina thine: and tnese include the valuable phosphate so often lacking in the usua food we eal today. Aigo-I'lios phate is rich in these wonderful elements. It contains ihem in con centrated tablet form which is easy to take and quickly assimulated and absorbed into ihe system, and from youth to old age, builds and re builds body and brain in beautiful harmony with Nature's perfect plan. "That's why" Argo-Phos- phaie makes good sona nesn anu muscles. Spucial Notice. Argo-I'ho s phate contains the Natural phos phaies which thousands of pliysi cians are prescribing daily lo build un thin. Da e. colorless women lo give them rosy cheeks, red hps and a beautiful complexion, Many cases have been reporied where women have increased their weiglil from 15 lo 25 pounds with a lew weeks treatment, and any woman i who desires a well rounded and developed form, should secure from her druggist, tins new urug which is inexpensive and is dis pensed by ihe Mi'. M. COHliN DRUG COMPANY wiili or wiih oui a doctor's prescription. l-'ree sample mailed by the Argo Laboratories, Atlanta, Ga. "The Mighty Good" The only real sun for service. Ask the boy thai wears tlieui. We are showing some ol the newest styles in early fall patterns. li to '-'Il Shoes, Caps, Underwear. Everything Boys Wear FARBER & JOSEPHSON, Ml-N'S AND HOYS' OI T1I I T1KS. WHLbON, N. C. LUB-wv-Tisr.i Will cure Rheumatism. Neu ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic SprainSjBruises, Cuts, Burns, Old bores, letter. King-worm, Ec zema, etc. Antiseplio Anadyae, used internally or externally. 25c auUSWMUnMIMMMaunMarMMKIS INVITATION.) You are invited to open anaccount with thej flvr of ehficld, Eft FIELD, I. c. i o Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart-9 ment Compounded Quarterly. YOU can bank by mail iMMaUavaunaiMwaamiamurasuM 1