1: . f ti V til : rj. 1 1 ,i " . .i! i ' ti1"" t H 1 ' MM?' . ; AN ACHE OF HAPE AN 0 RYE, When sown In September, or ejrher, an acre of th. kind TTorai, en tht ave jee, grating for mlddl of October to May. prov.dfd pUmtnt BT C. U WILLIAMS. Chief UvuUm f AjfTotiutuy, N C. Kueriwui Station, WMt KuleUU The rape, nlant iloely reaeinljiua tht ruta-bu,ja during its eurty magna of rowth; fu fact, su doe In thia r neubtuui'4 that often tin exDurieneeil grower tauuol distinguish uetwe,n them. Uk root ynrru. however, is mors like that of tba tau bK tt liken cool weather and will gruw dur ing any portion of the year afrr ae Trt frvuzlug weather la panned It will tndurt pratty aevere eolti weather In th fall aod winttr without burnt ma Urially Injured; Id fa.-t. it ibay hp used for pasturage after being froien, pro Tided stock are kept JT while it l froxen. It doe not make in tit Ij growth during the hut, dry month of ami summer. Cixier ordinary condition the plants will attain a height of 1 Inches to 2 few. or more. The Dwarf Kasei variety of the crop in best suit ed for uu under Southern roiulitiooe Poiaibllitiee of the Crop. Farmer are becoming more and 1 mure Interested In the production or I green cropn for faM, winter ami early i spring grazing Especially 1m Mi in true of those who are engaged In the rain ing of hug and poultry. For winter I pairturajw n acr or two of ihia crop wHl aupply many tona of nutritious feed at the time of the year when green feeda are carce. It han been fully demonstrated by repeated trials that an aire of rape properly swd ed on good rich land will produce an much pork when used ai a lug ptu ture as the same acre of land culti vated in corn. The rape can be grown much cheaper ttiaa the corn, as It will not require any cultivation, ami tht preparation of tht seed hed and seeding will be about the name for both The he wilt harvest thf rape crop, while the corn muat be narvrsr ea by tht farmer himself It hoult bt remtmhered, however, that the acreage of rape that can be profitably utilized for pasturagn ou the average farm Is limited, tt iiMuliy not Lining more than two or three acres In feeding experiment at the Ala j bama Station running for 147 days j iNovemher H April St wlUi pig- weigh ; lug approximately H puuu-li each at tht beiliinliig of tht eipvrimeiit It was i found tbal tht I Wo ioU of pigs td oo a ration of two part of mm am) one part of win 'at shorts aid allow .-il 1 tht use of a rape pnntuie dm lug tin period. proUuetl puik till an aiag Of 34 4 per .ent cont pej pnund cuuutlng the cost of providing tht rape pasiuie ihau did another lof fed uu Ui ejue ratlt-a aud conrii.ed lu dry tuts lu other wonU tti hits fat teued ou rape paature. supplemented ft 1th the ntcfsaary amount of tti ra tlou of com and wlitutt abulia, made very satisfactory pro at. wtiile the lot fattened on the ratluu of corn and wheat ahurta alone in dry lota afford ed little or no pruflt Soil and IU Preparation. Kape Is beat adapted for growth on a deep. rich, mutlow, lom soil that Is fairly well stored with humus It doea not du w ell on the very light aaudy or urf clay soils beiaiue thtsv art di-tili U-nt in organic matter Au soli that will prod i' e what aud cum well will he found ultod fur thf gruwtii of rapt la pi epar.ug the iauj It should bt well bnjkn thai, thoroughly barrowd into a Hue dean fed Utd Is usually duu tor tur bips or ruthat('ta If the laid ha a HtjHiKl applii alio! of mauuie 'h previous ar. so much the bettei Ou average land It will be well t apjly broadcast ov.-r the land Ju-t after breaking a.id 'jt-fore harrowing . about :t()0 to 5ro nt'i'ntU pfr a re of a fertiliser containing 8 to lu per cent available phosphoric a. id 4 to 6 per utstt potash, aud i to 4 per cent ultro-S- Seeding. For the Coastal Plain and Piedmont sections, tht spring seeding may be made during March or early la April, and tht (all seeding auy time beiwicu Augutt 20 and October 16 la the moamala section the spring seedli g will havt to bt made in April and Uu fall seeding darlug tht latter part of July or early tu August In order t ct bast raaulta Tke rapt aatd art Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA YESl LIFT A CORN OFF WITHOUT PAIN' Cincinnati authority tails how to dr up a corn or callus ao It lifts off with tings r. ou wiru-prstrred men and women need stiller no longer Wear thf sIuh t tltat nearly killed you More, aaya th: t im-inmili authority, because a (e dropa ol frei .t.ne applied dirwtly on a tender, nclnngr corn or callus, stops sore ness at onre. and soon the corn or hardened callus loosens so it can hi lifted out, root and all, without pain. A small Lottls of freerone cost very little at any drug store, but will pos tively t.ik lf every hard or sofL om or callus. This should be tried, u it Is itrexp nive and is said Hot to irritate the mirroimdiuji skin. J' Tour druejfUt haw't any freesone tell him to get a small bottle for you "w his who leu I drug house. It is ituff aad acU ika a charm svsry of p.itt ure km 100 pound fatten J half rjt,on of gram g pgs from th t uied as a lup- uvu broad. . .Tops like m iluvt r lu 3 i-t uioiie oi ia!l fciJiii 'Willg Midi Willi ulht-r ind i l MutuU tinall t''l'Ui e.l should :i hruadcaal i lie rve, oats, ur w n Ural he drilled In ur aud t ov-icd au iu h the rap.' weed -ovu hi , id , IIkIiMv i-oVfffU by uioan MJito(iilng hanxtw oi Li the rapu la used alu.iu. 4 Of 8ffd p-r u ir win Oe Kood st-.'Umg. Hlini wouid he 1 Ou-:n 13 ..f I'i'ool or Apjii.-r cii, i i pounds oi lJvari Hye at the rate ul at the rate o( 4 ; i.; he Mi!i-.t!tijr. .J j,,,- : 111 i AliuiInT m..t.ie M,.t; ..t to giv good icHik, in -ii.j,! turaie fur im.- ui... ta ,(j a made up of I to J p.'t k u( j I IMdiiid.- of .Ttui-'Wi fiov,.r, pound-i of Dwiurf Kaaei rape latter misiure Ins proven JMi' valuable lor i lie uioiiniain -. elevation lets th.ni J.MJH I., sea level. LmijIIv niih ran- . 10 and i d Tli.i iiiai ly .lliMD- M itho 1 seeded in the jusxiures Imlhaii line wruzwg may he lart.-d uMially i wilhin IhiMy (o vUt days alter .e.d i Inj; r're(ueiim during a favorahlt isciKon ihe raj.e mav he lihilv Ki.ued ! by pigs itiretj to tour vv.el, after ,-eed- lug Precautions in Grazing. j I" pa-tiiring rap, the h,.K4 should not be allowed ou it until the plants aie at lea-,1 lu 0 i , tu. ux UtT if matured h.fnre ll. time H,,- yuung plan'c will he hk to he puM.-d up and tt i LI. ! ( .ue imuid he .xenU-d. too, 'iiat the nuihinr ot -m the paMtur- in not su iij as t,. kep ihe :ape too . ..h:v gr:i.. d. for u w.,,, prove tu ,.l to the il.tit iimt tie h:e of the p.i.tnre wtjn.d tlf, !'!, ii,. iha finally shurtened heii.g ;rai d, the plants "hoaM l,f- giv.-n an oppor- 'UllllV la kM't Weil -IMCI-.I lillii Kl'owlh .etoie hyiiiK gratd again Hy diwd ng Hie A. h) into h-ls 'hete !m m pastured in su. return It xnwn mi iwn.l hilel and propffly handled icie u re ul rape will pi .1... j;r.:.liu I.T 'en iu nvi-ive ux- t.i itiiei ug ikt wo or three months us u,.-i . PREPARING FOR A LfRGER FLOUH WILL BE HIGH NEXTVEAR AND KARMtHS SHOULD IN CREASE THEIR CROP My C H U iii.ni -Agioie.inv N ( Vi.e st I hidn atlonn al e wheat dini hence Chief ilv C'e.i... ih-igh . i p that the j e ur tluui i iitft year 1 a piH'ititig oi of tin., crop n e of to b IU Will an in ('tele: hifh darir.g the naturally uu-e creased h i .'a(ie normal cotiditioiu. tnK wuuli n,,t he a ptuuiiBUHE sit nation Lin del which tu i advi-e Ihit glueing of niwi.- wh dl ' bill shoe Ctdigiesf will in all p!uiM.'i. ; illty tix a ininnunin p- n e i.-i .(mh : :aid grade wheat at primary matketi f $JUU per hu-hel M ,.itullll se,.,.i ; a he rtdvi-atde tii- Die I- , of the .1 iii t.ur. s , lo at growt rs Slate til. 11 YMlf (' If, l K.AII thl pu. t.xll uf t!l al-tt itu.l a few a, res lliUlil .lu l"d...t, ill good advantage to plttV.de fee the need- of th- familv I ll Snnif i,f the mote couipai t eustern soijs :ti.;() wheat mieht h. grown iluring rhe present hinli prh ej with fairly satisfacturv results Or dinarily we would not w (immerid the (trowing of 'his crop hut verv little if any. in the Coastal Plain Section of the Stare because t his portion of the State is tioi nearly so well adapt ed generally to it as the Western half It Is highly Important that good seed shall be secured for planting purpoaea. Uf the varletiea that art commonly grown Leaps Proline, Itetz Mediterranean, Fulti, Pur pit S.:aw. hd Full aster have shows up in our if mb to be tht leading ylaldtrs. Rubbing Eases Pain RuljLinu aenda tKx linimrnt tinalinir tlirnuaK lm fl.U mnA ' I quickly flops pain. Demand a liniment that you can rub with. The best tubbing liniment ia 5 MUSTANG LINIMENT CooJ for tin Ailmenti of Moraes, Mule, Cattle, Etc God for your own Acha, Paina, Rheumatitm, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc 25e.SOc.il. AtallD..!. . ' WITHGITY OFFICIALS INSURANCE COMMISSIONER HAS HEART TO HEART TALK ON SOME MATTERS. FOR UPBUILDING OF TOWN Commissionsr Voung Seeka to P'-t-tsct Citizens From Loss of Property by Fire. In the cllort tu get tu more direct Uu. li Willi ami !o ancure the clour co operation of .Hv ami town olfh hiW 1bitiiiKli..ui lhv Stale, Inmiiaiict Coin tiiiNtioner Voting Iota sent the follow Ing letisi to tht'HS oftids (leininuen The limjiaiei Pe psitiiient i4irea to help vmi in r-r.n woik lr rh uphulldlng uf vour dlv and the piuta, dun of itc uilium ai.d thsir ptopertv Let n hat., a hear! to h'srt ',k on uin mat r era Building Permits. Cur laws i euu're that liffn; a building (in or uut of the hrs d'nirlcti is tommeineil penult must h- .h tallied fiom vour bin hi nig liiie. ter and that it mint he erected in lompll alue with the reiuimueiita of the law 'J'his fs a mo-jt Important law If you whIi to avoid fires lu your cilv Irf It complied with? !f not. your building impectur Is Hllbject tu ln- dlctmeiil. V iu an appoint a build lug Intpeciiir or the chief of the flit department b--i omes ei rth io au. h ; offlier. ; Inspection of Buildings. ' Dots yum lumper tor go ovpr the ! fire dlttrlci - every building - once ' h iiuartf: and Inspect every build li. g in city at 1-aat once a year ' The law requires this Nothing will do more t pn.tet t your cititHii and their I'loi-ertV f!i.,, (hi- in-pe. t,ui! ,V'.) money i.rit will pav hettei than ntl hiv paid a flood uj.iii as . Itv hiiildi'.jt inspei-Mr Trv it We will help y,.u Electrical Inapections- r.ie.tncity furnishes power and the best lUlit It is the safest light wlu n properly Installed ; but when not, nothing ruinhes a greater memo a How are your electoral contractor--? Do they understand the business'.' If hot they should not be allowed to endanger the Uvea and property of your citizens. If Hiey understand do ing the work there In no mcuse for poor work and audi a" is dangerous and against the law What is your eleetrnal insp.-t tor dfng in making. Inspections and requiring rumpliame with the Ibw" Dangerous Conditions. ' In many plat es I find the hi. al in- spe, tors aie worried be. stisr while pla.es ate , le.nied up mi notice no j further atrentiou a paid to them, and in s few dm the oiniif inns arP jUs. aa had Th remedy Is plain. It is Just as nimh .iKfiitist the law to al low your premises tn h ne dang -r oua heeatise of trabh. etc. as It is not to clean up on notice. In lnppitlng and gtuiig noine to clean up, a!ho no i tifv the ( tutles who are act ustom"! to pav no attention to ihe condition j of their premises, eicept on mdl. p. 111111 "o- m-xi nine men pieunses louini in had condition a w:inant will he taken out This will do the work ami in--. ire a , .-an, safe town. Fire Departments. I his ut.e of ihe most necessary depar lui'-iits of vmii it v guyeinujent w'1'-4 ' ' I.tioti- What atten tion ale vutl giviiu? to Its equipment and oig.mlailon ' How is the appa rutus ' V hat is Hi, r lit lull of th Iiom- ' No rime to make piepaiatioin or grt iea.lv after the the hell rings I'u vuii take ijih of vour Mi emeu" Do they piartne regularly Do thev lii-pe.t to .lean out conditions ilkelv to (aue (1r feed a fi-e and to know how to get at and right & fire? I would like to help you and yotii fire department I will send an expert to examine your apparatus uud drill your men. The cost to ou will be nominal- nothing where lie alunply visits, and cost of hoard where he spends several davs Inspectors. "Cmler the pri'Msut law It la no longer of the duty of the mayur and board of aldermen to pass on imli vidual cases of permits for building iiiey ar fiievtni uf this worry ; but It is -till thru duty to select and ..am peusale good men for In-peuors and ee that they do their duty It is for this reason I appeal o you Hav vxu g..u. inspnturs' Are they dulng uo-ir .niiv re their saiaties nuh j a tu ran ror ana aemana the best efforts of good men Conclusion. "There are manv other thing of mutual interest we might discuss with profit in fact, things pertaining to your water supply, fire department, fire alarm sytpm. building ordl nancea. inspections of buildings, and electrical installation Write to me about them. Let's talk it over and see how my department can help you It is a pleasure to serve you aud your people. Yours In the work, "JAMKS R, YOU NO. "Insurance Coiamisaioner " As between dry ileanlnif at hora with Siiaoilne ami M at h 1 1 n k in the Kuro pe;t' tren, hes tltre l-ni't f.U. h holcfl, o far as safety U concerned. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the , Most Ueliahle. Al'lei many ivik ii furr hi th tispufit uu I oil, hi ,oiiih mcliriiio. llicn' aie many w lio prrti-r lhanilei lvn' " i"y "li-r Ml- A K:r It :n, ; lirrrpitillr III , mil,. i'hainhiTlain t'otiirli Kfincty lia I n uf,l in niv niotlii'r'M huuif an, I iniac fur years, an, c ulavs fuim.l ii a .,1,1,-1. oure Inr ; coI.Ih an, I liiuni'liial Huuhli's, l lluj it to hi' tin- must ii'haLl,. , uuli in,!,i,. j Clllf bp havf ion',1 " The fatted calf has no love for ! ihe prodigal son. j Sour Stomach. i Kat nloaly, mastli'ati- youi lou.1 tlior- j ouijlily, alistam frum meats lor a fr j ilaya anil io most casi-s the sour atom. I aoh will.litapprar. If it ilora nut, take : one oft lianil.erlain'a Taliieta imniwli ately after aupper K11I meats are most likely to cause sour atumarli and yuu may Uinl it beat to cut them out. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S ! CASTORIA L LESSON FOR HOUSEKEEPERS DO VOU DO YOUR PART TO PRE VENT ACCIDENTS IN THE HOME. Some Suggestions Which Will Aid Housekeepers to Acquire the Be Careful Habit. In the observance nf Kiie 1'rev. nln-n Day 1 1. toder W. the State lits-.n an t-e ' DepaM niriil tailed espoclal iitlctil I (he i-ait whh h can he played hv the housekeepers .if tile Slate The t.oi- .ili.-i the hrlpineels of tht wage oarn ; rrs In liol'isii lal eir -tilt s must h a in inind Koi-ianlU ihe kit- wh-'lg CiaL 'he W.tg'' e.lNirr Stands in pi'l'il at all Mine fiom inpirv Ir, a., tdetila (hat ) u f th.'ii- haaid.n(s .. . tipatn-in i oil htHIekeepei alJu should learn (he He I atefnl les-ou. You krnw vhat uhtuld tnlserv and -ulletliig aii an-- d ! j ' . hl -1.1'- tu the H ilnt.titat wtjtid i'u kitt.w that rvt rt f nir inln ll'W of evetv W ttkttilt tlav a wage . iniiitr i- killed that ev-iv fmir , ' n 1' at every w.jrkiiig dav a wiu-h 1 eiiior Is Injaied Von know that the : vaal ina)titv of these actld.'iits arc ; 'he i- -nit of gr.-ss earelesiiess anil ! oilld he avoided by the observance of siiup.e Lie Careful rules You , it now ih.e ten i hie truths and ymi jianestiy urge yuiir bread winner lo j avoid taking uniiuresuary chances Hut do you do your part to prevent I act hkiita In the home'' I Kvrrv year thousand of women I and 'hild'eti are killed and Injured in their own homes as the result of care lessness Your turn may come next n;iie-s you fmm the He Careful habit. i'i.e u one of wour worst enemies d. sttoMnkT 'oiiiitleas homes and . laltn ing thousands of Innocent human vie tuns generally wotuen and children Here are some Hiigrostlons you might bear fn mind to aid you in ac 'lutin.g the H- Careful hahit: MA'KH u-e . -n oil to start a fire In 'he toe You Invite disaster even ',ii,e y., ii do. f.,r it js liable to eiplode and -. alter the blazing oil. NKVKH lot i hildren piav around a b.iiifire Thev love to venture i los to the dtue und a sudduu gust of wind may blow their dress into the flames NKVKH leave tnHtt lies lying atouml wilhin it. tuh of young children Kew yoiingfiiTN i an r.-sift the letnptatlon to play with thp fire and often their lives are Ha. rltlced as a result NCVCU neglect to pick tip a match you have dropped on the floor. Manv a fatal fire lia been cntiaed by stnp plng on a tnntt h head NK V Kit ivi a Itftht.d candle or lamp tiPar a iiirtaiii The wind may Mow the diaperv attatnat the flame NK'I-:H npglp. t to attend promptly to au apparently trivial injury A tiny aratrh often he omes Infected, cans Ing blood poison NKVKH go down stairs backward Wan h vour sitp when working near a flight of stairs NKVKH take an unnet ess i y chance. Hememher the A B C. of Safety Klrsl Is aivvavs u- Careful INTEREST WAS TAKEN t)f interest and bene fit lo electrical ui. ri dt lutM. ele. I rieal incite. tor axuI .til in Ii Hi the flr.liital liniimr tn the SMIe H.o. lt. tjkctrif.ll ili-tltute iieiil .it iliiiniajttin. Aunnst h anil under the ilii'tMlou r the Si.ite In ui n I', ii.iitm. lit Koiiown-i! tin-. In stitnii- m j oiiiiur gutlieiir.f; of tin lie r. lloiu ul oer North ('dli.lli.u at a I- ii men s Institute Hepres.nta tlie tnuu pr;i. tl ally evei tii or town of lUiptirtatii e lu NortU i'jui liua weie nieseiit I tie ljur.it ish of (lie Instituted a.h lo iti. il-? tile ireeiit!on fnun the stuinli.ilnt of elet tiicians and liiemeu. I and KiiitirMU auujetia tor the Kuud ot the property owner-, and tltli'eiw or tile State At the opening se-sioll ol the elcitiliai iii-titute the principal was (lellvcied by II li, llo lelle of Hie Bureau of Standards who SKike on the National Safety Cody j Hi lioielle t-aid that thure were an j nverautf of 2 Mini deathi aunually from ! elettinal caiHes, that 7u to su pet t tent of theiy umid bt avoided if the proper pret uatioLt were takeu and1 (rwm to fiu per cent of the vlalm ! iwuld be reiUiitated If giwa the: right attention at once me tinfts and city ortuuls from Putnam ev.y cny nII(j !uw emer ' ' t itiit. di-iusslons on uble.t: ner tatniiifi to the proper methods ..f tif-ht i la and preventing fire. A M S. hoen . hlvr enalneer for the Southeastern I Cn.l'trwrlteiH Asum lation with head- i nunr'er In Atlanta was amoinz the i rlattoM who made addresses and en tered into the discussions at both the Institute lniiiiuN tif this nature will by conducted from time to time in the future under the direction of the State Insurance Departmen t. liming these institutes bold at Wil mlncton the Insurance Department's Kiie I'reventlou movie films "The I.e-son of the Flames" and "An I'll believer Convinced" wr exhibited free at a Una) theatre and were view ed by ilvine in attendance upon th" in-Hnite-i and a treat many Wllmlnf 'on people. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Yeart AIWM8 tM-'HIS I lie Signature o GIRLS! WHITEN YOUR SKIN j WITH LEMON JUICE Maka a beauty lotion for a few cantata I ramove tan, Trecklaa, aallownaaa. i inir (rns'.'r lias tlw l, ru,,m anil any drupj atore or tmlet eminti-r will supply you with three uun.-es of orchard white for a few cents. Niiuerae the jlli two fresh lemons Into a bottle, then pin In the orchard white and shake well Ihn makes a iusrt.-r pint of the y.-i , beat lemon skin wlntener and compl, ii i. beautifier known. Massaue this fra (rrant, creamy lotion daily into the face, neck, arms and hands and just are ho freckles, ten, aallowness, redness aad roughness disappear and how smooth, soft and clear the skin becomes. Yeal It rs barmleas, and the beautiful result trill surprise you. i j I 1 ;1: . . J -1 i', If ; a it? s I v hflluT vou want a portet hoitf, sirloin, club, lender loin, Hunk or round steak we tan meet our wants I And we know, Ion, Ihul our rmoiir s Oltiulnlf Olco, Hi Meadow (iold Itulti-r, Coiinlrv 1 ains n J Itmnii (lore Hi d," , tilled I'toinntlt muiY-fflooiiE quo. go., j THE VXIlUi FOOD STORK I I'llOM: 2 2 1 2 2 2 Weldon, North Carolina. mm SOLI) BY 'I'll. H I I DON, C' Get The Habit ySTBuy tor Cash. Save"g IjCTthe pennies by buy-" ing at W. T PARKER & CO., olesale Cash St WI LOON, N C. W h h 4. ft' n Fall and l SfSf m ft? ft I l I 1 1 1 i t ZtiWVlJ -ALSO Pines and Fall Clothing. LADIES Nl) SPORT i&JSv A- SmHBUCK, Ihe Itusy Store, VVLLDON, N C &' liiiiuU'ii(ili'iliiiiiiliiduiiii!r ('oiiiiiaiij MAM IA( II I; Kits OF Huikling Material for Modern Moines, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens' MUiK lOUKHni .t.Mi.r.i,tl.AUsruiK.-l.Ks. Oood Materials. High Urade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. SKA BOA Kb A IK LINK CO. THt PH0GRES8IVE RAILWAY OF THE SOUTH. Trains leave Weldon, Effective MAY 6, 1917. C. K. CARTpHH, Ticket Agent NO Id 5:5J A. M. :lTLJ"t'' NO 12 .US l. M . KAIIIlAltl) Mtll., i..outi,.No,ioik,couni.ct!,i1(w1tii st,.,,,,,ii;,'i:lul,:i'uv"" iiintoii. Haltiino V NO II 11:50 A. M. KAIIOAUIP MAIL lor Atlanta. ' " - NO IS fKAMOAItllKXI'ltKSM, 12 :06 P ville.ii.l p. " "V, ' i ',..er . ' ' P " r ''""noulli to ( liarlotte, Vestibule C o"' ,"T""f ' l " '. a 'utliwest. No O tor l(.l,., ftve. M. m Nu, ftom ,it,j(h rrtf Wnte to Hie uii.lersurued for rales aud time tables. C li. HYAN, JOHN T. WEST, ineral Passenger Agt., - Division Passenger Airt Norlolk,.Va. Choice Steaks Hrciik (hi- iiinimtonv of hoil- I tJ ;ind roust mcils with mi otcrtsioiuil slenk Noil will I i ml our Under und juk v ' sure lo mukf ;i hit wilh the pruts will plense you. and v.'a (II. mm pai h t ore & 4 n u -9$ Winter jgf f SUITS SI COATS . COAT ill'IWITl'llliPJ', fr Mnstiiii Steam l.iiundrv Shirts 10c WHS ""'""outu.No.fo,.. Vaatibul. Vestihnle r,,i,UH 1,.. 1. ...... . .. . toik, I'.ostouauil l'ronleuce. Italfiali f'liailulle AH 1, " ""s" 'ei.cni 10 iianilet and fur Kaleurll Atlanta kn,.i rtiam oiumriia. ayaonali. Jackson. Ualalgta, N.C. HkH;SSI(lNAI. CAHI.S. vvai.i i:h v. dami:l, Atlorney-at-Law, , K l.l ion. v r riut'tic,' in tlif cutittt, ul I iuh 1u x ami Villh!i:iil"li mi l ;n tl- 'l'tt-:r ami Ivilcial couitM. I oll'i-tiius ma.!1 in all jvt r Nuilli aioliua. I'laurli oilier ;r Mitlifai (p,ru cvt'ry .Mumiay (ii;o(ii: c. tiHiiliN, ATTOKM-Y-AT-LAW, I'llK't' in .'it-en Hiiil'iuiir W elclon. N. C. Wm. L. KNKiNT, '.itorney Biid Counsellor ul Law, 1,1.1'iiN, N. r. lillii',' in Oi,- I Mi: i. J I;,, li,! Hi !',iiMn"." itnn,lly ;tii, tiiitlilully at II. It II lvkl.LI., Jr. AtHrnry-ot-l nw, tt 1 1 iiiin. N. C. ,,f llulilat ami ,in, alhiilion 'I H ' III liY II i'.l'AlNUACk, .ii-i.i i . i.-.wr, Allnrn.-v.nl. I tt i i. iitiN, - ii'lH'.-i- ill 11,,' r,,u i.UIIIL' t'filllllll -ll 1 111111 MlllUS A I. t 14 I II I .Ul' k I N. L i- , I llnlilut ami !,,ll,l Ulllt lltl, II ,1 lu li,,'. I Mtll'l' aloie. I I Iv T. GLAli'K ATTORNEY AT LAW, iVKLImiN, N. ii f'tactii't in the (-unit ot Halifax and Ijoifin.i' ciMintiet am) il the tipictoe Court "I Hie Mate. pcciiil attention lfM . lt to riiMec 'otm atol prompt return ' WARD ii;.tisi, OH K K IN liAMhl. Ill ll.lilNn WKI.IMIN, N.l ft"!'- Iv S.!H.W. HARRISON'S i.u.ww.j (ii) to HARRISON'S i i' 11 II o i IJ V For Aiitotiiolnle Heparin ui. l mipj.Iich. All k nj.lt ul Mucliine uk lme ,-ta-tioii:uy, l litiplnn-. Mamie it lei steam l.in.'iiits. i.iin- aihl 1'i-toU Suti-t'aeiiun t'liamiiii nl. AUTOMOBILES Tires und Supplies on hand lor sale II. W. Il.tLlil.-ON. . I.k.ii, N. C. hT&,4 (CVHAt.K. !( O H GREAT BARGAINS IN TVPIiWITIikWS. Wi'i'uma Imiif kIiii'I. ul Mai,.lai,l 'l ypt-iiiiti i ( an Imnisl, al , in'.- M,,n-au-li. I o. tlhu'i. KciiniL'lun. Ki.yal, Mllilll I'U'lu u l . I.. ( Mi,,l, ,v It,., b an, I I x,l, i,, w,i n , ,,,.,t,.,um ,.to l'.,luvV n, ,1,,',' Ur ,au. ,, . UMlilt' mi I ilu- iimit, I,. w,. Lunula a laipri- t,,i'k ui i.,,. , ,,!,., I,,,,,, oiH' lttiiilli loo I, all H i, ti,iul ndul,.. uU- pinv. an, I on ,al,M, al inn- u.nilli tu inn-dall lln-nafiilat it luil .noes. A K'io,l rviciinlii hoin t: ., to M , A lii'tlrl on,' i; ,o lo J'.'s ,"rtl tit' lt Ir, ,ni On 1 1 1 lo any ilnv t ill In-na,l toaiiMM-t iiny iinjiury u, roiujL'cli.ii, Willi tin ,,' inm-lnn, s, an, I (.,!,, ttni,, ol tin' noil, .Inn,, ,v any ol ll, I , .. H lllciw i- lime. Ku-l y n an.l 'lll slionltl Imii' uu,, ul ,nii oln aji 1 ,ihii. ll l to Iruili , t st. A,n ,, lio fan mil, u, II uu a ll nti-i ('Un ili'inati.l ii hui'i -alai v Aiimn,. ,0 InivK a i l u, 1. 1 , iMil,., ft,,,,, B, lain- a I . u, , ,. lal. r. h , iHkP liai k II,,-I,t, au, t. ,,, ).al loi ii in ,"i,.,ui.,. , , .tiet ,. II r,'t,iin,',l m t, i',,uiliti,,n an.l itlnn an tti until-" Ii not in koo.I oomlitiun B1, allo.v . ia,k,i lal,,i'. ,.f,ii, M.. viuln ul l,oii an.l utl.,-rii,,li,. SPIERS BROS w U .ii n r CUf FLOWERS row 4LL occi$iois lliisi's, t ainal , Vallii', nili'ts anil "itIihU tin' Irak is. ,,ii ,. arranpri'il in lati'Kt ait. I l,,ial ln-nigna a.lisiii'allv anainri',1. I:all and W inter Hulbs Are Now Keady, Plant liarly lor Hest Results. IIom-I.iiIii', Kverirm-iiH. Slirulilirrira, Slia.li- I r.-,- an.l ll,-,lge 'aul ,u ,,. ouh yanous at J. L O'QUINN J COMPANY, I'lioiif Mtl KAI.HI'.IH North Carolina. An Appetizing Meal liverybody wants It. Kverybody likes It. Everybody'! looking lor It. BUT Vou ran t get it unless you have the right kind ol groceries Oet 'em HI-HE I Phone 280. K. M. PURNELL, Weldon, N, C. ill' T vim iUail.ll 0 Wood'i Seedi Rosen Rye . 'h most vigorous grow. .' productive oISk J i- ye.-.. Stools out better su I L-rior quality of grain, and (U-stinoil, in our opinion, to t ike the place of all other Rye. Wood's Fall Catalog (Jives full description and Informa tion, and also tells about the best SEED WHEAT. OATS, RYE, and Other Seedi for Fall Sowing Write for Catalog and price, ol any Seeds required. T. W. WOOD 6 SONS. SEEDSMEN, Richmond, Vt. No. 666 Thia It a Breacriptloa areBared a.i.ii. for MALARIA or CHILLS & FEVCR t ive or ail doaet will break any caie ami i '''" 'V" lo,ie '? F"' 'i'i not ,, It icu on tht lier bett ts.n i -"fifwaiW, Or 400 TYPEWRITERS All k i in! v arul ail hriadcH.KKMINij'iovs tl'J up, lii-tniction book nith fWh IHUt'lllllC 1 ype ami repair pint fnr g makes of '1'vi'evttiletn I'.MIIHK ivn CoiMiii, liiillalo, N Y. Hi in iv New Quarters JunI moved into our handsome new brick building with a full supply of everything in Hardware for the farmer, the mechanic and the house builder. HI S I'l.ULS!! Now i for Itnei the lime lo place youi I want em. W v make mien Halifax fftfowiriE Co., Halifax, N. C. 0 S is Sin :. LI:WIS. MonaRer (mile tii'ti Ui ii llila uMalni"! H M" f. Si.l tin ilrl, -Itrti hp ur )lnrtH an d nHi.1.1 l,r pREI BEARCH rvi-it nil li-.Ui.ii.t)P ilaaiilt riiliiftut. PATf NT UUILO rOKTUNIS fur t i'i i mr fitn hwuklvt' trll ligw, wbat Ut Uiiil ftiul an i' )ou niotvy Wrll ludaf . D. SWIFT & CO. patint Lawviaa, 103 Srvenlh 81 , Wuhingtnn. D. C I I' TO 'I IIKMIM TK MILLINERY. KANCY (HKUiPinil NOVELTlh'H, Huttencl'n r'atteiua K & G. Corsets, Mines at 1. Ladies 75c. to $1 ajav Prices will be oiade to suit the tunes. Hats aud HoDlieta made aud ttiiiinied tu older. ALL -MAIL tillliKRs I'KOMI'TLV Hl.LLH. MRS. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. e SEND YOI H ORDIiRS I OR AI L KINDS til- l'KINTlN(i:iO L. I., IIAYUAKD, Mi elilmi. N. C hrnl M in I b e Ml Wheu id Noifulk eall on ua You will lind what you waut and net it quickly. iiaviug uo canvassers, do agent's commissions are ad ded to our prices. Tbis ena aliles us lo use lirstciaas uia tenal and tinish it property!. We Pay Freight and ' Sale Arrival Guarantee THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. (63 years in business.) iSMWBaaktlt HtMllK.VA jiwaiafel D as

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