E2S LirJanne Guarantee : to .yoa art not t(ified try reufitct, your gro II refund your mony. giaiWmcoffee The Reily- Taylor Company, New Orleans ftg i The Jewelry Mecca of the South Wants to Send A Catalog. A Post Crd Brings One. Vt- are on tlirpHhold ofanother (i.at (iil't (imnu sM,n aud IIiih year an iwvcr Iwfore you'll Unci thin old storf prcpum! to Hervcyou l.y mail to yuur entire satisfaction. AhoutNoreinber l.'itb our catalog will ho n-ady, 'and every (iift Buyer nhould havp one in their home. It contains I II pages it lifuulifully illustrated aud is tilled nith choicest things the markets ,.l :1a world alloid. With it you will have this old store right und whatever you huy from us is fully guaranteed, UL -Q4LE-QffEEflWOOD Co., (INCOUI'nliATKIi) "Largest Jewelers South." (jranby Street at City Hall Ave., NORFOLK, VA. BORN 1847. We sell Vietrolas and Edison Diamond Disc Phonographs, TIRED, NERVOUS TOOK VINOS. Now She U Strong and Well Berkeley, Cat. "I was nervous, irritable, no appetite, could not lice?, and wai alwayi tired, to my house work wn a great effort. After many other medictnei had failed Vinol uujit me up and made me itrong. 1 have a good appetite and tleep well. Every nervoui, weak, ailing woman should try it." Mrs. N. Edmunds, 1107 Dwight Way, Berkeley, Cal We aik every nervoui, weak, run down, ailing woman in this town to try thii cod liver and iron tonic on our guarantee to return their money if it fail! to help them. W. M. Cohen Drug Co., Weldon. THE ROANOKE NEWS, Thursday, Nov. 1, 1917. NOTICE. There will be a regular convoca tion of Roanoke Chapter 81 R. A. M. in Masonic Hall, every first and third Wednesday evenings. A. B. Stainback, Sec'y. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. Mr. B. J. Hawks, of Durham, w.is in town Friday. A girl always preiends she does n.it want to be kissed. Two heads are better than a dozen in a love affair. Mrs. T. A. Jones spent a few d.iys at Bunn, last week. Holidays are more pleasant in contemplation than in fact. Mrs. N. C. Duncan is visiting '.ner mother at Chapel Hill. Mrs. Philip Moore spent several tfiys in Richmond last week. liss lone Milliard is visiting ti lends in Fredericksburg, Va. Mrs. W. S. O'B. Robinson MMiing relatives in Richmond. Mrs. V. K. Overman is visiting r.ijiives in Goldsboro this week. October gones out and lli numb of ih Thanksgiving comes in. Rev. N. C. Duncan is unending a Convocation at Oxford, this week. Postmaster D. T. Clark spent several days in Richmond this week. Sometimes t woman cries over her inability to find something to laugh at. 1 1 is hazardous to olay with the viper that has once attempted to sting you. We all hope that the girl on the migazine cover does not feel as she looks. Mr. and Mrs. Howard V, Bounds have returneu from their wedding sToast GoBetter Crisp, crunchy toast done to a golden brown, spread with rich, creamy butter that and a cup of good, old Luzianne. There's a breakfast in itself that's hard to beat mighty hard. You buy a can of Luzianne today. If it doesn't go better and farther than any other coffee at the price, your grocer will refund your money, without question or quibble. Ask for profit-sharing catalog. Everyone Ready to Mail Nov. your old home, Mr. C. O. Seifert spent Sunday in Raleigh. Mr. V. C. Boyle, of (iuinberry, was in town Monday. Miss Susie Zollicofter is unend ing i lie Tarboro fair. Mr. A. F. Stainback, who travels for (iarreil & Co., is visiting rela tives here. Mrs. L. Scon and Mrs. S. P. Johnston moiored to Warrenion, Va , last week. There will be amusements for everybody at ihe great fair ai Tar- born next week. l-.very woman imagines that she was creaieJ for trie purpose of bossing some man. ll lakes a homely girl fully ten seconds io forgive a young man for having stolen a kiss. Mrs. C. P. Rodwell and Miss Orie Shoulars spent several days in Richmond, this week. Mrs, K. L. Williams and little daughter, Miss Piercy, are taking in the Tarboro fair this week. Miss Lizzie Hale, of Halfa.x, spent the week end in lown, the guest of Miss Maud Vaughan. "Red Cross," owned by Mr. J. T. Pope, came out third in the races at Emporia last Thursday. Messrs. Craig Cornwall, J. A. Dickens and C. W. Gregory went over to the bmporia Fair last week. Miss Katherine Stringer, of Portsmouth, Va., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Z Stringer. If a girl wants to be kissed a young man doesn't have to waste much time looking for an oppor tunity. Miss Mary Bryan, of Newbern, and Mrs. J. C. Rhem, of Tillery, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Turner. Mr. P. N. Stainback left Mon day for Portsmouth, Va., where he goes to accept a position at the Navy Yard. Rev. F. M. Shaniburger left Monday for Warrenion where he is assisting Rev. R. H. Broom in a revival meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Joyner, of (Jarvsbure, passed through town Thursday, returnine home from their wedding trip. rr n fi. Zollicort'er spent last Sunday at Hobgood, where he it tivered an address to a large con gregaiion at the M. F. church. Mr. W. W. Williams, of Ports- mnuih snent Sunday here with his dauehier. Mrs. Allan Ander ton. Mr. Williams formerly iiveu here and his many friends were glad to see him. Thanksgiving is generally the time cold weather comes, but this year it struck in October, took the wrinkles out of Indian Summer, and if the goose bone is yet i good prophet the winter will be a long J I -I . Miss Mary Shipp, of Tarboro, was in lown Monday. Mr. James A. Pierce has accep ted a position in Norfolk. Mi W. E. Perkins, of Rocky Mount, spent Sunday here. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Taylor, of Thelma, were in town Monday. Mrs. J. M. Sliger, of Philadel phia, is visiting relatives in town. Mr. G. E. Smith weni to Rich mond last week to see "Robinson Cruso, Jr." Mrs. M. L. Cornwall has re turned from a visit to relatives in Chester, Va. When in need of Fire, Life, Health, or accident Insurance, call on Ashley B. Stainback. A Call to Colors Messrs. Fenner Smith, John L. Anderson, of Roanoke Rapids, and John Napoleon Josey, of Scotland Neck, left last week for Camp Jackson. Save Superannuated Oys ters, Polluted oysters may be purified, it is claimed, by keeping a short time in water containing a little calcium hypochlorite. The oysters are not only made perfect ly safe and suitable food, but the flavor is not affected. My Flag. The following is re peated daily by all the school chil dren in town : 1 pledge allegiance to MY FLAG and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation in divisible with Liberty and Justice for all. A Small Fire. On Monday morning about 2 o'clock, fire broke out in a small frame building at the Weldon Cotton Mills. The build ing burned to the ground in a very short time. No one knew the cause of the fire. The loss was very small. Look Over Your Live Stock Carefully. Don't fail to look over your live stock carefully. Se lect those animals which are pro ductive and which ought to be kept, and sell those which are un productive. Prepare the cull ani mals for early market, and save the room and feed for good stock. Troubles That Never Come. When Old Man Robinson Cruso first landed on this island he sat up in a tree all night to keep away from the wild beasts. He spent a miserable nighl and found the next day that there were no wild beasts on the island. And a great many people climb trees to escape things that do not exist. U. D. C The Junius Daniel Chapter U. D. C. will meet on Thursday, Nov. 8th instead of Wednesday, Nov. 7th, with Mrs. R. S. Travis as hostess. Let all the Daughters be present and hear the report of delegates to annual meeting. Mrs. Ida Wilkins, Pres. Mrs. W. C. Allen, Sec. Sake in the Boat. Those housewives who put in much lime during the past summer laying up provisions for the winter have no reason to Feel worried. Whatever comes, they will have what they have preserved, and if need be will be able to sell some. It was thrift and patriotism to can everything worth while. The Golden Rule. What is known as the golden rule in mor als, is the rule laid down by Jesus in the sermon on the mount, and stated by him to be the law and the prophets. "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them; for this is the law and the prophets. Matt. 1:U. The Waysof a Mule. A per son who harnessed and unharness ed a mule for months may forget himself and stoop for something at the animal's heels. Then the mule, docile for so many days, be gins to kick. When the luckless driver regains his senses he imag ines the mule had been waiting craftily all those weeks just to get a good opportunity to kick him. Week of Prayer. The ladies of the M. E. Church will hold their annual Week of Prayer services in the Baraca room of the church on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next. Let every woman of the church try to attend these meeting'. The times demand that we make sacrifices and let us examine our selves and see if we are doing our part. Mrs. H. C. Spiers, Pres. W. M. S. Apples Valuable as Food Apples should be used in our diei as ofien as possible They are easily obtained, reasonable in price, lend variety to the menu and are of value as a Food and as a preven tive of disease. Nothing in all our varied and fascinating ranee of fruits holds quite the same quality and qualifications as ihe apple. The more apples we add to our dietary the clearer brain and clearer skin we are likely to have. A new, ripe apple at its best is digested in 85 minutes. IN THE CHURCHES, Special Prayer Were Offered for , a Speedy Successful Peace. The services at the different churches on Sunday last all par look of the spirit of the day as re quested by President Wilson, Spec ial prayers were offered for a speedy successful peace, and atten tion called 10 ihe Food Conserva tion program. Mr, Shaniburger preached on ihe duty of Christians in witnessing for Christ to a large and attentive congregation. The music was good and at the close, "My Country 'Tis of Thee" was sung with much spitit. At night the service was specially interest ing, the subject beiiiR, "The Readiness of a l-'aiher to Re ceive a Prodigal Child," the third in ihe series of sermons Mr. Sham burger is preaching on ihe parable of the prodigal son. His preach ing is always attractive and con vincing but this sermon was de cidedly the best of the series. At ihe close, requests of prayer were given by two persons. Miss Kate Tilghman sung as a solo, "Abide With Me" as an oll'enory. At the Episcopal church in the morning Rev. N. C. Duncan used the subject of the day for a theme and spoke on the parable of the loaves and fishes, showing Jesus as the greatest conserver of food in history, dwelling especially on the fact that one great reason for the world-wide war is that the na tions of the earth, especially Ger many, had turned away from the true God and must be brought back to a realization of their lost condition when such is the case. At the Baptist church Rev. J.G. Blalock held his usual services. His sermon at night was from the text "an honest man the noblest work of God." This congregation is now install ing a handsome organ which will add greatly to the beauty of the new church. Idleness. "Idleness is the badge of gentry and the bane of body and mind, the nurse of naugh tiness, the stepmother of disci pline; the chief author of all mis chief, one of the deadly sins, the cushion upon which the devil chiefly reposes." ShouldBe Stopped. Inexpe rienced boys and girls con tinue to drive automobiles in the face of the law which says ex pressly that they shall not, and ac cidents continue to happen. Few officers have the nerve to report a pretty little girl as she sits in a big car and threatens to run down some hapless pedestrian. Many policemen feel as if they were play ing with their jobs when they "pull" ihe very youthful son of a local celebrity as he speeds about town greatly to the danger of the citizens. But this practice of al lowing children to run automobiles should be stopped before some ter rible accident happens. To Make a Merry Christ mas. No $2 that you can spend in Christmas-present giving will go further than a subscription for The Youth's Companion. Look over your long list and see how few things on it are certain to be as eagerly treasured during every one of the fifty-two weeks of 1 9 1 8. Acquaintance with it soon ripens into lasting friendship, for it has that rare and priceless quality among periodicals character and the character of the Youth's Compan ion has made fast friends for it all round the world. The Companion alone is $2,but the publishers make an extraordi nary double offer The Youth's Companion and McCall's Mag azine together for $2.25. Our two-at-one price oner in cludes: 1. The Youth's Companion, 52 issues of 1918. 2. All the remaining issues of 1917. 3. The Companion Home Cal endar for 1918. 4. McCall's Magazine, 12 fash ion numbers of 1918. All for on ly $2.25. The Youth's Companion, Commonwealth Ave. Boston, Mass. Certificate of Dissolution. To All to Whom Tliww I'resentw .Mtiy Come urt'eliun ; Wheiom, It ipern to my uitiifac lion, by duly authenticated reconi of th procit'Uiu for the voluntary dis solution thcrpot by the uuaoiaious con vent of al) llie stockholilers. depoailoil in mv office, thtt tho Halifax (honing (.'ompauy, ft corporation of tint state, wIiohc principal omoe m miuaieu in Hit Umu 01 ilalilax.Cuunty of Halifax, state of Noith Carolina, (F. H.tirecory beiiitf the atrent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom pruceiw may be served) has complied with the requirement! of Chapter 'it, Kevual of Wifi, entitled "Corpoialious," preliminary to the is suiiiK of this Certificate of Dissolution Now, Therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did on the 9th day ol July, 1H17. rile in my oltice a duly executed and attested consent in writing- to the dissolution of Haid corporation, execu ted bv all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceeding; aforesaid are now on tile 10 my saiu uun-c an jjio iobo ny taw. f u Testimony V hereof, f have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this th day of July, A. I). 1M17. J. BRYAN 0R1MES, Secretary of State. ELEGANT RECEPTION At the Home of Mrs. H B. Hur gerson, in Halifax, in Honor of Miss Nannie (iory. The ladies of the Halifax Chap ter U. D. C. gave quite an elegant reception at the home of Mrs. H. B. Furgerson, in Halifax, on Thursday, October 25, in honor of Miss Nannie Gary, who was elected recording sect etary for the N. C, Division U. I), C. at the annual convention recently held in Kinsion. Miss Gary already held the office of district secretary, and the Division made no mistake when lliey elected her to this important ollice. The Halifax ladies appre ciated the honor conterred on them in lliis selection and entertained all the Daughters of the couniy, who could be present. (Juite a number came up from Enlicld, some from Littleton and about iweniy trout Weldon went down to do honor to Miss Ciary and enjoy the hospitali ty of this historic old town. Mrs. F'urgerson's home was beautifully decorated with flags, ferns, and masses of while chry santhemums while the light of col ored candles gave a soft glow to the parlors and dining room where cake, cream, coffee and mints were served to a cordial and appreciative assembly. In the receiving line were Mrs. Gilliam and Mrs. Sterling M.Gary, step grandmother and mother of the honoree, Miss Gary, Mrs.Fur gerson, the hostess, the officers of the Halifax Chapter and Presi dents of visiting chapters. In anything of a hospitable or patriotic nature Halifax has always stood among the first, and this was no exception to the rule as it was enjoyed by all present. Her many friends were glad to meet among the guests Mrs. Richard Hale, of Texas, who as Miss Minnie Car raway, was so much beloved. At War Yourself I HELP NATURE TO DEFEAT THE DISEASE IN YOUR BODY. Keep up tho light; do not givo up. Nature is trying to servo you In conquer ing tho wrongs that may exist. Red blood, vim, courage, vitality, all seem lacking. No wonder you uro nerv ous und discouraged. Why not call to your aid a Btrong, dependable ally? Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery lias for nearly fifty years proven its merits as a most power ful tonic and blood builder to tho many thousand who h;ive been returned to good health by its use. Clear the coated tongue, get rid of unsightly skin trouble. Let this remark able remedy rid your body of the Im purities of tho blood, let it tone aud btrcngiheu you. It ofteu cures the linger ing chronic cough. Dr. Pierce's Gulden Medical Discovery Is absolutely herbal, freu from alcohol or dangerous habit -forming drugs, Ail druggists. Liquid or tablets. WouDFuhP.TENN. "This is to certify that 1 have used Doctor Pierce 'a Golden Medical Discovery fur luy I two little boys. - One had night sweats, poor appe tite, sallow com plexion, and had after giving him part of a bottle oi me i-MBcuverv ne commenced to gain and grow. He doesn't have the night sweats and looks much better. My other little boy had scrofula and this medicine cured him after the doctor's medicine had failed, ldo not hesitate to recommend the 'Discovery' at all times," Mas. Rosa Lkk Hoqan, Route 1. oo WORKMEN I whose daily bread depends . on good vision should take the best ot care ot tneir t ' eyes. That means tnat 4 ' they should have HAJ-iIj $ 1 examine their eyes and if , inecessary wear glasses. , made HALL'S WAY. Trustee's Sale ( nder the uoftei of sale eoulaiued iu a certain deed ol trust from Haul .VI alone and wife to lleo. C Oreen, Trustee, dated September 1st, litltl, and recorded in Book 'J7tt page u85 Register's Ollice for Halifax county, the undersigned trus tee will, on the 24th Day of November, 1917, at the PostoHice door in the town of Weldon. N. C, sell for cash to the high est bidder the following described tract of land situate in the town of Veldon, N. t.'., fullv described in deed from Jo seph Ward to William Malone dated pecember 12th, 1B4 and recorded in Book TUB page 135 Register'! ottice for Halifax county and deed from Sandy Speed and wife to William Malone re corded in Book lUt page ii!J4 Register's ottice for Halifax county relerence to both of said deeds being hereby made for a more perfect description of the property to be sold. GEO. C. GREEN, Trustee, ji NORFOLK-fllCHMOND-LYNCHBURS Buy Your Hudson Now At The Low Price "Prices Will Advance Soon You men who have held oft' buying HuJsous are going 10 be disappointed. You are going to wait until il is too hue to buy one al the present low price. We expect the announcement of a price in crease any day now, but before that lime conies even our supply may be exhausted. We have only WO Hudsons thai we can sell al Hie low price we ask loday. When these are gone, the next shipment from ihe factory will be m higher prices. Men familiar with the material market, who have watched practically every oilier make of car go up HUDSON TOUKINCJ $HM) l;. 0. I'.. I:ACT0IY. Barnes & Gregory Distributors lor Halifax. Northampton and Warren Counties. WELDON. North Carolina, Trench Suits And Overcoats There is an unusual demand for ticularly by the young man, we anticipated this desire and are showing a large and varied assortment in all the new fabrics and colors. Trench Suits and Overcoats $15.00 to $30.00 Plainer Styles for the more conservative dresser. Shoes for Men and Women In Black, Tan and Gray. Considering their quality, they are the lowest priced shoes made. Sweater?, Shirts, Underwear ritti. t no. ::. KXC'IAJNIYK AUENT The Mar mon Car $3100 The Haynes Car $1595 The Inter-State Car $955 AND The Smith Form A Truck $350 And a Ford or any other engine For Halifax, Northampton, Bertie and Hertford Counties S3-AT YOUR SERVICED F. S. FAISON, First Street, : : : : WELDON, N. C. O 1 10 11 Off KIND ESTABLISHED 1892. Capital and Surplus, S60r0QD. WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT, 4 PAID ON SAVINQS DEPARTMENT. W. F. DANIEL, PRimUIMV. O COD QAI C New Todd C rUn OALt If Interested, this popular style garment, par V 0 K W. R. SMITH. VlCB-PaKSIDBNT. O. DRAKE, CASH I SB. CHECK PROTECTOR call up this office. in price, wonder why Hudsons did not advance long ago. 1 ludsons would have, loo, but For (he Fact tli.il Hudson prepared for ihe present market by her purchases of materials last year, when ihe market was considerably lower. Now these are nearly ex hausted, and I ludsons built from now on will be of materials bought on a higher market. So I ludsons ill list cost mine Will you w.ni too long''' Will you be disappointed? Come in see us unlay, lor even tomorrow may be loo late in take advantage of this great saving. COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF LAND. !v virtue of a wsvai of the Superior Court niiitU' at August Term, 1!M7 in tin-aetiuii tlii'mn potnliii entitled lict), W, Sexton and others vis, (!, L. Knight ami Kom Knight, hitt wife, the unilcrHiirneil, the duly appointed Com miKsiouer, will on Monday, the 26th day of Novem" ber, IMI7 the name, heinn the tirnt day of the No vemher term of the Superior Court ol Halifax county, at -2 o'clock M., at the Court House door in Halifax town, N. (' , Hell at public auction to the highcut hulder for cash, that certain tract of land lying Hituate and tjeinf? in Hrink leyville township, Halifax county, N. C. and particularly described as follows; Beginninif at a stake in Uef" L. Knight line; thence with Kuitfht N. ll'i W. z'n) feet to the center of Hawtrea Creek, Hunter estate and Ueorge L. Knight corner; theuct. Hunter entalo line N, !t W. I'-'ti'i feet to a wtake Hunter istate line; thence S. m K. feet to a Ktake in a lield, VA. Wood, how Brown ing, and J2. T. Kllington corner; thence with Islington S. !2iij K. 8310 feet to a stake with leaning hickory pointer, Kl lington corner in ,1, (. Lee hue; thence with Lee S. 7 i"iOj feet to the begin ning, containing one hundred and uev. mity-tive acrea. 1'artiea desiring information concern ing this tract of laud can obtain the same by makingiuquiry of the under signed commissioner at Weldon, N. C. lieu. W. seetwii, Whilakera, N. L, and It. A. Ilaidv, LWx, S. C. A plot of ihe siune made by Charles K. foster, i ivil KiitiiiH'fi', can be ween in the office ,tf the uiiileiwgurd. This is an oppor tuuilv to purchase a valuable tract of laud.' Ihis the -lUli day of October, 1917. W. K. IUN1KL, Commissioner, GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Rsv. N. C. ht'NCAN, Rkctob Sunday Murmur Prayer and Heiaiou, 11 A. M Evcuing Prayer and Sermon, V H.M Kverybody cordially invited to attend these service. Refined Young Ladies as Telephone Operators, Between hi and U. yearn of age; 8tb grade education, salary paid nhile learn ing, rapid advancement: splendid sur roundings: sick henetitB; vacation with pay after tirst year. Apply to CHIEF OPERATOR Home Telephone & Telegraph Co CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES Moved from corner 7th and Elm Street! to Kairy Building on Washington Ave., Second Floor, Room le the right, SUNDAY, Oct. 28th, U A. M. Subject of Lesson Sermon: Probation After Death." Wednesday evening at 8:00 Testi mony meeting. The public cordially invited to att ud these services. trip north. iina com mi