1-SIAliLISHliI) IN I860. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Perms of SubscriDtion--$1.50 lJer Annum VOL. LU WEIJJON. X. C, TIIlfHSDAY, NOVKMIIKK 22, l!H7. NO. lis ChiSdren Cry for Fletcher's The Kind Yuu Have Always BouEht, and which has been iu um ui vv uvct mi years, naE nuns the signature of and has been made under his per- fe25js 6onal suPervit,im since its infancy. u ucvcivc yuu ju mis. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are but nxpenuieuis mai mue wun ana endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. c What is CASTORIA Castoria 1- u harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric Drops tiU SiUthing Syrups. It is pleasant. It coii'tains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aidj the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friead. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought K United States Goodrich Kelly Springfield j E have on sale in our salesroom now the; V largest stock of Automobile Tires ever shown " In Weldon. Three of the best makes on the j American market. Tires that will give you more j miles for your money than any other make. Our ! ti-es are guaranteed by the manufacturers on m leage basis of 3500 to 5000 miles. j B have in stock almost anv size or style Vy Plain Tread, USCO Tread,' Chain. Nobby and I " Silvertown Cord Tread. The market is un- ' -titled now, and Tires may advance at any time, j lu. now, save money, get the right tires at the right prices. Also carry in stock a full line of all utomobile supplies and accessories. Batchelor Bros, i hahners and Chev olet Automobiles Oldest Oarage In Weldon Republic Trucks Dress Up AND YOU'LL Cheer Up! The country is alright, and you are alright, it you will jusl dress up. He pmdtni sne er sslul man knows this 10 re uue. Try ii ai (I see how good you'll ltd. You'll ltd like j real somebody, and jusl like lacing llic n Id's opportunities to win. At VINSON'S, the De Luxe Clothier, you i!l find these cheerful, good-lookii.g cluihes, aod ai prices that are making Iriends fur ilicse ituod cloihes. COME AND SEE IS ALL I ASK You know that fortune favors a well-dressed man. Great preparation has been made for you. The prices now are a great deal '"werhhan they will be again for at least iwo years. C. S. Vinson, THE OUTFITTKK TO MANKIND WELDON, - NORTH CAROLINA. PRICE LIST BELL 2 IN 1 TYRES 600 W. Broad St.. KICHMONI), V A. Your Old Tyres Made Into One SIZE Wx:i :uix.1 :tntt .11(4 a.Hi4 B.HU .tui4 an.-. Ui:, lTSTOMtll H'HSIHHIM.I HDTIl t'ASl Sl.H (.'I un :i mt :i 9.-. 4 Iki 4 4 Hi) 5 ftnj ft 7ft A Nftl 6 ;. II Mil e 9 ft ii ao 7 fru 7 50 7 7ft 8 1X1 UVKNI"!! OM 'AHlllJ a .0 ; iii II !HI s !HI II d . Ill 411 111 till II lift 1(1 Wit II 70 11 HO 13 !l 12 ml 13 Nil 14 ll Ut II I'UK K ! pott rou.'l Ki'K 2 IN I I KK j fft "II ' !l .VI j ri to 12 ii i- wi 1.1 iw 14 Hil Ift tki lft H.I 15 H i lft (HI Ill 1H 7ll is k: is 2i 711 I I MX ! Ill ... :t 4 '.ii 4 I 4 HI 4 mi 4 "ift r mi ft in ft no ti no ii Hi II 411 II fti) 0 7ft HER AWAKENING By MARTHA MITCHELL. Afiii- n ilri.mi, irlp Ul n,,, wiili river, Itiih.ii SlIIKl.TH t.,.,1 II... ..-..I "f ninoe Into flu- liiu.li nnii IIMI .. nun iiuiIiIiik n I,,,,,,,. M. of lhl. Ozark oimnlry. After Bellini! ii pnti h t iiiiiiiniuin ii rn I vnlli-y Into huh m. hliini'o til a MiMiii', In. wiih Htrirki-n anil " fmi'liTH ns nn uiiiunrrli'il mini, ami ilio nnc wlmm lio nami'd an liHr to llic little npi.rk of a mountain linmo a Oran. Jlnton, then In 1i,t early 'teeim. It wiih with no little degree of "iirprlse that youiiif Miss Slllton re reived the imnouueemenl at her home In VlrKlnla that Hhe wus the heir to a ''ertnln traet of lund In the Ozark aimintiilri country. The montli.H atretehed Into years dur ing the time Hint the little place luul no tenant, and the spare (hat Itnlph Sanders had cleared there In the forest 'cranio a wild Jumhle of youiK Iilne, asiafras and bamhoo. And hefore the low house that he hud Imllt was completely hidden from the river. Meanwhile (iruce Milton was crow :ii! up In the society of her Hlirrounil ihks, forttetful of the little wilderness Hint was passing from her possession heciiuse of unpaid tuxes, Spring had come again and Virgil I errls, one of the boys who had romped over the place, now a stalwart man, liegan cicnrlng uway the young iH-owth, little thliiklin.' that this very net would restore In him the sweet heart with whom he hud quarreled. Admit this time Orace Mlltnn was seeking vainly for some refuge, some place where the memory of her hitler words would cease to hum like a hot Iron in her soul. For she too had quar reled witli the man whom she loved, and all heeausp he refused to have his wife Independent of him and Ills for tune, while she desired Independence for the sake of maintaining her so called "woman's rlghrs." She had sought forgetfulness In suf frage meetings, In society, lu charities, church work and travel, lint the pnlu al her heart grew and would not he eased. Then a solitary camping und tramping trip to her 0airk estate, which had long been a source of mer riment among her friends, suggested It self. After she alighted from the train In the village of Hunkle she learned, by dli4 of much iiuestlonlng of the sleepy agent, that the Sanders estate was "w here e see them young pine sup lln's, that's It. About a mile down th' river." Mifny paths crossed and reerossed among the slender tiers, but none of ihcm seemed to lead anywhere. She was about to despair of ever flmllng Hie leg cabin, of which she hud heard Utile and spoken much, when she heard a sigh almost h soli not fur away. Molding her breath and listening, fear ing she knew not what, she heard a man's voire, drrp mid rlrh und all un trained, singing nn old ballad. He was evidently using nn in, for now she heard the even blows on n log. A girl's form darted down one of the paths und. without thinking. (Irnce followed. She halted when she came In view of the young man swinging the ai, for the girl was naming toward him now, frankly crying. (Irace stepped bark among the trees, but still within ear shot. The man eiclulmed, "Oh, you I" Then no more was suld until the girl's voice broke out ; "Jack! Jack I I'm so sorry 1 ever said I wouldn't marry you und be a fanner's wife. I will, I will ; but why have you begun planting here? Don't ypn know how you always said It was a sort of fulry place and Its owner a fairy fur away, who didn't watt It dis turbed?" "Yes, 1 know," said the man, "but 1 Just decided that tiling up the old log house und seeding the cleared ground wouldn't be disturbing even a fairy's place: and anyway, I'm doing It for the fulry." "Who owns It now?" asked the girl. "1 do." ciiine the answer. "It was sold for tines tw ouths ugo and 1 bought It In for us." The girl laughed softly. "How did you know " "lib, 1 Just knew you couldn't help knowing how 1 wanted you, und Hail you would really rather live with ine on a farm Insteid of In one of those cheap, gumly cottage lu the Center. They lire not real, dear," he said, sott y. "Nobody wants a place that Isn't a home." Teurs stood In tlrace's eyes now. A hornet "Nobody wants a place that Isn't a home." The words pounded themselves Into her brain. This was a home for these two, and hers was far away. "iloodby. young lovers! Oood-by, Oiark estale, I'm going home." (Copyright, mil, hy th" MrVlure Newspa per Syndicate.) ValuibK War Dogs. The duties of dogs In war are va ried. Some are Irnlned for dispatch heailug; uth. rs show a greater apti tude for putrol duty, while others lio.i.c ricv!!. :;' :im''Mtnnee "f He sldrs these ih.ie are search dogs, waich dogs, post dogs, draft dogs, etc. The dispatch bearers keep two bud es of soldiers In touch with each oth er. Messages are pul In small pouches that nre secured carefully to a collar about the dog's neck. Very frequently these aiilinuls are compelled to make trips under heavy shell lire. They ut dogs of bravery ana) daring, and there Is more than one case on record when they ha6 managed to cover the dis tance necessi. . lu spite of freshly ac quired wounds. YOUK OLD TYKI'.S MAUC t i" Uon't throw .w.v .our old tires, seud them to us, e may be tlie.ii -i In 1 for you let us to the Judge, no deposit ii'r," 7 ; menu subject to your examination; if they are not worth making sell for you at the highest Kichmond prices (theuiguest .anywhere) ana iht amount to you. tYa pit charge on lucomuig. I,, mtke make all ship- we wo. return Certain Cure for Croup.. Mis. Itose MidJIeton, of ilreenville, III., lias had experience in the treat ment of this disease, sbesays: "When my children were small mv son had croup frequently Chanilieilain'sCough Remedy always broke up these attacks immediately, and 1 was neve, without it in tiie house. 1 have taken it myself for coughs and oolds with good results." Sing a song of LrJ.-iilness II tart so Iilit :m! fcay; Tlic kI;issis that I'm wi-arinff ( 'hanged the niuht into the day. ful f. yiiii know I'm crat iipIs can't i"iri-ss it nil. l i-r my lilY was made n han-v il uirarihg l;I.ism'v madi hy Hall. NORFOLK 144 Granby RICHMOND an E. Broad LYNCHBURG 813 Main THE OLD SONGS. SOME DAY Siime liny, when we ure olJ ;ind gray, Ami Live and youth seem fur away. We'll bike eiich uiher's ImtiJs and co Where cowslips und sweet daisies blow, We'll play llial we are young once more And pick die flowers, as we did of yore, And hind a garland for your hair, As we did when you were young and fair. We'll chase the butterflies and bees Nor mind the stiffness in our knees. We'll sing the songs we loved die besi, When lired we'll lay us down 10 rest Among the clover pure and sweet, Nor mind ihe measure wisdom meies, And waich the stars come, by and by, From beyond the clouds, just you and I. And, oh, we'll play in fairy land And you be the fairy wiih magic wand And I the prince who, from earthly shore, Was charmed thither and evermore Shall dwell among flowers in a land of gold, And tell you the old siory which is never old, And thus we'll wander, hand in hand, In the beautiful dream world of fairyland, Thus we will live in a dreamland far away And forgei, my dear, that your hair is gray, And your eyes that shone like stars above And clouded by years and their strife, and love, We'll forget lhal I, your errant knight, Has crippled and benl as the years look flight ; And we'll hail each pleasure, greal and small, As we linger and wail for our last, long call. WHEN THE CROPS ARE IN. There's a kind of happy feelin' creeps down in a feller when He's got his punkins gathered and the haymow's full agen; There's hope in all the breezes that come blowin' from the hill. And you gil 10 kind of ihinkin' God is up there somewhere still; What a puny sight the wheal is asils piled up in the bin ! Oh, it's good 10 be a farmer when the crops Are In. It's lively in the city and its very quiet here; There the hurry and the racket keeps a-goin' all the year; There most every day's exciiin' and (hey keep ii up ai night, livery way a person gazes ihere is some uncommon sight And I s'pose it's never lonesome livin' round he haunts of sin Bui ihe ciiy people never have their crops All In. There's many a day of loilin' and there's many an ache and pain, And there's lois and lols of fretlin' at ihe dryness or ihe rain, There's weeds and worm-, and insects thai the lartner has 10 fight. But the good Lord doesn't often fail to pull him thru all right. And the sweeiesi satisfaction that a mortal man can win Sort of hovers round ihe farmer when the crops Are In. SOUNDED FAMILIAR. Josh Yes, the old farmer was telling about the fight between his two game roosters. Bosh But why was old Ked Nose so inierested ? Josh Why, because the farmer said when ihe fight was over there was nothing left bul two cocktails. -Life. A CATTY RliMAKK. i 111 SUBSTITUTE FOR NASH GftLOMEL Starts your liver without uia'niny jou nitk and can not f'verv clnifeist in l.mn your J iigKql "'"I (t'ijuojj a illuggmL bus notice,! a uruat fulling olf iu tin) sule of (.iliiinei. They all give tlu) wthip reason. Dodaou's Liver Tone is taking its phiee. "Culomcl is dangerous and people know it, while Hudson's Liver Tone is K'i7eetly sufo aud gives better re sults," said a prominent loeal drug gist, liodsons Liver Tone is per sonally guurimtivd by every drug gist who sells it. A large bottle costn but a few cents, and if it fails to give easy relief in every case of liver Bliii'tfiahneHS and constipation, you have only to ask for your money back. Dodson's Liver Tone is n pleasant tasting, purely vegetable remedy, harmless to both children and adults. Take a spoonful ut night and wake up feeling fine; no biliousness, lick headache, acid s'otmnh or consti pated bowvlj. Ii .loos:, t ('ripe or .use .ill IU? next "Algernon musi be in love wiih "Whal gave you thai idea ?" "He clasps me so closely in ihe dance." 'Ii isn't thai," declared the oili er girl disagreeably. "It is just a case of being afraid he'll fall down unless he hangs on 10 his part ner." SO KIND OF HER. Phoebe Fred asked me your age last night, dear. Phyllis The idea! And did you tell him ? Phoebe Of course not. I merely said you didn't look ii TANQLBD "Brown is always gening things iwisled," "Well, I should say so; he told me the other day that whenever you see a white girl ynu are bound 10 see a red headed horse. The Old Soul-stirring Hymns Will Never We Done Away With. (.Hieer world and last running to all sui ts of snarling. Nol long ago and all folk admitted thai there were no songs like the old songs, and it was always with greal feel ing dial one would lake up his harp and warble ; 1 caliunt hiiik the ull untc I Hiinif lonir year airo, for heart ami voire wouhl fail me Atei hitter tears nouhl tluw. And even the vandals wo wroie parodies came in and said 1 eaniiot mnir the ohl song-, I am too full of tfroi,'; Hut 1 will sinir Sweet VioleU If you will liohl the ilojf. But now comes an Indiana par son, who, while attending the Uni ted Presbyterian Psalmody at Chicago the other day, lurned in a fire alarm on all the old snnl siirring hymns together wiih other favorites that nestled near a man's heart. "Lead, Kindly Light" (his Hoo sier declared was unfit to be sung as a song of praise and worship of God, declaring thai It might mean anything and was the same 10 Christian, atheist orBudhist. He also look a tumble wiih "Just as 1 Am" and "We'll Meet on That Beautiful Shore," and gave ihem down the country while the assem bled ones allowed him 10 talk with out interruption. We are not attempting lo sug gest w hat is "fitten" or "not fitiin," as they would say here in North Carolina, to be sung in a house of God, but we are going to suggest to lhal Indiana man who seems to be panting fof notoriety thai when he is dead and his name forgotten there will be weeping women and weeping men and weeping children who will find solace in the beauti ful hymn "We'll Meet on That Beautiful Shore." It is a song that has cheered and gladdened; that has made bright the pathway of the forlorn and forsaken; it has suggested hope to the weary laden and made God seem near. No in fidel, atheisi or agnostic ever tried to brush away a fonder hope ihan has this Hoosier from the land of snakes and woes. Such men, however, are the ones who discredit religion and who give 10 the worldly man suffi cient cause to keep without the narrow curve that leads 10 creed strewn pew. We would a dummed sight rather go before the judg ment bar of God, "Just As I Am" without a line or a letter 10 help the cause, than go there in ihe company of a Hoosier like W, A. Patterson, of Princeton, Indiana, who would wipe out the sacred hymns which are known ihrough out ihe world. We deliberately say thai il is our hope thai we will not meet this prejudiced parson on the beautiful shore, because ii would give us a lired feeling that even the glories and the grandeur of that heavenly land where old lilijah went would not remove. Everything. NO LACK OH RYE OPH.NRRS. "So you've cut out ihe drink since you married, eh, Newpop. Don't you miss your eye openers?" "Miss 'em? I get too many eye openers." "Who from?" "The baby at 2 a. in." SICK WOMAN HAD CRYING SPELLS Restored to Health by Lydia LPinkham't Vegetable Compound. Ducli r- y.-.'ys Nuxated Iron Will Imrease Strength of Delicate People 100( in Ten Days In many li-m.. ,i, . --,',.. m hkv mnt. iBlvtl llil. Ill n'. 11 t.,- yt..j,l'U rt.,ctt.rluif lur in-t u v. t. kl.-t:, lituiitru It. Uvttr oi' kidney ill, muho i com utfior ailimut wlwii Mull i.ul t; y.fjit. wiiu Jatk ut Iruu In tin.' if.i..u, H..w tn tfil. Nt w 1 1 i ii, n In I. i. , . i,t ,i.-,.itrB It s.i.i.-p ii M..M..I, i-uvM.-Mn h.. dim nfmll.il wM.H I... th In (Inn nninn-v hn'1 I" M l.llf l.l.'HII Il 1.1 lllHlltllllMllX. Mild ' It ..U W. I In 11, tU Hll It. I tut l.....il lnt -n hM ulii. nr.- Ill yi.u w-ul! rtui!y l. ICf.iilly it m r 1 1 1 1 l i ' 1 1 at tlie I'Xi-er.JIriKly In iti- miintitr who la-k Ir-'fl nd ul. i. h rt 11 f.r ik. t.thiT r.'iiHi.n than tin- In. k of In. ii Tht niumt'iil jr.'?. is sup. I'lled nil llt.-lr multitude wf Ihiik r. us mi. it, n, ma dlN.iHieiir U'lthi'tit Inm tin Hi, ml at tin..- ,,Hi-H fho puwt-r tii idiaiiK food into linn tlnfui Hint thpr-i-fure tiuthlng you tal dui'H yuu uny 8u&, ynu dun' I K'-t the MreiiKlli mil uf It. Vutir fuud im-i'dy P'imm-n ilti'.niKli yum- HVBtfm like o.irn thruiiKh a null with the r., 11-th iu wldw npurt thut thi mill rnn'l Krind Ah u result uf thlH ht1nui"tl Iduod mid Iivrve MiarMii luii, if.td" b"-inf K"n rull) Wtnk-Mnil, her..ui and all run d-.vn mid frtMjufiil 1 dfvi l'.n all aurt .if i-uiidlflntis (me ! too tlun; anotiiir I lurd-iiid with unln'Hlllo CM, mi ii it- arc nu woik th-y can hnrdiy walk: mute think tli y lia e d iM ul ii, kidney ..r liver Iruulili;; Hutu' r.'in't slfii At iilKlit, otlipr are Hltiy and llr.d nil dny; unin' fuswy Hiid irrlt'tlile; suiue nklnny and bluudlpsn, luit all lurk ilisli'al ii i wi' r und endur Mnci' Iii mi'-li in sen. it In wire than fuidlHtittesN to f'tke M I rn II la II Ii K tnedUdlit'S tr iiHiiiitic lir.fK". rtiil'li unly wtU tip yulir fai-'liiK wl.il purters f--r tht inn rntdit, ii my he at the fK pens'; yuiir . U ulifii Inuy o. Im-r i n Nu mutter wlmt uny on ) u. it .'U are nut innir mid wll '! H(..--' If tu inaku tha f.d- rtlliK lu.1 hi, IiiiW luliK "..u run wt,rli him lur yi-u mil walk without huunni. K lired N, t tnli.. two tU uniln tah t'i of . nliiinry niiMilei) Iron thrvn llmi' i iln) iifi. r mr.ilx f..r twu WHekn. Thn t y " 1 1 1' Hiri'ttKih im,. In nm ae fur yuur K h mil, h y. iii hnvH kh Inert have n iI 'i ii.h of uervi.iiH run down people In. u. i. ailliijt nil th 1 1 rt i double Anrl ' ti it i !, tfi- ;r t n-NKth und niltiranen k i rui ,,r ineir avniptuuia ((f . i ai,d., ther truutdes in fruiii o r. i, i , 'it r i . i 1 1. ui. n nnic Nimpiy riy Ink it.K In, n in the pi-., per furm. and tl.la, art. r H,v had In a.. me eaBt-a bn dortnr Ihk f'-r tiioiilhii wiih, mt ohtalnliiK ny !,"h.Mt Vou ran talk an yuu plean al", ut all the wuiidt ra wroutrht by rifw reineillm. but whin yqy mnu down t(T hard fuels then la nuthltin like Ruod old Iron tu inn e,,l,,r In your i-hfflkn and it I Hound, h. filthy flesh (in your bu licit, it la alsu a Ki'eul nerve and tnttinch stretiirlh. Mier ami I t ho heat blood lu1h.-r In th nrld The -only tmublo was that th old rerum of Im.rKunk' Iron lik tincture if in. n. Ir.'ii acetiite, etr, attcn ruined pe.,pl.-'s t.. th upet their utoinafhs and were nut ajtsiniilat. d arid ft,.- thm rcaaons they fren,,. m y did m.-re harm than (food It'll with the disrovery .,f the newer r.,inis ..f nrKHiile Irun all thla Imi b(.,.n .,er...n.e Nuxafed Ir..n, fur example in pleasant t,. lake, dues not Injuro the 1- el h and la altnotit Immediately ben (I. till NUTK Th ifiiiiufvturnri of NtuafM Iron htn in.li u i,b, .un, if it MtilLlMire lu IU irrtoy thai thw miili..rlT tlio anii'iti innnf that Uit-y will forfill J I .Hi lu uny t rn.MtKl.lri inttllutlon If Uiey cantiol tar tin' nun ut ttrumn muler iuy who tai Inm it n1 lii,'tn..o lliilr Mri'mDi 100 per ct, out in f. ir uwU' Uui i-ri'li1iHl Uir hat no aafli-ut niii.iii' (r-ul.l(i Alt" th mil Nrund four ajnay Iii h' iar In Khli'h NuiaiM Iron d tikH at ltt dr utii tur rtriiih Id un dayi Uui It U dU iei.ii Id tbli cliy by all guod dnigfWa WtMuD 1'lUlf C'O. B I 1 l F f E C tf 0 0 0 L J f ES VEftY SPECIAL 39c. I ULL POUND BOX tiuara.iteed Keular60c. Quality Chocolate Dipped Fruits and Nuts with French Cream The wonder package filled with a tempting variety of surprise centres. Fresh Fruits and crisp nuts in delicious French cream, en cased in rich chocolate. You cannot duplicate these fine chocolates anywhere at anything like this prke II you are not satisfied your money will be cheerfully refunded. No more to be had alter this lot Is sold M.C. PAIR'S Weldon, N. C. Sanitary Soda Fountain Toilet Articles & Medicines. liMUAIiliMCNT KINO. Victor Yes; I had a terrible but tle Willi Marion's heart before she finally accepted me. Harold You don't say! How is she now ? Viclcr Oh ! she is still in the rine. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Enhsut, P. "1 ws ill run down snj weak inwardly. 1 had female troubles i.ttrvuus !tinKS and my head both .Ted ma. 1 would oftn have crying shIIs and fssl as if I was nut safe. If I heart! anyone com ing 1 would run snd luck the door so they would not see me. I tried several doc tors and they did not help me so I said to mv mother i iruesa I will have U die as there is no help for ine." She got me one of your little books and my husband said 1 should try cne bottle. I stopped the doctor's medicine and took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It soon made a thanfe in me and now I am strong and do all my work."-Mra. Augustus IUuqhhan, Box 86, Enhaut, Pa. Why will women continue to suffer day in and day out and dra out a sickly, half-hearted existence, missing three fourths of the joy of living, when they can find health in Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg. table Compound t If you would like free confidential ad vice address Lydia 11. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Uses, TMli Dining Room should be a cheerful place, for when you eat your meals amid pleasant surroundings you do much to aid digestion. And good digestion means health. HAVE US FURNISH YOUR DINING ROOM The variety of designs in Tables, Chairs, Side boards, China Closets, Serving Tables and the like, i is ample to satisfy your desires, whatever they may be, in the matter of style, finish and price. Come in and talk it over with us. We are as .eager to GIVE satisfaction as you are to receive it. Weldon Furniture Company, Weldon, N. C. suiiixunaaxaBunHBxUDiiaiu INVlTATlOiN'.! You are invited to openan, account with the BMK OF EH FIELD, ENFIELD, fi. c. J 4 Per Cent, allowed In the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly. YOU can bank by mail RawxstMtfaraKiaMiia I r r

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