Il if; IB ,5 ft :l 3 u .vl' ft? 4 I 'if. ft 1 ft"' v J; ft JX . r i s; ilrc your Lungs Strong? Do colds go down to your throat? Are your bronchial tube easily affected? Above all, do colds settle on your chest? Then your lungs may not be as strong as you expected consumption often follows. Good Physicians Everywhere Prescribe OTTT'5 J Because its Pure Cod for strengthening delicate throats t Ft Ft soothes the tender linim- Start on Scott's t'r:::3sion todav It is Nature's building-food without t'l'.'js Thf iiin.i-t.-.l N.fni;iii!! r.u! 1' i OUT UHU Ai.U'!l..lU m t Il CHRISTMAS 1917. 'I T - i i' 1 1- .-' t' :i d i in y y ', i ' lui'i. U' M . r '. t ' 1 1 u i . I c M . r t' i i .ii J to( ln'isio ji v '- In c -' 1 1 1 1 iti ' n witii ji: present war Americi will fi the custmiMiy grcciing iliousands ot our homo h i e.irlv vc its n,i Jc fur ii piness and cheer. X c in '. that tlie 1 1 1 tie lads tor u In.' and for whom e jinnlcd il ate 8 OhriMHus, h.ilf tt.iking the i from ihcir Jrc.mis. would one d:iy he inarching over i ic licids of l-'r.incc facing the cruelties and horrors ot the most inhuman war t tic world has known. To many ol i.s ihei c have c mie niomcnis when it has almost seemed, us someone has said, that the Infinite Justice had been n o long neutral in this war. Hut such moments do not last. Faith horn ol the great Christ mas message, reasserts itstll and hiieis refuge in the confi dence that "justice and judgment are the hahiiaiuin uf His throne." With courage we must await those days that soon will come when we search the papers for the tidings we fear to see. To train our hearts to face the worst that is part of our great task. To hide our fears and send across to those who are "over there" only the word of cheer and hope, this too it is ours to do. "Watchman, what ot the night ? The watchman said; The morning cometh." IF IMf HQ ?A -?A ?A FAITH IN COD. The Chaplain, Kev. Henry N. ( .ouden, I) 1) , ottered ihe follow ing prayer before the House of Representatives, in Washington, one day st week : "Our Father in Heaven, incline our hearts to Thee, that amid the terrible ordeal through which we arc passing, ihe clash ol arms, die destruction of life and hinh, the untold misery which follow s m its wake, our laith may not be nnpaued n. r our confidence m ,hr .r rulmg uf Thy I'rovidence may in i he diminished It is written, "Fur my thought' are not our thougiu.s, neither aie your ways my wins, sanh the 1 1 id For as the licnehs arc Ingli r than the earth, so are my ways Ingticr tlun u.ui js and my thuughis than yuur thoughts. For as the uin cometh down, .md the sn.iw from heaven and reiurncih not hither, l-i,t r.-th ihe earth and ma keth it bring forth and bud, that it iiiav gue seed m ihes.iwer and bread to the cater, so shall my word gocth turth out of my mouth; it shall nut return to me .- 1, 1 it u :u Jvc! w hich 1 please, and it shall prosper in the thing uticicio I send it." Thus we are assured that Thy will is supreme, though men may de part from the paths of righteousness. In the dispensation of 1'hy Prov idence Thy purposes and plans shall noi l-c thwarted. Thus continue our faith and confidence in Thee. Ill I llC t-f-autll'S of till' lllU'M I !.'.! rt :t l.nui ;tct..-s Hi,- srJ W itt. a irlury iu Mia I'osuui lnuiin;iii, vmi Hij.l m,.: As tit- .bf'l to nmke tiii-n tiulv. I, a us ,lu- n, n,UR,. n,. n li.-,. While ' ud is iiiarctiin ,111. GIFTS. BY EVF.LYN KINii (ill.MOKH. It is Christmas Hve. The last bu of ribbon is ucd on the last gift and I am sitting by the slowly graying embers, waning lor ihe cluck to usher in the Holy Day. How still the huuse is' I am alone to keep the least. In France, somewhere, 1 have a son. It must be mess tune there, and the talk is loud and fast to drow n the silence. Or peril ips guns and screaming shells deaden memory. Or perhaps he cm ;i n even know that it is Christmas. A pine tree has always stood in that corner, radiant and shimmering. It was there last year when he came home from college to spend the hohdavs. I have put it there again, lis needles point upward and high on the topmost twig glistens a star. Myriads of stars are shining above me n the velvet night. I never before saw so many, or fel, them lean so close They seem to he waiting, listening. They must have shone so the night that Christ w as horn. The tire leaps up and I no longer see the stars. White tissue paper packages gleam against the green of the tree. They are my gifts, bound with bands of enmsom ribbon. They represent hours and days of toil and care and thought and love. They are embodied parts of myself, but my greatest gift is in France. 1 gave it to the world that democracy might live. It, too, represents hours and days and years of toil and care and thought and love. It, too. is wrapped in white and red and my flesh and blood the letter and the spirit of my being. It is for this that 1 have lived. It is my Supreme Cift. A taint vibration stirs the air, a trembling, voiceless thought "so loved the world only begotten Son peace on earth, good will to men." Snddenly, across the snow, the midnight chimes ring out, and the wailing stars glow soft with holy radiance. CATAkkH CAN NO T BE CLUED with local application, a tliev cannot rh thwi th" din-arc. CaUiil. is a local diHi'aRi', Kreaily lutlueuced hy constitutional cuuditiouR, and in order to cure it you muHt tako an internal remedy. Hall' L'aUiru Medicine i Ukeu mlemally and actMhru thebluot. on tne mucoun aurface of the ayitein Hall's Catarrh Medicine was prencnlied by one of the best physiciaa in thin conutry for years. It is composed ol oine ot the best tonics known, com bined with souieuf the best blood puh tiera. The perfect combination of the loKredieuts in Hall's Catarrh Medicine is what produces such wonderful re sults in catarrhal couditiona. F. J. CHENEY & CO;, Toledo, Ohi o 'testimonials sent free, Price 75 cents par boule. sold by all drugg-ista, Hall'c Family Fills for Constipation EHULSIOII Liver Oil is Famous ami wrnk lungs while its glycerin j - .J rIVviate the cough. or alcohol. r"il ti'.'t It. Srvtl'i Emuhitm It now irAQtxl 111 H'l..i..llW ' H I'M' llulll lUl.t.U0. Suit .S: Huwne. Hl.s.mtu-1.1 N J. 17-M v- v &t &t A '4$ V$ A! 1 i tic hiNli't ut ili f l.iil iiine- lien mi iiurv tnmii limkt'J S U Uli kN HI ,Hlllll'.ll!IMl IIHI U' IKIIl'IIIS UU'iiU'.'d 111 t'lls id it nunc iinpnsMhlf tn Merry" Out nl . C K'HM' die ll'll'lc MHK U ill isc' i 'in i-.un is il.n s .1 I nic h.ip :r ilic lined in thi'sc p isl c.irs vv c hi iihi the m!:,N jnd sk lies, i Nlciiihbclls ill e inght K-imc if.' 'A Ho can any decent country keep iis hands otf Turkey? A mnn.y!;ss an ;4 m nei;es. sarily poor He may have pork, sugar and coal. 1 HK Kaiser seems in a hurry to I get to a "place in the sun" before I we get there in big numbers. J Sp.natok Kino, of Utah, wants j immediate war on all the Tueionic allies. Good. King against Kaiser. J UNLESS the Allies have forgot ten the art of war, the Germans ; are digging their own graves in Italy. i Children Ory ! FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA l'f''iiit''JM ' tlrcc A Lesson In Christmas Spirit t ;is itif ilny tn'ft.n- Christimi1 lnt .vcitr. All ii i y shopplm: litnl hocii tlniu (nr sii I t'lniiL'lii ) utifii ! siitMi'tily ri' ilifinturrd Inuring iiij clilc-t sun, n linl uf Hylit yi'iirs, say, "t'li, I II n Siiiitii wll! hrtnj: nit- lianiitnil'-nit tins 4 'h rj t rims." sh a writer In tlit NVw Vui-k Kvi'iniiK Sun. of tvurse 1 nulil nit itlsri'Kiinl such a Mlsh, tnnl, nlthttiuh 11 n ruining, I SHU mi my Mtunii rint ami rtit.h.Ts iiml iiinliri'lla in liniul siartctl out for olio of our hirto il'i;iriinonl stnn' i ( ii nrnllfc' dt Him count it uhoiv thU j inirtlculur iirllrlo isliiyri 1 foiinil I'vory mio no tuiy I coiild tmt FT J i 1 . 1 ,1 -n. " 1 " Cdl it,- r i The Two Boyi Looked at Me. (ft attention for soiuc time, am) while waltliiti my turn 1 notlreil two sadly neglected looking little hoys of ubout six and eight years respectively stand Ins very close to the counter and look' in, oh. no InuKltiKly at these Kame liar inoutcoii!), wheu Huddeuly on of the youitK sales women turned sharply around and in a loud voice said, "Now. then. If you two hoys don't K't away from here nt oneo I'll rail the tloor walker niitl have you arrested." At the time this sudden attack was made upon these poor little waifs I was holding In my hands two of these same mu sical Instruments, trying to decide which of the two kinds 1 would take. The iurirer one of the hoys looked up at tue with a frlhtem-d look, us if to say, "Oh, e didn't mean to steal any thing." when 1 said, 'Hos, would you each like one of these hanuouleuns?" They tuld nothing, hut the look of sur pne (irriititud.-tin-) km w nothing of) when I put one In em h hoy's dirty lit tle hunds 1 shall not forget to my dying day, and before you could say "Jtu'k KoMnoii" they were out of the store and out id sight. 1 turned to the young uonirui, sujlng. "I will pay for them," when I noticed the t- itr In lo r eyes. When she dually found her voice she said, "oh, niudam. I am so sorry I spoke a 1 ditl." "Well, neer mind," I said; "ymi didn't understand. 1 am the motlo r of two hoys and know what a hoy craves." When she handed m tu ehatiL'e and package she said. "I shall never forget this day; it has timdit me u lesson." I.IKH Germany's private soldiers Austria-Hungary is forced into the fighting bv the knowledge that there are machine guns aimed at her from the rear li Germany undertakes to make a separate peace with all the tac tions in Kussia the scrap of paper output will he enormously in creased TWICE PROVEN, If you suffer backache, sleepless mghts. tired, dull days and dis tressing urinary disorders, don't eApctimeni. Head this twice-lold testimony. It's Weldon evidence doubly proven. George W. Tye, Cedar Street, Weldon, says: "My kidneys were not acting as they should and the kidney secretions were unnatural. I also had pains in the small ol my back and through my kidneys. Dunn's Kidney Pills relieved me of all aches and pains, regulated the action of my kidneys and did me good generally. " (Statement given December I 4, 1910.) A Lasting Ltfect. Over three years later, Mr Tye said; "The benefit Duan's Kidney Fills gave me has been lasting. 1 have had no occasion to use them for the past two years." Price bOc. at all dealers. FOSTF.R-MILBUHN CO., Pro prietors, Buffalo, N. Y. Pearson Kciiicdy Company, Burlington, N. C. Dear Sirs: My wife had been suffering with indigestion for three years and everything she ate hurt her. She was also afflicted with female trou ble. Since using Genuine Indian Blood Purifier she is now in the best of health and recommends it to all who have suffered as she has. Respectfully, John R. Stout, R. F. D. 9, Burlington, N.'C. SOB SALS BY M. C. PAIR, Weldoo, N. C. Roanoke Pharmacy, Roanoke Rapids. Macon Drug Co., Macon, N. C. Burwell Drug Co., Warren ton, JN. C. n in !7 CATERPILLARS CAUSE RASH 1 Several Cases of Blood Poisoning Re ported at Emergency Hospital of Salt Lake City. No lriis Itnui four rases of Mood pol soiilnjr aial liody rash rmiscd by a , viriilont variety of oaterpllliir hnvt j (lent reported lo tho emercent'y lion- 1 piial. snya ilie Salt Lake Trlluine. Mm. ' I lean It. I'liyues of H7ti South Veft , Temple Klreel, uppealetl to the rlty ! olli.'inls for mhice in rennl to a nch ' rtntt hint hrokeii out on her hahy'n . haek. Mrs. 1 n ytits 8ahl slie had fiumd tin onlinary looklnK yellow raterpiliitr In her hahy's eloihinjf and discovered the mh htler. Shp was udvUed to 1 mil In a physician Immediately. "t'liteipillnrs are the larvae of a j lepldi'pteroux iir-eet, not neeessnrlly n hlltt.Ttl, in the first stutri' of mela inorph.ts," HceurtlttiK to Wehfter. The ltirne of much Insects HJ the ceoin eir'd HH'ilt tir the hawk moth n -ii'o.ii h mid ii 1 not pol-oin'iis. 'I ' 1 litre.' ji'lln lill- d olios liilVe II pele ; k like lnTllS nit ! it linn resi'tnhleH a In I, . ti'oin the,, hull'- I. It ... Ullilovl ili'M-M' I ' iui. it i- 1 juli. .r,'i 'I,. i. 'nl f i l.eliea') v. . -. in title,, , ,-, ilui iv-eighi year- t V- m Temple, a No ., i n the fhi.:h .. Ii ... b. d. WHKn mi i i I s read l!'i-oli.;h , a lii-i bad . , i - i.h.l bar-;. He i ;l,e riiK'n-'oney In tie caterpillar wi !l line t" old. of S alt I.. hv a -p an lioiif i'i " lii v ei'..,. v broken n'li nl, W IIS ll' ill '''I pital, bri:,i;.:, him, THE LprECT Mrs. Joe Person's Reme dy The Best Blood Medicine. Ahoskie, N. C, May 14, 1917. Person Remedy Co., Charlotte, N. C. 1 feel it the duty I ow e to you to express to you my appreciation of the good your Remedy has done j foi Hi'.' mil my family. My child was j feat fully allltcied with what we! Co-.eluded was Ulood I'oiso'i, A: j a l.isi resort one of my ne'iiboi's suggested liiat we try Mrs Joi Person's Remedy. We sent to tin drug si, ite tor a bottle of il am! the effect was magical. One bottle of the Remedy and three uf the Wash cured the child, and I have no hesitancy in saying that we consider Mrs. Joe Person's Rem edy the best blood medicine on ihe m.iiKet. MlS. l.LOYD MlTCHliLI.. Notice of Dissolution. "t'c- t- lu'H'hv irivt-n that tin- .art i), is.,i(. nl' N s. Ilui ui's and ( ' W .l. ii' oi i .i..iii' I'umii.'s r ihe linn nam.' in i -I vie ut llai in s ,v l .n-ti.i y." el ili. u. N.I', lias tins .lax by mutual t'uiis.'i.l l..-,'ii .lissuK,.,!. S, . llaiuo hai :iic .iii.'!iasi"t tin- .'iitiit- husiui'ss ot tin' i:nuit'rsliii and will cuiitiiiue ihe )sult's ut tin' saint' stand, ruint-r ut First ami syi'amori' st.,'t, h N . r.ainrs lias alsuussutlH'.l tin' )i:Iviimii1 ..fall outstaii'lniL' l.illsaud oli iiL'ali.ins ..I tlir partni'isliip. All iti s.ius in li'1't.-.l to tt.i' paitncrsliip uilt uiuK. si itli nn'iit w ill, Mr. r.atni's. I lu tin' C;ii. .lav of Nov. tin;. i:liNKs A(,Ht:(. (IKY, N s, r,UNk, I'. V. IIKKIIIIUY. II :i 4t Shoes! - Shoes! The Latest English Patterns a style for every taste. Also a com plete line ol Children's Skuffers To be convinced call and inspect my Fall and Winter Stock. ELECTRIC SHOE-REPAIRING SHOP. All Shoes repaired promptly and at reasonable prices. WFLDON SHOE STORE, L. KITTMER, Prop. Opposite Hostoce.rh Vt KI.IKtN, N For Sale. I offer for sale my house and lot situated on the northwest of Washington Avenue and 4th Street. Apply in person or write E.L. WILLIAMS, Weldon, N. C. CALLEC HER FAMILY TO l!Eil Six Years A;r, Thinking She Might Die, Says Texas Udy, Bui Now She 1j a Well, Strong Woman and Praisei Cardui For Her Recovery. noynfl Cl'y, Tex. M re. Mary Klb D;n, of thlF place, says; "After the birth of my l!t'le girl... my wide com menced to hurt me. I bad to go bark to bed. Wo tMird the doctor. He treated nu'.-.but 1 not no better. I pot worse ami wone until Ihe mlrerv . us unheurnt'le. . .1 was In ted for t.reu months and Buffered vuch ru'nuy ! at 1 was Just drawn up In a kind , . I toid my huuband If he would get a c a hottlu of Cardui I Would In h . . . I commenced tnkltig it, however, that evening I called my family about tno... for I knew I could not la:;t many dayB unlose I had a change for Don P'" f l,iwi'Wi""''riiii'i liwii wwma twm i ww f MfMla'w-WiMUt iimsil fffl i iiimhwhw 1 1! FALL (or your business to grow tit-fore opening' an account here become a depositor today and raw with us. Winy of our small depositors of years hko are our large depositors today. SAFETY, COUiiTlSY AND HELPFULNESS to each depositor alike, is our motto jChristmas roceries j It Old Santa Himself delivered holiday groceries he could not bring a better quality nor carry a larger assortment of holiday goodies than we have in stock We have just received a fresh stock ot nuts, fruits and candies for the holidays. j WILLEY j THE PURE PMONK 2 Weldon, North Carolina. j a'iii'CHo-aaao'aMMa.aaaaa0)-aaa On and after January 1, 1918, I will occupy the store next to The Bank of Weldon, formerly occupied by C. S. Vinson. Full line of Shoes, Boys and Men's Clothing, Ladies Coat Suits And Cloaks, Dry Goods, School Books, and General Merchandise. I wish to thank my customers for their past patronage and will endeavor to please them in the same way at my new store. A. L. Stainback, "The Busy Store" Next to Bank of Weldon, WELDON, N. C. EDS1DE j the better. That was fix yenrt ' and 1 am still here and am a well, j stnitag woman, and I owe my life to Cardui. 1 had only taken half tho j botfl" when I began to feel better. The misery In my Me gut lci-s... I jcoiiilniad m,M on taking 1lm t'ardul until I 1 ".'! t.'tken three bmiles and I ' in. I 'irid any more for 1 w:in well i m: ,, mi' f. It better In my life. . . I , have n-ier had uny tumble from that an) i. Ill) ) Il.l' uffi r from hi'iul.irtie. back- iirti.'. i .iini In nub's, .ii- . ui-r illii'oni. fur'H. ink h in. .mil? or .in ou fwl wi .'di. ii.'rvuus and f in:. . I out ? If io, Khe CarJin, the woumii's tonic, a trial. J. 71 ait ID I T WORE QffO. CO FOOD &TORE - 2 1-2 2 2 K J l' li KIDS fi'i J The place to find that srood lookin( coat which ou have been wishiti"; for the whole season. If you will but come ami n tc the infinite care exer. cised in their coiistructii it. note their beautiful lines and fabrics, and then try on one or two, you ill agree they represent superior garment value, liijrht now is the time to see them. f nice line of Khaki Middy Suits just ths right thing for the school miss. Our seiyo middy suits are , 3vpvc me i.i beauty Colors, white land navy. Every h 1 wants a serge midry suit. M. FREID, ADIliS AND (.FN I W Ll l0, SUiTS Snappy New Models forthe Clever Dresser .... Quiet Styles for the More Con. servative. : : : : Casslmcres, Serges in nil the most popular Full Colors. These Suits are truly Marvels in Style and Value Vou fellows who nre beginning to feel a little sting these cool nights through that lust season's suit here s the best news of the itdnutc for you I '.mi iilin wont lo be ns w ell dri-sscd ns Hi.' "i'xt on.', i his i i v it a I ii n i . writ t.''l j,r,ssU nil Villi: COI1H' lo Us .'Hid pi k oui lliut itt-w I a1 1 Hii'l ' inter Suit Now here t Ise in tow n mil m u i.nj newer, classier styles or so miiiiy In choose from - now here such a wiricty ot materials and colors -mid now hi re ill vou find such low prices j FARBER & MFN'S AND HOYS' Ol'TI-TTTI-RS. ' WHI.DON. . c. IT What 8 Kew n I- By Special Arrangement with the Associated Music Publishers of New York, w e will feature by Daily P.ithephone Demonstration BROADWAY'S big Song Hits Come in and hear the "Latest" Direct from Melody kow. All Sheet Music 10c. Copy. w. li Grhen Srug Ccmpauy, Wold on, North Carolina i SOl.i: AGFNTS FUR j NYAl.'S RFMF.UIFS i 0 . o 4 at, PP-LvKJ Sera 5-lMt. Sure. S t .A' rj Save money by buying your JJJ fVuhristmas Presents here. JI Everything to delight the ll jjj heart of the child. Presents li for the Grown-Ups too, at the Ml lowest prices. Come to see us 1 LIBERT OS 5. 10 25c. Store H Weldon, North Carolina. ffa yj S ol'TI . C. R, JOSEPHSOIV I NliSNAl.t.Y'S AND ) NCKklS' CAMUFS. o , Mas rried At slliS r In liusic" ji i ;n w j if Lk

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