WILL YOU BE OME? oofthoughtlesspeopleneglectcoldseverywinter. A cough follows; they get rundown-then stubborn ,ickne seines, c,n ne p evented eas.er than it can be cured and it you will give your system the benefit of a few bottles of you will hnd your whole system strengthened. It will fortify vour un and throat and enrich your blood against rheumatism. It U powerful concentrated nourishment without alcohol or opiates. Don't neglect taking Scot i ', commenoa today. Tbf tmpoflxt Notmilin c,l llvrr oil alwnvi nl in ... a i, THE ROANOKI- N I- Vi' S Thuksday, Feb. 21, 1918. NOTICE There will be a regular convoca tion of Roanoke Chapier HI R. A. M. in Masonic Hall, every firsl and third Wednesday evenings. A. B. STAINBACK, Sec'y. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. Look to your back lots early this year. The robins are here, Gentle Annie. Let everybody pray for an early spring. Col. A. J. Burton, of Reidsville, is in town. It's a good reputation that can't acquire a spot. ... . . , . I ,s ..me : to ihtnk of getting that garuen ready. Plant and work well and every- thing will grow. The hunting season will be over the 1st of March. Mr. Clayton Bounds spent last Friday in Emporia. Miss Narcissa Daniel spent Sat urday in Richmond. Judicious silence is an eloquent indication of wisdom. . Mr. A. S. Allen went down w Fayetteville last week. ( Break your Cold or LaGrippe : with a few doses 666. Swai the first fly thai shows him self, Don't forget that. Hon. Vi'. E. Daniel speni a few days in Richmond lasi week. Good talkers are plentiful, but ! good listeners are hard to find. The man who works is a fool, from the loafer's point of view. Labor rids us of ihree great evils iiksomeness, vice and poverty. Happy day, 0 Happy day, when all the ice is washed away. Mr. Norment Smilh, of Camp Lee, spent the week-end in town. To remove paint from a wall back up against ii before it gels dry. Rev. J. A. Hornaday, of War rcnion, was in town last Thurs day. Mr. Charlie M. Harrison, of Camp Jackson, is home for a few days. Mrs. ney, S, atives. N.C. Hughes, Jr., of Gall C, is here on a visit io rel- Songs and piciures will be given in the opera house the first week in April. Tears are the diamond chips ol sorrow if you want the world i hear you. Happy is the wife who imagines that her husband is die best man on earth. R UB-MY-TISM Antiseptic, re lives Rheumatism, Sprains, Neu ralgia, etc. Ashley B. Stainback has been commissioned a Notary Public by the Governor. Mr. Frank P. Shields, of Scot land Neck, was a visitor in town one day last week. Mr. D. R. Anderson and daugh ter, Miss Mary, spent last Saiur urday in Richmond. Ashley B. Stainback, attorney, has moved his law office over Mr. Arthur Pair's store". Mr. Tom Long, of Uniomown, Ala., is hereon a visit io Mr. and Mrs. W. Mt'. Wiggins. Mr. Joe Bulls Dickens, of Cmny Jackson, Columbia, S. C, is here on a visit to relatives. Miss Fannie Maie Shearin, who has been visiiing relatives in Ports mouth, Va., has returned home. Let every dawn of morning be o you as the beginning of life, and every setting sun be to you as ii closes. Mrs. 0. T. Horton, of Raleigh,, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. W- Murphrey, returned home Friday. Get busy now and sharpen up thai old rusty hoe. Garden mak ing time will soon be here and every man who is worth a hill of , beans should raise one. eta j , v The farmers are going to have a hard lime getting help this year. So many have gone to war or mu nition plants. The Sunny South has returned and again takes us place on the m:,n V' , , "".. t... ug wiappeu in snow ami ice tor two months. Mr. Charlie Wood, of New York, who has been visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity, left for home Ipst Thursday. Dr. I). B. Zollicoffer has recent ly put in a new Front in his store on Washington Avenue and other wise improved the general appear ance of the store. Dr. John L, Moore, of Camp Jackson, was in town last Thurs day. His many friends in town were glad to shake him by the hand once more. Old fishermen say the rock fish ...:u - . i . i - w ru" eany inis year, owing to lhe severe wnter. yjJ1 and boats ready and be prepared to meei them in the big rock fight. The Thrift Stamp will pay you interest. Thai's better than pay ing taxes and gelling nothing. And, remember, Uncle Sam is going to have all ihe money he needs, one way or another. The Weldon Red Cross will give dinnpr and dinner PriHau a. M.- Boseman's new store, formerly occupied by Mr A L Slamback An appetizing menu will be served. They will appreciate the patronage of "" people- . Will Preach Sunday. Rev. Stanley White will fill his regular j appointment at the Presbyierian church here next Sunday, Feb. 24th, at 3 P. M. The public cor- dially invited io attend the service. a.4 Residence Sold. Dr. A. R. Zollicoffer has sold his handsome residence on Washington avenue to Mr. R. S. Travis, ihe price paid being $6,000. This is one of ihe handsomest and most desirable residences in Weldon. Eclipses kok 19 18. -There will be three eclipses, two of the sun and one of the moon. A total eclipse of the sun, June 8ih, par tially visible here. A partial eclipse of lhe moon, June 23-24, partly visibly here, the moon setting eclipsed. An annular eclipse of ihe sun, December 3rd, invisible here. Birthday Party. -Miss Eleanor Barr gave a birday party on Thurs day of last week lo quite a number of her little friends at the beautiful residence of her parents, Captain and Mrs. J. S. Barr, on Elm street, the occasion being her 7th birih day. It being a beautiful afternoon quite a number of outdoor games and plays were indulged in. Tne house was beautifully decorated and delicious refreshments were served. All present spent a most enjoyable afternoon. Mrs. Cole Hostess. A very interesting meeting of the Thurs day Afternoon Club was held with Mrs. F. A. Cole ai the home of Mrs. Rowe. A very enjoyable and interesting program on Camp Lee was carried out. The parlor in which the club met was deco rated in hearts. Delicious cream and cake in the shape of hearts were served. Dan Cupid, with his implements of war, rode in on the front of the cart, having coffee and marshmallows and little heart valentines were given as souve nirs. After refreshments were served ihe club adjourned. HeatlessMonday Suspended by Fuel Administrator.-Sus-pension of the heatless Monday program was announced last Wednesday by Fuel Administra:or Garfield with ihe reservation that it may be put back into force before ihe ten weeks period expires if a return of bad weather brings an other breakdown in railroad trans portation. At the same time Dr. Garfield gave State Fuel Administrators full authority to continue the closing order in territory under their juris, diciion if in their opinion circum stances demand it. Aside fri m New England, it was said, there was little probability that it would remain in force anywhere. The heatless Mondays were de creed by the Fuel Administration ! on January 17 and four have been observed in all States east of the i Mississippi except those south of , Virginia. 1 tie order was enforced in the South on three Mondays, Entertained Senior Class. Thursday, the 14th day of Febru ary, from four to six, the Senior r ' I . , . .. . . f . i. vu . . l n -. . - ia. - . - ui me weiuun nign acnooi was uelighitully entertained by VlNs liliabeth Clark. The guests were received by the hostess. A coniesi "Peg at My Heart" was entered into and enjoyed to the fullest. Miss Margaret Pierce, the successful contestant, was preseni ed a handsome box of candy. Ap propriate souvenirs of Valentine's Day were presented during the serving of a most delightful salad course. Mrs. Newton Shepherd, a member of the class, who had yielded to Cupid's darts, was among the guests. At six o'clock the class reluctantly left, voting Miss Clark a charming hostess. Dr. Landreth Lectures.--The lecture of Dr. Ira Landreth, of Nashville, Tenu., delivered at the Methodist Church on the evening of Feb. 1 5th, was fully enjoyed by an appreciate audience. We regret that so few people found ii conve nient to hear him. Sam W. Small was billed for the lecture, but was taken sick enroute and Dr. Lan dreth was called in to fill his en gagements, how well he substituted to the delight of the audience was in abundant evidence. Among many other things to the point he said he could promise with great assurance thai National Constiiu- lional Prohibition would be an ac complished fad by July 4th, 1 920. The Dr. is a platform orator of the first class, and we hope to be able to hear him again. HALIFAX The Elizabeth Mont fort Ashe Chapier of the D. A. R. met on Thursday afternoon at the pleasant home of Mrs. Annie Gowan. A good attendance re- sponuea.io me roil call, among whom was Mrs. R. S. Travis, of Weldon, a new member. Much business was transacted and much interest shown in the various appeals from the Slate and National organizations for aid in Red Cross and Navy League work and in the D. A. R. reconstruction worK in trance, a tavorabie re port was made on the preparation for the speedy removal of the Con stitution House to the new lot in the grove. The Chapier now numbers 44 members, with twelve new applications. A large engraving was exhibited, being a rare print representing "The Firsi Prayer in Congress." This is a gift from Mrs. A. R. Burnham, of Fairhope, Alabama, secured by Mrs. Mary H. Lee for preservation among the chapter archives. Mrs. Florence willcox read an interesting selection relating io George Washington, alter which the meeting resolved itself into t social group for enjoying the deli cate refreshments prepared by the hostess. She was assisted in serv ing by Miss Gay Bear and Mrs Swain Norman. Honor Roll por Month End ing February 8th. First Grade Margaret Johnston Sledge, Lti- cile Rodwell, Evelyn Anthony, Esther Mortimer, Leo Dixon, Ir ving Medlin, Harry Garner, C. C Randleman. Advanced First Grade Arthur Flouse, Ovid Pierce, Charles Chappell. Second Grade Herman Farber, Henry House, Elizabeth Allen, Virginia Turner, Janie Blalock, Florence Freid. Third Grade-Elizabeth Bound Selden Pierce, Waller Lee Scot., Arthur Stiinback, G. C. Sanders, Edwin Whitehead, David Jackson Ward. Fourth Grade-Elizabeth Green Grace Green, Hazel Grant, Rob en Jones, Bernice Dixon, Virginia Parker, Vivian Sanders, Callie Lee, William Pierce, Kennie Tay lor. Fifth Grade-Frances Scott.The rtsa Mnrks. Sixth Grade Ellice Bounds Rosa Crocker, Helen Rowell.Julia Turner, Virginia Owen, Walter Daniel, Isaac E. Green, Walter Sledge. Seventh Grade Louise Hay- ward, Louise Pierce, Grainge Pierce. High School Louise Farber, Virginia Harris, Narcissa Daniel, Margaret Pierce, Elizabeth Clark Mary Stringer. Number boys 22; girls 31 ; total 53. The person who raises his Own lender, young Spring onions, And artichokes; Strawberries, spuds, Pie-plant, oyster plant, Peas, snap-beans, cauliflower, And rosy tomatoes; Yea, roas'n'ears, cabbages (From which sour krout, the Finest fruit that grows): Beets, parsnips, yams Can snap his fingers at Famine and tell Doc. Garfield where he gets off. And in that gladsome season There won't be any blackberryless Or waiermelonless Or cantaloupeless Days. Maximum Prices for Cord WOOD. The Fuel Administrator has established ihe following max imum prices for cord wood that may be charged customers in Wel don ett vuve Thursday, February 1st, 1918 : Delivered price for 4 or 8 feet wood split per cord $5.50. Delivered, sawed and split into cord lots $7.50. Delivered, sawed and split into half cord lots, $4.00. Delivered, sawed and split into one-fourth cord lots $2.20. Delivered, sawed and split into one-fifth cord lots $1.75. Consumers who think thai they are charged more than the lawful price may require the seller io bed lhe wood into cord of 128 cubic feel as the unit of measurement, and if they are charged more than the lawful price, they may report ihe fact to the undersigned, ihe Local Fuel Administrator, giving name of seller, amount of wood sold and ihe price per cord, and prompt and vigorous action' will follow in every such instance so reported. This ihe 20th day of February, 918. W.E.Daniel, Local Fuel Administrator. A Word to the Wise Should be Sufficient. Read the follow ing and be governed accordingly : Mary had a cold one day, It started in her head; And everywhere that Mary went That cold was sure to spread. It weni with her to school one day, It seldom is the rule For happy children, bright and gay To fear a cold at school. ' 'So the teacher came up close, Took Mary on her knees; Right then and there she got her dose, And soon began lo sneeze. 'So hock and sneeze became ihe rule In that fair countryside, The doctor made his many tens, And new-born babies died. ' 'Never, never, blame lhe Lord: But learn this simple rule, To keep your "bad colds" io your self And cease to act the "fool.1 " Heads of Households. It is the mothers who are the heads of the households. The culinary de partmental your household is in your dominion. You decide all questions of diet. All the sanitary regulations of your house are un der your supervision. To regu late the food, and the apparel, and lhe habits and decide lhe ihousand questions of home life is a lax up on your brain and nerve and gen eral health absolutely appalling if there is no divine alleviation. It does not help you much to be told that Elizabeth Fry did wonder ful things mid the criminals of New gate. It does not help you much to be told that Florence Nightin gale was kind lo the wounded in Crimea. It would be better for us to tell vou that the divine friend of Mary and Martha is your friend and thai he sees all the annoyances and disappointments and abraisions and exasperations of an ordinary housekeeper from morn till nigh and from the hrst day ot the year to the last day of the year and your call He is ready with help and re-enforcement. vih'OL MAKES GOOD BLOOD Positive Convincing Proof Mny so-called remedies for anae mia are onlv ao in name. Their mak- era are afraid to prove their claims by telling what their medicines contain. The only way to be honest with the Deoole is to let them know what they are paying tor. Mere is tne vinoi formula. When the doctor knows what a medicine contains, it ceases to be a patent medicine. T Cod Llverand Bef Peptoaea, Iron and " Mancaneae Peptonata, IronandAm manlum Citrate, Lime and Soda Qlyccro phoepbatea, Caacarln. Any doctor will tell you that the In :dients of Vinol, as named above, ill enrich the blood and banish anie ns and create strength. When the lood is pure and rich and red, the '.iy ia strong and robust. Yon can Drove thia at our expense .cause your money will be returned Vinol does not improve your health. V. M. Cohen DruK Co., Weldon. NOTICE Under th power aud authority cud ferred on the undersigned trustee in i car tain deed of truat, executed on the tift day M',liily, IHI4, by Paul V ,Ui rell to aeeure the payment of four note of even date therewith, and default hav iuir been made in the payment ol' tin lame, and at the request of the hulder thereol' the uudentiirued trustee will, on the 20th Day o! March, 1918, at the front door of the i.aiitt of Littli ton. in Littleton. N. t, at 1 o'clock. 1' M,, Nell at public auction to thekiffhedt bidder, for ounh, the following described real estate: "That certain lot of land lying situ ate, and being iu the State of North Carolina, Halifax county, town of Lit tleton, on Furjrersoi street, adjoining the lands, of W. H. May and others, and beginning at W. H. May corner on Fur geraon street; thence 8. 7tij K. $2 feet to stake in W. H. May line, Kurgerson estate corner; thence with Furtrerson es tate 8. IH W. 1UA feet to a stone;theace N. 7:il W. along fence line feet to aorner post fence line on Furgeraon tit.: thence along Furrernon lit. N, IS E. feet to the beginning, containing about two-fifth's 0-5) of an acre. This tha 18th day of Feb. 1918. i. M. PJ.COT, Trust. Success of a New Remedy For Backache, Kidneys, Rheumatism Ckllkvikw. Tchn. " 1 wa suffering with inuBCulur rhtinitiatiatn u litu I came in ponriea aiouof Dr.Pierce'B Amine Tablets. I commenced on thfta at once and haven't felt but few symptoms of it since. Aimrio itt jutit fine for rheumatism, I am 00 glad I have relief, I have suffered eo much from and from neuralgia in my bead," Mkc. Lena Knight, Koute 1. Note: Folks in town ami adjoining counties are delighted with tlu reunite they have obtained by using AN-U-KIO, the newest discovery of Dr. Fierce, who head of the Invalids' Hotel and Marg ie u I Institute, in Buffalo, N. Y, Those ho stalled tho (lav with a backache. stiff IfgH, arms and muaclew, and an aching head (worn out before the dty Kiln because they were in ana out f bed halt a dozen times at night) are appreciating the perfect rent, comfort, and new strength they obtained frmu uoctor Tierce s Aimric luuiettt, uuuuiet strength. To prove that this is a cer tain uric ucid solvent and conquers headache, kidney and bladder diseases and rheumatism, if you've never used the Amine, send ten cents to Ir. Pierce for a largu trial package. This will prove to you that Auuric is many times more active than lithia in eliminating rm acid. If vou are a sufferer, go to our best dmggiBt and ask for a small tome ol Amine. Tlie poisons In your system can be thrown out liv bikini. Dr. .in . riinwi, cumi'unrii ui iT.u7-a11.11tj. ohs. root, of u no. Huirur-tioated. aud sold by uli druggists, NOTICE! Sale for Division of Val uable Real Estate. Uuder and by virtue of the power and uthority conferred by an order and judgment of the Superior Court ol Hali- lax county in a special proceeding en- : titled "Howard V. Koundti et ux ei aft to the Court Kx-Parte," the under-! signed Commissioner will, on Thursday, March Mth, 1918, at 12 o'clock M.. in front of the I'ost otlice in the town of Weldon, N. C, of fer lor sale at public auction to the high est bidders thereof, and upon the terms hereinafter named, three (3) lots or parcels of laud situate, lying and being near the town of Weldon, N. C, de scribed us follows: Kll ST LOT. That certain lot of laud with imtJiovemeuts thereon, beginning at a coiner on the west side of an ex tension of him street from town of Wel don, in the lino of the lot of Mrs. Mary K. Hounds, aud running thence along the line of Mrs. Mary K. Hounds in a westerly direction ;M. feet, more or less, to the right-of-way of tne A. (. L. Kail road Co. ; thence along the right-of-wav n a southerly direction i.S teet. more or less, to a corner on the right-of-way in the line ofC. 1'. Bounds; thence along the line of said C. V. Hounds in an east erly direction 315 feet, more or less, to another corner in the line of said Hounds on Klin street; thence along the west side of Kim street iu a northerly direc tion ITi-t feet, more or less, to the begin- j This iot is sold subject to au ease- meutiu a driveway lfixLW feet, begin ning at Kim street, in the adjoining lot of Mrs. Mary K. Hounds. There is lo- lated on tuts lot a valuable residence aud outbuildings, which makes it very de sirable property. SKU)NI LOT. That certain lot of land lying on the west side of said Kim street and beginning at a corner on said street in the line of J. W, Powell and ruunuikf thence alumf the line ol said "Powell in a westerly direction :i4f feet, more or lesn, to right-of-way of A. C. h. Ky. Co.; thence along the said right-of-way in a southerly direction "n feet, more or less, to an iron stake, corner "store lot;" theuce along- line of store lot iu au easterly direction ;f4.j teet, more oi less, to an iron stake in corner "store lot" on the west Hide of Kim street; thence along went side Kim street in a northerly direction fill feet, more or less to the first station. THlIil) LOT. That certain lotknown ; "Wvche-Hounds Store hot," beirin- ning at an iron stake on west side 101 in street, corner "second lot" above de scribed, and running thence along line "Second lot in a westerly direction Mi feet, more or less, to the right-of-way of A. U h. Kv, Co.; thence in a southerlv direction along said right-of-wav 4U feet. more or leas, to corner in line ot Dixon A Poole Maunfacturing t'o's lot; thence in a southeasterly direction aloug Ihx on & Poole Mfg. Co'b. lot :i4.r. feet, more or less, to a a stone, another corner of said Mfg. Co. a lot on the west side of Kim street; thence along the west side Klin street h feet, more or less, to the hegiuuiug. Ou this lut is located a two-story frame store building. Sales to be made subject to confirma tion of court. Terms of Sale. One third cash upon confirmation, balance equal installments one ami two years, deferred payments to be secured by Deeds ofTrusts on properties, and to bear iuterest at six per centum per annum from date of continuation. This the sth dav of Keb. litis. Wm. L. KNIQHT, Commissioner. Administrator's Sale The undersigned administrator ol 1). C. Hell, deceased, will on the 23rd Day of February, 1918, at 11 o'clock M., at HALIFAX, N. C, sell for cash the following personal prop erty, to-wit: '2 horses, 2 mules, 1 Binirle wagon, 1 double natron, All farming utensils aud implements, and also stock of (roods, wares and mer chandise. Satisfactory arranfreiricutcau he made for terms provided satisfactory security is given. J. O. AITI.KWHITIC, Admr II. (.'. Hell, deceased, OKO. C. liKtKiN, Attorney. NOTICR I ti'ler the power and ftiitliunly coii ferretl un the uuiHtmiffiiuil ttuNtvi1 iu i oertaiu tlectl of trust, eiecutfil uu lhe tmii day ul .luue liMti, hy It. W. lUwIs and L, (1. Moure aud Kthel Milli Moon, Iiih w ifi', tu 11. F. Hon uey. truHluo, to Bet1 uve the nuymenl of a certain note uf even uate therewith, and default naving neon made in tne payment ol ham note, aud at the request of the holder thereof, the undermined trustee will, on the "20th Day of March, 1918, at oue o'clock P. M. iu front of the haultinir house of the Kaulc uf Littleton. in Littleton, N. C., sell to the highest bidder, at public auction, for caith, the following described real estate, towit: "One lot iu the townuf Hollister. Hid ifax county, N. C, on iihb Avenue in Block A., lut No. 1, Iron tin if -j ieet on Uibhs Avenue, running back along Williams street 160 feet, (corner lot,) on which there is a new store and all fix tures contained theein. Said store house and fixtures now owned and occupied bv said Moore and Rawls." 1'hiB the 18th day of February, 1U18. Certificate of Dissolution. To All to Whom These Present May t'ome Ureetiug : Whereas, ft appears to my satisfac tion, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dis solution thereof by the unanimous con scut of all the stockholders, deposited ui my ollice, that the Weloun Pepsi t'ola ttottling Co,, a corporation of tins State, whose principal office is situated in the town of Weldon, County of Halifax .Mate uf North Carolina, H.A.flardisoo being the agent therein ami in charge thereof, upon whom process may neserveuj na complied with the renuin-meiiU of Chapter -,'1, licvisal of 1Hm.". entitled "Corporations." preliminary to the is suing of this Certificate of Dissolution; ' Now. Therefore. I. J. lirvan 11 rimes. Secretary of Mate of the State of North Carolina, uo nereny cermy mat tne hiu corporation did on the -!nd day ot Feb. ' l!h, Mr 10 my ollice. duly executed and attested cunsent in writing to the dissolution of saul corporation, execu- 1 ted by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent aud the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on lilt in my said ollice as provided by law. In Testimony W hereof, 1 have hereto set my hand and atlixed my ollicial seal at Kaii'igh, this 'Jud day of l eh, A. 1), PIK .1 iiltYAS (ililMKS, Secretary of Mate. '-' ' 1)1 NOTICB North ( urulnm. In the Kunerior Court iliilihix County .lanuarv Term, IUIK, KIKiAH K. ALSTON, ) vs. notice. TJSIIY ALSTON. ) The ilefrudant above-named will take notice that au action a above ha been commenced in the Superior Court of Halifax county, North Carolina, to ob tain an absolute divorce from the de fendant on the ground of adultery; the defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the next term of the Superior Court of Halifax county to be held on the second Monday after the lirst Monday in March, Win, at the court house in Habtax,.. c.auu . nat ...r nrilramito the complaint ofil,,c l"'1' the plaintiff, or the plaintill will app to the court for the relief demanded said complaint. This the ana nay oi January, nun. S. M. OAKY, 1 31 4t Clerk Superior Court. Weldon, N. 0. T HIS is the day of specialist, or the person who can do one thing better than auother lel T low The day ol the so-called "Jack ol All Trades and Master .1 None" has passed and the master ol one has taken his place. The Art ol Specialization probably applies more closely to the automobile industry than to any other. Every automobile is constructed mechanically dillerent. We are specialist on FOttD cars, havine studied this car and Its construction lor the past two years, and have confined ourselves almost exclusively to the repairing of them. We have studied and learned all of the "short cuts" so that absolutely no time is lost.a. every minute counts when a car Is In trouble. W. are prepared to give the quickest service. , Our stock of GENUINE FORD PARTS Is a complete one, and is kept In this condition at all times ' We do not handle IMITATION parts for Ford cars for obvious reasons. We respectfully request that you give us a chance to make good with you. Weldon Motor Company N. S. BARNES, Manager WELDON TO make room for Spring styles we have'decided to offer our entire stock of Winter goods for Men. Women and Children at Greatly Reduced Price j Shoes that represents the best for WllAtOCwtnter wear. Good fresh stock V-7I.I V VJ f rom $3i ular priced $4.50 to $7. UNDERWFAR I'HONK NO. IT Choice Hams.... T HERE Is nothing mort ap- v I pcuzing man 01 uur J choice ham. We have them Itmoked or boiled, as you pre yler, and. fried or baked or I cooked In any other ol the many I ways, they have a flavor you r anything you may want in the Una ol Meats, Canned (lood. I Fruits, and Fancy and Staple Urocerles, "jgp No matter what the grocery line WlLLEY-tlOOQE QUO. CO., THE PURE FOOD STORE PHONE 2-2-12-2-2 I Weldon, North Carolina. 0 T o; WIQ to the difficulty can be depended upon to gather up and de 1 ivcr laiinrirv satisfactorily: and because ut th small commission allowed me for handling la-indry IN FUTURE no laundry will be called fir livered at homes, but will only be received at an i delivered from my store. All vuhn have laundry thev desire to be sent off Will please Dnng or senu ... i . .1 2 P.M.Wednesday Each Week and the same will be returned and delivered at my store the following Saturday. T PK ICES : Collars 2'A Cents Shins 12 Spreads, '5 Sheets, 5 Table Cloths '0 I shall be glad to have the laundry of my cus tomers as heretofore and regret that conditions are such that I cannot send for and deliver it as In Respectfully, A . I j. STAINBACK, The Busy Store." WELDON MOTOR EXCLUSIVE AGENTS SCOTLAND NECK $3.75, $4.50 and $5 Reg- SWEATERS SHIRTS will not soon target. We your wants may be In we can supply them, J have I I 0 K of keeping a boy t'. !& 4- . . a .ri kll 11 10 my siuic "J WELDON, N. C. CO. Telephone 3-2-8: ENFIELD GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Ket. N. (J, DUNCAN, Rbctoi Sunday Morning Prayer and Sermon, 11 A. M Evening Prayer and Sermon, 8 P. M I Everybody cordially invited to attend these aervicea. Refined Young Ladies as Telephone Operators, between 10 and '25 veara of aire: Sth jtrade education; aalary paid while learn ing; rapid advancement: splendid aur rounding; aiclt benetita; vacation with pay alter nrst year. AppIV io CHIEF OPERATOR Home Telephone & Telegraph Co The Latest English Patterns a style lor every taste. Also a com plete line of Children's Skuffer To be convinced call and Inspect my hall and Winter Stock. ELECTRIC SHOE'REPA!RING SHOP. All Shoes repaired promptly and at reasonable prices. WELDON SHOE STORE, L. KITTNER, Prop. Opposite Postollice Weldon, N. (.'. Shoes ! - Shoes ! CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES Moved from corner 7tli and Elm Street to Entry liuildiuj on VaHhinton Ave, Second Floor, Room to the riirht. Sunday, Feb. 24th, 11 a, ra. Subject of Lesson Sermon: "MIND." Wodnsiday evening at 8:00-Teat mony meeting. The public cordially invited to ttnd thne nervicen, 'I u jL Lw, . .