ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, FKliltUAliY 28, HM8. Terms of SubscriDtion--$1.50 Per Annum VOL. ML. NO. 42 MRS, MADAME DE MENOCAL Children Cry for Fletcher's Bracing as a North Wind T the end of a hard day, Just sit . N. DE R. WHITEHOUSE TZL ' S Tlr 441 To" Ht" A,wty' Bouht' nd which haa been la MJ for over oyer 30 yean, hai borne tha signatur. o" S3f Bi ,hM benl uwle under bli per- CCk77&Zi sutrvisi'" ince Its infancy. 7r. rT A110 one to deceive Tim In tht. All lounterteitt, Imitation! and " Tust-as-eood .r. h.. Kiperlments that trifle with and endanger uuuiu una vnuoren JSiner ence in n the health of Einerimeat. What is CASTOR I A Csstorla is a harmlesa lutwtitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Iu e is Its guarantee. For more than thirty years It has been In constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishnesa arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and oajuiaj sleep Tht Children's Panacea-The Mothers Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS ature Bears the Sign In Use For Over 30 Years Tht Kind You Have Always Bought Get The Habit CT'Buy for Cash. Save"C3 C"thapennies by buy--Cj ing at W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store WELDON, N. C. iv on lliviin Ai Pun i UlAVU XL ) ) mm' MAM 'KACTt'KKKS OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TOOKHKK AND KK.CllII.AR STOCK MZES. dood Materials, High tirade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon. N. C. t YIMM HOI OGJSHES. KEEP YOUR SHOES NEAT UOUIDS AND FASTIS. FOR BLACK. WHITE, MRU BROWN ON OX-BLOOD SHOIS, PRESERVE THC LEATHER. II f.l PinV CO fcTTOHI, Limit.., HJfTMO.W.Y,! MEMORIES, Vtfr ft ' .J? Vvvf s Mrs Norman Dt. H. WhltchtuM, chslrmsn of tha Now York stats out frsat party, who hat boon ooloctod by Chairman Ooorgo Crool of the ftdoral committee on public Information as one of a group of prominent porwns to bring to the German people, through neutrals, the war alme and Intentlone of the American peoplt. She la tha first woman to go abroad on ouch mleelon for thla government There Is No Place on Home. rv HE Dlnino- Room should be a cheerful place j "I fop when you eat your meals amid pleasant surroundings you do much to aid digestion And good digestion means health. ' HAVE US FURNISH YOUR DINING ROOM The v.riptv of designs in Tables, Chairs, Side hXi-ri. chin Closets. Scrvinz Tables and the like. iiamnle to satisfv vour desires, whatever they may be, In the matter oi style, finish and price rm in ,nA tatk it nvL" with us. We are as WVIII V 111 HUM rMa ao w . - eager to GIVE satisfaction as you are to receive It .Weldon Furniture Company, Weldon, N. 0. PRICH LIST BELL 2 IN 1 TYRES ' W. IWJ Si , RICHMOND, v., Your Old Tyres Made Into One SIZK JUI& must SU WHl iim (Hl4', 3SI4 1 !H S4HJ 35i :u)n) S7l4J :ir 7i Cb4TUSa t caxiaaiiia aura casinuo VS IW i su J K Ik) 4 8T r. 6o 5 is; S 5 a.r. 8 w IS w Ml 7 m 7 6U 7 7ft M UU ir .tx 4 U j 0 w 7 7i 8 Ai a wi t s.. Ill 4U IU Ml II it in wr II 7i llMOl Vi l vi m n i uca raics sua com flsti T L' BES K is 1 ma; to wj i uo 7 85 40 60 2 Ml W 40 S 4ft ia SO i M it m 4 4ft 13 DO 4 14 So 4 OU 15 4 i If) 9U 5 UU 15 86 S 00 15 SU 5 W ta SU UO in 70 w 18 Bft 40 1H 95 IM W 70 4t 75 HOME, SWEET HOME. Earth Like Stay, stay ai home, my heart and rest; Homeseeking hearts are happiest. For ihnse that wander (hey know not where Are Full of irouble and full of care. To siay at home is best. Home the name made dear by sacred association?, the place where childish feet lake iheir first fuller ing steps and infant minds receive their first idea. Where lessons of love and truth, or right or wrong, of faith and hope and purity are mprinted upon the plastic heart, and all the sorrows and perplexi ties of afier life are inefficient 10 quite efface these first deep irue impressions. Sweel home, where the mother's gentle hands prepare the little domestic comforts thai a faiher's love provides, and filial affection is the silver link, the silk en tie that binds the household band together. Trials may come and clouds may lower, but in the seclusion of home remains sweet healing for the wounds that brave and sensitive hearts hide from a disdainful world. There these hurts and distresses may be confi dently revealed and- a remedy found in its unquestioning faith. There's a child's pure kiss or the touch of dimpled fingers may .re vive a soul on the verge of r!r .pair and in the home the Ir jhtest dreams become more golden, the rarest pleasures more intense, the tenderest joys more serene. And if, in the varying degrees of for tune, its loving shelter must be abandoned, how the exile folds about his heart, as the traveler does his cloak the memory of its lights and flowers, its loves and hopes and kindnesses. There the noblest influence ex ist, the holiest impulses find expres sion, and there have been born the chaste and lofty sentiments that have made a whole world better. COULDN'T USE IT. The woman at the Back Door It must be a terrible thing 10 have to go through life without limb. You must remember, however, thai it will be restored 10 you in the next world. The Hobo I know ii will, mum, bul thai won't encourage me none You see, me foot was cut off hen 1 vis a baby, and won't come within a foot of the ground w hen its restored " As I ransacked old chests and quaint traveling trunks, And rummaged rare keep-sakes of ancient design, With a mingling of feelings of pleasure and pain, 1 chanced on an old Valentine. And I see the gentle upturned face, With its frank blue eyes and its smile divine, As she blushingly curled her sweet lips and said She would be "my true Valentine." But along with the years that have passed since then, And the varying fortunes and failures of life, Comes the proof that the future is not as we plan, But with manifold changes is rife. For we drew apart though 1 loved her the while And she married a man more worthy of her, Who had wealth and refinement and learning profound And all that a queen might prefer. Yet I am not bitter, and envy not him, The wine of true happiness once "to be mine," Bui out of my solitude rises to God A prayer for that old Valentine. THE WEATHER, "Whatever the weather may be," says he "Whatever the weather may be, It's the songs ye sing and the smiles ye wear, That's a-makin' the sun shine everywhere, An' the world of gloom is a world of glee, Wid the bird in the bush an' the bud in the tree, An' ihe fruit on the stem o' the bough," says he, "Whatever the weather may be," "Whatever the weather may be !" Ye can bring the Spring, wid its green an' gold, An' the grass in the grove where the snow lies cold; An' ye'll warm yer back, with a smiling face, As ye sit at yer hearth, like an old fireplace, An' toast the toes o' yer sowl," says he, "Whatever the weather may be says he "Whatever the weather may be." James Whitcomb Riley. RELIGION IS THE ISSUE "i.'Riilv UVIurO ""orrnsmov1"1 Coffee. See how you pick up with every savory sip. Luzianne is far, far different from any other colTee. It's got something that all the others seem to lack. And it's packed in dust-proof, moisture-proof cans that bring Luzianne to your kitchen just the same as when it left the roaster. Buy a can and try it for yourself. An iron-clad, air-tight guarantee says that if you are not entirely satisfied with Luzianne, your grocer will give you back your money. And he will This photograph of the beautiful wife of the president of Cuba wn tak en a tew days aftar ahe had completed the talk of raising a caah fund of $V 000,000 for the equipment and main tenance In France of s hoipltal to be manned exclusively by Cuban physi cians and nursee. COMPANIONSHIP. Be Alile to Reinforce your Husband In the Work or Life. "When It Pours, It Reigns' , VOUR OLD TYRES MADE 2 IN Don't throw aw.y your old tires, send iliem to u., e msr the a ... for youta. be .h.,. n be sble o make we make all stiip- id r in I we- will TOO OOOD TO LAST. Dolly At last I have met my ideal ! Kind-hearted, modest, pa-neiit.iself-denyitig. But, alas, mar ried. . DaisyDon't worry. No 'wo man will live long witti such a freak. You'll get a chance ai him, St, Louis Times. Surely the Future I ooks Black Enough, Yet It Holds a Hope, a Single Hope. One, and One Power Only, Can Arrest the Descent and Save Us. That is The Christian Religion, Democracy is but a side issue. The paramount issue, underlying the issue of democracy is the religion of Christ and Hun crucified! the bed-rock of civilization; the source and resource of all that is worth having in the world that is, ihat gives promise in the world to come; not as an abstraction; not as a huddle of sects and factions; but as a mighty force and principle of being. The Word of God, delivered by the gentle Nazarene upon the hillsides of Judea, sanctified by the Cross of Calvary, has survived every assault. It is now arrayed upon land and sea to meet the deadliest of all assaults Satan turned loose for one last, final struggle. The Kaiser boldly threw down the gage of battle Infidel Germany against the believing world "Kultur" against Christianity the Gos pel of Love. Thus is ihe Satan personified "Myself and God" merely his way of proclaiming it for his "God" is Beelzebub, the Angel of Destruction, his creed the Devil's own, his aim and end a hell on earth. Never did crusader lift banleaxe in holier war against the Saracen than is waged by our soldiers of the cross against ihe German. The issues indeed are identical. If the world is to be saved from destruction physical no less than spiritual destruction it will be saved by the Christian religion. That eliminated leaves the earth to eternal war. For 50 ye. i Germany has been organizing and laboring to supplant ii with "Kultur," the genius of infidelity. Her college professors have been obsessed with ii. Her universities have seethed with it. In acclaiming "Myself and God," the Kaiser has put ihe imperial seal upon ii. When our armies have run ii to its lair when they have crushed it naught will have been gained unless the glorious banner of the cross is hoisted even as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness and the misled masses of Germany are bade 10 gather about it and beneath ii as sadly they collect ihe debris of iheir ruin for the reconstruction of the Fatherland. Louisville Courier Journal. Much has been written on the subject of truth, love and duty; suggestions to mothers, methods of housekeeping and home making and many other subjects, helpful inspiring all of them; but it is the greatest hero of every-day life the provider of the home, the pro tector of the fireside the husband and father, we wish to say a word of praise and for his benefit offer a few suggestions to the wife. With what unselfish devotion he labors to secure for you the comforts, luxuries and pleasures of life ! Whether it is in the shop.behind the counter, in the office, at the factory, in the mill, or on the farm it is with one purpose in view he works, he strives and slaves, pa tiently, uncomplainingly, year in, year out, for the comfort of those he loves wife and children. The man who, for iheir sakes, faces a combination of discouraging cir cumstances, distressing difficulties, numberless failures, and keeps steadfastly at his post, defying them all, is a hero and nothing less. We meet them every day. Such they are, and doubt less will continue to be as long as there is a home worthy of protec tion, a child worthy of care, and a woman worthy of love. And now, little woman, a word with you. If some manly man has chosen you to reign as queen in his heart and home, know that in that capacity you fill the most sacred, the most honorable posi tion in which woman aspire. In it you appear in your most sacred and dignified character. "To be able to reinforce your husband in the work of life," and rear your children for positions of usefulness is a work worthy of your most careful and prayerful consideration. T 11 K if Of III ESTABLISHED 1892! Capital and Surplus, S6Q.0Q0. WE INVITE YOUR AQCOUNT. 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT J W. E. DANIEL, PRBMDBNT. W. R. SMITH. VICB-PRBKinSST. 0. DRAKEJ CABHIBB. WiY Sreto fa- You Efi? You might get sick or hurt be prepared for it. financial ! You might want to make an investment start now, "Takes money to make money," you know You might be visited by thieves or fire an account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one to get into. We pav 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts THE BANK OF HALIFAX g HALIFAX1 JST. C. N. L. Stedmsn, Freaideot P. C. Gregory, Vice-President H. Gregory Csibier. THE BIG PROBLEM. Probably one of our knottiest war problems is io And oui how to make a woman believe ahe looks patriotic in last year's clothes. SLIGHTLY. "Had lhai musical play a mixed chorus?" "I should say! Half of ii didn'l know what the other half was sing ing about." Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA About Constipation. t'ertsin trlictea of diet tends to check movement of the bowels. Tbe most common of these ere cheese, tea mud boiled milt. On the other hsnd raw fruits, especially apples and lisnsuaa, also irrahaui breed and whole whrst brrsd promote s movemeul of Ihe bovs els. ' When the bowels are badly con stipated, howeeer, the sure way is to take one or two of Chamberlain's Tab lets immediately after supper. WITH HIS BLESSING.. "Sir," said the young man, en tering the office, "1 sent you a communication yesterday !" "Indeed," said the grim-faced man. "Well, Mr. Prater, I thought perhaps you might give me a re- j ply to my request, and" "Wait a minute," said Mr. Pra ter. Are you the man that sent this account for $50 for hats for 1 my daughter?" "No, sir, 1" "Then you are the one that left this bill for $250 for her dresses?" I "No, sir. My commu " j "Then ii must be this for $35 fol aitoc " "No, sir. My note was one asking if I might have your daugh ter's hand." "You want to marry her ?" gasped Mr. Prater. Then, turn ing over the pile of bills, he urged : "Take her, young man ! I don't know your name, but take her quickly! She's talk ing about doing some more shop ping." Fire Insurance Surety Bonds ! Life, Accident and Health. Plate Glass and Automobiles. Repre senting leading companies. See me about your insurance wants. L. C. DRAPER, Office in Green Building, WELDON, N. C. Usually the path of a budding genius is pretty well strewn with thorns. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA f What's lew In Music By Special Arrangement with the Associated Music Publishers of New York, we will feature, by Daily Pathephone Demonstration BROADWAY'S big Song Hits Come in and hear the "Latest" Direct from Melody Row. All Sheet Music 10c. Copy. W. M. Gohen Drug Company, Weldon, North Carolina. 1 SOLE AGENTS FOR NYAL'S REMEDIES. NUNNALLY'S AND NORRIS' CANDIES. V.'! A V -'1 v. jLs sLto ..

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