ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. i'eriiis of Subscrirtion--$1.50 Per Milium VOL. UI. WELDON, N. C, Till JltSUAY, MAHCII 12 !S, 1!)IS. NO. Hi Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been In um tor over over 30 years, but b rue the signature, of XT? , and has bl;CI1 uuAe under bis per. fJJAttWr snal supervision since its infancy. TTr, AUow no ?f t0 deceive yu in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infante and Children Experience against Experiment. & What is CASTORIA Caatona is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains' neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age if its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been In constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought Get The Habit 7Buy for Cash. Save""f E-the pennies by buy-T5I ing at W. T. PARKER & CO, Wholesale Cash Store WKLOON, N. C. U AN ' 'i: XT -J MAM KA( I'l'UKKS OK Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADK TUOltHFIt AMI l;l:i.l t.AKMOi K Sl.1. Oood Materials, High tirade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. 06 THE Dining Room should be a cheerful place, for when you eat your meals amid pleasant surroundings you do much to aid digestion. And good digestion means health. HAVE US FURNISH YOUR. DINING ROOM The variety of designs in Tables, Ch.iirs. Side boards, China Closets, Serving Tables and the like, is ample to satisfy your desires, whatever they may be, In the matter of style, finish and price. Come In and talk it over with us. We are as eager to GIVE satisfaction as you are to receive it. Weldon Furniture Company, Weldon, N. 0. PRICE LIST ELL 2 IN 1 TYRES 600 W. Brod St., KICHMONU, VA. Your Old Tyres Made Intu One CUNI-OMKH MZE UMUUIIIii. I BOTH C AMNIO S3 a 90I3J ' 3W' 8il3i l 8ll4l l .13141 4 l S3l4l f' 84l4l f S5l4l ""' ' !ll4 ' ' Mx4J II m 36I4J :wi4j o; 7i4j 7 rmi M,ta ' f'l , HSlfi 1 " 871-6 " m I'AHIMiJ $4 70 6 ii.i (I Ml' 7 7r,l S Siii H K STu . 10 40, 10 HO 11 to 10 90 11 -o 11 mi 12 90 li! mi 13 811 14 !MI 111 H PHH'R fOH OlMl'l.BTI i in i tvhk; ST. MO 7 H.r. II fill I'i 411 12 IHl 12 HII 13 HO 14 mi li'. tkl l.i Wl 1.1 T lfi (HI 111 !KI ' 1H 7ll 15 Hj 18 H!i !N "II Tl'BKH 2 INI a 4o i !m 3 2.-i 4 211 4 4,1 4 rm 4 U0 4 ; .'i mi 5 Ml 5 HO 6 IKI II III II 40 II 111 II 7.'i make " " til APRIL 1 LAST DAY FOR FEDERAL RETURNS Penalties for Income Dodgers Are Severe Get Your Return in if You Are Liable. April 1, litis, is the mini liiy nl- lout'tl IIImIiT H,,. frilt'Hll lliciliii' !UX lliw fur the tilliiK t If.l.iiil ilir-.jue Ink rciunis. I't-rNoiiv who nrv rt-qmr-cil hi WW rcliirns iinlt- tli pn Nimii if law and who full iu -i Huh ft1 turns In nn ilme tir snliji-ct w m fvv pt'imttii'S, an fnllmvn: Fur Hulking fnlNc or friiii(lultiii re turn, not pxcfi'illnj: jjlj.iMK) or nut 4x ctM'ilinj,' tn' yt'iir'M liniirlsiuinti'iit, or both, in i lie (tisrri'ilnii of iln- toiirl, uihI, in mMitloii, uhi per C4-nt. of (lie t'ur l uillii),' to inakt ret urn on Him', nut h'sti than S'JO nor nnri' than 81, 000, amt, in ftildliinn, :0 pt-r ciiil. f the amount of (ax ilu. If nn uct'Otint nf Illness ur illist'lire from Ikiujc you are unuMe to ivmlcr your return within tin; time pre.siill)ej liy luw yon may uhtnln an extenslun nf IU) days if u request therefor Is tiled with the culleeior f your dlsirlet he fort the. duo date nf the return. In this leipiest you must state the re on why ihe return eammt he Hied within the time presiTilieil hy law. Collectors of Internal revenue are not authorized to urant pxlensluiis of more llian ;t0 days, hut (lie I'oiumis sloner of Internal rerenue lias uutlmr Ity In enmt a rettnoiiahle extonslnD beyond :tO days In meritorious eases. If you desire an extension of more than it'i flays your request should he addressed tu the coninilsslniier and Hhnuld con lain a detailed statement covering the reasons which make it Impossible for you to tile your return on or before April 1. The Internal revenue men are now loinpletlni: their lour of the eountry, iluritm which they were In touch with the i pie of every city and town. If you tailed to net In touch with the deputy which visited your section It is not ion iHte to t'ei adxlee. Consult out postiiuiii-r us to vthere the near et deputy Is now. 4 Jet your blank form, study the direcilona and the re quirement as shown thereon and iiiakt jour return without fall If your Income vvus suttii leiit to come within the bounds named In the law. It Is pointed out by Commissioner Itoper (hat It Is Important (hat the people comply Willi the federal laws as fully as they are comply im; with (he drafts for men and tint conserva tion of foods and fuel. "The war must be paid for," sas Commissioner Itoper. "Cunnress has us much rlht lu con script a Just portion of income as It has to conscript our buys. The tux fur 1117 Is desi mreil to ivuch moder ate as well as lurno incomes, so that nil persons who are In tiiuiucial posl Hon to hear h portion of the heuy Koverument expenses can be ussesseu tu proportion to their nhlllty to pay. "The man who Is barely making a living or barely supporting a family is not nffected by the 1117 law. Hut the man who b able to bear a share of the burden lias been reached hy the new law, and he should accept hi; responsibility in the same patriotic snlril that our young men have shown lu offering themselves for this great puro4e of the country to make the wwhl pa ft for people of all kinds to Iivp In and to govern themselves." This tui Is one which recognizes women as on an equal basis with men. The. uuiuarrled woman or the uiurrled woiunu with a salary ""ist (nuke tax return just the same us any man. Only the wouiau supporting her mother or other members of her family may take out $'J,tKK) exemption. Under the law the head of the fuiui ly Is (he one whose eurning power con tribute to the fuinliy a support. Similarly a widow with small chil dren to support can take out W.000 exemption uud $'JUU addltlonul exemp tion for each of her chltdreu under eighteen. Thus it is intended that the luw shall work no hardship to wo men having (o struggle to get along. Hut each must ftle return If her lu come Is $l.00t. , A man whose wife dies and who ta left with small children to support niton u moderate income may also take lull exemption under the new tax law ud also clulm $'Ji0 exemption for erch of his children under eighteen. The widower under Hie law U finale Minn ti"d limit noikt tnf r tutu uceordlnt'iy. Married meu ueeu but tile returns utiles they are eurQ lug or more. "Thin Ik as much u national obliga tion as the reporting for duty of a man drafted, for service with the colors," aayM 1. C. Itoper, commissioner of In ternal revenue. "As It stands, It Is much a nmtter of the man or wo muu's own conscience. It Is for him or for her tu determine just how far he is lluble to the tax. He must figure his own income and if It reaches the tig u res mimed Hi the law must make faithful report upon It to the proper authority. "This tax la distinctly a war meas ure ami will be In effect during the war. "This 4s a people's tar it reaches right down Into the pockets of the smalt T.uge earner; It mukes him a partner li the Job of wlnuiug th war." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASJO R I A 22 Million Families in the United States 4 CUPS OF WHEAT FLOUR TO THE POUND If each family used 4 cups of flour less per week, tho saving would be 22 million pounds or 112,244 barrels every week. The greatest help housekeepers can f;ive to win the war is to make this saving and it can be done by using this recipe in place of white flour bread, Corn Meal Biscuits 4 cup scalded milk 1 cup corn meal 2 ubleipoons shortening teaipoon salt 1 cup white flour 4 teaapoons Royal Bclcing Powder Save cup of the measured flour for board. Pour milk over corn meal, add shortening and salt. When cold, add sifted Hour and baking powder. Roll out lightly on floured board. Cut with hiscuit cutter and bake in greased pan fifteen to twenty minutes. Ourntw Red, White and Blue booklet, "Best War Time Recipes," containing many other recipes for making delicious and wholesome wheat saving foods, mailed freeaddress ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., Dept. H., 135 William Street, New York FOOD WILL WIN THE WAR J . -Li . . 1 SHOE POLI uk On PRESERVE THE LEATHER LIQUIDS AMD PASTEtS rOR BLACK, WHITE, TAN, DARK BROVI! OROKBIOOB JHOES. LOVING ENOUGH? BY ELLA WHLELER WILCOX. Are you loving enough ? There is some one dear, Some one you hold as the dearest of all In the holiest shrine of your heart. Are you making it known ? Is the truth of it clear To the one you love? If death's quick call Should suddenly tear you apart, Leaving no time for a long farewell, Would you feel that you had nothing to tell Nothing you had said before The closing of that dark door ? Are you loving enough ? 1 he swift years Hy Oh, faster and faster they hurry away, And each one carries its dead, The good deed left for the by and by, The word to be uttered another day, May never be done or said, Let the love-word sound in the listening ear, Nor wait to speak it above a bier, Oh, the time for telling your love is brief, Hut long, long, long is the time for grief. Are you loving enough ? MOT HRslvi A NlT ASSET BITES HIM. BY EDMUND VANCE COOKE. I got to telling mother about Wilson and T. R.; I told her Lincoln was a bird and Washington a star; 1 cracked up Andy Jackson and I might have run right on Concerning living statesmen and the wise ones, dead and gone, Bui mother says, "Well, yes, but some of 'em were married twice And others did some things I don't consider very nice, And Lincoln was a grand old man and yet I've heard his wife And he were never happy durin' all their married life. And as for me, I think that marriage is about the croo-cial test, So, comparin' him with statesmen, I believe my own man's best." I was dipping ino Shakespeare and a little bit of Shaw With a taste or two of Tolstoi and a portion of Dumas. From Hugo back to Homer and from Rabelais lo Riley I cited men of letters and I eulogized them highly. And 1 might have wandered on in almost endless exegesis, But mother said, "Yes, some of 'em wrote very pretty pieces, But up in our old attic, almost rill in ' half a chest, Are some letters of your father's and 1 think I like 'em best," r. I started in on Newton and I praised the men of science From Archimedes to Edison. I called them mental giants, I mustered Aristotle and Copernious and Watt; I called on Galileo and Darwin and I thought Perhaps I had her wavering, but mother said, "Well, yes, Such men are necessary and they did some things, I guess, But most of them were fussy and mussy in their ways, And missed their meals and sometimes wouldn't go to bed for days, 1 couldn't stand a man whose mind just wanders round in space, And your father's such a comfort just to have around the place." Well, well, God bless the women! and all women of her kind; God bless 'em, for He made 'em keen of sight and wholly blind. While one eye sees such merit as no mortal ever had, Her other eye refuses to see anything that's bad. God bless 'em and God help the men, whom loyally they serve; Cod help 'ein keep the dauntless love they never quite deserve, Grant us each sanctuary in one woman's constant breast, And guard the fine, old-fashioned faith, which knows her own man best, Also a Rat Runs Up His Leg. Owls hoot anil Well, Mr. Hell Flees Job. A. B. Fell, receiver for the bank rupt estate of Irvin F. Meyers, of McK ;esport, has applied to the Unitt d States District Court to be relieved of his job because an as set bit him. And a rat ran up his 'punts' leg and si akes hissed at him and par rots svore and monkeys chattered and sciatched at him and an owl derisiv;ly hooted at his efforts to Kike u his official task. The .at and ihennakes and the monkeys and parrots and owl and goldfish and white mice and mar mosets ind pretty dogs are all as sets in Meyer s pet shop in McKee: port. The iisset that bii Fell was a huskey bull dog. The receiver had vei lured alone into the shop. The do;; grabbed his leg and the rat "ru .lied" at him. And when j he saw i possum peering from a I dimly l.glued rear room, he led. Ther he threw up the job.though his bond is $500. j SAHNGS 01- A SAUK. I It is awfully hard to generate any respect for a man who wears a lot oc rings on his fingers. Hubands and wives should re member that they married for worse as well as better and act ac cordingly. A woman declares that she has the best husband on earth, but that is no sign that she expects to meet him in heaven. A woman who is satisfied with her neighbor is never satisfied with herself but who ever saw a wo man satisfied with her neighbor? Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA t ii i: in i V Up; ; 1 n ESTABLISHED WT Capital and Surplus, $60,000. WE INVITE YOUR AOCOUNT. 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT W. K. ItANIKL, rilKSIDKNI. W It. SMITH. Vll-K-I-KKHIDKST. .1. O. DHAKK.I CASIUKK. tarenitmtuioiiiiuioaMMfflranutMffi INVITATION.; You are invited to open an account with the m w BJfiK OF EftflELD, I EflflELD, fl. C. i Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart-S merit Compounded Quarterly. I j3 i fS- YOU can bank lv mail I 1 Firs Insurance I k sty Bonds ! Life, Accident and Health. Plate Glass and Automobiles. Repre senting leading companies. See me about your insurance wants. L(J. DRAPER Office in Green Building, WELDON, N. C. The Pneumonia Season. The colj, ilam wi ntlict of March seem to be the munt favorable for the pneumonia germ. Now is the time to be raruful. Pneumonia ofteu results fioin colli. The quicker a cold is irutti'li rid of the less the danger. As soon as the tlrst iudicatiou of aoold ap pears tukeChanibeiluin's Couirh Uem eilu. As to the value of tins prepara tion ask an A Bilious Attack. When you have bilious attack your liver fails to perform its functions. You become coustipated. The food you eats fcMiieiits in your stomach iu stead of diKostinK. This inflames the stomach and causes nausea, voinitinjr and a terrible headache. Take Cham berlain's Tablets. Ilicy will toue up your liver, cleau out your stomach and you will soon be as well as ever. They only coat a quarter. Girls Have Pretty Face And beautiful Complexion An Atlanta man makes new discovery that makes an old face luok ycau younger. If yuur akin is dark, brown or covered with freckles or blemishes, just use a little Cocotone Skin Whitener; it's made with cocoanut oil and is per fectly harmless. A few days' use will improve your looks 100 per cent. ' The wornout skin comes off evenly, leaving no evidence of the treatment, the new healthy un der skin appearing as a lovely new complexion. Just ask your druggist for an ounce ot Cocotone Skin Mt'hitener, and if he will not supply you isend twenty-five cents to the Cocotone Co., Atlanta, Ga., and they will send you a box by return mail. If your hair is hard to comb, is kinky, nappy and will never stay straight, just use Cocotone Hair Dressing and il will become straight, long, soft, glossy and beautiful in a few days. Mail or ders rilled 25c. for large box. For Sale by W, M. Cohen Drug Co. flat's lew Is Mnsic fl- n M k U U & l: & u " liy Special Arrangement w ith the Associated Music Publishers of New York, we will feature by Daily Pathephone Demonstration BROADWAY'S big Song Hits Come in and hear the "Latest" Direct from Melody Row. All Sheet Music 10c. Copy. i M. Gchcn hi Company, Weldon, North Carolina. SOLE AGENTS FOR NYAL'S REMEDIES. ..o o - N,UNNALLY'S AND j MORRIS' CANDIES, j For Sale! New Todd Check Protector. If interested, call at this office. wt tg ,ou. tt lJ elnr n.eoui. uxL... if...

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