VPURE as Southern Sunshine V'x IPZlANNEcoffee When It Pours, It Reigns" Thursday, Mar. 28, iyis. NOTICE. There will be a regular convoca tion of Roanoke Chapier 81 H. A. M. in Masonic Hall, every first and third Wednesday evenings. A. B. Stain hack, Sec'y. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. Next Sunday is Faster. The season is far in advance. March leaves us next Sunday. And the green grass is growing all around. A gardenless backyard is a slack er backyard. I'ortunaiely there is no danger of a radish famine. Mr. William Josephson spent Sunday in Richmond. Break your Cold or LaGrippe with a few doses ib6. Mr. B. W. Amick, of Burling ton, is here on a visit. Low shoes are hearing the cal of the merry springtime. Set your watch and clock back one hour on next Sunday. Trench fever is one diseie des tined to sweep this country. Miss Agnes McGee, of Rjleigh, is here on a visit for a few days. Miss Marjorie Wrightmire, of Vt hitakers, was a visitor here Sat urday. Mr. Woods, of Durham, has accepted a position with Mr. J. A. Dickens. There never was a better out look for a mint crop. But what's the use ? Mrs. Kate Benedict, of Swansea, Mass., is here on a visit to Mrs. J. T. Gooch. If nothing happens the leaves will be grown this year before the I Oth of May. This promises lo be a great fruit year. Get your jars and cans ready in time. Rev. N. C. Hughes, Sr., Arch Deacon of this Diocese, was a vis itor in town Friday. Mrs. W, E. Daniel is attending the Baptist Missionary Convention at Asheville, this week. Mrs. V, K. Overman, who has been visiting relatives in Golds boro, has returned home. Messrs. John B. Sledge and Pierce Johnson, of Camp Lee, spent the week-end in town. RUB-MY-TISM-Antiseptic, re lives Rheumatism, Sprains, Neu ralgia, etc. Easier hats and Easter novelties at Mrs. P. A. Lewis'. Be sure and call, you will see something pretty. Miss Esther Allsbrook, who is a student at Meredith College, Rul eigh, spent the week-end with rel atives here. 0 ye that sneer at Faith and frown it immortality! Canst thou not see that by such dreams we are ourselves divine! Col. A. J. Burton, of Reidsville, who has been here For the past several weeks with his bf'ihrr, who has been quite sick, has re turned home. We ire requested to state that the Express office is open on Sun day only For transfer business. They will not receive or deliver freight on Sunday. You will be governed accordingly. Notice. The Junius Daniel 'Chapter U. D. C, will meet on Wednesday, April 3rd with Mrs. W.E.Daniel. Lei every member be present as arrangements will be imade for attending the district meeting to be held in Littleton ear- ily in April. MRS. Ida Wilkins, Pres. Mrs. W.C. Allen, Sec. TIKE the soft, beaming sunlight of Dijie Iand. Lurianne bnnRs cheer to meal-time- breakfast, dinner and supper. Folks who try it once have a genuine affection for it ever fter. Luzianne comes to you in clean, sanitary, air-tight tins. The flavor stays m-impuritics stay our. Buy a can of Luzianne. Use the whole can. If you djn't honestly believe it is b.tter than any other coffee you ever tasted, tell the grocer to refund your money! But, try it. Si:init:iAl (iKAch Fi'iscdi'ai. Cni:i:ii.-The week preccedmg Fluster is Holy Week in the calen dar of the Episcopal, Roman and Greek branches of the Church, and commemorates the events of the last week of our Lord's earthly lile and leading up to the greatest event m the history of the world the crucifixion of our Lord on the cross, which event is commemo rated on Good Friday. Special services will be held in Grace Episcopal church this week in the afternoons at live o'clock, and on Friday, March 2()th, the three hour service A'ill be held trom 12 o'clock noon, until three o'clock p. m. The devotional part will be conducted by the Rector and the Rev. L. N. Taylor, ot Koannkt Rapids, and the addresses will be made by the Rev. A. S. Lawrence, of Hillsboro, Archdeacon of the Raleigh Convocation. The public ordially invited to these services. Ci;i.i:bkati:s Skvknth Birth day.. Master Leo Ruppen Dixon entertained his little friends on Wednesday, March 20th, from 3:30 to 5:30 P. M. in honor of his seventh birthday. A merry rowd of little ones gather ed. The game of pinning on the 'Donkey's Tail" was indulged in much to the delight of the little ones, little Miss Kathryn Pierce winning first prize, and Natalie Cole gelling the booby prize. After the games ice cream and cakes were served. Those present were: Mary Wyche, Natalie Cole, Kathryn lerce, Eleanor Burr, Frances Jones, Virginia Turner, Bernice Dixon, C. C Randleinan, Arthur House, Roy Allsbrook, Herman Farber, Perry Gregory, G. C. Sanders, Jr., Esmond Carter, S. Dixon, Jr., Leo Dixon. Master Leo was assisted in re ceiving by Mrs. J. T. Dawson, Miss Maude L. Harris and Mrs. . J. Dixon. The little ones departed wishing eo many happy birthdays. Hi v X'ak Savings Stamps. You are cjlled upon to give all your spare lime and energy to as sist in the sale of Thrift Stamps from no umil the tith of April, when the ,rd Liberty Loan begins. The value of the War Savings campaign lio me government m the winning of the war and to the nle as to the meaning of ihnh cannot ne overestimates. X- liat are you doing lo back up .i i i. .n ii.... your country in mis ngnir nave you a husband, son or bi other in the army or navy? He is doing his part. Are you? Hurry to his help and don't he a slacker. You can buy thrift stamps at J?c. or a War Savings sump in Aluieh lor $4.14. You arc not giving this money away, only irnuing it to me U. S. government (of five years. We are sure to win this war with the support of every loyal citizen. Civilian Relief ok Home Ser vice WORK. une or ine mosi imnortani deoartnietits of the Red Cross is the Civilan Relief or Home Service Work. A committee has been appointed composed of Rev. N. C. Duncan, chairman, Kev. I-. M. Shamburger, Rev. J. G. Bla lock, Mrs. J. G. Blalock, Mrs. J. S. Turner and Mrs. K.L. Hay ward, secretary. This committee is load vise the men who are going to the cantonments in regard 10 having their lives insured, about having powers of attorney execuied and led in proper hands and as 10 the allowances due those dependent upon ihem. Also it is the duty of the commmee to see that no sol dier's family suffers for the neces sities of life, to sympathize and help in every way possible in case of sickness and death, so that the men who leave all lo go and fight that the world may be saved tor de mocracy can feel thai no mailer what happens their loved ones will be taken care ofby ihe Red Cross. Left for Camp Lee. Messrs. Harry F. Kelly, Littleton, Clifford n Weeks and Joseph Savage, Pnfldd. lefi last Thursday for Cnmp Lee, where ihey will join Ambulance Company 320. I) Rkd Cross. The Red E33 Cross held an important meeting on Friday after noon, the 22nd. The reports of committees were most encourag ing and showed that the members were actively and earnestly ,n work. 1 he Canteen Committee report ed tiO boxes given the soldiers passing through Weldon on No. 81). $25 was donated towards the putcliase of needed supplies to be sent through the Belgian Relief Department to those so sorely dis tressed. Baskets of apples, one for the white and one lor the coloreu, were given by the Red Cross to the select men who left the 20th. I en comfort kits have been sent to our boys in camp. 'I wo new members were wel comed and it is hoped that all who ate not members will decide to loin, lor the Red Cross has prom ised not only to look out for the hoys "over there," Inn to see that their families are taken care of at home, I he Red Gloss w ishes lo ex press deep appreciation and hearty thanks for the following, donations: Board ol Commissioners, 1 1 ililax county, cash $30.00 Contribution from Mr. C. R. limry towards rent 12.00 Mr.W. E. Daniel, towards rent, 3.00 Episcopal Guild, 10.00 Comfort kits from mem bers, 2.55 Tin; Book Ci.uk. Mrs. L. C. Draper entertained the Book Club at the regular meeting on I hurs day, March Kith. The Slate Fed eration of Woman's Clubs has joined heartily in war work and each cluh can be depended upon to do a full share in every activity. At this meeting several stirring ap peals were read and considered. One ol these was for personal con tributions to a quarter million dol lar lund lo be used for relief work in France, in establishing hostess homes and recreational centers be hind the firing lines. Mrs. Sallie Southall Cotton is a member of ihe National X'ar Victory Com mission and has charge of this fund in North Carolina and sever al other slates. Mrs. Clarence A. Johnson, president of the Federa tion, calls attention lo the very im portant duty with which Mrs. Cotton has been charged and ap peals to the club women and oth ers for contributions to the cause. She says there is no assessment because voluntary gifts carry great er blessings and every one is ask ed lo give something 10 give this home touch to camp life for our boys so far away. The ladies pres ent responded liberally and quite a nice contribution will be given. A committee was also appointed to solicit good books for the enter lainmcni ot the enlisted men both in the United States and France. ihe study tor the day was "American Humor" and ihe ladies responded to roll cull with a hu morous quotation, Mrs. F. M. Shamburger read very pleasingly "Sweet Day of Rest," from Aunt Jane, of Kentucky. Mrs. J. G. Blalock gave an interesting sketch Mark Twain, the prince of hu- inonsis, aim Mrs. iieo. c tireen read James Whitcomb Riley's "Raggedy Man." These bus of humi.r following the stirring ap peals from the war center were welcomed as rifts of sunshine in the clouds and the program was much enjoyed. The hostess served an ice course and minis, with decorations of jon quils. The guests of the Club were Mcsdumes Fdwin and John Zolhcoffer and Miss Kale Garreit while the entrance for "a first call" of little Miss Mary Belle Draper was appreciated and enjoyed. oTfWwmTjackson. List of White Men Called fur U.S. Service March 28th. 1418. The following are the names of white men to be entrained for Camp Jackson, Columbia, S. C, March 29th: Lucius Sheariu, Lrnesi Lynch, Melvm Vaughan, Oliver l Mohorn, John George Humphreys, Clyde M. Stallings, Leonard Parks, Lester Frank Henry, Robert Lee Alston, Charles Curtis Shell, Jacob T. Currie, John Cary Wliuaker, Thaddeus M. Moore, Sidney Walker, James Arthur Bryant, William Spear Wood, Gilbert D. Lipscomb, Benjamin Franklin Bracey, Charlie Sylvester Crait, William Howard Twisdale, Hathaway Pierce, Bernard Moore Hodges, John 0. Carter. L CREATES CTDFllfJI I J MILIUM 1 1 Positive Convincing Proc f It it all very well to male claim a. but can they be proven? We publii a the formula of Vinol to prove th itatementa we make about it n Cod Livw and B.f Paptonel. Iron Bud F llnlif imm Pplonat, lrB and Am monium Cltrat. Clm and Soda Qljfc.ro pliatphalM, Caacarin. Any doctor will tell yoo that tl le Ingredients of Vinol aa publiaht xl above, combine the very elemen ta needed to make etrength. All weak, run-down overwork) td nervoua men and women may pro IV this at our expense. There is nothing like Vinol to t t store strength and vitality to feeb le old people, delicate ehildren and t dl persona who need more strength. Try it. If you are not entirely sa t isfied, we will return your room ty without question; that proves o or fairness and your protection. W. M. OohenDriuj Co., Weldon. .i Blood and Courage ! HV IHl, W. C. LUCAfl. ) What driven tho men riclit up to the tn-nclicK in thifl war in county, and it's red hlnofl that "puts the heart " in the men. Ihil any one rver me a puny, thin blooded in ji ix nver riinh into the liiit wit h any chance of winning out V Willi rich, piirf? blood yon can face any hardship, reach any goal. But you are handi capped in the race of life without it. Kvery tinniie, bone, miiHcle, should tako from tli(! blood certain materials and return to it certain nthprn. When the poiconfl accumulate in the blood, perhaps tlto face break out in pimples, or boils appear on the neck, and we feel languid, tired, our vitality in at a low ebb, and we easily catch cold. It'fl time to take an alterative extract and blood'purilier, taken from Nature's fure-trt. Such a one in made up of (iolden Heal, Blood and Stone root, Oregon t'i rape and Quern's root ex traded with glycerine and made into fmar-coated tubleta or Inpiid, and this ban been fold by drii'ixtH for the im."t liliy yearn a hootnr Tierce's (iolden Medical I Unco very. I.knoiii. N. C "Dr. Tierce's (lolden Mt fiictl I ni'overy In a itreiil medicine f'T fin- iii liiiiliJinu lip wlien I (eel run-down in lif'iilih. Ii invi-N me Mn-nu'ih and H"h. I li:ive tii-en iiMtiki it ai (b!t ri-iii tin"' f(T Dilrty y';ir or mure. I Iwiran in uce for cnl irrli, ;itnl It un-atly relu-vi-d me. 1 can li'-arhlv rei'innmi-ml lh ' limmt-rv ' in a bliHHl titi-'luiiH!. " Miw. Lin i'.y .u u. l,ou-i'it i.k. Kv. "TliU to certify tli;i1 1 h;ic iM'i'ii in had health f,(r a long 'nut', -nthTtitit fntn stomaih trouhlt'- II ml vrii)le Hiirlls of lniliestlmi ami Hour stom:n-li. A frn-nil toll mi'iiUtut lr. Tierce' tioMi-n bdieal Kiscovery. I had littli! faith at lirst hut she persuaded me, to try it. 1 have taken a Mule over four hottli-s of II and my stomach trouble has vanished. I can now eat everything and Flep likt a hunt). I want to (five all tlin credit to this rcat medicine, which I I'onsiiler tlx- InM on earth for htomuch imutile." T. 'I'. Layton, Uoiitu, tiojt gf, Berry Boulevard. HELD CONVICTION OF TRUTH. Greatest Spiritual Phenomenon In History Seen in Transforma- Hon ot the Saviour's Closest tion of the Followers. The Christian has more than "an intimation of eternity." In stead of a yearning, supported though it be by analogies in nature he has a positive assurance that Jesus became ' the first fruits of them that slept." Unconvincing as the proofs cited by St. Paul in Corinthians and Galaiians and ihe stories of the Evangelists might he, standing alone, the greatest spirit ual phenomenon in history gives the scoffer pause. We refer to ihe transformation in the character and conduct ol the Galilean peas ants, after their dream of a new kingdom and their hope of power and place were shattered by the crucifixion of their leader as a crim inal. They were huddled togeth er in an upper chamber, dreading the same fate. Suddenly they were turned into the boldest, most unselfish, most fervent preachers of a risen Christ, defying the pow er of Rome and oflhe priestly crew at Jerusalem. They testified to the resurrection and ascension and counted it a glorious privilege to seal their testimony with their blood. They had neither the pow er nor the purpose of imposture They welcomed dungeons, scourg ings, fire, sword, caldrons of burn ing oil and cruel crosses, crying, wiih faces shining like unto those of angels, in the words of their earliest persecutor and their great est convert: O death, where is thy sting? U grave, where is thy victory?" Jkwish War Relief Fund. The following have contributed to Jewish Relief fund for suffering families in ihe war zone: H. Farber. Weldon, $10.00 Wm. Josephson, Weldon 10.00 Mike Josephson, " 10.00 H. 'Silvester, " 5.00 Max Schwartz., " ' 3.00 L. Kilmer, " 5.00 B. Marks, R. Rapids 10.00 A. Norinskey, " 1 0.00 j Win. Farber. Littleton. 5.00 We like to read of phenomenal old ladies who are using their sec- j ond eyesight for knitting purposes. I STRAIGHTFORWARD S TESTIMONY, many Weldon Citizens Have Prof ited by It. If you have backache, urinary troubles, days of dizziness, head aches or nervousness, strike at the seat of trouble. These are often the symptoms of weak kidneys and there is often grave danger in delay. Doan s Kidney Pills are especially prepared for kidney ail mentsare endorsed by over 50,- 000 people. Your neighbors rec oinniend this remedy have proved its merit in many tests, Weldon readers should lake fresh C'Mirngf in the "urniphifirrwanl ii timony of a Weldon cinen. Mrs. Mary J. Allen, Fourth St., says: "I had pains in my back and at limes, I could hardly get up out of a chair. Mornings I was sore and lame. 1 had headaches and dizzy spells and ihe kidney secretions were too frequent in passage. Two boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills cured me of all symp toms of kidney trouble and I have' n't had a return of the complaint since." Price GOc. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Allen had FOSTER-M1LBURN CO.,Man. ufacturers, Buffalo, N. Y. ITICE --.ILL pay highest cash prices for Scrap Iron, Rags, Brass, W Copper, Rubber, and all kinds of junk. -Scrap Iron, 40 to 60c. per 100 lbs. " Rags, $1 per 100 pounds. Honest Weights. llOld automobiles and old machinery a Specialty. Bring a load when you come to town. Junk yard on First street between Washington Avenue and Sycamore street. M A X S 0 I I W A i i T ', 3WP WELDON '4, A man's air castles may turn out all right if he places good, substan tial foundations under them later. Report II K I'M K ( ONllll lON UK THE BANK OF At llalifux, in tlieStaleof North furoli- n:i, at llicclose of tiustnrsH .Mar. 4, 1(113. Resources Loan ami discount 74,'-Mj.( OVHnlraftH. unsecured . I'. S. IIudiIh untl l.iliettylioniM l,Ml.l)il Kurnilure ami hixture, 1,-Jlov All other real eslale oivnul l,o.t.sh lienianil loaiiH .i.ihki.oo hue from National Hank, :tfi.l7l.lf, I )ue from Slate l.unks A hanker :it, lL'. IS fash Items held over it hours 1,1114 III! Itevenue Stanilis 1--" I iolil eolll. Mlier coin. ele. llaH.L'S National hank notes anil other I'M. not. :.'"' Kxpeuse, Total, jlti!i,n:il.iN Liabilities Caiital stock panl in $:i.i;iiii.iio i.iiim.iiii siirn uh unit. I'lmividi'd pmtilM, lrsn cuiri'iil CXrilMlHCrt lltl'l UUl'H mini DiviilcinlM unniinl IK Mill Noti-K ami lii I Ih ii'iliHcountt'il Hi 1 Ik naviihlc. liciKiKitH sLil.icct Ui elii'ck Mi,:i7:t.lH ai'IHLrK ICIlOMItM 1 1 ( , 1 ii ' I ( 'ushiii h i' it'cks outsUuulinir KM. Diu- to liankn uimI UnkerH .i,.(ii.(,:n Total, io!i,ii:iuh Stale of North ( urollna. s t'ounly ol Halifax, I, FlYteuiTll. tlri'irory.l asliu'i ol the al.ove-Uttlileil liank. ilo atilemlilv Nttrar that the aliove is t lie- to ll"' l-t "l iny kuolleili.'t' unit lu-lli'i. 1 t.KniiKUH.iiur.iiiiiiv. I 'ashler. StilwnlM'il ami sworn to lielore 11 thin IMInlay ol' Mar. I!MS. W. b'. COI'l'KllliK, .1. r. Correct-AtteKt: S. M.I1AUY. X. I.. KTKUM VX. IlirectorM. NOTICE. A live oei cent lionet Ind liaviUK he received bv the Clerk ol the superior Court of Halifax couuly auil all onlel aeaonliiiu-lv luade uuiler Uwh of l'lla, Chan. llti;'autl uuiler the authority cou ferreil on Hie uinlelHiirneu irusree in i eertaiii ileed ol trust, executeil ou I'Jth ilav of.luue IHIll. bv Ii . Kal ami L. (J. Moore uml Lillet Mills Moore, his wife, to II. I', r.ouuey, truslee. lo seeure the ))ayliieiu 01 a eeuaiu uoie 01 en ilale therewitli. ami ilelaull havinir been maile ill Uie tiavinent of saul mite anil at the reouesl ol tile llolilel tlleleol the uniteriHiriietl truslee Hill, on the 8th Day of April, lIH, al one o'l'loek I' M. in front of the liankinir house ol t he Hank ol Littleton lltlelon, N. I .. re-sell ID Hie nigueai Imlilei. at mililie auetiou. I01 eash. Hie following ilesenheil real eslale, limit (Ine lot in the luwnol llollister, Hal ifax county. N. C, on t.ililw Avenue n lllock A., lot No. I. Ironting 'i' leel on liitiliH Aveuue. luuninir haek alone Williams Ktreet I fill feet, icoruer tut,) ou which there i a new store ami all lix tures cuntameil tlieeiu. Saiil store house aud llxlures now owned and occupied bv said Moore anil h'awls. This the i'lrd dav ol March, 191M. II. K IIIINNI.Y, Trustee Paintings Of UH E:::: Inside and Outside DECORA I IONS. fl U H prices are as low as Ihe U lowest. All worn guaranteed. (live us a trial. K. M. COLLINS, J. W. PHICK. Weldon. N. C. 3 14 4w WANTED. Young man or lady as salesman in store. One with experience preferred. Box 06, Weldon, N. FOR RENT. Four room dwelling with Blacksmith shop attached in Macon for rent. Will rent eilher or both. Plenty shop work. Box 47, 3 21 4t Macon, N. C- TO fa !l . tjt ifc - i Spring and m -ALSO- Shoes and LADIES nn AND SPORT nn MM mm mm Agency for Kinston Steam Laundry Collars 2' c m MM MM 4. L SWHWcK, The Busy Store, WELDON, N MM MMMMmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM W M MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMW Arrival f New SpringQoods Wb have just received direct from the New York fashion cunt urc a I nrrtt acciirtmpnt rf Spring Coats, Suits and a wide range of styles Finest duality and Moderate Prices. SPKINQ FOOTWEAR a IW( IWUWiB VaaaT U lVI UlaWI IWt fHHVl " (save money i w E all have to spend less and with us. Our quality is high. And we give you full chase. Our scales are rlzht. Once a customer nlwnys a custom a Substitute for Butter Nucuanut 'Margarine I'er Pound - VILLEY-P00FiE QQO. CO., THE PURE PHONE 2-2-12-2-2 Weldon, North Carolina, FOR SALE u NORTH CAROLINA. A W Summer 11 Clothing. COAT SUITS COATS Shirts 12c. m. MM MM MM MM Presses in and shades. SHIRTWAISTS HOSIERY spend to eat. But you eat better by trading prices are low ai.d the PUr- keP ner. weight on every made right and 40c. FOOD STORE j New Todd CHECK PROTECTOR Interested, call up ithis office. $'6-V- W W W W W New Quarters Igy Just moved into our handsome new brick building with a full supply of everything in Hardware for the farmer, the mechanic and the house builder. FLUES! FLUES'! Now iH Uie time to place your orrteu fo; tines. I want em. We make em. fjFlDWJFE CO., Halifax, N. C. u 8 IS 3m E. LEWIS. Manager. GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Hkv. N. (' IH'Nl'AN. Ukitor Sunday MortiiiiLT I'liiycr ami Kvemntr I '-layer uml Sermon, 11 A. M ermon, X I'.M rveryboily tliene service! onliully i a v i t f 1 to attend Refined Young Ladies as Telephone Operators. KetHeen hi ami veurH of aue; Sth irailt- eihieatiou; alai y paul while learn hut. tupitl alvaneeiiH'iil: Kpleudid Hur-nun-liii;.H; Hiek heuelitx; vacation with pay alter tirt year. Ajply to CHIEF OPERATOR Home Telephone & Telegraph Co BIG LINE OF Spring Shoes Just Received lor Men, Women and Chlld-en at reasonable prices Come and get a food pair of Spring Shoes at this store. ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIRING SHOP. All Shoes repaired promptly and at reasonable prices. KITTNER'S SHflF STdRE. xl ' I 1.. KITTNUR, Prop. I i 0,,,n.,lr rlntlin WH.Ioll, N. C 2 . CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES Move'l fioni corner Ttli ami Klin street to I '.m t v linililiuif ou W'ahlnuifiou Ave. Sei'omi Hour, Kuotn to the riltt. suntlay, Mar. :Mth, 11 a. m. Suttjepi of Lt'HMon Serin on: "M ATTKK." WihIiu'h I iv i if At s:00 tent oiony nii't'liDif. The public corJiftllf i n v i to-1 to ittead j 1 COR SALE OR TRADE My i Smith Form-a-Truck. AddIv hi Harry Smith, Weldon, N. C. 2 28 41 UORSE FOR SALE One good II (arm norse tor sale Apply Mrs. L. E. Anderson. Route Halifax, N. C.

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