Ii j I' vBI.LS.Uii) i,s,,0. A NEWSPAPER fUR THE PEOPLE. 1'erun of Subscription $1.50 Per Annum VOL. I, II. WKLDOX, . ('., TliriJSDAV. AIMill. II. litis. NO. I Children Cry fo" T-fctcher's Tb,' ?iDl.Y." which has been " " " "v" w h," the signature of S7 Sr . ,- " ,h"S bl'''" '",d'! Ul"1" his per CArMZ&ii SA suPervi" si-"'" its infancy. TTp . Allow no one tu dive you in this All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-guod I" are bur bpmments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infante and Children-Ejperience against ExpeSn, What isCASTORIA Cwtoria is a harmless substitute fur Casta Oil, PaTeinric Drops and Suothtng Syrjips. It is pleasant. It 35 neither Opium, Mrphie nor other narcotic sub an ts ge is its guaranty. Fur more than thirty ye s i't has been in constant ;;e for the relief of Constipation; Flatulency Wind Colir. and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness ari fol therefrom and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels aid! &a GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS f Bears the Sitmature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought Get The Habit DBuy for Cash. SaveT2 Ifthe pennies by buy-5jf ing at W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store WliLDON, N. C. liMiiruii I! llillllllill'tlll'il!!!' MAM WIT l; Kit OK Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MAllK iOOUIH.K AM'l.l.i.l I. A I! - Ti 11 K Ml. Oood Materials, High (irade Workmanship Our Slogan. VVeldon. N. C. J' THE Dining Room should be a cheerful place, for when you eat your meals amid pleasant surroundings you do much to aid digestion. And good digestion means health. HAVE US FURNISH YOUR DINING ROOM The variety of designs in Tables, Chairs, Side boards, China Closets, Serving Tables and the like, is ample to satisfy vour desires, whatever they may be, in the matter of style, finish and price. Come in and talk it over with us. We are as .eager to GIVE satisfaction as you are to receive it. f elk Furniturs Company, Weldon, N. C. R PRICE LIST RKLL2IN1TY 000 W. Broad St., RICHMOND, A. Your Old Tyres Made Into One ES sl.K :uu:ii S3!) Mil Mxt K.-.I4 lx4 :nxit lint) :n:nj :i7x4j :).ru. suv, i7r' VI KM HON! V VlkK 'HIV. Ikl I H.'i i .Mil i ll." I V VV I. tl HNIMI vlK .1 !H i) .Vi 111 10 IU 'Ml II : 10 mi 11 70 a mi I'.' !l I- no IS si I H : filll v t.vir '-' l I n "-I In i:i no,, 14 INI 1.1 iln I , ; l.'i Vi i no; Hi IHI l 70 15 H.'l M SI.', l'00 ' IU mi :i . I -H I I". 4 Ml I mil I 7.'i .'i im ." on : sio II IKI ii in 11 411 II .11) ii ;.' j VALUE OF "KEEPING AT IT. Ureal Results May Ik Achieved 1 ! Through Trilling Kxertinn Re peated Steadily and Persist ently. t ! Andrew Curncgic once said thai ; j "a hall hour a day, spent in par 1 ncul.ir line f stuJy, is ilie best in- VL-Minetii any man cm make.". I Ins recnginiiiin of ilie resulis . w inch may he achieved through ilie accumulative effect of trifling exertion, repeated steadily and persistently, is an expression of an i inpi -ruin t truth. I o uke a concrete instance, one who will browse among the pages of a first class dictionary 15 min utes daily, and will do so daily, will acquire within a year or two ! an exceptional know ledge of Eng , h.-h etymology and a wide vocibu ! I .TV as well. Habits are after all, a great pan of what any of us are. In these hurried days it becomes increasingly difficult lor us to crowd into our program anything unusual. That which we have trained ourselves to do is accom plished without effort, while we shrink from the ell'ort necessary to pursue something unaccustomed. One may ir.iin his physical make up and his personality to do him service along good lines as effect ively as they cjii lead him into harm if unrestrained. I-or real cultivation nothing yet has been invented more cfhcicacious than steady application, day after day, for a stated period, to something worth while. Knickerbocker Ex-.iniiner, LEAVE IT WITH HIM. TRl'l: TO HIS PROMISE. "Dearest, will you let me share your every sorrow after we are married?" she whispered as she cuddled her check against his. "Ves, darling,'' he replied, Jgiio plucking a delicious kiss from her sweet hps. It was the same lady who two years later wearily cried out : "Oh, Tom, why can't you ever come into the house without bring ing a tale of trouble with you? I'm so sick of hearing about how hard you have to work to keep the hills paid. " Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA NOT ON THI: PROUKAM. The corner stone laying had been a brilliant success. The weather was fine, the speeches el oquent, the music impressive. The niastar of ceremonies was very well satisfied with himself, yet with the dispersal of the crowd he became strangely excited. Hur riedly he sought the master mason. "Is it possible to lift the corner stone again ?" he asked. "I am afraid not, sir," said the mason. "Have you any particu lar reason for asking?" "I have." said the master of ceremonies. "I've left my hat in the receptacle along with the re cords." Improved machinery enables a man lo accomplish almost as many dungs as a woman can w ith a hair pin. WHILE AT WAR iVomcn Suffer at Home. .,.. rvi I1TVUI S MADI-2INI I Wt throw fX'lZ IViSZ". "p' them 1 in 1 for you, let m be the jud; , ' pom ueie , wi1 nwnu .ubject to your oiammatiou ; i V 0.t J yvm) , nnd return ell for you at the lucent Kiclunood pr e (""'JIW the- amount to you. W.jy ehnr ""Comm-Bt SI SEa Wonnponn, Trnn.. "Thtfl Ifl Uieortlfy iat 1 huvi. nscil Dr. PUtco's Favorite rrrf riptlon also tlielinMi'n M.ilual lis,'tiviry noil liod Wlien of frriim Willi IliTV oil proKlrnlfon ' l avorilc I'ri-scriii-tloti' (Miri-il nin whi-n oiIht tiitiil. i-Z (-f-i; I think It i n urund i ' I ' ' fftll t r minpnd It to ..if.-rlni n mien."-MB. Rora I.KE lluui.l, ltoute 1. MYt.ArAVOA, Ai.a. "Hv wife tui'd l'r. I'lerre'n Kiivorili' rnwriil.ioiulllriiiK rsprriunry, him hud been liavinK a liieat deal ol iMiilile und used the ' I're . riplioli' Willi n.inderllll refllln. Silo Ii id iiraelieallv iu mllerinii, where be I. nlie loul tmliered iiiteniiely. No one e n li'll in words the good the ' Pre Tiition' did my wife; it is Bimp'y a wonderful medieine. Kvery womim m ti e laud uuglit to use it."-A. Huduibs. One nire thing about Poctor Pierce's K :iv.i ite I'reeeriiition it contains nu alco Ii .1 or nnrcntic nor any linrinfnl ingre dient, l'nt ui in liiiniu and tablets and B..U1 bv druggists. If not obtainable. Hi nd I'D rents to lr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., and lie will mad u trial purkage of the tabletB. Siek women are invited to consult I ... Pierce by letter, tree ; also a 130 I, ge Imok on woman's discuses, free. Doctur Pierce's Pelleti are the original l.ill,. Liver Pills. 'n little Pellet (or a i .!... r,,r u i.Mthttrtie tiold b9 I Of uiMists for oeail W yoars. "Leave it with I lim The lilies all do, And they grow; They grow in the rain, And they grow in the dew, Ves, they grow; They grow in the darkness, all hid in the night. They grow in the sunshine, revealed by the light ! "The grasses are clothed And the ravens are led I a om I lis store; Urn you, who are loved And guarded and led, How much more Will He clothe you, and teed you, and give you His care, Then leave it with Him; He hath everywhere Ampel store.' "Ves, leave it with Him: You're more dear to His heart You well know, Then the lilies that bloom, Or the flowers that start 'Neath the snow. What you need, if you ask ii in prayer, You can leave ii with Him, for you are His care You, you know." HE LEADETH ME. "In "pastures green?" Not always; sometimes He Who knoweth best, in kindness loadeili me In weary ways where heavy shadows be. Out of the sunshine, warm and soft and bright, Oul of the sunshine into darkest night. I ofi would fainl vriili sorrow and affright. Only for this 1 know He holds my hand, So, whether in the green or desert land, I trust, although I may not understand. And "by still waters?" No, not always so, Oftimes ihe heavy tempests round me blow, And o'er my soul the waves and billows go. Hut when the storms beat loudest, und I cry Aloud For help, ilie Master standcih by, And whispers to my soul, "l.o, it is I." Above ilie tempest wild I hear Mini say ; Beyond this darkness lies the perfect day, In every path of thine 1 lead the way." So, whether on the hilltops high and fair I dwell, or in the sunless valleys where The shadows lie what matter? He is there ' And more than this; where'er the pathway lead He gives to me no helpless broken reed, Hut His own hand, sufficient tor my need So where lie leads me I uu s.dely go, And in the blest hereafter I shall know Why in His wisdom He haih led me so. MIDDLE-AGE MEN SCORE. War Is (living Them New Chance In Lite. A man is as old as he feels; A woman as old as she looks. Ancient Proverb. Probably no tlippani statement made by a man of science ever did so much harm or brought woe or suffering to so many persons as did Dr. Osier's reported declara tion that men are no good after 41). The doctor didn't say it. What he said was different and was a labor ed linghsh effort at jocularity; but the statement as said lo have been made went the world over and was thrashed out lime after time by newspaper and magazine. Ii was unfair. It was cruel. It you meet a man and tell him he appears ill he may smile. If 20 persons tell him so within an hour the chances are he'll be ill or think he is. America was in the humor at that particular moment to coddle the young man. It was in the early flush of a great prosperity. Young men had come to the front suddenly, having had spectacular success. Much was made of the fact. Their success was ascribed in large measure lo the energy, spirit, resiliency of youth. In a liltle while heedless, careless Amer ica had come to the conclusion that, while Osier exaggerated, he wasn't so far uwny from the truth. l-riii ib it n"" n the mm of middle age or beyond has been un der a handicap. It has been not only in the unwillingness of em ployers to engage any but young men, but in the doubt, if not in de spair, that has crept into the brain and heart of the middle-aged man. What a shame ! A man should be at his besi ai 41), 45, 50. There were limes when men were not considered mature until they were 40. The knights of old, warriors bold, if ever men wre b ld, men of valor, strength, resourcefulness, were in their prime in their for ties. What the economic loss to Amer ica has been through this shocking libel on the men of middle age will never be known, bui it must be tremendous. THY I A I'llliR'S I'RIliM). In the will ot the l.ne Justice Lamar ut the I lined States Su preme court there was one very tintisu.il leg.iv.y. He bequeathed his friendships to Ins l.iunly. "To my family," the will runs, "I beyueaih friendships many and numerous in the hope that tliey will he cherished and continued. True friendships are the most val uable of our earthly possessions, more precious than gold, more en during than marble palaces, more important than lame. As Henry Drununond has well said, 'l-'riend-ship is the nearest thing we know to w li.it religion is!" RlliHT TO THE POINT, I INSPECTION Urden vsnr cum-r- n.-.- iiii viir- iwisk ntAI LIQUIDS AND PASTES. FOR BLACK, WHITE, TAN, DARK BROWN OR OX-BLOOD SHOES. PRESERVETHE LEATHER, Ik. F. F. DALLEY CORPORATIONS. LIMITED. MJFFAL0. N. Y. You will be surprised to find out how much good there is in the world il you will sit up and take notice. The surer a gn . is about a man's being in love w iih her the less sure she is about being in love with him Nothing is more exasperating than a fool friend who is always reminding you of your faults for your own good. Many more men would buy heavenly shares if they could be had on the installment plan. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A A DRY COUNTRY. A man w ho drove across ihe country last summer to a little town in western Kansas met a far mer hauling a wagon load of wa ter. "Where do you get water?" he asked. "I 'p the road abo'H seven miles," the tanner replied. "And you haul water seven miles lor your family and stock ?" "Yep." "Why in the world don't you dig a well?" asked the traveler, excitedly. "1'icc.mse. sirnigvi," the larmer said, lit inly, ''it's inst as tut one wav a-i the oilier " T II V. m IIFHI ESTABLISHED 1892 P. pital and Surplus, S60,000. WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT. A PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT w. r. iiami'I., emulous i H Ii SM I I'M Vlv R l KKslllUSI. I. o. UKAKEJ CAUH1BH. Today there is a change. The door of opportunity opens, or should be opened, to the middle aged man. The war, and ihe con sequent scarcity of malelabor.have made many persons think of the middle-aged man who formerly, through silly prejudice, would not have given thought to him. Down town the bankers, brokers, insurance men and others have been experimenting With the middle-aged man. They have taken him, here and there, as clerk or office "boy." Don't smile. The r. port is that he makes the best oifice boy in the world. He was si.iried ai a trifle more pay than tlie former office hoy got, but ad vance has come to him rapidly. 1 he middle-aged office boy isn't a cigarette smoker. He doesn't shoot craps. He is polite, atten tive, reliable. He isn't running around the place sky larking with other kids or trying to flirt with a giilgly girl clerk. He is a sane, reliable, human being, not an un tamed, unmanageable and irrespon sive cub. In Ihe shop and factory it is the same. I he middle-aged man is not a clock watcher. He values Ins job. He respects his boss. He d ies not think the boss is the ene my of mankind. He is fanhful. A great, terrible injustice has been done to the middle aged man. It is useless lo discuss the matter if discussion brings only sympathy. It should bring more. It must bring lustice, opportunity. And justice, opporiiinuy, only can be had by an agency that only will open the door to the middle-aged man, but keep il wide open. Make way for the middle-aged man. Give to him what should be the inalienable right of every man, a fair chance. He hasn't it. Open your hean to him, loo. He needs, deserves encouragement. He may be a bit doubtful of him self at first. He may be like the man made ill by being told by so many persons that he looked ill. New York Mail. WARM VI 'He says 1 am the only girl he has ever loved." "I'd beware of linn." "Why?" "I think it dangerous to lie up r life wuh a m in w ho takes the first thing that comes along. " N. O- Picayune. IN Mik,i7 FOR YEARS Musical directors heal iheir way through the world. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Mrs. Courtney Tells How She ; Was Cured by Lydia L Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Okaloosa, Iowa." For ynrs I was 1 aimply in misery from a weakness and i uwiui pains and nu thing Ktmt'd to do me any good. A friend advised mu to take Lydia K. I'inkham's Vege table Compound. 1 did so and got re lief right away. J can certainly ro cnmnicnd this valu able medicine to other women who mi Her, for it haa done such good work for me and I know it will help others if they will give it a fair trial." Mrs. I.izzikCui'KTNBY, IdSSth Ave., Vet, Oskaloo.sft, Iowa. Why will women drag along from day to day, year in nnd year out, sutTering such misery as did Mrs. Courtney, when such letters as this arecontinually being published. Kvery woman who sulfers from displacements, irregularities, in flammation, ulceration, backache, ner vousness, or who in pacing through the Chang.1 of Life plumld give this famous root and herb reme-lv, I.dia K. I'ink ham's Vegetable ( ii. sun I. a t rial. For special advice v rite ! '.-i F. I'inkham Medicine Co., I ;. . 'i he result uf iti Ion . 1 iii' ..I vi'ur ttru'. f9f mroilOflMBUIWIttliMMM)! llNVlTATION.j I You are invited to open an account with the I I BHK OF EHFlf.LD, S I Eft FIELD, fi. C. J a i 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart-! I t" ment Compounded Quarterly. S i ' 8 I tyJF YOU can bank by mail i iOTCTrmgiiramKgw;r,r 3 Fire hsurancs Surety Bonds ! Life, Accident and Health. Plate Glass and Automobiles. Repre senting leading companies. See me about your insurance wants. L C. DRAPKR Office in (ireen Building, WfiLDON, N. C. flat's iw Is Music" By Special Arrangement w ith the Associated Music Publishers of New York, we will feature by Daily Pathephone Demonstration BROADWAY'S big Song Hits CLIP THIS AND PIN ON WIFE'S DRESSER Cincinnati man tells how to shrivel up corns or calluses so they lift off with ttngrrt. 1 Inch ! T ! t M This kind of rungli talk will he lienrd less here in town if people triuildi'd with conn will follow the simple nth ice of this Cincinnati authority, who claim thnt a few dropn of n dru' uillid freeone when nnplii'd to a tender, aching corn or hnnl. tied ml. m etojitt sor-'iiem. at once, and aoon the corn or callus drie up and lifts right olf without pain. He fayn frecrone dries immediately ami nwer iiiHn liu-n or even irritates the mirroiinding nkin. A small bottle uf freeone will cost very little ut any drug Htore, but wdl positively remove every hard or soft corn or callus fioru one's feet. Millions uf Am. ri. iin (vonji-n will welcome this amumne. meiit nirns the inauguration of the hi;!, heels h your drupplst doesn't have fieezone tell Lim to order a small buttle for you Come in and hear the "Latest" Direct from Melody Row. All Sheet Music 10c. Copy, !. M. Cchen Drug Company, Weldon, North Carolina. NliNNAl LY'S AND j NOKRIS' CANDIES. I SOLI: AGliNTS FOR NYAL'S REMEDIES. For Sale! New Todd Check Protector. If interested, call at this office.

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