spy SSL. 0 KSI AIiLISniil) IN 1500. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$l.5C i'cr .-in VOL. Ul. WELDON, X. C, THURSDAY, Al'KIL H, l!H NO. I!t ki'i Net CuntiT.'j irFluiil Drachm Sip ALcoiiin.-ai'tii i.wt AVV'ii'lAlik' ftoMmlioolbr.ta I"? imilntniliUu'l'oodliylirljiiU . tinti llif SlonuicJis nml flvt TliercMVumolinil Motion rh,.rf,,lnt nii ResltU f neither Opium. Morphia" Mineral. Not ah(.oth Mi Mm IW "6 . Pi! H I f.l..f..l Ui,,n.il f.'t 1 A!H'iy,u"V ' ! fonstipnlionoiiuDiarrlii' and Fi-vcrisnness I, LossorSWEf ! rcsultinlh'rcfroni inlnfjno flic Simile StrtnMu0 hxncl Copy of Wrapper. 111 1 Ill gl Get The Habit CBuy for Cash. Save"CS lthe pennies by buy-T23 ing at W. T. PARKER & CO , Wholesale Cash Store WELOON, N. C. n II I II It i m&M iihii iiliini MAM H.UTl KKIfS OF Building Material fur Modern Humes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Duur and Window Screens MADE TO OKUKR AMMiUi! I.Alt STUCK NIZKs. Oood Materials, High Grade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldun, N. C. Q5 THE Dining Room should be a cheerful place, for when you eat your meals amid pleasant surroundings you do much to aid digestion. And good digestion means health. HAVE US FURNISH YOUR DINING ROOM The variety of designs in Tables, Chairs, Side boards, China Closets, Serving Tables and the like, is ample to satisfy your desires, whatever they may be, in the matter of style, finish and price. Come in and talk it over with us. We are as ager to GIVE satisfaction as you are to receive it. Weldoa Furniture Company, Weldon, N. C. PHICK BELL 2 IN 600 W. Broad St., Your Old Tyres I'CNl'UMKH VlMNHI.NIt HUl'tl I'AMI N(IH lir m it IKNINH ONR I'ANISII H 711 Ii ii II mi 7 7.1 8 Si S KI J STi III 411 1U ! 11 & hi mi 11 70 11 III) 11! mi 12 mi i:t mi H mi H1ZK llttxtt M l MttUt S aii.ii i w 11x4 t SSH ' Ml 4 H W 4l4 5 "' S.r,l4 5 " ll4 '' 8414) 11 r,U 35ll t) Hi 36l4 0 87l4j V ro nfi5 " ' amr, 7 S7K H IK) YOUk OL.U I T nr.3 mnuc 4. iii i. Don't throw wy your old tires, them to in, we muy be .hie o make them Via Tr you" let a. be the j.l, depo.it neee.ary we make all .In 'KiMt to voureiamiDatiou; 1 they are uot worth makiiiK 2 id 1 we will tiV,Zg"oud pnee. (.he lugheet. anywhere) , ad return tb, uoouat to you. We pay cbw 'ooomiof . .. .. . . . .. t. : iii'l' ASTORIA Forlnfiij..cijiMren Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always T-, Ad mm tho o- ... - signature of Use For Over Thirty Years mm iff LIST 1 TYRES RICHMOND, VA. Made Into One M K rHU K KOH I'OMfl.KTI 'fc',IN 1 I'VHK t.'i NU 7 HA fill fj 411 2 im I a wi II o 14 mi 15 mi i.'i mi 15 K, Ui mi m mi is 711 m h.i 1H !l'l 'lTHKH 2IKI W 4U 4 mi aft 4 -At 4 4 'i 4 ;hi 4 m 4 7.1 6 Ul : im s mi II IKI ii in 411 ii r.u II 7.1 i, t r I : i im I n .IrV lr Imp) DYING FOR ONE'S COUNTRY. "Death Never Comes Too Soon, If Necessary In Defense ol Our Country." Story. It wan Nathan Hale who saiil ''I ri'un't I havi: Imt one lift tn l"sc fur my cciuntiy." And Ii is llnrai'f that imiki's inn' of his hiToi'K say: ''It ih swrct and nloiiiius In die for oiif's fun ii 1 1-v . ' ' 'Chi. i'o havn ht'i-n many and stiikiiiK illustrations of this in ouri'ouiitry's liistory. Il is said tin- untimt'ly fato of '!. Own ltoliorls, who full at Sloiiii, tvas i'iiubo of universal ri'Kiot. Ho was an inllrxihle paiiiot, and an oxeidlcnt disci ilin.'ii'ian, anil cut h u si as t in imrsiiil of inililiiry faino. His son, who was in tlio action, hoariiiK of his misfortune, has tened to Ii i tn. The expiring veteran pereeivint; ill his conn teiianee the liveliest sorrow, addressed him with the great est composure: "I rejoice my Imy, again to see and to einhrace you. Receive this sword, which w as never tarnished hy dishon or, and let it not he inactive while the liherty of our country is endangered. Take my last adieu, accept my hlessings.and return to your duty." COME TO GIT REDEMPTION. Tor De Land's Sake;'' Them All. Take Some very amusing things happen in the various ollices of the local hoards of the country, and while some of the clainiR for deferred classification are meritorious, a great many of them are alisolutely laiighahle, Mr. A. J. Huiming, Jr., chief clerk of the Loral Hoard of Her tie county, N. ('., tells about an old negro who dropped into his ollice a few days ago. "Boss," said the old man, "1'se come fur to git redemp tion." "How's that, I'ncle !'" in quired the clerk. "W ell, you see, it's like dis: You all is 'gw ine tor take niv hoy away tin in ineaiid sen' Ii i m to de w ar and it'll leave me fur to star ter death, an' 1 wants ter git redemption for him, yes sail ! "Why, old man," said the clerk, "that hoy of yours can send you fla every month out of his pay and furthermore the governmens will pay you an additional $H each month, ma king a total of $25 per month for your support. Wouldn't that do for your needs ?" "What's dat you say, hoss?" I'se to git $2.i every month fur dat hoy in de army ?'' "That's right." "Kur de Lawd's sake!" and the old negro became really ex ited. He began talking to himself and tiguriug a littlo. After a while he turned to the elerk: "Look er here Hoss," he said. "You all gil dat hoy off to war as soon as you all can, and Hoss I'se got three moio hoys dat 1 wants you all to git off to de war as quick as" "Theduece you have!" ex claimed the clerk. "Where are they :-" "Why de's over in Virginy er somewhere else workin' in de powder plants, sab, dem good-fur-nut hin', tritl in' rascal been workin' eher dar all dis lime try ill' fur to keep out de war, and ain't sent me a copper cent, no sah, not a red cent, , urn dar trillin' time. Yes, s ih, you all call dem hoys fur to go and light for dar country jes' like iley ought to. Talk iibool "ui patriotism, .1. in niggers ain't never had it like we hud it w hen we wuz young. Yea, sah, you get dem niggers in ilia war. SAYS LEMON JUICE WILL REMOVE FRECKLES Qirlal Maka thia cheap beauty lotion to dear and whiten your asm. !..! -I 1-mnna IntA a bottlf containing three ouncea ot uri-hard wnile, anaap wm, uu . .... nf ).. Iu.at lrw.lt A and a miariri p,u. ... ... - - tan lotion, and compli-xion beautifler, at vi-ry, very imau i-ubv- Your tfrociT Iihh trie ii'mons aim uj JnlK store or toilet fountiT will lupply ., " n..i,. r,i uMl,. for a few eriiU. Ma-MKC tliia awretly fragrant lotion into tne lane, ---, j i. .1-.. -mi sua li.tw fr,,ckl-i and H. misliea dinappoar and how clear, aoft and wnite uu aaju - It harm1 HERE'S TO OLD If GLORY, COD IIHWIIIMUtllltl1l( If Anyone Attempts to Haul Down the American Flag, Shoot Him on the Spot. John A. Dix. immmwiiuHiiMiiit FOLDS of white and scarlet ! blue field with your silver stars ! .fa May fond eyes welcome you, will-A ing feet fulluw yuu, strong hands Vi defend you, warm hearts cherish you, and dying lips give you their . . ul.,: I I : uiL'ssiui; i vyurs oy uiiieriiunce, ours ny ?A allegiance, ours by affectionlong may a 'i-you float on the free winds of heaven, the emblem of liberty, the hope of the world! -- TELL ME SO. The people who have so much sympathy for those who have gone beyond all earthly help, might use a little of it in every day life to a good and excellent purpose. The idea of kicking people when alive and then lor a person to weep over their grave w hen dead is what too many of us do and is one reason w hy the world is no belter today. Speak your kind words 10 the living, and when you are dead you need not care what is said of you. If you love me tell me so, Wait not 'till the summer glow Fades in autumn's changeful light, Amber clouds and purple night; Wait not 'till the winter hours Heap with snow drifts all the (lowers, Till the tide of life runs low It you love me tell me so. II you love me tell tne so, While the river's dreamy How Molds the love-enchanted hours, Steeped in music, crowned with Mowers, lire the summer's vibrant days Vanish in the opal haze; L:re is hushed the music Now If you love me tell me so. If you love me tell me so. Let me hear the sweet words low; Let me know, while life is fair While in womanhood's first blouni, lire shall come dark days of gloom, In the first fresh dawning glow If you love me tell me so. GENERAL GORDON'S WIDOW REVIEWS TROOPS M - mmmmm2m k'tmHiki i.iJ?-t-. "Thvs nit' tie Jiiic ii ImkIv ul' int'ii u com hip lit of Mfh. Jnha B. Oortlou, widow uf Hip fnnioUH CVjol't'dwruttt getiurnl, after reviewing the troop at Camp Qonlon. (in., named In honor of tlio South ern soldier. MUCH IN LITTLE A London tailor, nwetl by the Utia gers ncfotnjmnylnK enemy rulds, built hlmsi'lf h duKi't In the ImMement of his sioro wlih Imles of doth. A war viY" v ot'ii in! inspocifd It and deolured t : "I'U'l.v honili proof. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA l n wi'iv mil' l'V tu Hi'' "IvlU'x." huh tlio imvld It. Ittirkey. a rivll war vet eritn, ni;ed elfthty of I'hlladelphla, takes it LWmlle hike for Mh dally ex erelse. .I.ilm Slonih. ulm tins 1 1 eeli waltlQK for ii liojinnv: in Hi Sium (Me.) jail, Iiiih ruined 'M pounds in the tbrut 111"!'.!!.; lie 1ms heen tilery. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY AHEAD. Will Nations Arise To It When War Is lindcd ? It is assumed that when the war ends it will be necessary for all nations to develop as never In-fore their natural re sources to make good the want age of combat and to lift the crushing bunions of debts which will press every people actively or passively involved, I'lidoubteilly this will supply the urgent necessity of compell ing humanity to attack the des ert and jungle regions of the world now left to the possession of the jackal ami the savage. This thought opens a pleas ing vista of possibilities. In South and Central America, in Africa, in Asia, lies unused millions of acres, untouched billions of miii'Tal wealth. 1111 estiniateil billions' worth of timber, which, if tamed, de veloped exploited on soiiii- in ternational co-operative basis would not only sullieeto pay all the war and rehabilitate all the shattered regions, hut, to make wealth, comparatively speak-I ing, the possession of every, I amily. Truly, out of the wreck of civilization, on the material side, the world has an open chance to rise in greater splen dor and strength than it has ever known, to realize the dream of the prophets of the golden age. Hut will men and nations rise to the opportunity? Detroit Free I'ress. Nature Cures, The Doctor Takes The Fee. Tlieie in an olil sayinir that ''Niituie t'uii'M, the doctor tnkes the fee," Imt :is evei vone knows yuu can helji Suture very much and thereby enable it to ef fect a cure in mui'h leH tune than is usually re.) ui red. This is particulailytuie ot colds. ( haniherlaiu'x CoiiL'h Kerne dy relieves the touirh imicous and aids in itw expectoration, allays the C(iui:h and aitls Nature in restonm; the sy-tein tu a healthy condition. t'oltiliel itooTVr.i ..lul Ins JOUUt'CHt .''iimlxon. Aretiihiild I'.ullorh Itoosc vult. Jr., phofonniphed nl the h"ine of Thoiiiu l.oeku In Hosion. where MrH. Archie Itooseveli and her ami are sliiylin: until rupinln Uotiscveli p turns froui I'iniki', Ii vn the ilrt time the eolonej ImM seei. Iun IH u grandson, lie- ;, i .-It all over." W08 the colonel's eiiniueut, TO RESIST THE ATTACK Of tlio germs of many disrates such at u ri p, Mul:. r ut, tneaii-s tu' o IIS liL'hl fir Oi.i ' Thes ceriiia :u everywhere in tl. 1 air wo bn-.ii.lt . The odds ur.s lu favor of tlni frorma, if tho llvor is Inactlvo mid the hi nod Impure. What Is needed most Is an Iiict.-hm' In tho ircrm-liithtliiK Htrenmh. To do tlih RinvtKHfiilly you need to pot on lolth fltnh, roii'W the Hver to vlkMroii neium no It will ihrow ntT these tf.Titis. and pu rily i lie hlisst m th.1t th.-n mil Ihj no " weak "ikits." nr soil foi ffi'rm-Kntwtl,, We claim for lr Viere.' iioi.t.-u Mf.li.it I Oiseovery that It dM- all thh hi ii w-iy ...MlM?r to tt-lf lleim-s troubled canted hy trpid liver ur i Iti ill re IiIimkI. Thl herbal tonic In uutde up m liquid or tablet form and can im obuuiuHl In any dill store In the Dnilisl Mules, it i:o tain-- no alcohol or narcotic, and tu in Breillenu am iirlnted on the wrapfwr Write Or. I'ierce, (resident Invnllds' Hotel and SurKlcal InHtitute, KuITiiId N. Y.,and send Iti cents for trial pavktuu of tablets. Hyiikk,Tp:nn. "I have used Or Pierce's Metliclnes In my family and tin.) them to U the itrenU'st niedieimw known for tho diseases uf the huiiiau ruco. The 'ttulden Medical Discovery ' Is the urea test medi cine I ever used for 'run-down' nerves; the Krealost liver mitlichip known In this country; good for diarrhea. 1 know this medicine is irood for the abovu co'DpluluU for 1 hae used It for them. "I will unswer any Inquiry from any sick ponon and Khully tell what this wonderful medicine hns done, for me.-" Nathan Cauhull, Huulo Syi.acauoa, Ai.A.-"Thl Is a trim' statement as to the value of Dr Pierce's Medicines, I used one of his great rame Jles in my own family with Rood results, namely, 'tiolden MMioal Discovery.1 aun founil It to lie all It is claimed to tw there Is no medicine Hint will conif as near doing what it is claimed Un If there'ti no praise too hlh for it." VV Jou.i , Hoi 2lf.. T. R.'S YOUNGEST GRANDSON "-l, k i . mi .nnf fEPYOUR tlQU?rS fiND PflSTFS. TA?J, UmPK BROWH OR tIJCCCDIIr.' -ri.a- "if O t LLV C OHt-'oWATIOHt, tiMiTtp, HU f IAIO.N.V. on t M hsi AHi.isni:o io2 i i t- , lapit vvr. iNvrri: your acjcount. 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT W. IIANtl'.I., I'KKSIIIKS'I. W. It. 11 K - st INVITATION.! You are invited to open an account with the bwk of wmo, Efl FIELD, f. C. I K 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart-? ment Compounded Quarterly. ! in YOU can firs mm & Surety Bonis ! Life, Accident and Health. Plate Glass arid Automobiles. Repre si'iithg leading companies. See me about your insurance wants. LC. UKAPKli Office in Green Building, WELDON, N. C. t's By Special Arrangement w ith the Associated Music Publishers of New York, we will feature by Daily Pathephone Demonstration BROADWAY'S big Song Hits Come in and hear the "Latest" Direct from Melody How. All Sheet Music 10c. Copy. 1'. Ii Cohen Drug Compiuy, Weldon, North Carolina. S01.U AG 1: NTS l:OR i NYAL'S Rl-MI:niF.S. I For Sale! New Todd Check Protector. If interested, call at this office. " m iff w rj it, 3 i m M m at. SHOES MEAT FOR BLACK, WHITE. OX-BLOOIT SHOES, 4,ili' ar.-.. 30 ii i: ' 1 T ' ! ' ii f s SMITH. J. O. DRAKE,! I'HKMDKNT m hank hy mail NUNNALLY'S AND NORRIS' CANDIES. : 'At mnn aam urprac.ioU.U-JU Iw In L

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