It. A Natural Fortification If you catch colds easily, if troubled with catarrh, if subject to headaches, nervousness or listlessness, by all means start today to build your strength with which is a concentrated medicinal food and building- tonic to put power in the blood, strengthen the life forces and tone up the appetite. No alcohol in SCOTT'S. The imported Nurwrciiin ml Itver oil uif i in Scott ' Emulion Un'-wfi dnn! Id our own Auitricuii lulmrntutus which kuiiiuhhv. it flic Iiuui iminiittun v-'ilt A lWjwtje. lilouuiliiiil N ), 11. WtfY SpEfo Ull You Efi? You might get sick or hurt- he prepared lot it You might want to make an invest went--start now, "Takes money to make money," ou You might be visited by thieves or fire--an act Mint with us prevents loss, the savins habit is anight) good one to get into. We pav 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts : THE BANK OF HALIFAX H-A.LI.F.A.X 1ST. C. N. L. Stedman, PredideDt P. C. Virr THE ROANOKE NEWS1 Ne York legislators have re- - fused 10 drink to the prnhihiiinn THURSDAY, Ariml 18, 1918. isis with ilieir "ayes." Published Every Thursday ESI'KHKll AT 1'OKI'UKKR K AT NKl.lmS AN sK, UNII-l I ASH M A rl'Klt. KAII S hi' SI IISIRII'IIIIS IN ADVANCK: ' Oui' Year, (by mail) potpaiJ, tl.W. Six Months, " " A ffkly lemocratic juurual devoted o the material, educational, political aii'l agricultural interentn of Halifax and urrouDdlnCOuutiM. AdvertittiiiK rates reanouatile and fur nished on application. JUNKUHISM must perish fro3 the earth. Frightfulni-ss will yet sting itself to death. Anothkr good home guard is the home garden ONCE contracted, the war sav ings habit is a ioy. Human liberty is no longer the plaything of monarchs. Some men's littleness is by far the biggest part of them. Don't wish the war was over. Wish to whip the Kaiser. HAl't'Y the man or woman, who is a fool only on April I . Do not pause to watch the right. Go on with the war work. What are you going to do with your extra hour of daylight ? Nebuchadnezzar had to eat grass. Kaiser Bill will come to it too. The Kaiser, we suppose, is tak ing Finland for a "place in the sun." IF a stitch "in time" saves nine, how much do we save by an hour in time? It matters not how good a man may be. there are some who can never see. THERE may be balm in GileaJ but there are no cheap excursions to that place Many a man who seems per fectly happy is wearing a shirt made by his wife. A woman never pays much at tention to her husband's talk unless he talks in his sleep. Concrete ships will serve to make an excellent road from America to Europe. Late reports from France have spurred many a slow thinker into buying thrift stamps. Catarrhal Deafness Can't be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies Deatness is caused by an infJanied con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when 1 1 is entire ly closed, Deafness is the result, and un less the intlammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will he destroyed for ever; ume cases out of ten are caused by Latanh, which is uothing but an in ttamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We will give one Hundred Dollars for auy case of De .fuesstcaused by catarrh; that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. F. J. CHENEY 4 CO., Toledo, Ohi-o testimonials sent free. Price 76 cents per bottle, Sold by all druggists. t Hall's family Hills for Constipation. "Now," said the physician, "you will have to eat very moder ately and avoid staying out late at night." Gregory, - l'rpsirlpnl F. ft. Gregory rnxllipr Stand last with a hrave heart ' Our spiritual support reaches the men in the battle line. Kl'SSIA is learning that Germa ny's idea ol peace is lor the other fellow to slop righting. WOOL is now somewhat scarce so that Mary's little lamb is expect ed to clothe all the tainily. "L'NITED we stand" is th; very important contribution of the United Slates to the Allies. Now little Wilhelmma, don't you cry; you'll get your Dutch ships back again by and by. No matter how fjr the German Long I om can shoot it can't shoot far enough to hit our battleplanes. Now that the hoys have a chance to light, they will do their best to get out ol the trenches before Christmas. WITH General Foclt in supreme command, there will be not only "unity ol command," but there will be "command." From the amount of booze con sumed by I liiklenbutg, according to several observers, he must be the original Hum Demon. W lll.N a ( leriiian .unn.m has orders to kill women and children he obejs. It is a hue system Irom the Prussian point ol view. 1 HE Germans do not respect a peace tie.ity cuii when they hive written all us terms. I'htir greed fur loot grows by what it feeds on. A Baltimore oyster dealer is said to have killed liniiseli because of the shortage ol oystcts. That was a belter reason than must ol tliein Comfort loung househusiinds will rejoice now in the realization that it is accepted as patriotic to wear one's old clothes, shoes and hats. The German generals at e being forced into battle by public clamor at home as the German soldiers are forced into battle by ni.uh.ine guns. The average man seldom knows all that other men thinks he knows, but the chances are he knows a few things he isn't suspected ol knowing. As usual, Hindenburg and the Hohenzullern outfit are prepared to shed every drop of blood in the other fellow's veins to break the Allies' lines. T TO Spanish ships have been sunk by German submarines. And yet observers tell us that Spanish sympathy is largely with the Teu tonic allies ! Washington, Oregon, Texas and Lousiana are now reported to be up with their shipbuilding work. Tlie remaining costal States should hasten to get into line. 1 he price of wheat was for many years an important incident of political itisciiron. It has now made its way into the realms of se rious and responsible statesman ship. BEFORE the selection of Gen. Foch as supreme commander in France, the Allied armies were all limos without a head. Now they form a complete, perfect, and tre mendously formidable organism. Some Qood Advice. "Don't think too much of your own methods. Watch other people's ways and learn from them." This is good advice, especially when tiilious. or con stipated. You will Anil many people who use I hamberlain's Tablets for these ailiu I aitli the best results, and will do well to follow their example. FUEL ADMINISTRATOR APPEALS I o Coal Pnuhuers mid Consum ers to sisl in Supph ing Coin ing ear's Demands. Tii.i Vliii.uisir.itor ll.niv A. I . !i i.i in the t,....- it. 1 1 1 - t 1 " ! ;;i:; MiC n ' i .'' ": 1 " ', S !'i ,;;h !,, ..; ii:;in,.;i K'sr;l;; UP1''! I t ,.,'" .!!.! v III.' I 'lillid i.ii-'n io Jo Ins in, in ou!cr n. c il -.ivpiy ol the coining may be made a.leipi ne to meet the h. nit- ncc.N ol our people and the . I nu'i i isn't', 'lein.mds lor o il tor U: I !ti.;i gt i'v. out ot the : Millie! i wlnji we .0'' r.ow uiguyd. 1 !i I ii; I A Immisii limn mtiM hi'.'1 til, '.HIT' 1 and the a 'live Co . ( i.iiiop, n.. "Klv ii ihue u ;io LTg 'C-d in piojiki on i ..! o'-:i I'tni. ' 'o.l, Toi ol , , i il ii-:! in ihi' .o ii" ; pillion, mci s!:.-.- !n!) llt ! III .Jo !' the ' ii MipiM i:. i" !v prop, i-y i,.vi is.. I .it..! ...Umh.ii.Iv distributed. "An supply i- vital to the w liming ol the w ar. nil out it we can not make iminm .ns or other w ar supplies or i'nii.l me I snips Inch innsi can y men to me battle Ironi. niioiii n mdustno 1 w ill be slopped, labor throw n out ol employment, and the homes ol the people will he cold. "( 'muled by tlie cApvnciicc il the pasi w inter the i'tiel Adminis tration has taken the nceessaiy siep- to clear the way lor the cease- less activity of the mines ot the country in increasing the supply i and tor the steady, swift distitbii-; non ol the Nation's fuel as rapidly j as it can be taken from the ground : and moved over our overburdened i transportation systems. "The prices fixed by the Gov ernment for coal at the mine have now been established on a stable loiindation which w ill not be dis turbed during tlie coming coal j year, except in cases of cxtraor- ! dinary urgency. These prices have been adjusted by scientific and practical investigation b.i-ed upon uniform cost sheet reports to insure the greatest possible stim ulation of production while main taining a reasonable and equitable price ' if coal to lie consumer. "By carefully draw n, the Fuel Administration has insured the shipment of 'clean coal' Irom the mines. Coal containing ail undue amount of loreign matter will be penalized in price, and pro ducers who lake extraordinary measures in the preparation ol their coal will be recompensed. These measures will keep oil the railroads and out of the bins ol the consum ers a large amount ot uiiluirnabie material which w as injuded in last year's coal production. "l.very etlort has been made by the Fuel Administration to so ar range the distribution of the coai supply that it will impose the least possible burden upon the railroads ot the country. Through the zone system ol distribution, which be came ellective April I, the move incut ol biuiminous coal between the mme and the producer will be restricted to the shortest possible liauspi, nation hues consistent with the maintenance ol an adeguaie and proper coal supply to ,iil cotisum et s "In arranging these restrictions tlie Fuel Administration, in many cases, ha- allotted to consuming teniioiy producing fields whiji can only till the demand of the con sumers they must supply, if pro dtuiioii is maintained steadily tin oiigiioui the sear " I he I uel Administration ex pects the eoal Coiisuiuets, continu ing their patriotic co-operaiioit with the ( io eminent in all its ai measures, to maintain a steady and Cuiisi.iin demand lot coal in older to attain this result ( oiisiiiuers must buy their int. r supply ot C'.al during the spi mg and suumu r tor storage during the winter if the production is to be maintained at a maximum and inr country coaKcd to avoid a serious coal shortage this winter. The Fuel Adminis tration w ill co operate with all communities in an cllon to pi ovule storage for emergency stocks of coal to be set aside during the spring and summer to meet the emergencies ol weather and trans portation which may arise next winter. "Hut the great storage capacity of the country lies in the bins nt the individual consumer, and there the country's coal reserve must he built up during the spring and sum mer when coal production is un hindered and the transportation fa cilities of the country operating at their highest efficiency. "As an inducement to 'early buying' the prices of anthracite coal have been reduced 30 cents a ton on all domestic sizes from April I to August 31, and in many of the bituminous fields prices have been cut to nn even greater extent. "To safeguard the consumer the Fuel Administration has prescribed regulations to prevent profiteering and to govern the distribution of coal by licensed jobbers and by re tailers, l.ich domestic consumer i w ill be pei'ii'i!! ;.l !. secure i lull ma m il simple .. out, but no moo'. "i' ere mi oi thai is lioard misi liiini e need- and is not u- I .till no; the .ti i ;s ,1,'nul il' -ii-ii ih ' c,. il llsell .1! will,., i.i tl.,,11 .loiio; ih: ir p ii i tow ird sp.edy vic tory Consumers slmul.l secure nisi a little less eo il than they be li.'Vc ihev need and should in ike every sliovehul give its lull value ; in heat and power livery shovel ful saved means help lor the indus tries in mi nmg out supplies lor our troops jhio i.1, help lor the ships that must bridge the .i.OOO-unlc U ip betw ecu our shores and the Kittle !i nn, and he'p toward ulli ni ue Vic'ioi'v 0 0 ! HLTJIHN 33 MRS AdO. j o . .. .6 I'ruin I he Moannke News, April ') Id. INNS. I lied on Sunday List ai ihe resi dence ol her hush and about live mii.s In. in ilns place, of pneumo nia, Mi s Ann I l.irvell, in the 5 Ith year ot her age. V.i-s I V. Sheann, ot this coun ty, w ho h is been visiting friends in 1 )ivc!ip'rt. Iowa, lor the past ', feu months, returned home last w eek. Bruv n loDl.. m. -On Thurs day last it hi, home near Gaston, 1 1. ii rison r.iulcou, colored, w ho was a cripple, tell in the fire and beloic he could awake any ol his lanidy and gel help he was so bad ly burned that he subsequently : died. l ll. On Friday morning alter a protracted illness Mrs, M ir tha A. Clark died at her residence in this place, in the 70th year of her age. She was buried at the cemetery. She had been a con sistent member ol the ,l. 1: eliiu ;h lor a liii'iit'cr ol years and leaves many sorrow ;ng friends ..pi A II. M . he. . ruuuiiig Ihj pis., ng i n nn . , Atl.iniic t oust in p ' : dpi. Borden, w ho ii.i-, oc .ai .ic Our popular dem. a, 1 )r, J. 1 . Shields, went to 1. inlet : tins in .k on professional business. I i:i:n At Ins residence a tew links troin this p c-e .Mr. A. T'. I l.irvell died ol pueumoma on the ''th in his 7.m d ear I le sur iv..! his he lour J.iis. .Mr, I ;m - Ii w.i- a kind neighbor and good em- 111- Flloi IjTl'.K'i l; Ml Klil. if. John Rogers, color, -J, who killed M. I'. Peebles, near M lrgaretlsviik on the -Ith ol he CeiubeT last in a light was tried at Northampton eourt last week. The State was represented bv Solicitor Collins, Messrs. k'. B. Peebles, W . Peebles and V. C. l louen The prisoner was defended by Mr. H. S. Gay The case was ally conducted on both sides and the utry alter being out about an hour, . returned a vet diet ol guilty of mur der m the lust degree and the prisoner was sentenced to be hung ; on the 5lh ol June. W'ti in in Makkit. Chickens, '. 25 to ode. : Fggs 1 2 '. c. per dozen. : Hotter -2? to 30c. pound. ! SiJe Meat--Sc. j Mtoulders 7c. Hour, j.mly-$6 barrel. Irish Potatoes $1 .25 bushel. Sweet " 5Uc. bushel. DKAFTtD MEN TAKE NOTICE. I he Civilian Relief Committee ol the W'eklon Red Cross wishes to impress upon the newly drafted men the inipoi tauce of attending t o certain duties before leaving fur camp, which will save litem and their families from unnecessary w on y and hardship later on, and in tins connection beg to make the following suggestion: 1 . No man should leave without understanding what he should do in regard to the allotment of his w ages and what his privileges are w 'h regard to securing the gov ernment allowance for his family. 2. livery man should understand fully the insurance law. It is es pecially important that single men should secure this iiisur. n:e, as in vase of bung permanently incapac itated for military duty, it will take care of them for life. 3. livery man ought to know that he can write to the Red Cross it he is anxious about his family or any of his alfairs at home. 4. It is also very important that men should leave power of attor ney with some one; that they write home promptly on arrival at camp; that they make their w ills; keep in close touch with their home folks, and that they acquaint their fami lies with their official number as soon as it is assigned to them. 5. The Red Cross should be used as a means ol communication between the Government, the men and their families. The Committee will take pleas ure in helping in any way that it can. -iLuzianno WHVii Whrn It Puurs, It . . : s T '; duV-Ja. : 'idl'--' ' , ,-'J S?4 m Receipts nrc lost anil ilenk-d. Money remitted hy mail coes astray anil its receipt is forgot ten. The Best und indisputable evidence of money paid and received is the cancelled cheek I hen think of the convenience. I'll v nil bills, make all remittances hy check and avoid mistakes. ipsf'iein,,! FEATHER YOUR NEST WllliS yuu invest your money in Liberty lionds ou are not Kivini money to our country, duare making Ihe safest in estinent in Ihe w orld, sour niiiney will come back to you, with interest, at a time hen you may need it far more than you do now. And remember livery Koncl You Invest In May Save a Soldier's Life. LIKE YOU know how cooking brings out all the rich pungent flavor of bacon there's nothing that tastes better. But you wouldn't like it raw. IT'S TOASTED So we toast the Burley tobacco used in LUCKY STRIKE Ciga rettes for exactly the same reason to bring out the rich, solid flavor. (T)7 Ountanlecd by jus ylnxjUriexc :m l Corn Pone r '.ol . i I'.ITTV, .) -'it I'OIK', H1 i..; W-lwtv y.; '. it tii.M tho (v!.'v' I , .; ,:;r.v - ..'.:.. n.l b , t.if w'i Is a-stroaiiiiug, h.-.'.uiiiitK in tii'' Li;: It's tiie ctiih'e Lui;i:mi you remember urn you hanker after it until yuu ct another cup. Lu.:uiiine Collte lour giocer has it) comes put up ii1. tn.s. Try it nmiurrow morning for breai-fast. Ii it iu't all yuu expect, you can get your moiU'V b.ick. Lu;:ianne for aroma, fragrance and snap, Try it 1:J ' ' 1 '.V j.-vC ' . ?s. . V mm';- BAG So l. K h u h . ! i he Lome ol good val it. s. v-jt in tou(3h with us and keep posted. Jiddy lilouses Middy Suits Teach Stl" 1 "Supreme" itUUeh jaiisei ami Mid-1 In style, quality and J Suits lepieseiU the value, because made by lust, Correct up to the master - tailors, fabrics minute styles Made ac ! from the standard mills ihi 'diny; to the V. S.Nay : of the country. Call in !'. t'lil iti 'iis and inspect them ( U : :-p? ": line is already arriv v . , , a - wo have a beautiful line which will please the most fastidi ous. Notwithstanding the scarcity of goods and high prices, we can show you a handsome line very reasonable. M. FRE1D, LADlltS AM) (iliNT'S OUTI'ITTUR, VI:LI)ON, N. C. jS3.50j 1 . W " J There are thousands of men wearing W, L I). Shoes And lliere must be a reason. I'erhaps. it's just the swing of the toe or the "feel" of the leather or niayhe just the stitching but the differ ence is there and in every pair ol W. L. I). Shoes Is so noticeable that you'll see it the minute you put a pair on your feet. W.U .DOUGLAS Douglas Shoes for Men and lioys are made ol the finest grades of leath ers and they :u e made by on !v the most skilli d shoe makers FARBER & JOSEPHSON. W lil.DON, N. C. fS6.00) oi-aH.(aa-M-(a FOR THOSE WHO "T'Tilr I sfi J D M - Home-Made Pies, Hot Chocolate, (Whitman's Make) Tomato Boullion Sandwiches, Coffee, o jLynnhaven Bay Oysters ! i on jFcr Those who ! Prefer The Best. I? M.C.PAIR O (Confections, Toilet Articles, :.U j I ruils, Cigars, Medicines, Complete I kl Just Received jjj WlVT 12. i!l ft wiicw linti ot Lace i Call and get yuur share before the supply is exhausted. $1.00 Shirtwaist fj 10c. Howls reduced to fy 10c. Bread and Butters A 'f 1 XT I sy 1 2 Ladies Children's mlNiceline "e-8 '0 4k jf Weldon, North Carolina. fil I f I Uf price and ser- )S4.50 J V L You'll find: them as near perfect a shoe as can be made. jS7.00 PREFER IHE BEST. the Half-Shell I uncheonctte In Connection. 79c $c sc ... jusi nnivcu III vl

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