THE if ir wmf - ESTABLISHED IN 1806. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$1.50 Per Annum VOL. LI I. WELDON, N. (!., TIIUKSDAY, MAY !, 1!H. xo. ra Children Cry The Kind You Have Alway. u jor over over 30 years, ha: b-rne the nature of r ' anl has been made under his per- Uffititts "Pervlslon since its infancy. 7; '. Allow no one to deceive you in this All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good ' are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A tastona is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been In constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friead. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 'Bears the In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought 'hi crNrmm com Get The Habit tBuy for Gash. SaveC3 KTthe pennies by buy-"CS ing at W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Gash Store WELDON, N. C. MANL'FACTl'KKIW OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE AM' HK .1 'I.Alt S UK K SIZE. Oood Materials, High Urade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. THE Dining Room should be a cheerful place, for when you eat your meals amid pleasant surroundings you do much to aid digestion. And good digestion means health. HAVE US FURNISH YOUR DINING ROOM The variety of designs in Tables, Chairs, Side boards, China Closets, Serving Tables and the like, is ample to satisfy vour desires, whatever they may be, In the matter of style, finish and price. Come In and talk it over with us. We are as eager to GIVE satisfaction as you are to receive it. - Weldon Furniture Company, Weldon. N. C. PRICE BELL 2 IN 600 W. Broad St.. Your Old Tyres CUSTOM KlfJ rcKMaiiiNo MOIU CASINOS U uo i SO a ! i 4 UO 4 8.1 4 i 6 50 .1 75 5 D .'i 6 or. I) 5U II 95 l UO 7 50 7 50 -7 75 H OU ir hh V KNIKII ON K CAH1NU $i ru 5 O.i u m 7 75 8 X 8 mi sr. 10 40 10 HO 11 i!5 10 UO 11 70 11 mi l'J no 12 '. I.H l 14, Ml SIZE 2813 3013 , 3UI.1) IttlSt Hill Mill Mil 3514 1 30I-U U4j 35l4i IWlli S7I4J 35l!j 8815 S7r5 ,r ni n TVDPS MADP 2 IN I. 1UUK wut. . " .... i nm.'t throw awavvour o d tires, senu for Fletcher's BouEht, and which has bn Signature LIST 1 TYRES RICHMOND, VA. Made Into One Of K I'HH'K roH rnwri.ifii 2lN I TVHK nU 7 k5 9 M VI lo ii! mi 12 MO 13 90 14 90 ir hi 15 911 15 H5 15 90 lli 90 1H 70 lit H." 1M 95 7(1 Til UK 2 mi i 40 i !l 3 35 4 20 4 45 4 M 4 00 4 75 5 00 A UO 5 90 II INI II 10 II 40 li m U 75 ... .... ..... ...... ha a),lf n make mem m u, - - - I I V AN OLD TIME PROPHECY Happy Will He Those Escaping the Perils of That Period, --They will lie Able to Enjoy the Fruit of the keijrn of I lie Spirit And The Purging of Humanity. Tlic lnllowiiig is a lian,liiii()ii of a rcmarkahlc al II e ry from a book eiuiik'il "Oiiilmis of tlic Great War," whicli was wrillen in IH50, m ilic close of tlic Tinny Years' War. The auihor was a German monk, known as I'.roilicr Johannes aiul rite.- hook is very rare, and the ir ihsl.iiion is now uoing he rounds oF ihe press, hoih in America and ihe old country. The allegory is inieresiing for ihe thai ii follows closely ihe c ents el the great war no raging ami predicts the anal overthrow of the K.nser. In tlte allegory l-'rance is represented as a cock, littgland as a leopard, fiussia as a while eagle, Germany as a black eagle, Austria as the other eagle, while the lamb stands for justice, mercy and truth. As translated it reads as follows: "Toward the year 21)00 the An tichrist will manifest himself. His army will surpass in numbers all that can be imagined. There will be Christians among the legions and there will be Mohammedans and savage soldiers among the de fenders of the lamb. "For ihe first time the lamb will be all red. There will not be a single spot on the Christian world that will not be red, and the red will be in the heavens, the earth, the waters and even in the air, for blood will flow in the domains of the lour elements at once. "The black eagle will throw himself on the cock, who will lose many feathers, but will strike back heroically with his spurs. He would soon be losi were it not for the help of the leopard and his laws. "The black eagle will come from the country of Luther, will sur prise the cock from another side and will invade the country of the cock up 10 the middle of ii. "The white eagle coming from the north will .surprise the black eagle, and the other eagle will in vade ihe country of ihe cock up 10 the middle of it. "The black eagle will see him self forced to liberate the cock in order to light the white eagle and the cock will pursue the black eagle into the country of the Antichrist to help the white eagle. The battles fought up to then will be as nothing compared to those which will take place in the country of Luther for the seven angels w ill together pour into ihe lire of their censors on the impious earth, which signifies that the lamb will order the extermination of ihe race of the Antichrist. When the beast sees that he is lost he will become Furious and for nuny uiouihs the beak of the white eagle, the claws of the leopard and the spurs of ihe cock will strike fiercely at him. They will cross rivers on ihe bodies of the slain, and these in places will change the c mrse of the waters. "They will bury only the men of noble families, the leading com mandants and princes, because lo the carnage made by the armies will be joined by wholesale death, those who will die of hunger and pest. "The Antichrist will ask manv times for peace, bui the seven an gels who walk in from of the three animals defending the lamb have declared that victory will only be grained on condition that the Ami Christ he crushed like a straw on the barn Moor, ' "The executors of justice of the lmh wim!'.I not s!"p fighting as long as the Amiclirisi possesses soldiers to fight against them. "That which makes ihe decree i if ihe lamb so implacable is tint ihe Antichrist has pretended 10 be a follower of Christ and to act in His name, and if he does not per ish the fruit of the Redeemer would be lost and ihe doors of Hades would prevail against ihe Saviour. "The fight which will lake place where the Antichrist- lorges his arms will not in anyway be a hu man fight." (lissen, the location of the Krupp gun works.) "The three animals defending ihe lamb will exterminate ihe last arm of the Anlichrisl; but ihey will be forced to erect on the battlefield a pyre as large as a city, for (he bodies of the dead will change the i aspect of ihe countryside, as (here will be mounds of ihe slain. "The Amiclirisi will lose his crown and die in solitude and mad ness. I lis empire will he divided into iwenty-two states, but unite uF them will any longer possess fortresses, armies, or vessels. K a riously there are twenty two states in Germany now, whereas when (his prediction was written ihe empire was divided into twenly five principalities. ) The while eagle, by order of St. Michael, will drive the crescent from Lurope and will install him self i n Constantinople. Then will begin an era of peace and prosperity for the earth, and there will be no more wars, liaeh na tion will be governed by its desire and will live according 10 the rules i of justice. There will be no longer j Lutherans or Schismatics. "The lamb will reign and the supreme happiness of humanity j will begin. Happy will be those i escaping the perils of that period. They will be able to enjoy the fruit of the reign of the spirit and the j purging of humanity, which can j only come after the defeat of the i Antichrist." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA FRIENDS WE COULD SPARE. Most of Us Have at Some Time Suffered at the Hands ol Un thinking Persons. The fellow who buttonholes you, or picks hairs oil' your coat, and maybe winks a rouuish sort of wink, isn't in it with the shoulder hitter and cray bone crusher. He doesn't appear to be afraid of your breaking away, but wants to be confidential and intimate. Then there is the fellow who persists in trying to keep in from of you. l ie necessarily crowds ; you to the edge of the sidewalk or ' to the wall, j I lis understudy is ihe chap who 1 tries to keep step without heitiE able to get your step. Taking about three sieps to your two he is forever losing the step and forever trying to catch it. Vi'hen you try to accommodate your step to his you are apt to find him trying lo accommodate his step lo yours, so thai you only muss up a bad mess. Don't kill 'em. Heaven is just and they get what's coming to them; maybe not as hot as you would serve it, but they'll get it all right. There are those who persist in talking when we don't want to talk, nor to be talked to. And there are others, notably those who persist in talking when we want to talk ourselves. It is diffi cult to say which of these is the worse bore. FACTS WORTH KNOWING. A peculiarity of Washington's death is that it occurred at the last hour of the last day of ihe week of the last month of the year, of the 18th century. The time was mid night, Saturday, December 14th, 1 799. THIS WOMAN SAVED FROM AN OPERATION By taking LydiaE.Pinkham't Vegetable Compound, One of Thousands of Such Cases. Blnck River Falls, Wi.-'A Lydis E. finkham'i Vegetable Compound saveu me irom an operation, 1 cannot sny enough in praiae of it 1 suffered from organic troubles and my mtlv iiurt me Ml 1 could hardly be up from my tied, and 1 was unable to do my housework. 1 had the best doctors in Fail Claire and they wanted me to have an operation, but 1 Pinkh.m'a Vegetable ComKund cured me so 1 did not need the operation, and 1 am telling all my friends about it" Mrs. A. W. Binzek, Black River Falls, Wis. It is just such experiences as that of Mrs. Binzer that has made this famous root and herb remedy a household word from ocean to ocean. Any woman who suffers from inflammation, ulceration, displacements, backache, nervousness, irregularities or "the bluea" should not rest until she he . ' en it a trial, and for special advice .. rite Lydia K. Finkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Maw. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA g!pai Bp Bjf HEALTH IS WEALTH HP AiTH' bq Dm fJL STATE BOAgrIilfCys Experiments A ilnflnr, If ho In a kmc) ilnrfnr, is tiy nnhin' fivcrun fo fXi"'iif inc iii :m hi j.allculs.. This i no tyjniMnilil cal emir. A .1(Kl or roaMy Unu-n in x jimim-nt upon iinyhody. Hut every lnnly certainly luvea lo bo. experiuitMii pil on. mill (he doctor is Homnt fines forced to do it, or else become unip ulnr. That'H tho honest truih. If a doctor lefuwr-n under nny cf renin Htniicea to nxpfirimoni iiniiec,.-'-.;irily upon his patients, people rail him i crank, a crab, a mean, una'comni..Iat Iiik sort of man. They ib'daru that he attempts to maKtiify your minor nit niftitH Into major ones, If you ive him the rhnnro. Let's take a plain example. Yuu 'I DONT WANT ANY ITS JUST A LITTLE HAVING WITH MYSTOMACH.ANDlwANr TOU TO GIVE ME SOMIiTHING TO PUT IT .BACK IN WOI-KING s WHO'S DOING THIS? havo. wr sliull say. whnt you think la a Ml tic stomach trouble. You havtf enincicnilmicly trieil every old nos trum any fool htA rpcoinnifuidnl, ami fli'iliiiK no relief worih mentioning, ym yit lo sec the do. lor. You tell Imh "t shun n il f. a little below pur nt)d Oiiit you want Kninollitng to help assimilate your luml. That's th-f tit kcl Momeiliiiig to assiniflatn ynur food, ' Hi ii HnT wej-p only something that would in, ike us assimilate all our food, wlmi a largo, exciting lifp ours would be There would he roust ant tt'i-ioii. h.-arty oatliiR folks blowing ii - .! ' ioirsniiic everywhere. Think of all the loo.l we cat and ImaKln wli it a calamity ft would hn ff we had to usMimffatp so much. Well, the doctor lays you out rom for!a1dv on his PKamlnina; tablo and litems to paw you over, evidently wiili grave suspicions of your nppen din, your gall sac rfuir kfdnoys and tbinis Oiue mute you remind him 3 ;A HEALTH IS WEALTH V HKA tl" rw 'talk. STATE BOARD BOIMO INHflO'l MO 6(tt How T. B. Decieves Victim S- ichtitic ol)rcr .ii.on In Kurope and Air, : ta has hfmw.i that a large ma Joiil of all atiulls (at It-asl yfl per t ir t j luu mii :-onicvliere in the body it hum; ui' i junti u locus of tubereu-lt..-i lo n lev. iiistuncua. i-umpara-lively hjicaKiiiK, this latent Infeetiou li,;a:-i i:p ;ind lnaiill'iistn H.vmptuuia 111 youih or eaiiy adult life, whether tlierti has lictit iii: litrther infcttion or not. It lift unit's in tive tubprculoota, ba cause ihe Ituli vidual'i mode, of Ufa tfl uot as hvKltiiiic us it tthould be. We must disabuse our minda of thn notion that coukIi and ihest pain or aoreness ara essential nymptoms of he IttniiiiiK tui'TculoHis Incipient tuber CAMOUFLAGE. enlosls as dm-lors cull It. In many In liin.eri the pmlcnit vehoiltly donio liuvliiK Hny rmiKh whatever; or the cough Is uire clearing o( the thnmt from time to time, which easily escapes notice. One peculiar and miHleailing mode ot onset of tuberculous Is with sIriih of dyspepsia and anemia. "Dyspnp sla" bealnnlng at any time In life al ways warrants a doctor's examination, and should not be. mistreated with yarlous alleged "aids to digestion." Anemia Is always secondary to some, definite cause, and cannot be success fully treated until the cause Is deter mined and attacked, When both sym ptoms persist In a given case, the pa tlent certelnly owes himself the prtr tlege ot navlng one or several repea. ad xamlnatloas of the chest by a com- Invest your small change E HYGIENE 'tint it i . jit l yt'iii stiitnai Ii Dial huiiMerf yen ;md lit- rt.ilis hi; -tieilto--i ope ami lislrin: auioii!ti' lo tho .i' II 1' yinii' !mm: t "U'uht here is where mi diie . yon perl, lmti ntniK Hi ,Niir r'olil.n !i ".V'.-lniiti wror Pi' -d c with my cli.'M,'- And yuiir manm r iuo;e Mum your ver f-al tnterferenf ; ,vi?h ,he ilorior's examination tell him plainly that you are one of the lari?e . cf 'ope win) enjoy pnMiiK at 'h . !o-ji- : at h when Ihey ar developing in ipiont hilicivuliMis, lo-art failure or Prions1 liieiie. for instance You helm: ; to ! Hie majority who fed Halt ere1, if the! do. Itir agrees with their own ei-ioa; uT lh" trouble and a tri'le piqued if fir iloesr'l. So, much as i doctor ivould j like to K'i ahead ami mak a thorough ; and omil''ti examination, he dar-t not, EXAMINATION. TROUBLE I'M ORDER for It in practically oortitu yot would protest uftHiiiBt paying tha fae for honest service. You want the dootor to frii ess at what Is wrong with you; you are willing to pay him for a groat, hut you do not as yat rent that your rnup ia anrloua enough to wartn; a greater Investment than that. I.i Bhort, you aro bound to huva your littlp axperlment. and If tlic prennt doctor refines to experiment upon you. then you'll soon And one who will. It appears to ! human nature for each Of us to assume that his own Individual symptoms are not very serious, that tuberculosis, heart failure, Bright 'a dfseaie, earner and things happen right along anion? ones friends but surflly will not nlTlici nun's, own idlf. A foolish sort of logic, but ueverihe losn popular. Ami the tlri-lena patlPnt medicine takers spate no palms to per petuate just such a fa fepling of socuriiy, because as long as an Indivi dual does not know Just what it the matter he is a good prospect a $ nlbhler at the nimble nostrum. B in 1 . OF aitni, rtilt u uua (Aoiua M ( in rvttl OH n tf vturt Milio d mnn kt Hit. Wo- MB AMDM'tiuta petcnt physician and one of the signs of a competent physician la that ho does not pretend to examine the chest through the clothing. It takes all the skill the bpst doctors can apply to diaguose incipient tuberculosis with the entire trunk tared for examina tion. Another decoptlre mode of onuet of tuhorculouls la In the gulae 01' nlnipla dry pleurisy. A simple pleurisy U al ways suspicious, and should not be al lowed to progrnfii without thorougli chest examination from time to time. PleurUy with fffushm (areuinulution of fluid In the chest) la equally suspl lous, though of course some cases of pleurisy, both dry and 'humid," arc ,not tuberculosis. ; Quite u number of Incipient cases are marked by husktnees of tha voice, imme rawness or pain on swallowing which persists over many weeks larynitllis. In fact. 'Hie onset wlili what appears to he a mere bronchitis Is famniliar piiiiuk'i to all plnslclans. yet still misleads victims who Imagine they can treat such troubles without the aid of th? doctor. A diagnosis of "acute bron chitis" is necessarily fraught with un certainty nad anxiety In the mind ol the experienced physician, because It Is precisely In this way that the ma Jority of cases of tuberculosis begin. Sudden coughing up or spitting ot blood Is so suggestive that It should be looked upon as positive evidence of tuberculosis of the lung until thorough examlnattcn and oentlnuoua observe,, lion cf the patient by a phyalelan proves the lungs free from disease. in War Savings Stamps, Rllv-I.ivFtrC imANNEoffee "When It Pours, It Reigns" T ESTABLISHED 1892 n 'i. ... j n i 1 Vf... WW ..... WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT. 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, W, K. I. N I VI., I'liKsiUKM. W. K. SMITH. VII K I'MKtlDaST. OK 3 INVITATION. m You are invited to open anjjaccount with the BWK OF E fl FIELD, fl. C. j Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart I ment Compounded Quarterly. 1 ff&" () can bank by mai flat's lew In Music" By Special Arrangement with the Associated Music Publishers of New York, we will feature by Daily Pathephone Demonstration BROADWAY'S big Song Hits Come in and hear the "Latest" Direct from Melody Row. All Sheet Music 10c. Copy. W. M. Gohen Drug Company, Weldon, North Carolina j SOU-AGENTS FOR ? NuTjATn'77MTi I NYAl.'S Rl-MIUMF.S i NORR!S" ( ,M T ' YltiY SPEflo 4LL You f,? You might get sick or hurt be prepared for It You might want to make an investn et t now, "Takes money to maki money," You might be visited by thieves or fire - i.w with us prevents loss, the saving nab;: good one to get into. We Day 4 per ings Accounts THE BANK OF HALIFAX HALIFAZ IT. O. V N. L. Stedman, P. C. Urecory, , P. H. Qref . President; Vloeretileiit, . tMU(e(, ' Bracing as a North Wind AT the end of a hnrd Any, Just lit down to a cup of Luzionne Colfee. Seo how you pick up with every savory sip. Luztanne in far, fur different from any othi-r coffee. It's got something that all the others seem to lack. And it's packed in dual-proof, moisture-proof cans that bring Luzianne to your kitchen just the same as when it left the roaster. Buy a can and try it for yourself. An iron-clad, air-tight guarantee says that if you are not entirely satisfied with Luzianne, your grocer will give you back your money, And he will II K I. ). DRAKE, CAB HI BR. Eft FIELD,

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