ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER f OR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$1.50 Per Annum VOL. LIII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, .MAY Hi, VJlH. NO. I 1 1 TEN THINGS l:OR YOUR 1.IFK. 1 vitet ContcnH 15 Fluid Draohiij I I i- j j !k B II M- ILTiTillHirail 1 ' ft t fill Ai.r.oiltlL-a PLB UBNl AVoclblc IVcpsratkSfAi ..m,ll,mMhfFoodt!YRriiull tin UieStomdis and Ikstettrf ThR.hv Pmmotlnt Dries Cheerfulness ana neu ncltherOplam.Morpliuien llineraLNoTlNABcoiiv am . L.f....tDAtnoltvflr ConstlpationmulDiarrW(i una rewriwi""- -- 'resulting lhfromJnlnfaiKy rue Simile Siinstm" tiitCrTtfi1,MWf' r-iact Copy of Wrapper. , Get The Habit tBuy lor Cash. SaveC3 C-17the pennies by buy-C3 ing at W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Gash Store WELDON, N. C. tat Pi MANITACTCKKRS OK Building; Material (or Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TOOliDKK AND HKdl'I.AK STOC K HJZfcs. flood Materials, High Orade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. THE Dining Room should be a cheerful place, for when you eat your meals amid pleasant surroundings you do much to aid digestion. And good digestion means health. HAVE US FURNISH YOUR DINING ROOM The variety of designs in Tables, Chairs, Side boards, China Closets, Serving Tables and the like, Is ample to satisfy your desires, whatever they may be, In the matter of Come in and talk it over eager to QIVE satisfaction Weldon Furniturs Company, Weldon, N. C. Fire Insurance Surety Bonds ! Life, Accident and Health. Plate Glass and Automobiles. Repre senting leading companies. See me about your insurance wants. L. C. DRAPER Office in Green Building, For Sale! New Todd Check Protector. If interested, call at this office.) For Ini i ,,! ' il 'rtn. Mother Si That Genui.u Cxi'iria a i r Bears th A 11 Signature J of In Use For Over Thirty Years TOtllft style, finish and price with us. we are as as you are to receive it. WELDON, N. C. Compare Your Baby's I first Four Years 1 With This In 101.1 little Murle was born In a vit iate not far from Meileres, In UK Ardennes. In ton Marie's father, called to the colors, fell at the Murne. And Marls and her mother stayed In the village, which was now In the Germans' hands. In 1015 a poster was nested up on the door of the village church, and that iilcjit Marie's mother vanished, along with a scure or more of other women. In 1010 Marie was still living In that village eilstlng through the charity of the few elderly folk the Germans permitted to stay. In 1017 Marie, with all the children under fourteen years and all the old people left alive lu the village, was hundled Into a crowded cur aud shipped Into Germany, round through Switzerland and thence Into France, arriving at Kvlan. She was underfed, f course, eniiiclnted, sickly, dirty, too llltlitly dressed for the time uf year. And she cutue into Kvlan with uot a ri'liiiive, not a friend left In all Trance to tuke care of her. Who took her? Your Ited Crime t Over there In Kvlun your Ked Crews took charge of her. cared for her la the Ited Cross Children's Hospliul, clothed her, fed her, built up her strength, taught her to play and then bellied the French authorities and her a HOMK. Multiply Marie by B00 and you will havs some Idea of just one day's work your Ited Cross does at Evlsn. It Is only one of the Had Cross activities In France, to be sure but for lust that one alone can you help being proud of it T Can you help being glsd you are a inemher of It, supportlug Its great work of humanity? Can you help want ing It to go on helping the Maries and the "grand daddies" that coma lu at EvlanT THE TRAIN THAT SAVED A NATION How the Red Croat Helped Roumania. Have you heard of wbat happened In Rouuianla when that stricken nation stood In rags and starving before the shocked eyea of the world? We had thought ourselves grown used to trag edies until this greater horror struck a blow tbat 'roused still untouched sympathies. And yet we felt so helpless, you and 1 so terribly weak In our ability to of. fer aid. But were we? After all, were we not the very onea who car ried new life and hope to the heart of Xournanla! fog shall be your own judge. Fighting with the desperation of de spair, the shattered Houuianlan army still struggled to beat off the Kaiser's bloody Huns, who were mercilessly trampling me tire out of the little kingdom. And the Kaiser smiled bru tally as he saw hla wolves at work and knew that from behind the Hues. attacking the fighting men of Rooms- nla from the rear, entering the homes where mothers clung to the frail, (II loneu rorais or tneir Dames was star vation. No country around Roumanla could hslp her and America was too Tar away. Thousands would die before supplies held in our own country could ne sent her. Hope was gone. Death by hunger and ny the dripping sword of the Kai ser was closing In. A brave little na tion was being torn to pieces. Then came the miracle. One morn ing the streets of Jassy, the war car lal of Roumanla, swelled with sounds of rejoicing. A city where the day he- fore there was heard nothing but the walla of the nerving and the lamenta tlona of thoae mourning their deud now waa awakened by shouts of joy You, my friend : yon who have w ed In the heroic work of the Amerlcnn Ited Cross, had gone to the rescue of Roumanla. A train of SI big freight cars packed to their utmost capacity with food, clothing and medicine, tons upon tons nf It, had arrived In Jassy after making a record breaking trip from the great store houses of the American Red Cross In Russia. Other traloa followed 11; thonns ware fid and clothed and nursed bsck te health. For weeks and even to this day the brave people of Roumanla are being cared for lo countless numbers by our own Red Cross. So was Roumanla helped, and when history records how this last fragment of a sturdy nation was kept out of the hands of the terrible Hunt It will give the victory to jaur American Bed Croat. Best Remedy for Whooping Cough "Last winter when tuy little boy had the whooping cough 1 gave him Cliam berlain's Cough Remedy," writes Mrs, J. a Roberts, East St. Louis, III. "It kept his cough loose and relieved hiro of thoae dreadful coughing spells. It is the only cough medicine I keep in the house because I hare the most conn dence in it." This remedy is also good tor tough and ereup. 1 SHOE I POLISHES JlillS..IIUai.llll.Ulllllllllt LIQUIDS & PASTES FOR BUCK.WHITE, TAM.DARK BROWN OR OX-BLOOD SHOES. KEEP SHOES NEAT Il jjjtaiesaMsiiis Pale Facefl Women Tale Phosphates !o Male Rosy (Ms and Beautiful Furms. Men Necl Phosphates to Make Sironjr, Healthy. Vinorous Bodies. Athletes increase their strength, energy and en- urance 200$ or more by simply taking a few week's treatment of Argo.Phosphate Atlanta, ia. lr. V. A. .lacobsoD savs that liiosphatea are just as ennuDtiaI to any man or woman who tires easily, in nervous, or irmauie, worn out, or looks hazard and pale to ruak a strum, ro built, vigorous healthy body, an they are to cotton to make it if row. The lack of Phosphate 1b the caune of all enemie condition!, aud the adminBtratton of 0 ffrain Artfo-l'liosphate tablets wilt in crease the strength and en durance of weak, ntrvoun careworn men aud women H(K per cent, in twoor three weekw time in many instanccH, and their continued use will bnild up the whole uervons nydem, and K'vc new life, vim, rigor, and vitality to the whole body. I always prescribe Arpo-l'hos. pliate to patients w ho are pale and col orleNs, ami it is Hurprmmg to Hee how quickly a few weekw treatment will trans. loim a pale laee loaiuay-cheekeil I beau ty, There can he uo rosy -cheeked, healthy, beautiful women, without their HVrHem is sutlioiently supplied with rhosphatea. In recent interviews with phvsiciaus on the grave and Keriouscou- hc uences of a deficiency of 1'hosphales n the dioou oi American men ami wo men, i have utronifly emplintued the fuel that doctors nIiouUI prescribe mote phosnhates in the form of Aitro-I'hos-phale for weak, worn-out, haitiriud look inif meu and women. When the skin is pale, and the llefdi Hubby, it is a sign of aiieina. W hen the pb oh pates go from the bluod, the piuk eheeks go, too. The IB A HEALTH IS WEALTH III IV eWUl II M EALTHfHYGIENE ,Ji I I kelht STATE BOARD Draw ap The Slack A man of fifty-two yean nan had what ha calls chronic indlgsaton for fifteen or mora years. In that time he hai consulted aome famous Inturnlata, luecialUta aud many general practi tioners In different cltlee. Various ei planatluna of hit trouble have been of fared, and varloue linen of treatment employed, moat of them being more or leia helpful tor a brief time, and near ly all of them being al leait scientific. He Is a man of considerable horse sense, and he does not read 11 jr absorb pseudo-science. Howerer, be still has his indigestion. Queried and cross-examined he fires the following history, which Is hot at all unusual: Twenty five years ago he cen traded syphilis, and waa MAOI VOUMIL IVHV HOUR. thoroughly and properly treated light rears ago the Wasssrmann test of the blood was negative. Twelve rears ago a good phvtician ottered s (rankl) doubtful opinion that locomo tor ataxia was developing , this opinion was probably Influenced br knowledge of the history. But the man shows no symptom ,' suggestive of locomotor ataxia at 'present; that may be due to Ike thorvugh anU-aynhllltlo treatment he waa given through teveral years. We all kaow that It takes at leasl three years te ooaauer syphilis. One year ago he had an X-ray nega tive, or teveral negatives of the endos teal ration. A marked prolapse or sag giag (ptosis) of the stomach was de onttratet. Now, this condition doe's not necestatUr eauae symptom,; tome Invest your imall change m. J YOUR muscles lack tone. They become uer vous, irritable, despondent, melancholy the braiu fugs, and the memory tails. Therlore if you wish to preserve your healthy vim, vigor and vitality, to a ripe old age, you must supply the deficiency of 1'hosphales lacking in your food by using Argo-rhoBphate, the form ol Phosphates most easily assimilated. NOTICE Argo-l'hosphatewhieh is recommend ed aud prescribed by physicians inall eiiernie canes, is not a secret or patent medicine, but one that is sold and rec ommended by well known druggists everywhere, and physicians are daily subscribing the constituents contained in it. being entirely unlike munyotltt-r Phosphates, it is eiily uninitiated and will be found elleelive hi the treatment ftf iinhgestmu and stomach troubles, as well a for care woru.uei vous. conditions. The manufacturers of Art -Phosphate will forfeit to any chantabT! JSustituttou ejiL'oo.Ut if they cannot treat any man or woman under U7 who lacks Phosphates and increane their strength and endur ance from UN) percent, to Kim per cent or more in one month's time, if they ate free from organic trouble. It is dispensed by the W. M. Cohen Uiug l ompuny. Free sample mailed by IheAigo Lab oratories, Atlanta, tla. Of people have a sagging stomach and perfect health. Hut some people have pronounced astlgrautlsm without suf fering any unpleasant effect, while others must have carefully fitted glasses for slight errors of refraction. Some people have floating kidney and are quite unaware of any disturbance of health; others complain of muca suffering from a loose kidney. As a matter of fact this man's right kidney was floating, though the X-ray pic lures fulled to show It. The doctor who suggested the X-ray pictures now ordered an abdominal supporter. The patient wore It for nearly a year, but continued to suiter from distress after eating, belching huge quantities of gas, dragging pain and soreness about the flanks, tender ness over stomach, aud the other In definite symptoms people call indiges tion or dyspepsia. Discouraged, ha tried still another doctor. He was now advised to as sume the knee-chest position for a few minutes after each meal. In this position the patient gets down an all fours, then lets the chest sink to floor but keeps the hips high, with thighs always perpendicular to floor. It per mits abdominal and pelvic organs to rise, or fall, as you please, upward to ward the diaphragm. Then he was urged to He down (or half an hour or more on an Inclined coueh or bed with hips several IncheB higher than should er. He was further taught how to staai erect, and advised to "brace himself" every hour by th clock, no matter what he might be doing or where he might be. A new broom sweep etoaa. Th man Is delight. with his relief. He has gained several pounds In a few we BTifl It scorned IciiKi-sluU lor him to gain weight heretofore. Position is not everything la this world, yet It is well worth cultivating, Question! anil Answers. Acid Fruits and Rhsumatlt. A F R. Should one with chronle rheumatism Indulge In such things at lemons, tomatoes, trapefrutt and the like Art nut such trultt full ot aoldf Aitiwrr: One should, whether he hee rtieumails or not. In the tret Blaee, nw Joint diMi is canted br tela In the blood: In the Mi-ond olats, aU rrult salts circulate as alkaline salts, thus teadlac to titore&M the alkaMnltlr to iao blood. Canker ftoree In the Meuth. L. C. H. Please tell me what will relieve canker sores In the mouth. I ve them every few weeks Answer: Teueh eaoh suepleleue toe With uiwture of iodine merrdaff teat nfet Leefe well I your oiwl hygiene, er have the denist do It. in War Saving;! Stamps. AVUIU Drill. LI AN I M 1 1 ACTING SMIhlF JfenW.I.VV. ... ...... HBJ DOrCFRVP THF H LEATHER. H ! I THE f F.DAllft COnPOafcTIOMUTD. H . f ngr t- 1 . j i Ilj iaM trii I mm i T.H're uro ten tiling for which no one has ever yet hwi sorry. They arc : 1 . Kor uintf lmhm! tn all, 2. Kor Npcakincvilof imiin. .'(. l'or hrarintf Im-I'iiM' jmltf- iiiK. I Kni' thinking hi-fmc Hprak- V Kor hol'lin an aniy lonmic. U. Kor .M'intf kind to tin- lin trcsspd. 7. For unking pardons for nil wrongs, H, For being patient towards everybody, 0. For stopping the ears of a talo bearer. in. For disbelieving most of the ill reports. SIDESTUPTHIS. She What is the correct Iranslation of t ho motto of that lovely ring you gave me, last night 't lie Faithful to the last. She The last! How horrid ! And you've always told me be fore that I was the very rirst, Minneapolis Tribune. Road to Happiness. He amiable, cheerful aud good na tural aud you arc much more likely to be happy. You will find this diilicult, f not impposible, however, when you are eoustautly troubled with coustipa tiou. Take I'haiuberlam's Tablets aud get rid of that and it will be easy. These tablets not only move the bowels, but mprovc the appetite and strengthen the digestion. There is reason in all things, but not in all people. Proper Food (or Weak Stomachs The proper food for one man may be all wrong for another. Kveryono should adopt a diet suited to his age ant occu pation. Those who have weak ntum-1 aehs need to be especially cartful and : should eat slowly and masticate their food thoroughly. It is also important that they keep their bowels regular. When they become constipated orwheu i they feel dull or stupid aficrcating.tliey should take Chamberlain's Talet to j strengthen the stomach and moe the bowels. Thev are eav to take and ! pleasant in elfect. j Il takes a great man to manage ! a small woman. ! Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S i CASTO R I A j Childsen should be seen more I and talked about less. For Weak Women la use for over tO years! Thousands ot voluntary letters from women, tell ing ol the good Cardui hat done them. This Is the best proof ol the value ol Cardui. It proves that Cardui is a good medicine lor women. There are no harmful or habit-terming drugs in Cardui. It it composed only ol mild, medicinal Ingredients, with no bad after-effects. TAKE The Woman's Tonic You can rely oa Cardui. Surely II w ill do lor you w hat It has done lor to many thousandi ol other women! It should help. "I was taken sick, teemed to be ... ," writes Mrt. Mary E.Vesle, ol Madison Heights, Va. "I got down to weak, could hardly walk . . . just sidt'Kcred around. ... I rtad oi Cardui, and after taking one bot tle, or before taking quite all, I lelt much belter. I look 3 or 4 bottles at that time, and was able to do my work. I take il in the spring when run down. I had no appetite, and I commenced eating. It it the best tonic I ever aw." Try Cardui. All Druggists mmm lm'll Never Know How Good This Coffee Is Until YouTry It- IIWRiirv,i,iMiorC '.O.TtRSG-BO.'1" .-TV A JPJL JUb "When It Pours, It Reigns' T Capital WE INVITE YOUR AGCOUNT. 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT IV. k. iami:i., I'HSHIDKNT. W. R. SMITH. V!l'g-IHKSIIKNT. aimrnsaisisrsiMiirsiiininaiaiiiMim INVITATION. You are invited to open an account with the BWK OF E flFIELD, EflFIELD, II. C. 4 Per Cent. r.lloved in the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly. gty YOU can bank by mail ttttattusetKtttiitTswMoittijtiuauuattutw flat's Hew In Music" By Special Arrangement with the Associated Music Publishers of New York, we will feature by Daily Pathephone Demonstration BROADWAY'S big Song Hits Come in and hear the 'Latest" Direct from Melody Row. All Sheet Music 10c. Copy, W. Ill Gob Drug Company, vveldon, North Carolina. r CI SOLE AGliNTS FOR NYAL'S RHMKDIKS ryr StEo 4u You e? You might get sick or hurt-be prepared for it You might want to make an investmentstart now, "Takes money to make money," you know You might be visited by thieves or fire-an account with us prevents loss. The saving habit 'g a mighty good one. to get Into. We pay 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts 5 THE BANK OF HALIK.To; ECATiTTP A X jfr-- by check or mon N. L. Stedraan, p. C. n- PretldeBt, J-M". HELD, 1 eiimtV, N. C. WORDS cannot adequately deacrlbo the Tine flavor of Luzianne Coffee. You've got to taste it yourself. Won't you try Luzianne next time? Luzianne is packed In sanitary, air tight, full-measure tins impurities can't get in and the flavor can't leak our. It has been mado very easy for you to get acquainted. You tfike no chances. If Luzianne doesn't taste better than any other coffee you ever triad, your grocer will refund your money, So, buy that first can today M. II E IS BSTABLISHED 1892J and Surplus, $60,000. J. O. DRAKE, CA8U1XR. . 0 NUNNALLY'S AN NORRIS1 CANDIES, a' s 0