VINOL IKES And Invigorates Old People Any doctor will tell you that the Ingredients of Vlnol aa printed below contain the elements needed to im prove the health of delicate children and restore strength to old people. Tl Cod Llvar lod Beef Peptoaet, Iroo ' and Manan.iaP.ptonaiaa, Iron nod Ammonium CUrata, Lima aoil toaa Olycarepboapbataa, Caacarla. Those who htve puny, ailing or run-down children or aged parents may prove this at our exnm flesides the good it does children r.u tne aged mere is nothing like Vinol to restore strength and vitality to weak, nervous women and over worked, run-down men. Try it. H you are not entirely fat IsH -d, we will return your money without question; that proves our lairnesi and your protection, Mil. lion of people have been convinced in. 'j way, W. M. I'ulii'll (Vi.. Wfl.liin. T I I li KUAN UK I: N i; VC S TllllHSDAY, MAY 16, 1918. NOTICE. There will be a regular convoca tion of Roanoke Chapter HI R. A. M. in Masonic Hall, every first and third Wednesday evenings. E. Ci.akk, Jr., Sec'y. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. The gardens in town are looking fine. Inst Mrs. J. B. Tilghman spent week in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis B. Suiter were in town Sunday. Break your Cold or LaGrippe with a few doses 666. Miss Narcissa Daniel spent the week-end in Richmond. The schedules on all the rail roads changed Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ellis, of Enfield, spent Sunday in town. Mr. J. A. Harris, of Enfield, spent a few hours here Sunday. Mr. Eugene Daniel, of Peters burg, spent the week-end in town. Mr. and Mrs. James Tilghman, of Norfolk, spent Sunday in town. Mrs. Ashby Dunn, of Scotland Neck, is visiting relatives in town. All accidents may be avoided through the use of common sense. innrt stamps win Help stamp kuiserism out of a troubled world Miss Jennie Tilghman, of Pe tersburg, spent the week-end in town. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Puh, of Norfolk, are visiting relative in town. Look where you are going Don t walk north while looking south. RUB-MY-TISM Antiseptic, re lives Rheumatism, Sprains, Neu ralgia.ctc. Some women are never perfect ly happy unless they are perfectly miserable. An artful woman can make some men sane or insane, wise or fool ish, at will. it frequently rains on the just because the unjust has carried off his umbrella. Mrs. H. i,. bpiers is visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. B. Emory in Salem, Va. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Moseley and little son, of Raleigh, are visit ing relatives in town. Women are not so blamed smart Only about one in five knows how to put up her own hair. Mrs. L. P. Daniel and daughter Miss Kate Daniel, spent a few days in Richmond, last week Mrs. O. P. Mohorne left Mon day for Camp Jackson, where she goes to visit her husband. Miss Mary and little Miss Mary Ruth Barr, of Norfolk, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Barr Corporals John B. Sledge and Pierce Johnson, of Camp Lee, spent the week-end in town. Nothing in the world speak: witn more authority than a woman who has had three husbands. Even if a woman has the best husband on earth it is no sign that she will meet him In heaven. Capi. W. T. Shwa, of the U Army, was In Kwn last week. 1 1 was accompanied by his wife. Wise is the man who can recall i previous engagement when he receives a disagreeable invitation What is wanted in this world a brand of religion thai would make a man eager to pay his taxes There wouldn't be much room at tne top it tnose who reach it were half as big as they thought they were. it is easier for some butchers to get six hams out of a hog than it is to get one truthful word out of tome men. Instead of going to the country as a summer boarder this year man can go there aa a farm hand withtfll. Her strenuous effort to live up to her neighbors expectations is what chases the roses from a wo man's face. Mrs. H. B. Neville, of Enfield, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. T. D. Rawlings, has re turned home. Miss Elizabeth Claude, of Ports mouth, Va., who has been visiting Mrs. Allan Andleton, returned home Monday. Mrs. J. A. Johnston, Miss Tran ces Johnston, and Mr. William Johnston attended the Hardin- (ioode wedding at Clinton this week. Harvesters, riding plows and cultivators may be found on every farm, but the washboard is ubout the same kind of one that our andintiihcrs used. If some men acted half as de cently when at home as thiy do when away from home, there ould be a great dfal of bright ness added to domestic life. The exercises Saturday after noon illustrates the importance ol the park being well kept and it would be a fine thing for the city fathers to see that this is done. Especially so as the A. C. L. Rail road kindly permits its use by the puMic as a park and it could be made a very inviting and attractive place. Mr. Hrank Y. Cluverius who was engaged in business in Wel don about thirty years ago, was in the city, shaking hands with his friends a few days ago. Mr. Clu verius is now doing well in Rocky Mount and is the same old Frank of former years. He says he is still looking for a wife, not having succeeded in finding one until now. Riddick-Mahky. Miss Mary Mabry, of Weldon, uml Mr Al ton Hiddick, of Florence, H. C were married Friday, May ID, at the Methodist pursoniiL'e in Plymouth. A Poor Catch. Every indica tion pointed to a large catch ol rock fish this season, but up to the present time, the fishermen have not caught as many as they did last year. A goodly number ol large rock have been caught some weighing as high as sixty pounds. Mother's Day. Mother's Day was beautilully observed at the M. E. Church on Sunday last. The altar was elaborately decorated wiih white peonies, roses and bas kets of fragrant old-fashioned spice pinks one of which was given at the uoor to each mother entering the church. The pastor remem bering the President's request prayed fervently for the mothers who had given their sons at their country's call and there were many responsive hearts in the audience. ni:w agent for the south ern Express. Mr. W. E. An drews, who succeeded Mr H. M Poe as Express Agent at this place has been transferred to Goldsboro, and is succeeded by Mr. H. G, Parsons. Mr. Parsons has had several years experience in the ex press service, having run as mes senger on the Coast Line and the Weldon and Kinston. He is first-class business man, polite and affable to every one, and will make one of the very best agenis Wei don has ever had. We extend i welcome hand to our young friend Hardin-Goode Wedding - l-rom tne i. union tNews Letter in he News and Ubscrver we fin that Miss Ruby Goode, of Clinton becamethe briJeou Tuesday morn ng last of Lieui. E. R. Hardin, ol the Medical Reserve corps, wow stationed at Camp Lee, Va. Mi Goode is a sister of Mrs. J. A Johnston, ot weldon, ana at one time made her home here. Sli is, as she promised as a child to be, a very popularand attractive young lady and has been the recipient ol many social honors among her Clinton friends. We congratulate Lieut. Hardin and wish for them Eany long years of happiness. Elected President. At the regular election of officers of Stu dents' Union of Brenau College Conservatory of Gainesville, Ga., For the year 1918-19, Miss Londa Shamhurger was elected President. This is the greatest honor that can be bestowed upon a student at Bre nau, and Miss Shamburgcr is to be congratulated upon the esteem with which she is regarded by her fellow students and the confidence which they have manifested in her ability. Graded School Entertain ment. Next Eriday evening, be ginning at S:30, the elementary grades of the city schools will give an entertainment at (he school au ditorium for ihe benefit or the Ju nior Red Cross. The entertain ment will consist of a patriotic play, songs and drill, and will have the war spirit highly developed. A small admission fee will be charged which will he used in supplement ihe Junior Red Cross hand, li is expected that by the end of the session that every pupil in the school will be a member of the local chapter tit the Red Cross. The public is urged to he present at and enjoy the entertainment. Tell Them to Come On. Tell all the boys that at e to come on the 25th, to cheer up. Army life is not half so hard as people think it is. After once you get in it there is nothing hard about it. For we are going "over" and what we don't do for them will be plenty. When the land of liermany is painted red. while aud blue, Ami tlic Stars and Stripes lloat from ail tlieCatUk'S on the Kliinc, then I will come hack to you. When WIIhou's picture hauga in the Capitol of lierliu and "Kaiser hill" hands I'enilmig his Mword and nays, "I'm through, then I will cotnu hack to you. That is what we are going for and by God's help we are going to succeed. So tell all of them to come on. We are permitted to print the above, taken from a letter to the mother of one of our boys who was sent to Camp Jackson about two weeks ago. The Red Cross. One huntred million dollars for the work of the Red Cross. The week, May 20-27, has been set aside by President Wilson. Weldon must play her part and we feci sure we will raise a good sum for relief. A very interesting and educa lional feature of ihe week will be patriotic pageant view in the forn of a parade Monday afternoon, May 20ih. All who expect to lake pan will assemble in Ironl of Barnes & Travis' garage at 4:30. We invite all the people of the town to see this parade, as it will be must interesting and helpful. All ihe ladies who are members of the Red Cross will please gel a quare piece of white cheese cloth 24 inches or .16 inches, all wear white. The insignia will be given you when we assemble. All work will be brought in on Thursday afternoon from 5:30 to 6:30 o'clock. Please return work as it is most important thai we get a box off tiis week. D. A. R. Entertained. The Elizabeth Mont fort Anliut'lmp ter, D. A. K.of Halifax, wasde lightfully entertained Tliitraday afternoon at tho home of Mm W. K. Daniel. Them wan riht much buaineaa of importance transacts! uiiil eacellmit porta made by tho various ofll cera for tho punt year. Aa this waa the annual meeting, the following officers were elected for the onsuing year: Regent, Minn Ursula M. Dan iel; vice-regent, Mrs. Annie B Harrell; second vice - regent Mrs. Mabel Z. Travis; treasur er, Mrg. Susie Nelson Furger aon; recording secretary, Mrs, Florence Dickens Willcox; cor- respoudiug secretary, Mrs. Mary Rhem Gregory; registrar, Mrs, Mary H. Lee; historian, MrB. Jeauuette S. Daniel; chaplain, Mrs. Jennie N. Hale. The meeting then adjourned to convene again in September, at which time they will be the UHti of Mrs. tubal Travis. A Man's Best Friend. As we went to our office yesterday we saw one of our citiens beating his dog. The dog desired to follow his mas ter, and he followed in spite of the kicks he received, simply because he loved him. As a matier of fact a dog will die for a master who starves and beais him, while man divine man himself has been known to sneak away from a friend in trouble, disavowing any obliga tions. It was a philosopher none too cynical who said that the more he saw ol men the more he thought of dogs. The dug is always gen uine, always, and honest and Faithful. He shows more honesty in one wag of his tail than some men do in a whole liletttnc. Speechless, he can express more love than a man can, and he never expresses it falsely. His humble professions are true, whatever be fall, till deaih itself. Judge C. A. Wood from Atlanta, Ua., will deliver an ad dress at the Court Mouse in Halifax on Monday evening, May 20, at 8:30 o'clock in behalf of the Red Cross. All urged to come and hear his address, in this most worthy cause. HEARD N WELDON. How Bad Backs Have Been Made Strong Kidney Ills Corrected. A Beautih'i. Service. A very pleasing incident at the service on Sunday morning ai the M. E. church, in Weldon, was ihe pre sentation of a beautiful Service Flag, bearing fifteen stars, which was given to the church by the pas tor and his esteemed wife, Rev. and Mrs. F. M Shamburger. The Hag was given m honor of the fif teen young men who had volun teered or been called to the colors who are members of this church or their families are identified with the church. Three of these young men are already in France and two others are in an Atlantic port await ing orders. One is an ollicer in the aviation corps at San Diego, California, also under orders for oversea work. J us: before (lie sermon the choir sang sweetly, God hold, keep and save our men, when l)r. I), t-s. .olltcoller in a few well chosen words ex pressed the appreciation of the par ents and friends of ihese young men aud the church of this loving gift of the pastor and his wife. Nothing could have been more ap propriate at this Mother's Day ser vices that was emphasized all through out and brought io a close by an invitation to the mothers and children to gather around the altar for the closing prayer which was most beautiful and impressive scene. All over Weldon you hear it Doan's Kidney Pills are keeping up me gooa worn, weldon peo ple are telling about it telling of bad backs made sound again. You can Deneve tne testimony ot your own townspeople. They tell it for the benefit of you who are suffer ing. It your back aches, it you feel lame, sore and miserable, tne Kidneys act too irequently, or passages are painful, scanty and off' color, use Doan's Kidney Pills the remedy that has helped so many of your friends and neigh bors. Follow this Weldon citizen 's advice and give Doan's a chance to do the same for you. E. D. Purnell, printer, Wash ington avenue, says: "I had dull pain across my back and al limes I was so sore and lame couldn't stoop or bend. The irou ble was caused by a strain, which left my kidneys weak. The least cold settled on my kidneys and made me worse. Doan's Kidney fins soon renevea me, putting my back and kidneys in good condi tion." Price 60c. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy gel Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Purnell had FOSTER-M1LBURN CO., Man ufaeturers, Buffalo, N. Y. Thursday Afternoon Club. Mrs. V, V. Howard was hos- toss to the Thursday Afternoon Club, on May iith. Her home was a picture of loveliness in its artistic decorations of pink anil white roses. rile meeting was called to order by the president anil the business matters brought be fore the club. On May 2Jnd a very interest ing play entitled ''Claim Al lowed" will be given at Hatch- lor'a Opera House for the ben til of Hit? Red Cross. Twenty eight Red Cress shirts were brought in ami ready to be turned over to our Red Cross here. The club felt very much hon ored to receive a letter from R T. Homier, a noted historian, of Auroru, N. C, in which ho ask ed for copies of our program, on Halifax County, which was pre aented at the last meeting. The program was arrangeii tiy our president, Mrs. L. W.Mtirphrey Alter liiiBiiiess matters were dispensed with the following program was rendered: Ufe of Tennyson, Mrs, C, 8 Vinson: Reading, Mrs, II. V Hounds; Vocul Solo, Mrs, K, A. Cole: Reiulinif, Mrn M , Hliep herd; Reading, Mrs. Craig Corn wall; Vocal Solo, Mrs. C, W Howard. After the program the hos tess assisted by Mrs. H. V Hounds served tea ami Baud wiches. Advertised Letters The following is a list of letters remain ing "uncalled for" in the Weldon postoffice : Henry Brickie, Mrs. L. G. Lee, Mi .s Bernei Moseley. Persons calling for above letters will please say "advertised," giv ing date of advertising. D. T. Clark, P, M Weldon, N. C May 13, 1918. How many hungering hearts there are in the world, hungering for recognition, for a word ol praise! The hungriest bean in this world is an unpraised woman whose husband never gives her a word ol praise. "DON'T SIT DOWN AND QUIT" A SLUGGISH LIVER Killed by Poisons All ectfntirtts agree that noiaonnua products in the bUuni art? ehmmuU'il by the kiiiiieva utnl liver. The kidnuys act an a kind nf hlter for thesw products. When the kidnevH art changed or de generated, by disease or old agtt, then these poiaunii are returned in the body. ii we wiBii to prevent uiu age coming on too booh, or if we want to increase our chances for a I -ng life, Lr. Pierce ni the Invalid' Hotel, lUilfnlo, N, Y., says that you should drink plenty o( water daily between meals to Huh the kidneys. Then procure at your neu rent drug ttore Anuric. This Amine drives tin uric acid out. Scientific men have learned that in gout, also rheumatism, poisonous uric acid crystals are depoHited in or about tho joints, in tho muscle where in tlammation is set up. If we wih to keep our kidneys in the best condition a tjn-t of milk and vege tables, w it h only lite I - meat imee a Uuy, is the muni mutable, hrmk pleniv of pure water, lake Anuric three timet u day for a month, An-u-ric is many limes mure potent lliau litlna and diHsolves urio acid as hut water does sugar. Hend 10 cents to lr. Pierce, if you wish to obtain a trial package of Auuric. (YlFTny. TltYN I wkh tn nao Hint. I sutTi-red from luickachu and kidney trouble for some time, 1 could hardly do any kind of work. I heard of Dr. Plon-ei Anuric Tablets so I tried them, and they cured my backarfm. I huuu people who are troubled with backache will give Dr. Plercn's Anuric Tablets a good trial. They do all that Is required of tin-tit -tht'V will not fail to benetit." Miss hKMiNK lU'Til Mos Kit, It. V, I), i. Milton, N. C "I suffered verv mnrh with my hark and limbs. Hud some de rangement of the kidney but after using Anuric I obtained relief and have had rio trouble si nee, I cheerfully recommend tho Anuric I ablets to all who suffer from t(M much uric acid in the system," C ait. W. i. ( i it a v KM. Vir free medical advlcn wrltn Dr. V M Pierce, luvalids, Butlalu, iV. Y. Y V9 U WAR SAVINGS STAMPS ISSUED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT DON'T "sit down and quit" selling THRIFT and WAR-SAV-lN(i STAMI'S while the Liberty Drive is being made. Now is the nine lor you io get in ynur most valuable work and make the Vi ar-Savings Campaign do wh-H il was intended reach small investors, those not able to buy Liberty Hoiuls. 1 his - campaign will hml many people who want to invest nieirsaviiiKs in Government securiiics but who are not in a position 10 buy a Liberty Bond. This is the purpose of the War-Saving Stamp to afford the person of limiied means ihe same opportunity to share the benetits of fered by the Government for the loan of money that are open to large investors. r YOUR EXTRA ACRE. What will your extra acre be ? Corn, wheat or cotton, H h,.n nr or notatoes ? l-'vervbody is now agreed that it IV w ill be the farmer by his planting extra acres in food products who will make the war shorter than it would otherwise be. called "VICTORY Therefore, ACRI-S." his extra acres have a right to be Crashes into sour bile, making you sicic ana you lose . a day's work. Calomel wilivntos! It's mwnrv. miomrl new liku dynamite on nhiggisli liver. Whon calomel comes into conUi't with sour bile, it crashes into it, oniiainp crumping and nausea. If you feel bilious, headachy, con stipated and all knocked out, just go to your druggist and get a bottle of Dodson s Liver lone for n few cents, which is a harmless vegetable sub stitute for dangerous calomel. Take a siioonful and if it doesn't etart your liver ami raighten vou up better and quicker Ihan nasty calomel and without making vou sick, vou just go hack anil get vour money. 1 1 vou lake calomel loilav you 11 bi sick and nauseated lomorrow; be sides, it may salivate you, while if you lake Dodsnn'a Liver Tone you will wake up livlmg great, full of ambition and ready for work or play. Jt is harmless, pleasant and Bafu to fife to children; they like it, m. m m m wit urn m a I! New Spring anil Summer Due P.ltX KJ -ALSO- t Shoes and Clothing LADIES COAT AND SPORT nn nn nm ijl - mmim ll " SUITS m COATS nn Sale For Taxes I will hcII to tin .null t.-Ht tiuMt-r fur anli al the Court Minim door iu the t wii of Halifax, Momlav, June 'A, 11 ie following ileacrittttil iaiuls in W'eLlou owuHliih, lot taxes aiui cost k for year ill. : fam Clanlou. IIU acres, $1 n'mllt'lil t lark, 1 acre, .. 1im. li. A. Cheek, 1 town lot L' l.Ti I. M. Kpes Kstate, 1 town lot -1 pv. .1. W. 1-aulk, , ai'iTtj laiitl l.r loreoce Hill. 1i acron land l!..';i ictavius Ivy, 11 am1 s laud, IS iw 'atsv Long, i! acrehTlaud, l.iiii r.mtty M arable, 1 town lot, 3 tW . Orsett, :t acrev laud, 2. U aura Ridley, 1 acre land, I J. I,. HARMS, Tax Collector Weldon Township. Administratrix Notice Having qualified as administratrix jf Walter R. (tatting, deeea.Hfd, late ol Halifax county, N.C. this iHtu notify all iwrsoiitj navuig claims airaiusl the estate of said deceased to exhibit said claim to the undersigned on or hefore the lit lav ol Mav. 111 1. or tins notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate wd I please make immediate payment. 1 ins the unit dav ol .Mav, HM. HE1TIK N. t'.ATUSti, Administratrix Waller dathng, dec. 6 a tit. Trustee's Sale of Land I'udi-r and bv Mi tue of the powei con tained in a certain deed of trust execu ted bv V. N. bond to the undersitr tied ilelauil having been made in the pay me-iii ol the Dona secured thereiiy, ill on Monday, the 3rd dayol June, l!H-, (it being the lirst Mmxlav in June) ;it 1 o'clock 1'. M ., in front of the bank of Littleton, N (' expose at public out- erv lu the highest bidder for cash the following described piece or parcel ol land, lying and being m the Stale and County above wnlteu, and in Littleton township, eontannug i7 acres, more less, and ill fully described ill said deed of trust Inch is recorded in the oilice I of the liegmter of Deeds for Halifax county, in book 2A, at page l.'iH, to ( which reference is hereby made for I more minute description. This the Ituth day April, VMS. JOs. 1 Piri'KN TniHtee. iary Agency for Kinston Steam Laundry $rg j Collars 2ic Shirts 12c. M A I 0 TA IMBAnlf MM The Busy Store, WELDON, NCg DRAFTED! 0! LI) KALSK TEK7H WANTKD DON'T MATTKU IF MliOKKN We pav up to (15 per set Also cash for Old (iold, Silver aud broken Jewel rv. Cheek Rent by return mail Ooods held it) davN lor sender a approval of our ol- fer. .Makks' Tooth Seat ui rv, Dept. A, 2ih7 H. 5th St., Philadelphia, 1'a. 5 U 4t NOTICE. I wish to announce to the votrrti of Halifax county that I mil he a candi date in the County Democratic l'nmarv to beheld Junt 1st, 1!1 fur the olbee of Coiintv Treniurrr Kiirthcr, I wish lo (bank the people fur then hup port in (be past and auk tho continuance til the i me, anntirihif all voters of toy desire to sent them faithfully dining my term ol ollicu. iieHpei'lhiiiy, J. K MOW Kits. Announcement. I hnteby announce that I will lie i Candidate fur Clerk Nupmior Court, nil! jcet lo Hie action of thtt Democratic I'rimaiy lo he held on the 1st day of Juue, lulu. Kespecl fully asking lht support of the people, and with lasting gratitude, and appreciation for their loyal support m the past, liespeellully. NTLI.I.IM, M. OAKY Announcement ol Candidacy. t hereby announce myself acandidate for the House ol ucp resent a live, sub ject to the Democratic primaries, to he held on the 1st day of June, ltHH for Halifax county. J. H. DAKDKN. Spring Hill, N, C. Announcement of Candidacy. 1 hereby anuouuee myself a candidate Tor the House 01 uepreoea tali res, sub ject to the Democratic primaries, to be held oq the 1st day of June, lvl, for Halifax county. F, M. TAYLOR, Brinkleyville.N. C. Notice of Publication Of Summons, State of North Carolina, Halifax t'ounty, In the Superior Court. . L. Cullom, IV W. Culloni, A. It.Cook, and Sarah K. Cook, hi wife. Nannie V. Higgs. Mrs. Alice V. Holdford, W. R. Cullom, Lucy L. Lucas, tieo. W. Med liu and Heuiielta Medliu, his wife, John Cullom, John J. Cullom, Frank I. Cullom, Jesse M. Cullom, aud Mrs. Ma ry K. Cullom. wnlow, Will H. Coates, Vi . M. Coates, h. S. Coat eg, Jr., K. T Coates, J. IL ( ullom, hut her Stephen- sou, bertha Haker, Mrs. hannie bass, Ihuinastt. Ives, Mrs. Julia Vtallaci Mrs. Florence J, Arrington, Florida A vera, D. L. Christian and Mrs. 1 : 1 1 a A. Christian, his wife, Florence Avera and 1 nomas A. Avera, l laintitls. Vs. It Cullom, D. W. (.'ullom, Leonard Carter, Daniel Irving and (ilynnie Ir- vintr, his wile. . . Otten and Annie Otleii, his wife, J. J. Cullom, Jr., A. N. Cullom, Wyatt M. Cullom, Laura Smith, Jane Shearin, Alexander Cullom, J. Frank Cullom, J. L. Cobb and liessie Cobb, hiswife, Lucretia Medhn, (jideou rowers, Mozella row era, halhe rowers, Wilson I'endergralt and Lizzie Fender- graft, Ins wife, Dulendauls. To D. W. Cullom, Daniel Irving aud (ilvuuie Irving, lus wile, and . Otten and Auuie Otten, hi wife: The above-named defendants will take notice that a summons in the above entitled proceeding was issued agaiust the said defendants ou the lrd day of October, tiPlT, tiy the undersigued clerk of the Superior ( 'ourt of Halifax county which summons was returnable within twenty days after service, but the said Nuiniuuiia was returned that the said defendants above uauiedoould notafter due diligence 1h found in Halifax couu iv nor hi iht 'p ff N'irth Carolina, that the complaint iu said proceeding an duly tiled hi the olbce ol the Clerk til the Superior court ou tilh day of No vember, 1 y 17, and that the purpose of the proceeding was lo sell a eertaiu tract oi laud known as the "Joel Cul lom laud" and described iu the petition for partition among the heirs at law of the said Joel Cullom, deceased; that the above named defendants are inter ested in the said tract of land and etiti lied t" a shaie of the proceeds thereof aud tbev will take notice that they aie required to app'r nud answer or demur lo the complaint at Halifax town,N.C'., on or be lulu the :ioth day of May, l!H or the relief therein demanded will bo gran led. Herein fail not. This the mh day of April, 1'JIH H. M. OAKY. Clerk Superior Court. W. K. DANIEL, Attorney for Haintid. 5 2 4t. into the Government Ser vice. All Merchandise, in cluding Men's, Women's and children's clothing, dry goods and shoes greatly reduced. Quarters gy Just moved into our handsome new brick building with a full supply of everything in Hardware for the farmer, the mechanic and the house builder. FLUES! FLUES!! Now i tht time to place your order for Hue". I! waut em. We make em. DHf CO., U. E 8 IK 3m Halifax, N. C. LEWIS. Manager. GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Kkv. N. C DUNCAN, Rector Sunday Morning Travel and Sermon, livening 1'iayer and Sermon, 11 A. M 8 F.M I'.veryhody cordially invited to attend these service. I'llONK SO. r. o. uui (itt ISAVE MONEY! w I- all have to spend to eat. But you spend less and eat better by trading with us. Our prices are low and the quality Is high. Refined Young Ladies ai Telephone Operators, Krtwef n III and i' years of aire; 8th itratle education; salary paid while learn idit; rapid advaucrmrnt: splendid lur ruundiniTH; sick bimclits; vacation witU pay aftrr lirst year. Applv to CHIEF OPERATOR Home Telephone & Telegraph Co BIG LINE OF And we give you full weight on every pur chase. Our scales are made right and kept right. Once a customer always a customer. Substitute for Butter Nucoanut 'Margarine Per Pound 40c. J tiiLLEY-f.WOflE QUO. CO., j III ANTED. Young women de ll siring to enter nurses (raining school. Appiy at once to supi. Lakcviewinospiiai, aunoiK, va. 4 18 4t THE PURE FOOD STORE PHONE 2-2-12-2 2 Weldon, North Carolina. FOR SALE u New Todd CHECK PROTECTOR liUM-etted, call up Uih onto. Spring. Shoes Just Received lor Men, Women and Children at reasonable price Come and get a good pair of Spring Shoes at KITTNER'S Up-to-l)ate Shoe Store. ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIRING SHOP. All Shoes repaired promptly and at reasonable prices. KITTNER'S SHOE STORE, L. KITTNER. Prop. "rpo-ite I'ostoflico WeUuu, N. t). CHRISTIAN SCIENCF SER Viciis MTln Kmry Building od Wuliinirtoa Avenue. SUNDAY, MAY 3rd, tl A. II. Subject of Lesson Sermon : "Kverlasting Punishment." Wednesday evening at 8:3U Teat mony meeting. The puhlic cordially invited to attend these services C6'' P1-AS DELIVERED AT your station $3 55 per bushel. If you want any, have your bank send at once The Bank of Liberty, Liberty, N. C, cash io be paid me when i hand them Bill of Lading showing freight prepaid or you may remit direct by check or mon ey order. 3-M, FIELD. C3imc, N. C.