ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscrintion--$1.5G Per Annum VOL. LIU. WELDON, N. C, TUUHSl)AY,.K'Ni: 1!J, MM. NO. I1 Net (onli-uts lli fluid Pranlmv GASTO CAsraiiu L Anioini.-3riii ubm I AV4ctnblotVl)arfllkE)f As L imiiniindlkeKiol hY IMuU- oiffnaturo of Rlfl Forlnfuntu nml Children. Mothers Know That Genuine ntnria T1iprctii'lVoinoUminiti e cjifotfuiiwsjuw """- I: ncftncrOplum.Morphinenor I lillU.NOTAHMM- Writ W ! A hcl nf ut Bc-mrdy Tor IConstipalioniuitlUiarrt"" unit rVvcrlshnc ss ' hill THtCwrAmCMtiw i If Always . ic or IT Kiact Copy of Wmpjier. In Use For Over Thirty Years JASTOniA Get The Habit EBuy for Cash. Save"C3 ITthe pennies by buy-"C3 ing at W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store WELDON, N. C. iv o . ui on 4it m ('on 'i i i;ini!i;i MANUWAlll UKItS OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TOOliDER AN l lil'.lill.AK STOCK SIZES. Oood Material!. High Grade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. A BIRTHDAY. Ily W nit Mason. Some iinipiy years nun I showed up on ihis pliinci, where where nniihern sireiinileis dash iheirwny between lull hills of granite. I'm growing old In count of years, thai much I inn allowing; hut I urn chipper us lite steers linn Adam used for plowing. II you'd con vince me I am old, you'd have lo bring ihc papers; For I am gay, my step is hold, and I cut fancy capers. Men often say, "You look so young ! Your youth is scarcely civil; the rest of us by age are stung why don't you bend and shrivel?" And I reply, "The world's a joke, and life a transient flurry, and all our troubles end in smoke, so I rcluse lo worry. To me care looks like twenty cents, I throw it to the foxes; it's worry ages dames and gems, and puis them in their boxes. Oh, worry will not heal a sore, there is no bjhn in weeping; so while you Fel lows walk the floor. I put in nine hours sleeping. And here I am all sound and hale, and lit and perl and able; I take a bullock by the tail and throw it o'er the stable." Today I celebrate my birthday with Hares and Roman candles, while signs re-echo round the earth, brought forth by Teuton vandals. If tears would down a single foe I'd make a moist beginning; but not an ill is healed by woe, and so 1 keep on grinning. STATISTICAL There are 556 war charities reg istered in London. United Stales has 4,283,289 Methodists in Northern states. ' The Presbyterian board of for eign missions has 1,35.1 missiona ries on its rolls. Full sunlight is esiimaied lo be 600,001) limes brighter than lull moonlight. About $500,000,000 a year is being spent on education in the United Stales. Great Britain is using 200,000 ash trees a year in ihe manufac ture of airplanes. For home consumption Great Britain imports about 30,000,000 pounds of collee annually. Sixty men a thousand are now being killed in the war, and about 1 50 men out of each thousand are wounded. NOT HRKIHThULNESS. First Parmer I can't find any old clothes for (he scarecrow. Second Farmer Use some of the fancy clothes your boy brought home from college. First Farmer I'm trying to scare crows, not make 'em laugh themselves to death. THE Dining Room should be a cheerful place for when you eat your meals amid pleasant surroundings you do much to aid digestion. And good digestion means health. HAVE US FURNISH YOUR DINING ROOM The variety of designs in Tables, Chairs, Side boards, China Closets, Serving Tables and the like, is ample to satisfy your desires, whatever they may be, in the matter of style, finish and price. Come in and talk it over with us. We are as eager to GIVE satisfaction as you are to receive it. Mk Furniture Company. Weldon, N. C. One of the things a young girl has to discover for herself is thai a nun may look well in a dress suit and still be a poor provider. The little boy may nol know it but he'll never get another suit that will give him as much joy as that first corduroy suit. Pima TnftiinftMAA Pi QhwaIii DamJa I Life. Accident and Health. Plate Glass and Automobiles. Repre senting leading companies. See me about your insurance wants. L. C. DRAPER Office in Green Building, WELDON, N. C. For Sale! New Todd Check Protector. It interested, call at this office. Some magazine poetry should be used as ammunition in a maga zine gun. Sometimes virtue starves while vice is fed. If I i MM CIL11HL K ,. A SLUGGISH bill Or&ahaa into tour bile, making you lick and yon loae a day'i work. Calomel ttnlirntos ! It'l mercury. 1'alomei acta like dynamite on lnggish liver. When calomel oome into contact with koht bile it eraahe into it, causing cramping and nausea, If you feel bilious, headachy, con stipated and all knocked out, just go ro your dmpgist and got a bottle of Uodson a Liver lone for a few cent, which is harmless veeetnblc sub (titute for dangerous calomel. Take a spoonful and if it doesn't start your liver and straighten you up better and quicker than nasty calomel and without making you sick, you just go back and get your money. If you take calomel today you'll bo sick and nauseated tomorrow; be sides, it may salivate you, while if von take Dodson's Liver Tone you will wake tip feeling great, full of ambition and ready for work or plav, It ia harmless, pleasant and safe to t& to children; the; like it. National and Local Meat Business The meat business of the country is conducted by various agencies By small slaughter-housea in villages By local Abattoirs or small Packing Houses in towns both Using only a part of the local liva stock supply and Furnishing only a part of the local demand for meat. These slaughtering end distributing agencies fill a well defined but neces sarily restricted place in the distribu tion of the products of llvt stock. But only packers like Swift & Company, organized on a national scale, ore able to undertake the ser vice that is mors vitally important, involving An Obligation to the Producer To purchase for spot cash all the live stock the producer may send to market for slaughter. An Obligation to the Consumer To make available to every con sumer, everywhere, in season and out, the full supply and variety of meat products, of the highest standard that the market affords. II Year Book of interesting and inatructive facta sent on request. Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois Swift & Company, U.S. A , fens WOMAN. OUR BOYS. She is nothing but a woman, fair, mysterious and sweet Given all the luring graces that make loveliness complete; There is music in her laughter and her sighs are sweeter yet, With ihe charm thai makes us wonder and remember and forget : Illusive, tempting, weak, Being all that man may seek, Fearing little woes, but steadfast when disaster must be met. She is nothing but a woman in whose breast love is aglow As her child is taught ihe lesson you and I learned long ago; From her lips he learns the wisdom that ennobles and that stands Firm against outworn tradition, filling Reason's new demands- Just a woman who would give More than life to let him live Who is sanctified and strengthened by the soft touch of her hands. She is nothing but a woman, fit for heaven, but unfit For a seat where pious bishops and unrighteous laymen sit; Fil to bear the Caesar's children, fit to make the world complete, I-ii to be the Saviour s mother, hi to guide His baby feet- Hut a woman still, alas, And unqualified to pass Through the portals of the councils where the all wise brothers meet. THE WANTS OF Man wants but little here below, Nor wants that little long; 'Tis not with me exactly so, But 'tis so in the song. My wants are many and, if told, Would muster many a score; And were each wish a mint of gold, I still should long for more. I want (who does not want) a wife Affectionate and fair; To solace all the woes of life, And ail its joys to share. Of temper sweet, of yielding will, Of firm, yet placid mind; With all my faults to love me still, Wiih sentiment refined. And as Time's car incessant runs, And fortune fills my store, I want of daughters and of sons, From eight to hall a score. I want alas! can mortal dare, Such bliss on earth to crave ? That all the girls be ch.iMe and fair- The boys all wise and brave. These are the wants of mortal man, I cannot want them long; For hie itsi lf is but a span. And canhly bliss a song My last great want, absorbing all Is, when beneath the sod, And summoned to my final call. The Mercy ot my God." "Where is Vour Wondering Hoy To-nlRhl ?'' Yes, boys will be boys, and why should ihcy not? Now, a boy should go lo school, bin iheiv is no particular pleasure in thai, lor fun he wanis and Inn he w ill luvv Your hoy should always be nice and clean; ii m.ikcs him look well bin even lhat docs not satisfy his frisky nature. A boy should go to meeting once or twice du ring the week, but, good as he is, he will crave for pleasure. Vi'e love a boy with a merry twinkle in his eye; he looks so cunning; and, besides, he will need all the spirit of a young coll before he gets through the world. If properly trained it will be to him what steam is lo an engine. Did il ever occur to you to turn boy yourself and lay aside your dignified, serious airs? Try ii. l'lay with them; sing with them; and, when night comes you can pray with them with a result you linle dreamed of. If they can always have more pleasure with you than anybody else you will al ways know where they are. Did you ever notice how the older ani mals play wiih their young? It looks funny you will admit, We have often laughed at an old siitt legged horse playing with a colt and what a queer game of "tag" it was; the baby horse beat every time, but the linle one always kept close to its mother, and was never heard lo neigh. Parents lake a lesson and it will be possible to know where the "wandering boys are tonight." (10T ONU IN VOUR HOME? Captain Anderson Dana, who has j iiki married at Plattsburg, is a grandson of the journalist, Charles A. Dana, and in nn interview, he S;lid: "My grandfather believed in marriage. He thought ii steadied a man. I remember a story he used to tell. "It's a story about a chap who asked a man: "Have you ever heard anything about a machine for telling w hen a man is lying ?" "Sure," said ihe man. "Have you ever seen one?" said ihe chap. "Seen one!" said the man. "By gash. 1 married one." Wash ington Star. SHORT AND SNAPPY. hi i nbsaB Ml StartihQBayHiqk mill a Cup or Two of Luzianne- HAM-AND-L:GGS nnd a cup of stPtimiiif;, stimulating Lu:H;innn. Whiit better start could nnylMn'.y have for the diiy's work I Tin' sanilnry, uir-tight tin lock the flavor in! Buy a can of Luxiunne today. If j'ou don't nrrree it's the best hot beverage that ever passed your lips, your yrocer will give you back what you paid for it, and ask no questions. So, there. EElANNEcoffee "When It Pours, It Reigns" i W T II Ii A II TTT ! fill V.' I II ESTABLISHED I8"2 1 Capital and Surplus,$6Q,QD0. WE INVITE YOUR AOCOUNT. 4 ' PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT W. f. DAMKl., I'HKSIDKNT. VS. It. SMITH. Vli K- I'll KHI lK M'. I. I). IHUKK, rAKHIRR. NMNMlimiUimiQiOiMKla .INVITATION. jj You are invited to open an account with the s Jealousy at best is but a chronic case of self-love. A shady character doesn't always keep a man cool. During the courtship love shows up in the dark. Men of genius often make a for tune for a man of talent. Singers who pursue the even tenor of their way never get off their bass. Sometimes the man who is afraid to take a chance is beaten at his own game. THE TEST. Small Brother "Rot he'd kiss you if I weren't here." Sister "You bad bov ! Kim way this very instant !" Aw- gwati. BHK OF EH FIELD, clflcLo, fl. c. 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly. s S FT YOU can bank bv mail S 1 -John Quincy Adams. Has a Good Opinion ol Chamber lain's Tablets. "Chamberlain's Tablets are a wonder. 1 never Hold anything that beat them," write F. H. Tressey, Richmond, Ky. When troubled wiih indigestion or con stipation give them a trial. Colored People Delighted With New Discovery To Bleach the Skin Atlanta, Ga. Says that rccen tests have proven without doubt that swarthy or sallow complexions can be made light by a new trcat- mnt.t -a...ii1,. .liV.'.rtff.ri. hi a mm ' llllllt llkV.1111) UIMU.klbU I'J 8 IHilll inAilania. Just ask yourdruggist for Cocotone Skin Whitener. People who have used it are amazed at iis wonderful effect. Rid your face of thai awful dark color or greasy appearance in a few minutes. It costs so liitP lhat you can 'i afford to be without it. Just think how much prettier you would look with that old dark skin gone and new soft, light skin in its place. Men and women today must care for their complexions to enter society. If your druggist will not supply you with Cocotone Skin Whitener send 25c for large package to Cocotone Co., Atlanta, Ga. flat's lew In Ifcicf By Special Arrangement with the Associated Music Publishers of New York, we will feature by Daily Pathephone Demonstration BROADWAY'S big Song Hits Come in and hear the "Latest" Direct from Melody Row. All Sheet Music 10c. Copy. W. M. Cohen Drug Company, W eldon. North Carolina. r SOI F. ACF.NTS FOR NYAl.'S RFMFD1F.S. NUNNA1.1.Y S AND NORRIS' CAND1FS. Wmy SpEfo All You Et? You might get sick or hurt be prepared for it You might want to make an investmentstart now, "Takes money to make money," you know You might be visited by thieves or fire-an account w ith us prevents loss, the saving habit is a mighty good one to get into. We pav 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts :5 THE BANK OF HALIFAX g HALIFAX 1ST. C. N. L. Stedman, P. C. Oreirory, P. H.Orefory Presidents Vi-Prsiderit. Oashntr.