1 1 i! f -f I I1- t! I ' ' I: '. r . i I u p fnmmmw . i tcrep yovr smis mat l I B LIQUIDS NO PASTES. I 5 -" I row bioc:-., wiiif. J vX-55i?i TAN, DANK BROWN f, Inn, ii.u.nlj " " m ,', mUm, J ' ,: : : f nttfliiacoifoMTOiiCTiiilto.iuiTiiio.it'Tn 1 V v J iJmuJ No. 2, $3.50 per hunch ed No. 3, $4.50 per hundred. MASON JARS! Pints, 85c. per dozen; Quarts, 95c, dozen; V Gallon, 1.10 dozen. EASY SEAL.-Pints, 90c. dozen; Quarts, $1 dozen; Gallon $1.25; Extra Caps, 45c. dozen; JELLY GLASSES, 65c. dozen. Willey-Moore Hardware Co., WELDON, N. C. THE ROANOKE Thursday, June 13, 1918. Published Every Thursday. KNTSKKl) AT l'USTOKFlCE AT WBI.DU.N At SKIOND-C1.ASS MATTER. RATES Ul-'SI'BSCHIPTHIN IN ADVANCE: Uik- Yeai, (by ..) potpanl, H.50. Si MuillllB, " " -75. A weekly 1 etnocrattc journal devoted o She material, educational, political tad agricultural interewU of Halifax and iiurounrliutf eouDtiKs. Ailvertisimr rates reasonable and fur niibed on application. Pi 1 pledge allegiance to MY FLAG and 10 the Republic fur which it stands, one nation in divisible with Liberty and Justice for all. Hireless cooker is about to be succeeded by fuelless motor. McAdoo is the man, ii seems, w ho can make and unmake presi dents. President Wilson will have to catch his Russian before he can help him. The Kaiser's "rocklike confi dence" indicated that he is still biting granite. In earth, sea and sky the Ger man military forces are beginning to "discover America." NEWSi If Nicholas Romanoff doesn't like his new home in Switzerland he might get a job as street car conductor over here. Maybe Austria and Germany are being cemented together and maybe they are being handcuffed together. It all depends. Distinguish ed churchman asks if hate will grow after the war. Think not. Probably vanish after we have removed the haters. Those who are trying to find a new name for Limburger cheese would be more usefully employed in trying to find a new smell for it. Tin s far the retiring railroad presidents have manifested no in tennon ol appealing to the federal labor commission tor reinstate ment. OUR shipyards are now turning out 10,000 tons of shipping a day, and are only just started. Henry Ford is said to be in the race for the United States Senate, equipped no doubt, with a self-starter. See that Austrians have turned cannibals and are eating each oth er. Only way to stop such hor rors and help end the struggle is for Austria to surrender and get a square meal. Bi 'SIN ess backs Crowder order. -Headline. Thereby showing the business head on business. For if we don't all work or" fight there'll be no business worth speaking of. It is announced that the high (inci rl I,, 'inn 10 il run n a rlh . ct. ers away'from Washington. We I U !l ..I .U... lia c uccn cumuicm un uiuog iiim some good would result from the high cost of living. House Military Committee ap proves measure to give President IV . 1 . ........... ..1 .1 ; ... ,.l Vt IIVMI IOIL I'lJWCl Ol MIC W.C Ul the army Who in thunder ought 10 have supreme power over iiiciiiuiy alio e a young cisc in time of war but the Commander-in-Chief? WELDON 33 YEARS AGO. LIST OF NAMES OF PERSONS Who Became Twenty-One Years Old Since Last June. Col OKI D. I .1. W. L. Clark, lluiicld. -.1 Jooepli lral,i '' :t Hi-nine t'oliul'l, " 4 .loo liray, Heotlanil Neck. o t'levelanil Utmser, Kosemarv. ti Hun Juuiibou, Tillery. 7 Koy Kiali, .Seutlaml Seek. S barney KieltarcUuo. Kingwoud. !l i'erry Mason, Scotland Neck, lu Willie T. Powell, Rosemary. II .tolin Uonyer, Kiinwooii. 1L' l.ee Wniflit, Miuifwootl. i:i illie.loe, Scotland Neck. 14 William Htyaut, liohgood. 15 Krnest Howard, Halifax. It) Charlie Tillery, 17 Jasper llaker, Thi'lnia. I" riiiininer l'leraon.Tlieliiia. III Joe lire, llulliatrr. Ill All'it',1 suniuon, " .') Kltuo Kicliahlaon. " LM I'liarlie llriltruttli, Ksaex. VH .Mi'kinli'V Nieliulsou, Kullelil. Jl .lark M iU'h.-ll, .Ir . linliel.l. I..', Leviliarlelt. " L'li J A. Ilaiis, " LT Wilbur ramp, Scotland Neck. -S .lulin II. L'laik, Kintfwood. lurnelilis kuilit, Tlllery. anco Williams, Tliehna. lames Palmer, Littleton. From The bjoanoke News, June II, I8N5. It always has been rather diffi cult to "see" a railroad president, but it will be more difficult from now on. If President Wilson is a "very tired man," we'd like to hear him make a speech sometime when he is rested up. The Huns are perfuming their poisonous gases, but if covered with roses the Huns would still smell 10 heaven. SEAGULLS materially help in in dicating the presence of U-boats. Kaiser will probably declare w ar against the gulls. catakwh can not h? cured sriib load apolieationa, aa they cannot reach the seal uf the disease. Catarrh ia a local disease, irreaily influenced by eoosUtulional conditions, and in order to eurc it you moat take an internal remedy. Itali a ( elarrh Medicine ia taken internally and acta thru the blood on the mueoua surfaces of the ayatem. Haifa Catarrh Medicine waa prescribed by one of the beat pbysiciaca in this country for years. It ts composed or tome ot the best tonics known, com bioed with aomeof the best blood puri fiers. The perfect combination of the ingredients in Hail's catarrh Hedicine ia what produce auch wonderful re sult in catarrhal eonditiona. f. 1. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, Ohi o Teaumoniaia seat free. Price 75 eents per bottle. Sold by all drugfista. Hall's Family Tills for Constipation Pi l to the iesi, American chem ists have outdone the Germans. So have our financiers, and our soldiers are starting out to finish the job. The Huns still prate about a "peace through understanding." A peace with Germany in her pres ent mood would pass all under standing. There isn't a loyal American father who doesn't wish he were a youth again so that he could go right along with his sons to the battlefront. Probably the railroad presi dents thought they had one of those celebrated "genilemen's agreements" with Director Gen eral McAdoo. It must be very painful to be a German cartoonist not to be allow :d to call attention to the fact that the Crown Prince looks exactly like a dachshund. The German report says the British attack on Zeebrugge was a failure, which is probably the rea son Berlin is removing the admiral in command of the port. Mr. Schwab is said to be elated over the country's progress in shipbuilding, and Mr. Schwab is an expert in elation, never becom ing elated without cause. That New York woman who wept a $50,000 verdict out of a jury oh, all right, only we hope the professional sob squad doesn't try to imitate her example. While helping to make the world a safe place for democracy, clown who tyy "Tar Savit.g Stamps will make the world safe and prosperous for themselves. Onions, it is said, give one an appetite for other things, which is well: for after you have eaten on ions all in your vicinity want 10 get you oiher things and quickly. Does the Kaiser remember this anecdote of Napoleon? "The British seldom win battles," said a visitor. "But they always win the last one," answered Napoleon. At one ticket office in Chicago you can procure tickets for travel over any or all of thirty-seven lines of railroad. There's really no excuse for anyone staying in Chi cago anymore. The Rev. Mr. Garlick filled the pulpit of the Methodist Church Sunday morning and Presiding Elder Nelson at night. Rev. A. S. Smith, D. D., was made president of of the Episcopal Convention which was held at Asheville last week. Mr. R. S. Hall, who for the past year has been living at Hali fax, again took up his residence here on Saturday. Mr. F. M. Fins, of Warren coun ty, received his commission yes terday as mail agent between Richmond and Wilmington. Mr. Fins made his first trip Saturday. Re-appointed. Mr. W. H. Capell received on Monday from Col. I. J. Young, collector of the 4th Internal Revenue District, his commission as Deputy Collector for the 1 2ih Division, embracing the counties of Halifax, Northamp ton and Hertford. Picnic The young ladies had made preparations io give a picnic on Friday evening last, but ihe storm came up just in lime to pre vent it, and there was a social gath ering at Daniel's Hall at night in stead. It was greatly enjoyed by all who attended. Appoin ied Postmaster. We learn that Mr. J. C. Pittman has been appointed postmaster at Scot land Neck in place of Mr. John T. Bnnkley. Mr. Pittman was post master there formerly but was re moved by the Republican Admin istration because he was a Demo crat. Married. At Jackson, on Sun day, May 3rd, by John B. MacRae, Esq., Matilda Grim to H. W. Weiss, of Greensville county, 'a. At Jackson, on Tuesday, June 9th, by John B, MacRat, Esq., Minnie B. Slaughter toCha.lesH. Marshall, of Petersburg, Va. PERSONAL.-Prof. E. E. Hil liard, of Scotland Neck, was in town Tuesday. He says the com mencemeni exercises of Vine Hill Academy, of which he is the prin cipal, were most successful, and that the address of Rev. Dr. Vass, was most highly complimented by- all who heard it. It doesn't lake the average wo man half as long to tell what she doesn't want as what she does want. PLAIN QUESTIONS TO WELDON PEOPLE. Every Wcldon Reader Will Admit The Soundness of the Logic. Would Weldon people recom mend Doan's Kidney Pills as they do if the medicine were not relia ble ? Would they confirm iheir statements after years have elapsed if their experiences did not show the remedy deserving of it? State ments like the following must car ry conviction to the mind of every reader: George W. Tye, Cedar Street, Weldon, says: "My kidneys were no: mini tlicy should and ine kidney secretions were unnatural. I also had pains in the small part ol my back and through my kid neys. Doan's Kidney Pills re lieved me of all aches and pains, regulated my kidneys and did me good generally." A Lasting Benefit. Over three years later Mr. Tye s-.J: "The benefit Doan's Kidney Pills gave me has been lasting and 1 have had no occasion to use them for the past iwo years." Price 60c. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same thai Mr. Tye had. FOSTER-MILBURN CO.,Man- ufacturers, Buffalo, N. Y. J n:i 94 ii", '.Mi '.; it" HHI nil ii u m:i n't l'O Mi tin Uh Inn tin 111 ll-- in 114 u:, no 117 Hi 111) l-.1l Vil 123 I. '4 u; 1SH 1-1I i:w 131 13'J 133 134 l:r. i:i T. I3H 1 110 111 n 143 114 II. -. 140 147 IIS 119 1AI ieorire MiIi'h, KoBemaiy. Pearly ilattle, Wlntaker. J. II. Willianm, Littleton, koy P.oone, Koaeniary. I' red Phillips, Tillcry. Plummer Itawl 'Ds, Aurelian SpVa Merlin Wilkms, Knlield. .lotuiuy iai, Hcatlmvilld. Willi Edmonds Aurelian Springn Ellin simmonx. Halifax. Forest Whituker, F.ulicld. Arthur Itrown, " Eddie lloyd, Floyd Carr, Scotland Neck. W. S. Kni!lit, Tlllery. Frank llaunons, Scotland Neck. Willie Pope, sprint' Hill. Thurston Drew, HohRood. Koy France, Thelma. William Moody, l.ouisburif. ICarl Pterce, " , II. St. Clair, Weldon. Williard Maheu, Kutield. I.onnie liary, Weldon. Johnnie Kevin, Kinirwood. William Amnion, F'nliekl. Early Hailey, Heathnville. Littlelield Pittman, Enlield. Pier Johusou, Scotland Neck. Richard t'lenients, Weklon. lluck Fenner, Tlllery. .tunie HawkitiH, Thelma. CamcH L. Ilrown, Thelma. Jasper Wilkin, koemary. McKiuley Ivery. Weldon Moses Lawrence, Scotland Neck Pluinmer .lone, ' " Fayelle Drauirhau. Kntield. licorire Tillman. " ,eiieial Lee, Scotland Neck Charlie Keel, ltosemary .luhu Johnson. Scotland Neck Iterry Pittman, " " Kossie Lowe, Enlield Frulhe Johnon, Tillery J. II. .lone, " Turn Flower, Kuuliokc kaplds Auifti.iu Itast-more, Scot Neck lames Feimi-r. Portsmouth, Va F.dwtii Austin. Halifax Claience Nicholson. Airlie i.eortfc I.. Wallace. Weldon -lame P,ri wel. " lluy Main, Walter Lynch, Halifax Willie Ponton. Weldou I.onnie Oakley. Entield Jaine Sharp. Palmyra Kowland liunter Knlield Thoma Wlntaker, " Isaac Joue, Scotland Neck Win. Johnaon, " Kohett Edmonds, Littleton ( 'harles William, Claudie sheirod, HoliKTOOd kobert I", Whitehead. W eldou ,lee Jones, Thtloia. Arriugion Wiggins, Scotland Neck Augustus Johnson, " Sam Koigat, " Tom Powell, " Stanley Norman, Krinkleyville. .tome .Montague " .Ionic Touey, koauoke Kapids Mack Sledge. Koseuiary lvey Itudd, Essex Wiley Lee, Kingwood Mckinley Hawkins, Enlield Tom Silver, Ksex Arthui Uraach, Entield Matthew Williams, Hiogwood J. II. Kenner, Enlield Nepton Foreman, Spring 1 1 til Scott Harris. Hobgood Hosey Anthony, Scotland Neck H. H. Newell, Koanoke Rapids .liunue Sugg, Tillery I. uell Mckinley, Enlield James Carroll, Kingwood Killie i.ar land, Weldon Charlie Kimball, Kntield ttussell Bullock, Tlllery C. W. Wynne, Enlield Lucius Jenkins, Kosemary Simconycrs, Kingwood It. F. Adcock, Whitakers Edward Cane, Scotland Neck Ernest Marrow, Littleton Norman Hall, Scotland Neck Junius Alstou, Littleton Kichard Harris, " Alexander Brown, Thelma W illi Coley, Airlie Frank Powell, Kosemary Solomoo Person, " lavld .loues, llnhgeod stuart Smith, Scotland Neck William Jones, " K.lga l.anc, Fissex Arthur Hill M.rinf Hill Homey Tilleiy. W eldon Lee Johnson, Thelma Win. Smith, Scotland Neck Isaiah Ifevis, Weldon .1. H savage, W eldon l.ouis W iley, Jr. Scotland Neck Nep Jenkins, Kelford. Wiggins Lee, Airlie FliliieSimmons, Halifax (Continued outil next week) Sapolio doing its work. Scouring tor U.b.Manne Corps recruits. .Join Now! APPLY AT ANY POST OFFICE' for Service under this emblem IflfcyjSptj emblem a rIARINES L 0 0 K ! T UTZ& DUNN'S SHOES R. D. TRENT, Supt 7S c K M. S. Moi'NTCASTl.E, Manager. Announcement! We wish to announce to our friends and the publk thut vte Imve opened (in up to dote Steam l aundry at Weldon, N. C, opposite the Wcldon Motor Co. 's Unragc. The very best of material used and our workmen are all experts. Your patronage solicited All work guaranteed. I'arcel Post tllnrges paid one niivun out of town work WIIITK STAI! LAI NDI.V' WHAT CATARRH IS Science has shown that nut catarrh often indicates a general weakness of the body and local treatments b the form of snuffs and vapors only Irritate and do little if any good. To correct catarrh you ihtaild beat its cause by enriching your blood with tie oil-food in Scott's Emulsion which is a medicinal food and a taildihg tooicf .ree from any harmful drags. It ia helping thousands. Try it. tM k aVwat, HacAakLlUi; ' Successful Men Need the services of a strong;, substantial Bank in the expansion of their credit. We accommodate our custo mers up to the full limit of the credit they have estab lished with us. The way to provide against that possi ble future need is to open an account w ith us NOW. M . F R E ID'S .16 Inch White Voile, lovely quality, 25c. to $1 the yard. Mt imh I'aiu-y Striped and plaid Voiles, hntlste and I laaons, iS and 5th, the urd 27 inch l amy Voiles, Crepes and I In Mins IN and 35t yard. Jo inch All Silk Marquisette several patterns. 65c the yard. All grades of silk, including the white and turquoise wash silks, for skirts, waists and lingerie. Another new teatura Just added to our line Is the "STANDARD NEMO CORSBT." Vou conserva both health and money when you wear them. CVAir. $4 $'0 at. 11 u K "The Beast of Berlin." Tie Picture That w 1 Make mm BW Boil With Eagel Tk Il.-t,,. ...ill m.l inn nnn Th. l-tiiri that ill mat a inn nnn 000 fighting, clawing Americans. Pro., vsnounoea greater in power man our rres-vSv 7ident's declaration of war. The Picture 7 -Vthat will sweep America from end to end -s Direct from Broadway to Batchelor's Opera llmisi! xNifc The picture that "15 will make you thankful that you live in the P U. S. A. m WELDON, N. C. Tuda mm y 1 2112611 Matinee vA ry on VVciinesuay at 3:30 P. M. -iT5 and 50c Plus The War Tax To The Public Whilt you ire waioh)D4thcaButif k-dsh tbtt pm hftorc rour iioa iscJcKMioihciiraiiitiirtudrsma - ThtBtosfotBtrrm your ore on ocopl ttttwtd yon Shew Id nroot ntk urn Biarkt that you can coDMnte U baiaj r JttKjuaoruattifsHllr luitia (Jaiiad Fall THE POLICE jn.l hi.rliim aimlcj Smarow ,-H.ni.. W.tch ll.t raaoiy ali... 11. Ii. nu.li n.iiara mini apt. Thia i i , ii, 1'am will ,hu ,oUl.ilv i.ji kultuc" ia doiaf Iw till ruw .i.S in. hj uw (NKIa Do NOT ii.i laailua aasuas. (Ih.lr. bare) sfl fa u M. FREID, l.ADIliS AND GHNT'S OUTFITTER, WELDON, N. C. l)sB(QD)WIU Is 3.50 j assaa(aa4BaBo jS4.60 8)sjsj(D0)saas.(0 T O - D A Y There are thousands of men wearing W. L. 1). Shoes. And there must be a reason. Perhaps, it's just the swing of the toe or tht "feel" of the leather or maybe just the stitching but the differ ence is there and in every pair of W. L. I). Shoes is so noticeabl that you'll see it the minute y out puona pair your feet. NO TIME FOR GROnnHFS "Dnfl't let the war And the wnr prnnnmloa moL a - - wwiavaaaawsro IIIUIW you gloomy. The world has no use nowadays for iijuiic wuu laiiuui serve at uume wtin ine same hio-h cnuratre. cheerfulnsa sinif o-nllanrrv that n - - ft J tt. n A MAM l . 1 a I . , CAct, vi uur alien in s.UC sVrcOkllCsv Douglas Shoes for Men and Hoys are made of the finest grades of leath ers and they are made by on ly the most skilled shoe imakera. VV.L. DOUGLAS ' You'll.findJ them as near perfect a shoe as can be made. FARBER & J0SEPHS0N, Mens and Boys Outfitters WELDON, N. C. OlsajBSBjBioa-saaata(0 O stja(00sajasta-(a jse.ooi jS74ooj jHFoTfiK'w 12 3 CO I 0) r ed H rH a9 C r-l c a Home-Made Pies, Hot Chocolate, (Whitman's Make) Tomato Boullion Sandwiches, Coffee, Lynnhaven Bay Oysters on the Half-Shell For Those who Prefer The Best. M.C. PAIR O (Confections, Toilet Articles, Fruits. Cigars. Medicines, Complete Luncheonette in Connection. FOE THOSE HO PREFER THE BEST o o I CO o (0 CD CD CD 9 vi it BU V was. wxitwrncisTAiira usuanaTHn UMITED tlTATM tXTVERNMENT Special Sale DINNER PLATES, each 10c. fai ,T 1 jjj yjjun'i'u'jj .T. A 5-i()-25r.UW Weldon, North Carolina. i y VI vl Hi All vl vl vl

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