.ii, i ' 'm'",fr- jytvxmmi ntfmmm ''"1"r" ! 1 iw-tfwi'mttjr kwift " ifff fry iBMMrtti, -htj? J inn -t! New Quarters 4T J lb to) OWNERS of FORD cars are advised to bo cautious of "counterfeit" or parts not made by the Ford Motor Company. If your car needs adjustment, or repairing, take it to the authorized FORD dealer in Weldon, where you will find a reliable station, with the complete mechanical equipment and the neces sary tools to give the highest quality FORD service obtainable for the stand ard FORD prices. 11 All the FORD parts used by FORD dealers are manufactured and supplied by the Ford Motor Company. If your car requires the replacement of any part or parts, is in need of 'repairs, don't experiment; don't waste time and money trying to "do it yourself." It is one thing to understand and operate a car; it is another thing to make reliable repairs to a car. When anything is wrong with yonr FORD make a "bee line" or telephone us, the authorized FORD dealer. We are ready to give you prompt attention. So take your FORD car where satisfaction and economy are sure.j WELDON MOTOR COMPANY. L'lIONE 312 8 THE ROAN OK E NEWS Thursday, June 13, 1918. NOTICE. There will be a regular convoca tion of Roanoke Chapter 81 R. A. M. in Masonic Hall, every first and third Wednesday evenings. E. Clakk, Jr., Sec'y. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. Miss Annie Rowe House is vis iting relatives at Thelma. Lots of people take offense, yet ihe supply never grows less. Miss Susie Zollicoffer, of Rich mond, spent the week-end in town. Miss Julia Mountcastle is attend ing the summer school, at Chapel Hill. The sdla eclipse, as predicted by the scientists; was plainly visible here. Master Richard Jordan, of Wash ington, D. C, is visiting Mrs. R. 1. Jones. Mr. Leslie Daniel, of Hopewell, Va., spent the week-end with rela tives here. Mr. Charlie Medlin who recent ly joined the navy, is home for a few days. Mr. B. T. Hux, of Aurelian Springs, was among our visitors last Saturday. Mr. Donald Daniel left last week for the aviation training camp, Dallas, Texas. Mrs. V. L. Cherry, of Raleigh, was the guest of Mrs. A. L. Stain- back last week. Misses Lillian and Zenia Bounds left Sunday night to spend awhile at Hot Springs, Ark. Mrs. C. R. Emry and little daughter have returned to Wei don from Chapel Hill. Mrs. Geo. D. Hawks, of Kin ston, is here with her mother, Mrs. T. F. Anderson. Mrs. J. A. Harris and children left for Enfield last week, where they will in future reside. Mrs. S. B. Pierce and little daughter, Miss Elizabeth, are vis iting relatives in Durham. Mr. E. C. Dickens, one of Hali fax county's best farmers paid us a pleasant visit last week. Mr. G. E. Hedgepeth, of Aure- lian Springs, paid this office a pleasant visit last Saturday. Mr. A. B. Pierce who is with the R. G. Lassiter Construction Co., U fio siaiiuiicd in Nuiiuik. Mrs. W. H. Hudson and chil dren, of Emporia, are spending awhile with Mrs. T; F. Anderson Miss Lillie Gay Shaw who has been attending school at Greens boro College for Women, has re turned home. Miss Bessie Owen who has been attending school at the Greens boro College for Women, has re turned borne. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Cochran of Waynesboro, Ga., who have been visiting relatives in Weldon and vicinity, havr returned home, Mrs. Donald McClure, of Ral eigh, and Miss Lizzie Hale, of Halifax, who have been visiting Miss Maud vaughan, have re turned home. If The Universal A man will work all day in the hot sun and not mind it much, but to stand idle in the hot sun for an hour is torture. This should be remembered when we tie our horses to a post while we do our trading in town. Horses have feelings as well as persons. Home Rules of Etiquette. Be courteous in the home. Hus band, treat your wife like a lady in your home as well as on the street. If you want your boy to be "a little gentleman" when he is away from home.he must have example as well as precept in the home. Example will do more for the boy and the girl than any book on rules of eti quette. Advertised Letters. The following is a list of letters remain ing "uncalled for" in the Weldon postoftice : Missjosie Tillery. Persons calling Mr above letters will please say "advertised," giv ing date of advertising. D. T. Clark, P. M., Weldon, N. C June 10, 1918. Let All the People Pray - Every day exactly at 12 o'clock, if you will listen, you will hear the bell at the Episcopal church ring. Do you know what that means? Well, it is just this, when you hear the bell, whatever you may be Jo ng at the lime, stop a moment and uner a prayer. What a beaunlul custom this is. Don't forget to listen for the tap ol the bell, and may every man, woman and child in our town form the habit of utter- ng a prayer just this time. A. & E. College. We have received a copy of the catalogue of North Carolina Slate College of Agriculture and liiigiiieeiiiig at West Kaleigh. That great techni cal college is Joint; a line work. Scientific educanun fits in admira bly with the demands ot Midi times as these when produciioii in all lines requires cilicienily trained men. The eolith o.Us lull four year courses III A;;r.CultUi . . ( lllelll istry, Civil Engineering, Vlecluni- cal Electrical Engineering and Tex tile Industry. That Old Swimming Hole. This is the season when grim death claims many of its victims through the medium of drowning. The news of the day is interspersed with accounts of people having lost their lives in water, and the larger per cent of the victims are those who sought refreshment in a bath. Year after year these fatalities oc cur and the numbers being contin ually on the increase. A whole some restraint on the pan of the parents and guardians would un doubtedly result in the saving of lives. The Way to Build Up a Town. The only way to build up a town is for everyone to go hand in hand every man to the wheel. Banish all feelings of discord, if any; let harmony prevail and pros perity will follow. Talk about your town, write about it, speak well of it, encourage your men at the head of municipal affairs; choke the croakers, gag the grumblers and squelch the scolders. Beauti fy the streets in every way, patron ize its merchants, refrain from sending outside for goods, favor home enterprises always, and if you can't think of some good word to say, keep quiet. Be a hustler and keep it up. Free Advertising. When a newspaper gives a lot of free ad vertising in order to boom some concert or church entertainment which you are interested in, keep track of the number of lines that are printed week by week, and multiply that number by the regu lar advertising rates of the paper. Compare the results with the ac tual money value of any Favor that you can get from any other busi ness concern. Then take into con sideration the fact that advertising and circulation are the only two things that a newspaper has to sell, and these days of higher prices, how much do you think they ought to give away for nothing? Every County in North Car olina IS EXPECTED TO SlJHSCIBI; us I'm. i. Quota. The week of June 2.ird, is to be observed as Nonli Carolina War Savings Week, beginning on Sunday, June 2.id, with a Siate-wide appeal for War Savings in the churches and Sunday schools, followed on Mon day, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday by a house-to-house can vass in every community in the State for War Savings pledges, and culminating on Friday, June 28, which is National War Sav ings Day, with a meeting of citi zens in every schoolhouse in the State to receive reports of purchas es and pledges already made and secure additional pledges, if any are needed, to make the quota. Herald For "The Kaiser, the Beast of Berlin. Did you know that the Kaiser had a poison-filled abscess in his ear, and that if it burst he would be a rav ing maniac ? Did you know that the Kaiser's left arm is six inches shorter than his right, and that the hand is pu ny as a child's? And did you know how he carried it in order to disguise the deformity ? Did you know that the Kaiser has a mama for admiring beautiful hands, which greatly embarrasses the ladies of his court? That he wears many bracelets and femi nine rings, copied from those he admires? That he has 360 full dress uniforms, that he was twice king, twice a grand duke, I i times a duke, twice a prince, nine limes a count, besides being a bishop? Did you know why he slaps his right thigh all the lime? Of course, you didn't. Few people outside of the imperial circle know them They are secrets as carefully guar ded as has been the proof that Ger many planned and staned the war, All lliese things and many more in the private life of the Jackal of Europe, who has plunged the whole world into war and sorrow, are shown in "The Kaiser, the Beast of Berlin." To miss it is to miss the most illuminating expose of this enemy of mankind. Batchelor's Opera House, June 25th and 2lth. Matinee 3:30, Wednesday, June 2(th. Admission 25 and 50 cents plus war tax. LITTLETON COLLEGE Has closed just one of the most successful years in its history. The 37th annual session will begin Sept. lain. Write for new illustrated cata logue, also and quickly for panic ulars concerning our special olfer to a few girls who cannot pay our catalogue rate. Address J. M Rhodes, Littleton, N. C. Car. The Red Cross. The Red Cross work room will be open every Tuesday and Friday of each week until further notice is given, at 9 to I and 3 to 7 o'clock. We very much desire and urge every mem ber to gel the habit of giving some part of each day to this work and with the splendid co-optration of the past we will get the very best results from our work from now on. Mrs. J. A. Musgrove chairman woman's work will be glad to have all work returned this week as it is very important to get it in. Bring your dues to work roonf her by Tuesday or Friday. Pay your war fund to Mr. U. S. Travis June 2i). The Red Cross asks for men and women to go io France to do most any kind of work. The Red Cross is being a-.ked o furnish thirty thousand nurses by Jan. 1st, 19 in, for the cure of our men at the front. Request come for young women to enter training at once. Mrs. W. L. Knight. Nitrate of Soda. To the farm ers of Halifax county who applied for Nitrate of Soda from the Gov ernment, I am giving a copy of a letter that I received from Mr. C. J. Brand, Chief Bureau of Mar kets, of Washington, D. C, who has charge of the distribution of the soda, which is as follows: N. B. Stevens, County Agent, Enfield, N. C. I have your letter of June 3rd, relative to nitrate of soda. At the present time, the Depart ment has available for distribution in North Carolina about 45 per cent of the total quantity of nitrate of soda applied for. This, of course, includes the nitrate that has already been delivered. Il is possible that we will have another cargo of nitrate of soda around July 1st, from which a small shipment can be made you but this will arrive very late and it is possible that it cannot be used at that time. This however is very indefinite and we cannot make any definite statement regarding il. The 45 per cent, referred to above, however, is nitrate thai is now in Wilmington being distributed and shipment will begin immediately. Chas. J. Brand, Chief of Bureau, Mid-Summer Millinery Open ing. A complete and attractive showing of the later styles and shapes in Leghorns, Milans and l.isera Hats to which you are cor dially invited. V,:ss Annie Medlin, Rosemary, N. C. An Ohio iudge suggests that wo men should furnish samples of their cooking when applying for marriage licenses. Good idea And let the prospective groom pre sent a bank book showing a sub stantial deposit or a certificate from a trustworthy source that he is in dustrious and has remunerative employment. A man without hands can never feel well. He is happiest who doesn't ex pect all the joy in thi- wmld. LUST On ihe streets in Weldon an Elgin watch with monogram, "K. W. anil Masonic slide. Will give t suitable reward if given in at the postoffice window. 1 Era Almost any caller is a bore if he comes at the wrong time. id Blood and Courage ! ( DY DR. W. C. LUCAS. ) What drives the men right np to the lime hps in this war is courage, and it's roil blood Unit "puts the lieurt" in the men. J lid any one ever see a puny, thin blooded man ever rmh into the light witti any chance of winning out ? With rich, pure blood you can face any hardship, reach any goal. But yon are handi capped in the race of life without it. Every tissue, bone, muscle, Bhould take from the blood certain materials and return to it certain others. When the poisons accumulate in the blood, perhaps the face breaks out in pimples, or boils appear on the neck, and we feel languid, tired, our vitality is at a low ebb, and we easily catch cold. It h ttme to take an alterative extract and blood-pnrilier, taken from Nature's fiireels. Such a one is made up of tinlden Seal, Blood and Stone root, Oregon (Jrape and Queen's root ex tracted with glycerine and made into mignr-coaU'd tablets or liquid, and this has heen sold bv druggists for the Tiaut lifty years as doctor Pierce's Golden Medical discovery. I.Kvmn. N. C "Dr. PlerV (loMcu Mcdiritl Discovery Is a it mat medicine (or liir ill iHijliilllk' I"" Up Wlu'll 1 ft:ll riltl'iiuWIl In h-uliii. Hulvtis inn strength anil ll.li. l nave iH-cn UMujt it at utnfrwit tunes lor thirty vcar ur umre. I Itegaii Its um for ciitarrli, ;nnl it nrvatly relieved me. 1 cun ih'urmy r.vtpmmeiKi um Discovery as a tilimii me.liciuu." Mltu. Lucy JIkalU, Lori-u'ru.K. Kv. "Tills Is to certify that I li.ivf been in hint health for a limit '.line, sunVrmg from stomach trouble. I lerrii'le Metls of imlttftotton arid Snitr tnm:!i'li A fricrnl tiilrt mi itluuit Dr. Pierce's I iiihit ti Mttlii-iil I)isinvnrv I hud littln faith at lirst hut she imtsiuuIihI run to try U. J have taken a little over four little of it u mi my Htmnacli trouble lias vanished. 1 ran nmv eat everything and sleep like a limit). I want to Hive, all tint credit ti this great medicine, which 1 insider the t t- on earth for fUouiacu i. Utile." T T. LaytuN. IIOUUS 2. liuX 28. Merry Hniilrvanl. WANTED SALESMEN. We have nnsitinns nnpn for two travelingsalesmen to represent us in North Carolina, east and west. S. A. L- Railroad and east of for one, west of S.A.L. for other. Only those who nave nau experience in soliciting the retail mer chant and can command Datronaire need nnnlv. Mention territory desired experience ana line ot business familiar with. SOUTHERN BARGAIN HOUSE, Wholesale General Merchandise, RICHMOND, VA. Notice of Summons. North Carolina, Halifax County, In the Superior Court John Alston, I'lamtitl Vs Kill Alston, Defendant, The defendant, Klla Alston, will take uoticc that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the .Superior Court of Halifax county by the plaintilt" for an absolute divorce upon Htatutory grouudit; and the said defemlaut will further take notice that she is required tu appear at the Augunt term of the su penoi ( omt of Hahlax county, to be held in the Court lloue m Halifax on h- thTd Van !sy brfurt tltu l.i.t Mon day hi S-ptemhcr, lulK. and annwer ur demur to the complaint in nm-J action, oi the plamtill will apply to the court for the relief prayed in Haul complaint. 'Mint the tti tlav of -luue, I Hi. S. M UAKY. Clerk Kupenor Court Halifax fount v. tt i:t 41 Administratrix Notice Havinir tiualitU'd as administratrix ol Walter K. liathuir, deceased, late of iiamax couuty, is.i . this is to notify all pernonii havtuir claims atfaiosl the Astute ufnaid decerned to exhibit aid claim to the undersijfiied on or before the Ut day of May, or tbm notice w?1l lie pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted toaaid estate will please uiBKt immeunue pavmcni. Thin the lint day of Mav, 1K H KIT IK N. U ATI J NO, Administratrix Walter Oathov, dee. 5 9 tit. WANTED Clerk in general opening for hustler not afraid of Emporia Supply Co., lac. North Emporii, Va, THE BIG ONE WAS FED Avalon Farms HOG-TONE 7h9 Liquid Hog Conditioner, FttttmntT anil Worm Rtmwr - -THE RUNT WASN'T THEY both started life at the same time and weight. They were Kiven the snnie feed under the sume condition - with one excep- ttnn. The hitf one nl liift rtwilur dose if AVAI.ON KAKMS llUU TONt -tht) Liquid Hog runic, (..uiuIiIioikt iind f-'utleiu'r si ml tin- nint Uuln't. The lii lit urn- ii lu kinil Hint tm imir. keti Hint liririKi profit l llif pocket ui the ho f m wt. 'Hib runt ii M moretti mint- I hni) he will eer hrnirf in the imir kM. And tin iiitl(TMUe wus hrotiKht uhoitt hy 2(1 cent uorlli of A V A 1 . N 1AKMS H()(i-'()NI-:. IIOIi'ltlNK puts new I if i- int.' Iiuk muket ihi-in ml more unit umw (nt nt tin mntmiit; ritk. Il helps tlitui tucumbut Uiikum ami t U- FOR SALE BY Boseman WELDON, N. C. Wke Do Ion Stand? By the lives ol innocent children murdered in cold blood, By the sunken ships of neutrals, By the ruined altars of Christianity, By the ravaged lands of helpless people, By the graves of our soldiers on foreign shores and our sailors in distant seas, or By the boys in khaki who are giving their lives to right these wrongs and to make it impossible for them to happen again ? Spring ail Sitae! urn m m DRKSSOOOD! m m MM m m mm m mm mm m -ALSO- Shoes and 5 . LADIES r mm mm AND SPORT COATS mm mm mm Agency for Kinstun Steam Laundry Collars 2' c Shirts 12c. mm mm mm 4. L SWflB4cK, mm mm The Busy Store, -V mMmmmMmmmMmmmmMmmmMmm: ummmmmnmmxt mm mm.mmmmmmmm DU A FT ED! into the Government Ser vice. All Merchandise, in cluding Men's, Women's and children's clothing, dry goods and shoes greatly reduced. I'HOSE NO. IT is AVE MONEY 1 i m Gfipnii lfeta ami " with us. Our prices are low and the quality is high, I And we give you full weight on every pur I chase. Our scales are made right and kept 3 right. Once a customer always a customer. Substitute for Butter Nucoanut 'Margarine Per Pound WILLEY-f.WOfJE QUO. CO., THE PURE FOOD STORE PHONE 2-2-12-2-2 Weldon, North Carolina. rnp CMC New Todd check protector lUn OHLL It interested, call up (this offlrt. minnli' the worms Unit urt (he h'4( rnlt fr't milt 1 foe to profits, plemiiil for tirt'Kiiiinl vm htlps lo proilui e hen It h ler, sturdier pint, Cojnc in Ihe (ilort fell us ihe miniU-r of your hi nt mid wt) will ifn'i' you eiioHMh HOIiTONK tu tit-ul all your Ihks W ritiys. Youtlnl) t tcive u-i ii (wnny now. If the refills of Idu I I(X; ( INK Itt'iilnnnl Iml to bati fy you. it wdl cost uu nut lung. & Ii owel 1 mm mm mm mm m-m Clothing. GOAT SUITS WKLDON, N C en httpt Ui t ratlin tr 40c. f?jg5"" Just moved into our handsome new brick building with a full supply of everything in Hardware for the farmer, the mechanic and Ihe house builder. 11 I s ' H.U-.V llii- I In ilai'i' you I Willi! 1 in t' III.L lui II II,' fjDWE Co., Halifax, N. C. (I. I;. LI-WIS. Manager. S IN GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Hkv. N. ! IH'M'AN, IlK.-nm Sunday Muiiiiiik rruyrr uml Ntiihiii, II A. M Kvt'iiniK 1'iiiyiT uml Sriinuri, h I'.M Kwryliuily cimlially Invlli'il to uUrd tllt'St! Wl'I Vll'US. Refined Young Ladies as Telephone Operators. ISoCvu'eii III uml li'i yrain of iiitr; Mil L-rail lucalion: Mulary paiil wlnlt'lemu- iiiir; iaiiil U'lvaiicemi'iit: upleutlul mir-rinuiiliiii.-; Mii'k lieiiflilN; vacation with iav after lirsl vt'ar. A ij.lv to CHIKP OPERATOR Hume Telephone & Telegraph Co BIG LINE OF Spring Shoes Just Received for Men, Women and Children at reasonahle prices Come and get a good pair of Spring Shoes at KITTNI:R'S lip-to-Date Shoe Store. ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIRING SHOP. All Shoes repaired promptly and at reasonable prices. KITTNER'S SHOfc STORE, L. KITTNER, Prop, 0ioMtc I'o-lnllici' Wolilon, N.C, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES MfTlli tinny litnhlilltf ou WaHliioyloa Avi-tliH. SI'NIIAY, .MAY 'Jlith, 11 A. id. Subject of l.t'Ksoti Sermon: "MOM AI-S AN1 IMMOKTAIA." WeiliieNday evening at si::lll Teati aiony incetinkf. The pulilic corilially invitcil to attend tlieHC NCrVICeH Says Phosphates Make Beautiful Women and Strong, Healthy.Vi. gorous, Robust Men Physicians all over the world are presenting phosphates to build run down enemic conditions and those who have treated their patients with Argo Phosphateare changing thin, enemic women with toneless tissues flabby flesh, Intothe most beautiful rosy cheeked and plump round formed wo men imaginable Atlanta, Ga' Dr. Jacobson said in a recent interview that 90 per cent, ol enentia comes from nerv ous breakdown which can only be corrected by supplying the neces sary phosphates to the nervous system that is lacking in ihe food you eat, and this can be quickly supplied by taking one or two 5 grain Argo-Phosphate Tablets after each meal, and at bed time. It will in many cases make a pale, scraw ncy face :hc picture of licaMi, in a few days. 1 have seen women that I expected would have 10 be kept under treatment for months restored to pet feci health in one or two weeks time. SpeclarNotice.-The Argo-Phosphate recommended by Dr. F. H. Jacobson contains phosphates such as are prescribed by leading physi cians throughout the world, and it will be found the most effective form for treating patients with Nervous Dyspepsia, Stomach trou bles, Brain Fag, and Nervous Pros tration. It will renew youthful vim and vigor, and build up the whole body. Argo-Phosphate is dispensed by W. M. Cohen Drug Co. Free sample mailed by the Argo Laboratories, Atlanta, Ga. OLD FA USE TEETH WANTED DON'T MATTER IF HltOKKN-We pay up to tjtr peraet Also ch for Old Gold, Silver ami broken Jenelry. Cheek tent by return mail tinoili held 10 days for Bender'i approval of our of fer. Maiirb' Tooth Shi.iai.tt, 1 lent A, 2UU7 8. Mb St, Philadelphia, l'a. 6 IMt