ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER F 0 K THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription $1.50 Per Annm VOL. LI II. WELDON, N. ('., TIIinJSDAY, ,11'Ni: 20, 1!H.s. NO. (! Children Cry for Fletcher's Th Kind You Have Alwayi Bought, and which has been In um for over over 30 years, ha; , ms the signature of and has beeii made under his per fznfflfrZts smBi supervision since its infancy. ,wr'' "tot Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment c What is CASTOR I A Castona is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS rBeara the Signature In Use For Over 30 Years -The Kind You Have Always Bought TMI CUT TA UN COM Get The Habit BBuy for Cash. Save"C3 BCTthe pennies by buy-"?3I ing at W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale 0 a s h S ; o r n ' &RI.DON. N. C. DiMlhwIniiiiuliidiinii MASUKACTUREKH OK Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TOOIillliU AM HI'.lll l.Alt STOCK SIZES Ciood Materials, High (trade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. THE Dining Room should be a cheerful place for when you eat your meals amid pleasant surroundings you do much to aid digestion. And good digestion means health. HAVE US FURNISH YOUR DINING ROOM The variety of designs in Tables Chairs,. Side boards, China Closets, Serving Tables and the like, Is ample to satisfy your desires, whatever they may be, in the matter of style, finish and price. Come in and talk it over with us. We are as eager to QIVE satisfaction as you are to receive it. Weldoa Furniture Company, Weldon, N. C. Fire Insurance & Surety Bonis ! Life, Accident and Health. Plate Glass and Automobiles. Repre senting leading companies. See me about your insurance wants. L. (J. DE A PER, , Office in Green Building, WELDON, N. C. For Sale ! New Todd Check Protector. It interested, call at this office. THE RED TRIANGLE IS KEEK ITS PROMISES Y. M. C- A. 8fleret.irlei Follow Thg So Id I era Out Into No M.m'i Land No Job Too Small For Tht Bggit Of Men Tim AtiHTlnin V. M A. In kw' Inn 1 1 h'H AiiHMicnn ttfcrHiirW'B nr.' mm, mi. I havH lict'ii fur ninny Wfi'kN, l wink in (he furwnrd umm iilmiK Hie ha 1 1 If i i nui in Prruiro. To 'III llUlt'ltTlllilUlIf iiiiiiiImt of KtM Til miKle mffi 'tiviT lli.'n-" Kit and nhil Hie and imiit uuil iietufil hutilo are a trim ipjtlliy a im( uf iho day's work. A iiersonal IpMit nf absorbinn inter "t wait tatHly reroiv.d from Mr. Ralph HailMHt.n, prt'sld.-ri! nf Ihu I'iltMlmrgh V. M. (.'. A. and a wi-ll known buflnesa nan of thai city, whu has bctn In Krance on a special Y. M. ('. A. Mis fiun. The Letter "CasuiiltiPH h.iil ot-furred among onr Holdlcrs JiiHt iM't'di-c we arrivi'i! at our vIIIhk'," th( vit-r rci.ds, "and wp with .irdi'red In K't under cover of our d suite. After a siipp'-r of chocolate, war read, and ninrn'd lu ff, thp six or uk gc. letjirieH weiv ord- rcd to the, cellar of ilie "V,' toKetner with flfiy soldi, th who !iiiNnfd to In In theold shoU-torn 'inildiiiK. an th boche were beginning iKain to rfhcll the town. Yt took can lies, a btg basketful of canteen up pMeH, to I ant us in cit'-e we should havo .o In dug oui later, overcoats and blan Kt'ta. We fitted our gas mosk on to lip Burt they were working wtH. and lien settled down -or tried to In the luneon, We expccld to havo to Htfiy ill night, but In an hour a sentry call oil, 'All out,' mid up we gladly went. The rent of the evening we spent up stairs In one of the reasonably whole "ooniH, wlih piano and songs and sto les and the ever present and wonder ful canteen, at which I took my turn. "Needless to nay, I slept none that 'light, with all the bang and noise out ride, but nobody does, I'm Inld, the Hint night. The niht bwfore. I got iibout two hotirs of dozlnir with a at Iff neck, sitting up in a crowded night I rain, but, strange to say, 1 never felt (he lack of It for a minute. "Wo were up the next mornlnc at une bonne heure, and aftor break fast tit the offlcera moss Clarke and I i.tartpd off for the trenches, each of us ladened with about fifty pounds of t-an teen supplies besides our helmet, gas in a nits, carried at all times at fclerte,' etc. "Kur two hour we pursued a tor tuous way among the various lines of trenches and connecting IrcncheB, stopping frequently to dispense our popular wares among the boys, some repairing the trenches, dome building new ones, some on sentry duty, sonic deeping In the dugrtuts, aomo man ning guns and watching for German heads. "As we entered the front-line trenches, we suddenly ran into Seore-1 tury 1 laker and accompanying officers. , I stepped aside as well as I could, sa luted and said, 'Good morning, Mr. Secretary- As they passed I heard ' one of the officers say to the Secre tary, 'You see, Mr. Secretary, Ihe "Y" men are right up in the front-lino trenches with the boys.' "Time was flying, and we knew there were still more soldiers further on who would be glad to see us. Soon we filtered 'No Man's Land' by meana of a Pencil, a hind which we had I e n run the rear lines in the dis- ince an tour earlier, alt uprooted and ;orn and desolate, and after some mtn uies we crawled, hot and winded, tntn a shell hole the furthermost listening post in our lines and found six sol diers on piard, all very much alert They gave us a warm welcome, and we conducted our communications tn low whiciKTs, for there were I'iree German snipers in three different di rections only seventy-five feet away. "Needless to say, our gunnysacks were empty when we came out. hurried buck to the sign of the Re6 Triangle in the village, drank a cup of hot chocolate, and started in apain In another direction. "We watched the explosions getting closer and closer, each one preceded by the weirdest kind of a wall and whine through the air. and then dur ing a let-up we nt!hed across the open and Into the dugouts in an embank ment, where our second pack of anp plies disappeared. "Two of the secretaries had been gassed the day before we arrived at Ihis place, and one slightly wounded by shrapnel, while others were break ing under the physical strain and need ed relief. I'm sure we will hear ot fatalities soon, but since my experi ence in the trenches I don't ask the question any more is it worth while?' Never was such an opportun Ity given to man to serve his fellow men as this. "Pa si the word on, and pass It quickly, that Ave hundred of the most oapable, earnest, and big-touled Chrii tian mon are needed here today in ad dltion to the weekly stream that la coming. We are cabling New York frequently, but they don't come. It la critical, and we must not fail, but wt will unlesn more and better men com" ImmedfUely. As 1 see it, "here Is n Y. M. A. Job over here too amn1 f .r the biKgesi men in Aiu-rlci!" lias a Good Opinion ol Chamber Iain's Tablet!!. "Cliaiiiberlaia'i Tablet are a woinlcr. 1 never sold anything that heat thein," utiles K. H. Trenmiv. Klchmuml, Kv. When troubled with indigestion or mil Htipatiuu give them a trial. Coiiieninieiii is betu r ilmn rich es and the uverugc inin is lou po lite tn want the best For himself. GIRLS! WHITEN YOUR SKIN WITH LEMON JUICE Make beauty lotion for a few cents to remove tan, freckles, sallnwness. Your grocer lias the lcninns y drug itore or toilet counter wilt supply you with three ounces of orehmd wlii' for a few cents, frkjuwe the juice 1 1 two fresh lemons Into a bottle, then pi in the -orchard white and uhuke v.-: This makes a quarter pint of the v t best lemon skin whitcner and rempl'S iHnutttkr known. Massogc this fi.t grant, creamy lotion daily into the fsiv. neck, arms and bunds and just see hmv freckles, tan, tallowness, redness and roughness disappear and how smooth, toft and clear the skin becomes. Yvsl Jt is harmless, and tha beautiful result! iUaurprits jou. BEGINS IO; ENDS JUNE 25. Ool. I. E. Fries Outlines Plan of War Savings Week und How Drive Can Be Miulo a Success 1 WAR SAVINGS STAMPS CAN STOP THIS. PROGRAM. Ruiulay. June War Savings Messages will be delivered In Sunday S and Cliij . lies. ' iind.iy, June 24: House-to-house canvass begins. T'"-dnr. June 25: House-to-houst canvass coatinuns. Meeting of n:!u in at night at township schoolhouss to make reports. Wednesday, June 2ii: House-to-house canvass continues. Thursday. June 27: Houie-to-houia canvass finished. Meeting and ivport of workers. Kri.ti.y. June N itional War Savings Day. Cvarf taxpayer sum-n.-' 'I to niwi at s lund huce to secure all additional pladges required to make township's quota. Siiturdny, June 29: Meeting of township and ward chairmen to tabu hue results of drive. Y. M. C. A. WORKERS ON ARMY TRANSPORTS Y. M. C. A, Secretaries Now Accom. pany Troops From Home To The Camp And From Camp All The Way To The Boche Trenches Y. M. ('. A. ccit Mirics have curried their work to the troopst in I rnnj "rt, Snyrf Jin luiniutnci nn nl Just n cniv'd from Ihe War Cmincll of Un V. M. ('. A., find are now promoting a nyrtletualio recreational, educational, social and religious program for the Fohlier boys en route by sea to Prance. With the sanction of the War Department each transport now car ries one or two such se:reiariet-. whose function it Ik to do all thai is pn.ssiMt to make the vnynge b-ith couitoriable and tnjoyahle for the litrhliiiK men abroad. "(ianie are provided,- musical and movie enlerlninnicnts staged, niftga tines nnd Ixioks are supplied ninl writ ing paper is issued free to i!k nu-n, ' the statement continues. "A report of a transport wo:k"r recently arrived shows that in his equipment here were such articles as a Inkling oruan an 1 foiik books, motion-pici ure equipment with -ti reels, pocket testaments, writ ing paper, boxinR gloves, medicine ball, rope quoits, checkers, dominoes, Vidntla and records and a Ronora ma chine, "The appointment of transport .secre taries completes the link of Y. M. A. work, which begins with the re cruits in camp, continues through tho training period, comes oversows on the transports and goes on In the camps in Franco nil tho way from the ports to the front Una trenche.H. Transport secretaries nro assigned to ships, and remain on their ships as does the trew." lWirj r A ATXTT xr and Good Cheer $o together liko'Possum and Sweet Potatoos b: IKCAUSF. I.uzkinnr mak-n llu- l-r-.i .t:. ;!.., cup uf coflve you evi-r ilianl.. It s mi:,:, 1 "Whnnlt just riKht. The franram-e Four, it Ami tho flavor is delicious. Keignu Coffee-lovers know that Luzinnric just spot, for it's full of punch and if. If you don't think that this Rood old Luzhrna is worth what you paid, then tell your uior and he'll give you back every cent. ih.'ZiANSFl NUflOETS. I'uirtviatit to the Prorlumatton of thn Prertiilent ot the United Statin and of tlin Covornor of Nortli Carolina, I. I''. H. Fries, North Carolina Director of War Savings, actintc under the authority of the United States Treasury ljeiiartment. have asked the ministers of the Gospel and the superintendent! of Sunday Schools to have a War Saviims message presented In every church in North Carolina on Sunday. June "it. have called upon every township or ward War Savings chairman to conduct a house-to house canvass for War 3alnRs pledges during the week following, and have summoned citizens ot North Carolina to meet at their respective schoolhouses on Friday, June 28, 1919. the hour of the meeting to oe tUed hy the local chairman. U), al cltixens will ha named to conduct the schoolhouse meetings, who will kaep a record of the proceedings and report the names of all persous present and pledging, and the names of all persons present and refusing or neglecting to pledge, with their reasons for so doing. War Savigs Stamps (which are United States Government Bonds, the same as Liberty Bonds) can be paid for during any month ill the year of 11H8, but It Is Intended that subscriptions for them will be signed during the week beginning June 23, and. if any deficit eiists at the end of tho house-to-house canvass, at the schoolhouse meeting on June 2S. The price of each War Savings Stamp depends npon the month during which It Is bought. During June each Stamp will cost $4 17. During July each Stamp. will cost f.18, and so on. one cent more each month during It'll). On January 1. the Government of tha United States will redeem aM War Savings Stamps at I5.1H) each, no matter during which month In 191 they were bought. They cost less during the early months of 1918 than during the later months because the person who buys earlier has loaned his money U the Government for a longer time than the one who buys later. By way ot Illustration, note the following table: Ceet of War Savlnge Stampe Durlno, June, July, and August, 1918. Cost in Cost In Cost In And are worth C, l)e worP owes all a livin', bui some don't wain ler hustle like a bill collector. Some folks d,u give instructions 'bout how de wurP oner run can't manage themselves iwo minuies. After you giis icr de hilliup you won't be niakin' good ef you ler giis de raisin' what raised you icr il. When yo' done yo' duly by axin' de Lawd Icr yo' daily bread, lie wains ter see you Ilium hard licks icr gii ii. MIS HITOKTS. "Thai fellow has never made the least ellon to support himself." "Yes, he has; he's proposed to every girl with money he could manage lo meet." A dead sure thing is ofien dead enough to inierest an undertaker. 30 t ii i: 1 1 I) liSTAIiLISHED 1892,! Capital and Surplus. $6Q,00Q. WE INVITI- YOUR ACCOUNT. H PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT W. I' MANIKI,, t'HKsl IIKN T. W. U. SMITH. VICK-I'KKMIIIKN'T. J. t). DRAKE, CASH1RH. O KuwvmLhnhbms2 2f -JE ao IRf II! SUBSTITUTE FOR NAST1 EALOMEL I 9 June July 1 sHaasp I 4.17 t 18 10 Stamps 83 40 83.60 H Stamps 208 90 20B00 100 Stamps 417.00 418 00 80e Stamps 834 00 8.1C.00 August on Jan. 1. 1933. I 4.1 I . 6 00 83 80 209 60 418.00 838.00 100 00 250.00 600.00 1,000 00 The law provides that no person can hold In his own name War Savings Stamps exceeding $1,006.00 maturity value. War Savings Stumps, however, may be purchased for other members of the family. Including minor children. The money Invested In War Savings Stamps is not a gift or a donation, but Is a loan to the Government. It will be paid back with 4 per rent eom pound Interest. It, because of some serious financial reverse or calamity, it should he necessary to get your money before January 1, 1K23, you may do so hy giving ten daye' notice to any Money Order postmaster, In which case you can get what you paid for the Stamps, with Interest to date of payment. The Stamps are free from all State and local taxes; when registered at the postofflce they are Insured against Iom. thsy are barked by all the properly In ihe Halted States; they cannot fali la value below the price you pay; they are as convenient and as well paying Investment as has ever been offered hy our Ooverument A definite ajr-'i of War Ssvlnss Stumps, on tha tails of population, at $I0 M per capita, has been allotted to each township aud to eaeh town of over 1.000 population, which will be published In every newspaper In the Bute before hand and announced at every schoolhouse meeting on June 28 The Qovertimeut ef the I'alted States expects all the cltixens of every town hip aud county te subscribe for Us quota and to pledge themselves tn save ui economise te help win the war. It la to be hoped that the pledges taken during War Savings Week and to War Savings Day will shuw yon aud your nelghhors te be loyal Americans le) when war Uovernmeat, In this hour ot need, does not call tn vain. r. H FRIES, Korth Carolina lMrector ot War Savings, appointed and aotUg under the authority et the Seoretary ot the United Stevee Treasury HE'SSAPE, "How is it ye've neveJ married, Norah?" "G'long wid ye Mike! Shure ihe man I'd marry uin't been born yet, an' his mother's dead." Two of ihe most bitter things in life are being jilted by a girl and a dose of quinine. COULD EAT THAT. Hickson My horse won a rib bon al the horse show. Kidder A ton of hay would have been more appropriate and useful. The richer a man is the harder he tries to make people believe he is poor. ' BtartB your livor without maldii(C you sick and can not salivate. T.wry (lrupgist in town your druggist nnd cwrybody's druggist Ins noticed u great falling-oil in Hid salo of calomel. They all give tho name rejeon. Oodsoifa Liver Tone is taking its place. ''Calomel is dangerous and piivple know it, while Dodson's Liver Tone is perfectly safe and gives better re sults," said a prominent local dni gisl. Dodson's Liver Tone is per sonally guaranteed by every drug gist who soils it. A large bottle costs but a few cents, and if it fails to give easy relief in every case of liver sluggishness and constipation, you hare only to ask for your money back. llodson's Liver Tone is a pleasant tasting, purely voidable remedy, harmless to both children and adults. Take a spoonful at night and wako up feeling fine; no biliousness, sick headache, acid s'umach or consti pated bowel!.. It doefti t gripe or 'fjiiiso inennvoi'io'icc ail tho next 7 1,1.. i,.lmil , .,lo,,.l (iirls Have Pretty Face And Beautiful Complexion An Ailniiiii man makes new Jncovci y lliul makes tin old iuec look years younger. II your skin is dark, brown or covered with freckles or blemishes, just use n hitle (aicomne Skin VX'hnener; it's Je wuh coco.inui oil mid is per fectly harmless. A few days' use will improve your looks 100 per cent. The wornmit skin comrs oil evenly, leaving no evidence ol the treatment, t he new healihy un der skin appearing as a lovely new complexion. Just ask your druggist for an ounce ol Goeotone Skin Wlntener, nnd if he will not supply you isend twenty-five cenis to the Cocoione Co., Atlanta, (ia., and ihey will send you a box by return mail. If your hair is hard to comb, is kinky, nappy and will never stay straight, just use Cocotone Hair Dressing and it will become straight, long, soft, glossy and beautiful in a few days. Mail or ders tilled 25c. for large box. - For Sale by W, M, Cohen Drug Co. tuBKIIO!rKliU(X!nitMM!!U Hi si INVITATION. at I Yon are invited to open an account with the I I BWK OF EHWLD, I EflflELD, fl. D. 9 m 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart-!! ment Compounded Quarterly. 9 s gygy YOU can bank by mail i flat's New In Ikiclf By Special Arrangement with the Associated Music Publishers of New York, we will feature by Daily Pathephone Demonstration BROADWAY'S big Song Hits Come in and hear the "Latest" Direct from Melody Row. All Sheet Music 10c. Copy. W. M. Cohen Drug Company, Weldon, North Carolina. f soiTa"(;i-:nts i:or j f nunnalltsTnITI I NYAl.'S RljMblMliS. i N0(:ANnljS. I J Wmy SpeHd LL You Efi? You might get sick or hurt be prepared for It You might want to make an investment start now, "Takes money to make money," you know You might be visited by thieves or firean account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one to yet into. We pay 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts THE BANK OF HALIFAX HALIFAX IT. C. N. L. Stedman, P. C. Gregory, P. H.aregorw President;. ViM-President. Caahiar. )

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