. . . AND THEN CAMt THE KAISERS HODDES OF BABV KILLERS BATCH ELOR'S OPERA Tuesday Wednesday THE ROAN OK E NEWS Thursday, June 20, 1918. NOTICE. There will be a regular convoca tion of Roanoke Chapier 81 R. A. M. in Masonic Hall, every first and third Wednesday evenings. E. Clark, Jr., Sec'y. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. War Saving Stamps save lives. Mosquitoes are beginning to sing. The crop prospect never looked better. Look out for June bugs. This is their month. Mr. C. T. Whitfield, of Rich mond, is in town. Mrs. Paul Roper, of Petersburg, was in town last week. Mrs. V. K. Overman spent Sat urday in Rocky Mount. Postmaster H. S. Harrison, of Enfield, was in town last Friday. You can at least be in the second line of defense be a war saver. Mrs. A. C. House is visiting rel atives in Wilson and Newbern. Miss Eupha Stallings, ot Whita kers, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. T. D. Rawlings. Look out for late vegetables, sweet potatoes and late Irish pota toes. Mr. W. L. Knight went to Ral eigh on professional business last week. Miss Ruth Mayo Dickens, of Nashville, is here on a visit to rel atives. Mr. B, G. Rodwell spent the week-end in Norfolk and Fortress Monroe. Mr. W. W. Sledge spent the week-end in Norfolk and Fortress Monroe, Va. Mr. R. S. Hall spent several days in Scotland Neck and Green ville, last week. Mr. E. Dana Dickens, of Aure- lian Springs, paid us a pleasant visit Wednesday. Mr. C. W. Howard left last week for Bingham Heights, where the goes for military training. Mrs. W. B. Lawson who has been yisiiing relatives in Pons mouth, Va., has returned home. Mrs. Lee Johnson, Mrs. C. W Howard and little Miss Virginia Howard, left Thursday for White Sulphur Springs. Mrs. H. M. Poe, Jr., and chil dren who have been visiting rela tives here, have returned to their home in Rocky Mount. Mr. Eugene Daniel, late of the Virginia National Bank, of Peters burg, has accepted a position in the Bank of Weldon. We gladly welcome him back to "his old home town." Mr. D. L. Hornaday who was one of the number eaNrd to th colors ai Camp Jackson a few weeks ago, has returned home, having been honorably discharged from the army. He will take his old position as night ticket agent it the Union station. His many friends were glad to welcome him back. we regret exceedingly to an nounce that Mr. John 0. Drake who has been cashier of the Bank of Weldon for the past several years, has tendered his resignation tnd accepted a similar position with a bank at Norlina. Mr. Drake was very popular with the people of Weluon and is a first-class busi ness man ana we take very great pleasure in commending him to the good people of Norlim. and IE 5 The Book Club. At a meet ing held by the Book Club on Tuesday evening, June 1 1th, mailers of business were discussed. Mrs Cohen and Miss Clark gave most interesting reports of the receni meeting of the Federation held in Raleigh. New members were unanimously elected and the club adjourned sine die lor the summer. Sr. John's Day, Junk 25th. The celebration of St. John's Day, which is held each year at the Ox ford Orphanage is an event of State-wide interest, especially to the Masonic Fraternity, and the occasion carries to Oxford a large crowd of visitors annually. This celebration will be held this year on Tuesday, June 25th, instead of J une 24th, the usual date. Sunday School Conference. A Sunday School Conference is being conducted this week at the ipiscopal church, by Rev. Warren Way, of Salisbury. The morning sessions are held trom to 1 1 :30 a. m., and the evening ses sion at 8:JU p. m. I he public cordial'y invited, and especially to the night services when sermons will be preached by the visiting ministers on the subject of Chris tian education. It is hoped that there will be a good attendance on the part of the people in the com mutiny. To All Township Food Ad ministrators ofHalieax Coun ty. Announce to all dealers through local papers or otherwise maximum quantities of sugar that may be sold reduced to five pounds for country producers, two pounds to town consumers, twenty-five pounds for canning and preserving purposes only upon certificate. Do not wish preserving and canning restricted but desire utmost care in use of sugar. Individuals re quiring more than twenty-five pounds at one lime will be allowed to purchase on approval of Coun ty Food Administrator. Instruct all dealers to keep accurate detail ed records of every sale of sugar from this date. Yours truly, R. C. Dunn, Food Admr. Halifax County Death of a Faithful Old Colored Woman. Died at the home of a friend in Weldon, on Thursday evening, June I3ih, Julia Ransom, a well known col ored woman who lias spent much of her long and usdul lite in tins town. She came to Weldon as nurse for Gen. M. W. Ransc m's younger children, about the year 1872. Was afterwards installed as nurse and mammy in the home of Mr. R. 0. Edwards, where she served faithfully and well. She has recently served in the home of Mr. Wilson Mullen, of Roanoke Rapids, and wherever she gave her service she was found capable, willing and of much above the average of her limes in intelligence and information. Her "nurse' children always loved her and her affection for them continued all her life. She has been in poor health for some time, but her friends saw that she was well cared for and lacked for nothing. She was buried on Saturday in the family section of Mr. R. O. Edwards, in Cedarwood cemetery, Rev. N. C Duncan conducting the burial ser vices. The pallbearers were, Messrs. Geo. C Green, Charles R. Entry, Wilson Mullen and Dr. Wm. M. Ward. Mrs. Paul Roper, Petersburg, Mr. Mullen's family and other white friends attended the services and so, honored death one who had been faithful in life. If there is anyone who doubts that we are going to win the war let him visit Batchelor Opera House on June 26-26. HOUSE, Halifax Items. Mrs. Henry Marshall and Master Henry, Jr., of Wilson, who have been visiting Mrs. Marshall's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Daniel, returned to Wilson Monday. Little Misses Ursula Gary and Helen Merchant will spend the summer with their grandparents, Mr. ana Mrs. Kobert M. Daniel. Mrs. L. C. Ousby and Miss Re becca, are visiting Mrs. John K. Cambell, in Rocky Mount. Mrs. fcdwin renner and chil dren, of Henderson, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Fenner. Miss Nannie Gary is visuine friends in Henderson. Mrs. Carey Williams is the guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Norman. Col. Fred Olds, of Raleigh, was a welcome visitor in our town last week. Flag Presentation. Ever since Mr. and Mrs. Shamburger gsve to the M. E. Church a beau tiful service flag bearing a star for each young man in the service, who either himself or his family is identified with the church, some of the members have wanted a com panion U. S. Hag to go on the walls of the church with the other. At their last meeting it was decided ihai the Woman's Missionary So ciety should give this flag and also small ones ot the allied nations with whom our men are fighting, as a tribute to and token of the church's love for them. Most of these young men have been brought up in the church, were members ot the Junior Missionary Society and Sunday school and later communicants of the church itself, so it was most appropriate that the society should pay them this honor. On Sunday last these tlags which had been beautifully draped on the walls, were presen ted to the church. Appropriate hymns were sung, a fervent prayer offered by the pastor when Dr. D. a. Zollicolter stated that Mrs. w'ilkins, a member of the society would present the flags and also a beautiful Honor Roil, given by Mrs. S. B Pierce, which bore the names of the seventeen young men in service from the church. After presenting the flags, Mrs. Wilkins requested Dr. ZollicofTer to call this roll, which with the flags, will be preserved and cherished by church. The pastor, Mr. Sham- burger, feelingly accepted these gifts. Miss Londa Shamburger recited a beautiful poem. The choir sung the Star Spangled Ban ner and so ended a most impres sive service which was followed by the regular sermon by the pastor. RED CROSS NEWS. In these days of parting with our loved ones it may afford some com fort to those at home to know that during their stay in Weldon prior to entraining for different Camps every one, no matter from what part of the county, is looked after bv the Weldon Branch of the Red Cross. 59 men leaving for Camp have been presented each with box of lunch, and baskets of apples were given to 33, the men who went to Camp Shrivers, Ga., were treated to ice cream, and on May 28ih 160 men were served cake and cream by the Pythians and Red Cross at one o clock at night just before leaving for Camp Jackson. In addition lo what has been done for all of the Halifax county boys, every W eldon boy has been pre sented with a comfort kit and copy of a letter of instructions prepared by the Civilian Keitet Committee, Mr. W. L. Knight spoke to the colored people at Shepherd's chap el on Monday evening. About 5 were present and they were very enthusiastic about what the Red Cross is doing Please bring in all finished work Work room open Tuesdays and Fridays from 9 to 12 a. m., and from 3 to 6 p. m. Pay your dues at the work room on these days. CALL NO. 652 For 45 Colored Men to be En trained lor Camp Taylor, Lou isville, Ky., June 21, 1918. ENIMKM) John Willcy, .lumen Kicliaid WhitaLor, Hobort Hell, tieorge ilhg, Johuniu .Touch, Auhrey J Id-tlainy, Norman MeWilliania, JoHcnti llutclielor, Flelln-r t'arr. HALIFAX Henry Ousby, Sidney Lonir, Lewis Henry Cook. I'avul ilaniill, Killlr Wilmiii, Mattlu-w Taylor, Tom HulKer, l.ent'e Minnie, ThiiniaH Arlington, l.ennie HnrKuiiay, William FraHier, Thomas Haveife, .Iimepli Murrih. l.umhertin1 Ivi-ry Arthur l-'orliea, Jnhn Welili, i.i'rri.KTiiN Willie Wilson. Oscar llarriN, Valley Moxeley, tlriilin Humlx, Walter T. .Mayo. Johnnie JeUerHon, James Kaulcon, Henry Boyd, Milliard Yellowby, KOAKORB KAl'IDH. Trench l'owell, John JeuKins. PALMYRA, Carey Eppit, George ltrisKer, H0LLI8TXR Johnnie McCoy, Nathan Garland, Arthur Havage, William tiibbs, Al'OTLAND NICK Muck Smith, Jim I'otton. IIOBOOOD. Edward McHeal, LaddThomaB,i James Bullocx, Charlie Ham, Anthony Harris, ROSEMARY, Ellis J'.i irmley, Elijah llocnaday, Buddie Ivey, I'liilip Spears, flRISKI.BVVII.IK. Horns Daniel, .acK. Solomon. TI1.LRRY. Burwell Harris, tieorfre Lloyd Smith, Johnnie Tiflery. Walter Alston, Nashville. I.onnie WilKins, Bethel, laham Hill, Kan kin, t'a. Hichard Hutu, Emporia, Va. C'lelie Dancy, Pencoyd, Pa. Holit. II, Harper, Newport News, Va. leu i, iKj-ins, nailers Depot, M. C. James Williams, Thelma KoHsie McCoy, Dunn. Hruce H. Wiley, Greenville, N. V. I'lummer WhitaKer, llocKy Mount. ECKic Mnnley, Hunn. Is it True? A more beautiful spring than the one just past, we have never beheld, or are we fan ciful. But it does seem to us that things never appeared quite so beautiful. Every tree and bush of the flowery kind never seemed under such a weight of blossoms, nor the air so freigted with sweet perfume. There have been no storms to rulfle a bloom or scar a leaf, and all nature does seem to untold itself with unusual perfec tion, and despite all the dark shad ows that crowd themselves into our lives here, as we look abroad we cannot refrain from exclaiming, it is a beautiful world after all ! Yet, in its brightest aspect, it is but counterpart to the world where the flowers eternal bloom in rich ness beyond all conception, and where the glowing light is so efful gent, earth in all its brightness would be but a shadow. Let us live for a better and still more beau tiful and grander world than this, where joys are eternal and the brightness never fades. Will Preach Sunday.-Rcv. Stanley White will fill his regular appointment at the Presbyterian church here next Sunday. June 23rd, at 3:30 p. m. The public coruiaiiy invited to attend the ser vice. PERFECT CONFIDENCE, Weldon People Have Qood Keason For Complete Reliance. Do you know how To find relief from backache; t o correct distressing urinary ills; To assist weak kidneys ? Many people in this locality know the way. Have used Doun's Kidney Pills; Have proved their worth in many tests, Here's testimony from this vi cinity. Miss E. T. Powell, dressmaker, 524 Arlington Sr., Rocky Mount, N. C, says: "I suffered from backaches and pains in Ihe back of my head and between my shoul ders. My kidneys didn't act right and 1 could get no rest. Doan'i Kidney Pills relieved the ach:s and pains in my back, corrected the kidney annoyance and did me great deal of good." Over three years later Miss Powell said: "I have had no signs of rheumatic pains or any kidney trouble since 1 endorsed Doan's Kidney Pills before. I cannot praise Doan's too much for what they have done for me." Price 60c. at all dealers. Don't simply ask lor a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Miss Powell had, F0STER-M1LBURN CO.,Mart- Kitcturerg, Buffalo, N. Y. CALL NO. 661 For 23 White Men to be Entrain ed lor Camp Jackson, Colum bia. S. C, June 26, 1918. lilisha Lane, Rosemary. J. S. Marks, Roanoke Rapids. Edgar Parker, Scotland Neck. J. R. Browning, Enfield. W. A. Williams, " W. T. Warren, Aurelian Springs. J. W. Hawkins, Enfield. B. H. Pope, Scotland Neck. S. E. Hardee, Enfield. W. J. Hedgepeth, Aurelian Sp'gs. J. G. Shields, Scotland Neck. A. V. Johnson, Enfield. Z. A. Hardee, Richard Carlisle, Scotland Neck. T. E. Wright, Littleton. J. L. Holliday. Enfield. Brinkley Melvin, Aurelian Spr'gs. W. A. House, Scotland Neck. C. S. Alexander, Scotland Neck, C. W. Lewis, Walter Moone, Enfield. R. E. Boseman, Rosemary. H. H. Sledge, Heathsville. 0. A. George, Rosemary. C. E. Reeyes, Enfield. J. N. Hackney, Scotland Neck. Gus Vincent, Weldon. W. D. Weeks, Whitakers. S. B. Kitchin, Scotland Neck. J. A. Draper, Enfield. PROCLAMATION OF ThTmAYOR. To All Adult Citizens of Weldon : In accordance with the Procla mations of the President of the United States and of the Governor of North Carolina and in cheerful compliance with the request of the Governor of North Carolina, I, Geo. C. Green, Mayor, do hereby designate the period beginning Sat urday, June 22, and ending Fri day, June 28, as War Savings Week for the town of Weldon. I respectfully request every min ister of the Gospel, superintendent of Sunday School, and teacher of an adult Bible Class, on Sunday, June 23, to speak definitely about the War Savings campaign and urge the necessity of responding liberally in pledges to purchase War Savings Stamps. I earnestly appeal to all employ ers of labor to inform their em ployees about the special campaign and encourage them to help win the war by saving, economizing, and investing regularly in War Savings Stamps. I call attention to the fact that every citizen so notified is expect ed to go to the schoolhouse of his district on Friday, June 28, at 6 p. m., also to the fact that a record of the attendance and proceedings of the meeting at his schoolhouse is to be made and preserved. I urge all citizens of Weldon, with one accord, to work together to the end that, during the period designaed above, the entire quota of War Savings Stamps apportion ed to Weldon, which is $20 per capita, may be secured in pur chases and pledges by Friday, June 28th. Done in the town of Weldon on the 1 4ih day of June, 1918. G. C. Green. Mayor. A. W. Andleton, Secretary. LITTLETON COLLEGE Has closed just one of the most successful years in its history. The 37th annual session will begin Sept. 25th. Write for new illustrated cata logue, also and quickly for partic ulars concerning our special offer to a few girls who cannot pay our catalogue rate. Address J. M. Rhodes, Littleton, N. C. WANTED SALESMEN, We have positions open for two travelingsalesmen to represent us In North Carolina, east and west. S. A. L Railroad and east of for one, west of S.A L. for other. Only those who have had experience in soliciting the retail mer chant and can command patronage need apply. Mention territory desired experience and line of business familiar with. SOUTHERN BARGAIN HOUSE, Wholesale General Merchandise, RICHMOND, VA. Notice of Summons. North Carolina, Halifax County, In the Superior Court John Alston, l'laiutitf Cilia Alston, Defendant. The defendant, Ella Alston, will take notice that an action entitled ae ahove has been commenced in the Hupvnor (ourt of Halifax county by the plaiutill for an absolute dirorce upon statutory iciuuuue; aud tiiv aaid tirleuilaul will further take notiee that she is reuuireu to appear at the Auirutt term of the Hu penot Court of Halifax county, to be held in the Court House in Halifax uc the third Monday before the tlrst Won day in September, 1U1S and answer 01 demur to the complaint In said action, or the plaintiff will apply to tha court for the relief prayed m said complaint. This the 5th day of June, 1VI8 8. M. GARY, Clerk Superior Court Halifax County. 0 13 4t Administratrix Notice Having Qualified aa administratrix of Walter R Ualling, deceased, late of Halifax county. N.C. this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit aaid claima to the nnderaifned on or before the 1st day of May, IslU, 01 this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to laid estate will pleai make immediate payment, I his the tint day of May, 1918. BETT1E N. OATL1NO, Administratrix Waler Uatiiig, dee. A THE BIG ONE WAS FED Avalon Farms HOG-TONE Tht Liquid Hog Conditions, FaUanmr and Worm Romovor THE RUNT WASN'T THEY both started life at the stime time and weight. They were given the same feed under the sume conditions - with one excep tion. The hi ime not hi regular lime of AVALON FARMS HuO-TONE the Liquid Hog Tunic, Co ui.li turner und Full l-net tin J tin- runt didn't, The blu one Is the kind that tep mar kels tind brliiii bin irutil to I hi' pocket of th hog rnistT, The runt enM iimre to riae thun he will t-u-r bring In the ninr Iti't. And the iliHereme wm hrimifht ilnmt by 20 cents worth of AV'AI.ON FA RMS IICK l-TONK. I K K l-'K iNB puts new lift- into hog nutkra them ttit more and grow fat at m nmiufng rait. It help theiu to cum bat Jik'um mid ell- FOR SALE BY Boseman & Howell WELDON, N. C. EAST CAROLINA TEACHERS TRAINING SCHOOL A State school to train teachers lor the public schools ot North Carolina. Every energy Is directed lo this one purpose Tuition Free to all who agree to teach Pall Term begins SI:IMT:MHI:R 25, 1918. For catalogue and other Information, address ROBERT H. WRIGHT President, 6 20 Im QRBENVILLE, N. C. mm urn Spring d km: m mm mm RES8G00I) mm -ALSO- mm mm Shoes and LADIES AND mm mm mm mm Agency for Kinston Collars 2.'-c mm mm mm 4. L. SWfJBcK, The Busy Store, WELDON, mm dmmmmmMmmmmnMmmmmmmmmmmw mmmmmmmmn mmmmmmummmmm Important Announcement! Havine bouerht the interest of Mr. William Josephson in The Leader, of Weldon. I will ask the people of fax county for I assure vou you promptly and honestly. M. D. MORRIS, IIIIlt& We also sell War Savins dollars In the future. WS.S. WtSaTOWS STAMPS aesuBD v TM. iimrrmo states CQVmHMEKT That is ihe war-lime spirit of true-blue Americans the spirit that I will win the war. The day of talking patriotism has passed the time has come to practice it. Your government has officially set ; Friday, June 28th, as National j War 8avings Day i On June 28th every American "army that stays at home." On shou ling! should "sign the pledge" to invest a definite amount in War Sav- Stamps each month during W. S. S. COST WORTH $5.00 For every $10 of cash receipts I Stamp. Ask the clerk. PARAGON GROCERY COMPANY, j PHONB 2 Weldon, North Carolina, FOR SALE minute I lie worm that are the hog rais er's greHteM foe to profit. Solendid for iiregtitint sown helps to proiluee lieiilth (it, itunlier pig. Conn- io the store tell u tlie iitunlttT of your herd und we will give v"t) enough IIOl.TONK to tiettt ll your hoga Ml dn!. You don't give us h ru nny now. If the results of the HOG TONK In utment full to satis fy you, it will cost yuu nuthing. mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm Clothing. COAT SUITS II mm SPORT COATS wxx mm mm Steam Laundry Shirts 12c. mm urn mm mm N C Weldon and Hali your patronage. that I will serve V. O. BOX titi will be summoned to enlist in the that day every loyal American 1918. $4.17 IN JUNE JAN. 1, 1923. returned we will give a Thrift - M 2-2-2 1 Stamps. Your quarters means EVERY FAMILY A Family of Fighters New Todd CHECK PROTECTOR If Interested, call up this olftot. New Quarters fg3"' Just moved into k our handsome new brick building with a full supply of everything in Hardware for the farmer, the mechanic and the house builder. FLUES! FLUES'! Sow h tlit' luiif1 to place yum order for thief. I' want em t- make em, Halifax tfjFDWtfE Co., Halifax, N. C. 0. E. LEWIS. Manager. s is ;im GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Hkv. N. V. Dl' SCAN, Kkitih Sunday Monnuir .'raver urnl Sertnuii, 11 A, M Kvenitiir 1'iayer anil Sermon, H I'.M KvL-ryliuily curdtally invited to attend these Hervice. Refined Young Ladies as Telephone Operators. Ut'twet'ii If, 'J.', yearn uf oi(e; Mill Ifratle eiluoatiun; Hillary ptiiil wink learn iiitf; taii'l a'lvai.ermi-iit: Hplruilnl Hiir rmiuilintf.s; Hit'k lienelitH; vacation with pay atti'i lliwl year. Apply to CHIEF OPERATOR Home Telephone & Telegraph Co BIG LINE OF Spring Shoes Just Received lor Men, Women and Children at reasonable prices Come and get a good pair ol Spring Shoes at KITTNER'S Up- to-Date Shoe Store. BUY WAR SAVING STAMPS. U7C C TT.d.aA WUUVDMS STAMP! ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIRING SHOP. All Shoes repaired promptly and at reasonable prices. KITTNER'S SHOE STORE, L. KITTNER, Prop. Opposite 1'ostlollice Weldon, N. C. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES MLflu Ktnry Uuildiug un Washington Avenue. SI MMY, .H'NK2:(, 11 A. U. Subject of l.t'HHon Sermon: "Is the l1 Diverse, including man, evolved by atomic iorce." Wednemhiy eveuinjf at Testi mony meeting. Tlie public cordially invited to attend lhene service Dr. Frederic Jacobson Says, 75 per cent, ol women need Phos phates to give them Strong, Healthy, rounded figure and to avoid Nervous Breakdown. Thousands ol women grow strong In Nature's way. "Consider the Lilies ol the Field, How They Grow.1' The life of the lily is but a few weeks or months. The life of man is "three score years and ten." But to live one's life in it's fullness women like the lily, must be nour ished by those same vital elements which nature provides for nourish ing every living thine; and these include the valuable phosphate so often lacking in the usual food we eat today. Argo-Phos-phaie is rich in these wonderful elements. It contains them in con centrated tablet form which is easy to take and quickly assimulated and absorbed into the system, and from youth to old age, builds and re builds body and brain in beautiful harmony with Nature's perfect plan. "That's why" Argo-Phos-phate makes good solid flesh and muscles. Special Notice. Argo-Pho-s phate contains the Natural phos phates which thousands of physi cians are prescribing daily to build up thin, pale, colorless women to give them rosy cheeks, red lips and a beautiful complexion. Many cases have been reported where women have increased their weighl from 15 to 25 pounds with a few weeks treatment, and any woman who desires a well rounded and developed form, should secure from her druggist, this new' drug which is inexpensive and is dis pensed by the W. M. COHEN DRUG COMPANY with or with out a doctor's prescription. Free sample mailed by the Argo Laboratories, Atlanta, Ga. , OLD FALSE TEK1U WANTED DON'T MATTER IF HKOKEN Wav pay up to S15 peraet A I no canh For Old CJold, Silrer and broken Jewelry. Cheek sent by return mail Oooda held 1U days for sender's approval of our of fer. Muxes' Toora HnciaMY, Dept. A, Ml S. 6th Ht, Philadelphia, fa. tt

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