1 i3 IS KSTABLISHKD IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Perms of SubscriDtion--$1.5G Per Aimum VOL. LI II. WELDON, N. C, TIIU1SI)AY,.JULY 4, 1!)1H. . s Children Cry Iba Kind You Have Always Bought, and which hai been In use or over over 30 years, ha;, b.irne the signature of .All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS I Bears the In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought Till CINTUeoMP Get The Habit EBuy for Cash. Save Ethe pennies by buy ing at W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store WELOON, N. C. iv o uiioi urine 1 in 1 1 ii i iHUIIUII .MANlr'ACTl'liKIM OK Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADK TOOHDKK AMI HKIil I. A It HTOt K SIZES. Good Materials, High Orade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. THE Dining Room should be a cheerful place for when you eat your meals amid pleasant' surroundings you do much to aid digestion. And good digestion means health. HAVE US FURNISH YOUR DINING ROOM The variety of designs in Tables, Chairs, Side boards, China Closets, Serving Tables and the like, Ii ample to satisfy your desires, whatever they maygbe, Ln the matter of style, finish and price. Come in and talk it over eager to GIVE satisfaction as you are to receive it. Weldon Furniture Company, Weldon, N. 0. Fire Insurance I Life, Accident and Health. Plate Glass and Automobiles. Repre senting leading companies. See me about your insurance wants. L. U. DRAPER, Office in Green Building, For Sale! New Todd Check Protector. It interested, call at this office. for Fletcher's and has been made under his per (ffctfkr lonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive vou in this. Signature of with us. we are as Surety Bones ! WELDON, N. C. till UMiif SaiiiliiSOF PoorJ Administrator Henry A, PU Announce- New Reatrtc: ons -n Snfei of Sugar and Calls Upon Con umert to Economln Hrjai: 'vmg and Canning Not to Be Curtilled. HfilelKhv HIhIp Fond AdinuiMiiiiur Hi'iiry A, I'hkh Iiuh hiihoiiih .'il n'W reHtrlttlimrt to govern all milea of huh ar by wholenalers nnrt rtlnilern ami at f he name time calln upon hwat con Burners In North ('urolltui to ec.ino mlj' and save I tit utmost 'nine.1 of fttiKur Ihroiih reiliKod consumption hi the home and through the elimina tion of floft (I rin lift, rumly ami oilier luKd essential or non essfiitliil pr id uctft. HeginnliiK today, all d al rx aro forbidiU-n to neil more than iwo jkiuihIh to a town or city consumer or more than five pounds to a country consumer and not more than 25 lbs. can be notd al one time lo iiulivMuiilH for cunning and preimrviim iiutoomjh under the cerltcate plan announced 90IMU weeku ao by (he Km! Adinin Hi ration. If a luruer qiimilly In re quired at one time It may be put-chatted ujmhi the approval of Hie Comity Food Adminisl ration. Is, very dealer 1b required to keep an absolutely accurate record of all milut of Kugar, this record to Include the date of aaJe, name of pun baser, quantity sold and price. Tliene records will be examined periodically by the Food AuiiniHtration hiHpeclortt who will be put in the Held In the Imme diate future. Mr. Page slates frankly thai (he sugar situation la serioun, "It Ih ex trwnely luiporlanl that (here nIihII be no curtailmtmt in the quantity of pre serves, Jam, and canned fruits manu factured during the present himihoii," declared Mr, Page, "and If Htigar Is to be plentiful and ample for preserv ing and canning purposes there must be marked conservation not only by commercial users who produce less essential products such as m)ft drinks, candy, etc.. but also upon the part of the Individual consumers. It Is the patriotic duty of every American rlU sen to consume lens of the products of fountains and candy shops under the present conditions, "It 1st he duly of every man. woman and oh lid In the United States to us a minimum of sugar for tea. coffee, cereals, cukes and other edibles. "The Individual who uses more Bugar than Is necesary for any pur pose and who leaves uu lined sugar In the but tout of their coffee cups or iced tea glasses, is a slacker and a near ally of the Knitter. Less Essentials Must Go. "The American nation Is stripping to (he waist for this light and non esHeutlal industries must go by the board It has not been necessary until this time to curtail our use of sugar to the extent that is now re queued. It Is necHHsary now and our people ruuHl realize that, Junt as ln the case of wheat and meat, they must save until 11 hurts. The Food Admin istration doesn't want any one to do without e.reals. coffee, tea, etc., and especially It doesn't want children and Invalids deprived of the amount of sugar necessary ln their food for their proper growth and development but It does want and it will expect every patriotic adult to confine their use of sugar to not exceeding three pounds per month at the very most. This Is the measure of cons erv at ion and those three pounds a month should Include any candy, soft drinks, etc., that are used." FARNERS ARE URGED TO SAVE ALLJHEAT POSS'BLE Raleigh. Bfale Food Administrator Henry A, Pase is urging the farmers of N.trth Carolina to exercise cart during the pie sent harvesting season lo the end that no wheat shall be left In (be fields, around stumps, near ttlh-hes and on the etign of the fields whtre a binder sometimes leaves e small quunlily uncut- It may often happen that such wheat will not finan cially pay the labor require to harvest it but this wheat is needed to feed hungry men and women and every frtrmer Is urgfd to use the utmost pre caution In saving every stalk of wheat possible. R0CK1NGHAN CAFE FINED FORJOOO VIOLATION Rorklnrhum. Dentine II hid ra liMlly vIoIhi.mI rules and nwila Mont or th t'nlted Htatea Food Ad nilnlmratlnn, I o liuay lies Cafe of Ihti city, in order to escape more draatlr punlthment, hat Toluntarlly cloned lit door for four davi with lira nnounrlng to Its patrons that It It lid for violation! of the food regulatlona and In addition haa made a contribution of $100 to the local chapter of the Had Crone. The oweri of the cafe were (Wen a hearing mime duya ago before Coun ty Kood Administrator W N. Everett, who loimnunkated with the office of the Kih,1 Administration at Halelgh and vat julhurlied to let the eitah llaliiiient oil In no Car aa pant ofluiuoa are concerned upoa the bails man- The man who says what he pleases, may hear what displeases him. CASTORIA For Infanta and Children In Us For Over 30 Years Alwaya beam the MfnanMof THE HUN IN I'.riiilicr lo ihe hruie, of black barbaric deed, I saw you make poor elgium groan und bleed; I saw you crucify in Northern France, As olien always as you had ihe chance, A woman's honor and n child's pure soul, U'hul shall you answer when God calls the roll? You are a demon wiih fires and fumes of hell; And ihink you noi that history's page shall tell To men unborn your base barbaric tale; II shall be lold; for hisiory does not fail ! You shall not curse the world and go unwhipped. Those whom your bruial blood-lust starved and stripped, Shall lay the scourage in deep and scarlet stripe, Woe unto you when vengeance groweih ripe ! If not so now grim as your fate must be- You shall become the scorned of hisiory; You link your name with Ninevah and Tyre A wild beast playing with Promethean fire! Beware, beware, the pale white ranks thai grow, A mist of blood clings to iheir words of snow; Pale babies, wan mothers millions strong they come; You shall not win; Death beats your funeral drum I John Jordan Douglass. THE RAINBOW, GOD'S CHILDREN, FOR WHEN THE SHOULD LET LHEIK TIGHT SHINE RAINBOW. The rainstorm had passed, and ihe black clouds were reireaiing in the east. The sun was near selling, but its face was clear and bright, and ihe world was beautiful and clean and glistening with raindrops. In the sky hung the rainbow, God's pronrse 10 man that ihe world is safe in His keeping forever. The great lamp in ihe sky, shining down through millions of rain drops, made ihe specirum, which we call a rainbow because it comes with the rain. How beautiful it was ! But it was only the sunlight broken into the colors that compose it. Each had its own place and its own beauty. Th rainbow would not have been the perfect picture il was with any of the colors gone. There is another Sun and another Rainbow. Christ, called the Sun of Righteousness, is the "light of the world," ihe true light or the white light. He shines for the world through his people, for He said, "Ye are the light ol the world." The light of Jesus Christ is broken up into ihe many different colors as it passes through the lives of his people. None of us can be all that Christ is, the pure white light, but we can have our place in his specirum or his sunshine. He wants his people to be the world's rainbow to beautify the dark cloud of sin and sorrow and death that has covered ihe world through us. As some of the rainbow colors are more brilliant than others, so some of Christ's people on earth make a greater showing than others; but each one of us is a part of Him if we shine with his light. He does noi want us to try to be something thai we are not, but to be that part of Himself thai He has given us to be. He wants us to do our bes' and to be content thai He has thought fit to shine through us. How important it is these days, when darkness has covered the world and men are inclined lo doubi and despair, that God's children, for whom the Sun of Righteousness also so shine that the world may see and hopefully pfcainsi the angry cloud SLACKERS BY CYRUS TOWNSIiND BRADY. The papers chronicle day by British Boldiom northward through l'alostiiie. iheir lines ex tend from the Jordan to the sea and they arc elowly but Bttrely driving the Turks before thetn in this latest, greatest and most decisive crusade. If the followers of Mahomet followers of Christ it will surely be in the plain of Esdraelon, one of tlio natural battlefields of the world. It is singular how some places lend themselves inevitably to conflict. Tho plain of Jezreul, to give it another name, is one of these. It has boon fought over continually since ThothmcB defeated tho Hittites in the dawn of recorded history. syrian, Babylonian, Scythian, tested for its mastery in the German, Arabian, and Turk from Ocdfrey and Richard and Saladin to Napoleon drenched its fertile soil with blood in more modern times. May the forthcoming be the laBt of its many battles, und Allenby the last of tho long line of crusaders. One of the most decisive of its eonllicts upon the plain oc curred in Vi'M B. C. when Barak, the Lightning, inspired by Deborah led ten thousand men down the slopes of Mount Tabor in a night onfall and surprise Jubin of lluzor, under the command of Sisera. Tho Hazorites wore disastrously defeated, driven in panic torror down the narrow cut by tho Kishon, then in full flood, and killed or drowned in lttrgo numbers. Deborah made a great song about the triumph. One stanza runs this way: "Curse ye Meroz, vaid the Angel of the Lord, curse ye bitterly the inhabitants thereof; because the Lord, to the help of the Lord against the mighty." No one knows w litre Meroa lay. No ruined vestiges remain to identify it. There is no other history. There is no ground even for speculation about it Yet for over thirty-two centuries it has been pilloried in its infamy in that immortal song. Whatever its prosperity and its works, whatever its hopes und achievements, Ihe loves and hates, the successes or failures, of its people they are all forgotten in the blistering, withering condemnation of the singer. It stands as a place accursed forever. Perhaps its utter oblivion is the re sult of the merited condemnation, Shull there be written against our city, against our land, the curse of Meroz? Shall we apply to these and to ourselves this slackers' text? Or shall we come to the help of the Lord today, tomorrow and foreTer, in the great conflict now, and at all times, being waged in Europe und everywhere against sin and the dovil? Curse ye Merox'r Non nobis, Domino Not unto us, Oh Lord! Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA HISTORY. SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS EVER THAT THE WORLD MAV SEE GOD'S ever shines, should let iheir light God's rainbow outlined bravely of war. OLD 1 NEW, day thn Btendy advuuco of the can make any stand against the Jew and (lentile; Cunaanite, As Persian, Greek and Homan eon East: Knglish, Kronen, Italian of tho army of the oppressor they came not to the help of mention of it in the pages of Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA COLDS ARE COSTLY LUXURY. Can Usually Ite Avoided by I iil- luwinK Carefully a Few Simple Rules, II Is Declared. I Common colds have been cs- , tiuiati'd to cost the pKpnlutiiiiiH 1 of certain states $;,imio,iioO a year. Really, considering the advanced prices of medicine und the wages lost, only Ihei well-to-do can aH'ord to catch j colli, the New Haven Times- j Leader observes. I But in this matter the poor- j st can become philanthropists. Whoever manages to get through without his annual sneezing or coughing spell is conferring a benefit on the whole community. I There two ways of cutting ' tho high cost of colds for your , own srke and of proving your- I self a public benefactor as well: 1. Avoid exposure to infec tion when a member of the family brings a cold germ into ; the house, and if you catch a cold, sneeze and cough behind your handkerchief and avoid infecting others. i. Prink two quarts of wa- ' ter a day; sleep with your .bed room windows wido open nev er mind the weather outside cover up; sit, stand and walk erect, and walk every day in the open air; keep cloan; eat slowly and do not eat too much. Holiday feasts aro responsible for many a hard cold. Build up your vitality and your physical resistance and ; taking cold will cease to be a part of your yearly history and a tax on your income. (1ETTINU IT OVER WITH. "I love her dearly, btttlcan't get eliough courage to pro pose." "My boy, wait until summer comes." "Well ?" "Lead her out to a ham mock. The chances are that she will ask innocently, "Will this hammock support us both ? "Goon." "That is your cue to answer 'I don't know abut the ham mock, but I'd be glad to.' " PROPER. Harold came home one night with his clothes full of holes. "What in the name of good ness has happened to you?" ex claimed his mother. "(lb! we've been playingshop ever since school was over." '"Shop?" echoed the mother. "'Yes; we opened a grocery, and everybody wassomething," Harold explained: "I was the cheese !" SOMETHINO IN THE WAY. "What aro you going to do?" asked tho sweet young thing. "I'm going to kiss you," said the man. "But don't you see 1 have a chaperon with me?" "Yes, but she's deaf, isn't sho ?" "But she's not blind, ami, be sides, sho has a very jealous nature." There is always a trying mo ment for a woman when her dress comes home from the modiste. CALOMEL SALIVATES loiKEsroun AcU lik dynamite on a iluggUh liwr and you lose a day'i work. There's no reason why person should take sickening, snl'iviitiugrul omel when a few ccnla buys a Urge Uitlla of DmN.in's Liver Tone a perfect iuUlitutu for calomel. It i) a pleasant, VPRctuhle liquid which will start your liver just ns lirolv 09 calomel Imt it ,l,i.w,'( rnaks you suk and can n.it milivale. Children and grown folks can take Dtxlaon's Liver Tone, because, it is perfectly harmless. Calomel is a dangerous drug. It is mercury and attacks your hones. Take a dose of nasty calomel hslav and you will feel weak, sick and nauseated tomorrow. Don't lose s day's work. Take a spoonful of Hudson's Liver Tone instead and vou will wuke up feeling great. No more biliousness, constipation, slug gishness, headache, coated tongue or sour slomtch. Your drupgist says if you don't find Dodson's Liver Tone ficta l,Afl.,n 41,..n l .-i.i- ..I... , u.un uuniiiie eaiomei HvM money is waiting for you. 11 CHEERY, 1 Southern whote-hrnrtiMl, hospil.ilny it's Blmiwt a magic phrase to lu.iny. Hut really it stands for honest friendship, cordiality und (you've guessed it) lots of d .-lidous goodies. Luziunnn ColTeo is Blways in -eluded in Southern hospitality because it tastes so Rood. I'ra Rrant hot coffoe for people who knowwhat'sBOod-that'sLuziannB. Good old Lu.Ti'nnnc um-m-m ! -better t: :; Your grocer has it- . aren't satisfied, lu ll i, very cent .-it I 1 I . ii oil ESTABLISHED 1892J Capital ad kplus, $60,000. WE INVITE YOUK AUCOUNT, 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT W. Iv HANIK1., rUKHlMKN'l. W. It. SMITH. VII K-ritKXIDKNr. iwirmiainKiatMMiianiiimm m INVITATION. You are invited to open 8 BJ HK OF EfJFuD, EftflELD, II. C. 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly. YOU can bank by mail r la mummn-mmmmm " By Special Arrangement w ith the Associated Music Publishers of New York, we will feature by Daily Pathephone Demonstration BROADWAY'S big Song Hits Come in and hear the "Latest" Direct from Melody Row. All Sheet Music 10c. Copy. W. M. Gok Drug Company, Weldon, North Carolina. IsolTagi:nts for f j nunnai.i.y's and j NYAI.'S Rl-MHDIHS. j J NUURISCANW -S. I WtfY Speid 4u You Eh? You might get sick or hi rt- be prepared for it You might want to make an investmentstart now, "Takes money to make money," you know You might be visited by thieves or fire-an account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one to get into. We pav 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts $ THE BANK OF HALIFAX HALIFAX 1ST. C. N. L. Stedman, P. C. Orefory, P.M. Orefory Prwideot. Vtw-Prmidfiat. Cwhler i! mm Tivnr le quie 1 il y . o b... fxoffee s I. il. HKAKK, m ! an account with the ci r vs iri t's Hew In Musics

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