A WORD FOR MOTHERS It is a grav mistake for mothers to neglect their aches and pains ami suffer in silcnrc this only leads to chronic sickness and often 'u rtens life. If work is tiring, it yu'.r nrrves are excitable, if you t ' ;;iid. weary or depressed, So;iV 1 !m;M..n will prove a wondcrLl :i;;!!u:iier. It possesses the .;y ek-tnem to invigorate the bV tl, nourish the nerves and buil.l i Rvery dniy-'f. t !. Trv :t. Brvtt It '. T H I.; KOANOKH I ihiumku, July II, I MIS Published livery Thursday. Editor Le Maiin calls ihe Amer ican troops "the equals of any of their French or English comrades." Praise cannoi higher go, and ihis besides is praise from Sir Hubert Stanley. The Entente has at last approach ed Japan on the subject of Siberia. Japan must be smiling her quiet little Japanese smile at the thought ilut she always entented that they v'..'iilJ. k Si Georgia woman otters 100 j aires of black walnut limber to the Government, for manufacture into gun stocks, ".it any price the Gov ernment sees tit to pay." Here is ii ".mint lor vou. YlKKkl' M )'i . 1" I H K ,1 K Kl in i , I 4- H MIIK RAtlSIII SIIM.I'll'llliMN I'MI: Odc Y i'ui . i J ,y iiniili i-oMimi.l, tl .o. Hi I Muutlin, " : A weekly I'riiiinMutirjiuiiiml .IfYotctl u tlii niuli-nul. i-ilui'uliuual, pulttk'al and uiu'iiltiiial inliTf-NtH ut'llalifut and lurruutiilihi i'uuiiIivh. Advertising raU-M n-aHuualile tiiid fur uaheil uu application. 1 pledge allegiance to MY I'LAG and to the Hcpuhlic for which it stands, one nation in divisible with Liberty and Justice for all. Evfky day is Hjg day. Any draft that l:ncle Sum chooses lo draw will be honored. "Tui'Y shall not pass" and now they begin to realize it. The fuel problem declines to take a summer vacation this year. YHsandihe bumper wheal crop in America is something else that will "bump the kaiser." "Xokk or tight" is the alterna tive presented to us. Yes that is Ihe call to the untemtted. Hknhy Fokd running on the American licket, has the politions of Michigan running around in circles. According tu reports our marines learned a little German, limiting it lo " 'Kjus inn 'em" or words to that effect. Before the w.ir the Germans mad" the best maps, hut we won't have the maps they are trying to make nou . Evhky nine the hungry German soldier nukes a gjin of 100 yards lie asks, "is this Paris?" where he was promised a meal. Soldiers in Germany are very naturally beginning to inquire why they .slioulj be nude to serve as toys for the crown prince. Vi e wiil ne e r believe that there isascarcny of paper so long as the coinie luppleinent continues to challenge hih heaven. Tkoi'BLK is always brewing in Germany and Austria, but the brewers thereof do not seem to know how to place the product. A naval critic seems to attach importance to the Austrian fleet. There can't be much left of it. The little Italian torpedo boats have cleaned up the big dreadnoughts. A man has to die to settle the question as to whether or not he is an indispensab'e man, and very few men can stand the "tombstone test." Hungry lluu soldiers are here by notified ilut one American ma rine from Texas got so sioui after joining For the duration of the war; that he now hus to wear Ins wrist u.iiih on his thumb. "I l is tune for Kings to slick together," wrote the Emperor Charles, I'liloriunaiely lor Charles he has become so stuck, like Hrer Rabbit was lo the tar baby, that the lime for gelling free has passed. If our dark skin boys don't hur ry up they will not be able to claim the name of "Black Devils." The Italian Arditi are becoming known as "Black Fiends" and "Red Fiends" according to their fancy in color. It's the fashion in some quarters lo snear at "dandy soldiers" but the truth is that sort of man is al most always found in the front rank of fighters. I.N response to the request of General Pershing his men will b- furnished with sateiy razors, soap, hair brushes, comb, towels and tooth brushes. Some of these fine days the Kaiser will simultaneously discover that both the United States army and the well-known ocean are much larger than he expected. Hindenburg in the 'bughouse, the Kaiser gelling mushy over English prisoners, reopening of the bombardment of Kheims and the pee-wee blockade of this coast are all signs of the Hun disintegration. MOW'S THIS? We uiifi fur iiuudied ijuiiari Uewftrd fur any ruwuf Catarrh that cannot he cured ly IUH i iiunh Medicine. Hall' ( atairh M edict uo lian hctn taken ly ruturili mi tier era for the pant & ycaiK, aud hati bucuiuo Ituuvui m the mont rohahl remedy for catarrh. Hall'i Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on the Mufloui surfaces, expelling the FoiMon from the Bluoii and healing the diittrwed poition. Alter ou have taken Hall's Catarrh Medicine fur a short time you will see a great improvement in your general health. Start taking Hall's Medicine at once and get rid uf catairh. Haifa Catarrh Medicine is taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo, Ohi o Testimonials aeut free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggiaU. Hall's L-aiuily hills for Constipation Thk Kjiser must have been reading Wall NX'himiun on "loafing and inviting his soul," when he was writing Prom "amid my armies," He could lake the lines of Walt as a kind of mono: "I celebrate Myself 1 chant the chant of dilation or pride." MUST ACT QU1GXLT Thou Who Do Not Make Stateminti to Food Administration by July 11 Will Be Cut Off From Sugar tut Bliss. 'Hottla, Boarding Houses and Institutions Art Inoludod. Speolal Provision Fer Wholesalers and Jobbsrs. Raleigh All sugar dealers ana! all users of sugar. Including whole sale and retail men-hauls, hotels hording houses and restaurant, hospitals and other institutions and bakers will b able lo purchase luxttr after July 1 only upon eerliflatei funiinluM by he Food Administration after tiie tleHliTs or users have made Btaieui'MitH of their requirements to the Food Ad mm it rat ion upon blanks wh ieti are provided for this purpose. Tbnse who do not make such slate UK iiiM by July 16 will be refused any ccj t i rlcHtcci at all. In onitjr to prevent any interruption to the normal flow of rugar to the trade the Food Administration will tti certimates to the wholesaler and Jobb'Tit in order lo ftv them 3 dHVH supply of sugar Including Ihe supply they havt on hand already. It ig important that sugar shall se available for canning and preferring purposes at this season and It It tat desire of the Food Administration that ail wholesaler and jobbers shall lm mediately take steps to secure oertl flcateH for their 30 days supply of 8ursu After they havs used these ch titlcHteg thy will purchase sugar from brokers or retlnerlss upon rertl flratnn whub they will rerslre front rauller. Dealers Must Keep Rsoorde. All d'-ahTH are required henceforth to kt-ep an accurate record of all sales ef suKar, this record to embrace the name of purchaser, quantity and price. Every wholesaler, as well as retailer. Is required to keep these rec ords and every sound of sugar soil must be accounted for. The reoerdi are to be held subject to the lnspso lion of repressn tat Ires sf the foo4 Administration, or may se rsqulrs y county food administrators. RED CROSS NEWS. One of the loveliest gifis received by ihe Weldon Red Cross recently was a box of baby's woolens (lillle Charlotte Ann's) the contribution of Mrs. C. R. Kmry. Surely some little sick, thinly clad Belgian baby will be made more comfortable and happy by the receipt of these warm clothes, and the Weldon Red Cross wishes to express its appre ciation for this valuable contribution. It may be that there are others who can make a similar contribu tion, and if so, the Red Cross will be so glad to forward the same to the Belgian Relief Commission. The Red Cross workers in Bel gium say: "In Belgium the most touching things were the affection and confidence of the children in everything American. The chil dren could not get near enough to the American Red Cross uniform. They reached out to us, and were never so happy as when they could touch us or cling to us with their iinv hands," So. when we hnv nice, new warm clothes for our little ones, let s not forget those in Belgium who will be needing warm clothing, and who will be so grateful 10 receive what we have to spare. 1 1 SI Meat Must Be Sold Fresh meat is perishable. It must be told with! a about two weeks for whatever it will bring. A certain amount of beef is frozen for foreign shipment, but domestic markets demand fresh, chilled, unfrozen beef. Swift & Company can not increase prices by withholding meat, be cause it will not keep fresh and salable for more than a few days after it reaches the market. Swift 8c Company cannot tell at the time of purchasing cattle, what price fresh meat will bring when put on sale. If between purchase and sale, market con ditions change, the price of meat must also change. The Food Administration Kmits our profit to 9 per cent on capital invested in the meat departments. This is about 2 cents per dollar of sales. No profit is guaranteed, and the risk of loss is not eliminated. As a matter of fact, meat is often sold at a loss because of the need of selling it before it spoils. Swift & Company, U.S. A. " "ir Kisrth&Molin' Hate iftoiicge of fgrii r,. : uis ami : ill'.K jl ru . -. l,,.Jt ' r-'!' 1 nII, :-,- nil,-,-. I . ri r. in. in .i I I in. iii n ,il r I . ' ..I V, .. . I', Hill 1:11 f..r I. I.I..MH i. r lnil ik) pi'r m- ii. "nullum il. n I I U J. mi., I- li,v ,,l I ., II-il :ii! iviiv .Hi- .l-.-ll.-.l i I i.i. Iiimitrvd inn! fmlv - Ii, i. .mil! M.'n". Chti-'i.ni V- . i i; n,,.r H il .nil a to the i ,i ii . ;..,n in all im.i- llii' (li'iiiaini . i ... ,ii. j !ii,lii- ,in-li,,. Ut . :!.. ;.!:. In ..ililk-w r illilurlly hi' Iluy - ,:i: . vnrf. Ayr,, ui iir.il (.in nl- I , , :nif 'I hnulliei'lill. 1 ii:f- M.'-. -,. O ,, ., (..,; ii' ;,ni riiini-nl iiin-- .lll.lW i l-. . i. . - h i i-i.r i.tv ill II1IM'. Ill ii riii..,.s. Nil- Vnik tin war, i ,., . , i il,,- Ii. II. I' li. iviir-i- if I,-. U.'t.liin-, fi. r lliilli ii tu nri-ilv bni. l.i ....- i.li .h nil ltl,ili). Itritular 1, 0 0 K ! UTZ & DUNN'S SHOES ! i , i ,1 s.., tl,l i . 1 1 1 in-.-1 '-Ii.-ii i !' i l-'n-tt iti.l I ii ccaor: ,1-. I'n 1 - t- iilli i;i i-li- i'lk r.-nii!i'tril. I I i h Ill.iiik.. Klitc i Mvitistrar. -30t-l,-, TOL.10I . aoot No 2, $3.50 per hundred. No. 3, $4.50 per hundred. MASON .JARS ! Pints, 85c. per iozen; Quarts, 95c. Idozen; li Gallon, 1.10 dozen. EASY SEAL. Pints, 90c. dozen; Quarts, $1 dozen; l2 Gallon $1.25; Extra Caps, 45c. dozen; JELLY GLASSES, 65c. dozen. Willey-Moors Hardware Co., WELDON, N. C. rum 1, i JllU I ARTIES that want ko,J "'ir -'an get same by carrying their wheat to Single's Mill at Hmporia, Va. We give quick service. A A SLAGLE, LMPORIA, VA. WAR COURSES In response to the Government's all f.T -iv.i.illy trained men the University is oft'eritic. in a-Urnon tu its regular courses in Academic, Civil, Qiaiiiul, hLvtru-.il, Highway and Mining Engineering, Law, McJicmc and I'harmacy, Special WAR ENGINEERING Courses and Military Training un.ler l '. S. AKMY IN SENIOR DIVISION OI-TICHRS UESIiKVE TKAINING CORPS. Graduates Eligible fur ConmiKMons. Be Ready When I he Call Comes. For Information rite UiEisiTYOF floury CjihoLiM CHAPEL HILL. N (.. mmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmaBi urn Every Dollar deposited with us is safe guarded by approved and up to date methods. livery patron of this hank is accorded courteous treatment and the most liberal terms consistent with sound banking practice. II you are looking fur S.il'eiy and Service in a banking con nection start an account with us. M. F R K ID'S 36 Inch White Voile, lovely quality, 25c. to SI the yard. 36 Inch Fancy Striped and plaid Voiles, Batiste and Flanoni, il and SOc the yard. 27 Inch Fancy Vollet, Crepes nnd I'laxonj 18 and 35c yard. J6 inch All Silk Marquisette several patterns. 65c the yard. All grades ol silk, Including the white and turquoise wash silk, lor skirts, waists and linearis. Another new leatur ust added to our line Is the "STANDARD NI:MO CORSET." Vou conserve both health and money when you wear them. M. FREID, LADIES AND GENT'S OUTFITTER, WELDON, N. C. is 501 S)-aasasaaass(a jS4.50j T O - J) A Y There are thousands ol men wearing V . L. D. Shoes. And there must be a reason. Perhaps, It's )ust the swing ot the toe or the "feel" o! the leather or maybe lust the stltchlnR but the differ ence Is there and in every pair of W. L. D. Shoes is so noticeabla that you'll see It the minute y out puona pair your feet. Douglas Shoes for Men and Boys are made of the finest (trades of leath ers and they are made by on ly the most skilled shoe makers. tS T J I W.. L .DOUGLAS You'll find them as near perfect a shoe as can be made. FARBER & JOSEPHSON, Mens and Boys Outfitters WRLDON, N. C $6,001 DHasassaoaass(( jS7.00j ossi Report of the condition of Citizens Bank, at Halifax, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, June litis. t RESOURCES Loan ind discounts, f.'o.TS:, 'n (Ivrnlrsftn, 13i.:l.". Kiiniiture snd Fixture 1,-117 II Itt'vruue SUmrm, :J iui from Nstiousl Kankn ;tiia 7;' (Rnh Items beld over 4 hours t ('.nil n.mi eoin currency NalMinsI Hsnk sml uther t . . Nol, 'Jim ii I IMilUTIKS. I ill'Hill li-'. to 1 T.-.'llj.llO I i.ilni.l. l I'a.His, Ichh current, i' 1 i'1'iisi'K u,i (j,,,., ,sll aii. .w Ilill- .:iv:il..- U.IHm.lllp I p u.it. .iii,, ,. 1,, cli-ck 'I 1117 III '"'" l" i"-ii., B24.U7 1 n l.iii.i In t ... oiiuiftinliuir I 4- ! )k r $ 1 1 id HI . Mb! KiUl, ti.M,ni.ou iniiii. .ll.VH SUte ot North Carolina. 1 miniy nt' lluliian. July , lDix. I, ('. K. Hale, ('SHliitr of the abovt'-iittini'il l.aii. ilu Mili'iniily awear llml the above Htatemeot is true to the bent of inv K n.ivvlritu-.' an-l I n f . r. II. MALE. l'aliin. SiibHcribed and aworn to before me,thtn I t 'oinct-AttrHt: Htlt day ef Jttly. IDIH. I MAl.s NOItilAN, W. P. COPPE1K1E, .1. It. MHi'MAN, Notary Public. I W. A. W I I.I.C11X. Director". Finds Pleasure in Doing Without to Support Our Soldier Boys. "I did not think that I could eat cornbread till after the war started, and I thought I could never do without dessert and iced tea," wrote a woman to Slate headquarters recently. "But now I am doing without it and am glad to be able to give up more than these things to be able to help support our soldiers. 1 am now paying for a Liberty Bond and have pledged 10 buy one hundred dollars of War Savings Stamps before the year is out." FISK N0N-SKID TIRES A real investment on which you realize full value in mileage and Fisk Service, with an initial price that is attractive. mm Motor Company WELDON, N. C. FOR THOSE WHO PREFER IHE BEST. p aTItis ' Home-Made Pies, Hot Chocolate, (Whitman's Make) Tomato Boullion Sandwiches, Coffee. Lynnhaven Bay Oysters on the Half-Shell For Those who Prefer The Best. M.C. PAIR i Confections. Toilet Articles, Fruits, Clears, Medicines, Complete l uncheonette In Connection. fOrt THOSE WHO FRIFIH IHE M o o CO CD 4 o 2J CD W CD ! CD i You never know anything about the Z.1 ffV High Cost Problem when you trade at fX ?Liberto'sStore3! Bring: your nlckles and dimes to us where they will bring; par value-A I. W A Y S . . . X w ill iii n We trlm ProfUs to the sniallest (Impossible margin. Come to see us t II ou wi" be surprised at the many 1t II "ck-csury nriiLtes you snouiu nave at 5, 10 and 25c. UBBttTU'S 5-i0-25r. STDhE K Weldon, North Carolina. if) to i vi i 1