54 Health About Gone Many V--wands of women s.'.-.m.i. from wonuiiiy Uouliet have been benefited by the use of Cardui, the woman's tonic, according to tellers we receive, &n.i...ir t. this one from A'.-s. Z. V. S;icll, olll.iyne, N.C. "1 could not stand on my feet, are! Just buffered ten:l)ly," she says. "A., my f.uf feruiK was : o i';c 1, ar.il he tiad tried vV e re' i'- dies, Dr. had i;s get Cardui. . . I bnyti improvi!!'. rmd it ctmd me. I know, and my doctor knum, what C ir dui did for me, tor my nerves and health eie kbout gone." TAKE iRF5! The Woman's Tonic 5 She writes further: ' I am in splendid health . . . can do my work. 1 feel I owe it to Cardui, for I was in dreadful condition." If you are nervous, run down and weak, or suffer from headache, backache, etc., every month, try Cardui. Thousands of women praise this medi cine for the cood It has done thetn, and many physicians who have used Cardui successfully with their women patients, for years, endorse this medi cine. Think w hat it means to be in splendid health, like Mrs. Spell. Give Cardui a trial. All DmarorUfc fut D sW JT. fh 11 VL ULi H'l Ll WONDERFUL STUFF! LIFT OUT YOUR CORNS Apply a few drops then lift corns or calluses off with fingers no pam. Vii lniiTtlni;' Anv corn, vvhfllur Km!, p.. It fif l-.-t tVM.I .',. t.H'r,, Will U...H.-II n'lil iii j i r t -1 lii! nut, witlii'Nt a mrticln nl 1'iiri t ''!' iir. 1 i i- .I.-ul' i- nll. fr. .-.'..fi.- nrt-i h rt riiiiuii I i'f i tiiiT ili -i'iHiThI . a ( in- fil.T'lti "Mil A-k Ht urn liii': -t..i.- f..r a -mill I...HI.- f fr--. .tlii'li will f.wt f-ilt a tritti', I. lit U -tHi'it i. nt t,. n, nii.'a f t of v. f mr all'i-. i'lii H f. i ilf-ii-j JifclK 1 1 p. mi :iny I. 11.1. r, fid ! - r,. ., .., , ;,lin'-. In .(,uiUy I he mirt'iH - li-.t'ifir- :ifii -(writ, flit; t'1 'Hi .-r ft !: - ill It..'- ii ;if:,l . .in !.f lilttll ftf Wl'l -r t;!" r- '! In- li tis: i' i- -I-- ,.. --n't t-:it nut the 'tin .r i-jiUii- . -hri I- I h. m .tii- itit i v i'i ' in itrii.ii i',. ,iirr..i.;.:ii:' -l;:ti. Iiirtt think' .i I'iiiii ;it ;til, in- rniv n.'tJK nr r-n::iitin l..'ii j t T f ' "r .it'tt'i'w ir.l. ilnt.';:i't tlmi'l li.ive f if .mi- '; .ii: .ii'.l.T it fur v. ii. !Ui i i AnjAppetizing Meal Everybody wants it. Everybody likes it. Everybody's looking for it. HUT You ran t get it unless ou have the right kind of groceries. (Jet 'em HI; RE ! Phone 280. R. M. PUKNELL, Weldon, N C. D. SWIFT k CO, PATINT LAWVrRS, 303 Sfvmlh St., Washir-rtmi. D P.. lkjjl)H!:j Eases h::i Imnliini through the flesh and quickly rflops pain. Demari'l a liniment that you can rub with. The beft rubbing liniment is MUSTANG LINIMENT Good for the Ailments of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. Qooi for your own Aches, Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc. 25c50c$l. At all Vn-A -r VMM. I I . ii -j unmitniimTf a trd murlni-inrt.-.. ri.-'ii-r,.M"i. .1 i... Sj ri.tn,n fr FREE STAnCH r-t n S PATENTS BUILD FORTUNES f-r B mill Mtt Hid ni. iiir Wi ii.- i.titAv. K' AN APPEALTOALL PATRiOTICWflMEHi Mrs, Thomas J. Preston. Jr., (Formerly Mrs. Grover Cicve- j land) Urges Women of j Nation to Stand Firm. I "We can w.n If America eat; be held :llltl li !l -jWsJlV '.'lii 'lit' Wit- . 'r t.t' Anit'i ii it luu UvUl Iinr siml- ! tinll. AtiililiM nil j jil icnWf I In; wviii a J if Aiifi-:. .t sl...,i,.t ! I u ii i i i r a. .ii. 'i Hl.Hril, ' s.t Jil i. Until I I !. ir. (p i . i : Mi-, riv-i i'llr 111 III, .N.Tlir- S.T J.Pslun.Ji ' ii) l.t'lliilll' H..IK Ma- w ii h I In til si utiiiuih !, in-, (inn' a nii'iiiLer ut Hit- l.t'iifciH's .Nulii'iuil l,x t't iitnt' Ct.iiitiiiiit'i', iti.il i sri'i'i'iiii.t "t lllf l.i'iuut's t't'lliiullft't; oil I'd 1 1'iiM l.Hllj 1'lii'uiiii i;.in, ;iijuii Mis. I'ltSt-.hS lllt'DMIt1 tl" tilt' '! iiifii u ilif tuiimiy ivii.n in full; "Proclaim Llbeity." " i'l'ucliiiiii l.il.t-i-ly llir.iiili.ini ALL T1IK I.AMJ unto nil ll.u inhuLiiaiita llnri-uf.- " l lifsi.' vnr.ts wwc wriih ii kImmiI HVmi jiri l.i'fdre Christ, us i-u t .if ilk' l,u .if HnMlteMi In lilt- )-.'' k of J.eiUk-ii8, Km- fHiln-rs iim.rifi.il iliiMu iii..ii tlif l.llit-rij lU-ll wlii.ii culi."l uur iniKlil.v tiallmi lulu life. "TiiiIii -nil ilio liilmttlrimts' enjoy lll.enj, Hie Jt-w uikI the liciitllc, i lie rlfti uuil tliu (..ir, the native utnl Hie ulleli-liorn. (lit- vvt'uk uii'l Hie stinii. Th ol.l LHmtij- lit-11 U Mli-m, f..i ut Milt-? hus tiet'U heiii'U 'llir.Milii.iil iill tlif laml. "Hut Liberty Is not safit. It 1 111.11 flfU along (ho buttle fronts of in.iny naii.rtiii, uur 011 among them, mid America requires a new motto for her old lttll: 'Proclaim liberty through out ALL LAN 1 18 unto nil the iulKiti itantji thereof.' Until liberty Is mu f In all lun-Is, It can not he safe In our own. Heue the task to whh-li Airtrr lea has reverently and unselfishly ded icated herself. "Make Motto Real." "The Fathers of thlg Republic, nin of many races, with a common love of liberty, wrought into law uur undent motto, thus giving liberty a chance to vnllgliten thu world. "Today we, their dest-emU-nts, are culled upon to make real thu new muttn, and tints to give liberty tie mi'lNputed right to bless the world. "This can be done but only after heroic struggle mid self-neriiiiv. A I'reiuiuure u-nee would in.-nn future. Il noilhl be only les iliiist roii limn eoiiil'lett (left'jtt. Au:iillt all tenipia ttons to C(.iii.'oiuise t In. w uiiifii of America (should stand firm and indted, "Peace and Safety." "Victory means fence mul safety for our chll'lren; defe.ii ni.'uns hu itiiliatiMii mid I'ractb-al M-r it u U for t belli; While a HUB"'? latnl peace, with the military m.irhlne of I'mvin un bnilicn. menu that ewr.whin;; hi their llvex iiiiist be suhonllniileil to the task of pivpuriiij.' for an. .ilicr ur with ' M-riiiiiny. We can win now if Amer ica can be ht-bt ite:i'!fast iiik) tui--wervtnp, an.l the im-ii ..f A'eertea call hold ber Hlendhi!." MONEY I NCO EREI) HIM. (Unco Uny-l t.dl v.- t!i ii- tnr ain't in. I v V jn! !.M.k'i. 'That's tun La.l wani.'t tu ay him sniin' hhuh'V I nwn hiin." ( Mlicc Hny 4,Vuit ti sn'mnl, I'll limk aojain." Are You One of Them? Then- arc a irient in mv p. ..ph- v I10 would be very uiuel. beiielilcl by al-mir ( 'liainberlain'N Tiibletn for : r:tk or ilisorilcred tiiin:icll. We you otn- of them" Mil M. II eaii. ::il.KMn-ville, N Y., rclatcv lier experience m the ue ot these tablets' " I had a l l -pell uitli my stomach about m month ,txo and was trtuibleil fur two or thu t weeks with iras and painn in the pit uf mv Momaeli. Our .Inurifist ad imm! me to take ( 'liamt.ei lam's Tablet. 1 took a bottle h.iine an.l the lift dose relieved me wondei fully, and I kept 011 taking t i if 111 until I was cuted. I iiee tabb-tH do not relieve pam, but aft. r the pam ban been relieved may prevent iN ie eutreuce. TtllNUS TO REMEVUM'H The tickets. Your umlirella. Your hank balance, Tho point of the story. A ivrtain party'H birtlnlay. What the string on your tirt 1,'k'r is for. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of A PIOUS TH01K1HT. (Inn of our lifir'H unihitioiiH is lo HfUri' out Holnn schi'lii( wli.Tiihy wi-ran cost our wife's motlwr Bomi'thinK.pii'forvlily a (ood deal. SAYS LEMON JUICE WILL REMOVE FRECKLES Qlrltl Mak this chtap beauty lotion to dear and whttan your tkm. Squeore tho julc of two lemon Into a hnttin eunta i.iiitig three on neon of orcliard white, ihake well, and ynu have a quarter pint of the bent (ret-kin and tan lotion, and complexion beautiti.T, at very, very email cot. Your fjrocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will iupply threw ounce of orchard white for a. few oente. Mwntiie thii eweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hand i each day and see how frecklea and blemishes dinappear and how clonr, aoft and white the ikin becomes. Veal It la harmlaaa M - V ' ' if a HEALTH IS WEALTH B m Health-hygiene, f STATE 30ARD OF HfTirlym's Ignorance Is Eliss Ev:y Individual aliovp tin- nmroD .'llfet huu liltt own not U Hi tjout !iy giene and lieahlt If i.ut Hseii vii-ws and iiimmiux on the diiigunsiri mul Ireiit mant ot huuian aihih'iits Thin i Just htiman miture All uiHi.kuid lovt-s to eii'erinieut tli-mi Wt. l.KiHlatnrs aie hm annimiU'im iusti iiitiun. S'tiin a ItKh(h-r plrtiiM tu ic troilncn a lull no hniit'p tu finii t'-.l nun liiw. he striven to Riak- il e.m fur tit tu (he i in -n it ti Mon U ili tuia tmti 1st id :i!iv liniuu'tfllli u iie nt'i'kn Ir-tinl Hilvu-e .tlK'Ut the woi'ihntf itinl teni nf In- lull Nwi- li.tviua mintied lifcW H, III-. 'It tit" ! ' illUt itrt nut I vitlufitil Milt WllHI ,t I" truiliut' a lull .iftV Hiik I hit t'ljntilut'iilrj, dei In LOOK BENEATH THE STAMP. Yeur Hatth li the Most Precious Thing That You Can Possibly Ponseu. Do Not Trust It in the Care of a Faker. doitoih a hmit tlie I'Ui'.iose of tin law" No, he flreri right ahead and put the 1 .1 w on the statute houks Legislators are an unoiua'y Wi:li out having oven a lumKo aii: knowl dfe-e of tho subjeet of health and hy giene thoy feel euraptUunt 10 111; ke law.- rsulatlng or afl'et tltig tli - vital matter. And in the estit-iation of the average politician the n.lvit-e an l opinions rf an uiimIu a'ed or ha'-f hkktnl healer who has a sum s t . m to Hiploit fjulre as wetgjiy and in fluential us the advli e or opinion oi a Uian skilled in thf art ot previ'utinK antt i-uriiiK dheakO. Thu? it happ--ti' that the title "Footor." a A bv lo-.,!eis, i.u Iomk er t if - t',-!i,-' "I luitoiV arf P fi- HEALTH IS WEALTH C3 'HEALTH BOARD Just Warts You've hfard wunl words, wordn whn-h nui'k the s'n-.igth out of what you have 10 nay? Well, we have before ua tbl evotniig a pole eat word, a word iHd to dof'eti stuptlon or dis tract attention. For iimtane, the pole cat -.peelal.st" u!u i lnvaiiuhly anon vinous and alwaya "p.-rfeotlng" wond' rfui i.fw r.-tu dii'fi, urges you to "imt not an oun. 1. of- ttnd YOU go aiJ gl tl We ! tiuw miglny little EVEN A FROG HAS SOME SENSE. If You Are Troubled With Warti. Don't Take the Chancee of Blood Poison by Careleat Treatment. Have a Goad Phyeician to Cut Them Out for You. ahuut warm, hardly enough ta vonture a titlk about thorn with an apotogv to the beautiful and inoftonslve animal aliove Uhviled. ciittile thu talk 'Juki Warts." .laila-sohri inserted raifmaiits roiiimoii or vulvar warts from four pa-1 th-i ts in stiiifi'tlriHl !n.uHtni uf the j kin hi uix ftdultR. Uit of M'ventv-four : Inoculation , tlilrtv thie wtro follow-! ed in from two to -o iiio'iilm by the diM elopmniit of waits, according to ivil. p in: Thi Biipi" to show that warts n :it be caused by nmr rfperlflr mlrrooia'ilm A wait may be cu ildered a neit of bacteria, In yotniK people wnits are only a nuisance Whan warts come on th kin of flderlv people, or people of middle an. they eeein to have a laud inij to break down Into little ubari which presently urov to be cancer ous Hence, though a young person mar dally with warti. any elderly per twn had baiter nnt. Bvud all (ueHoii the sweat, Mfit, leaet trouble nom way to din pot ( ft wart t liv i-utiiiiH it out. ua ir local aiieothesla. and hrlnftag the edges of the littie wound todniher with a stttch In order to pre van' vtslhb' rar Oreanlonally warti arc ttihrtvular, acquired by handling tubercular tar ca-Nfrt or hid mi itumheis. etc) and seiaettmfH lctpilred hy phymctani and student Hi the dlAeetliig 10001 T'te teaeon why children rame mu eial have waits than adults Is thai chitdran Indiscriminate! haadle ev erythUif nd naturully rate Vn wash Hi sir hands. WarU ko with umleno li lt eat, and not with undue familiarity Nature is the only artist capable ot producing a perfect picture of health. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASsT.ORIA Hi. nie in mx ",iif r i MtihtiijF or nil ! w'elu or hI. luhiuii". Aiul tlio grand I oM imbiiL- dee- n't ! tn-w th.1 tli!Trenca. AM "do. tuts" look allki- to tli r.lclt ' man. I It U strai'He. Nowliei" dovn a ehar liitKii tjtiture to prflttlie law without Hr-rt (MinlifviiiK tnr Uif riklit. h'vftrv- luli.tr, tin. nlYnM.. i-I-i.ir.tr ( rt .uiiiueta liis tiuailnx huKiti'Th jii an equal (Oot ulr with the letflfimat praetuiutter. Hi-alt h and l;fe ar ilu-ap eomn.o 1!tit'!. Tiir wlii. li t:o one la xreatly eon . erne.l Mm proporfy U vahinhle and uiuft li prutv teil If ytui (leiire tu ct-t irstg the lioabng liuin-Pf hut l.idt the tlmo or Inclina tion tu ilmniy flla yiatt or mory la lifHjianitltm, un dmnamlod ly the utatttr tln-n Just call v,iui'ptlf n "uoii-mediral t'ml an x i tl'ictor" - he puic to tin 1 nil lliy "doi; itui'" for V.: i' i-i flu ujitti -e-atiie (9 s- k:4 to ii ! ouiilic cotiil-le'i. e- and m-V'T tulml ihs (f ln-al'fi -f ; law. So loiu .f '"U fffliurc i.'thtf .--tc-ult tl,. I n-nii'ilial liicn iircri flnr, dniKf In youf inni tiie you 1 an put it over all right. 1 ti average dUtrUt attoiuey will go to any extnmnty to i va.le the duty the iluty of piost'i'iitiiiK an ilh-Kal pruo-tltiont-r. "M'-di.'iue " The all-wise ruutta me still winiiKlhiK ovt-r the s lni lUatir of the word There niv 11 lot of old fori ills on ;li.- Ii.-ii, Si wlto ii fr-t that the "prjiftict of ni-'illi'ine" iih-:i'h i!ip giv itiK of tli u.-. in .-pi:i' oi ilie fart that lilin- tlMli. of a phv-ii ianV tturk U other than the prefliiibliig of drugtf. As lonu as thi sort of ijulbljllng ro niMhu sound kiU ense. Junt so long ! will thf puldlc he dm flved by the nu merous incnnipftent and pretender who vitihi'tltnf Intrlv tnk- upon fheni u'lve the title of ' doctor." OFHSATjiCjfii'j with toada. fiomotimoa a crop of wrts on the hands may he eleared up Ijy ocraston ally palntluK the whole' affected iur faee with half rermh lode (half tincture of iodide aod balf alcohol, xay. ouee in fvur or fjvt dftys, aijd . Hglouply seruhbing wltb loop and. wa ter sf-veral times a day to diacoiirrwr inlcrcbys Eipoeura to eualijrht is aU a cure In mahy rasas. Conducing th aun'a rays upon a wart wtth a reading KlfiM every dav. ur V the llpitt of tol erance, win clear H tip aftr a tUna. When too many watf art nreient to attempt tho removal ot eflh Ualon. a taw X-ray treatments will mmallV de stroy them. A multiple growth Of warts on unexpose skin fi bA at tai ked by th" turrotte uadar ether Thre are as many sure cwres for wnrts as ther. are vjPttmji df art. Acids or unties and other Irtttanth are unwise, tieraua thast are Often pain ful, usually uasatisJaotory Trt ors times Muparontly productive of fitiff n.mt change In the lesion (cancot). Moist warts, about moit sairfacsjs, may be ck-wred up by eareful elepatt ness. and bsthir.g with one drm oi toanln acid tjt)lvd jj, tWee Oulel of alcohol, then powderlsg waH wltn Imrtc arid or jlpc etearata The region niunt bv kept dry. Quettleni and Anawera. Mixs A J : Is there aay safe way of remoTlng frechlai? Aiifwcr F.r h! Whn.li ttrc irwii j tiponiif if, Ulfc llltl fhg WfllQ rif rnrii-i'itiir maat' to r i flkllUAM' sKin 11 preteetii The sUfa hit wiU Tflltvie 4iHi4 Wltfi ut D4v mitvefl bv tuih m;i mrv4 - v thA Qsrkct. Wot5le toe uun ninciiB cut v.iv hi, hwvf, to W nifcy in nferaUe. k T. ErTeSTyoa ttH me tha cause of an ertargoQ httk ot t&t W to ana how it e M cwedf Mr. M t IT Tt U ft for fartlehnnn? tt aajHta fo nirt to travel, bat I alWyi Wwt fullv elek Anewer- Ohrfiiilc. iii st'Iinsn mrjp 1 are tiftinrnt to tlmei a Jur en ttiat t'i w-t'i, .fci si- tni4iM li mi p,.eiti-jfi. the evpHjuaooh of fijld u 1 umv, aie. .tioi4T 'ins ' eiaeea irnpr nif.ufn or Valiitt 8. A.: Plena eugl-et a remedy for pin worm In chlldrea. in wfvnii r unuHily m. n nti-w,6ify Ths fant- ttff uhysllsn nouM os consults Cause of Despondency. ItoMpondcncy is often caused by indi geilion and constipation, and quickly disappears when Chumberlato's Tablets arc taken. These tablets strengthen Anewer Th QltrMtiet .i-y h 4vtt t-. many oausA tk Hum lmfaf hjitig rheunfstiain, giy jJTii i j -f the grot t..i fri lVlr a f ur-erly hnfl (m. Yof fnay ie fofih IM fiom a bur'ffi rVSvl'f h "tftM eraTen cSi..g. iTUp t 'jggl wauia probitjlv hftto tr'f'lKitiSj f4 the digestion aud more the bowels. m 1 Of Accounts Audited and Allowed by the Town Board for the Fiscal Year,May 1,1917 to April 30,1918 May 7, IMI7. It. Dolce, nulae '-. 4(l Pixuit A I'uole, lumber I U t'ltirk A Miller, fhoeing horse I Hi) Cheek A ('lurk, street sweepiug I 7-"i niilli A Ko'Utrtl, d ravage, l- 14 I'leree-Whitchcad lldw. Co.mdHe -ti llaniMUis Inc., to die, i.s .'.' Hairy Smith, telepliooe A labor 1 1 It. Hall, tnijld police, iw , stiiniri't. mipl water winks h'i bft 1 iro. V ilhiiuiH. lal'otci 011 W I. Scott, Ircu-uici, V2 i'o ,1. V. slt-.L'f, eleik If. mt A Ii-x t In atliiiiii. hfUYi-ugcr, HI ihj 1 .co (' lii-eti, mayor In' Ii7 ('. I.. Kveictt, duel police, TO HI Total, HI7 JH June -4, 1017. Weldon l.ne Stock Co., home $lltl w tieo. Haley, ovcrchaige tax - tk 1'ieice WliiU lu ad Hdw. t'o. mdse 43 M llarrifous Inc., alum iS 'St Cheek A Clark, reut of team 4 00 Hco. C tiieen, expfiiHt' of trip, 'Mi 'Mi Manufacture licun. Adv. lioaril, -" 7a Tlioniscti t liemical ( 'o. hme H 00 Miiilli A liodwt-ll. drayae, i?!t -3 K. II. Smith, eienMe "! 01 Weldon iro. Co. 33 4'i Willey-MooieCo. nule 14 00 ,1. 11. Sledtie, notary nervico .70 Lucius tiiceu. Herviee 'A 00 lr. 1. V.. (iiecti, salaiy J year 2.r ot) I, . Hall, nn: 111 police 30 t'U .. stimifer, Hiipt water works Ki t0 lieu Wdliams; laborer 35 OU W. I Scott, treasurer, t -f0 .1. K. sleilge, clerk lo 00 Alex. Cheatham, sea vtt tiger 40 ihi C. h. Kverolt, duel police 70 00 Total, $744 July 2, 1917. K. L. llayward, printmg 3 N. C. Board of lle'illh, tax Hi Kverett Waddey, leilger, 0 Itixon A I'oole, lumber, Hfl llatclielor Hioh. work 4 Austin Wentern Koad Machinery Co., iwceper 4-" mith A Kodwelt, drayage 10 11. II. Smith, street work, 70 Kuanoke Hivcr Dev. Co. light and pump tl:i3 l'ietce-Whitehead Hdw.Co. mdne Ilarrell's Ttg House, printing 4 Chockoyotle Hnck Co. brick 14 Lonnie Clieathani, rehali 4 Harrisons Inc., alum, tH It S. Hall, night police Stringer, hup water works Hfi (eo. Williams, laborer, 35 W. I.. Scult, treas 1- .1. It. Sledge. Clerk IS Alex Cheatham, scavenger, 40 C. L. Kverett, chief police 70 am Itailey, tux rebate :t C. (iieeti, niayui, salary May and June 33 Total, II 737 li,", August 7, 1917. Harrmout Inc., alum lllki 00 V. 11 Smith, expense 4I .) O 1'eviiCM, lumber 10 (tt tnith A Kodwell, drayage A fit 'J3 m Weldon (ito. Co. feed 4H 11 Clark A Miller, sboeiujr i -0 Tierce Whitehead lldw. Co. tudse 4 h3 Home Telephone Co. services 4 (K) Walker Kvans A t'ujrwell, record 11 10 K. K. Her. Co., lamp J 00 .1 liSli'djre, expense 1 00 l; s Mall, niiilit police :i0 00 (' Is Kverett, chief police 70 00 . Sliiiitfer, supt ater works Ki t0 (ieo Williams, laborer 30 00 W L Scott, treas lii Oo Alex Cheatham, scaveutrer 40 00 J ItSlcdjre, clerk 10 00 (ieo C (ireen, mayor 10 Of! W T Shaw, tax lister . .10 Total, $eii H7 September 4, 1917. (ieo C (ireeu, mayor 10 06 K. Cheatham, eavenifer, 40 (y W I. Scott, trean !, 50 C L I.verett, chief police 70 00 '. Stringer, supt water works SO 00 Us Hall, nik'ht police 30 00 A W Andletou, clerk 10 00 Koauoks News, adv. HI 00 K V ('raver, mdse ','0 00 Harrell's l't(f House, printing; ii 05 lixon A I'oolo, lumber 3 00 (ieo Williams, laborer 30 00 A W AndletOD, stamped enyelopea 10 GO Smith A Kodwell, hauliug 3 15 Harry Smith, labor on etreet 1 00 I'ierce Whitehead Hdw. Co.mdse 2 S4 Total, 44 80 October 2, 1917. 1'ierce-Whitehead Hdw Co.mdse tl OC Weldon J'tir Co. tax booka H 00 Thomsou Chemical Co. mdae lo 00 Uoanoke l(, J ev Co. limits ti33 4o M " . "5 lampa a 5o llurritsoiiM Inc. alum 130 00 II (i Uowe, record in (r births H (10 W eldon (iro. Co. mdse 40 .V Clark A Miller, shoeing bora 1 Ml V. II Smith, eipeiiNfl 16 00 Smith A Hod well, account 40 H-i A W Audlelon, iiiakiuK tai books 10 (In K H Smith, salary 1 year UO OU - ieo V (ireen, mayor H) (Ml A V Audietou.cterk l.'i (Ml . stringer, supt water works HTi on C 1. Kverett, chief police 70 00 W I.Hcott, treas U AO li H Hall, miflit police 35 00 (ieo Williams, laborer 36 E Cheatham, scavenger 40 00 A W Andletoo, ex, on ttc. book ,76 Total, 1 267 3ti November 6. 1917. Home Tel, Co. services 4 0U Weldon I'tgCo, printing h 00 Harry Smith, account. MJ 42 rierce-Whitehead Hdw. Co mdie 20 41 Harry Hmith, expense 18 50 Weldon (iro. Co. feed 31 o: Weldon Sheet .Metal Workt.mdse 1 25 Crane Co.mdse 2 10 0 L Everett, chief police 75 00 RS Hall, night police 35 00 Z Stringer, supt water works 65 00 Geo. William, laborer 35 00 ' Cheatham, aoarengar 40 0 WI, Scott, tteas 1J tieo C (iieeii, mayor 10 A W AndletoD.clerk 15 Total, flOO December 4, 1917. A W Andletoo, clerk 10 Harrisons Inc. mdne I'M Harry smith, expense horse 10 Clark Miller, repair, wagon and tthoeiiiK horse 15 ScIik Co. C sN I'uwder, 70 lieed, McCook, Hoyt, prof. serv. ifO Thomson Chemical Co. chein 11! . tn nicer, supt water works 0 (i ' (ireeu, mayor, id W I.Seotl.treaH ii CI- Kverett, chief police, 70 li s Hall, night police 3.'i Ceo Williams, laborer 40 K Cheatham, scavenger 40 Total, $01M 39 January 7, 1918 K II Smith, expense 4ti 70 Home Tel Co. services 4 00 J U Devries, lumber, 17 4!l Weldon (iro Co. feed, st cleaning 40 13 Austin Western Mach. Co U0 (H) Crane Co. indue 2 04 Hixon A I'oole, lumber 4 48 H K Hev Co. lights, ((33.4K C 1' Gore, phouecall .'JO Harrisou's (iarage, mdse 13U.0O W L Scott, treas 12 50 (ieo C. (ireeu, mayor 1(1 b7 C I Kverett. chief police, 70 00 US Hall, night police, 40 (to Z Stringer, supt waterworks 85 00 (ieo Williams, laborer 40 00 K Cheatham, scavenger, 4o 00 A W AndletOD, clerk 15 00 1'ierce-Whitehead lldw. Coacct 224 14 Total, l 404 03 February 4, 1918. H U Howe, recording births 18 50 Dixon A Toole, lumber 4 40 Weldon (iro Co. feed 23 96 Weldon I'tgCo. printing 2 00 Clark A .Miller, shoeing horse 1 00 K I lurontIeNemoursCo.chem 136 50 Harry Smith, exp and hauling 71 38 Pierce Whitehead Co. mdse 5 81 Z Stringer, supt water works HO 00 Geo Williams, laborer 40 00 Kverett, chief police, 75 00 K 8 Hall, night police, 40 00 (ieo C. (ireen, mayor 10 Ufl W. I.. Scott, treas 12 50 A W Andletoo, clerk 15 00 K Cheatham, scavenuer, 40 00 A C i R U., lease for hose 5 00 Total, $0W 71 March 4, 1918. Iiixon A I'oole, lumber Home Tel Co. service 4 K.l.lul'ont lie .NemoutsCo. acct 136 1'ierce-Whitehead Hdw Co. acct 9 Weldon (iro Co. feed 27 Harry Smith, coal, horse rent 71 (ieo K. Coyne, lime K (.'lark A' Miller, shoeing horse 1 (ieo C (ireeu, mayor 16 W h Scott, treas. 12 C L Everett, chief police 75 K K Hall, night police 40 'A Stringer, supt water works K (ieo Williams, laborer, 40 K Cheatham, scavenger, 40 A W Andletoo, clerk, 15 Total, $581) 57 April I, 1918. I'ierceW'hitehead Hdw Co.mdse 11 43 Weldon tiro. Co. feed 14 20 Harry smith, expense 39 20 I L Kverett, chief police 75 00 It S Hall, night police 40 00 '. Stringer, supt water works !kj 00 (ieo Williams, laborer 40 00 I. Chatham, scavenger, 40 00 W L Scott, treas 12 00 deo C (ireen, mayor, 16 06 A W Andletoo, clerk 10 (Ht (ieo C (ireeu, rebate on (axes 15 isi Harry Smith, salary J year 20 00 li K Dev Co. lights 033 4b Total, $1 007 RECAPITULATION. stay 1 Stl 7 Julie " 7H.7S .tuly " l,:i7.t5 Auituit " ttttli.87 Sept " 4i4.Wi Oct " t,-W7 3l Nov. " 4M.9-J Dec. " r.4.3 Jan. 1H1S 1,464.3 Feb. " 502.71 March ' f.8'J.57 April " 1,057.57 Total, 1111,0311,48 Water Collector's Report. Receipt! Mai 1st, 117 to April IIUlll, 1IMH. :l,43.B.S Hy aiut pd Treas. at per state. 8,3.GS A. W. ANDLETON, Collector Water Itenti. Approved: W. I. mtm; W. T. W1UTK11EAU, W.T. l'AKKKR, Kiuauoe Coumittee. Treasurer's Report. For year ending April Stlth, 111 It. slay 1 Hy 11 oo Hand V!,7.'iV.lU By amt ree. from water rent :l,4ttl.(i:i laiei 14,341.11 Bridge Bond s74.l " " " Town Map 1.U0 20,939 34 To amt paid out by Older of Town Board $10,080 48 To amt paid for in terest tt. bonds 2,10.uo To amt paid out water works bonds !l,4OU.0U To amt paid out curtail town note l,(iU0,uu To amt paid out for int. on town note 1U3.4U 11.1,731.88 Bal on hand May 1, 191et V-I7.4i W.L. wwr, Treasurer. Mayor's Report. Total No. cases tried from May i, 1917, to April 311, 1H18 V4 Total noes imposed and paid $2U0.5V BeipecUully avbmitted, OKO.O.OREEN, Major. FAST CAPOI .INI TEACHERS THAI '! iG SCHO'Ji A StJte school to train ttachers lor the public schools ol North Carolina. Every energy is directed to this one purpose. Tuition Free to all who agree to teach Fall Term begins SEPTEMBER 25, 1918. For catalogue and other Information, address ROBERT H. WRIGHT. President, 6 201m OREENVILLE. N. C. Ww SpEto 4LL You Em? You might get sick or hurt-be prepared for it You miRht want to make an investmentstart now. "Takes money to make money," you know You miflit be visited by thieves or fire-an account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one to jr-'t into. We oav 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts S THE BANK OF HALIFAX HALIFAX 1ST. O. N. L. Stedman, V rpsiilfnt P. C. Vtw PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WALTER E. DANIEL, Attorney-at-Law, tvtxno.N, n. t: l'ractiees in tlie courts of liulifai ana Northampton aud in tliu Supreme anu Federal courttr. Collections made in all parts of Nortii Carolina. Branch ottice at Halifax open every .Monday OEOROF. C. (IREEN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Ottice in (ireen Building Weldon. N. C. Wm, L. KNIGHT, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, WELDON, N. V. Ottice in the laniel Buililio((. liuHiueas promptly aud faithfully at tended to. li, B. HARRELL, Jr., Attorney-at-Law. WULDON, - - N. C. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjoin i uk counties. I'rompt attention to all buBiut'tm en t rusted to me. uince over Kick's Ji-welry Store. 11 9o'm ASHLEY B. STAIN3ACK, Attorney-at-Law, Notary Public. WELDON, - - N. C. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjoining couuties. I'rompt atttentioo to ail business entrusted to me. Ottice over M. C. 1'air's store. T CLARK Li ATTORNEY AT LAW, tVKLDON, N. ii ' radices id the courts oT Halifax and djoiuiug counties aud iL the Supreme court of the State. Special attention (riven to collections and prompt returns vv . j. w adT DKNTIHT, OUTCE IN liANlKLBUlMUNU WULDON, N.C sepl2 ly ,J H.W. HARRISON'S Go to HARRISON'S Mlll i ol Fur Automuhile Repairs ami Supplies. All'.indxof Machine work ilone Sta tionary, tiunoline, Marine and Steam Ktikriues, ((mix ami I'ntols Satisfactioo IfUHraiitiTil AUTOMOBILES Tires and Supplies on hand for sale II. W. ItAlililSON, Weldon, N. U, CUf fLOWEHS LL 0CCJSI0fiS KuHfK, ('ariiaiionti, Valhes.Violets and Drelndh the li-aders. Weddinif Flowers airanneit in latest art, rloial Uesigus, ar iMticail v arranged. Fall and Winter Bulbs Are Now Keady, Plant Barly for Best Results. Itiixehutihi'H, Kverirreens, Shtuhheries, shtilf Treed and Hedge I'lants to vari ous various at J. L. O'QUINN & COMPANY, I'lione 14!) RALEI'JH North Carolina. GREAT BARGAINS IN TVPEWITERRS. We carry a targe stock ol standard Typewriters, t an furnish at once Mon arch, Fox, Oliver, IteniitiKtuu, lioyal, Smith I'rfmiHr, L. I!. Hmith A Mm aud F nder wood. Any other make from fj tu .pi days' uutice. We have troth the Timhle aud the luvisihle. W e Ituught a latye sumMi oi inene ivpewrilers I ruin uue-lourlh tci one-lmlf the regular w hule sale pi ice, and uu saleuuM atuue-luurth lo uue hall the lugular retail prices. A guod Typewrite, lioui 7 jo to $16. A beltei oue (1? lh tu s9.5U. Th belt from tUU up tu any price W ill be glad to answer any inuuirv m connection with thesf machines, and send samples ol the work .loiie by auy ut the lype writers we have. Every buy and girl should have one of our cheap Typewri ters to leaiu how to use. Any person who can write well uu a typewriter can demand a large salary. Anyone who buys a cheap typewriter from us and wants a belter one later, we will take back the one bought aud allow the name paid for it in exchange far a better one, if returned in good condition and within six months, li not in good condition we allow the market value. We carry Type writer ribbooi and other supplies. SPIERS BROS. WELDON ,N. 0. -.1 .11 t SHOP Oregory, - frpsident. P. H. Gregory Caihiei New Quarters gjy Just moved into "'" our handsome rjew brick building; with a full supply of everything in Hardware for the farmer, the mechanic and the house builder. FLUliS! I:LUKS!! Now is the time to place your orders for Hues. I' want em. We make em. lWOWftE CO., Halifax, N. C. O. E. LEWIS. Manager. 3 18 8m OK Ul'-TO-THE MINUTE MILLINlfiY. FANCY UOOHS and NOVELTIES. Hutterict'a Patterns,; R & (J. Corsets, Misses at "fie. Ladies 7.rie. to $1. I'nees will be made to suit the times, flats and Bonnets made and trimmed to order. ALL MAIL OHIIKKS 1'KOMITLY HLl.hli. MRS. r. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. C,t SEND YOUR ORDERS FOR ALL KINDS OF PRINTING TO E. L.-.HAYWARD,! Weldon, N. C. 6 Largest Sloci id the South. WIisd in Norfolk eall on ns You mil find what you want and get it quickly. nuviug no canvassers, no s fill's commissions are ad ded to our prices. This ena ahles us to use tirstclassma. terial and linish it properly , We Pay Freight and Uuarantt Safe Arrival THE COU PER MRBLt VVCRIIS. ((13 years in husiness.) lHm Hank r"t. M l;it4k,VA Sow Wood'i Seed. Cow Peas After Harvesting Grain Crops Fsrmsrs should make s,sry prsp aratlun lo sow all tha COW PEAs psaalbls afur hsrissllng grain crop, thla star, as as to Incens tha fsr tlllty sua produttlisnssa of thslr lands for crops to follow. Tlie Sowing of Cow Pew at the Latt Working of Corn la also to ba strongly rsoommsndsd Farmars who hs.s praotlosd this claim that tho sowing of Oow Pssi In oorn Incrsassa tho ylsld of corn an at tho ssms tlmo It makss a moat dsalrabla soil - Impeo.lng 0e forage crop. Wrlto foe "WOOD'S CHOP nation about all tsasonabls Scads T-W. Wood & son,; svtioaaitw. . mohmond, va! Q3 .1 A-sjfcsilii's itAmiAiitmmtmM--if 1 'sieWsta-:,,,, j hs