'J ' eJ 1 aall 1 ""3 ESTABLISHED IN 1806. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$1.5C Vtr Mtnuui VOL. LIU. WELDON, N. C, THIIKSDAY, .WLY 18, 1!18. NO. 10 Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been In use for over over 30 years, has borne the signature of All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. r What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age Is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has keen in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS pBears the In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought Get The Habit E3PBuy for Cash. Save'CH 7the pennies by buy-"X3 ing at W. T. PARKER & CO, Wholesale Gash Store WBLDON, N. C. iiifuiilaiiuliidiiiiiiiriiiiiipiiii)' MAM.'r'ACTUKKKH OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TOOHDF.K AND Midi :i.AK HTOl'K SIZES, flood Materials, High Grade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. THE Dining Room should be a cheerful place for when you eat your meals amid pleasant surroundings you do much to aid digestion. And good digestion means health. HAVE US FURNISH YOUR DINING ROOM The variety of designs In Tables, Chairs, Side boards, China Closets, Serving Tables and the like, is ample to satisfy your desires, whatever they may be, in the matter of style, finish and price. Come In and talk it over with us. We are as eager to QIVE satisfaction as you are to receive it. Weldon Furniture Company, Weldon, N. C. Firm TfmipnnM P; fliifniw PahIa iliu luauUiuvu w wuUyj wuiiuo i Life, Accident and Health, Plate Glass and Automobiles. Repre senting leading companies. See me about your insurance wants. :L. 0. DRAPER. Office in Green Building, For Sale! New Todd Check Protector. It interested, call at this office.) and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive vou in this. Signature of WELDON, N.C. "IMPERIAL GERMANY" WHAT IT IS By DR. TALCOTT WILLIAMS, Director of the Columbia University School of Journalism. Hnm-il mi I la- (ii Iim Inmini iil In pHiIim, ty run tilt it I in i.iu'iiitMiii. iiii'l m-nlHiiu in nil IIUTly, thai ifiiiiiii 1 1 M'ti lire In mi id ul iliv "lMln-l llll lifiiiiitii (itivtTti-iiH-nt" Iuim fi'i- a M'liiM'itMon ht'fii Ihf htc of llht-rty mill ilit- I'lii'iny if five ilmii. Its wliolo In- tlllfllCt llliN llffll ilirmvn In siipprt'HH fifiilnm In (lie f n r Itnlkiiri RlHlt'H. It liii prt'vt'iilt'tl tli!r tfut-efiil !' vi'lupiiifnt, rt'fusi'd in i-iihti(-t the 1 ifii Talcott Williami. ly r Ut'illit, wlikli wiiulit have tirmmht injure, and la rfn,M.nlllt for ftttir Ita! kitn wars, A at ore of yt'itrs iipi It mipiinrttttl the blotMlililcHty Sultiui f Turkey In Annviiliui iihihniutcs, nnd the uWlcora of the "hiipt'rliil (ItMinnii Oovwriunt'iit" have nliled uml nbfltftJ these maJiHucrt's new hi'mime the Ar mt'iilana worked ami (thinned fur 1 11 urty when other races In Turkey were qulefieetit. It la the "Imperial German Ouverimielit" which Im iVKpoiisihle fur 8UO.UPU Armenian, slum-.! to death a Gennuua tlieiiiselveB testify. "Secret Enemy." In 1908, when the revolutionary Turkish government wna for freedom, Owrnuuty opposed It; when It heainie tyrannical Germany made thin govern ment Iti ally. The Uermitn govern ment harassed France not merely be cause It was Its ancient enemy, hut hecHiise Its success as a republic made the French people perilous to princes. The German government plotted to re store the Manchu Emperor and the Russian Tear to their thrones. Because the American people by Its prosperity and power made liberty desired by all the world the German government has been Its secret enemy. Thirty years ago It plotted against out treaty rights In Samoa; It Bent Its fleet to worry and threaten Dewey at Manila In 18U6; It offered to Eng land, which refused, to overturn the Monroe lhictrlne in Mexico. It has In fifteen years threatened Veneiuela, Mexico, Haytl and other American states. When we were maintaining peaee under great provocation, It pro putted to Mexico and Japan to attack us, both refusing. It betrayed Inter national faith In the dispatches sent through the Swedish Minister. It filled our laud with spies, sought unavnlllng ly to embroil us with those of German hlrth resident In this country, slaugh tered our citizens on the high seas, contrary to alt law, national and later national, human and divine. "Bore Much." We waited long, we bore much, and we are now sending our sons to the war declared ngnlnst the "Imperial Germnn Government" becnusc the rec ord of thirty, years shows that neither liberty nor democratic institutions are safe tho world over while that govern ment ts powerful. We wisely prefer, after what Belgium suffered, to fight Uernmny "somewhere In France" ruth- er tbau In New York harbor; on the Soiuiue, rather than on the Hudson, In one or the other we should have had to fight. In 1770 wo sent our sous to light for American liberty, and we won It In 1812 we fought for the freedom of the sea, and we wnn that In IRfll we sent our sons to fight for the liberty of tho slave, and we won that. Today we send our sons out U fight for the liberty of humanity, and we shall win that GRAHAM FLOUR FROM NEW WHEAT WILL VI POPULAR Raleigh.- The grinding of new cro wheat Into graham flour la being en couraged by the Food Administration. Iti some sections of North Carolina the new wheat Is reaching some of. the mills already. Moat of the mills refute to handle the new wheat es rept In very small quantities on ac count of Its poor entiling condition. The Food Administration Is anxious that no further wheat flour shall be imported into the State and for taia reason, and for the additional reason that mills And It exceedingly difficult to grind new wheat and get the ex traction which they are required to get. Is encouraging the grinding of wheat into grnham flour. Whole wheat graham flour from the new crop wheat la sweet and wholesome, having a dis tinctive flavor which makes it reeding!) palatable and promisee U make It very popular. TATIMINT FROM FOOD ADMINISTRATOR HOOVER "If you could it Mid In the middle of Europe today and survey the laud to Its borders, you would dUrevar its whole population of 400,000,000 human beluga short of food. Mil of I pie In Poland. Finland, flerbla, Arme nia and RiHsla are dying of starvation and other Mill Hubs are suffering froi Wo little food. Our Alllee and thf neurrals ar Uvlag on the barest mar gins rhat will support life anJ uoiigih "ThW. the aauet appalling and dreadful thing that haa come to hu ms ally atace the dawn of avllliatien, is to aie the eutetaadlat crMtlM 4 Oorcnan militarism M GENEROUS KID. "Books are wanted for the soldiers, Tommy." "I got a nire arithmetic they Iciti have." I? 'I Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA YISKC0RD riRES Tou want size strength, safety, beauty and mileage in a tire. That's what you get in trje Fisk Cord. All Tin., iu KrUft Weldon Motor Company, WELDON, N. C. THE HOUR OF PR AYER, There's an hour thai comes like u healing halm, When evening shades are falling, And we lay our cares at the Saviour's feel, His gill of grace recalling. 'Tis ihe hour of prayer that renews our strength, Mukes Christian duty clearer, 'Tis the hour of prayer and its power lh.it draws Our heav'nly home still nearer. 'Tis the prayer of faith that dispels our clouds Gives joy beyond expression, For ii fills our hearts and ii crowns our lives, With all that's worth possessing. Lovingly now, fervently how, welcome this hour Of holy calm so sweet; Lovingly now, fervently bow, Breathing the prayer of faith at Jesus feet. THE HARP If you lived where I live, where every vagrant breeze Plays melodies harmonious, a-sweeping through the trees, You'd get up in ihe morning with If you lived where I lived, Beneath ihe Harp o' Trees. The river flows, a silver band between the verdant hills Thai sing their owji big open song, the music of ihe rills; And all the things thai grow there nod a welcome to the breeze That sings its song triumphant in the wondrous Harp o' Trees. The Harp o' Trees, the Harp o' Trees, O music of my soul ! The swift cadenzas rippling and The broader songs that roll In thickening waves of sheer delight, Thai life a mighty voice And bid mankind to leave his cares, And bid mankind rejoice ! If you slept where I sleep, the murmuring of ihe leas With zephyrs whispering through ihem like echoes from the seas, Would rock you off to Dreamland with its sacred harmonies, If you slept where 1 sleep, Beneath the Harp o' Trees ! If you loved as I love, the things that God haih given To comfort us and solace us, these little bits of heaven, You loo, would sing as I must sing, such rhapsodies as these In gratitude for respite by the singing Harp o' Trees ! Cause ol Despondency. Ih'hpuuilcncy is often caused liy imli itrMtion and constipation, ami quickly iliMappears when Chamberlain's Tablets Hrf tiiken Th," tihMa HtrnnwH'nr, the ihgcstiun and move the bowels. (1001) IDEA. The restaurani manager stood hehind ihe cashier's desk, wearing his stock-in n ude smile for each customer. An old gentleman walk ed in. "I notice," said he, "thai you advertise lo make your own pies." ''Yes, sir," answered ihe mana ger proudly, "we do." "Would you permit me lo offer a suggestion?" . "Certainly, sir. We would be so happy if you would do so." "Well, then, lei someone else make ihem." PhiL-Jpiiia Public Ledger. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA that, plus most unusual re siliency,speed,comfortand luxury Made in Ribbed Tread and the famous Fisk Nun-Skid. O5 TREES, courage in your knees, ANVIL SPARKS. Kind diM'ds imike good short ening for cvtm tho uppor crust of life. Tim lmsbitml of a Hugging woman usually believes iu ab sent treatment. Some who can be very volu ble in meeting would hesitate to open their books to the Lord. An economical wife and an industrious husband make a good team to plow the furrows of life. Some people give a dime to a good cause, and then, when dollars do not flow back to them, think something is wroug with the tide. The Christian Ueruld. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA NATION-WIDE FIGHT AGAINST GERMAN PAPERS National Security League Starts Crusade for Their Elimination, Together With the Teach ing of German. A vigorous campaign to hrluif about tho elimination of the tearliluK of Ger man In tlio puMIc firliooli of (he coun try and to ohtnlu tlie (llacuntlnuaucu of ttie Dul'llcatlon of newfnmpwr print ed In German has been launched by the National Kccurlty League, To or ganize lit effort for theae ends the league haa formed a Committee on Foreign Language nnd Foreign 1'resH, which wilt carry the tight Inlo every nook nnd corner of the United Mlatee. The Committee Is composed of Col. Charles K. Lydecker, member of the Board of Trustees of the College of the City of New York and Chairman of the National Security Li'ugue's Hoard of Directors; Edward II. Clark, Treasurer of the Security League; Krnest C. llrown, well known New York editor and puMlaher, and Dr. Itobert M. McKlroy, Kducatlonal direc tor of the National Security League under leave of absence from Princeton University, where he Is head of the Department of History and I'ollUci. Stop Advertising. The principal heels of tho Commit tee's campaign ugalnst Uerman news papers will bo the obtaining of the dis continuance of advertising In them. Col. Lydecker's committee hue laid the following plan of campaign before the Chairmen and Secretaries of all the 261 branches ot the Security League : "There Is no Immediate need to have laws enacted to suppress the foreign language dallies. In towns where there Is a strong patriotic senU ment a hostile minority should be per suadod by a cteur and forceful eipres slon of the views of the majority Uiat ours must be, from this Ume forward, A one language nation. " Our Mistake." "If a community will not support a newsdealer who handles the dally pa pers printed In foreign tongues It can thereby force him to deal only In Eng lish language papers. "Recognising a general willingness to be patriotic and the rapid acqui escence from many quarters to compel the use of English dallies, we urge reasonably nctlve measures on the part of the branches of the Iengue. Jus tice requires this, for the fault does not He wholly with the alien. We have failed hitherto to provide the machin ery of education which the welding process required. We have couute nuueed and even encouraged the Idea of preserving llnqulstlc and racial groups In our midst. At last we site our mistake, and we must correct It aa Bpeedlly as justice will allow. "But we must not forget, and we must not allow nllen enemies to for get, that this Is a time ot war. Quick processes of producing unity nre Justi fied by tho peril of those Institutions which we hold In trust for ell human It. Newsdealers. MWe therefore suggest : "(a) Meetings of cltUeni to express ft one langungo sentiment. "(b) Discontinuance ot all advertis ing In papers printed In the tongues of enemy nations. "(c) Procuring co-operation of new dealers." WOULD INORIAtl THI SUPPLY OF POULTRY tavlnt of All Pullets Wools' Qraatly liioreaee Egg and Msat Supply- Mora Mottey for Parmer. Raletik Tk Feed Administration Ii backing up and encouraglnt in ev ery manner possible the efforts ot the Afrloultural Extension Service In pro motlni til poultry Industry In the etata. tt I urtlnt all farmers to save every pullet possible, dlsposlni only ot cockerels at this season tor broilers and trying chickens. It Is pointed out that there ar greater poearbllltlea tor Increasing the meat aupply through the raising to maturity f chickens than there Is through the Increase producUon ot cattle and hogs, th so-called meat aalmali. At present and prospective prices ot poultry and eggs foresight! tarmera cannot do otherwise than rats to maturity every pullet that thay oan maintain. The pullet which will aell today tor 40 eenta will pro duce eggs to the valu of several times that aum during th winter or prlng or t un b sold aa g malur4 nan during th wlntar tor two or three times thai sum Doing Oood. Kew incilicinos have met with more favor or accomplished more itood than n.dUiUiilaiii's VuWi Slid Diaiihoea Remedy, .loliu V. Jaulaeu, llelmeuy, ask., says ufit: "1 have used Cham berlain's folic and Diarrhoea Remedy myselt and in iny family, and can rec ouimund it aa bring an exceptionally due preparation." HIQHh'R STILL. "Ile'H a king among men." "That's nothing. My daugh ter knows an American aviator who is an ace." Chsmberlaln'g Colic nnd Dlnr rhoen Remedy. Now ia the time to buy a bottle of this remedy so as to be prepared incase that any one of your family should Invc an attack of colic or diarrhoea duriuir the summer months. It is worth a hundred times it colt" when needed. WAR COURSES In response in die Government's call for specially trained men ihe University is tiMering, in addition to its regular courses in Academic, Civil, Chemical, hit cincal, Highway and Mining l-jigineering, Law, Medicine and Pharmacy, Special . WAR ENGINEERING i Courses and Military Training under IJ. S. ARMY IN SHNIOR DIVISION OPI'ICI-KS RliSliUVli TRAINING ( OKI'S. Graduates liligihle for Commissions. Be Ready When The Call Comes. Tor Infcriiiaiiiin wriie UiJiveii$ityof CHAI'Hl. T ESTABLISHED 18V2 Capital and Surplus, $60,000. WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT. 4 PAID ON SAVINGS DEPARTMENT W. K. HAMl'.I., eHKHIHKN'1. W. II. SMITH. VlrS-t'HKMliSNT. KjraraiiomawaMira IINVITATI0N.I You are invited to open an account with the I BWK OF EttFMD, EfiflELD, Ii. C. 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly. I BT Y()U can sowisjttrasiiuraiiUiMiiotmisjra at's lew Ie Music By Special Arrangement with the Associated Music Publishers of New York, we will feature by Daily Pathephone Demonstration BROADWAY'S big Song Hits Come in and hear the "Latest" Direct from Melody Row. All Sheet Music 10c. Copy. W. M. Cob Drug Company Weldon, North Carolina. SOLE AGliNTS l:OR NYAL'S RNKJLj COTTON GINS&PRESS FOR SALE The undersigned offers for sale one 70-saw Van Winkle gin, feeder and condenser, four years old, One 60-saw Eagle gin, feeder and condenser, five years old. One Beasley Single box down packing press, five years old. This machinery Is In good condition and bargain prices will be made on the entire lot or on separate portions. Write or come to see me at once. M. E. MARTIN, Rural Route No. 2, THELMA, N. C. jy4 4t' fioTh 0foLifi llll. I.. N C II K I J. O. liRAKE, bank by mail 1 NUNNALLY'S AND NORMS' CANDIES. r L