THE ROAN OK E NEWS Thiiksday, July 18, 1918. NOTICE. There will be a regular convoca tion of Roanoke Chapter 81 R. A. M. in Masonic Hall, every first and third Wednesday evenings. E. Clark, Jr., Sec'y, LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. Bad colds are prevalent. 666 cures Malarial Fever. The delicious cornfield peas are ripe. Sometimes a plain cook is quite pretty. The cotton fields are white with bloi mis. Watermelons from the country tire due. Capt. W. R. Smith speii Sun- day in Sutt'olk. The difference between see and saw is intense. Miss Ruth Clark is visiting rela tives at Seaboard. Innocent amusements transform tears into rainbows. Mr. William Johnston is home from Newport News. Miss Narcissa Daniel spent last Friday in Richmond. 666 contains no alcohol, arsenic nor other poisonous drugs. Mrs. L. W. Murphrey and little sou, are visiting relatives in Ral eigh. Miss Willie Black Musgrove'is visiting Miss Mary Knight at Dur ham. Fully nine-tenths of our troubles would vanish if we didn't talk so much. Do not complain of your wife's extravagance with a cigar in your mouth. Did you ever hear of a man's falling in love with a woman's in tellect? We have not heard of any bar becue and Brunswick stews this summer. Mr. A. Paul Kilchin, of Scotland Neck, called in to see us last Thursday. When a miser marries he picks out a woman who looks nice in her old clothes, In various walks of lire some people have a walkover and oihers get walked on. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. tireen are visiting relatives in Norfolk and Virginia Beach. One can't square himself with God unless he pays what he owes to his fellow men. Mrs. Ida V. Stainback, who has been visiting relatives at Wilson, has returned home. An old bacherlor says that wid ows are the only second-hand things that sell at par. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. Knight are on a visit to Philadelphia and other northern cities. Mr. D. W. Seifert left Saturday for Clemson College, S. C, where he goes for military training. It is possible to round up the slackers, but it is quite another matter to make them act square. Lieut, and Mrs. E. R. Hardin, of Camp Lee, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnston. Though a man may think him self popular with a widow, he must know that he isn't her first choice, We have had more cold weather during June and this month than the oldest inhabitant ever remem bers. And the man who trusts in the Lord never has occasion to cancel his membership in a "Don't Worry Club." Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston, of Littleton, and Mrs. Bond, of ; Bertie county, spent Sunday in town. Mrs. Lee Johnson who has been spending some time at White Sul pliur Springs, near Asheville, has returned home. Mr. Peter Shields, of Scotland Neck, left Saturday for Clemson College, S. C, where he goes For military training. 666 cures Headaches. Bilious ness, Loss of Appetite, or that tired aching feeling, due to Malaria or Colds, Fine tonic. She Don t you think moon light the ideal light to make love? He No, you can't turn it off when you want to. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Cornwall of Camp Jackson, who have been home for a few days, left Sunday for Columbia, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Stainback and children who have been visi ing relatives here, have returned to their home in Greensboro. 666 cures by removing ihe cause. Miss Elizabeth Thompson, oi Dunn, is the guest of Miss Foster Shaw. Misses Ida and Louise Hayward are visiting Miss Virginia Harris, Enh'eld. i)iss Mary Worrell, of Capron, here on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Ricks. Miss Eva Parker, of Murfrees- boro, is here on a visit to her sis ter, Mrs. C. N. Ricks. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Capell, of Norlina, were the guesis of Mr. nd Mrs. L. T. Garner this week. Mrs. J. E. Timberlake and linle son, who have been visiting rela tives in Enfield, returned liuine Sunday, The woman who paints her pale cheeks pink may look with scorn and contempt upon the woman who has occasion to dye her hair red. Mr. Jacob Dickens had the mis fortune last week to lose one of is fine farm horses. It means something these days to lose a good horse. It is better to have loved and ost than never to have loved at all belter for the jeweller, the flor ist, the messenger boy, and some- mes the lawyers. The letter W lakes a prominent place in our alphabet, without it we could neither wage the war nor in the war, nor should we have oul nor wheal nor Wilson, Mrs. E. G. Shields and children, of Richmond, Va , who have been visiting relatives here, have return ed. Mrs. Shields was formerly Miss Viola Hamlet, of this town. Mr. Abel Alexander succeeds Mr. D. W. Seifert as manager of the Weldon Coca Cola Works. He is a most excellent young man and will run the plant successfully in every particular. Poverty is uncomfortable, as we can testify; but nine times out of ten the best thing that can happen to a young man is to be tossed overboard and compelled to sink or swim for himself. Do It Now. The man who postpones swaiiing the fly is not doing his duty. Typhoid fever is oing stunts in the State, and sci ence says ihe fly is one of the agen cies by which fever is spread. Swat the fly. Even as you would wai a Hun were you over there. Don't Bi-comi- Sour. What ever happens don't become a sour old man or woman. Old age should be a cheerful period of life, when the lengthened shadows are softened by the selling sun when quiet twilight steals on apace, soon to be followed by the long night of rest which remains to all living. Colored Woman Killed by Lightning. During the thunder storm on Wednesday of last week, Roveuia Daniel was struck by lightning and instantly killed. She worked at the Shirt factory and was on her way home when ihi storm came up with the above re uli. Her neck was broken and her shoes torn into threads. Girl's Education Incom PLETE. No matter what a girl s accomplishments may be her edu caiion is incomplete if she has not some knowledge of bake-ology, boil-ology, roasi-ology, .titch olo gy and meiid olngy. Even if she should never be required to do the work herself, she ought to know whether it is done in a proper man ner. Show Him How Much He Is Loved at Home -The father re lurns to his home after a weary day at business I lc i iircd in body and mind. dnnni: back as his latch key turns in the home door he throws off care; he is joyous al ihe thought of ihe dear ones he will meet after hours of absence.His young daughter, in a pretty gown with ihe bloom and freshness only girlhood wears, should be ready lo give him the attention he loves the kiss, the cheery word to help her mother and the rest in letting her father and the rest see how much he is loved at home. Do You Know. How many persons know what is liable to happen when a pint of gasoline left open in a room? If the tern perature is normal the liquid will entirely evaporate in twenty' four hours. The vapor is heavier than air and therefore sinks lo the floor. Unless distributed, it will remain for hours and by mixing wiih the air, forms an explosive compound seven limes as power ful as powder. One pint of gaso line will make two hundred cubic feet of this compound. It is not necessary thai a lighted match come in contact with it. A spark struck by a nail in a shoe will ex plode ii, or a gas jet, or even the enclosed fire of a kitchen stove. Always listen to an honest opin on if for no oilier reason than it isi different from your own. Coming. The Orphan Concert Class from the Odd Fellows' Or phanage, at Goldsboro, will appear in Weldon, Wednesday, July 2 J, 1918. A delightful evening awaits you. Let the Boy Help A boy can help clear away after a meal, sweep the floor, polish the stove or wash the dishes, just as effec tively as a girl. He, as a rule, is stronger. He will love his home more, and when he becomes a man, and has a home of his own, he will respect his wife all the inure for having been taught to re specl his mother and sisters. What a Woman Can Do, A man cannot do two things at a time. A woman will broil a steak and see that the colfee does not boil over, and watch ihe cat that she docs nol steal the remnant of meat on the kitchen table, and dress the youngest boy and set the table and see to the toast and stir ihe oatmeal and give the orders to the butcher and she can do it all at once and nol half try. A True Marriage. A true marriage is ihe soul's Eden. It is Ihe visiting place of angels. It is nut given to words lo express the refinement of pleasure, the delicacy of joy and the abounding fullness ol satisfaction that those ft-.l whom God liuili joined in a high mar riage ot spirit. Such a union is the highest school of virtue, the soul's convent where the vesial fires of purity are kept continually burning. May only such happy unions attend the young men and maidens of Weldon who may even now be planning tneir weaning garmenis. Tip Your Hat. Let us learn to tip our hais as politely to the young lady who sews for a living or earns it by any honest toil as to the one who teaches French or chews gum in several different lan guages. Let us give as warm a clasp of the hand to the honest till er of the soil, the fireman or brake- man as we do to the lawyer or doc tor. Let us recognize honesty and industry wherever found, and the time will soon come when there will be an army of bright, intelli gent, honest young men and wo men at the bottom of the ladder, ready to labor at any honorable calling. Lei us remember that the isi beautiful lives have blossom ed in the darkest places, as pure, while lilies full of fragrance in the slimy, stagnant waters. Wealth, birth and official station may and do secure to their possessors an extreme, superficial courtesy; but they never did nor never can com mand the reverence of the heart. The most beautiful flowers are found hidden in some shady nook; the most beautiful lives are often found hidden in an humble home at ihe fool of the ladder. Death of Mrs. Clanton. Died at her home in Weldon on Sunday, July 1 1th, Mrs. Mary T. Clanton in the seventy-ninth year ol her age. She was buried on Monday afternoon at ihe Family burying ground al Day's Cross Roads, Rev. N. C. Duncan con ducting ihe services from the home Mrs. Clanton was born and raised al the country home of her father, Mr. Wm, H. Day, Sr., was educa ted in a school taught in the grove of her home and afterwards enter ed St. Mary's College in Raleigh during ihe Presidency of Dr. Al bert Smeedes. She was married in 1858 to Mr. R. K. Clanton, at thai lime the son of one of the rich est planters in Warren county Through the vicissitudes of the civil war they suffered many re verses and her husband died number of years ago leaving her wiih a family of five children four of whom with several grandchil dren are left lo mourn her loss. She was kind hearted, affable, and one of whom it could be said a person in whom there is no guile." She was a great sufferer having been stricken with paralysis which rendered her helpless for several monilis, and her death is no doubt a happy release from the burdens of ihe flesh. To her family we offer our deep est sympathy. HALIFAX COUNTY'S PART W. S. S. Halifax County, TOW.NHHII' qTOTA 1'I.KIIIIW hntiklryvllli', liuttitiwooil, ('onocatiitra, KohVI.I, t'aucfttH, Halilm, Littleton, Palmyra, Roauoke kapids, KoNuHfatli, fKM,H7U (HI ;ii,h7h mi ;ia, I lo ik i:!7,Smimi 47.4II8.IIU (,i,u:i(ii)ii "s.jJtt.ou :3,:iuti.oii ua.Mu'Ou aj.uuu.oo SU.-UO.OO ttlU.IHIU.UU I,', 'tUI IKl III,.'jOO.O0 :il,:i6: 40,000.11(1 4.r.,UUu.MI 27,0011 uu tVt.iUO.UO 13,000.(10 uv.uou.uo 47.UOO.0U Scotland Neck. Weldou, MlVJWi.OU WANTED. 50 Laborers Pay from $2.75 to $3.50 per day. Also 25 Carpenters, $3.50 to $6 per day. 10 Painters, $4 to 5.50 per day. Work direct for me. Apply to Jas. B. Brickell, Box 561, Greensboro, N.C. 666 cures Bilious Fever. E. L. TRAVIS RESIGNS. Will Take Kffect on August 1st. Mr. E. L. Travis, chairman of the North Carolina Corporation Commission, has tendered to Gov ernor tsickeii his resignation as member of that commission lo lake effect on August I. The letter carried neither comment nor ex planation. Ii was Travis-like in its terseness: "I herewith lender my resignation as a member of the Corporation Commission of North to take effect August 1, 1918." '1 do not think 1 can hold the office of Corporation Commissioner longer wiih credit or justice to my self when my own personal inter ests are so great elsewhere," said Mr. Travis. "And I do not think 1 am called upon to make the per sonal sacrifice necessary in holding to the office when there is another who can do the work as well as I It is understood that Mr. Travis will undertake work in wasning- ton which will net him flattering profiis. He contented himself with saying, in the matter of Future plans, that he would continue the practice of law in Halifax and in Washington, D. C. WELDON 33 YEARS AGO. From The Roanoke News, July 9-16, IH8S. Mr. D. E. Stainback, of Peters burg, was in town this week. Mr. Thomas R. Ransom, son of Senator Ransom, graduated at Georgetown University last week, taking the degree of A. U. Miss Blanche Allen is visiting relatives near Littleton. Mrs. W. R. Bond, of Scotland Neck, is visiting friends in town. Miss Lillian Daniel is on a visit to friends in Northampton county. Miss Mattie Anderson, of Wil son, is visiting Miss Mamie Ander son. Miss Grace Sledge left last Tues day to spend a few weeks with friends and relatives in Littleton. MB. Died at her residence about ten miles from this place Mrs. J. H. Pittard on Saturday night after an illness of five weeks. Big Snake. On Monday a very large snake was killed at Dar lington. He was first seen coining from under a house. Il was black on the back and sides and was yel low on ihe underpan. He meas ured five feet and ten inches in length and six and a half inches in circumference. MM Married. Ai the residence of the bride's faiher in this place on Wednesday, July Isi, at 10 P.M., Miss Jessie T., daughter of P. N. Stainback, Esq., and Mr. (i. P. Phillips, the Rev. W. H. North, officiating. No cards, Death oe W. W. Daniel We regret lo announce the death of Mr. W. W. Daniel, which took place ai his residence near Aure lian Springs, on Sunday last al 1 o'clock P. M , in the li'Jih year of his age. He was buried Tuesday ai church. Mr. Daniel was a well known and most excel lent ciiizen of this county and was widely known for his strict integ rity and adherauce to duty. - MM Drank Lye. We are pained to hear that a little child of Mr. Ezra Bowers, a few days ,io drank a quantity of concentrated lye from the effects of which it is thought il will die. 666 cures Chills and Fever. jlNiffj CALL 829. One hundred and Twenty-Five Colored Men to Bntrain Here Friday, July Ith for Camp Meade, Md, C. H. Brown, Rosemary, Lonnie Dunston, Scotland Neck, Horace Williams, Littleton, W. L. Watkins, Whitakers, J. H. Spruill, Weldon, D. Lawrence, Scotland Neck, Archie Smith, Scotland Neck, Willie Martin, Roanoke Rapids, Geo. Jones, Palmyra, James Balmcs, Seaboard, Chas. Johnson, Aurelian Springs, I.. Tillery, Tillery. B. Deveraux, Scotland Neck, Oiis Simmons, Thelma. R. James, Jr., Hobgood, Turner I light, Weldon, A. Spivey, Scotland Neck, Wade Bryan, Enfield, Walter Wiggins, Enfield, Scelester Byrd, Rosemary, John Tillery, Halifax, John Jenkins, Roanoke Rapids, Samuel Scott, Enfield, Nathaniel White, Hobgood, Lonnie Long, Weldon, James Nelson, Halifax, Levi Patterson, Weldon, Ed. Field, Halifax, Thomas Suggs, Weldon, W. W. Ashe, Halifax, Ed. Thomas, Weldon, Waverly Edwards, Littleton, Henry Watson, Littleton, Herbert Evans, Weldon, Daniel Hooper, Scotland Neck, Wm. Norman, Jr., Enfield, Sid Wiggins, Enfield, James Phillips, Tillery, Lew Arrington, Enfield, Richard Vaughan, Airlie, Caswell Nicholson, Hollisier, James Stallings, Scotland Neck, Richard Johnston, A. Springs, W. K. Murphey, Tomahawk, Dennis Lawrence, Scotland Neck, Frederick Fleming, Thelma, H. Hicks, Roanoke Rapids, George Cherry, Ringwood, A. M. Phillips, Jackson, Fletcher Copebnd, Essex, W. B. Fenner, Halifax, Willie Perry, Hcathsville, Allen Fenner, Weldon, Boss Smith, Hollisier, General Pitchford, Thelma, Boss Davis, Weldon, James Holmes, Palmyra, Robert Turner, Tillery, Paul Evans, Rosemary, E. Lowe, Enfield, Alec Clanton, Weldon, Geo. Hockaday, helma, Fred. Alston, Halifax, Essec Hardy, Scotland Neck, Jesse .Vlacon, Essex. title MiiiKie, KoHemary, I'aul Kure, I'almyru, Arthur Kavtt(i, Holliskr, Elijah liynl, lloliguod, It. II. Willey.lireeuvillc, I'.ilh,-Wilkuii, Halifax, lUiddie lvt'y, KoHemary, .lului Wilkins. Wokton, dene Kilwards, Scotland Neck, If ay Manoini?, " " Sain AkI), Thelma, Lee ltockalay, Uoanokc Kapidfi IV Alexander, Scotland Neck Ned Wilson, l!oicwcll, Va. I' 10 Itrimatfe, Ringwood, frank Pavis, Scotland Neck, Walter Thomas ' " Willie t.arkin, Halifax, Sandy AlHtou, Rosemary, A. Hopkins, Petersburg, Ya. Willie Jones, t.itlletou, Jesse Alston, Weldon. Cicero I'itts, Itollister, W. Kdwards, Radium, Va. ,. It. N. Drake, Knfield, frank Kisher, Littleton, Mason Allen, llobvood, F. 1.. Kdwards, Roanoke Kapidi, Isaac Nicholson, Hrinkleyville, Jesse Simmons, Rosemary, Willie Moore, Itollister, .1. M. MeLair, Knlield, Richard Stitli, Weldon, James l-'enner, Essex, Albert Clements, Weldon, Charlie Jordan, Hobgood, Curtis Johnson, Scotland Neek, Hill W ard, Knlield, Willie tiraves, Weldon, Julius ferry. " Aaron Hogpard, Kulield, Alex llaunou, Scotland Neek, II. C Daniel, Weldon, (ieo. (livens, ' Eli 1'utney, Rosemary, Win. Lavender, Aurelian Springs, Johnnie llewlin, Knlield, I. onuie L. Cheatham, Weldon, Kckie Jenkins, Thelma, Engine Kdwards, Roanoke Rapids, Walter Jones, Knlield, liraut ltullock, " Iterkley Cameron, Scotland Neck, John Davis, Palmyra, Junius Tridgen, Knlield. .ack Mingca, Rosemary, Wm. (Iregory, Hopewell, Va. Stephen King, Knlield, W. I Clanton, Littleton. Early Htirwell, Hobgood, II. 1.. Marlm, Koauoke Kapids. .1. .1. It. Ash, Wilmington, Joe Itodd, Kssex, Wm. I'lltman, Scotland Neck, A. Hockaday, Koauoke Kapids, tt bit Peters, Thelma, Wm, Alstou, Weldou, (iid Howers, Littleton, Willie (jailing, Weldon, Jas. Hunter, Scotland Neck, Arthur Pierce, Halifax, W, Vincent, " P. Hmallwood, Tillery, W, II. Jones, Thelma, K. I.. Hiahop, Tiller;, W. .losey, Scotland Neck, Thos. Applewhite, " " Wm. Kvans, Hobgood, Joe Valentine, Tillery, Spier Colleld, Kulield, A. Ilrinkley, " Wm. Putney, Roanoke Kapids, Willie Jenkins, Weldon, Dan Jones, Halifax, Sidney Adams, Weldon, Sam Harper, Knlield. Joe Jones, Palmyra. II. Jones, ftnlield, Wm. Whitakcr, Weldon, H. Savage, Scotland Neck, M . Shields, Palmyra. I'. .M. Merritt, Halifax, li. S atson, Rosemary, I ieo. Harris, Till-rv, S. Kdwards, Littleton, Tom Kuglish, Knlield, Isaac Lowe, " N. Hull, Hobgood, U. Ward, .Scotland Neek, Joe Carter, Roauoke Rapids. DeWitt Toney, Wallace, Charlie Kearney, Littleton, frank Wilkius, Roanoke Itapiik M. L. silver, Itinirwood, CALL 866 l or Fourteen White Men to Ap pear Here on July 21st, and lin traln July 22nd lor Camp Hun cock, (ia. Paul L. While, Scotland Neck. J. N. Hackney, " " S. B. Kilchin, " " J. E. Darden, M. M. Iloggard, " " Samuel W. Clark, Weldon. Gus Vincent, " W. 1). Weeks, Whitakers. J. A. Draper, Enfield. E. 1). Barnlnll, (i. C. Smith, Aurelian Springs. Simon Morris, Thelma. R. G. Vincent, Rosemary. S. W. Hockaday, Al.TLHNATP.S. G. O. Hux, Aurelian Springs. Gen. Hedgepeth " " R. H. Reed, Halifax. L. M. Butts, F. H. Harris, ! cotland Neck. W. C. Lewis, F. Hockaday, Rosemary. THE HOIYU- FIHKS. They were summoned from ihe hillside, They were called in from the glen, And the country found them ready At the stirring call for men. Let no tears add 10 their hardship, As the soldiers pass along, And although your heart is break ing, Make il sing this cherry song. Keep the home fires burning, While your hearts are yearning, Though your lads are far away They dream of Home; There's a silver lining Through the dark cloud shining, Turn the dark cloud inside oul, Till the boys come Home. Over the seas there came a plead ing, "Help a Nation in distress!" And we gave our glorious laddies; lonour made us do no less; For no gallant Son of Freedom To a tyrant's yoke should bend, And a noble heart must answer To the sacred call of "Friend." NOTICE. North Carolina, Halifax ('utility, In tin- Superior Court He lure the lerk. In tho matter of -Urn. Monnie I v.tiv.l' Cox, non compos mentis. ' The aliove named Mth, MnnnieH. Cox will lake notice that an action entitled as ahovo hat been commenced in the Superior Court of Halifax county before the Clerk to inuuiie into thu state of her mi ml and to have a guardian ap pointed for her; and the naid Monnie ti. Cox will further take notice that she la required to appear at the court house of said county aud before the Clerk, at liatiiax, .V i ., on the nin day day ol August, 19l, and autuvet or demur to the complaiut in said action, or thu I'laintitf, .1. E. Cor, will apply to the court for the relief demanded, id said complaint S. M.GAKY, Clerk of the Superior Court. This Uth day of Julv, 1918. jy 1H It aii Kinds fN order to , ! I make room mfor my Fall Men'' Shoes, I offer to Women ; sell all my SPRING nd j SHOES at Children's! Q'Q'p Spring Shoes PRICES A big line of Women'! high top white snnei, low and high heel formerly aJ.OO and $J 50, now at B d iret u All other Spring Shoes uuceu prices, lome and get tLECTRIC SHOE REPAIRING SHOP. All Shoes repaired promptly and at reasonable prices KITTNER'S SHOE STORE, L. KITTNER, Prop. Opposite I'ostorlloe WMon, N ('. Sale for Taxes. 1 will sell to the hiruet bidJ. r I . i .'ssb at the Court House iloor in H i' tuwn of Halifax, on MouiUy, Auu -IJ18, the following described lai. i Kaucelts township foi taxes ami . -:i for year 1917: C. W. Johnston estate, 1177 eres, ,.'S. Mri. K. C. Mingo, rJU teres U'.tB Laura Jenkins, 4 acres, 1 30 Victoria Hobsrtson, SI J acres S.7S Robert ttobertson, 60 acres, UVi J. B. DICKKNS, Tai Collector Faucetts Torciuaip- KiTtoer's Shoe Store p, Iv ri il 1 I 1 r k.j .i1 I..". "i .:" w v jum mm m - ' -oiti 30C30E locaoc I North Carolina State College j ol Agriculture and s Engineering g Conditions !n n vjliir ol l ft In in il til lli- timi'f. Irt liim lute mi (ii ' mil liy 1 1 if will h.m. Iiicicihi f in t-tUi)i lmn-if my I iiiiltil!y In Mtlr :..ii. , tit tn .1: .11 I ,111'IUi ! M.lii.tiv I I nit i.l Ii - M.V r HXMH) ) i'.t four ifi-t Hi;:. I i x:ii. In.!, iir rour ti ft! fJlfd dn-' ,,i . E, B. Owe. aoeo: mm m m m m m MM -ALSO- Shoes and LADIES AND mm mm gf? " Agencv for kinston Steam Laundry Collars 2'-c Shirts 12c. mm mm HH The Busy Store, WliLDON, NC &t, u u u n . a v a mm mm$& iMm&x m my.m m mnm 9 We Sell tin it t, Scamps. WS.S. wtfi savings stamps IS IED BY 1 HP. UNITED STATES COSXRNMENT eady for ith splendid showings of Silks, Mssolene Taffetas, Wash ntins. f oplln and Cotton Tahrics at lrkes decidedly attrac tive I helactthat merchandise good merchandise is ijrow ii t scarcer daily and the further fact that prices are going - accordingly, makes it doubly Interesting to our . istomcrs to know that we still have full stocks and choice msortments of practically all standard lines and that our ITices are still within reason, In some instances lower than luday s wholesale quotations This word to those of you who still have your summer supplies to buy BUY NOW I And buy all that you'll need Don't sny you can't afford to pay present prices Remember they'll be considerably higher later. - Family TheCostof Living! I ? u ! 1 1 j H.OUK, coin.i;. I'OTATOHS, RICE, TEA, SDUAU, CAMNI:l)OOODS I RP.SH MI-ATS, life. PARAGON GROGEhY GuMPaiJ PHONE 2-2 12-2 2 5 war lmul(I rctnove all duubt ai to the i(lu in.ti in all line is I lie (Ifiii.Mni for umjIhI, prmluclivc ciliennlu). Let - (jfti ifiir.y in whatever industry he iitiiy - en hi: ALTKiilture, Auriciiltural Cltrm g, Merh.iliiral KuKinreriiiji, Ko-t:- IMI -.MII(.'t'IMlg, Alt-lit I ill J.UKIIircilli, m. I)i ilk. U S. Arniv Oin.-er. 9 mini in Corps. Ceurral n'vernmrnt gives allow- I'linoi-i Hild Smiioi" rvrrive flmMllllillft to in C.tii ,if IMtt!-itnr. New York, ihi ytar, ' ;.h'.'k him lake K. O. T. C. ruurm if i' Molt; free tuition lit nerdy boys, inl.l.jt- wlmh cost $10,000. Keular .itli vAtf work completed. I ! ni ram f l!!.ink, write, nsyistrar. aOB( fflt mm urn mm mm nm mm mm mm mm mm mm Clothing. mm SUITS SI COAT mm SPORT COATS mm mm 'WS.S. WAR SAVINGS STAMPS 499UED BY THE VKITKD STATES GOVERNMENT Summer - - Question IT Is a matter of grave consideration these days your grocery bills and you owe It to yourself to watch the details, figure the cost as you go, compare the cost of groceries at other stores with those bought here. Also consider the quality of goods you buy You are always welcome at our store, (live us a trial, j o i Weldon, North Carolina. I Q o