I, On Hand and Made to Order Trades, Abdominal Sup porter, Elastic Stock ing!, Artificial Limbs, Crutches, Canes, Invalid Opsn Till t P. j EXPERT FITTERS FOR L'OIES AND GENTLEMEN Thompson Phono 815S 310 City Ill Hill u (llf I'WIIilltlnll mI II I' CITI Z K N ' S J A N K at Halifax, in the Slate, of Vulh Carolina :it Hi i hi-r ,,l Imimh un '.Ml, !M' KtiSOUkCliS Loann and discount!, J'JJ.imi Overdrafts, It I'.H. Ltonda ami Liberty HoiiJn Hk.miI) Furniture and Fixture 1.-'-. 'l Kevenue stamps, 1" I'm l'ue from National Bankw iWUNi Silver coin ioeludiug " 'uinor coin currency -7.-1 National Rank and other U. S. Notes, .HU.U) Total, Mate of North Carolina, county ot Halifax, I1M. I,C. H. Hale, Cashier of the above-named Kank. do noleimily nwear that il. above statement is true to the best of uiv know led ire and bhei. C. II. IlAI.K. Ciblut-r. JSubacribed and sworn to before iiie.thw I 'orreet-Attest: tith day ol Nepi, I SWAIN S NUliMAN, W. F. t'Ol'l'KlKiK, .1. H. NUKMAN, Notary I'ublie. W. A. U IM.COX. lureetuts, THE ROANOKE NEWS Thursday Sept. 12, 1918. Published Every Thursday. JlNTBKJtlJ iT l'08Tor?lt'E AT WKl.DON AM MH'OND-i'LAttl UATTKK. V'TF5()F SI'RSr.RII'TIONINAl.VASlE: ilui- Year, lliy mail) to.ll'inu. Hix .Vloultirt, ' l.-'l' m-t-kly iH-iuoeralir. journal dt-votiM o I he man-rial, eum-atiouat, politics' a-io. iwrieulluial luti-iwl" of Halifax auJ 4.4l l uUUlllUf COUlllI!. .Vlv.-rtmiiiir rates reiiHotmVilf and ''ur o-slifl on al.pii.'iitit.u. I pledge allegiance u MY FLAG and in the Republic for which ii stands, one tuiion in divisible wilh Liberty and Justice Fur all. KICKERS, whiners and plain knockers are aiding the enemy. "THK United Slates Army," the kaiser has just told his people, "can't scare us!" THIS people stands committed by the Wood of us son', to the annihi lation of autocracy. Sl'KAKING of the weather, have you ordered your supply of fuel for next winter yet ? Boy-Ed says world's domina tion is Wilson's aim. So? Well, better Wilson :han U'ilhelm. Every time the Crown Prince tries it he finds that the road to Paris is like ascending the Niaga- WE don't underestimate Ameri ca, says LudcndorfT Headline. Now now. Bui lime was, oh Gen eral? Leather is so high that one suspect the cow or somebody of hoarding ii and cornerning the market. Again the Kaiser is disappoint ed in America we insists upon licking his "invincible" Prussian guard ! The diamonds those munition makers, returning from work in Pennsylvania, wear, are something dazzling. Cannot agree that the U-boat danger has passed. The Huns got another fishing Schooner on Saturday. Speaking of great turning movements, there will be one worth noting when the people turn autocracy out. The rapidity with which a "fore field" becomes a hindfield is per haps another indication of brilliant German strategy. TATE OK f mil), 1 CITY OKTOUilK), t I.UL'At COUNTY J Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ha is senior partner of the firm of K. ,1. Cheney A Co., doing huaint'Min the city of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, sod that said firm will pay Ooe Hun dred Dolls for each sod every esse of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hsll's Catarrh Medicine. FKANK J. CHENEY, Sworn to before me snd subscribed in my presenee, this 6th dsy of December A. D. 18S6. A. W. GLEA80N, Notsry Public. Hsll's Cstsrrh Cure is taken internal ly and sets directly upon the blood sod mucous surfsces of tho system, F. 1. CHENEY 4 CO., Toledo, Ohio Testimonials sent free. Price 76 cents pi r bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hsll's family Pills for Constipation Chairs, Braces, Etc. Saturdays M. & Pentz Hall Ave., Norfolk, Va. MlilU.II:S. 1 tl'tt;l Min'k f nil-1 111 $ , V.IOH I li liM'lt .l 1 '1 1 1 II 1 lt s ciiiirht l' It'tlMrH atll -AV I'ilhl l liilK paxahli IH.imhuh I'l'pUHllM HUl'jt t't ttl I'lli'Ck i.Tii.s l, MHf IVpONltH. iiti I. Cuhn rN Clu-cks outntamlunr lit I'. Total, 'J4,:;s THE LONG AGO. Notes From An Old Diary By J. B. T. Dec. 9, 1859. Could we but know that future days The sweets of life would bring, We'd calmly rest, we'd sweetly dream And of thai future sing. Bui human wisdom ne'er can all Or forecast what's in store, Then preparations fully make Leave nothing in deplore. Oh, these school boys ! Will they never end? I am studying physiology, and getting on right well, but when I branch oft on anatomy, it's twin subject, and gel to thinking about it, my mind be comes confused, and it gels on my nerves to that extent, I can scarce ly bend my elbow, or sit down; it is to me a very unpleasant nought, but all who are trying the of life io climb, and pluck only (lowers from its lugged sides, hi I, in attempting io go forward, u il i.e that thorns, as well as Holers, must he encountered, and ihai "all lhat glitters is not gold, thus this repulsive study, will prevent my ever becoming a surgeon; could I more readily um'irsiand, success would perhaps crown my etturts; it is w ell ilut every one is not woe fully stupid, as my poor little self. (eel sorry lor boys; you know if ihey are once called bad, all lose confidence in ihem; they "must stem the tide alone" through a cer tain youthful period; then transfor mation usually lakes place when they get into long pants and this is the time in retrieve themselves they generally do this, and are quickly transformed into polite, gentlemanly youths sicpping into society, almost forgetting the stig ma "bad boy," that once rested upon them. Had I not the sweetest mother that ever imprinied a kiss of affec tion upon the brow of an only son, I might go astray, but when I think of her love, and the esteem she bears me, 1 cannot do wrong, and beiray a trust so explicitly bestow ed; oh, mothers! seek to gain the confidence of your boys, that you may become truly an "advisory board" in their behalf their affec tionate companion discuss with them their troubles, kneel by their sides, and ask the God of love to keep them from temptaiion, and guide them in ways of life eternal. Oh, Mother mine! A subject long I've pondered And tried to fit in rhyme, Could never do it justice Made failure every time. If one be good at guessing He'd aptly guess no other The one that strikes a lender chord The world knows, this is moiher. Dec. 1 1, 1859. Well, the big comet that created such a sensation is now a thing of the past, but it has not disappeared without crea ting a profound impression; the superstitious world may not be en tirely wrong in its deductions that such phenomena sometimes fore cast events that revolutionize the world; may the startling appear ance of this gigantic Heavenly body prove nothing more than a ' freak of nature" seeking a more conge nial orbit, but it's unusual brillian cy, its immense size and apparent nearness to earth, caused closer scrutiny, and perhaps more gener ally observed than any of us pred ecssors. Dec. 12, 1 859. -We were glad to see from the last issue of the Richmond Examiner that John Brown, the notorious insurrection ist, of "Harper's Ferry" fame, who was hanged just ten days ago, had only a few accomplices, while it was feared originally, lhat he had quite a Following which might cause a deal of trouble. If WtLDON 33 YEARS AGO. From The Roanoke News, Sept 3. IM5. Miss l.ula Hutchinson, of Meck lenburg county, Va., is visiting relatives in town. i Mr and Mrs J M. Mullen re i turned home trom a trip to the j mountains last w eek. Misses Annie and Maggie Cmii- gland, who have been visiting rel lives in Northampton county, re- j turned home last week. Mr. Fergus Reid, of Norfolk, i well and favorably known in ilus community, was in tow n Tuesday, Capi. J. S. Norihiuglon, of I'e tersburg, a native of this county, returned to his home Monday, al ter a month's visit in the country. Miss Laura Powers, who has been visiting Friends in Littleton, Ridgeway and Raleigh, returned home Saturday. The posiolhce at Littleton is now in the hands of the new postmas ter, Mr. W. II. Nichulson, and is kept in the back room of Col. W. A. Johnston's store. Mr. J. W. Briggs, of the Dan ville, (Va.) Times, who has been in town several days, visiting rela tives, left for Henderson Monday. Mr. L. B. Tillery, who has been running baggage master on the Atlantic Coast Line between Rich mond and Wilmington for the past two years, has been promoted to a freight conductor's place between Wilmington and Wcldon. Our congratulations are extended to Capi. Lynn. Thanks. Those pears were simply superb, and the peaches large, luscious and juicy; but that watermelon lakes the cake. A full two-footer and proportionately large, with dark, green stripes running up its rainbow figure, it was delicious and palatable. We are indebted to that sterling and energetic farmer, Mr. R. W. Brown, for a sample of his side crops. Baseball. On Thursday last a match game was played here be tween the Weldon club and the In dependents of Aurelian Springs. The game was well played and up to the sixth inning there was little difference in the score. The In dependents then began to go ahead and on the ninth inning had scored 41 to Weldon's 29. Died. We exceedingly regret to announce the death of Mrs. Leah A. Shields, w ife of ourcouniyman, W. H. Shields, Esq., which took place Thursday at Oxford, where she was visiting. Her remains were taken to Scotland Neck Eri day and interred in the Episcopal cemetery. Mrs. Shields was a de vout Christian, a good mother and kind neighbor. A Fruitful Compliment. A pleasant entertainment was given at Mr. A. L. Stainback's Tuesday night at which most of the young people of the town were present. Towards the wee sma' hours a band of serenaders wilh their in struments assembled at the gate of Mr. Stainback's residence and made ihe mighty musical, but mod esty forbids further remark upon this portion of the evening. In ad dition to the hospitality extended to the tramps at the time, they were again remembered the next morning, a waiter of fruit, (lowers and cake being sent them. The musicians request us to express the hope that the lives of the young ladies will be full of pleasure and lhat their walk through life may be strewn with (lowers as sweet and more lasting even than those received by them. Signs and portents all over the glube indicate the approaching de struction of Germany's diabolical plans. When the big explosion comes, where will the secret back ers of Germany hide themselves? 6r6 cures Chills and Fever BANKER Otto Kahn speaks of seeing American soldiers in Pans with a girl on each arm. What does that mean' Twins? Trustee's Sale of Land. I'ndtT and by virtue of the powers conferred uu the undersigned Trustee in s deed of trust dated the 2-tth dav of April, 191,, which deed of trust is duly recorded in book 80. page 33. Olhce of the Ki-gister of Deeds lor Halifax coun ty, ttic undersigned will, on the 1st Day ol October, 1918. at the poHtollice door in Weldon, N. C, sell for cash to the highest bidder FOUR certain lots situate in the towu of Wel don, N C , anil described as fol lows: Lots Nos. oS, till, 100 and 101 ou a eertaia map or plot recorded in the otlice of the Register of Deeds Tor Hali fax couuty, in Plot Book 1, page 103, snd being s part of those certain lots or psrcels of laud heretofore conveyed to C. A. Wyche, W. F. Horner and H. B. Pierce and J. M. Mullen and wife. This the '29th day of August, 1918. W. L. KNKiHT, Trustse. Time of Bale 12 O'clock ii. Report :it Wt'l.luti. iii t tie 1:it.' ofNorlh Cnr ulinu itl tin' i-losi- of hithiiiri". A lit :tt. ri. Resources. l.ewi un.i -lisi-oiintK f ,':0,;li?.:ii UwnilllH, .,til..r,i I - Hi ill. Is A 1 .lln'l ty IioiiiIk .'i.IHKI IH A II u( In r .-nirki. I Inn. U mid Mi'iUMirt'f. IMiimhi I n i ti 1 1 in i' mill I ixtuu-i. I'.aihi mi I'uf trom Minimal Hanks. 'JL'..",;lli.7!i I lur Iiuiii slati' I'liukM.i kuikt'i tia .' l I il-.li ilriif Iii-IiI ow-r M limim 4.-n-.' .Vt l lurks l.,r i-li-aiillif 4,!Vi.r:i l inlil i-uiii 7'i.lKi Si lut mi n. tin-In-1 mil.' all mi nor i-i'iiH-iiiiriii-v. linn tkf Nllllniilll liunk Hull' Ullil ollit i I '- IHltl-S a.ll,.') IHI ai iiiinir iauim r.-s.ai li.iui, via huh ta l.lnhilltles l 'anlal Mni-k piti-l in V-' "n Sill illt-lilllil, J.i,ihmi,ini I 11-i 1.1. .1 H. liN. Ir-i , - m-iim-- an-l laxi - iaii. L'. loH.i lliliilril'l- lltlllil L'T-.'tll lllll" I'ltial-lr. -O.IIIMUHI IV,ii.ilh -.iiI.ji i-I liii-liwk lT,.'xn.M SilMllirs lM-iustN. M.lil.'t.'Jll I 'ut' to National Hunk liui- Io Mate I'-auki-tH, etc U-. Int. ilut' ilt-)iotitoi8 Total. :U3,!l.4:i Sept I), ltilS. statr of North Carolina. 1 County of Halifax : I, II S. Tiaiis, 1 'i'i'Hiilin 1 of the ulinve liaitn -I liank. do Holi-ninly mvt-ar that llieal'i'M- hliiti-lin-nt is tine to tlie ln-Mt ol'inv knowing,- ami lit lii-l'. It. S. TRAVIS. President. Siilisi-iilit'il ami snorn to lit-fore nu tins lilli dav ol Sept. I'.M. ASIII.L'Y II. s-l-AIMIACK, -Notary I'ulihe. Coii.fl Attest. llKll. (' llltl-.'l-.N, I W. A. PIKUfK. Directors D. I; ANDI Hmi.N. I Report tK INK t uNlUlItl.N or THE BANK OF WELDON, At Weldon. iii the State of North Car olina, ill the close of business Sept. ;. I'.H -. Resources Loans and discounts, '.'lT.lillti.ii;, Oleldialls l.:t,IL'.L'l t .oiiils and Liberty liouds L'l,4Hii.li."i Noi th Cat oli nit state lioudslp.e lii.onO.tNi All uiher Mucks. Bonds, etc I '..um iili I'uiiiitilieaiiil Fixtures, l,.'HiU,tlO Diii-lioin National banks ou,7o!l Jti Cash Items held oii-r'J4 bouts 'J-.'U.IHl checks for cli-anuir -Jlt-J.ss Cold coin. y.'tO.oo Sihir i-oiu. ini'luiliiig all ininoi- cutniii-y l,ti'"i.3a National Lank nott s and other I s notes lu,L'7tl.lHl Tutsi. tW.Ml.SS Liabilities I'apitai stock L'-'i.lNlllAHl Slliplus liniil .lti.lloll.llll I lliliviiled lilulits.lt ss Clltll'llt expenses and taxes paid HI-. I.'. I'.ills p.oalili'. Deposits sul-lccl lo Check -avuigs tit-posits AlTlllcil int. due depositors Total. i:.a,tiii:i la !I,',1III0.IS t-:ilii,iil I.: Sept. ;,, IHIS. Male of North Caiolma, I County ol llalilax, ""' I. I.. C. Diaper. Cashier of the alion-. iianie-1 lunik, do solemnly siM-ai thai the almve statement is tun- to the best ol inv klioiileili,',' and belief. I..C. DltAI'FH, Cashier, suliscnlied and sworn to belote me, Ihl- llll, dav ol Sept. tills. L II ZOI.I.ICOI u-:u, Notat v Public I otteel Attest: II'.E. DANIEL, .1 v.. SI. Fill, E, W II. SMITH, I "irt-ctors. Report tK TUB CDNIHTIOX UV THE BANK OF HALIFAX, .t Halifax, in tlie Slate of North t'uuili n it, ul tlir lone uf luxmtH Au. 1!K Resources LtmilHumliliMCouiits i ivt'iiliatiH, LiiiNi-vurett 10) hi tut, 1! -ItHl.iNi jui.m.' OiKfvs ,7w.:it; ,4 V :ii!i.,M I'. s.IwhuIh ami l.ilK'rtyHoiiih I, W in SftviiiirH tanii, burn it uto an-l Hxlurt', I, All utlii'r ical t'Mtutt- owiietl -1, I 'email'! loan L hue from National Hank, !, Iue fiom Slate liankH.v Itaniu m :t, ('arm Iloins html overiM hour Cheek foi cleanup, iokl Coin, ilver coin, etc National I milk, noted ami othei I', s. noted i Keveuue Slamun ii.tv. Tulal. Liabilities i'apitai stock paid iu $1H,(h.ou MirpluK fund, U.OUU.oo I ndivided protlti, lean current expen.sf-N ami taxed paid l,."tll.ti3 iMviiletitlnunpaiii :,(i.tm Note ami hills reilitcounteil l,ri, 000,00 Hills payahle, n,ooo (Ni hepoKilN Huhjecl to cheek :V,tMM.o! Sa 1 11 uth heposits .Vf.7ln,T7 4 'aslner's check uiitntaniliu H hoe to haukn ami hanker Total, SUift- uf tVjilh ( 'aiohna. 1 iouoiy of Halifax, 1 I, Fletcher H. iirirory, ('aNhier of thr aliitve-nameit lank, tio Holeinnly mm ear that thealtovt 1 tr up to the hent ol my knonletlife and Ivlief. II.ITtllKHlI.liKKtiDltV, 4 aiihier SuLmciiU'd am) tttoin to bt'fuie lue, this mb day of Sept. LUlti. W. F COPFEUiji,. N. P. Correct Attest N. I.. tTEDMAN, S M. O A K V , W. T. KL KE, Di recto r. trad iBMrttl an voprrVMi eMalnad or no ft, fcod motlstl, ikttcbM or plivlua ih1 ela enptlM for Fftlt tlAROH nd niforl on pAMUMIIty. Bsuik nltitncM PATINTS BUILD fORTUNKS rnr yon Our fr fcsoiilti tall ho, ht io lhit udMnTWMMT, Writ tod 7. D. SWIFT & GO. PATINT LSWVISS, 303 Ssvssth St., Wsshingtss, D. C. One of ihe privileges of man is live and learn. UNABLE TO WORK FOR TWO YEARS. After Doctors Tailed, An Put Mini "I suffered for three years with tio years I was unable to go to work, and a pan of the time I could scarcely walk," declared Mr. A. J. Terry, a well-known resident of Burlington, N. C. "I tried doctors from lime to time and they all failed on tny case," couiinued Mr. Terry, "Then I began trying different limits that were recommended io me and tried several without relief. I was induced by friends to try your Genuine Indian Blood I'linlicr, and lo my inter surprise, it cured me and made mc leel like a new man." X lien Nature's rules are disobeyed, she always exacts a put ish ineiil, but at the same nun', she provides ami slums us a way oui. I he Indians of die old days knew by iiimiiici the value ol the vat ions herbs, r-nils, baiks, eic, in their liee oui of door hie. The exeutsi-s ihey look, combined with ihe use ol these heibs gaihercd limn naliirt-, ki pi liitin well preserved and strong, Tlu-y knew uoihiiig nl ihe pi c stilt day narcoiics, opi.ues or "dope" of any sort. Genuine Indian Blond I'uiiliei is ihe result ol an old lime formula, handed ilow u since ihe days of ilie Indians (now in (he possession of the famous Pent son Remedy Co., of Burlington, N. C.I and will lur nish the blood, nerve and tissue food needed io effect a thorough build ing up. Sold in Weldon by Weldon Drug Company. Price $1. Also for sale by Roanoke Pharmacy, Roanoke Rapids, N. C, and ot'tt-r leading drug stores of the country. Price $1. What is a Branch House? The Branch House is the place in the packing organization where what the packing plant does for you is put where you can use it Both are the natural result of growth and development in the living thing they belong to. Swift & Company Branch Houses are located in distributing centers all over the country. They are fitted out with refrigerating equipment to keep meat cool, sweet and fresh. Each one is in personal charge of a man who believes in what Swift & Company is doing for people and wants to help do it They are directed by men who have spent years learning how to get better meat cheaper to the places where it is needed. Meat is shipped to the branch houses direct from the packing plants in Swift & Company's refrigerator cars, in such quantities that it can be disposed of while fresh and sweet. Your meat dealer comes here to buy your meat for you unless some one else can treat him better then we can. So you need the branch house in order to live well; and the branch house and the packing plant need each other.in order to be useful to you. Swift & Company, U. S. A. THH strength ot a financial Institution Ilea not alone In In Its capital and assets, but as much In Its honorable history and ability, the character ol the men who conduct Its atlalrs. Standing pre-eminent under any ot these tests, this bank In vites additions to Its ot customers. We offer the best service aline to those ol large and small means. .? " 'r.:i'. OKI Fashioned Remedy On His Pcet a weak and rundown system. For m v pts M. F I! 36 Inch White Voile, lovely quality, 25c. to $1 the yard 36 Inch Kancy Striped and plaid Voiles, Hatlste and Klaxons, 35 and 50c the yard. 27 Inch l-'ancy Voiles, Crepes and l laxons. 18 and 35c yard. 36 inch All Silk Marquisette several patterns. 65c the yard. m. FREID, LADIES AND GENT'S OUTFITTER, WELDON, N. C. TWO CAKKS PALM OLIVE SOAP F R With every purchase of 50c. Palm Olive Face Powder or Palm Olive Face Cream 50c, we will give TWO 15c. CAKES of Palm Olive Soap. FREE as long as our stock lasts, if. M. Cob W eldon, North Carolina. i? -(oi-aaaai -!af -aasaOM FOR THOSE WHO PREFER THE BEST. "PAIR'S Home-Made Pies, Hot Chocolate, (Whitman's Make) Tomato Boullion Sandwiches, Coffee, Lynn haven Bay Oysters on the Half-Shell For Those who Prefer The Best. M.C. PAIR 3 CD W .CD 0) i I Confections, Toilet Articles, Fruits, Cigars, Medicines, Complete Luncheonette In Connection. THOSE S'-Ss'-i'-S'-Jst 'i I 3L'. iSl.'C'C-ff. fp 0 0 SL C. ff". C ft You never know anything about the ffSV (fV High Cost Problem w hen you trade at ff 1 Liberto's s Store $ lring your nickles and Olmea to us where they will bring par value-A L W A Y S . . . We trim profits to the smallest teypossible margin. Come to see us rpos yot at' you will be surprised at the many necessary articles you should have 5, 10 and Weldon, North Carolina. 'H: & & e frt' Patriots will Register LOOK! UTZ & DUNN'S SHOES E 1 1) ' 8 All grades ol illk, Including the whit and turquoise wash silks, (or skirts, waists and llngsrl. Another new fatura (utt added to our line Is the "STANDARD NEMO CORSET." Vou conserve both health and money whenyou wear them. li E hi Company. I o o CD CD O CO "1 CD CD CD 1 WHO PREFER IHE BEST 25c. " t -5 :-5 Sept. 17th, Otters MUST vi vi ii

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